ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1161: Kills Son of God such as the slaughter dog( first)

Lifts the palm to kill Son of God, fist broken ten thousand army! 抬掌杀神子,一拳破万军! If Chen Fan's clone, but makes the people surprised, but does not dread, words that three Son of God can crush jointly. Then Chen Fan true body present world, shown is really the genuine invincible strength! 如果说陈凡的分身,只是让众人惊讶,但并不畏惧,三位神子联手就能压倒的话。那么陈凡真身现世,展现的就是真真正正的无敌之力! king prestige is Everlasting Sect this generation of big Son of God, on small southern Heavenly Ranking exists sufficiently top five, even if he has not touched the boundary of Great Power, walks in Primal Infant is very far. The whole body has many Everlasting Sect Divine Ability rare treasures, the cultivation Yin-Yang two gods of journeys, have the energy of good fortune occurrence of trouble. Actually the control chariot, rides the full power of minute/share of star cow to strike, was easily cranked up the meat patty by a Chen Fan palm, this was too terrifying. 王威是无极宗此代大神子,小南天榜上足以位列前五的存在,他哪怕没有触摸大能之境,在元婴中也走的很远。周身有诸多无极宗神通秘宝,更修行阴阳两道神则,拥有造化生变之能。却驾驭战车,骑着分星牛的全力一击,被陈凡轻易一掌拍成肉饼,这就太恐怖了。 No doubt on king prestige also has for assigning/life Divine Symbol that’ Everlasting Sect Divine Monarch bestows, but is that also useful? 固然王威身上还有无极宗神君赐下的‘替命神符’,但那又有什么用? Full power, cannot block a Chen Fan palm, has Divine Symbol to come back to life again, is only exhausted Chen Fan pats several palms merely. This is completely the steamroll in strength level, at all is not magic treasure Divine Ability can make up. That 100,000 armies collaborate, was broken by a Chen Fan fist, shakes the will of the people. 全力之下,也挡不住陈凡一掌,再有神符复生,也仅仅只是劳烦陈凡多拍几掌。这完全是力量层次上的碾压,根本不是法宝神通能够弥补的。那十万大军联手,被陈凡一拳破去,更是撼动人心。 At this moment. 此刻。 Even if rampant extremely arrogant like Lin Yang, arrogant indifferent like Qiao Zhen, thinks nobody exists but oneself such as the Yuan one, has to face up to the Chen Fan's strength. 哪怕是嚣张狂妄如林阳,高傲冷漠如乔真,目无余子如元一,也不得不正视陈凡的力量。 The Chen Fan whole body endless hole hole turnover great quantity energy, Azure Light like the water, colored glaze emerald flowers hangs the top of the head, has the immeasurable immortal light to cover its, every action and every movement brings infinitely vigorously, shakes the Universe vast starry sky. Limit that this Aloof Son of God can imagine completely, arrives at another level, making Son of God alarmed and afraid. 陈凡周身无尽穴窍吞吐巨量能量,青光如水,一朵琉璃翡翠般的花朵高悬头顶,有无量仙光笼罩其身,一举一动都带着无穷大力,撼动宇宙浩瀚星空。这完全超脱神子们能想象的极限,到达另外一个层次,让神子们都为之惊惧。 He like this is not necessarily strong, perhaps by some secret technique eruption...” The soft spatial Son of God hoarse opens the mouth, his whole body covers in light clouds and mist, the figure is indistinct, as if jumps momentarily this world. “他未必这样强,说不定只是以某种秘术爆发...”蹑空神子沙哑开口,他周身笼罩在一层淡淡烟霞中,身形缥缈虚幻,仿佛随时跳跃出这个世界。 Teaches softly spatially is the Star Ocean deep place, biggest assassin Sect. 蹑空教是星海深处,最大的一个刺客宗门 This does not excel at the upfront fight, best behind to assassinate, teaches all sorts of Divine Ability softly spatially, by the Hidden Escape figure, the shuttle space, full power the eruption assassination is the lord. 此宗不擅长正面战斗,最好背后刺杀,蹑空教种种神通,都以隐遁身形,穿梭空间,全力爆发刺杀为主。 Therefore in the people, by soft teaches Son of God most not to fear Chen Fan spatially, if cannot really be victorious, can escape momentarily. 所以众人中,以蹑空教神子最为不惧陈凡,若真打不过,随时可以远遁。 Death!” “死!” Chen Fan drinks one lightly, on the face a faintness, searches toward void in conveniently. 陈凡轻喝一声,脸上一片淡漠,随手往虚空中一探。 He is sparkling the palm of sapphire Light Glow, in unexpectedly thorough space, baseless disappearance half. Then, appears in soft spatial Son of God top of the head void, the palm grasps, pressed firmly between the fingers the head of soft spatial Son of God. 他闪耀着青玉光芒的手掌,竟然深入空间中,凭空消失半截。然后紧接着,出现在蹑空神子头顶虚空,手掌一握,就捏住了蹑空神子的头颅。 No!” “不!” In the soft spatial Son of God eye reveals the alarmed and afraid color, the frantic rave, the figure one fuzzy must jump, was actually grasped by the Chen Fan palm, presses firmly between the fingers the head, after letting, bang, pinches to explode at the scene, was shattered like the watermelon, the red white overflows completely outward, even Primal Infant in Consciousness Sea pinches to explode, is only left over a headless god corpse to remain. 蹑空神子眼中露出惊惧之色,疯狂狂吼,身形一模糊就要跳跃走,却被陈凡手掌一握,生生捏住头颅,让后嘭的一声,当场捏爆,如同西瓜破碎一般,红的白色全部往外四溢出去,连识海中的元婴都生生捏炸,只剩下一具无头神尸依旧存在。 After striking conveniently kills soft spatial Son of God, Chen Fan flung the palm, one step treads, flew across void to arrive at Lin Yang's side unexpectedly. 随手击杀蹑空神子后,陈凡甩了甩手掌,一步踏出,竟然横越虚空来到了林阳的身边。 Chen Divine Monarch forgives my life!” “陈神君饶我一命!” Lin Yang frightens Soul Destroyed. 林阳吓得魂飞魄散 He is different from several other Son of God, hesitant with the Chen Fan clone war, for assigning/life Divine Symbol was only left over one to open, if were killed by Chen Fan again, that taking advantage, scarlet Guoguo had not really exposed in Universe void, possibly perished momentarily. 他和其他几位神子不同,犹豫和陈凡分身大战,身上的‘替命神符’只剩下一张了,若再被陈凡杀死,那就真的没了依仗,赤果果暴露在宇宙虚空中,随时可能殒命。 Roar!” “吼!” Nearby scarlet flame demon tiger, sends out a rock the earth tiger roar, Zhang Dahu mouth, bringing the fierce flame light to leap charges into Chen Fan, descends the mountain like tiger, the air/Qi swallows ten thousand li (0.5 km). 旁边的赤焰魔虎,发出一声震天动地的虎吼,张大虎嘴,带着剧烈的焰光就一跃冲向陈凡,如同猛虎下山般,气吞万里。 Chen Beixuan, stop!” 陈北玄,住手!” Yuan one, Qin wind and the others, understood this obviously, made various Divine Ability magic spell crazily, wanted to stop Chen Fan, while is roaring loudly. 元一、秦风等人,显然也明白这点,一边疯狂打出各种神通法术,想要阻拦陈凡,一边大声吼叫着。 Go away.” “滚。” Chen Fan is only a sleeve wields, these Divine Ability, crushes entirely, the complementary waves take advantage of opportunity to hit on the scarlet flame demon tiger. Bang, this demon tiger, although has Divine Beast Bloodline(s), but is extremely eventually thin, is not the genuine Divine Beast descendant, cannot block the Chen Fan Immortal Body small accomplishment full power to strike, flew high to hit to explode at the scene. Several zhang (3.33 m) tiger body, disrupts loudly several sections, the innumerable blood spray in void. 陈凡只是一袖挥出,将那些各种神通,统统击碎掉,余波顺势打在赤焰魔虎身上。嘭的一声,这尊魔虎虽然有神兽血脉,但终究太过稀薄,并非真正神兽后裔,根本挡不住陈凡仙体小成的全力一击,当场被凌空打爆掉。数丈长的虎躯,轰然碎裂数截,无数血液喷洒在虚空 . 紧接着。 Chen Fan one step treads, pressure on Lin Yang. 陈凡一步踏出,压向林阳。 Lin Yang also went all out at this moment, his whole body demonic qi is billowing, the power and influence is dreadful. demonic qi superimposes layer upon layer, finally changes to the flaming black demon flame. The back black big day stimulated to movement the extreme by him, the blackness in hand kills the sword, exudes the ghost crying god howling common howling, the snakes of innumerable indignation appear baseless, drill into void, changes to the giant demon to swallow to Chen Fan. 林阳此刻也拼命了,他全身魔气滚滚,威势滔天。一层层魔气叠加起来,最后化作熊熊黑色魔焰。背后的黑色大日被他催动到极点,手中的漆黑杀剑,更是发出鬼哭神嚎一般的吼叫声,无数忿怒之蛇凭空浮现,钻入虚空,化作巨大的魔头吞向陈凡 „!” “刺啦!” This sword, resembling to deduct two sections Universe, in void stays behind cannot thorough together the deep heavy line, as if perimeter/thunder pool is ordinary, letting the person is unable to cross. 这一剑,似要把宇宙都劈成两截,虚空中留下一道深到不能再深的黑线,仿佛雷池一般,让人无法越过。 But Chen Fan raised the head , on the arm Qingxia sticks out suddenly, the immortal light sparkle, blocked Lin Yang to cut the Primal Infant Peak terrifying with Mortal Body for a long time impressively to strike. 陈凡只是抬头,当的一声,手臂上青霞暴起,仙光闪耀,好久赫然用肉身挡住了林阳可斩元婴巅峰的恐怖一击。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Lin Yang yan stare. 林阳眼都瞪出来。 Even if these step into the boundary of half step Great Power, lived old Undying remote antiquity Elder(s) of 56 ten thousand years, will not have so terrifying powerful Mortal Body. His that jet black demon sword, was demon day sect illustrious heavenly treasure, once was remote antiquity Elder(s) Sword, placed demon day sect to wash demon pond, was infiltrated of 3000 by demonic qi, has advanced into the top heavenly treasure ranks. Powerful cultivator , is impossible only to block with Mortal Body purely, only if genuine Great Power! 哪怕那些踏入半步大能之境,活了五六万载的老不死太上长老们,也不会拥有如此恐怖强大的肉身啊。他的那柄漆黑魔剑,乃是魔日宗赫赫有名的天宝,曾是一位太上长老佩剑,放在魔日宗‘洗魔池’中,被魔气浸润三千年之久,早就跻身顶级天宝行列。再强大的修士,也不可能只单纯用肉身就挡住,除非是真正大能 ‚, His Mortal Body, has been close to Divine Transformation Great Power...’ Lin Yang cannot believe. ‘难道,他的肉身,已经接近化神大能了...’林阳不敢相信。 Actually sees Chen Fan to put out a hand, makes an effort fiercely , the jet black demon sword, deeply exchanges two sections, then fights with the fists, bang on Lin Yang. 却见陈凡一伸手,猛地一用力,咔嚓一声,就将漆黑魔剑,深深折成两截,然后一拳打出,轰在林阳身上。 Divine Monarch forgives!” 神君饶命!” This time, Lin Yang really feared. 这一次,林阳是真的惧了。 Can to break off top heavenly treasure empty-handed, this Chen Fan's Mortal Body, to inconceivable realm, has perhaps compared favorably with Divine Beast Mortal Body powerful sufficiently. This anomaly exists, but how also to hit? Even if remote antiquity Elder(s) to this, must have a headache. He frightens Soul Destroyed, the body will shrink crazily in the future, while implored urgently. 能以空手折断顶级天宝,这陈凡的肉身,已经强大到不可思议境界,恐怕足以媲美神兽肉身。这种变态存在,还怎么打?哪怕太上长老们到此,也要头疼吧。他吓得魂飞魄散,一边身体疯狂往后缩,一边苦苦哀求。 But the Chen Fan complexion is faint, eye pupil piece of cold glow, but is unforgiving to fight with the fists. 陈凡面色淡漠,眼眸一片寒芒,只是不依不饶一拳打出。 „!” “刺啦!” This fist is too terrifying, vibrates the Universe vast fist vigor, changes to together the azure light beam of Connect The Heavens penetrating place, almost by the easily accomplished power and influence, easily destroyed Lin Yang's Mortal Body, Primal Infant and even Divine Soul. Even on Lin Yang last for assigning/life Divine Symbol departs, was urged to destroy completely by the azure light beam. 这一拳实在太恐怖,震动宇宙的浩瀚拳劲,化作一道通天彻地的青色光柱,几乎以摧枯拉朽的威势,轻易摧毁了林阳的肉身元婴乃至神魂。甚至当林阳身上最后一张‘替命神符’飞出的时候,也被青色光柱生生催灭掉。 Arrived finally. 到最后。 Lin Yang whole person was hit to explode, the Divine Soul thorough annihilation, is unable to recover. The space treasure that only then the body carries, was wielded by a Chen Fan sleeve, received Locking Sea Pearls. 林阳整个人被打爆掉,神魂彻底湮灭,无法复苏。只有身上携带的空间宝物,被陈凡一袖挥出,收入定海珠中。 In seven great sect attacks, first Son of God die! 大教来袭中,第一位神子陨落 Hiss!” “嘶!” When Lin Yang died, in the stopping hand that an entire starry sky silence, everyone startles acts, shocked shivers looks. Lost the color including several Son of God, Qiao Zhen and king prestige and the others, looks ashen all. 当林阳死去的时候,整个星空一片寂静,所有人骇的停住手中动作,惊骇颤抖的望来。连几位神子都失了颜色,乔真、王威等人,尽数面如土色。 Son of God die! 一位神子陨落了啊! Moreover in ten thousand army, was struck to massacre by Chen Fan, surroundings innumerable Primal Infant, Golden Core and other Son of God want to rescue, is unable to rescue. Might that Chen Fan shows at this moment, far more than with amazement? Simply rock the earth, pushes the entire world horizontally! 而且还是在万军从中,被陈凡生生击杀掉,周围无数元婴金丹及其他神子想救,都根本无法救到。陈凡此刻展现出来的威力,何止骇然?简直震天动地,横推寰宇啊! Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” In void, Law(s) thunders, one round of demon day appeared, put Light greatly, slowly was then dim, finally vanished thoroughly. 虚空中,法则轰鸣,一轮魔日浮现,大放光明,然后缓缓黯淡下去,最后彻底消失。 This is Lin Yang shen dies, his Law(s) and Heaven and Earth for it resonance, making Heaven and Earth sad. Is powerful Primal Infant die, such Heaven and Earth resonance out of phase more rushes, is more frightening. 这是林阳身死,他的法则天地为之共鸣,让天地为之悲伤。越是强大的元婴陨落,这样的天地共鸣异相越澎湃,同时也越让人心惊。 Dies including so powerful Lin Yang in the Chen Fan hand, was pinched the ant to pinch generally by him, that others? 连如此强大的林阳都死在陈凡手中,被他捏蚂蚁一般捏死,那其他人呢? Qiao Zhen, Qiao Yu and king prestige, Supreme Beginning Son of God, soft spatial Son of God and the others, not compared with Lin Yang qiang many. Even Yuan one, Qin wind, did not have genuine to jump out of Son of God this realm, was really the Chen Fan's opponent? 乔真乔御、王威、太初神子、蹑空神子等人,并不比林阳强多少。就算元一、秦风,也没有真正跳出神子这个境界,真是陈凡的对手? Everyone is not clear. 所有人都不清楚。 But at this moment, Chen Fan has not kept the hand. 但此刻,陈凡并没有留手。 Halberd!” “戟来!” Chen Fan drinks. 陈凡一声喝出。 Restores Nine Orifices Divine Infant on the figure in a flash, changes to the golden light to fall into the Chen Fan hand together, appears a zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang dragon tattoo god halberd. Above the god halberd, first nine claw Gold Dragon face upward to roar, the eyeball is lifelike, faint trace sacred aura ferments above. The prestige energy of this god halberd, pursues certainly Divine Treasure. 修复完毕的‘九窍神婴’就身形一晃,化作一道金光落入陈凡手中,显现出一柄丈许长的龙纹神戟。那神戟之上,一头九爪金龙仰天咆哮,眼珠活灵活现,一丝丝神圣气息在其上酝酿。这柄神戟的威能,直追准神宝 Bang!” “轰!” A Chen Fan halberd succeeds in obtaining, the aura rises suddenly again a section. 陈凡一戟到手,气息再次暴涨一截。 His sprint, god halberd sharp sparkle radiant Light Glow, deeply tears void fiercely, flies across dozens li (0.5 km) space instantaneously, rushes to front of Supreme Beginning Son of God fiercely. 他猛地一个冲刺,神戟尖闪耀璀璨光芒,深深撕裂虚空,瞬间横越数十里的空间,猛地冲到太初神子面前。 Roar!” “吼!” The Supreme Beginning God Realm protection beast both wings Heavenly Dragon tall howl, several hundred over a thousand zhang (3.33 m) bodies, stretch in void fiercely fully straight, the pressure that rushes vastly appears above, it launches the both wings, on a wing the innumerable purple traces appear, block the sky, like two wall that blocks void, blocks the entire sky. 太初神境的守护兽‘双翅天龙’猛地高吼,足有数百上千丈长的躯体,在虚空中绷直,浩瀚澎湃的威压在其上浮现,它更展开双翅,一对翅膀上无数紫色纹路浮现,遮天蔽日,如同两堵封锁虚空的墙壁般,将整个天空都封锁掉。 Meanwhile, Supreme Beginning Son of God is also hurrying, offers a sacrifice to most Divine Ability. 同时,太初神子也在慌忙中,祭出自己最神通 Read the fresh world!’ ‘一念生世界!’ The innumerable world show before him, finally spreads, changes barrier that endless Star Ocean composes. That each star light, is a world, even if were known as may jump void soft spatial Son of God to this, wants the barrier that passes through these many world to compose, perhaps also needs to spend the infinite time. With this Divine Ability, Supreme Beginning Son of God is in an impregnable position merely sufficiently. 无数世界在他面前展现,最后铺成开来,化作无尽星海组成的屏障。那每一点星光,就是一个世界,哪怕号称可跳跃虚空的‘蹑空神子’到此,想要穿过这诸多世界组成的屏障,恐怕也需要花费无穷时间。仅仅凭着这一手神通,太初神子就足以立于不败之地。 .” “呼。” Supreme Beginning God Realm big Son of God that this shows strength of the strongest defense, just the light stretch/leisurely one breath, raised the head to see fiercely, that is only the void both wings Heavenly Dragon suddenly figure one stiffly. 这位展现出自己最强防御之力的太初神境神子,刚刚才轻舒一口气,就猛地抬头看见,那只长达虚空的双翅天龙忽然身形一僵。 Then. 然后。 Arrived not unimaginable radiant gold/metal rainbow, injects from Dragon Head together sharply, passes through the tail. Finally penetrates the barrier that two pairs of purple day wings compose, comes instantaneously in front of endless Star Ocean. Supreme Beginning Son of God raised the head, the pair of eyes circle stares, sees only Chen Fan to wave the arms about gently the golden god halberd. The god halberd strange its lives the general, instantaneous hole broken endless barrier, penetration layer upon layer void, destroys the innumerable world, pierces him fiercely. 一道锐利到无法想象的璀璨金虹,自龙头射入,一路贯穿到尾巴。最后击穿两对紫色天翅组成的屏障,瞬间来在无尽星海面前。太初神子抬头,双眼圆瞪,只见陈凡轻轻一甩手中的金色神戟。那神戟就神乎其生一般,瞬间洞破无尽屏障,穿透层层虚空,毁灭无数世界,猛地将他刺穿。 Buzz!” “嗡!” In void. 虚空中。 Only saw, wipes brilliant Light Glow, punctures the vault of heaven. 只看到,一抹绚烂光芒,刺破苍穹。 Both wings Heavenly Dragon, is trillion world, is unable to prevent him. Supreme Beginning Son of God even can see clearly the Chen Fan face color on weakening, but already without enough time. 无论是双翅天龙,还是亿万世界,都无法阻止他。太初神子甚至能看清陈凡脸上的淡漠之色,但已经来不及了。 Behind him. 他背后。 The god halberd that section of dragon tattoo coils around, appears baseless, deeply pierces him, then twists gently. 一截龙纹盘绕的神戟,凭空浮现,将他深深刺穿,然后轻轻一绞。 Tittered!” “噗嗤!” Supreme Beginning Son of God brings Primal Infant together with his Divine Soul, by Chen Fan this halberd, was twisted the fragment all. Even several of his within the body for assigning/life Divine Symbol use without enough time, he vanished in a puff of smoke thoroughly, on endless Divine Sense by Chen Fan god halberd, was destroyed cleanly from basic General Divine Soul. 太初神子连同他的神魂元婴,尽数被陈凡这一戟,绞成碎片。甚至连他体内的几张‘替命神符’都来不及动用,他就彻底灰飞烟灭,被陈凡神戟上的无尽神念,从根本上将神魂毁灭干净。 In a flash, second Son of God die. 弹指间,第二位神子陨落 Entire Star Ocean trembles! 整个星海为之颤栗!
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