ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1160: The invincible might is invincible!

Above Universe, in the boundless space beyond Earth. Ten ten thousand Golden Core cultivator , many Elder(s) surround in depth Chen Fan all, but stands in center, is seven Son of God. 宇宙之上,处于地球之外的无垠空间中。十万金丹修士,诸多长老都尽数把陈凡层层包围,而站在最中心的,就是七位神子 Their each Light Glow Ye Ye, or gold/metal sparkles, either big day across the sky, either the silvery brilliance is radiant, each strength Primal Infant most Peak, was Qin wind and Yuan 1-2 people of head, even had touching Divine Art realm faintly. As can be seen, the strength of their whole body Law(s) appears, condenses the essence, changes to the say/way void god, like Runic Text, wraps to be one of them them, faint trace sacred air/Qi is indistinct in its whole body ferments. 他们各个光芒烨烨,或金芒闪耀,或大日横空,或银辉璀璨,每一尊的实力都元婴巅峰,为首的秦风和元1-2,甚至隐隐有触摸化神法则的境界。可以看到,他们周身法则之力浮现,凝聚成实质,化作道道虚空神则,如同符文般,将他们包裹在其内,有一丝丝神圣之气隐约在其周身酝酿。 Enters Divine Transformation, I am assigned by me not by the day! 一入化神,我命由我不由天! That is genuine Great Power, has all sorts of inconceivable Divine Ability, shakes Universe, roars to break to pieces moon, the treads on Galaxy non- difficult matter, distant Aloof Primal Infant level. 那是真正大能,拥有种种不可思议神通,撼动宇宙,吼碎月亮,脚踏星河都非难事,远远超脱元婴的层次。 These two, touch the strength of edge Divine Transformation merely reluctantly, even if only then faint trace sacred air/Qi, but lets the person palpitation as before, only thinks the whole body to dread, even Primal Infant Elder(s) are unable to stand by them, void by this strength to the suppression, above other Aloof Son of God, had the strength that cannot cross measures faintly, the whole body god splendor is radiant, just like genuine god's son. 这两人,仅仅勉强触摸到化神之力边缘,哪怕只有一丝丝神圣之气,但依旧让人心悸,只觉浑身畏惧,连元婴长老们都无法站在他们旁边,虚空都隐隐被这股力量给压制,超脱其他神子之上,拥有着不可渡测的力量,周身神辉璀璨,宛如真正的神之子般。 But at this moment. 但此刻。 Even if were better than Qin wind, a Yuan first-grade person, some shocked. 哪怕强如秦风、元一等人,都有些惊骇 Strength that Chen Fan erupts, was really terrifying. 陈凡爆发出的力量,实在是太恐怖了。 Bang!” “轰隆!” between Heaven and Earth, only sees the azure vitality, exiles to fall from Nine Heavens like the waterfall, the Chen Fan whole body 48,000 hole holes also open, in the seven orifices in the turnover great quantity clouds and mist, like the colored glaze clear radiant azure flowers, is reappearing baseless in the Chen Fan top of the head, blooms heartily. When it presents that moment, the Chen Fan whole body gives an exaggerated account of things, the chinese dwarf banana, has all colors multi-colored sunlight to cover him, as if he since Nine Heavens exiles Immortal that falls. 天地间,只看到青色的气血,如同瀑布般从九天之上谪落下来,陈凡周身四万八千穴窍同时开启,七窍之中都在吞吐着巨量的烟霞,一朵如同琉璃般晶莹璀璨的青色花朵,更凭空浮现在陈凡头顶,尽情绽放。当它出现那一刻,陈凡周身天花乱坠,地涌金莲,有五彩霞光笼罩着他,仿佛他自从九天谪落的仙人般。 Covers in that multi-colored sunlight, in front of immortal splendor Chen Fan everywhere, the out of phase of Qin wind, Yuan first-grade person, the hick like countryside, the difference of pearl and bright moon, was obstructed instantaneously, compared with has no way. 在那霞光笼罩,仙辉满地的陈凡面前,秦风、元一等人的异相,就像乡下的土包子般,珍珠与皓月的区别,瞬间被遮下,根本没法相比。 „Is this trivial Golden Core or Primal Infant? Then is highest level Son of God, without such terrifying strength. Did not say, he merely does depend on clone? How is the true body strength, stronger than clone so many?” “这还是一个区区金丹元婴吗?便是最顶级的神子,也没有这样恐怖的力量吧。不是说,他仅仅靠分身吗?怎么真身力量,比分身强大这么多?” All cultivator are alarmed and afraid. Including Son of God with amazement. 所有修士都惊惧。连诸位神子都骇然。 More terrorist, is Chen Fan lifts in the palms, burst out terrifying courage vigor. 更恐怖的,是陈凡抬掌之间,迸发的恐怖血气。 Bang!” “嘭!” Although Chen Fan lifts the hand to strike at will, uses the Immortal Body small accomplishment strength purely, in the joined bodies Divine Soul and Magic Power have not sent out. 陈凡虽然只是抬手随意一击,纯粹动用仙体小成的力量,连体内神魂法力都没有出动。 But the vitality of that terrifying shakes the livelihood, the vast pressure arrives, the whole body sends out fierce thundering, the immortal light bursts out, god splendor ten thousand, really person courage entirely cracks. Leaves near Golden Core cultivator , even cannot withstand this pressure, in the body and spirit appears blood lines, was almost shattered. But these only then Primal Infant initial stage and middle stage Elder(s), rustling to shiver similarly, cannot control Mortal Body. 但那恐怖的气血撼动日月,浩瀚的威压降临,周身发出剧烈的轰鸣,仙光迸发,神辉万道,真的人肝胆俱裂。许多离得近的金丹修士,甚至承受不住这股威压,体魄上现出一道道血线,差点被震裂。而那些只有元婴初期中期长老们,同样瑟瑟颤抖,控制不住肉身 Eight Son of God many, can maintain Divine Power as before. 只有八位神子好些,依旧能维持住神力 But their also complexion crazily changes, under tutelage seven Divine Beast Bloodline(s), are also anxious, the scarlet flame demon tiger and other on the furry faces, appears a faint trace palpitation and fear. 但他们也脸色狂变,座下的七尊神兽血脉,同样不安,赤焰魔虎等毛茸茸的脸上,现出一丝丝心悸和畏惧。 What strength this is, he already half Great Power?” Qiao Zhen shocked called out. “这是什么力量,他难道已经半步大能了?”乔真惊骇叫道。 Half Great Power, refers to these half treads on entering Divine Transformation Domain, comprehends Divine Art terrifying to exist. The strength of Divine Transformation, even if controls one merely, distant Aloof Primal Infant. They dominate above Primal Infant, the whole body has had god changes, is far from the Primal Infant strength can describe. Even Son of God, is unable to contend with them. 半步大能,指的是那些半只脚踏化神领域,参悟化神法则的恐怖存在。化神之力,哪怕仅仅掌控一丝,也远远超脱元婴。他们凌驾元婴之上,周身已经发生‘神变’,远非元婴的力量可以形容。就算是神子,也无法与他们相抗衡。 It can be said. 可以说。 Each -and-a-half Great Power, shakes existence of entire world, is ancient boss teaches the genuine background, remote antiquity Elder(s) level person of the hour. Frequently lives 50,000-60,000 years. Even it is said that in Emperor Apollo, there are lived nearly 80,000-90,000 years of Super old Undying, that was away from Divine Transformation, really only the bad foot heel, the strength such as dragon Rushen, is not really able to imagine. 每一尊半步大能,都是撼动寰宇的存在,是一个古老大真正底蕴,太上长老人物。动辄活个50,000-60,000年。甚至据说,在太阳神朝中,有了活了近80,000-90,000年的超级不死,那距离化神,真真只差脚后跟了,力量如龙如神,根本无法想象。 Is impossible, his is only dozens years old, even if conceals the practice age, how can be half Great Power? This piece of ancient Star Region, was abandoned by the Spiritual God early, 100,000 years person of Prove the Dao, but also merely is false Divine Transformation, depending on his barbarian indigenous, how can tread the Enters Godhood Saint the boundary of Great Power?” Lin Yang blurted out. “不可能,他不过区区数十岁,哪怕隐瞒修炼年龄,怎能是半步大能?这片古星域,早被神灵遗弃,十万年才有一人证道,还仅仅是伪化神,凭他一个蛮夷土著,怎可踏入神圣的大能之境?”林阳脱口而出。 Several other Son of God, are the hyperemia that the eye envies. 其他几位神子,更是眼睛都嫉妒的充血。 Although they are called are on the waiting list Divine Monarch, but in dozens Son of God, possibly has one person to be able Prove the Dao Divine Transformation. This is 1/10, and even 1% probabilities. 虽然他们被称作候补神君,但几十个神子中,可能才有一人能证道化神。这是十分之一,乃至百分之一的几率。 Their most big target, is the life can step into half Great Power realm. Such life limits on the breakthrough Primal Infant 30,000 years, can live is remote. 他们最大目标,就是此生能踏入半步大能境界。那样寿元就突破元婴的三万年限制,可以活的更久远。 If lives 70,000-80,000 years, is not far with the Divine Transformation Great Power disparity. 若活个70,000-80,000年,与化神大能也差距不远了。 But at present this Black Clothes youngster, the vitality is exuberant, obviously is in the age most Peak, how many years from senile has not known, at this moment actually half has Great Power, become half god to exist generally? How numerous can Son of God not envy? 但眼前这个黑衣少年,气血旺盛,明显正处于年龄的最巅峰,距离衰老还不知道多少岁,此刻竟然已经半步大能,成为半神一般的存在了?众神子怎能不嫉妒? But at this moment. 但此刻。 The Chen Fan's palm has the dreadful vitality, Azure Light chilly like the water, above grinding pan steamroll like Nine Heavens under. Generally Primal Infant Elder(s), has frightened Soul Destroyed, only then numerous Son of God can resist. 陈凡的手掌带着滔天气血,青光清冷如水,如同九天之上的磨盘般碾压而下。一般元婴长老,早就吓得魂飞魄散,只有众神子可以抵抗。 Kills! I do not believe that he has really stepped into the boundary of half god!” “杀!我不信,他真的已踏入半神之境!” A Primal Infant Peak Everlasting Sect god the rave, controls thousand zhang (3.33 m) no polar star boat, changes to together the silver rainbow fiercely, exudes a fierce bellow, the entire no polar star boat wraps in the radiant silvery brilliance, changes to together the startled day rainbow, shoots at Chen Fan. 一位元婴巅峰无极宗神将狂吼,驾驭千丈长的‘无极星舟’,猛地化作一道银虹,发出一声剧烈的轰鸣声,整艘无极星舟包裹在璀璨银辉中,化作一道惊天长虹,射向陈凡 Meanwhile. 同时。 Dozens Primal Infant cultivator , awakens, makes magic treasure Divine Ability. 数十位元婴修士,也惊醒过来,纷纷打出法宝神通 Bang! 轰隆! Heaven and Earth was held a giant hole, the energy of turbulently surging, rushes like boiling Jianghai, changes to the colorful energy plagiarism, goes toward Chen Fan surging forward. God will also be directing ten ten thousand Golden Core cultivator , changes to battlefields, stimulates to movement Magic Power, besieges to go to Chen Fan. 天地似被捅出一个巨大的窟窿般,汹涌激荡的能量,如同沸腾的江海般澎湃而起,化作五颜六色的能量抄袭,向着陈凡汹涌澎湃而去。诸位神将同样指挥着十万金丹修士,化作一个个战阵,催动法力,向陈凡围攻而去。 Other Son of God, such as Supreme Beginning Son of God, Lin Yang, soft spatial Son of God wait/etc., also begins. Demon day Swallowing Heaven and void kept the mark and world to live to extinguish, several Divine Beast, all kinds of Divine Ability, hit again in addition crazily to Chen Fan. 其他神子,如太初神子、林阳、蹑空神子等,也同时动手。魔日吞天虚空留痕、世界生灭,再加上几尊神兽,各种各样的神通,疯狂打向陈凡 trivial ant.” 蝼蚁一般。” But Chen Fan both pupils, not happily not sad, but lifts the palm gently, depresses single-handedly. 陈凡双瞳,无喜无悲,只是轻轻抬掌,一手压下。 Bang! 嘭! That swoops the Everlasting Sect god who comes, is ordinary like a fly, was easily lifted the palm to grind the meat sauce by Chen Fan, does not have the strength of tiny bit resistance. He by Mortal Body that silver god armor wraps, to an egg, by the iron hammer hammer , the guard/shield that endless silver light/only composes, only supported for 0.01 seconds, explodes to break to pieces instantaneously. Stands erect in Primal Infant Peak terrifying cultivation base, under the Chen Fan palm, frailly like ants, all breakage, the stump residual limb that brings the pale silver blood innumerably breaks the arm, falls to pieces like Celestial Maiden, explodes to all around. 那飞扑而来的无极宗神将,如同一只苍蝇一般,被陈凡轻易抬掌碾成肉酱,没有一丝一毫的反抗之力。他被银色神甲包裹的肉身,就向一颗鸡蛋,被铁榔头锤下,那无尽银光组成的护罩,只支撑了零点零一秒,就瞬间爆碎开来。屹立在元婴巅峰的恐怖修为,在陈凡掌下,脆弱如蝼蚁,尽数破裂,无数带着淡银色血液的残肢断臂,如同天女散花一样,向四周爆裂。 That holds odd/surplus potential not completely, even pounds loudly on the warship that he controls. 那一掌余势未尽,甚至轰然砸在他驾驭的战船上。 Bang.” “轰隆。” Then with planet capital forging, is known as does not extinguish, can shoulder Primal Infant Peak making a move scatheless also no polar star boat, was hit to explode by Chen Fan at the scene. The big half boat body, was patted into the discus by Chen Fan, above 99 powerful array that carves to draw, was easily destroyed. 那用星辰母金锻造而成,号称不灭,可以扛得住元婴巅峰出手也毫无损伤的‘无极星舟’,当场被陈凡打爆。大半截舟体,都被陈凡拍成铁饼,上面九十九道刻绘的强大法阵,更是被轻易摧毁一空。 At this moment looks again, the discovery such as the no polar star boat of oval-shape, changes to together the discus now. 此刻再看,就发现原先如椭圆形的无极星舟,如今化作一块铁饼了。 Death!” “死!” After a palm racket explodes the Everlasting Sect god . 一掌拍爆无极宗神将后。 Chen Fan disregards magic spell Divine Ability that many enormous and powerful attacks come, intrudes in the Primal Infant Elder(s) group outrageously. He grasps that thousand zhang (3.33 m) conveniently discus, by unsurpassed vigorously, turns the discus to come one to sweep away. 陈凡无视诸多浩浩荡荡攻击而来的法术神通,更悍然闯入元婴长老们群中。他顺手抓起那块千丈大小的‘铁饼’,以无上大力,轮着铁饼就来一个横扫。 Bang bang bang.” “砰砰砰。” Connects 17-18 gods, was pounded by the discus, the violent that shakes instantaneously draws back thousand zhang (3.33 m), a Mortal Body crack, the vitality transpiration, was almost hit to explode at the scene. But these Primal Infant Elder(s), were more miserable. 接连有17-18位神将,被铁饼砸中,瞬间震的暴退千丈,肉身具裂,气血蒸腾,差点被当场打爆。而那些元婴长老们,则就更惨了。 The bodies of their vulnerable Primal Infant, in front of Chen Fan's Immortal Body small accomplishment, bumped into the iron hammer like the tofu, is easily scratching, grinds the tofu. 他们那脆弱不堪的元婴之躯,在陈凡的仙体小成面前,就像豆腐碰到了铁锤,轻易擦着一下,就把豆腐碾碎掉。 Thump thump thump!” “咚咚咚!” Only sees. 只看到。 Chen Fan a discus that carries thousand zhang (3.33 m) no polar star boat to turn into, like carrying one greatly to not unimaginable shield. That significant trillion tons no polar star boat, in the Chen Fan terrifying to the extreme Mortal Body strength in front, is light as a swan's feather, became the broom by him, left cast off chops, which a little martial arts methodicalness, flings the thing to be the same with the child randomly. 陈凡一手拎着千丈‘无极星舟’化成的铁饼,就像拎着一块巨大到无法想象的盾牌般。那重大亿万吨的‘无极星舟’,在陈凡恐怖到极点的肉身力量面前,却轻如鸿毛,被他成扫帚般,左甩又劈,哪有一点武功章法,就和小孩子乱甩东西一般。 But these Primal Infant Elder(s) are actually filled with sufferers. 但那些元婴长老们却哀鸿遍野。 Where can they shoulder Chen Fan like this to hit? Especially that no polar star boat is very giant, is unable to hide. Under crackle and rattle, more than ten Primal Infant were battered to death at the scene, dozens Elder(s) were abraded. And finally, numerous position Primal Infant Elder(s), frighten courage entirely cracks, the control escaping light, displays from top to bottom all method Divine Ability all, goes all out to escape to all around. 他们哪能扛得住陈凡这样打?尤其那无极星舟还无比巨大,根本无法躲藏。噼里啪啦之下,当场就有十几个元婴被砸死,更有数十个长老被擦伤。到了最后,众位元婴长老们,吓得肝胆俱裂,无不驾驭遁光,施展出浑身上下所有手段神通,拼命向四周逃去。 Evil creature stops!” “孽障住手!” Several Son of God are furious all. 几位神子无不震怒。 Especially king prestige, is controlling the minute/share of star cow, the strength of connection both pupils Yin-Yang, the whole body silvery brilliance is radiant, in the hand holds a silver spear/gun, like the god knight, treads broken Galaxy to clash to Chen Fan. 尤其是王威,更驾驭着分星牛,双瞳阴阳之力交汇,周身银辉璀璨,手中持着一杆银枪,如同神骑士般,踏破星河陈凡冲来。 Not is only king prestige, other Son of God, making a move, including Immortal Religion Yuan one also depresses forward, displays blue sky ascends to cut again!’ Ten ten thousand Golden Core god army, blotting out the sky to/clashes, is ordinary like the dense and numerous ants, camouflages entire Heaven and Earth. 不仅是王威,其他神子,也同时出手,包括长生教的‘元一’也向前压下,再次施展出‘碧落飞升斩!’十万金丹神军,更是铺天盖地的冲来,如同密密麻麻的蚂蚁一般,把整个天地都遮蔽。 The war cries are shocking, the iron armor is sonorous, the sword like the forest, encircles Chen Fan all round in the dead center. 杀声震天,铁甲铿锵,刀剑如林,把陈凡团团围在正中心。 Hehe.” “呵呵。” Chen Fan makes a fist merely gently, in the thumb buckles, simple fights with the fists. 陈凡仅仅是轻轻握拳,大拇指内扣,简简单单的一拳打出。 „.” “刺啦。” Pierces the Universe azure light beam to reappear together, that light beam is boundless, just like puncturing thoroughly the Universe divine sword, the wearing out numerous battlefields, steamroll over a lot of Golden Core, pierced such as forest Shenjun instantaneously instantaneously, over ten thousand Golden Core cultivator , keep off in front of the light beam, was annihilated by a Chen Fan fist. 一道洞穿宇宙的青色光柱浮现,那光柱无垠无际,宛如刺透宇宙的神剑般,瞬间穿破重重战阵,碾压过千百金丹,瞬间洞穿了如林神军,足足有上万金丹修士,挡在光柱前面,被陈凡一拳湮灭掉。 . 紧接着。 Chen Fan is easy, a sleeve flings. 陈凡再次反掌,一袖甩出。 Bang!” “嘭!” To/Clashes Son of God that comes horizontally, simultaneously was shaken by Chen Fan draws back. 横冲而来的诸位神子,同时被陈凡震退。 All magic spell Divine Ability, cut including blue sky ascends, under Chen Fan this strikes, all shatter, such as the illusion, is unable to contend. To forefront Everlasting Sect big Son of God king prestige, by Chen Fan, flew high to hit to explode together with his under tutelage chariot directly. The innumerable god gold/metal are binding the blood, blooms in Universe, like sad touching flowers. 所有的法术神通,包括碧落飞升斩,在陈凡这一击之下,都尽数破碎,如镜花水月般,根本无法抗衡。冲在最前面的无极宗神子‘王威’,更直接被陈凡,连同他座下的战车凌空打爆掉。无数神金裹着血液,在宇宙中绽放,如同一朵凄美的花朵。 If not Chen Fan keeps the hand slightly, even that all over the body emerald green minute/share of star cow, was patted into the meat sauce by a Chen Fan palm early, even if this, divides the star cow also greatly to be attacked, entire ox body was shaken the wound, sends out the pitiful yell to wail, was shaken beyond dozens li (0.5 km). 若非陈凡稍微留手,连那头通体翠绿的分星牛,也早被陈凡一掌拍成肉酱,哪怕这样,分星牛也遭受巨大的冲击,整个牛躯被震伤,发出惨叫哀嚎,被震出数十里之外。 Hiss!” “嘶!” All witnesses to this great sect cultivator , simultaneously only thinks, resembles basin cold water to break in the head, cold-hearted like ice! 所有见证到这一幕的大教修士,同时只觉,似一盆冷水破在头上,心冷如冰! PS: One, the author fungus rests earlier, tomorrow will get up the eruption ^ _ ^ PS:就一更啦,作者菌早点睡,明天起来爆发啦^_^
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