ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1159: trivial ant( fourth, made up yesterday, tonight also has)

Yeah.” “哎。” When that sighed lightly transmits. 当那一声轻叹传来时。 Everyone, alarms simultaneously terrified. 所有人,同时为之悚然惊动。 Son of God Elder(s), turn the head fiercely, sees in void, black-clothed youth, shoulders both hands, treads on void, goes out from the Universe deep place slowly. 各位神子长老们,猛地转头,就见虚空中,一个黑衣青年,背负双手,脚踏虚空,缓缓自宇宙深处走出。 His black becoming dark pupil, puts on 12 coats of arms the black long gowns, above is embroidering the flower-and-bird fish insect, the mountains livelihood and Central Mainland all living things. The head is going against the Divine Monarch star crown, the facial features are pretty, is ordinary just like the 16 or 17-year-old youngster. Impressively with Chen Fan that’ three Son of God shiver, unexpectedly really not the slightest difference, just like twin brotherly. 他黑发黑瞳,穿着十二纹章的黑色长袍,上面绣着花鸟鱼虫、山川日月、中土众生。头上顶着神君星冠,面容眉清目秀,宛如十六七岁的少年一般。赫然与与三位神子颤抖的‘陈凡’,竟然真的一般无二,宛如双胞胎兄弟般。 Just. 只不过。 This Chen Fan, compared with that Chen Fan that fights vigorously three big Son of God, appearing is more real, the whole body filled a person of taste, rather than illusory, as if no Life stone person. 这一个陈凡,比起那个力战三大神子陈凡,显得更真实一些,周身充满了人味,而不是虚无缥缈,仿佛没有生命的石头人般。 Really is clone.” “真是分身啊。” Has Elder(s) to hold breath cold air. 长老倒吸一口凉气。 Son of God, is the complexion is more difficult to see the extreme. 诸位神子,更是脸色难看到极点。 The Chen Fan's material, actually the major Star Ocean gods collected, particularly he and Son of God Yì gān that war is the key point. But at that time that war, observing besides Earth several billions people, only then outside territory cultivator . Also only then outside these territories Primal Infant can look at the clear fight detail, therefore the news mostly passes to Star Ocean from their mouths. 陈凡的资料,其实各大星海神教都收集了许多,尤其是他和神子易乾的那一战更是重点。但当时那一战,观战者除了地球数十亿人外,只有域外修士。也只有那些域外元婴们才能看得清楚战斗细节,所以消息大多是从他们嘴中传到星海中。 Son of God arrive at Earth, must study the Chen Fan material. 神子们降临地球,不可能不研究陈凡资料。 But they considered oneself as eventually was too high, thinking Earth is only barbarian Saturn, Chen Fan can arrive at where? But strength that Chen Fan clone displays, achieves their psychological expectations- by an enemy three, falls facing three Son of God leeward, such strong strength, can be joined to abandons the Star Region first powerhouse status. Again strong, could not be justified. 但他们终究自视太高了,认为地球只是蛮夷土星,陈凡强又能强到何处?而陈凡分身展现出来的力量,也达到他们的心理预期-以一敌三,面对三位神子才落入下风,这样强大的实力,配得上遗弃星域第一强者身份。再强,就说不过去了。 You said that only abandons Star Region, near Universe the wild region, emits a central Galaxy world to have the Super talent that. 你说区区一个遗弃星域,宇宙边荒地带,冒出一尊中央星河世界才有的超级天才来。 Let alone Son of God does not believe that the big shot who even if these plan in the back, do not believe. 别说各位神子不信,就算那些在背后算计的大佬们,同样不相信啊。 Therefore numerous Son of God roughly glances through, has not examined carefully. Only then Qiao Yu as the female, the thoughts is eventually more exquisite, moreover she has travelled for pleasure on Earth, knows that Chen Fan clone assumes personal command in the Northern Jade summit, carefully after observing Chen Fan fights, from the heart question. 所以众神子只是大致翻阅一下,并未细看。只有乔御身为女性,终究心思细腻一些,况且她在地球上游历过,知道陈凡分身坐镇在北琼山巅,仔细观察陈凡战斗后,才发自内心疑问。 But this asked and Chen Fan true body appears, the situation was entirely different. 但这一问以及陈凡真身现出,形势就截然不同了。 He relies on clone unexpectedly, is in so the situation with three big Son of God games?’ ‘他竟然凭借分身,就和三大神子到如此地步?’ Thinks of this thought merely, in all person hearts one for it cold. 仅仅想到这个念头,所有人心中就为之一寒。 It is well known, has many practice clone methods in Immortal Cultivation World, but any clone strength, is impossible to surpass the true body. In fact, the clone strength, is often weaker than the true body plans, even two plan. 众所周知,在修仙界有诸多修炼分身的法门,但任何一个分身的实力,都不可能超过真身。实际上,分身的力量,往往比真身弱一筹,甚至两筹。 If clone and true body is the same, I by two dozens one, how could it not be do profit? The especially those stand in certainly summit powerhouse, such as Divine Transformation Great Power, they, if were many clone, was equivalent to Great Power, can definitely other steamroll sects. Therefore, is the technique of powerful clone, more can retain is close to the clone strength the true body, is precious. 分身都和真身相同,那我以二打一,岂不占尽便宜?尤其是那些站在绝巅的强者,如化神大能们,他们若多了一尊分身,就相当于多了一位大能,完全可以碾压其他宗派啊。所以,越是强大的分身之术,越能将分身的实力保持接近真身,越是珍贵。 The central Galaxy world, some Immortal Sect inherits one, named ‚a gasified Taoist trinity Great Divine Ability. Is known as can in a short time, melts three with true body strength similar clone. 中央星河世界,某个仙宗传承一门,名为‘一气化三清’的大神通。号称能够在短时间内,化出三尊与真身实力差不多的分身来。 This Divine Ability, is Universe distinguished merit list to go forward ten Super methods, is genuine shakes the livelihood to Divine Ability, that Immortal Sect, depends on this Divine Ability, sidewise compression Star Ocean. It can be said that Divine Ability decides rise and fall Immortal Sect Holy Land sufficiently. 这门神通,更位列‘宇宙奇功榜’上前十的超级法门,是真正撼动日月的至神通,那个仙宗,就凭此神通,横压星海。可以说,一门神通就足以决定一个仙宗圣地的兴衰。 Chen Fan's clone, impossible to be in any event stronger than the true body. 陈凡的分身,无论如何都不可能比真身更强。 Now needs to make clear, is how many his true body? 现在需要搞清楚的,是他真身到底强多少? You bully my clone, to is very happy, returned ganging up on unexpectedly.” Chen Fan beckons gently, was besieged struggles hard Nine Orifices Divine Infant by three big Son of God, changes to together the golden light, shoots side Chen Fan instantaneously. “你们欺负我的分身,到是挺欢乐的,竟然还上了群殴。”陈凡轻轻一招手,被三大神子围攻苦战中的‘九窍神婴’,就化作一道金光,瞬间射回陈凡身边。 Yuan frowns, disgruntled looking to Chen Fan. 元一皱眉,不悦的望向陈凡 Including Lin Yang, king prestige and the others, the complexion is ugly. 包括林阳、王威等人,都脸色难看。 Hits to live to kill discovered, the opposite party is only clone, even if killed did not have to use many greatly. Especially Lin Yang, almost must spit blood, he lost entire three for dead Divine Symbol, each precious, can be as good as Primal Infant level spirit treasure sufficiently. 打生打死才发现,对方原来只是一个分身,哪怕杀了都没多大用。尤其是林阳,更几乎要吐血,他可是损失了整整三张‘替死神符’啊,每一张的珍贵,都足以抵得上一件元婴灵宝 You are Chen Beixuan, can clone running around in circles that we play, is entire Central Mainland and even abandons Star Region worthily present age first powerhouse.” Under main hall Qin wind, the first opens the mouth. “你就是陈北玄,能一个分身将我们耍的团团转,不愧是整个中土乃至遗弃星域当世第一强者。”大殿下秦风,第一次开口。 He is serious, in the hand is drawing the reins, controls the hundred zhang (333 m) long nine wing hot phoenixes, whole body Golden Flame ten thousand, just like war-god Ling Chen. 他面色肃然,手中拉着缰绳,驾驭百丈长的九翅火凤,周身金焰万道,宛如战神凌尘。 Qin wind commended Chen Fan for the first time, is seeing him, obviously approved the Chen Fan's strength. 秦风第一次赞许陈凡,正眼看他,显然认可陈凡的实力。 I do not like abandoning Star Region this name, you can call it Central Mainland Star Region, or Milky Way.” Chen Fan is saying lightly. He said that while by boundless Divine Sense, restores Nine Orifices Primal Infant. “我不喜欢遗弃星域这个名字,你们可以称它为中土星域,或者‘银河系’。”陈凡淡淡说着。他一边说,一边以磅礴神念,修复‘九窍元婴’。 In the continual fight, Nine Orifices Primal Infant is a little miserable. 在连续战斗中,九窍元婴有点惨。 A its hand and a foot are cut off, the body is scarred, cultivation base drops Primal Infant middle stage. However in Chen Fan rushes to not the unimaginable Divine Sense irrigation, in Nine Orifices Primal Infant mouth turnover golden color clouds and mist, at visible speed, rapid restore. 它一只手和一只脚都断掉,身上伤痕累累,一身修为更是跌落元婴中期。不过在陈凡澎湃到无法想象的神念灌注下,九窍元婴口中吞吐金色烟霞,以肉眼可见的速度,迅速修复。 Milky Way... this is your earthman's names.” “银河系...这是你们地球人的称呼吧。” Qin wind a brow gently wrinkle: If changes to this name, not may not. If you can do obeisance into my Emperor Apollo, this your highness can take responsibility, entire will lose... Central Mainland Star Region to you, confers you for ‚the Central Mainland god, since then, this star many planet, perform all takes your Chen Beixuan as to revere. Besides this star chance, I and others does not take totally, permits your Chen Family, Yong Town this territory!” 秦风眉头轻轻一皱:“若改成此称呼,并非不可。你若能拜入我太阳神朝,本殿下可以做主,将整个遗...中土星域封给你,将你册封为‘中土神将’,自此之后,此星在内的诸多星辰,尽皆以你陈北玄为尊。除了此星机缘外,我等一概不取,许你陈家,永镇此域!” Qin wind opened the mouth unexpectedly again, must confer the Chen Fan god. 秦风竟然再次开口,要册封陈凡神将。 This is not Naslin god will pass on the imperial edict, but is his solemn Emperor Apollo first Son of God promised personally, even if the god toward that Great Emperor, will not overthrow afterward. 这可不是纳兰神将传得诏书,而是他堂堂太阳神朝第一神子亲口许诺,哪怕神朝那位大帝,事后也不会推翻。 Many people stare, then yes. 许多人一愣,然后明白。 Qin wind has a liking for the Chen Fan strength, really pitied the talent. Chen Fan clone is so powerful, let alone true body? 秦风是看上陈凡实力了,真的惜才。陈凡分身都如此强大,何况真身呢? Lin Yang, king prestige and the others in the eye flash through a disgruntledness, but has not spoken finally. Including many Elder(s) and gods, will have scruples the Chen Fan strength similarly, can clone enemy three Son of God, the true body shake the livelihood? 林阳、王威等人眼中闪过一丝不悦,但最终并未说话。包括诸多长老和神将们,同样顾忌陈凡实力,一个分身能敌三位神子,真身岂不是撼动日月? What kind of, if you are discontented, the condition can also discuss again.” Qin wind had the sincerity very much. “怎么样,你若不满,条件还可以再谈。”秦风很有诚意。 But Chen Fan smiles lightly: 陈凡淡淡一笑: Your subordinate dares to conquer by killing my Northern Jade Faction, injures my disciple, now leads 100,000 armies to besiege Earth, thinks that my Chen Beixuan is really good to bully? Your only Primal Infant wants to gather me for the subordinate, overreached oneself.” “你的手下胆敢血洗我北琼派,打伤我弟子,如今更带着十万大军围攻地球,以为我陈北玄真的好欺吗?况且,你区区一个元婴就想招揽我为麾下,太不自量力了。” The Chen Fan tone is light, as if in statement fact. 陈凡语气平淡,仿佛在陈述事实。 He is solemn Northern Profound Immortal Exalt is reincarnated, even if the Immortal Sect palm teaches, still makes Chen Fan give up unqualified, let alone near Universe desolate Star Region so-called Son of God? 他乃是堂堂北玄仙尊转世,就算是仙宗掌教,也不够资格让陈凡俯首称臣,何况一个宇宙边荒星域的所谓‘神子’呢? Un?” “嗯?” Qin Fengwen said that actually complexion one cold, the pupil light was dense. 秦风闻言,却脸色一冷,眸光森森。 Emperor Apollo lineage Elder(s), are the facial expression big changes: Your this avid follower, does not know good from bad, my family Son of God sincerely, your unexpectedly daring shame my family your highness.” 太阳神朝一脉长老们,更是神情大变:“你这狂徒,不知好歹,我家神子诚心诚意,你竟然胆敢羞辱我家殿下。” Was too extremely arrogant, this child cannot remain!” “太狂妄了,此子不可留!” Army grinds, to looking at his somewhat ability.” “大军碾上去,到看他有几分能耐。” Is ugly including Son of God complexion. 连诸位神子都面色难看。 Qin wind was in them most powerful one, Chen Fan looks down upon him, to disregard to present everyone? Supercilious Son of God, how can accept. 秦风是他们中最强大一个,陈凡看不起他,岂不是无视在场所有人?诸位心高气傲的神子,如何能接受。 I understood, so that's how it is.” “我明白了,原来如此。” At this time, the sudden sound resounded in the field. 这时,突然一个声音在场内响起。 The people surprise turns the head, sees Supreme Beginning Son of God to say with a smile lightly: Chen Beixuan, you frightened this place to jump a moment ago, but also really thinks that you powerful, cultivates the boundary of Divine Transformation. But at this time wants to come, that anything Nine Orifices Divine Infant does not calculate that your clone, it obviously is the external object refinement, either is Divine Core, either is the treasure, is similar to puppet and so on existence. Was almost cheated by you.” 众人诧异转头,就见太初神子轻笑道:“陈北玄,你刚才吓了本座一跳,还真以为你有多强大,修到化神之境。但此时想来,那个什么‘九窍神婴’根本不算你的分身,它明显是外物炼制而成,要么是神丹,要么是宝物,是类似于‘傀儡’之类的存在吧。差点被你蒙骗过去。” The Supreme Beginning Son of God whole body world lives to extinguish, in both pupils has void to be stave, livelihood die general situation shape. 太初神子周身世界生灭,双瞳中更有虚空破碎,日月陨落的大局象。 Puppet, treasure?” “傀儡,宝物?” All cultivator that hears this word, shake simultaneously, in several Son of God eyes looking pensive. 所有听到此言的修士,同时一震,几位神子更眼中若有所思。 Purely depending on clone that Divine Ability transforms, the nature is weaker than the true body, can transform the Primal Infant Peak strength clone, at least is Divine Transformation Great Power, or half Great Power rank, the people therefore dreaded. 纯粹凭神通幻化出的分身,自然比真身弱许多,能幻化出元婴巅峰实力的分身,至少是化神大能,或半步大能级别,众人所以才忌惮。 But if refines with some treasure or the puppet, that was entirely different. 但若是用某种宝物或傀儡炼制而成,那就截然不同了。 In the Universe Star Ocean deep place, some Holy Land or great sect, even can refine the God Level puppet to guard the entrance, suppresses the sect. Has famous puppet sect, it is said the technique of special practice puppet, the strength of puppet is more powerful than the person. Therefore Chen Fan true body strength, not necessarily compared with Nine Orifices Divine Infant many. 宇宙星海深处,有些圣地大教,甚至能炼制出化神级傀儡看守山门,镇压宗派。更有著名的‘傀儡宗’,据说专门修炼傀儡之术,傀儡的实力比人还要强大。所以陈凡真身的力量,未必比九窍神婴强多少。 Really is the technique of puppet?” “真是傀儡之术?” Son of God Elder(s), size up Nine Orifices Divine Infant carefully. 诸位神子长老们,仔细打量九窍神婴 Seeing its forehead and Chen Fan not the slightest difference, but the essence, is purely the Divine Sense composition, has the strength of faint trace difference, the Inborn day raises, obviously is some Heaven and Earth Treasure, not pure Divine Ability transforms. 见它眉宇与陈凡一般无二,但实质,是纯粹神念组成,其中更带着丝丝异样之力,天生天养,明显是某种天材地宝,并非纯粹神通幻化。 Hehe, took advantage of the strength of treasure, was almost frightened by you.” Lin Yang sneers. “呵呵,原来是依仗宝物的力量,差点被你吓到。”林阳冷笑。 „Very intelligent, what a pity is useless.” Qiao Zhen shakes the head. “挺聪明的,可惜没用。”乔真摇头。 The Yuan one does not say a word, controls the chariot directly, both wings Heavenly Dragon sends out clear dragon's roar, the sidewise compression comes up, intimidates Chen Fan. Many gods will be leading ten ten thousand Golden Core simultaneously, from all directions, spheres Chen Fan faintly, blocks the entire space, goes everywhere Chen Fan unable to escape. 元一不发一言,直接驾驭战车,双翅天龙发出一声清脆龙吟,横压上去,威逼陈凡。诸多神将同时率领着十万金丹,从四面八方,隐隐把陈凡围住,将整个空间都封锁住,上天入地陈凡都逃脱不掉。 Several other Son of God, such as Lin Yang, king prestige, Supreme Beginning teach Son of God, softly to teach Son of God wait/etc. also to intimidate spatially on. 其他几位神子,如林阳、王威、太初神子、蹑空教神子等同样威逼而上。 Qin wind facial expression faint say/way: 秦风神情淡漠道: Chen Beixuan, this your highness gives you again the last opportunity, kneels down is sealed, enters under me, but also permits your Chen Family generation Yong Town Central Mainland Star Region. If revolts again, this your highness can only conquer by killing Northern Jade Faction, all your Sect disciples, cut to kill all.” 陈北玄,本殿下再给你最后一个机会,跪下受封,入我麾下,还允许你陈家世代永镇中土星域。若再反抗,本殿下只能血洗北琼派,把你所有宗门弟子,尽数斩杀了。” Your highness justice and humanity, Chen Beixuan do you also fast kneel knock on the graciousness?” Has Emperor Apollo lineage Primal Infant Elder(s) to shout high. “殿下仁义,陈北玄你还不速速跪地叩恩?”有太阳神朝一脉元婴长老高叫。 On many Elder(s) faces reveals the color of sneering, is similar to clone, even might as well clone Chen Fan, how can place in great sect Primal Infant eye. This ants, easily may grind, which also needs to consult anything with him. 许多长老脸上都露出冷笑之色,一个和分身差不多,甚至还不如分身陈凡,怎么能放在诸位大教元婴眼中。这种蝼蚁,轻易就可碾碎,哪还需要和他协商什么。 Facing surrounds the enemy who comes in all directions, the Chen Fan complexion is indifferent, but in the mouth puts out two characters gently: 面对四面八方包围而来的敌人,陈凡面色淡然,只是口中轻轻吐出二字: noisy.” 聒噪。” Afterward he lifts the glittering and translucent carving palm, a palm depresses conveniently. 随后他抬起晶莹剔透的手掌,随手一掌压下。 Bang! 轰隆! Not the unimaginable power and influence, erupts in this starry skies, entire Heaven and Earth shakes, resembling the Universe avalanche and planet was shattered, livelihood crashes! The terrifying rushes to extreme Magic Power, sweeps across the entire starry sky, making the innumerable person mind tremble, Primal Infant Elder(s) cannot stand, two tremble. 无法想象的威势,在这片星空内爆发,整个天地都为之撼动,似宇宙崩塌、星辰破碎、日月坠落!恐怖澎湃到极点的法力,席卷整个星空,让无数人心神颤栗,元婴长老们都站立不住,两股颤颤。 At that moment, Divine Sovereign that in Chen Fan as if incarnation Antiquity Primordial Chaos goes out, overlooks all living things, Son of God in his under foot, several like ants! 那一刻,陈凡仿佛化身太古混沌中走出的神王,俯瞰众生,神子在其脚下,几如蝼蚁! PS: Made up yesterday, tonight also has. Installed to compel the feeling to run into the opponent recently while convenient, some people can as strong as this situation, under the Great Expert / everybody attention the public number ten li (0.5 km) sword god main body, has a look highest realm that installs to compel. ^ _ ^ PS:补昨天的,今晚还有。顺便最近装逼感觉遇到对手了,有人能强到这个地步,大家关注下公众号‘十里剑神本尊’,看看装逼的最高境界。^_^
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