ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1158: clone?( Third)

Bang! 轰! This new Son of God, is Everlasting Sect second Son of God king prestige. He stands above the minute/share star cow, the on the back grows silver both wings, in the eye the Yin-Yang takes turn, the whole body follows just like trillion planet. If in various great sect, besides Emperor Apollo, that Sect and Chen Fan's hates deeply, without a doubt was Everlasting Sect. 这位新加入的神子,正是无极宗第二神子‘王威’。他立在分星牛之上,背生银色双翅,眼中阴阳交替,周身宛如亿万星辰相随。如果说各大教之中,除了太阳神朝外,那个宗门陈凡的仇恨最深,毫无疑问就是无极宗了。 Does not have the polar circle!” “无极圈!” king prestige making a move, displays Everlasting Sect unsurpassed Divine Ability, black white two aura, like the chains of entanglement, gather instantaneously one time, endless death qi and rushing vitality changes to Primordial Chaos, like a Yin-Yang fish, covers to go toward Chen Fan. 王威一出手,就是施展出无极宗的无上神通,一黑一白两道气息,如同纠缠的锁链般,瞬间汇聚到一次,无尽死气和澎湃生机化作混沌,如同一条阴阳鱼般,向着陈凡笼罩而去。 What his famous Divine Ability is Yin-Yang eye, but displays not to have the polar circle, actually not inferior Yì gān, even still has had it. 他的著名神通的是‘阴阳眼’,但施展出无极圈,却丝毫不逊色易乾,甚至犹有过之。 . 咔嚓咔嚓。 void was taken turn by this black white two aura, pressed squeak squeak shivering, as if the street cannot withstand the heavy item. Unlike Yì gān, his no polar circle, appears a sincerer, plain atmosphere. That black and white two air/Qi walk randomly in void, resemble two rumble the chariot, in tandem goes to the Chen Fan blockade. 虚空都被这一黑一白两道气息交替,压的吱吱的颤抖,仿佛马路承受不住重物般。与易乾不同的,他的无极圈,显得更加厚重,古朴大气。那黑白二气在虚空中游走,似两条轰隆隆的战车般,一前一后向陈凡封锁而去。 Opens!” “开!” Chen Fan has to give up the thought that takes advantage of a favorable situation to chase down, in the hand dragon tattoo long halberd Light Glow is certain, changes to the straight god spear/gun, as then a Chen Fan halberd selects, lifts lightly, if heavy, even the Chen Fan forehead reveals a intent, is serious, as if in the palm is lifting Mount Tai. Is pinching the light as a swan's feather god halberd, resembling the slow reality is quick, selects gently in the black and white two air/Qi connection centers. 陈凡不得不放弃乘势追杀的念头的,手中龙纹长戟光芒一定,化作笔直神枪,然后随着陈凡一戟点出,举轻若重,连陈凡额头都露出一丝汗意,面色凝重,仿佛掌中举着泰山般。捏着轻如鸿毛的神戟,似慢实快的,轻轻点在黑白二气交汇的中心。 Bang. 嘭。 The Yin-Yang chart center that such as two Divine Dragon connects, hit the mark by Chen Fan, at this moment was known as incomparably tenaciously, may cover the myriad things, blocks all does not have polar circle, by a Chen Fan this point, was exploded to break to pieces unexpectedly gently loudly, two aura blast open, to flies to escape to go in all directions, is unable to compose the Yin-Yang fish chart again. 那如两条神龙交汇的阴阳图中心,被陈凡点中,此刻本来号称无比坚韧,可笼罩万物,封锁一切的‘无极圈’,竟然被陈凡这轻轻一点,就轰然爆碎开来,两股气息炸裂,向四面八方飞遁而去,再也无法组成阴阳鱼图。 Well.” “咦。” king prestige selected the eyebrow. 王威挑了挑眉毛。 Chen Fan is unexpectedly wonderful, in did not have the polar circle to be most powerful , a weakest point. Therefore easily routed entire did not have the polar circle, evolved the black and white two air/Qi it, did not have the tenacious incomparable characteristics again. He does not know that Chen Fan bumps into fortunately, really has the skill, therefore loudly shouts: 陈凡竟然神乎其神的,点在了无极圈最强大,同时也最薄弱的一点。所以轻易击溃了整个无极圈,把它重新演化成黑白二气,再也没有坚韧无比的特性。他不知道陈凡是凑巧碰到,还是真的有本事,于是大喝一声: Again come!” “再来!” Continues to offer a sacrifice to not to have the polar circle, was more powerful than before, sturdier black and white two air/Qi, changed to the fresh god of death chart, covered Chen Fan thoroughly is one of them. Even if Primal Infant Peak god, if falls into this chart, there are not fresh. 继续祭出无极圈,比之前更强大,更粗壮的黑白二气,化作生死神图,彻底把陈凡笼罩在其中。哪怕元婴巅峰神将,若落入此图中,也有死无生。 In addition, king prestige pats under tutelage minute/share of star cow. 除此之外,王威一拍座下‘分星牛’。 Moo!” “哞!” The zhang (3.33 m) the size, the rhinocero of deep green emerald, raises head to exude one to cry out all over the body, in the jasper bull horn of top of the head, projects together emerald-green energy Light Glow. 丈许大小,通体碧绿翡翠的犀牛,仰头发出一声叫唤,头顶的碧玉牛角中,更射出一道翠绿色的能量光芒 That energy Light Glow, looks common, like together ordinary green ray. But it has flown across void, entire Heaven and Earth, by this emerald green Light Glow breaking out. A middle several kilometers meteorite, in the midair, by Universe trillion years of wind and rain, the exposed part outside was filled the metallic luster together horizontally, originally is powerful enough tenaciously, even Primal Infant strikes is unable easily to shake. 那能量光芒,看着不起眼,如同一道普通的的绿色光线。但它横越过虚空,整个天地,都被这道翠绿光芒给劈开。中间一块数千米大小的陨石,横在半空中,本来受宇宙亿万年风吹雨打,裸露在外的部分都充满金属光泽,本来足够强大坚韧,连元婴一击都无法轻易撼动。 But at this moment, actually in front of that emerald green Light Glow, easily deducts two sections, truncates the pitching chisel like the blade. That Light Glow takes advantage of a favorable situation, has delimited side Chen Fan. Even if by Chen Fan, avoids without enough time, half arm was touched and gone, vanished in a puff of smoke instantaneously. 但此刻,却在那翠绿光芒面前,轻易劈成两截,如同刀削斧凿般。那光芒更乘势,划过陈凡身边。哪怕以陈凡之强,也躲避来不及,半条手臂被擦过,瞬间灰飞烟灭。 Kills!” “杀!” Demon day sect Son of God Lin Yang, took advantage of a favorable situation to control the scarlet flame demon tiger, rushed ahead again. 魔日宗神子林阳,乘势驾驭着赤焰魔虎,再次冲杀上来。 king prestige actuates the chariot similarly, divides star ox Jiaocai Galaxy, separates Heaven and Earth, encircles kills to Chen Fan. Chen Fan this clone, although lost the arm, but is still unemotional. Grasps the dragon tattoo long halberd only, punctures dozens halberds instantaneously, endless sways in the sky, overflows vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, like together the radiant brilliant startled Heavenly God rainbow. 王威同样驱动战车,分星牛脚踩星河,分开天地,围杀向陈凡陈凡这具分身,虽然失了手臂,但依旧面无表情。单手持龙纹长戟,瞬间刺出数十戟,在天空中无尽挥洒,纵横四溢,如同一道璀璨绚烂的惊天神虹般。 Thump thump thump!” “咚咚咚!” Chen Fan by an enemy two, to previous two Divine Beast Bloodline(s), does not drop the wind while convenient unexpectedly. 陈凡以一敌二,顺便对上两尊神兽血脉,竟然丝毫不落下风。 Bang. 嘭。 even/including Wangwei, is not careful, almost divides the star good same place with under tutelage, cleft in two by Chen Fan. Behind him that to the silver both wings, erupts the brilliant silvery brilliance fiercely, the star light silver scraps/condescend sprinkle from above, is very sad touching, like firefly. king Weigeng in one humming sound in the sound, bang, divides the star cow with under tutelage, wraps suddenly in one group of silver light, jump void, appears beyond several thousand zhang (3.33 m), evaded Chen Fan this to strike. 连王威,一个不小心,差点和座下分星牛一起,被陈凡劈成两半。他背后那对银色双翅,猛地爆发出绚烂的银辉,点点星光银屑自上面洒落,无比凄美,如同萤火虫般。王威更在一阵嗡嗡声中,砰地一声,连人带座下分星牛,猛然包裹在一团银光内,跳跃虚空,出现在数千丈外,躲过了陈凡这一击。 Star light wing. ‘星光翅’。 The Everlasting Sect unique Divine Ability method, two heavenly treasure embryos, refining up into the back on the attempt when Golden Core, the time by essence and blood True Essence warming and nurturing, causes it and combines into one thoroughly, with the strengthen of cultivation base, this similarly will also become to the wing powerful, to finally, even can separate void, will tear into shreds the vault of heaven, void jumps, all will be, is one of the Everlasting Sect most Divine Ability. 无极宗特有的神通法门,将两件天宝胚胎,在金丹时就尝试炼化入背后,时刻以精血真元温养,使其与自身彻底合而为一,随着修为的变强,这对翅膀同样也会变得强大,到最后,甚至可以割裂虚空,撕碎苍穹,虚空跳跃,无一不为,乃是无极宗神通之一。 Works as.” “当。” A halberd that Chen Fan exerts its utmost fails, the complexion is still faint, but the person walks along with the halberd, changes to together the golden light beam , to continue to chase down to king prestige. king prestige has to controls star light wing, jump void, avoid the Chen Fan's attack. 陈凡势在必得的一戟落空,依旧面色淡漠,只是人随戟走,化作一道金色光柱,继续追杀向王威。王威不得不一次次驾驭‘星光翅’,跳跃虚空,躲避陈凡的攻击。 He has this to heavenly treasure in the hand, the level of escape, by far above Lin Yang. 他拥有这对至天宝在手,逃命的水平,远远在林阳之上。 The minute/share star cow, often projects emerald green Light Glow, each Light Glow, is filling the strength of annihilating the broken star, even if Chen Fan also has to suspend avoiding. His clone eventually is only Nine Orifices Divine Infant, as most as Primal Infant Peak, is not a true body, is unable by far the hard anti- minute/share star cow minute/share of star Divine Ability. 分星牛,更不时射出一道道翠绿光芒,每一道光芒,都充满着湮灭碎星的力量,哪怕陈凡也不得不暂停躲避。他这具分身终究只是‘九窍神婴’而成,最多到元婴巅峰,并非真身,远远无法硬抗分星牛的‘分星神通’。 Bang!” “轰!” When again. 当再一次。 Lin Yang by the Chen Fan incarnation mountains and rivers cauldron, a cauldron crushes the time. Third Son of God is drinking lightly, joins the war. 林阳被陈凡生生化身‘山河鼎’,一鼎击碎的时候。第三位神子轻喝着,加入战局。 Immortal Religion big Son of God Yuan one! 长生教神子‘元一’! This is genuine earth-shaking powerhouse, the Yuan one in seven people, cultivation base was next to Emperor Apollo Qin wind, his complexion was faint, did not send one, but in the eye pupil had nine purple gold color Longevity talisman to reappear, back chilly bright moonlight lowered, in that bright moonlight, appeared one to wear the Age-Old Dao(s) robe at this moment unexpectedly, the long sleeve was floating, the soughing wanted the immortal ancient Tianzun the appearance. 这是真正惊天动地的强者,元一在七人之中,修为都仅次于太阳神朝的秦风,他面色淡漠,不发一眼,但眼瞳内有九枚紫金色的长生符箓浮现,背后更有一轮清冷明月降下,那明月中,此刻竟然显现出一尊身着古老道袍,长袖飘飘,飒然欲仙的古天尊模样。 This fellow unexpectedly «Remote antiquity Indifference», practice to sixth heavy Peak, misses one step, that middle of the month Immortal can depart, even achieves good fortune Peak, half Divine Transformation.” “这家伙竟然把《太上忘情篇》,修炼到第六重巅峰,就差一步,那月中仙人能飞出,就算达到‘造化’巅峰,半步化神。” Some Son of God change color slightly. 神子微微变色。 Immortal Religion remote antiquity Indifference, is divided to shed every, detaches and changes the marrow and changed/easy bone, to leave one's body behind with one's soul becoming an immortal, ascends and good fortune seven realm. And fifth heavy is the Primal Infant boundary, sixth heavy ascends, non- Son of God may not practice successfully. The Yuan one to six heavy Peak, compared with then Longevity , powerful did not know many. 长生教的‘太上忘情篇’,共分为蜕凡、脱体、变髓、易骨、尸解、飞升、造化七种境界。其中第五重就是元婴境,第六重飞升,更非神子不可修成。元一更至六重巅峰,比当时的洛长生,强大不知道多少。 „.” “咔嚓。” His making a move, draws both wings Heavenly Dragon of chariot not to move continually, before depending on the back chilly bright moonlight merely presses, the power and influence of blotting out the sky covers to Chen Fan. 他一出手,连拉着战车的双翅天龙都未动,仅仅靠着背后清冷明月前压,铺天盖地的威势就笼罩向陈凡 Chen Fan, seems ten thousand significant mountains to press, the manner appears a faint trace stop, although is not obvious, in fight of Primal Infant Peak this grade of rank, simply is the huge flaw. 陈凡举手投足间,似有万重大山压着,举止都显现出一丝丝停顿,虽然不明显,在元婴巅峰这等级别的交手中,简直是天大破绽。 Kills!” “杀!” king prestige takes advantage of a favorable situation directly the control silver white both wings, kills loudly. 王威直接乘势驾驭银白双翅,轰然杀来。 In his both pupils, sprays one gold and one silver fiercely, two light beams. That two light beams, resembled for one round big day with a silver moon, pestered mutually in together, filled the mystery of Yin-Yang transformation, was king prestige most adept Divine Ability Yin-Yang eye. 双瞳内,猛地喷射出一金一银,两道光柱。那两道光柱,似一轮大日与一轮银月,互相纠缠在一起,充满阴阳变换之玄妙,正是王威最拿手的神通‘阴阳眼’。 Lin Yang also holds a sword to come, sneak attacks from the back. 林阳同时也仗剑而来,自背后偷袭。 Thump!” “咚!” A Chen Fan halberd breaks open the chilly bright moonlight numerous Killing Intent, then wonderful with a back Lin Yang point, selects gently on his killing sword, strikes to fly again him. But finally, the figure has not twisted open gold and silver light beam completely, photo was decided by Yin-Yang eye, half thigh was touched and gone by the light beam, vanishes to gasify instantaneously. 陈凡一戟破开清冷明月的重重杀意,然后神乎其神的与背后林阳一点,轻轻点在他的杀剑上,把他再次打飞出去。但最终,身形没有完全扭开金银光柱,被‘阴阳眼’照定,半只大腿被光柱擦过,瞬间消失气化掉。 He was about unable to support!” “他快撑不住了!” king prestige the great happiness, on the face reveals rich happy intent. 王威大喜,脸上露出浓郁的喜意。 Chen Fan like them, in the hand does not have for assigning/life Divine Symbol, so long as injured, that is the genuine wound. Wound is heavier, then the strength are feebly more, finally will drop down. 陈凡可不像他们,手中有替命神符,只要受伤,那就是真正的伤。伤的越重,则实力衰弱越多,最终会倒下。 Killed him!” “杀了他!” Lin Yang kills to get angry at this moment early, both pupils stuffs the blood threads, in the hand kills the sword to delimit void jet black, leaves behind dark demon marks, the demons of innumerable shrieking and howling wildly read, covered the surrounding area several thousand zhang (3.33 m), changes to the Netherworld ghost legendary creature. He and scarlet flame demon tiger, one on the left and other on the right converging attack. That scarlet flame demon tiger at this moment, the body has been scarred, by the Chen Fan god halberd, was delimited scars, ominous sends greatly. 林阳此刻早杀红了眼,双瞳充塞血丝,手中漆黑杀剑划过虚空,留下一道道黝黑魔痕,无数鬼哭狼嚎的魔念,把方圆数千丈都笼罩,化作幽冥鬼蜮。他和赤焰魔虎,一左一右夹击上来。那赤焰魔虎此刻,身上早就伤痕累累,被陈凡神戟,划出一道道伤痕,凶性大发。 Blue sky ascends cuts!” “碧落飞升斩!” The Yuan one takes advantage of a favorable situation to offer a sacrifice to this Immortal Religion invincible Divine Ability. 元一更乘势祭起这门长生教的无敌神通 ! 唰! Behind him the chilly bright moonlight dangles together to the pinnacle chilly, just like Crystal glittering and translucent carving immortal light. That immortal light Sky Sword across the sky , when cuts, what is more terrifying, in bright moonlight Immortal, resembles to leap the bright moonlight at this moment unexpectedly, grasps that immortal light, brandishes a sword like Fairy Maiden, figure indistinct profound imaginary, cuts loudly to Chen Fan! 他背后的清冷明月垂下一道清冷到极致,宛如水晶般晶莹剔透的仙光。那仙光似天剑横空,哐当斩来,更恐怖的是,明月中的‘仙人’,此刻竟然似要跃出明月,手持那仙光,如同仙子舞剑般,身形缥缈玄幻的,轰然斩向陈凡 Bang!” “轰!” This strikes too terrifyingly. 这一击太恐怖。 Including Son of God Elder(s), changed the color. Has not thought that Yuan cultivation base, to so the situation, crushed Lin Yang and king prestige two peer talents powerful completely. Only depending on this strikes, a Yuan strength, pursued these practice above 50,000 years, already half Great Power remote antiquity Elder(s). even/including Qinfeng brows slightly wrinkle. 连诸位神子长老们,都变了颜色。没想到元一的修为,强大到如此地步,完全压倒了林阳和王威两个同辈天才。仅凭这一击,元一的实力,就直追那些修炼了五万年之上,早已半步大能的太上长老们。连秦风都眉头微皱 The Yuan one obvious has trod quickly that step, touches Divine Art edge, is not far from that realm, is really his powerful enemy. 元一明显已经快踏出那一步,触摸到化神法则的边缘,距离那个境界不远了,着实是他的劲敌。 But Jiao Zun on Earth, is the complexion crazily changes: 而地球上的蛟尊者,更是面色狂变: „It is not good, is the light of ascends, this strikes cannot meet hardly!” “不好,是飞升之光,这一击不能硬接!” Does not wait for nearby person to inquire, he is rapid everywhere: „The light of ascends is Immortal Religion «Remote antiquity Indifference» sixth heavy realm, can say obviously, after appearing the light of ascends, is builds sixth heavy genuine. Before Longevity cultivation base, was just only so realm, was far from can be called Peak. Legend cultivates ascends light/only, can call under first half step Great Power invincible.” 不等旁边人询问,他就迅速到处:“飞升之光是长生教《太上忘情篇》第六重境界的显化,可以说,显现出飞升之光后,才算把第六重真正修成。之前洛长生修为,只是刚如此境界,远没有称得上巅峰罢了。传说修出‘飞升之光’,就可以称得上半步大能之下无敌。” Chen Divine Monarch had the danger.” “陈神君有危险了。” Speaking of finally, Jiao Zun is saying in a soft voice. 说到最后,蛟尊者轻声说着。 Truly. 确实。 Said like Jiao Zun, was Chen Fan, in king prestige and Lin Yang converging attack, had no way to avoid, lived eats blue sky ascends to cut stiffly strikes. This Immortal Religion unsurpassed Divine Ability, is far from the murder is so simple, but was known as strikes to pare the person of millennium magical skill. 如同蛟尊者所言,便是陈凡,在王威和林阳夹击之中,也没法躲避,生生硬吃了碧落飞升斩一击。这门长生教无上神通,远非杀人那么简单,而是号称一击可削去人千年道行。 Buzz.” “嗡。” The Chen Fan semblance is well, but inside it ruler big or small Nine Orifices Divine Infant, the shrinkage, changes to 78 cuns (2.5 cm) high unexpectedly baseless. But his outside the body aura, also plummets, breaks Primal Infant Peak instantaneously, almost drops Primal Infant middle stage to go. 陈凡外表无恙,但它内里尺许大小的九窍神婴,竟然凭空缩水,化作七八寸高。而他体外气息,也随之骤降,瞬间跌破元婴巅峰,差点跌落进元婴中期去。 Kills!” “杀!” king prestige the great happiness, both pupils gold and silver two color Light Glow are radiant, Yin-Yang stimulated to movement the extreme, left behind two insightful holes on Chen Fan instantaneously. Lin Yang also takes advantage of a favorable situation to cut the sword to kill, a sword almost breaks out Chen Fan, behind Chen Fan, cuts together the ruler permits Chang deep sword mark, almost cuts Chen Fan is two sections. 王威大喜,双瞳金银二色光芒璀璨,阴阳眼催动到了极点,瞬间在陈凡身上留下两道通透的窟窿。林阳也乘势斩剑杀来,一剑差点劈开陈凡,在陈凡背后,斩出一道尺许长的深深剑痕,几乎将陈凡斩为两截。 Vertically and horizontally/Able to move unhindered invincible, from entering the stage on Chen Fan of undefeated, falls into the hopeless situation instantaneously. 纵横无敌,自出场就不败的陈凡,瞬间就落入绝境之中。 Regardless of Jiao Zun, is A'Xiu and the others, the complexion is fiercely ugly. But Earth several billions all living things, keep silent at this moment all, anxiously worries is looking at beyond the day. 无论蛟尊者,还是阿秀等人,面色猛地难看起来。而地球数十亿众生,此刻也尽数噤声,紧张担忧的望着天外。 In comparison, Son of God, then the complexion is relaxed. 相比之下,诸位神子,则面色轻松淡然。 General situation has decided that although this Chen Beixuan is strong, but Yuan brother making a move, gives the final word together.” Qiao Zhen shakes the head. “大局已定了,这陈北玄虽强,但元一道兄一出手,就一锤定音啊。”乔真摇头。 Correct, how I and other considered to assign this star, sought for the big chance.” Teaches Son of God also to say with a smile softly spatially. 不错,我等该考虑如何分配此星,寻找大机缘所在了。”蹑空教神子也笑道。 Has also turned the head including Qin wind, looks to Earth. 包括秦风也转过头去,望向地球。 Chen Fan is past tense, in three Son of God converging attack , he even if struggles again, could not support is too long. In fact, after Yuan making a move, represents the destiny that Chen Fan is perishing surely. God and Elder(s), smiles pale, is ready to fight, saddles a horse to tread Northern Jade certainly, conquers by killing the entire Earth. 陈凡已经是过去式,在三位神子夹击中,他哪怕再挣扎,也撑不了太久。实际上,自元一出手后,就代表着陈凡必定灭亡的命运。诸位神将和长老们,同样淡笑,摩拳擦掌,准备马踏北琼,血洗整个地球。 Goddess Qiao Yu that but at this time, the rising typhoon sends, somewhat said suddenly scruple: 但此时,扶摇派的神女乔御,忽然有些迟疑道: Wait, the material records probably, this golden Primal Infant seems is only Chen Beixuan's clone, called anything Nine Orifices Divine Infant, his true body not this appearance...” “等等,资料好像记载,这个金色元婴似乎只是是陈北玄的分身,叫什么‘九窍神婴’,他的真身并非这幅模样啊...” Such remarks. 此言一出。 People fiercely one startled, including Emperor Apollo Son of God Qin wind, the smile on face also stiffened slightly. 众人猛地一惊,包括太阳神朝神子秦风,脸上的笑容也微微僵住。 . 紧接着。 Yeah!” “哎!” In void sighed lightly says slowly, making everyone experience a frightening situation, numerous Son of God was the facial expression crazily changes. 虚空中一声轻叹缓缓道出,让所有人汗毛竖立,众神子更是神情狂变。 PS: Third offers, this was makes up yesterday, chapter of ^ _ ^. PS:第三更奉上,这更是补昨天的,还有一章^_^。
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