ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1157: Bathes Divine Blood( second)

Bang!” “嘭!” Almost quickly, the people are given to blow by the bell cauldron sound that thunders, some facial expression delay, among Son of God god slightly absent-minded a blink. 几乎迅雷不及掩耳,众人正被那轰鸣的钟鼎声给镇住,神情有些呆滞,连诸位神子神将都微微恍惚的一眨眼间。 Demon day sect coming Son of God Lin Yang, was hit the fragment by the golden small cauldron loudly. 魔日宗此次前来的神子林阳,就被金色小鼎轰然撞成碎片。 The people had just gotten back one's composure, only saw that wipes in gold/metal Hongzi the innumerable battlefields to jump out, flies across has not known many li (0.5 km) void, pounds fiercely on Lin Yang. Although Lin Yang was demon day sect senior Son of God, cultivation base has cultivated Primal Infant late stage, the body has various Divine Ability Magic Power, compared with general Primal Infant Peak powerful many. 众人刚回过神,只看到一抹金虹自无数战阵中跳出,横越过不知道多少里的虚空,猛地砸在林阳身上。林阳虽然是魔日宗资深神子,一身修为早就修到元婴后期,身具各种神通法力,远比一般元婴巅峰强大的多。 But at this moment. 但此刻。 His Mortal Body was shattered, the entire body collapses to disperse, the innumerable sparkle pale golden blood and skeletons, everywhere dances in the air. Like a watermelon, was smashed by the iron hammer directly, the innumerable watermelon juices and fragments go to all around collapse leisurely/scatter, horrible to look. In Chen Fan Divine Soul embraces the small cauldron under strikes, Lin Yang really such as the walnut pounds the tofu, was known as that Primal Infant to strong Mortal Body, many demon day sect treasures that and body carried, unexpectedly tiny bit function. 肉身破碎,整个身体崩散开来,无数闪耀淡金色的血液和骨骼,漫天飞舞。就像一颗西瓜般,被铁锤迎头砸烂,无数西瓜汁和碎片向四周崩散而去,惨不忍睹。在陈凡神魂怀抱小鼎的一击之下,林阳真如核桃砸中豆腐,号称元婴至强的肉身,以及身上携带的诸多魔日宗宝物,竟然不起一丝一毫的作用。 „Did Lin Yang die?” “林阳死了?” Many people are dumbfounded, has not responded. 许多人目瞪口呆,还没有反应过来。 But Lin Yang the Lin He Elder Brother, in demon day sect Son of God, recognized first Super Powerhouse. The common god is far from his opponent, at least that practice to 40,000-50,000 years, almost touches the Divine Art remote antiquity Elder(s) rank, can contend with Lin Yang. Now is actually killed by a Chen Fan cauldron? 林阳可是林河的哥哥,在魔日宗诸位神子中,公认第一的超级强者。一般的神将都远非他对手,至少得那种修炼到40,000-50,000年,差点触摸到化神法则的太上长老级别,才能与林阳抗衡。如今却被陈凡一鼎撞死? Especially looks at Chen Fan, appears Primal Infant, but ruler permits Chang Nine Orifices Divine Infant, in the bosom is holding golden small cauldrons of three foot two ears, looks at the pretty, delicate appearance, actually resembles the iron hammer, easily breaks Lin Yang. 尤其看陈凡,现出元婴,不过尺许长的九窍神婴,怀中抱着一尊三足两耳的金色小鼎,看着眉清目秀,柔柔弱弱的样子,却似铁榔头般,轻易砸碎林阳。 People not startled? 众人如何不惊? To Divine Beast Bloodline(s) that Lin Yang pulls a cart, a several feet scarlet flame demon tiger, is exudes an earth-shaking tiger's roar sound to the day, will shake periphery ten several Primal Infant Elder(s) complexion big changes the violent to draw back several thousand zhang (3.33 m) in the future, will then bite, in the mouth will spout a black flame column that is thousand hundreds of zhang (333 m). 给林阳拉车的神兽血脉,一尊数丈长的赤焰魔虎,更是对天发出一阵惊天动地的虎啸声,震得周围十数个元婴长老都面色大变往后暴退数千丈,然后一口咬出,口中喷出一道长达千百丈的黑色焰柱。 That flame column has burnt down void, pulls out a long black spot in the space, like lava trace. 那焰柱焚烧过虚空,在空间中拉出一条长长的黑色痕迹,如同熔岩痕迹般。 More terrorist, the middle has dozens Golden Core to accompany, has not escaped with enough time, by the black flame column center, vanished instantaneously does not see to change to the light smoke, even Divine Soul and spirit treasure could not find residual, including Primal Infant cultivator , was touched and gone by the black flame, the half body winks not to see with own eyes, the pitiful yell wails suddenly/violently to retreat to go backward. 更恐怖的,中间有几十个金丹随从,没来得及逃掉,被黑色焰柱正中,瞬间消失不见化作青烟,连神魂灵宝都找不到一点残渣,包括一位元婴修士,也被黑焰擦过,半边身躯眨眼不见,惨叫哀嚎着向后暴退而去。 Is annexes and destroys demon flame!” Has Primal Infant Elder(s) to shout loudly. “是‘吞灭魔炎’!”有元婴长老高呼。 The Mountain Protecting treasure beast scarlet flame demon tiger of demon day sect, inherited from Divine Beast Bloodline(s) Divine Ability, was illustrious annexed and destroyed demon flame, this in ‚the Heaven and Earth ten thousand hot lists on, the number flame that can arrange, was known as that did not have the thing not to burn, burns completely the livelihood. Is put forth by the genuine Great Accomplishment demon tiger, but even annexes and destroys planet. 魔日宗的护山宝兽赤焰魔虎,继承自神兽血脉神通,就是赫赫有名的‘吞灭魔炎’,这在‘天地万火榜’上,都可以排的号的火焰,号称无物不燃,焚尽日月。由真正大成魔虎使出,甚至可一口吞灭星辰 Although this scarlet flame demon tiger is far from Divine Beast Great Accomplishment, but its flame spouts, is Son of God does not dare to bump hardly, really as terrifying as the extreme. 这只赤焰魔虎虽然远没有神兽大成,但它一口火焰喷出,便是神子也不敢硬碰,实在恐怖到极点。 Thump!” “咚!” The Chen Fan direct incarnation mountains and rivers cauldron, hits to go. 陈凡直接化身‘山河鼎’,直撞而去。 . 刺啦。 In void, terrifying enormous and powerful aura tumbling, even can see, light sacred aura overflows in the mountains and rivers cauldron continuously. In Universe, as if there is big rivers to gallop, then dropped from the clouds by Chen Fan, a cauldron suppression. Then is that annexes and destroys the demon flame, was known as that burns completely the livelihood, but hits in the mountains and rivers cauldron, makes on the cauldron wall bloom more golden light, does not have the least bit to harm. 虚空中,恐怖的浩荡气息翻滚,甚至可以看到,一缕缕淡淡的神圣气息在山河鼎上溢出。宇宙中,仿佛有大江大河奔腾,然后被陈凡从天而降,一鼎镇压。便是那吞灭魔炎,号称焚尽日月,但打在山河鼎上,也只是让鼎壁上绽放出更多的金光,丝毫没有半点损害。 My this cauldron is traces Star Ocean Great Saint to Saintly Treasure, if your only flame can burn out, to disappoint it to Saintly Treasure given name.” “我这鼎乃是临摹星海大圣的至圣宝而成,若你区区一口小火就能烧坏,岂不是辜负它‘至圣宝’的名号。” Chen Fan is saying lightly, the whole body bursts out Divine Light, pounds loudly to the scarlet flame demon tiger. 陈凡淡淡说着,周身迸发神光,轰然砸向赤焰魔虎。 Scarlet flame demon tiger first even/including spouts several demon inflammations, cannot do to Chen Fan, on the furry savage tiger face, reveals the user-friendly alarmed and afraid color at this moment. 赤焰魔虎一连喷出好几口魔炎,都奈何不了陈凡,毛茸茸凶残的虎脸上,此刻也不由露出人性化的惊惧之色。 But at this moment, angrily roars together transmits from Chen Fan fiercely: 但此刻,一道怒吼猛地从陈凡背后传来: You dare to sneak attack this, courts death simply!” “你胆敢偷袭本座,简直找死!” Bang! 轰! Compared with former more terrifying demonic qi, from the place rise that Son of God Lin Yang died, he offers a sacrifice to for assigning/life Divine Symbol impressively, remoulds Mortal Body and Divine Soul. The innumerable flesh gatherings, turn into Lin Yang again. Behind him, one round of demon day was hanging, rushing demonic qi stuffed surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km), changed to an demon territory entire Heaven and Earth, intrepidly to the extreme. 比之前更恐怖的魔气,自神子林阳死亡的地方崛起,他赫然祭出‘替命神符’,重塑肉身神魂。无数血肉汇聚,再次变成林阳。他背后,一轮魔日悬空,澎湃的魔气充塞方圆数十里,把整个天地都化作一片魔域般,强悍到极点。 Thump. 咚。 Forest ** the root black hair is straight like the sword, on the face the anger to the extreme, in the seven orifices sprayed the flame, lets murderous aura to condense on him who the person trembles. This demon day sect to Son of God, really startled gets angry the extreme. 林**根黑发如剑般笔直,脸上愤怒到了极点,七窍中都喷射出火焰来,让人颤栗的杀气凝聚在他身上。这位魔日宗的至神子,是真的惊怒到极点。 What startled is, if not oneself wear for assigning/life Divine Symbol that’ Divine Monarch hands down, perhaps that strikes, on real die in the Chen Fan subordinate. 惊的是,若非自身佩戴神君传下的‘替命神符’,恐怕那一击,就真的陨落陈凡手下。 What anger is, seven big god Son of God simultaneous/uniform arrive, unexpectedly only then he, was hit to kill by a Chen Fan cauldron, almost died. It can be said that the reputation of demon day sect, was almost lost a moment ago completely by him. If feeds in Star Ocean, demon day sect Great Power must be furious, a palm of the hand claps him. 怒的是,七大神教神子齐至,竟然只有他一人,被陈凡一鼎撞杀,差点死去。可以说魔日宗的名声,刚才就差点被他丢尽了。若传回星海,魔日宗大能必然要震怒,一巴掌拍死他。 Kills.” “杀。” In Lin Yang huai flies a dark nameless killing sword. That Flying Sword three chi (0.33 m) are long, the whole body is dusky, is very jet black, but on it, as if condensed infinite Killing Intent and demon reads, when has swept void, in the space gives birth to dozens zhang (3.33 m) indignation demon snake unexpectedly baseless, many demon intent appear, resemble the demon sword that kills from the Nine Nethers demon territory. 林阳怀中飞起一柄黝黑无名的杀剑。那飞剑不过三尺来长,周身灰蒙蒙的,无比漆黑,但它上面,仿佛凝聚了无穷的杀意和魔念,扫过虚空时,空间中竟然凭空生出数十丈长的忿怒魔蛇,诸多魔意浮现,似从九幽魔域中杀出的魔剑般。 Works as!” “当!” Chen Fan turns round, a cauldron hit to fly to kill the sword dark , hit again to the scarlet flame demon tiger, the oath must grind kills the Divine Beast descendant who this seized the opportunity to sneak attack. 陈凡回身,一鼎撞飞了黝黑杀剑,紧接着,再次撞向赤焰魔虎,誓要碾杀这尊乘机偷袭的神兽后裔。 That scarlet flame demon tiger is also clever, void jumps, on vertical jumps to several thousand zhang (3.33 m) beyond. Then when waits for Chen Fan to kill it again, Lin Yang has grasped to kill the sword, the exceedingly indignant flushed. Chen Fan has to appear the true body, in the hand the dragon tattoo god halberd sparkle, fights with all might with Lin Yang officially. 那赤焰魔虎也乖巧,一个虚空跳跃,就纵跳到数千丈外。然后等陈凡再想杀它时,林阳早就手持杀剑,无比愤怒的冲了上来。陈凡不得不现出真身,手中龙纹神戟闪耀,与林阳正式拼杀。 Works as ding-dong.” “当当当。” Chen Fan appears the true body, in the hand the god halberd such as the dragon, sways dozens spears/guns instantaneously. In each halberd and Lin Yang hand kill the sword to collide, makes the mighty bell greatly -like sound, real void like the water surface, the ripple suddenly has. 陈凡现出真身,手中神戟如龙而出,瞬间挥洒出数十枪。每一戟与林阳手中杀剑碰撞,都发出洪钟大吕般的声响,真的虚空如水面般,波纹顿起。 Near Golden Core cultivator that depends on, the complementary waves that even was fought by two people, the direct town/subdues massacres. 许多靠的近的金丹修士,甚至被两人交手的余波,直接镇杀掉。 Even Primal Infant Elder(s), have to retreat backward, only then numerous position Son of God standing proudly on the chariot, like six nails, stands in the battlefield as before firmly, looks straight ahead two people to prey. 元婴长老们,都不得不向后退去,只有众位神子依旧傲立在战车上,如同六尊钉子般,牢牢站在战场中,直视着两人搏杀。 Regardless of Chen Fan, is Lin Yang, with the strongest strength. 无论陈凡,还是林阳,都用出了最强力量。 The Chen Fan spear/gun leaves like the dragon, Divine Light like the torch. In Lin Yang hand the long sword, Killing Intent soars to the heavens, each sword brings terrifying demon intent of Nine Nethers demon territory, perhaps if Primal Infant to this, a sword, in demon intent by this sword were caused to go crazy generally, crashes into the Demonic Path at the scene. But Chen Fan is the body of Nine Orifices Divine Infant, Divine Sense boundless like the sea, the Dao Heart iron, how to care about the trivial Primal Infant level the demon to read. 陈凡枪出如龙,神光如炬。林阳手中长剑,杀意冲天,每一剑都带着九幽魔域的恐怖魔意,若是一般元婴到此,恐怕一剑未出,就被这剑中的魔意引得发狂,当场坠入魔道。但陈凡乃是九窍神婴之躯,神念磅礴如海,道心似铁,怎么会在乎区区元婴级的魔念。 Bang! 轰隆! Projects on finally, entire void changes to piece of Primordial Chaos. 打到最后,整个虚空都化作一片混沌 The bystanders can only see reluctantly, wipes the golden light and a black rainbow pesters in together, each collision, exudes the Thunder and Lightning bellow, the god splendor is radiant, the big day was hanging. 外人只能勉强看到,一抹金光和一道黑虹纠缠在一起,每一次碰撞,都发出雷电般的轰鸣声,神辉璀璨,大日悬空。 „.” “咔嚓。” A Lin Yang sword delimits, resembles together the jet black lightning, pulls out the foot permits Chang wound on the Chen Fan's arm. But he was also pierced the chest by a god halberd spear/gun similarly, almost again die. 林阳一剑划出,似一道漆黑的闪电,在陈凡的手臂上拉出尺许长的伤口。但他也同样被神戟一枪洞穿胸膛,差点就再次陨落 But Lin Yang actually laughs: 但林阳却哈哈大笑: Chen Beixuan, my cultivation base is not Lin He and Yì gān that type of waste. If you only then this ability, is doomed by this Son of God to be ground today kills, do not revolt, the little darling dies under this Son of God sword. Before I and other taught simultaneous/uniform Zhilai, Great Power has decided that who can massacre you, who is the lord of Earth. Own Human Race person who this planet big chance, as well as all your must protect, will turn over to under this Son of God.” 陈北玄,我的修为可不是林河易乾那种废物。你如果只有这点能耐,今天注定要被本神子碾杀,别反抗了,还是乖乖死在本神子剑下吧。我等七教齐至来前,诸位大能可是商定过,谁能杀掉你,谁就是地球之主。这颗星辰的大机缘,以及你所有要守护的亲人族人,都将归在本神子麾下。” When the time comes, this Son of God will deliver them to go underground to see your.” Lin Yang laughs at the same time, in the hand kills the sword to keep dark slightly. “到时候,本神子会送他们去地下见你的。”林阳一边大笑,手中黝黑杀剑丝毫不停。 Snort.” “哼。” Chen Fan is only coldly snorted, a god halberd halberd chops, from the inconceivable angle, hangs the corner/horn like the antelope, wonderful passing kills the sword dark, divided fiercely on Lin Yang. 陈凡只是冷哼一声,神戟一戟劈出,从不可思议的角度,如同羚羊挂角般,神乎其神的晃过黝黑杀剑,猛地劈在了林阳身上。 Bang! 轰! Lin Yang erupts endless black Divine Light, but cannot shoulder the dragon tattoo god halberd to strike as before, cleft in two. Although he is powerful, is stronger than Yì gān, is genuine stands existence in Primal Infant this Domain Peak, is Chen Fan this rebirth comes back to see strongest Primal Infant cultivator , but on Martial Dao, is too eventually farther than the Chen Fan disparity. It can be said that Chen Fan hits him, is similar to the adult to hit the little friend, Lin Yang's each type and each move fall on the Chen Fan's eyes bottom, is full of the flaw, raising hand to break. 林阳身上爆发出无尽黑色神光,但依旧扛不住龙纹神戟一击,被生生劈成两半。他虽然强大,比易乾都更强,是真正站在元婴这个领域巅峰的存在,是陈凡这一世重生回来见过最强的元婴修士,但终究在武道上,比陈凡差距太远。可以说,陈凡打他,就如同成年人打小朋友般,林阳的每一式、每一招落在陈凡眼底,都充满破绽,举手可破。 Therefore. 所以。 Even if Lin Yang's strength and Chen Fan this clone phase difference is similar, but forest ** this cannot shoulder the Chen Fan's attack, can only trade the wound by the wound, can cause some small damage to Chen Fan. 哪怕林阳的实力与陈凡这具分身相差仿佛,但林**本扛不住陈凡的攻击,只能以伤换伤,才能给陈凡造成一些小的伤害。 Good Lin Yang also two for assigning/life Divine Symbol, therefore quick condenses Mortal Body, but on his face has one to fear finally, knows oneself and Chen Fan disparity above near body preying, bellow at the scene: 还好林阳还有两张‘替命神符’,所以很快就重新凝聚肉身,不过他脸上终于带着一丝惧怕,知道自己和陈凡在近身搏杀之上的差距,当场大吼: Tiger brother helps me!” “虎兄助我!” Roar! 吼! The scarlet flame demon tiger jumps to come from void, the under foot is stepping on the endless demon mark, the whole body scarlet flame ignition space, good-fitting killing , the vitality of whole body terrifying makes void shiver, Universe vibrates. Its this strikes, unexpectedly not inferior Primal Infant most Peak cultivator , but also still has had it. 赤焰魔虎从虚空跳跃而来,脚下踩着无尽魔纹,周身赤焰灼烧空间,合身扑杀而下,周身恐怖的气血让虚空颤抖,宇宙震动。它这一击,竟然丝毫不逊色元婴巅峰修士,还犹有过之。 Thump.” “咚。” Chen Fan is not willing to meet with Mortal Body hardly, can only incarnation mountains and rivers cauldron, hit with the scarlet flame demon tiger in the same place. 陈凡也不愿用肉身硬接,只能化身‘山河鼎’,和赤焰魔虎撞在一起。 Bang, the scarlet flame demon tiger sends out one to wail, was dislodged beyond several thousand zhang (3.33 m) baseless, it worthily is Divine Beast Bloodline(s), Mortal Body powerful to inconceivable. After shaking the Chen Fan mountains and rivers cauldron hardly, is only the head is a little unexpectedly dizzy, shakes long also stands unexpectedly. If Lin Yang and like here, had been killed by a Chen Fan cauldron. 砰地一声,赤焰魔虎发出一身哀嚎,被凭空撞出数千丈外,它不愧是神兽血脉,肉身强大到不可思议。硬撼陈凡山河鼎后,竟然只是脑袋有点晕眩,晃悠悠的竟然还站起来。要是林阳之流在这里,早就被陈凡一鼎撞死。 However Lin Yang is also riding this opportunity, replies Mortal Body, holds to kill the sword to kill again. 不过林阳也乘着这个机会,回复肉身,再次持杀剑杀上来。 Bang. 轰隆。 Chen Fan continues to fall into Lin Yang and in besieging of scarlet flame demon tiger. Although is powerful, constant voltage two, but has no way to do to them obviously suddenly. 陈凡继续陷入林阳与赤焰魔虎的围攻中。虽然实力强大,稳压二者,但显然一时间没法奈何他们。 Son of God that peripheral watches critically, has judged the Chen Fan's strength. 周边冷眼旁观的神子,已经判断出陈凡的实力。 Mediocre, although is higher than me, but is also no better. Differed to be similar to Qin wind.’ ‘不过如此,虽比我高一些,但也强不到哪去。与秦风相差仿佛罢了。’ Several Son of God calculate secretly. 几位神子暗暗盘算。 ‚Is this Chen Beixuan? Too disappointing.’ Qin Fenggeng shook the head. ‘这就是陈北玄?太让人失望了。’秦风更摇头。 However thinks, naturally, Chen Fan abandons the Star Region indigenous family background eventually, can again strong? Primal Infant Peak is his limit, again above, half Divine Transformation realm, even if in major gods, only then these live remote antiquity Elder(s) that five have long live, can touch reluctantly. 不过想了想,也理所当然,陈凡终究只是遗弃星域土著出身,再强能有多强?元婴巅峰已经是他的止境,再上面,半步化神境界,哪怕各大神教中,也只有那些活过五万岁的太上长老们,才能勉强触及到罢了。 Bang!” “轰!” When the third time, Chen Fan struck to kill demon day sect Son of God Lin Yang. 当第三次,陈凡击杀魔日宗神子林阳时。 Son of God drinks high, joins the war! 一位神子高喝,加入战局! I come!” “我来!” PS: Second offers, the author fungus continues to write third, this time will write, Great Expert / everybody can tomorrow get up to look at ^ _ ^ again PS:第二更奉上,作者菌继续去写第三更,这次会多写点,大家可以明天起来再看呢^_^
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