ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1154: If I not?( Fourth)

Bang! 轰! Terrifying golden fist mark, changes to the zhang (3.33 m) the big or small golden light wheel, crosses nine spatially, exudes the fierce explosion sound sound, will pound suddenly to Naslin god. This fist, A'Xiu contains ones anger, has nearly ten years of humiliation and enduring patiently, the grief and indignation that as well as many companion acquaintances died a tragic death, the strength arrives at the extreme certainly. Arrived finally, almost changes to the flaming roaring flame, covers Heaven and Earth, a fist even can wait/etc. make into the meat sauce ancient Old Ancestor. 恐怖的金色拳印,化作丈许大小的金色光轮,横渡九空,发出剧烈的轰响声,猛然砸向纳兰神将。这一拳,阿秀含怒而出,带着近十年的屈辱和忍耐,以及诸多同伴熟人惨死的悲愤,力量强绝到极点。到最后,几乎化作熊熊烈焰,遮盖天地,一拳甚至能把古老祖等都打成肉酱。 What a pity. 可惜。 Naslin god is not ordinary Primal Infant. 纳兰神将不是普通元婴 He stands in the Star Ocean Primal Infant apex to strong god. 他是站在星海元婴顶点的至强神将。 Bang.” “嘭。” Naslin god will be casual a fist, flying upside down that A'Xiu hits, has flown horizontally several thousand zhang (3.33 m) space, pounds in a gorgeous palace, bang, smashes a giant hole the entire palace, whole body crackle and rattle does not know that many ribs, the corners of the mouth are spout the blood. 纳兰神将只是随便一拳,就将阿秀打的倒飞出去,横飞过数千丈空间,砸在一座华美的宫殿上,轰隆一声,将整个宫殿砸出一个巨大窟窿,浑身噼里啪啦不知道断了多少根肋骨,嘴角更是喷出血来。 Small ants, overreach oneself.” “小小蝼蚁,不自量力。” Naslin god will shake the head slightly. 纳兰神将微微摇头。 As soon as he fights with the fists, strikes to fly A'Xiu, as if whisks off on the clothes the dust to be superficial, is not worth mentioning. 他一拳打出,击飞阿秀,就仿佛拂去衣裳上尘埃般轻描淡写,不值一提。 Naslin god will turn the head, both pupils said like the Golden Flame flaming combustion: 纳兰神将转头,双瞳金焰般熊熊燃烧道: Chen Beixuan, you prepare like this disciple, when the praying mantis arm the car(riage), resists stubbornly, finally involves entire Northern Jade Faction, was conquered by killing by me like the past years? You could rest assured that this time, Your Highness Son of God will begin personally, 100,000 god army depress, guarantees your Northern Jade Faction from top to bottom, even this planet several billions all living things, no one can escape.” 陈北玄,你准备像这个弟子一样,螳臂当车,负隅顽抗,最后牵连整个北琼派,像当年一样被我血洗吗?你放心,这一次,诸位神子殿下会亲自动手,十万神军压下,保证你北琼派从上到下,甚至连这颗星球数十亿众生,没有一人能逃脱掉。” Chen Fan sits high motionless, such as a clay buddha. 陈凡高坐不动,如一尊泥菩萨般。 Qi Xiu'er, Lu Yanxue, Shen Xi wait/etc. the complexion is all ugly, the startled anger happened simultaneously. If not has scruples the strength and A'Xiu phase difference is similar, not this Naslin god the opponent, went all out in the morning. 祁秀儿陆燕雪神曦等无不面色难看,惊怒交加。若非顾忌自身实力与阿秀相差仿佛,绝非这位纳兰神将对手,早上去拼命了。 In the entire main hall, is the wind and rain dark dusk, the atmosphere as depressed as the extreme. Outside the territory that many attend the ceremony Primal Infant, the atmosphere does not dare to have one. 整个大殿内,更是风雨晦暝,气氛沉闷到极点。诸多观礼的域外元婴,大气都不敢出一个。 Chen Beixuan, fast the Sir will kowtow to apologize to the god, a slim chance of survival, otherwise, the entire main hall is Northern Jade Faction everyone, must be fired the ashes by the anger of your highness.” High-spirited ancient Old Ancestor opens the mouth again. 陈北玄,速速向神将大人叩头请罪,还有一线生机,否则的话,整个大殿乃北琼派所有人,都要被殿下们的怒火烧成灰烬。”意气风发的古老祖再次开口。 His big sleeve is floating, the white-bearded white hair, one is the Chen Fan good appearance. Speaking of finally almost hates bitterly. As if Chen Fan does not kneel down to Naslin god will apologize, is entire Northern Jade, the entire Earth, and even entire abandons the Star Region criminal. 他大袖飘飘,白须白发,一副为陈凡好的模样。说到最后几乎痛心疾首。仿佛陈凡不跪下向纳兰神将请罪,就是整个北琼,整个地球,乃至整个遗弃星域的罪人。 Even many cultivator in main hall , the mind vacillated at this moment, had a disloyalty. 甚至连大殿内的许多修士,此刻也心神动摇,起了一丝异心。 Does not blame them to have the thoughts. 不怪他们起心思。 If many great sect the small scale like Yì gān, send a war ship-borne 30-40 Primal Infant to this. Old Ancestor will only stand behind Chen Fan stubbornly, fights to the end with Star Ocean great sect. New promote will Divine Monarch, how fear only Star Ocean great sect Son of God? Divine Monarch Jiang and Heaven Treading Divine Monarch and the others were alive, even Star Ocean great sect must sell their face. 如果诸多大教还是像易乾那样小打小闹,派一艘战舰载着30-40个元婴到此。各位老祖只会死死站在陈凡背后,与星海大教斗争到底。一位新晋神君,怎么会怕区区一位星海大教神子呢?姜神君踏天神君等人在世的时候,甚至连星海大教都得卖他们面子吧。 But. 可是。 Now seven big gods attack jointly, the battleship stands in great numbers, Golden Core such as the cloud blocks the sky, seven Son of God control the Divine Beast Bloodline(s) chariot to come, they were really afraid. 如今七大神教联手来攻,战舰林立,金丹如云遮天蔽日,七位神子更驾驭神兽血脉战车而来,他们真的心虚了。 Divine Emperor Mountain that declined 100,000 years , is so terrifying. Let alone do these control foreign land dozens over a million years, how many generation of immortal gods of inherit do not know? That is genuine stands tall and erect palatially, such as Divine Mountain stands erect generally in Star Ocean to Sect. Do not look that Great Power has not arrived. But many Divine Formation and Divine Symbol taboo magical instrument, on these Son of God do not even know that has many. 一个衰落了十万年之久的帝神山,都如此恐怖。何况那些主宰异域数十上百万年,传承不知道多少代的不朽神教呢?那是真正巍峨高耸,如神山一般屹立在星海之中的至宗门啊。别看大能没到到场。但诸多神阵神符甚至禁忌法器,这些神子们身上不知道有多少。 Even Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch guessed, possibly has Son of God to bring Divine Treasure. 甚至安珀天君猜测,可能有神子把‘神宝’带来。 Divine Treasure that is Sect great sect, suppresses the destiny the town/subdues to teach magic treasure, to strong artifact. If Divine Treasure were stimulated the apex, even strikes moon that may the space cuts. Although by these Son of God appearances, cannot stimulate the Divine Treasure appearance like whom, but makes one dread as before. 神宝’那可是一个宗门大教,镇压气运的镇教法宝,至强古器。若一件神宝被激发到顶点,甚至一击可把天上的月亮斩下。虽然以这几位神子模样,不像谁能激发神宝的样子,但依旧让人畏惧啊。 Chen Beixuan, meets the aim.” 陈北玄,接旨吧。” A fist strikes to fly A'Xiu, Naslin god will launch in the hand golden rune/symbol paper: This decree, to you and Chen Family, but the huge good news, is Your Highness Son of God the clemency, Chen Beixuan, you must thank the tolerances of several your highness.” 一拳打飞阿秀,纳兰神将展开手中金色符纸:“这个旨意,对你和陈家可是天大的好消息,是诸位神子殿下法外开恩,陈北玄,你必须感谢几位殿下的宽容。” Saying, him must read out. 说着,他就要宣读。 Chen Fan opening eyes suddenly, said lightly: 陈凡忽的睁开眼,淡淡道: Is you, destroyed Northern Jade Faction eight years ago?” “就是你,在八年前毁灭了北琼派?” Before these minor matters, do not need to intertwine again, you hear know.” Naslin god will wave, faint say/way: “之前那些小事,无须再纠结,你听闻就知道。”纳兰神将一挥手,淡漠道: Under main hall has proclaimed rune/symbol Zhao, prepares to confer you for my Emperor Apollo god, henceforth entire Northern Jade Faction and Earth, belongs to my Emperor Apollo all. Under the main hall specially permits you to regulate Earth, seals this star as your fiefdom, permits your Chen Family time Yong Town. Even allows Chen Family to follow under the main hall, goes to the Star Ocean deep place, the cultivation genuine Immortal Cultivation method and Prove the Dao Primal Infant. Rather than like this piece of sewer, Law(s) is incomplete, Dao Lineage does not save. Enters my Emperor Apollo, your I am with toward am an officer, do you also need to haggle over only small Sect destroyed matter? At the worst this god will compensate your 100 mountain tops, Golden Core house slave thousand, Primal Infant aide.” “大殿下已经颁下符诏,准备册封你为我太阳神朝的神将,从此整个北琼派和地球,归属于我太阳神朝所有。大殿下特许你监管地球,把此星封为你的‘封地’,允许你陈家时代永镇。甚至允许陈家追随大殿下,前往星海深处,修行真正修仙法门、证道元婴。而不是像这片臭水沟一样,法则残缺,道统不存。一入我太阳神朝,你我就是同朝为官,你还需要计较区区一个小宗门被毁的事情?大不了本神将赔你一百座山头,金丹家奴千位,元婴侍从一位。” Naslin god will be natural. 纳兰神将非常大方。 Naturally, you do obeisance into under several other your highness is also good. Seven big gods have established the offensive and defensive treaty of alliance together, manages the Central Mainland star jointly, this place forever will be your Chen Family fiefdom, regardless of you will elect anyone.” Naslin god will say finally. “当然,你拜入其他几位殿下麾下也行。七大神教已经共同立下攻守盟约,联手管理中土星,此地永是你陈家封地,你无论选谁都可以。”纳兰神将最后道。 What? 什么? Can Emperor Apollo confer Chen Fan for the god unexpectedly? 太阳神朝竟然要册封陈凡为神将? Everyone simultaneously one startled, but changes mind thinks, naturally. The Chen Fan's strength was too strong, the key he is young, cuts Primal Infant by trivial Golden Core, the major god natures are interested in him. 所有人同时一惊,不过转念一想,也理所当然。陈凡的实力太强了,关键他还非常年轻,以区区金丹元婴,各大神教自然对他非常感兴趣。 If under can receive such a talent to enter, is Divine Transformation Great Power will have the interest, making a move directs 12 personally. 若能收这样一个天才入麾下,便是化神大能都会有兴致,亲自出手指点一二吧。 Naturally, once Chen Fan really bowed to meet rune/symbol Zhao. Then this crisis, is naturally easily solved. Outside territory cultivator and Northern Jade Faction high and low , under can withstand great pressure on live from this. But the top of the head changed a lord, turns into Star Ocean great sect from Chen Fan. 当然,一旦陈凡真躬身接了符诏。那么这场危机,自然迎刃而解。诸位域外修士北琼派上下,也能从这泰山压顶下活下来。只不过头顶又换了个主子,从陈凡变成星海大教罢了。 Many Primal Infant cultivator stare the big eye, is looking at Chen Fan, even including sits the earthman in front of screen, in the heart actually anticipated that faintly Chen Fan receives rune/symbol Zhao. 许多元婴修士都瞪大眼,望着陈凡,甚至包括很多坐在屏幕前的地球人,心中竟然隐隐期待陈凡接下符诏。 Chen Beixuan, you met. Receives rune/symbol Zhao, we were thorough the security.” 陈北玄,你就接了吧。接下符诏,我们就彻底安全了。” Imperial Capital. 燕京 Qin Dongmu wore the black jersey, the treads on black cloth shoes, in the hand grips two jade balls to sit on the sofa, anxious is looking at Chen Fan, anticipated him rune/symbol Zhao following. 秦东穆穿着黑色练功服,脚踏黑色布鞋,手中攥着两颗玉球坐在沙发上,紧张的望着陈凡,期待他把符诏接下来。 Side wears the snow white colored glaze long skirt, the black hair like the waterfall, the appearance such as snow Qin Yan cannot bear turn the head, does not look own father that ugly countenance. 旁边穿着雪白琉璃长裙,青丝如瀑,容颜如雪的秦嫣儿忍不住转过头去,不看自己父亲那丑恶的嘴脸。 Dozens years pass by, this Imperial Capital first beautiful woman, as before clear colorful certainly beautiful. 数十年过去,这位燕京第一美人,依旧清艳绝丽。 But she also stares the greatly beautiful pupil, looks at Chen Fan on television: 但她也瞪大美眸,看着电视上的陈凡: Chen Beixuan, will you meet?’ 陈北玄,你会接吗?’ At this moment, is not only many knows the Chen Fan's person, even several billions all living things on Earth, one heart raised, Jiang Hua asked anxiously: Settles Heavenly Monarch and Priest Soaring Clouds, two believe, Chen Divine Monarch will receive this rune/symbol Zhao?” 此刻,不仅是诸多认识陈凡的人,甚至连地球上的数十亿众生,都一颗心提起,江华更紧张问道:“安天君凌云道长,两位认为,陈神君会接下这个符诏吗?” The Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch complexion hesitates, does not know how to reply. 安珀天君面色犹豫,不知如何回答。 Priest Soaring Clouds the heart is more puzzled the extreme. If Chen Fan met the Emperor Apollo big Son of God decree, then without a doubt, Earth and Star Ocean great sect the arms rich silk, he can also thoroughly get rid of Chen Fan, returns to Star Ocean. 凌云道长心底更纠结到极点。陈凡若接了太阳神朝神子的旨意,那么毫无疑问,地球与星海大教将会干戈化玉帛,他也能彻底摆脱陈凡,返回星海 But Priest Soaring Clouds stays in Northern Jade in more than one year, already by the Northern Jade full of vigor and vitality bearing, as well as on Chen Fan many gives to subdue mystically, he looks helplessly, A'Xiu is one casts Golden Core obviously, ordinary cultivator that the potential completely loses, was made up Heavenly Pill by a Chen Fan furnace, reverses, trivial more than half a year, cultivates Golden Core Peak, takes advantage to fist technique, fights with Primal Infant. 凌云道长这一年多呆在北琼,已经被北琼朝气蓬勃的气度,以及陈凡身上的诸多神秘给折服,他眼睁睁看着,阿秀明明是一个铸成金丹,潜力尽失的普通修士,被陈凡一炉‘补天丹’,生生逆转回来,区区大半年,就修到金丹巅峰,更依仗至拳法,与元婴争锋。 Not to mention, makes outside the Primal Spirit palace, the radiant light beam that shoots up to the sky, as well as Saint step Array, deeply is recorded by Priest Soaring Clouds as before. 更不用说,造元神殿外,那冲天而起的璀璨光柱,以及圣阶阵法,依旧被凌云道长深深记着。 He does not hope that Chen Fan lowers the head to bow the head. 他非常不希望陈凡低头俯首。 But. 可是。 Arrived this step, opportunity? Beyond the day 100,000 armies, are eying covetously to intimidate. Does not know, on that several Son of God, brings many cards in hand. 到了这一步,还有机会吗?天外十万大军,就在虎视眈眈威逼着啊。更不知道,那几位神子身上,带着多少张底牌。 At this moment. 此刻。 The vision of native of the whole world, falls on Chen Fan. 整个世界人的目光,都落在陈凡身上。 Receives rune/symbol Zhao, Earth and entire abandons Star Region as before is Chen Fan's, he will be outside law the god, like the ancient seignior, listened to move does not listen to proclaim, free and unrestrained and present is not different, will also obtain solar god small Southern Heaven Realm to support to Great Sects. But the words that does not meet, seven big god allied armies lower, shortly will be ground into dust entire Northern Jade and Earth. 接下符诏,地球和整个遗弃星域依旧是陈凡的,他是法外神将,如同古代的藩王般,听调不听宣,逍遥自在和现在没什么两样,还会获得太阳神教这个小南天境大教的支持。而不接的话,七大神教联军降下,顷刻将整个北琼和地球碾成齑粉。 Read the heaven, read hell, performed all in the Chen Fan choices. 一念天堂,一念地狱,尽皆在陈凡选择之间。 Teacher...’ 老师...’ Including struggles A'Xiu that reluctantly is crawling to set out, could not bear sweep Chen Fan one. 连勉强挣扎着爬起身的阿秀,都忍不住扫了陈凡一眼。 At that moment, trillion people of vision gather on Chen Fan, waits for his decision. 那一刻,亿万人目光汇聚在陈凡身上,等待他的决定。
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