ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1153: Gods Naslin( third)

Really came.” “真的来了。” Jiang Feifei raised the head, facial expression. 姜菲菲抬头,神情愣愣。 She thinks that Teacher said that was only exaggerating, urging her to leave Earth as soon as possible, never expected that the Star Ocean Great Sects army, really arrived Earth. This is not Son of God Yì gān, or Mayan fleet such small scale. 她本以为师父所言,只是夸大,催着她尽快离开地球,没想到星海大教的军队,真的驾临地球。这不是神子易乾,又或者玛雅族舰队那样的小打小闹。 Many Star Ocean Great Sects allied armies, spread above the entire starry sky, blocks the sky, covers Light Glow of Sun. Their number number are countless, cultivator that each wears War Armor , is Golden Core cultivation base, the aura vibrates hundred li (0.5 km) impressively. As for may call Old Ancestor, dominates planet Primal Infant, is numerous and common. 诸多星海大教的联军,散布在整个星空之上,遮天蔽日,把太阳的光芒都遮盖住。他们数量数都数不尽,每一个身披战甲修士,赫然都是金丹修为,气息震动百里。至于可称老祖,称雄一个星球元婴,更是车载斗量。 Stands on more than ten Son of God and gods of many army most heads. 站在诸多军队最上首的十几位神子和神将们。 Their whole body bathes Divine Light, or radiant dazzling such as the big day flew high, either Galaxy covered, either the back raised a huge world, either such as one round of demon day hung Nine Heavens. Each Son of God and god the great strength, will be inconceivable, even if great distance ground dozens kilometers, they can feel above Nine Heavens indistinctly, terrifying aura that shakes the will of the people. 他们周身沐浴神光,或璀璨耀眼如大日凌空,或似一条星河笼罩点点,或背后升起一个庞大的世界,或如一轮魔日高悬九天。每一尊神子、神将的强大,都不可思议,哪怕相隔地面数十公里,他们都能隐约感受到九天之上,那撼动人心的恐怖气息。 These arrives time, incessantly is the boundless boundless stern god army, is several thousand ten feets, Star Ocean battleship of sun-blocking, or many Primal Infant Elder(s). 这一次降临的,不止是无边无涯的森严神军,长达上千丈,遮天蔽日的星海战舰,又或者诸多元婴长老们。 Solely several are the first Son of God under tutelage pulling a cart monster beasts. 单单几位为首神子座下的拉车妖兽。 Each head, has Primal Infant cultivation base, moreover Primal Infant Peak, is more powerful than Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch, makes threatening gestures, turnover clouds and mist. What is more terrifying is on these pulling a cart monster beasts has the bloodlines that. 每一头,都具备元婴修为,而且还是元婴巅峰,比安珀天君还强大,张牙舞爪,吞吐烟霞。更恐怖的是那些拉车妖兽身上具备的血脉。 Is Divine Beast Bloodline(s), regardless of both wings Heavenly Dragon and scarlet flame demon tiger, are the Emerald-Jade rhinoceros, this is very rare Divine Beast Bloodline(s) descendant. Usually raises in the major god deep places, including the Elder(s) vice- founder journey, not necessarily allows to take them generally, never expected that today, makes them pull a cart to come Earth, it seems like these big gods really got angry.” “是神兽血脉,无论双翅天龙、赤焰魔虎,还是翠玉犀牛,这都是非常罕见的神兽血脉后裔。平时一头养在各大神教深处,连一般长老副教主出行,都未必允许带上它们,没想到今日,却让它们拉车前来地球,看来这几大神教是真的怒了。” Song Yufeng shook the head. 宋禹峰摇头。 Divine Beast is vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered strong existence of Universe, dominates above the monster beast by far. Any lifeform, once in two character contamination relations with Divine Beast, immediately great increase in price, the sparrow flies the branch to change the phoenix. 神兽乃是纵横宇宙的超强存在,远远凌驾于妖兽之上。任何一个生物,一旦和‘神兽’二字沾染上关系,顿时就身价百倍,麻雀飞上枝头变凤凰。 Not only because of Divine Beast Bloodline(s) or descendant, by far compared with same step monster beast Mortal Body Magic Power vigorous many. Moreover each Divine Beast descendant, Inborn will inherit Divine Beast some Divine Ability from the bloodlines. But Divine Beast the great strength of Divine Ability, is above by far general magic spell. If Kun Peng Great Confusion Tearing Technique, Black Tortoise Profound Abyss Divine Thunder wait/etc, is earth-shaking Great Divine Ability. 不仅仅因为神兽血脉或后裔,远远比同阶妖兽肉身法力雄浑的多。而且每一尊神兽后裔,都天生会自血脉中继承神兽的某种神通。而神兽神通之强大,是远胜一般法术之上。如鲲鹏的‘大混洞术’,玄武的‘玄冥神雷’等等,无不是惊天动地大神通 It can be said. 可以说。 That seven pulling a cart Divine Beast, by the battle efficiency, is not necessarily inferior in seven Son of God. 那七头拉车的神兽,论战斗力,未必逊色于七位神子们。 Visited them merely, as soon as arrives, the pupil is only sluggish, crawling that on the entire Earth the five oceans, many life Fierce Beast of seven continents, shiver on the ground, does not dare to have the half a point to move, may know that Divine Beast Bloodline(s) terrifying to exist. 仅仅看它们一驾临,眸光懒散间,整个地球上五大洋,七大洲的诸多生灵凶兽,都颤抖的匍匐在地上,不敢有半分动弹,就可知那神兽血脉的恐怖存在。 Jiang Feifei hears word, the complexion was whiter. 姜菲菲闻言,脸色更白了。 This tall building, must collapse finally... 这高楼,终于要塌了... ... ... But in Northern Jade main hall, outside various multi-ranges cultivator complexion crazy flat, Priest Soaring Clouds is trembling several: 北琼正殿内,诸多域外修士脸色已经狂扁,凌云道长更是颤巍巍数着: Demon day sect and Supreme Beginning God Realm, Immortal Religion and Everlasting Sect, soft taught, the rising typhoon faction spatially, as well as... Emperor Apollo!” “魔日宗、太初神境长生教无极宗、蹑空教、扶摇派、以及...太阳神朝!” He puts out a name every time, outside the territory the cultivator complexion, is ugly a point. Arrived finally, such as Xing Hu, falls firmiana sect three big on Old Ancestor and Immortal Religion Li Yuan and other faces, thorough pale piece. 他每吐出一个名字,域外修士的脸色,就难看一分。到最后,如邢虎、落梧宗三大老祖长生教李元等脸上,已经彻底铁青一片。 Although Star Ocean is very vast, many Star Region exist side by side, each Star Region compared with abandoning Star Region wants broad many, has hundreds of planet and Sect. If Shanyang Star Region simultaneous/uniform Yunzong and so on, a strength can possibly be as good as entire abandons Star Region. 星海虽然无比辽阔,诸多星域并立,每一个星域都远比遗弃星域要广阔的多,拥有数以百计的星辰宗门。如山阳星域的齐云宗之类,一宗之力就可能抵得上整个遗弃星域 But stands erect in many Star Region apexes immortal gods, is always few, each Sect, cannot be underestimated. Demon day sect, Everlasting Sect and other prestige, even spreads abandons Star Region. 但屹立在诸多星域顶点的不朽神教,从来屈指可数,每一个宗门,都不容小觑。如魔日宗、无极宗等威名,甚至传入遗弃星域 But Immortal Religion and Divine Monster Church, stand in Heavenly Desolate simply teach. 长生教妖神教,更干脆在天荒立教。 It can be said. 可以说。 Entire abandons Star Region many Sect, has the complicated relations with great sect of this Star Ocean deep place. Heavenly Desolate Wang Family once one trillion Galaxy sword qi, were the inheritance from Everlasting Sect trillion Galaxy Great Divine Ability. 整个遗弃星域诸多宗门,都和这星海深处的大教们有着千丝万缕关系。天荒王家曾有一门‘亿万星河剑气’,正是传承自无极宗的‘亿万星河大神通’。 „The entire seven big gods arrive, Emperor Apollo. This what's the matter? Did not say, Star Ocean great sect will not abandon Star Region generally massively thoroughly, will only send few squads? How to lean to teach, but to?” “整整七大神教降临啊,还有太阳神朝。这怎么回事?不是说,星海大教一般不会大规模深入遗弃星域,只会派少量小队吗?怎么会倾教而至?” Had Primal Infant Old Ancestor to be frightened to call out. 元婴老祖惊惶叫道。 But the Northern Jade Faction people, from top to bottom, have flustered in great confusion. 北琼派众人,从上到下,已慌乱成一团。 Seven big gods come in waves, this battle formation is above them to imagine beside. Including A'Xiu, most thinks that the major gods, will send out to think Son of God Yì gān such, brings dozens Primal Infant, harnesses a combat general to look for Earth to do accounts, has not thought, they blot out the sky, are leading the terrifying god army, crosses Universe Galaxy to arrive at Earth. 七大神教联袂而来,这阵势超乎他们想象之外。包括阿秀,最多以为各大神教,会派出想神子易乾那样,带着几十个元婴,驾着一艘战将来找地球算账,从没想到,他们铺天盖地,率领着恐怖神军,横渡宇宙星河降临地球。 Teacher...” 老师...” Qi Xiu'er, Lu Yanxue wait/etc., is startled looking to Chen Fan. 祁秀儿陆燕雪等,更是惊慌的望向陈凡 Only then A'Xiu grips the tight delicate fist, is staring at the sky stubbornly, looks that in a hand holds the golden god aim, from the golden armor god who in void lowers, falls on the Fog Mountain summit, indifferently to Chen Fan and Northern Jade Faction readout decree. 只有阿秀攥紧秀气的拳头,死死盯着天空,看着一尊手中托着金色神旨,自虚空中降下的金甲神将,落在云雾山巅,冷漠对陈凡北琼派宣读旨意。 Haha, this Old Ancestor has said that making you carry a rod and ask for punishment, you do not listen. Now 100,000 armies arrive, your highness your honorable self, your Northern Jade Faction from top to bottom, must die.” “哈哈,本老祖早就说过,让你们去负荆请罪,你们不听。现在十万大军降临,诸位殿下大驾,你们北琼派从上到下,都得死。” ancient Old Ancestor laughs, incomparably flatters before running up to that golden armor god, will curry favor with say: 老祖哈哈大笑,更是无比谄谀的跑到那金甲神将前献媚道: Sir Naslin, small has understood it to move it with them by the sentiment by the principle, is this Chen Beixuan is impenetrably thickheaded, completely disregards the dignity of Your Highness Son of God and god, they bring about own destruction, small also has no alternative.” “纳兰大人,小的已经和他们晓之以情动之以理,可是这陈北玄冥顽不灵,完全无视诸位神子殿下和神教的威严,他们自寻死路,小的也没奈何啊。” Then from void, but below god, will be wearing golden armor muddily, cultivation base not inferior Yin sea, even still has had it. His facial features cover under the golden helmet, can only see in both pupils such as the flame of two groups of flaming combustion, is saying untender: 那自虚空而下的神将,浑身披着金甲,一身修为丝毫不逊色尹海,甚至犹有过之。他面容罩在金色头盔下,只能看到双瞳中如两团熊熊燃烧的火焰,毫无感情的说着: Chen Beixuan, your highness god harnesses already to the day beyond, fast meets the aim, if defies. The invincible forces one, your Northern Jade Faction will change to the fragment powder up and down, will not have a life again!” 陈北玄,诸位殿下神驾已至天外,速速接旨,若有违抗。天兵一至,你北琼派上下都会化作齑粉,将再无一个生灵!” Chen Fan has not talked, A'Xiu has exuded one incisively to angry roaring of extreme: 陈凡还未搭话,阿秀已经发出一声尖锐到极点的怒吼: Naslin!” “纳兰!” Un? 嗯? Naslin god will raise the head, the vision sweeps A'Xiu, the flame in eye pupil has beaten slightly: 纳兰神将抬头,目光扫过阿秀,眼瞳中的火焰微微跳动一下: Whom I said that originally was the past that is only small the ant. This god will be conquering by killing Northern Jade at that time, makes you escape a life by luck. What's wrong, today also wants to provoke to this god? How you think to continue to live. This time, Chen Beixuan provoked the major gods, your highness has the anger to arrive, the oath must conquer by killing the entire Earth. Even if you distressed like stray cur, is being able to escape...” “我说谁呢,原来是当年那只小蚂蚁啊。本神将当时在血洗北琼,侥幸让你逃过一条性命。怎么,今天还想向本神将挑衅?你还是想想怎么继续活下来。这一次,陈北玄惹恼了各大神教,诸位殿下带着怒火降临,誓要血洗整个地球。你哪怕狼狈像丧家之犬一样,也是逃不掉的...” This person was the Emperor Apollo Naslin god, will once independently decide to trample flat the Jinling Northern Jade Faction entrance impressively, conquered by killing the Northern Jade chief criminal. 这人赫然就是太阳神朝的纳兰神将,曾自作主张踏平了金陵北琼派山门,血洗北琼的罪魁祸首。 He has not said. 他还未说完。 A'Xiu has exuded one to angrily roar, shoots up to the sky fiercely, the small body covers in the endless brilliance, changes to together the startled Heavenly God rainbow, will fight with the fists loudly to Naslin god. 阿秀已经发出一声怒吼,猛地冲天而起,小小的身躯笼罩在无尽光辉中,化作一道惊天神虹,轰然一拳打向纳兰神将。 Bang!” “轰隆!” void blasts open under A'Xiu this fist. 虚空阿秀这一拳下炸裂。
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