ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1152: Only way out?( Second)

I opposed!” “我反对!” When these words resound, the people turn the head to stare to look simultaneously. 当这句话响起时,众人同时转头瞪眼望去。 Who is so bold? Courts death simply, jumps at Chen Divine Monarch sealing god grand ceremony, this not to the opportunity that Chen Divine Monarch does punish one as a warning to others?’ Does not know that many Primal Infant Old Ancestor, shake the head in secret. ‘谁这么大胆?简直找死,在陈神君的封神大典上跳出来,这不是给陈神君杀鸡儆猴的机会吗?’不知道多少元婴老祖,暗中摇头。 A'Xiu, old Azure Dragon and Chinese Great Elder and the others are furious. 阿秀、老青龙、华族大长老等人更是震怒。 Chen Fan was sealed Divine Monarch, at the so serious matter, some unexpectedly people dare to cause trouble, this does not give the Chen Fan face, does not give the Northern Jade face, does not give the entire China and even the Earth face! 陈凡受封神君,如此重大事情上,竟然有人敢闹事,这就是不给陈凡面子,不给北琼面子,不给整个华族乃至地球面子! The people look, sees one to wear the black robe, 30 -year-old strange Primal Infant cultivator , the erect end of the main hall. 众人看去,就见一个身穿黑袍,三十来岁的陌生元婴修士,正立在大殿末尾处。 Who is this person? Which planet Sect Primal Infant?” “这人是谁?哪个星辰宗门元婴?” „Very strange, has not seen. Always said that I go all over Star Ocean, major planet Old Ancestor level person of the hour have visited, has never seen this person, is in the past ten years new Primal Infant?” “很陌生,没见过啊。老道我走遍星海,各大星辰老祖人物都拜会过,从未见过此人,难道是近十年来新出的元婴?” Many people are puzzled. 许多人不解。 Only then Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch sees that black robe person, stares slightly. Is he?” 只有安珀天君见到那黑袍人,微微一愣。“是他?” Settles Heavenly Monarch to know this person?” The Ning Xin facial features asked with ease. “安天君认识这人?”宁心面容轻松问道。 He situated in abandoning the Star Region edge, ’ on Primal Infant Old Ancestor named ‚a day feather star, namedYao Xianyang, on that day the feather star in the side desolate, all previous generations had no powerhouse born, therefore most cultivator did not know about it. The old men once passed by the day of feather star in the past accidentally, has seen one side this Yao Heavenly Monarch. But his trivial Primal Infant does initial stage, how dare oppose Chen Divine Monarch?” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch is puzzled, in the eye reveals the color of hesitation: „...” “他是位于遗弃星域边缘,一颗名叫‘天羽星’上一位元婴老祖,名为‘姚先阳’,那天羽星地处边荒,历代并无什么强者诞生,所以大部分修士对它都不甚了解。老夫当年曾偶然路过天羽星,见过这位姚天君一面。但他不过区区元婴初期,怎敢反对陈神君?”安珀天君不解,眼中露出迟疑之色:“难道...” What?” “难道什么?” Jiang Hua and the others have not come and asked. 江华等人还没来的及问。 Sees in the Northern Jade main hall, stands unexpectedly one after several other people. 就见北琼正殿中,竟然又接连站出几人来。 I also opposed.” “我也反对。” „A decline planet despicable junior, Primal Infant is not, how to have the qualifications to ascend a height to get a broad view Divine Monarch imperial throne.” “一个衰落星球的卑鄙小辈,连元婴都不是,怎有资格登临‘神君’大位。” Correct, wants to be sealed Divine Monarch, at least is Divine Transformation Great Power, or is close to existence of Great Power. This Chen Beixuan merely is ordinary cultivator , depending Magic Power is more powerful, magic treasure is sharper, wants to intimidate me and others, reached Divine Monarch, daydreams!” 不错,想受封神君,至少得是化神大能,或接近大能的存在。这陈北玄仅仅是一普通修士,仗着法力强大一些,法宝犀利一些,就想威逼我等,登顶神君,白日做梦!” Several hundred guests of attending the ceremony, several people come out to oppose. 观礼的数百宾客,又有好几人出来反对。 Suddenly, even A'Xiu is shocked , there is a person who so many do not fear death. 一时间,连阿秀都惊呆,没想到,有这么多不怕死的人。 Day feather star Yao Heavenly Monarch, nine bead stars Heavenly Monarch, pure Yuan star ancient Old Ancestor?” Having the guest complexion is amazed, says these people of origins. Regardless of day feather stars and nine bead star pure Yuan stars, in abandoning near Star Region wild region, borders on Star Ocean various territories, therefore Daoist Magic not prosperous, no powerhouse. Even the Heavenly Jupiter hibernation of insects far star was inferior. “天羽星的姚天君,九珠星的张天君,纯元星的古老祖?”有宾客面色惊诧,道出这几人来历。无论天羽星、九珠星还是纯元星,都地处遗弃星域边荒地带,与星海诸域接壤,所以道法不昌,没什么强者。甚至连天木星蛰远星都不如。 Such how many ordinary do Primal Infant, how dare provoke Chen Fan? 这样几个普通元婴,怎敢挑衅陈凡 Ancient group, you were insane, apologized to Chen Divine Monarch quickly.” Has to intersect the good person, the complexion passes message anxiously. “古老组,你疯了,快向陈神君道歉。”有相交好的人,面色焦急传音。 But ancient Old Ancestor of pure Yuan star, the facial features with deep veneration, have a sense of mission righteousness cold sound said at this moment: Chen Beixuan, if your also a little face, on fast rolls, do not tarnish Divine Monarch the name, otherwise I will abandon Star Region to will certainly become the entire Star Ocean laughingstock.” 但纯元星的古老祖,此刻却面容肃然,带着一种使命感义冷声道:“陈北玄,若你还有点脸面,就速速滚下来,别玷污‘神君’之名,否则我遗弃星域必将成为整个星海笑柄。” Right, Chen Beixuan, fast dismisses this senseless sealing god grand ceremony, is without a fight, how has you to kill several honored Son of God facts to all humanity despicable, kneels down the lamentation, perhaps a slim chance of survival.” “对,陈北玄,速速解散这个无谓的封神大典,束手就擒,向所有人道出你如何卑鄙杀死几位尊贵神子的事迹,跪下悔恨,说不定还有一线生机。” Several other people, similarly righteousness expression. 其他几人,同样义正言辞。 My family sovereign, with own strength, pressure Heavenly Desolate, cuts certainly Star Ocean great sect Son of God, receives ten thousand numerous to choose by acclamation for Divine Monarch, how is to kill despicable, you made false accusations.” Qi Xiu'er stares the big eye. “我家宗主,凭着自身实力,威压天荒,斩绝星海大教神子,受到万众公推为‘神君’,怎是‘卑鄙杀死’,你们血口喷人。”祁秀儿瞪大眼睛。 This Chen Beixuan trivial Golden Core, but does Son of God ascend the position of Primal Infant early, how Golden Core can kill Primal Infant? I thought that he used the dirty trick inevitably.” Yao Xianyang shakes the head to laugh. “这陈北玄不过区区金丹,而诸位神子早登元婴之位,金丹怎能杀元婴?我看他必然是用了卑鄙手段。”姚先阳摇头嗤笑。 Correct Correct, Chen Beixuan you may once think, killed Son of God, Star Ocean great sect is furious, what to do does Earth and even entire abandon Star Region to be able? Depending on me and other meager strengths, how can resist a Star Ocean great sect anger, if praying mantis arm, when the car(riage), must change to the fragment powder!” ancient Old Ancestor bristles with anger, speaking of finally, the eye stares in a big way, the corner of the eye must split. If the people do not know, really thinks he is the just envoy, is upright. 不错不错,陈北玄你可曾想到,杀了神子,诸位星海大教震怒,地球乃至整个遗弃星域会怎么办?凭我等微薄实力,怎能抵挡星海大教一怒,若螳臂当车,必然要化作齑粉!”古老祖怒发冲冠,说到最后,眼睛瞪大,眼角都要裂开。众人若不知,真以为他是正义使者,一身正气。 Regardless of A'Xiu and Shen Xi, is old Azure Dragon wait/etc., been mad complexion blue and purple. 无论阿秀神曦,还是老青龙等,都被气的脸色青紫。 Black Clothes, elegant face frost Lin Wuhua, is works as one, draws a sword the hole, the sword qi cold and gloomy main hall, wishes one could a sword to cut to kill these blustering people at the scene. 一袭黑衣,俏脸冰霜的林舞华,更是哐当一声,拔剑出窍,剑气森冷大殿,恨不得一剑将这几个口出狂言的人当场斩杀。 But at this time, Chen Fan opened eyes to say slowly: 但这时,陈凡缓缓睁开眼道: That presses your meaning, how this should?” “那按你的意思,本座该如何呢?” „Very simple, closes this so-called seals god grand ceremony, dismisses Northern Jade Faction, carries bunch both hands to kneel grave that before Son of God died, apologized to several Son of God. In addition obsolete for your fine talk two, Star Ocean Great Sects Sir, could give your way out.” ancient Old Ancestor long sleeve is floating, caresses the white to say with a smile lightly steadily. “很简单,关闭这所谓的‘封神大典’,解散北琼派,背束双手跪在诸位神子死去的坟前,向几位神子请罪。再加上老朽等替你美言两句,星海大教的诸位大人,说不定可以放你一条生路。”古老祖长袖飘飘,轻抚白色长须笑道。 If not, since?” Chen Fan continues to say. “若不从呢?”陈凡继续道。 That when the time comes, the army one, entire Northern Jade and Earth changes to the fragment powder, wants to help you speak obsolete, Sir is impossible to listen.” ancient Old Ancestor shakes the head. “那到时候,大军一至,整个北琼和地球都化作齑粉,老朽想帮你说话,诸位大人也不可能听的。”古老祖摇头。 Snort, saying over and over again, you are so-called Star Ocean Great Sects several dogs, here clamored for your lords. My family Teacher such as kills the chicken Son of God Yì gān killing that is insufferably arrogant, what Star Ocean great sect will fear?” Qi Xiu'er sneers. “哼,说来说去,你们不过是所谓星海大教的几条狗罢了,在这里替你们主子叫嚣。我家老师连那不可一世的神子易乾都杀之如杀鸡,会怕什么星海大教?”祁秀儿冷笑。 Ignorant junior, ignorant junior. Does your trivial frog in a well, how know the Star Ocean major god and Great Power terrifying? little girl, you certainly for the words that today speaks, the lamentation will be lifelong!” ancient Old Ancestor hates bitterly. “无知小辈,无知小辈。你区区井底之蛙,怎知道星海各大神教与诸位大能的恐怖?小丫头,你一定会为今天所说的话,悔恨终身!”古老祖痛心疾首。 Several other people change color similarly, the simultaneously anger word scolded. 其他几人同样变色,齐齐怒言呵斥。 Ok, rolled out, today is the Teacher to seal/confer God day, does not want to kill you, dirty hand of my Northern Jade.” A'Xiu light reply. “好了,滚出去吧,今天是老师封神的日子,不想杀你们,脏了我北琼的手。”阿秀淡淡回答。 In more than half a year, Chen Fan with few parts that come from Samsara Sect Heaven Mending Medicine, refined a furnace to make up Heavenly Pill, let A'Xiu succinct foundation, congealed pill recast, this one breath Tribulation Transcendence became Divine Grade Golden Core, moreover was the high-grade in Divine Grade Golden Core. 这大半年中,陈凡用从轮回宗中得来的少部分‘补天药’,重新炼制了一炉补天丹,让阿秀洗练根基,凝丹重铸,这一次一口气渡劫神品金丹,而且是神品金丹中的上品。 This moment A'Xiu whole body golden light is radiant, the back had one round big day to shoot up to the sky, although was Golden Core, dignified rude Primal Infant! Bearing unexpectedly above ancient Old Ancestor and Yao Xianyang and the others. 此刻阿秀周身金光璀璨,背后有一轮大日要冲天而起,虽是金丹,威严不逊元婴!气度竟然在古老祖、姚先阳等人之上。 Old Ancestor that comes to attend the ceremony, sees Shen Xi, A'Xiu, Qi Xiu'er, Jiang Churan wait/etc., although is only Golden Core, but each bearing is deep. Or body according to Primordial Chaos, either whole body Vermilion Bird long cry, either such as big day horizontal day. Each concentrates unexpectedly Divine Grade Golden Core. 前来观礼的诸位老祖,见神曦阿秀祁秀儿姜初然等,虽然只是金丹,但各个气度渊深。要么身据混沌,要么周身朱雀长鸣,要么如大日横天。每一个竟然都凝成神品金丹 Is adding on Desolate Heaven Star Xiaoman Saintess. This Northern Jade Faction forms for more than ten years, five future Son of God Goddess, not inferior these Star Ocean deep place great sect, really will be inconceivable, how will Chen Beixuan teach?” “在加上天荒星小蛮圣女。这北琼派组建才十多年,就有五位未来的神子神女,不逊色那些星海深处大教,实在不可思议,陈北玄到底怎么教的?” In people heart alarmed and afraid. 众人心中惊惧。 Immortal Religion, Everlasting Sect wait/etc., although have several generation of Son of God, but that does not have several tens of thousands years to accumulate, if by the past 35000 years calculates, big Everlasting Sect, Yì gān and others practice successfully Divine Grade Golden Core, is not necessarily able to surpass Northern Jade Faction. 长生教无极宗等,虽然有数代神子,但那是无数万年累积下来的,如果以近35000年来算,偌大无极宗,也不过易乾等几人修成神品金丹罢了,未必能超过北琼派 I behind and others, am Sir, comes for Northern Jade Faction and entire Earth safety. Your trivial doesn't little girl, know the will of the people, daring makes us roll out? Simply dissolute...” ancient Old Ancestor stares the big eyes, furious. “我等背后,乃是诸位大人,为了北琼派和整个地球安危而来。你区区小丫头,不识好人心,胆敢让我们滚出去?简直放肆...”古老祖瞪大双眼,怒不可遏。 A'Xiu is disinclined to speak, pulls out a plain Chinese boxing directly. 阿秀懒得说话,直接拉出一个古朴拳架。 Bang! 轰隆! When that Chinese boxing one presently, the endless golden light covers its, she bathes in within the golden light, is born like a female war-god. The golden light wheel appears together in her behind, as she, as soon as fights with the fists, shakes the entire main hall. 当那拳架一现,无尽的金光就笼罩其身,她沐浴在金光中,如同一尊女战神降世。一道金色光轮浮现在她身后,随着她一拳打出,撼动整个大殿。 The dreadful golden vitality stuffs Heaven and Earth, making the surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) vibrate. 滔天金色气血充塞天地,让方圆十里都震动。 In that fist mark, brings to be unapproachable, sweeps away all, the indestructible sharp interest glow, as if the Nine Heavens Immortal god evolves Immortal Realm fist technique in the world. Let each witness this fist, changes colors all. 拳印中,带着无可匹敌,横扫一切,坚不可摧的锐利金芒,仿佛九天仙神在人间演化仙界拳法般。让每一个见证此拳者,无不失色。 True Martial Immortal Sect depending on sidewise compression Universe unsurpassed fist technique. 真武仙宗赖以横压宇宙的无上拳法 True Martial God Fist! 真武神拳 Bang!” “嘭!” ancient Old Ancestor and Yao Xianyang and others, but Primal Infant initial stage, is false Primal Infant, how to block a A'Xiu vitality dreadful fist, leader directly hit flying upside down the Northern Jade main hall. Follows dozens disciples who they come, is ground the fragment by the terrifying vitality at the scene. 老祖、姚先阳等,不过元婴初期,还是伪元婴,怎挡得住阿秀气血滔天的一拳,为首者直接被打的倒飞出北琼正殿。跟随他们来的数十个弟子,更是当场被恐怖气血碾成碎片。 ‚This Northern Jade Faction big disciple, looks delicately, has not thought that fist intent is so overbearing?’ Many people look askance. ‘这北琼派的大弟子,看着秀气,没想拳意如此霸道?’许多人侧目。 Amber Old Ancestor and Priest Soaring Clouds and others, by strength, although does not fear A'Xiu, even above her. But when Golden Core Stage, does not have A'Xiu so to sweep away several Primal Infant terrifying strengths certainly. 如安珀老祖凌云道长等,论实力虽然不惧阿秀,甚至在她之上。但在金丹期时,却绝没有阿秀这般横扫数位元婴的恐怖实力。 little girl, you bring about own destruction, you cut off the last way out for your Teacher and entire Northern Jade Faction, when the Star Ocean army arrives, the entire Earth must change to the bloodshed, you must die...” Heavenly Monarch of nine bead stars flies upside down, rolls in the square before main hall dirtily continually 78, when crawls to open the mouth to angrily rebuke. 小丫头,你这是自寻死路,你替你师父和整个北琼派断绝了最后一条生路,当星海大军降临时,整个地球都要化作血海,你们全都要死...”九珠星的张天君倒飞出去,灰头土脸在大殿前的广场上连滚七八圈,爬起来正开口怒斥时。 . 刺啦。 void blasting open. 虚空炸裂。 The big hand that a dark losing plant bark composes, stretches out fiercely, will open Heavenly Monarch to press firmly between the fingers, like pinching one slightly beast easily, then under a surroundings person of panic-stricken vision, a giant head stretches out, Heavenly Monarch that will clamor with words, swallows into the throat deep place completely. 一只黝黑枯死树皮组成的大手,猛地伸出,将张天君一把捏住,如同捏着一只小兽般轻易,然后在周围人惊恐目光下,一个巨大脑袋伸出,咔嚓一口,将叫嚣的张天君连人带话,全部吞入喉咙深处。 Rumble. 咕噜咕噜。 Mu Xiao chewed several, on the dark withered face also reveals one to disdain, disliking this Heavenly Monarch cultivation base is too weak, after Mu Xiao since follows Chen Fan, the meals rises sharply, generally does not have Primal Infant middle stage late stage, cannot enter its mouth. 木枭嚼了几口,黝黑枯槁的脸上还露出一丝不屑,嫌这张天君修为太弱,木枭自从追随陈凡后,伙食大涨,一般没个元婴中期后期,都入不了它口了。 No, you cannot kill me.” “不,你们不能杀我。” Yao Xianyang and others were panic-stricken, builds the escaping light to escape. But, was bitten Ying beast and others to fly high to hold by Mu Xiao, forces in the mouth ka squeak several, chews the fragment, even Primal Infant bitten Ying beast swallows. 姚先阳等惊恐,架起遁光就要逃脱。但先后被木枭、噬婴兽等凌空抓住,塞进口中咔吱几下,嚼成碎片,连元婴都被噬婴兽一口吞下。 Finally. 最后。 When is only left over ancient Old Ancestor one, several big evil spirit gather round him maliciously, rubs the toothbrush claw, keeps the saliva, as if takes entire to swallow to get into the stomach him momentarily. But in the palace the people have been disinclined to respond, going forward to congratulate Chen Fan ascends a height to get a broad view the position of Divine Monarch the time. 当只剩下古老祖一个,几个大妖魔不怀好意的围着他,磨牙擦爪,留着口水,仿佛随时要一口将他整个吞下肚中。而殿中众人已懒得搭理,上前要恭贺陈凡登临神君之位的时候。 Suddenly. 忽的。 A god lance drops from the clouds, inserts before Mu Xiao and the others. 一柄神矛从天而降,插在木枭等人面前。 Also, a great dignity to the extreme sound, lowers from the day beyond, resounds through the entire Earth: 随之,一个宏大威严到极点的声音,自天外降下,响彻整个地球: Chen Beixuan, your highness arrives, fast comes to worship on bended knees to apologize. Otherwise, the entire Earth, performs all changes to the fragment powder. Trillion lives crash into the bloodshed, your crime!” 陈北玄,诸位殿下降临,速速前来跪拜请罪。否则,整个地球,尽皆化作齑粉。亿万生灵坠入血海,都你一人之罪!” At that moment. 那一刻。 The Earth trillion people raised the head. 地球亿万人抬头。 Sees, innumerable Golden Core cultivator , wear War Armor , like the gifted general, camouflages the entire starry sky, blots out the sky, making Sun get dark. 就见到,无数金丹修士,身披战甲,如同天兵天将般,将整个星空都遮蔽住,铺天盖地,让太阳都黑了下来。 Song Yufeng who just trod the courtyard shook the head sighs lightly: 刚踏出院子的宋禹峰摇头轻叹: Finally came.” “终于来了。” But Jiang Feifei raised the head at this time, had been shocked, on the small face full is the color of shocked. 姜菲菲此时抬头,早就被惊呆,小脸上满是惊骇之色。 On March 3 , 2028, sealed the god grand ceremony on the same day, the Star Ocean seven big god allied armies, arrived at Earth! 2028年3月3日,封神大典当日,星海七大神教联军,降临地球! PS: Second offers, the author fungus continues to write third ^ _ ^ PS:第二更奉上,作者菌继续去写第三更^_^
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