ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1155: Cauldron broken ten thousand army( before dawn (3 - 5 am))

Gathers on Chen Fan in the entire world vision, waits for him to reply. Beside Earth, seven big god allied armies, cover of sun-blocking most starry sky. 在全世界目光都汇聚陈凡身上,等待他回答的时候。地球之外,七大神教联军,遮天蔽日的遮盖住大半个星空。 But Son of God sits well on the chariot, both hands are controlling the Divine Beast descendant's pulling a cart beast, the vision faintly is staring at Earth. 而诸位神子端坐在战车上,双手驾驭着神兽后裔的拉车兽,目光淡漠的盯着地球。 Arrived does not know, this Chen Beixuan can meet under the main hall rune/symbol Zhao.” Qiao Zhen said with a smile. “到不知,这陈北玄会不会接大殿下符诏。”乔真笑道。 In addition Qiao Zhen Qiao Yu brother and sister, altogether eight Son of God, powerhouse from seven big god most backbones. They are far from Yì gān or the class/flow of solar Son of God, with battlefield, innumerable on behalf of god toward going to battle, cultivation base is the terrifying to the extreme, even if in this battlefield, talked and laughed merrily as before. 加上乔真乔御兄妹,一共八位神子,都来自七大神教最中坚的强者。他们远非易乾或太阳神子之流,久经战场,无数次代表神朝出战过,一身修为更是恐怖到极点,哪怕在这战场上,依旧谈笑风生。 Looked that his bone is very hard, is not necessarily able to meet.” Whole body Galaxy surrounds, the on the back grows silver wing, the both pupils day rose the moonset the Son of God light say/way. “看他骨头挺硬,未必会接。”一个周身星河环绕,背生银翅,双瞳日升月落的神子淡淡道。 Everlasting Sect second Son of God king prestige. 无极宗第二神子‘王威’。 Finishes God Level Divine Ability Yin-Yang eye, it is said his pair of eye pupil, is expected to put on Nine Nethers three, does not have the thing not to observe, no one did not look, Gods and Ghosts all knows, is terrifying. But Qiao Yu actually knows, king prestige genuine is fierce, is behind him that pair of silver wing. That is valuable wing that’ pair of Inborn spirit treasure makes, was built up to turn into terrifying Divine Ability by him, can display the Peak heavenly treasure battle efficiency, a wing thousand li (500 km), void transfers, the fight escapes, is fierce. 精修化神级神通‘阴阳眼’,据说他一双眼瞳,可望穿九幽三界,无物不观,无人不看,神鬼皆识,非常恐怖。但乔御却知道,王威真正厉害的,是他背后那一双银翅。那是一对天生灵宝制成的‘宝翅’,被他炼化成恐怖神通,能发挥出巅峰天宝的战斗力,一翅千里,虚空挪移,无论是战斗还是逃跑,都非常厉害。 Impenetrably thickheaded, withstood great pressure was also thinking how to turn inside out the day, did he think us the small scale like Yì gān? The Great Power layout begins, foolproof plan. I and other army attacking army has reached the city, for strikes full power, the entire Earth throwing off. What card in hand no matter he has, what method, what Divine Ability, down to entirely the strong strength grinds. This is I and other great sect conduct, open and aboveboard, why must to play what evil spirit to be stealthy?” A Supreme Beginning God Realm Son of God light say/way. “冥顽不灵,泰山压顶了还心想着怎么把天翻过来,他以为我们是像易乾那样小打小闹吗?大能布局落子,算无遗策。我等十万大军兵临城下,为的就是全力一击,把整个地球给掀翻掉。不管他有什么样的底牌,什么样的手段,什么样的神通,统统以至强力量碾碎掉。这才是我等大教行事,堂堂正正,何须玩什么妖魔鬼祟?”太初神境一位神子淡淡道。 Correct.” 不错。” Son of God completely all nods. 诸位神子尽皆点头。 This your highness has given him to choose the opportunity, as for whether grasps, in he. If really dares to resist stubbornly. The armies arrive at Earth directly, smashing that entire Northern Jade presses. I must have a look but actually, by wonderful that you blow, was known as that Golden Core cuts Primal Infant, clone losses Yì gān Chen Beixuan, has what three heads and six arms.” Wears golden armor, such as under one round of big day Emperor Apollo main hall across the sky Qin wind, said lightly. “本殿下已经给了他选择机会,至于是否把握,在他自身。若真的胆敢顽抗。大军直接降临地球,把整个北琼都压的粉碎。我倒要看看,被你们吹的神乎其神,号称金丹元婴,分身易乾陈北玄,到底有什么三头六臂。”身披金甲,如一轮大日横空的太阳神朝大殿下秦风,淡淡说道。 Many people know. 许多人都知道。 This Emperor Apollo present age's first Son of God, is the descendant of Emperor Apollo that Great Emperor. 这位太阳神朝当代第一神子,乃是太阳神朝那位大帝的后裔。 Although he is not solar Great Emperor parent-child, but within the body is flowing the bloodlines of that invincible Great Emperor. Inherited the Emperor Apollo gold family Golden Crow bloodline, is the invincibility of genuine. even/including Xuduo live the Old Monster thing that 34 long live, not necessarily is under this main hall the opponent. As for Yì gān wait/etc., before him, collapses at the first blow. 他虽然不是太阳大帝亲子,但体内流淌着那位无敌大帝的血脉。继承了太阳神朝黄金家族的‘金乌血统’,乃是真正的无敌。连许多活了三四万岁的老怪物,都未必是这位大殿下对手。至于易乾等,在他面前,更是不堪一击。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Qin Fengguo palm in the god armor, closely is pulling the reins. But that is drawing the chariot, have several the hundred zhang (333 m) size fully, the whole body covers in Golden Flame nine wing hot phoenixes, exudes the long songs and calls, shatters Heaven and Earth, in the mouth puts out a several-mile column of flame, spans void, is born just like the gods. Even on Earth countless people, saw spatially on that day on, red hot mark that suddenly appeared. 秦风裹在神甲之中的手掌,紧紧挽着缰绳。而那头拉着战车,足有数百丈大小,浑身笼罩在金焰中九翅火凤,发出长长的鸣叫声,震裂天地,口中更吐出一道长达数十里的火柱,横亘虚空,宛如神明降世般。连地球上无数人,都看到那天空上,突然现出的赤色火痕。 His both pupils is not wang happy no sad Chen Fan. 双瞳无喜无悲望着陈凡 Chen Fan's choice not, in Qin wind considered, he only needed to make the judgment, fought or falls two choices. Qin wind had fought many battles, fought the halberd to own under tutelage chariot subsequent hand , from not the least bit has suspected. Many powerful Sect and cultivation base profound Primal Infant ancient cultivate, die under the Emperor Apollo army, seven big god army simultaneous/uniform arrive, Chen Fan will not have the least bit means of livelihood now. 陈凡的抉择并不在秦风考虑中,他只需要做出判断,战或降两种选择罢了。秦风身经百战,对自己座下战车后手中战戟,从没有半点怀疑过。多少强大的宗门修为精深的元婴古修,都陨落太阳神朝的大军下,如今七大神军齐至,陈凡绝不会有半点活路。 Other Son of God, think like this. 其他神子,同样这样认为。 Chen Fan in their eyes, on the fish like that block, is waiting for under the blade. 陈凡在他们眼中,如同那砧板上的鱼,就等着下刀。 Chen Beixuan, the way out in the front, how elected to look at your oneself.” 陈北玄,生路就在面前,怎么选全看你自己了。” Qiao Yu lowers the head, looks to Earth. 乔御低头,望向地球。 At this moment. 此刻。 Not is only outside the starry sky. 不仅仅是星空之外。 Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch and Priest Soaring Clouds and Jiao Zun and fall firmiana sect Old Ancestor, cultivator that in the entire main hall attended the ceremony, and even including Qin Dong the Mu Deng person, is looking at Chen Fan anxiously, waits for words that in his mouth puts out. 安珀天君凌云道长、蛟尊者、落梧宗诸位老祖,整个大殿内观礼的修士,乃至包括秦东穆等人,都紧张望着陈凡,等待他口中吐出的话。 The following those words, will be very likely to decide the Northern Jade high and low several tens of thousands people, and even the life and death of Earth several billions all living things. 下面那句话,将极有可能决定北琼上下数万人,乃至地球数十亿众生的生死。 Complies not to comply?’ ‘答应还是不答应呢?’ Qi Xiu'er and the others also intertwine. 祁秀儿等人也纠结。 Although this receives to seal/confer Shenjiang, must submit to Emperor Apollo, but the god is very rampant Naslin, once conquered by killing Northern Jade, a fist causes heavy losses to A'Xiu in the presence of everyone. But they also do not hope, Chen Fan struggles hard to throw down Life for them. Seven big god allied armies arrive, obviously threatens, powerhouse converges. Only Naslin god on can sweep away Northern Jade Faction all powerhouse, let alone seven big Son of God, 100,000 god khaki cloth? 尽管这受封神将,明显要臣服于太阳神朝,而那神将纳兰无比嚣张,曾血洗北琼,更一拳当众重创阿秀。但她们同样不希望,陈凡为她们苦战到把生命都丢下。七大神教联军降临,明显气势汹汹,强者云集。区区一个纳兰神将就能横扫北琼派所有强者,何况还有七大神子,十万神军呢? Divine Monarch, may should , to constrain for the time being well.” The clear stone three people pass on Divine Sense secretly, supplies ideas. 神君,可暂且应下,拖住就好。”清石三人暗传神念,出谋划策。 Snort, Sir Divine Monarch is well-born, where needs to act servilely to trivial Emperor Apollo.” Jiao Zun cold snort/hum refuted. “哼,神君大人出身高贵,哪需要给区区太阳神朝卑躬屈膝。”蛟尊者冷哼反驳。 Chen Fan in his eyes, is the True Martial Immortal Sect disciple, at the worst when waits for the army to be imminent, Chen Fan this card in hand lifts. Solemn Immortal Sect successor, even if Divine Transformation kisses/intimate, also does not dare really to kill Chen Fan. Otherwise the Nine Heavens ten places, not necessarily have that Divine Transformation the institute of taking shelter, True Martial Immortal Sect are furious, must conquer by killing Sect, chasing down the horizon is the Chen Fan revenge. 陈凡在他眼中,乃是真武仙宗的弟子,大不了等大军临头时,陈凡把这张底牌掀开。堂堂仙宗传人,哪怕化神亲至,也不敢真的杀了陈凡吧。否则九天十地,都未必有那位化神的容身之所,真武仙宗震怒,必然要血洗一个宗门,追杀到天边为陈凡复仇。 Divine Monarch is careful, Qin wind, king prestige as well as Qiao Zhen Qiao Yu and the others, were in this generation most splendid Son of God, by far general Son of God. Although Divine Monarch is well-born, but the sword does not have the eye, not have the conflict with them to well.” Jiao Zun similarly transaudient. “不过神君小心,那秦风、王威以及乔真乔御等人,都是这一代中最出色的神子,远胜一般神子神君虽然出身高贵,但刀剑无眼,还是不要与他们起冲突为好。”蛟尊者同样传声。 Great Elder, Shen Xi and Longevity sovereign Li Yuan and others, cannot bear send greetings joins the discussion. 大长老神曦长生宗主李元等,都忍不住传音加入讨论。 Great Expert / everybody argued, Chen Fan should accept Emperor Apollo rune/symbol Zhao, if accepted, has what advantage. If not accept, how can avoid the crises of seven big god capping. 大家争论,陈凡到底应不应该接受太阳神朝符诏,若接受了,有什么好处。若不接受,怎么能躲避七大神教压顶的危机。 Only the A'Xiu small fist grasps firmly stubbornly, a pair of beautiful pupil looks tight to Chen Fan, in the heart even also the faint trace fear. 只有阿秀小拳头死死攥住,一双美眸紧张望向陈凡,心中甚至还有一丝丝害怕。 Chen Beixuan, are you what intent?” Naslin god will wait not anxiously, frowns said. 陈北玄,你是何意?”纳兰神将等不急,皱眉道。 God?” “神将?” Chen Fan opens the mouth finally, he opens mouth, on the face reveals one to laugh. 陈凡终于开口,他一张嘴,脸上就露出一丝嗤笑。 What's wrong, don't you comply?” Naslin god complexion one cold. “怎么,你不答应?”纳兰神将脸色一冷。 Haha, does only god on want to make the main body act servilely? You are anything, dares to stand in the sky, spoke with the main body like this. Thinks that the backer, the main body doesn't dare to report the enmity of past years?” Chen Fan is saying, both hands are pressing the arm rest on seat, sets out slowly, the eye pupil has swept Naslin god and seven big god allied armies above Nine Heavens, crosses the hands behind the back to sneer saying: “哈哈,区区一个神将就想让本尊卑躬屈膝?况且你算什么东西,敢站在天空,和本尊这样说话。以为有了靠山,本尊就不敢报当年之仇了吗?”陈凡说着,双手压着座椅上的扶手,缓缓起身,眼眸扫过纳兰神将和九天之上的七大神教联军,负手冷笑道: Nonsense Son of God, one flock of ants.” “狗屁神子,一群蝼蚁罢了。” Such remarks, the full house vibrates. 此言一出,满场震动。 Even many Son of God above Nine Heavens, complexion slightly cold. Under the main hall Qin Fenggeng was the vision ice looks coldly to Chen Fan, under tutelage nine wing hot phoenix long cry, the scarlet flame fired Heaven and Earth, changed to the second Sun horizontally in void. 九天之上的诸多神子们,同时也脸色微冷。大殿下秦风更是目光冰寒望向陈凡,座下九翅火凤长鸣,赤焰灼烧天地,化作第二轮太阳般横在虚空 Naslin god the complexion will change at the scene, is looking at Chen Fan icily: Chen Beixuan, you are really impenetrably thickheaded , Your Highness Son of God a anger, the non- trillion life pain wail, cannot extinguish.” 纳兰神将的脸色当场大变,冷冰冰望着陈凡:“陈北玄,你真的要冥顽不灵,要知道,神子殿下一怒,非亿万生灵痛苦哀嚎,不能熄灭。” Outside many Earth and territories cultivator , hates bitterly, such as Qin Dong Mu Deng, only slaps his thigh, was the stupid decision that Chen Fan made sighs. Then the good condition does obeisance in the front, once in a thousand years, Earth must become Star Ocean great sect and Emperor Apollo subordinate fiefdom, how can Chen Fan reject? Too stupid, was too crude. 许多地球和域外修士,更是痛心疾首,如秦东穆等,只拍大腿,为陈凡所做的愚蠢决定而叹息。那么好的条件拜在面前,千载难逢,地球就要成星海大教太阳神朝的直属封地,陈凡怎么能拒绝呢?太愚蠢,太鲁莽了。 Qin Dong thought. 秦东穆自思。 If oneself stand in that has knelt kotows, feeling pleased met the god aim in the hand. Henceforth Qin Yong Town Earth, inherits a lot of generations, is the local despot of Earth, what wonderful taste is that? How many heads trivial knocks, how many flatters patted to be considered as what? 若是自己站在那,早就跪地叩首,喜滋滋的把神旨接在手中了。从此秦家永镇地球,传承千百代,做地球的土皇帝,那得是什么美妙滋味?区区给人磕几个头,拍几句马屁算得了什么呢? Even has Su Family or An Family / settle down some ancient mouth awries: 甚至有苏家安家的一些宿老歪嘴: My this son-in-law, other good, is the temperament is too smelly, did not know that adjusts?” “咱家这个女婿,别的都好,就是脾气太臭,就不晓得变通一下?” Air/Qi Su Yanghao wants to carry the walking stick to hit the person. 气的苏养浩都想拎着拐杖打人。 Song Yufeng shook the head: 宋禹峰更是摇头: Walks, nothing attractive.” “走吧,没什么好看的。” Then, bringing Jiang Feifei to tread the front door. 说完,带着姜菲菲踏出大门。 The general situation has decided that since Chen Fan chooses to die the road, that Divine Immortal descended to earth unable to save him. The space enormous and powerful 100,000 armies are ready to make trouble, several pulling a cart Divine Beast descendants, in the mouth the turnover clouds and mist, are hitting the sound nose, harbors evil intentions to stare at Chen Fan, prepares to throw momentarily, conquered by killing this planet, rips the smashing Chen Fan. 大局已定,陈凡既然选择必死之路,那神仙下凡都救不了他。天上浩浩荡荡的十万大军更蠢蠢欲动,几尊拉车的神兽后裔,口中吞吐着烟霞,打着响鼻,都不怀好意盯着陈凡,准备随时扑下去,血洗了这个星辰,把陈凡撕成粉碎。 „, Since you do not know to repent, that god on waiting to be looking that your Northern Jade was conquered by killing for the second time, when the time comes the army is imminent, looked whether you did lament?” Naslin god will sneer to shake the head, turns around to leave. “罢了,既然你不知悔改,那本神将就等着看你北琼第二次被血洗吧,到时候大军临头,看你是否悔恨?”纳兰神将更冷笑摇头,转身就欲离开。 At this time, a faint sound, conveyed from him suddenly: 这时,一个淡漠的声音,忽然从他背后传来: Naslin, you injures my disciple, the slaughter my Northern Jade, thinks this can draw back?” “纳兰,你伤我弟子,屠我北琼,以为就这样能退的吗?” What's wrong, do you also dare to kill me to be inadequate?” Naslin god will turn the head funnily. “怎么,你还敢杀我不成?”纳兰神将好笑转头。 If Chen Fan dares to begin to him, that really alienates oneself in front of Son of God, even if under the main hall Qin wind favored him again, prepared to gather, was impossible to keep the hand again, Chen Fan this was, cut off own escape route thoroughly, with seven big god continue(s) until one side dies. Naslin god does not believe he has such guts. 陈凡若敢对他动手,那就真是自绝于诸位神子面前,哪怕大殿下秦风再看好他,准备招揽,也不可能再留手了,陈凡此为,是彻底斩断自己的后路,与七大神教不死不休。纳兰神将绝不相信他有如此胆量。 But next quarter. 但下一刻。 Roar! 吼! Six big evil spirit jump out from Chen Fan back void suddenly fiercely, will grasp firmly Naslin god, six big evil spirit will collaborate, will fly high to hold on it. In Naslin god in incomparably panic-stricken vision, in Chen Fan ate in light words. Will rip the round number truncation Naslin god fiercely in the sky, bites Ying Shougeng to cry out strangely, on the one hand grasps, Naslin god who the whole face panic-stricken desire escapes Primal Infant, grips in the hand. No matter Naslin god sad and shrill miserable howling, swallows in its entire Primal Infant the entrance, on the apes and monkeys face the eye partly narrows the eyes, reveals the incomparably satisfied appearance. 六尊大妖魔突然从陈凡背后的虚空中猛地跳出,一把攥住纳兰神将,六大妖魔联手,将其凌空拉住。在纳兰神将无比惊恐的目光中,在陈凡‘吃了吧’的淡淡话语中。猛地将纳兰神将当空撕成数截,噬婴兽更是怪叫着,一手抓出,将满脸惊恐欲逃跑的纳兰神将元婴,攥在手中。不管纳兰神将的凄厉惨嚎,一口将其整个元婴吞入口中,猿猴脸上眼睛半眯,露出无比满足的样子。 But from beginning to end, Chen Fan eye view void, looked Naslin god who has not given up on, as if he is only ants, is not worth paying attention. 而从头到尾,陈凡都眼观虚空,看都没看死去的纳兰神将,仿佛他只是一只蝼蚁般,不值得关注。 . 紧接着。 Bang! 轰! Chen Fan clone stamps the feet, changes to golden great cauldrons of three foot two ears, brings the monstrous waves sound of thundering, like passes through the Heaven and Earth golden god rainbow together, vertical, has flown across Nine Heavens, bangs into to 100,000 armies in fiercely, like the brave general of ten thousand men enemy, the blade cuts the butter, cracked-up does not know that many Golden Core cultivator , bringing many stump residual limbs to break the arm, the blood overflows, in the entire sky, pulled out a long bloody road. 陈凡分身一跺脚,化作一座三足两耳的金色巨鼎,带着轰鸣的巨浪声,如同一道贯穿天地的金色神虹般,纵地而起,横越过九天,猛地撞入到十万大军中,如同万夫莫敌的猛将般,刀切牛油,一路撞碎了不知道多少尊金丹修士,带着诸多残肢断臂,鲜血四溢,在整个天空中,都拉出一道长长的血路来。 At that moment, the Nine Heavens ten places, everyone shocks. Including Son of God and Soaring Clouds Priest and the others, stare the big eye, cannot believe that Chen Fan dares to withstanding great pressure 100,000 army initiative making a move. 那一刻,九天十地,所有人都为之震撼。连诸位神子凌云道长等人,都瞪大眼睛,不敢相信,陈凡敢对泰山压顶的十万大军主动出手 Only has Wang Family king Xuanlong slaps his thigh: 只有王家的王玄龙一拍大腿: Strong, this is Chen Beixuan that I know, Chen Divine Monarch!” “壮哉,这才是我认识的陈北玄,陈神君!” No matter what your thousand difficult ten thousand hindrances, my one person to work as it! 任你千难万阻,我一人当之! PS: Before dawn (3 - 5 am) offers, asking the monthly ticket to ask the recommendation ticket, under the propaganda WeChat public number ten li (0.5 km) sword god main body, renewed several attractive leading ladies while convenient recently original, has not added can add ^ _ ^ PS:第五更奉上,求月票求推荐票,顺便宣传下微信公众号‘十里剑神本尊’,最近更新了好几位漂亮女主角的原画哦,没加的可以加一下^_^
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