ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1149: Immortal Technique!( Second)

Dives to cultivate/repair after these days, since Chen Fan rebirth, cultivation many Merit Law Divine Ability, combed. He soon discovered, cultivates the becoming an immortal infant biggest advantage, not in nine immortals and on vigorous Magic Power. 经过这段时间潜修,陈凡将自己重生以来,所修行的诸多功法神通,都梳理了一遍。他很快发现,修成仙婴最大的好处,并非在九大仙则和雄浑的法力上。 In fact, the Saint step is the world apex. 实际上,圣阶就是人间顶点。 On Chen Fan first builds True Martial Holy Body, once contended with the in Legends immortal clan descendants, is not weak slightly leeward, by a pair of iron fist, it was known as Immortal Body that does not extinguish, beats. On Magic Power Divine Ability, Saint Grade Golden Core and Saint step Primal Infant, not compared with pill of immortality immortal infant weak many. Both fundamental disparity is, under high of Law(s), and difference of strength essence. 陈凡上一世修成真武圣体,曾与传说中仙族后裔抗衡,不弱丝毫下风,更以一双铁拳,将其号称不灭的仙体,都生生打烂掉。论法力神通,圣品金丹、圣阶元婴,也并不比仙丹仙婴弱多少。两者根本差距在于,法则的高下,以及力量本质的不同。 Immortal infant is the rank that Immortal Realm can practice successfully, when it uses Magic Power, brings continuously immortal Origin Strength naturally. This immortal Origin Strength belongs to Immortal Realm cultivator alone, the quality above ordinary True Essence, even if Saint level Merit Law cannot compare. Various magic spell Divine Ability, by the immortal Origin Strength stimulation of movement, the natural might rise dramatically a big truncation, the effect is also entirely different. ‘仙婴’属于仙界才能修成的等级,所以它动用法力时,天然带着一缕缕仙元力。这仙元力独属于仙界修士,质量远在普通真元之上,哪怕圣级功法也比不上。各种法术神通,以仙元力催动,自然威力暴增一大截,功效也迥然不同。 For example Chen Fan this cultivation Grand Dao Furnace Scripture, may change to a great cauldron, smelts ten thousand laws. Now, on that incense burner, increased many plain traces, the Chen Fan careful identification, impressively is the Nine Heavens Immortal mark. 比如陈凡这一世修行的‘大道熔炉经’,原先可化作一尊巨鼎,熔炼万法。如今,那炉鼎上面,增添了不少古朴的纹路,陈凡仔细辨认,赫然是九天仙纹。 This makes the Primal Spirit palace to be ordinary a main hall, has the immortal mark to carve to draw above, Chen Fan strikes is not easily able to damage. 这造元神殿不过普通一座大殿,有仙纹刻绘在其上,就连陈凡一击都轻易无法损毁。 ‚The Grand Dao furnace now was held by immortal mark in addition, the prestige can become even more vast indistinct, such as to Sun Son of God, Chen Fan does not even need to use Magic Power again, receives with the cauldron conveniently, can its refine the ashes. 大道熔炉’如今被仙纹加持,威能变得越发浩瀚缥缈,如再对上太阳神子,陈凡甚至无需动用法力,随手用鼎一收,就能将其炼成灰灰。 But Innate air/Qi Great Seizing Hand five Samsara to extinguish technique likeFire-Trigram Fiery Golden Pupils extremely greatlyand other magic spell, similarly has the remarkable change, has to in Legends Immortal Technique sign of development. 而像‘离火金瞳’‘先天一气大擒拿手’‘五极轮回大灭术’等诸多法术,同样发生惊人变化,有向传说中的‘仙术’发展的迹象。 Even simple ‚the True Martial 36 types, sway in the Chen Fan hand now, solely one Heaven Seizing Hammer, makes entire make the Primal Spirit palace to thunder, the endless Vitality Law(s) gathering in this, reassigns energy of heaven and earth in surrounding area thousand li (500 km), full power eruption, even can hit the crack the land. 甚至连简单的‘真武三十六式’,如今在陈凡手中挥洒,单单一个揽天锤,就让整个造元神殿轰鸣,无尽元气法则汇聚于此,把方圆千里内的天地之力抽调一空,全力爆发,甚至能把大地都打裂。 .” “呼。” Solar Son of God hides in the corner, looks at Chen Fan to develop the law, in the eye full is alarmed and afraid. 太阳神子躲在角落中,看着陈凡演法,眼中满是惊惧。 He more looks despairs. 他越看越绝望。 magic spell Divine Ability that Chen Fan evolves, from the beginning also in solar Son of God understanding range, but more in the future, will appeared unable to guess. For example Chen Fan displays Thunder Prison Spirit Blade, a blade cuts, void blasting open, appears a several-ten feet black crack, even makes in the Primal Spirit palace a giant stone column, was almost cut two sections by Chen Fan. 陈凡演化的法术神通,一开始还在太阳神子理解范围内,但越往后,就显得无法揣测。比如陈凡施展雷狱神刀,一刀斩出,虚空炸裂,现出一道长达数丈的黑色裂纹,甚至连造元神殿中一颗巨大的石柱,都差点被陈凡斩成两截。 Solar Son of God really startled. 太阳神子是真的惊了。 He enters in the Enters Godhood palace with several other Son of God, has experimented. Even if oneself and the others strike full power, is unable to shake this dark stone wall slightest, this temple is ancient, after hundred million ten thousand years Years, does not know that is what Great Power construction, but solar Son of God understands, certain non- and the others can imagine, even the emperors from household god towards reveres, not necessarily has this ability. 他和其他几位神子入神殿中,早就试验过。哪怕自己等人全力一击,都无法撼动这黝黑石壁分毫,这处神殿古老缥缈,历经亿万载岁月,不知道是什么大能建筑而成,但太阳神子明白,一定非自己等人能想象,甚至连自家神朝的帝尊,都未必有此能耐。 Thump!” “咚!” The Chen Fan both hands circle, the glittering and translucent carving palm covers in a piece of within the golden light, displays True Martial God Fist, fights with the fists on the wall. Cliff that the nameless black stone casting becomes, deeply was pounded a wash bowl size by him fist mark, although recovers quickly, but makes solar Son of God alarmed and afraid as before. 陈凡双手化圆,晶莹剔透的手掌笼罩在一片金光中,施展真武神拳,一拳打在墙壁上。无名黑石铸造而成的石壁,被他深深砸出一个脸盆大小的拳印,虽然很快复原,但依旧让太阳神子惊惧。 Arrived finally. 到最后。 Chen Fan works as one, draws out the rusty stain stained dark iron bar, with ‚a flying immortal sword the method chops. 陈凡哐当一声,拔出锈迹斑斑的黝黑铁条,以‘飞仙一剑’的法门劈出。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At that moment, in the entire temple, Light Glow greatly rises, the glittering and translucent carving immortal light is radiant, good luck thousand, auspicious light transpiration. 那一刻,整个神殿中,都光芒大盛,晶莹剔透的仙光璀璨,瑞气千条,祥光蒸腾。 On the rusty dark iron bar, the innumerable verdigris and rusty stains also abate, the release trillion immortal glow, the boundless vast pressure stuffs in the temple, making Heaven and Earth tremble fiercely, an boat in entire temple vast ocean, although the innumerable immortal marks appear from stone wall, is resisting the Chen Fan's strength, actually does not help matters. The surrounding area demon within several thousand li (0.5 km), shivers to kneel down, only thinks that in the temple seems a cepheus to raise. 锈迹斑斑的黝黑铁条上,无数铜绿和锈迹同时消退,释放出亿万道仙芒,磅礴浩瀚的威压充塞神殿内,让天地都剧烈震颤,整座神殿似汪洋大海中的一只小船般,虽然无数仙纹自石壁上浮现,抵挡着陈凡的力量,却也无济于事。方圆数千里内的魔物,更是颤抖跪下,只觉神殿中似有一尊仙王升起。 Cuts!” “斩!” A Chen Fan sword chops. 陈凡一剑劈出。 The enormous and powerful immortal prestige releases, almost grinds solar Son of God Divine Soul, if not Chen Fan deliberately shelters, even if perhaps he in sword blade Edge, but receives the pressure, will be shaken the powder dust, not to mention faced directly the sword prestige. 浩浩荡荡的仙威就释放出来,差点把太阳神子神魂都碾碎,若非陈凡刻意庇护,恐怕他哪怕在剑锋边缘,只是受到威压,也会被震成碎末,更不用说直面剑威了。 Works as.” “哐当。” Immortal Weapon chops in stone wall. 仙兵劈在石壁上。 The innumerable immortal marks also appear, stone wall Exalted Immortal light is radiant, many golden marks appear, wants to stop this sword. But this strikes, is Chen Fan stimulates to movement by immortal infant Magic Power full power, controls a terrifying sword that break Immortal Weapon cuts, these cliffs eventually are only the ordinary Immortal Realm constructions, is unable to block this to pursue Divine Transformation strikes. 无数仙纹随之浮现,石壁上仙光璀璨,诸多金色阵纹现出,想要阻拦这一剑。但这一击,是陈凡以仙婴法力全力催动,驾驭一柄断裂仙兵斩出的恐怖一剑,这些石壁终究只是普通仙界建筑罢了,根本无法挡住这直追化神的一击。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In solar Son of God dumbfounded, in that incomparably big stone wall, was cut a huge fissure that forcefully is the hundred zhang (333 m), the crack from a stone wall end, spreads to another end, almost deducts the entire bedstone wall two sections. What is more terrifying, the immortal mark in stone wall, was divided to destroy by this sword, is unable to restore again, this means that makes in stone wall of Primal Spirit palace, will leave behind this hundred zhang (333 m) sword mark forever. 在太阳神子目瞪口呆中,那无比高大的石壁上,被硬生生斩出了一道长达百丈的巨大裂痕,裂纹从石壁一端,蔓延到另外一端,差点把整座石壁都劈成两截。更恐怖的是,石壁上的仙纹,被这一剑劈毁,再也无法修复,这意味着,造元神殿的石壁上,将永远留下这道百丈剑痕。 This person of cultivation base, perhaps in most powerful remote antiquity Elder(s) compared with my Emperor Apollo, had no time to let.’ In solar Son of God heart raised a clear(ly) to become aware. ‘这人的修为,恐怕比起我太阳神朝中最强大的太上长老们,也不遑多让了吧。’太阳神子心中升起一丝明悟。 Chen Fan all sorts of methods, already a Aloof Primal Infant category. 陈凡种种手段,已经超脱一个元婴的范畴。 Can compare favorably with these to dive to cultivate/repair the innumerable years, half foot enters into Divine Transformation, almost igniting Divine Fire Old Monster thing. Even facing genuine Divine Transformation Great Power, is it is estimated that weak plans. 可以媲美那些潜修无数年,半只脚迈入化神,差点点燃神火老怪物们。甚至面对真正化神大能,估计也就弱一筹罢了。 Solar Son of God even guessed, Chen Fan's cultivation base, in entire Star Ocean, can arrange under Divine Transformation first ten. 太阳神子甚至猜测,陈凡的修为,在整个星海之中,于化神之下也能排进前十。 This is not small south Heavenly Ranking and so on, the list of youngster row of no authority. But the major immortal gods, as well as hides in many Star Region, in major Sect closes up painstaking cultivation, lived does not know that many ten thousand years of old Undying and Old Monster thing, was counted completely, was first ten. Thinks that terrifyingly? 这可不是什么‘小南天榜’之类,年轻人排的毫无权威的榜单。而是把各大不朽神教,以及潜藏在诸多星域,各大宗门中闭关苦修,活了不知道多少万年的老不死老怪物、全部算上,位列前十。想想那有多恐怖? These old Undying, have been separated from the Primal Infant category, the graces brings Divine Art, but easily steamroll dozens over a hundred Primal Infant, are solar Son of God is also far from the enemy of their striking. 那些老不死的,早就脱离元婴范畴,举手投足都带着化神法则,可轻易碾压数十上百的元婴,便是太阳神子也远非他们一击之敌。 Founder Divine Monarch, this fellow in entire does not abandon Star Region, it is estimated that really can walk unhindered.’ In solar Son of God heart considers. ‘诸位教主神君不至,这家伙在整个遗弃星域,估计真能横着走了。’太阳神子心中思量。 Chen Fan also wants to train nine Divine Thunderfive Samsara to extinguish technique again certainly extremely greatlyYears and other genuine Great Divine Ability, but has a look to shrink solar Son of God one that trembles in the corner, overruled. 陈凡本来还想再演练一下‘九绝神雷’‘五极轮回大灭术’‘岁月’等真正大神通,但看看缩在角落瑟瑟发抖的太阳神子一眼,就否决了。 These Divine Ability, if displays by Magic Power of immortal infant, really can make Heaven and Earth overturn, the livelihood surges, entire makes in the Primal Spirit palace and surrounding area thousand li (500 km), perhaps besides him, no one can live. 那些神通,若以仙婴的法力施展出来,真的能让天地翻覆,日月激荡,整个造元神殿和方圆千里内,恐怕除了他之外,没人能活下来。 My this whole life really from not Magic Power surpasses Mortal Body, grasps such powerful Magic Power for the first time, rare excited.” Chen Fan shakes the head with a smile: „, The difference of Divine Ability magic spell drilling, should go out to look for these great sect to calculate the general ledger.” “我这辈子还真从没法力超出肉身过,第一次掌握这么强大的法力,难得兴奋啊。”陈凡笑着摇头:“罢了,神通法术演练的差不过,该出关找那些大教们算总账。” He raised the head, the both pupils looking straight ahead top of the head, the vision as if penetrates makes the Primal Spirit palace, penetration top of the head endless void, sees beside that Earth, many vast army who converges to come! 他抬头,双瞳直视头顶,目光仿佛穿透造元神殿,穿透头顶无尽虚空,看到那地球之外,诸多云集而来的浩瀚大军!
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