ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1148: Goes out( first)

Earth. 地球。 The time has stepped to 2028, from the Everlasting Sect third Son of God Yì gān arrival, has passed by to be close for a half year, but seals convention of god grand ceremony also to approach. At this time, Earth human found, Universe that they were, was so crowded. 时间已迈至2028年,距离无极宗第三神子易乾驾临,已经过去接近半年,而封神大典的召开也临近。这个时候,地球人类才发现,他们所在的宇宙,是如此拥挤。 Day billows star, hibernation of insects far star, Heavenly Jupiter and Yan gu star and black fog star... 天澜星、蛰远星、天木星岩古星、黑雾星... Does not calculate that these Alien Race ancestor stars, solely abandon Star Region practice planet, came dozens. Each planet, at least Primal Infant cultivator arrival, but also leads many Golden Core disciples to come. Entire Chuzhou, by tide of people being filled. A'Xiu and Lu Yanxue wait/etc., arranges outside these territories urgently cultivator , disperses to surrounding Tianhe City ‚the Qingshui city goes. 不算那些异族祖星,单单遗弃星域修炼星辰,就来了数十个。每个星辰,至少有一位元婴修士驾临,还带着诸多金丹弟子前来。整个楚州,早就被人潮给挤满。阿秀陆燕雪等,紧急安排这些域外修士,分散到周围的‘天河市’‘清水市’去。 Even if this, the tide of people surges as before. 哪怕这样,依旧人潮涌动。 Since this has been abandons Star Region 100,000 years, seals the god grand ceremony for the first time, major planet Immortal Cultivator, is curious, so long as Heavenly Road is interlinked, puts together completely to catch up. 这是遗弃星域十万年以来,第一次封神大典,各大星辰修仙者们,也都非常好奇,只要天路相通,拼尽一切都赶来。 Now the Chuzhou person, walks on the avenue, often sees to ride the giant flamingo, beautiful female who as high as two or three ten feets, wears the bright red feather, that came from Huǒ sāng star Immortal Cultivator. The whole body skin is plain, both pupils is emerald green, the hoarse-voiced Alien Race person, this is not Human Race, but is Heavenly Jupiter wooden clan cultivator . Again or, the whole body sea-blue skin, wraps sea clan powerhouse in huge blister. 如今楚州人,走在大街上,不时见到乘坐巨大火鸟,高达两三丈,身穿鲜红羽毛的美艳女子,那是来自火桑星的修仙者。或浑身皮肤古朴黝黑,双瞳翠绿,声音沙哑的异族人,这不是人族,而是天木星的木族修士。再或者,周身海蓝色皮肤,包裹在一个巨大水泡中的海族强者 Golden Race, Wolf Clan and Blood Clan, are Heavenly Jupiter and hibernation of insects far star and day billows star cultivator . 无论是黄金族狼族血族,还是天木星、蛰远星、天澜星的修士 After Zhang Old Ancestor and Blood Clan Primal Infant wait/etc. were cut kills, Chen Fan has not been ruthless, allows them to come Earth to attend the ceremony as before, but must comply with the Northern Jade Faction legal rules, as long as some people dare to hold strong humiliation human, kills without the amnesty! In fact, these dark Alien Race, no one dares to draw out the heart of tiny bit resistance again, the Chen Fan situation has become, clone can cut to kill Son of God Yì gān, how dare do they revolt? 在张氏老祖血族元婴等被斩杀后,陈凡并没有赶尽杀绝,依旧允许他们前来地球观礼,但必须遵从北琼派的法律规则,但凡有人敢持强欺凌人类,杀无赦!实际上,这些黑暗异族,也无人再敢起一丝一毫反抗之心,陈凡大势已成,一个分身都能斩杀神子易乾,他们怎敢反抗? Now, entire Earth Alien Race, trembles under the Chen Fan's deterrent. But over time, from sealing the god grand ceremony is getting more and more near, Earth also falls into the happy sea similarly. 如今,整个地球异族,都在陈凡的威慑下瑟瑟发抖。而随着时间推移,距离封神大典越来越近,地球同样也陷入欢乐海洋中。 Chuzhou. 楚州 Outside suburb a villa. 郊区外一栋别墅。 After Jiang Feifei and several little friends said goodbye, went to that villa, she was stubborn, after knowing the Chen Fan status, is not willing to live on Fog Mountain, is not willing to receive the Northern Jade kindness, finally Aunt Tang was helpless, chose a villa for her in Yangui Lake. 姜菲菲和几个小伙伴告别后,就向那栋别墅而去,她性格倔强,知道陈凡身份后,死活不愿意住在云雾山上,也不愿受北琼恩惠,最后唐姨无奈,为她在燕归湖边选了一栋别墅。 Here topography is remote, unvisited, unique alone institute. 这里地势偏僻,人迹罕至,独门独院。 Before Jiang Feifei arrives at the gate, facial features one austere, deeply inspires, opens the garden front door, sees a middle-aged man who wears Black Clothes, crosses the hands behind the back standing proudly to stand center the garden, hears to push gate sound not to return said: 姜菲菲走到门前,面容一肃,深吸一口气,推开庭院大门,就见一个身穿黑衣的中年男子,负手傲立站在庭院正中,听到推门声头也不回道: You came back, said goodbye with these friends?” “你回来了,和那些朋友告别了吗?” Disciple has complied with the Teacher decree, has taken one's leave with them respectively, said that must go out to travel far for three years.” Jiang Feifei bows respectfully, in beautiful pupil suddenly has one to hesitate: „Didn't Teacher, really tell my aunt? She to me best, although before some misunderstanding, but urged me to enter Northern Jade Faction cultivation as before repeatedly, the disciple was not really cruel enough to see her body dead.” “弟子已经遵从老师的旨意,和他们分别拜别过,就说要出去远游三年。”姜菲菲恭敬一躬身,美眸中忽的带着一丝迟疑:“老师,难道真不告诉我伯母吗?她对我最好,之前虽然有些误会,但依旧屡次劝我进北琼派修行,弟子实在不忍心见她身死。” Your that aunt, involves with Northern Jade Faction too deeply, is doomed to shoulder this tribulation, ahead of time told her, died.” The Black Clothes man shakes the head slowly. “你那伯母,与北琼派牵扯太深,注定扛不过这一劫,提前告诉她,也难道一死。”黑衣男子缓缓摇头。 Jiang Feifei knows own this mysterious Teacher, Divine Ability are general, the method cannot cross measures. 姜菲菲知道自己这神秘老师,神通广大,手段不可渡测。 If nothing else, since she does obeisance into this person of Disciple, in short one year, Jiang Feifei by Profound Opening initial stage, cultivates to Innate initial stage, this method, is really wonderful. Not to mention, this Teacher lived in more than half a year in Chuzhou City, assumes the Fog Mountain summit Chen Fan clone, is actually not able to see clearly this close Black Clothes man. 别的不说,自从她拜入这人门下,短短一年内,姜菲菲就由通玄初期,修至先天初期,这手段,实在神乎其神。更不用说,她这老师楚州市住了大半年,坐镇云雾山巅的陈凡分身,却始终无法洞察到这近在咫尺的黑衣男子。 This indicated, this Teacher Divine Ability, at least is not under Chen Fan. 这说明,她这老师神通,至少不在陈凡之下。 But, disciple, although does not like Chen Beixuan, but actually also knows, his cultivation base is terrifying. Even Everlasting Sect third Son of God Yì gān, is far from his opponent? If told him ahead of time the news, making him prepare, could support?” Jiang Feifei hesitates, finally blows up the brave gas channel/angrily said. “可是,弟子虽然不喜欢陈北玄,但却也知道,他修为非常恐怖。连无极宗的第三神子易乾,也远非他对手啊?若提前告诉他消息,让他准备,说不定能撑过去呢?”姜菲菲迟疑一下,最终还是鼓起勇气道。 Snort.” “哼。” The Black Clothes middle-aged person complexion transfers coldly, moderately snort/hum sound. 黑衣中年人面色转冷,不轻不重的哼了声。 Immediately, in the villa garden, is the spring day was thick, the sunny and warm warm world, temperature drop the freezing point, even Vitality in air freezes in a twinkling, ten zhang (3.33 m) high Spirit Tree that the garden middle plants, withers instantaneously, changes to the dark deadwood. Jiang Feifei by the terrifying pressure, was frightened passes kneels down, the whole body shivers. 顿时,别墅庭院内,本是春日浓浓,阳光和煦的温暖世界,霎时间温度降到冰点,连空气中的元气似都冻结,庭院中间种植的一株十丈高灵树,更是瞬间枯萎,化作黝黑枯枝。姜菲菲更被恐怖威压,吓得噗通跪倒在地,浑身颤抖。 But surprisingly, outside the garden, the spring breeze ten li (0.5 km), the pedestrian passed by as before, does not seem to detected the matter in garden slightly. Assumes the Fog Mountain summit Chen Fan, closes eyes to dive to cultivate/repair, similarly turns a blind eye to at the foot of the mountain one. 而让人惊讶的是,庭院之外,依旧春风十里,行人路过,仿佛丝毫未察觉庭院内的事情。坐镇云雾山巅的陈凡,闭目潜修,同样对山脚下的一幕视若无睹。 Master... the teacher appeases anger.” “师...师尊息怒。” The Jiang Feifei first time, the genuine experience to the dignity of Black Clothes man, only thinks that he such as being indomitable spirit Divine Demon, both pupils contains the endless dignity, even a pinky does not need to use, blows the tone to be able her easily to grind. Innate Peak cultivation base, before the man, was inferior including ants. 姜菲菲第一次,真正见识到黑衣男子的威严,只觉他如一尊顶天立地的神魔般,双瞳蕴藏着无尽威严,甚至连一根小拇指都无需动用,吹口气就能把她轻易碾碎。先天巅峰修为,在男子面前,连一只蝼蚁都不如。 My this is Teacher, who? The feeling is stronger than Chen Beixuan.’ In the Jiang Feifei heart is pleasantly surprised. ‘我这师父,到底是什么人?感觉比陈北玄还要强啊。’姜菲菲心中又惊又喜。 Gets up.” “起来吧。” A Black Clothes man anger receives. 黑衣男子一怒既收。 After Jiang Feifei shivers the tender body is setting out, he shoulders both hands lightly saying: You are only this planet ordinary mediocre young girl, does not know the Star Ocean deep place, the terrors of these immortal gods. Yì gān? Hehe , he although is Son of God, but in Everlasting Sect, including first ten first 20, former 30 cannot even stand in line.” 姜菲菲颤抖着娇躯起身后,他才背负双手淡淡道:“你只是这颗星辰的一个普通凡俗少女,根本不知道星海深处,那些不朽神教的恐怖。易乾?呵呵,他虽然是神子,但在无极宗中,连前十甚至前二十、前三十都排不上。” „?” Jiang Feifei is amazed. “啊?”姜菲菲惊诧。 The Black Clothes man shakes the head to sneer saying: Can the standing proudly starry sky, rule an immortal god of Star Region, terrifying? Every 3000 years one generation of Son of God, solely also living Son of God, Everlasting Sect had Five Dynasties. Yì gān is only one of the fifth-generation Son of God. Not to mention, although these have not built Divine Grade Golden Core, but the natural talent is peerless, cultivation is very remote, even touches the Old Monster thing of boundary of Divine Transformation, according to Legend, in Everlasting Sect entrance ancestor star, even there is exactly 50,000 years of Undying remote antiquity Elder(s), its was away from Divine Transformation, really really only missed half foot, that half foot entered, may ascend a height to get a broad view the summit of Divine Transformation.” 黑衣男子摇头冷笑道:“一个能傲立星空,统治一个星域的不朽神教,得有多恐怖?每3000年一代神子,单单还活着的神子,无极宗就有五代。易乾只是第五代神子之一罢了。更不用说,那些虽未修成神品金丹,但却天资绝世,修行无比久远,甚至触摸到化神之境的老怪物们,据传说,在无极宗山门祖星,甚至有活了五万年不死的太上长老,其距离化神,真真只差半只脚,那半只脚一入,就可登临化神之巅。” Not to mention, each immortal great sect, Primal Infant Golden Core cultivator , frequently tens of thousands. Earth merely is ordinary planet, his Chen Beixuan is strong, does a person energy enemy cross the mighty force?” “更不用说,每一个不朽大教,元婴金丹修士,动辄成千上万。地球仅仅是一颗普通星辰,他陈北玄再强,一个人能敌过千军万马吗?” Speaking of this, the Black Clothes man turns head: I, if told you, now beside the Solar System, over 100,000 Golden Core armies converges, Primal Infant enough several hundred, taught Great Elder and Son of God to come more than more than ten respectively, on sealed the god grand ceremony arrival, strikes Earth is ground into dust. You are confident, can Chen Beixuan block?” 说到这,黑衣男子回头:“我如果告诉你,现在在太阳系之外,就有超过十万个金丹大军云集,元婴足足数百尊,各教大长老神子来了不下十几位,就等封神大典到来时,一击把地球碾成齑粉。你还有信心,陈北玄能挡住吗?” This?” Jiang Feifei static sound. “这?”姜菲菲静声了。 Although she loathes Chen Fan, but is actually from the heart the hope, Chen Fan can cross this tribulation. After all if Chen Fan suffers defeat, entire Jiang Jia, Aunt Tang, Jiang Churan wait/etc, no one can escape obviously. 她虽然厌恶陈凡,但却发自内心希望,陈凡能够渡过此劫。毕竟若陈凡败北,整个姜家、唐姨姜初然等等,显然无一人能逃脱。 But Jiang Feifei actually discovered sorrowfully, if really looked like the Black Clothes man to say such, do not say Chen Fan, the entire Earth tied up, could not block this full army struck. 姜菲菲却悲哀发现,若真像黑衣男子所说那样,不要说陈凡,整个地球绑上去,也挡不住这铺天盖地大军的一击。 Teacher, even your also having no way help/gang Earth?” Jiang Feifei final effort. 老师,连您也没法帮一下地球吗?”姜菲菲最后努力。 Although she does not know own this Teacher detailed origin, actually knows indistinctly, his name Song Yufeng, stemmed from south to leave Star Region ordinary planet, the family destroys south Immortal Religion went on a punitive expedition against leaves in the war. Afterward Song Yufeng for the enmity of report family, single held a sword to enter Immortal Religion, the successive defeats Immortal Religion ten three peaks peak lords, alarmed Immortal Religion Divine Monarch making a move finally, repelled its severe wound. In the Star Ocean deep place, has alone traveler the reputation. 她虽不知道自己这老师详细来历,却隐约知道,他名‘宋禹峰’,出自南离星域的一颗普通星辰,家族毁在长生教征伐南离战争中。后来宋禹峰为报家族之仇,单人仗剑杀入‘长生教’,连败长生教十三峰峰主,最后惊动长生教一位神君出手,才将其重伤击退。在星海深处,有‘独行客’的美誉。 Although Song Yufeng was seriously injured, but can return alive from Divine Monarch, has been enough to shake Star Ocean, included under Divine Transformation of ranks most powerhouse. 宋禹峰虽受重伤,但能从神君手下生还,已足以名震星海,列入化神之下最强者之一行列。 I do not help, helpless.” Song Yufeng was on the rise, sound faint say/way: That Chen Beixuan, although natural talent Correct, but was extremely extremely arrogant. simultaneous/uniform Yunzong, the Bacchus sect and the Jinding sect Elder(s) disciples homicide are not anything, but thousand should not ten thousand not offend the immortal god, but, killed 89 Son of God, entire small Southern Heaven Realm, about half immortal god offends none.” “非我不帮,无能为力罢了。”宋禹峰抬头,声音淡漠道:“那个陈北玄虽然天资不错,但太过狂妄了。他杀的齐云宗、酒神宗、金鼎宗长老弟子都不算什么,但千不该万不该得罪不朽神教,还一口气,杀了八九位神子,把整个小南天境,近半的不朽神教都得罪精光。” „Is Son of God can it be that good to kill? That is great sect in the future the seed of achievement Divine Monarch, one of the background. He dares to kill Son of God, must pay by the price that great sect leans to teach to attack.” 神子岂是好杀?那是一个大教未来成就神君的种子,底蕴之一。他敢杀神子,就要付出被大教倾教来攻的代价。” This abandons Star Region array, stops Divine Monarch making a move naturally. Otherwise has Divine Transformation Great Power to catch up early, a palm of the hand destroys the less than half place racket, him with Northern Jade Faction, makes into the fragment powder all.” “这还是遗弃星域法阵,天然制止神君出手。否则早有化神大能赶来,一巴掌把小半个地球拍毁,将他连人带北琼派,尽数打成齑粉。” Moreover, here is Central Mainland, the place of Immortal trapped/sleepy demon, the becoming an immortal big chance is. His Chen Beixuan wants to monopolize this startled day chance. Entire Star Ocean, is unable to accommodate him.’ In Song Yufeng the final heart is saying. ‘况且,这里是中土,仙人困魔之处,登仙大机缘所在。他陈北玄想独占此惊天机缘。整个星海,都无法容他。’宋禹峰最后心中说着。 These words, he will not say with Jiang Feifei. Wields the sleeves: 这些话,他自不会和姜菲菲说。只是一挥衣袖: Prepares, after seven days, on the day of seals the god grand ceremony to start, was I and others left the day of Earth.” “准备好,七日之后,封神大典开始那一天,就是我等离开地球之日。” Yes.” “是。” Jiang Feifei can only lower the head to kotow finally. 姜菲菲最终只能低头叩首。 In her heart knows, oneself this goes, since then the difference of Heaven and Earth, became Star Ocean well-known powerhouse Song Yufeng passed on the disciple, but Chen Fan, as well as entire Northern Jade Faction wanted die, but perhaps Earth several billions all living things, are unable so to light up with pleasure again. 她心中知道,自己这一去,从此云泥之别,成为星海闻名的强者宋禹峰的亲传弟子,而陈凡,以及整个北琼派都要陨落,而地球数十亿众生,恐怕也无法再如此喜笑颜开。 In the Jiang Feifei heart does not endure, her itself/Ben is the instinct kindhearted generation, but in Star Ocean various under the numerous pressure that teaches the army to threaten the border, her little miss, how can also prevent? 姜菲菲心中不忍,她本就是天性良善之辈,但在星海诸教大军压境的重重威压下,她一个小姑娘,又怎能阻止? Chen Fan, you if at that time attitude humbly, mild-mannered around 1 : 00 good. The Star Ocean Great Sects prestige energy, really my trivial Earth cannot resist.’ In the Jiang Feifei heart sighed. 陈凡,你当时若态度谦卑一点,柔顺一点多好。星海大教的威能,真非我区区地球能抵抗的啊。’姜菲菲心中一叹。 At this moment. 此刻。 In Earth, Jiang Feifei, many people will be brought back to Star Ocean incessantly. 在地球,不止姜菲菲,还有不少人将被带回星海 rogue cultivator in these Star Ocean, although does not know that Earth raises the immortal place, actually knows that here human can so rapidly cultivation, Innate Skill / Gift is inevitably astonishing. Therefore before riding various great sect have not been coming, first ahead of time robs some seedlings, when immortal great sect arrive, entire Earth this fat, will not have the opportunity that they meddle again. 这些星海中的散修们,虽不知道地球是养仙地,却知道这里人类能如此急速修行,天赋必然惊人。于是乘着各大教没来前,先提前抢走一些苗子,当不朽大教们降临时,整个地球这块肥肉,将再也没有他们插手的机会了。 Day and two days and three days... 一天、两天、三天... The 7 th day. 第七日。 When big day from the East raises, the first wisp of sunlight according to the Northern Jade Pavilion eaves, seals god grand ceremony opening the time. Makes Chen Fan in Primal Spirit palace, opens the eye slowly, should go out! 当大日自东方升起,第一缕阳光照在北琼阁屋檐上,封神大典正是开启的时候。造元神殿中的陈凡,缓缓睁开眼睛,该出关了!
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