ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1147: Origin Strength( first)

Ties Golden Core unlike others, when Chen Fan builds Primal Infant, serene, because Golden Core condenses infinite Vitality, inspires peripheral several hundred over a thousand li (0.5 km) Spirit Qi, but Primal Infant, so long as with the Law(s) resonance, holding Law(s) is one can the merit become. The strength of Law(s) is indistinct, non- to the Golden Core Primal Infant level, is unable to touch, besides that nine outs of phase, the average person could not feel the feeling. 与他人结金丹不同,陈凡修成元婴时,云淡风轻,因为金丹乃是凝聚无穷元气,引动周边数百上千里的灵气而成,而元婴,只要与法则共鸣,容纳法则为一身就能功成。法则之力缥缈,非是到了金丹元婴层次,根本无法触摸,除了那九种异相外,一般人连感觉都感觉不到。 But makes several big evil spirit and solar in Son of God Primal Spirit palace, prostrating oneself that actually the whole body trembles in the place, in the heart infinite was stuffed frightened. 但造元神殿中的几个大妖魔和太阳神子,却浑身颤栗的拜倒在地,心中被无穷恐惧充塞。 In their eyegrounds. 在他们眼底。 Although Chen Fan sits cross-legged as in that body aura must decline a big truncation compared with before, even Light Glow on Mortal Body dim obscure, resembles a fleeing the capital porcelain, was far from making a great show of one's talents before. But they only felt, Chen Fan sits in that since has existed like eternal, the graces, lift, even the finger has delimited void, is full of a rhyme. 陈凡虽然依旧盘坐在那,身上气息似比之前还要衰落一大截,连肉身上的光芒都黯淡晦涩,似一件蒙尘的瓷器般,远远没有之前锋芒毕露。但他们却只觉得,陈凡坐在那,就像万古以来就存在般,举手投足,一抬一顿,甚至手指划过虚空,都充满道韵。 Among this Heaven and Earth, infinite Law(s), as if echoes with Chen Fan, as he breathes every time one time, the invisible Law(s) world has giant tide. 天地之间,无穷的法则,似乎与陈凡相呼应,随着他每呼吸一次,无形的法则世界就发生一个巨大的潮汐。 They place oneself in the Law(s) world, felt that Chen Fan is all gods of control, the gods of ten thousand god, in the day the emperor reveres! 他们置身于法则的世界,就感觉陈凡是主宰的一切神明,万神之神,天中帝尊! Clip clop.” “哒哒。” Several big evil spirit many, they have also withstood the Chen Fan's pressure, was built up to change into certainly clone by Chen Fan, Qi Flow was connected, was used to the Chen Fan's power and influence. 几个大妖魔还好些,他们早就承受过陈凡的威压,更被陈凡炼化为准分身,气机相连,习惯了陈凡的威势。 But solar Son of God actually sees the Chen Fan power and influence full appearance for the first time, his golden Primal Infant, the whole body trembles is kneeling to bend down in the land. Solar True Fire of whole body flaming combustion, actually the mild-mannered post on him, as if meets at this moment unsurpassedly supreme, is respectful to Chen Fan. 但太阳神子却第一次见到陈凡威势全开的模样,他的金色元婴,浑身颤栗着跪伏在大地上。周身熊熊燃烧的太阳真火,此刻却柔顺的贴在他身上,仿佛遇见无上至尊般,对陈凡恭敬至极。 What's all this about? I am solemn Son of God, how can worship on bended knees to a peon! He is not Divine Monarch Great Power.’ ‘这是怎么回事?我是堂堂神子,怎能对一个无名小卒跪拜!他又不是神君大能。’ In solar Son of God heart rave. 太阳神子心中狂吼。 He wants to raise the head, the Emperor Apollo dignity cannot he so act servilely. But is from the heart with trembling of Law(s), making him link a finger unable to lift radically. The solar Son of God sorrowful discovery, oneself cultivation fire is Divine Ability Merit Law, in front of Chen Fan, is similar to meets a higher level, tiny bit True Essence is unable to use. 他想抬起头,太阳神朝的尊严不许他如此卑躬屈膝。但发自内心和法则的震颤,让他根本连一根手指都无法抬起。太阳神子悲哀发现,自己修行的火系神通功法,在陈凡面前,就如同遇见更高位阶般,一丝一毫的真元都无法动用。 ‚Is this Saint? No, the Saint should not make my Magic Power so frightened, when has not heard Son of God facing Holy Child, doesn't the strength of continually hitting back have?’ ‘这是圣则?不,圣则也不该让我的法力如此恐惧啊,没听闻神子面对圣子时,连还手的力量都没有啊?’ Solar Son of God goes all out to revolve, within the body True Essence also transfers quickly, he after all is solemn Son of God, is far from general cultivator may compare, but these fires are Magic Power actually dread about Chen Fan like the tiger, if he begins to Chen Fan, perhaps magic spell just released, dissipates in void independently. 太阳神子拼命运转,体内真元很快随之调动,他毕竟是堂堂神子,远非一般修士可比,但那些火系法力却对陈凡畏惧如虎,他若对陈凡动手,恐怕法术刚释放出去,就自主消散于虚空中。 Solar Son of God does to understand finally. 太阳神子终于搞明白。 Is the Law(s) issue. 法则的问题。 On Chen Fan, has compared with the fire of his higher level is Law(s), therefore the fire is Origin Strength is unable to have the function to Chen Fan. It can be said that starting today, Chen Fan may declare that was the fire is the Divine Ability immunity. So long as is not magic spell of Great Power personally making a move release, is unable to do to his slightest. 陈凡身上,拥有比他更高位阶的火系法则,所以火系元力无法对陈凡产生作用。可以说,自今日起,陈凡可宣称是火属神通免疫了。只要不是大能亲自出手释放的法术,根本无法奈何他分毫。 But solar Son of God cannot think through, what Law(s), has the so terrifying power and influence? 但太阳神子还是想不通,什么样的法则,拥有如此恐怖的威势呢? .” “呼。” At this time, Chen Fan moved. 这时,陈凡动了。 He stretches Mortal Body slowly, the plate two legs fall to step in the ground, both hands stretch oneself. 他缓缓舒展肉身,盘着的两腿落下踩在地上,双手伸了个懒腰。 Bang.” “轰隆。” When the Chen Fan both feet falls to the ground, an entire surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) land, shakes simultaneously, shakes solar Son of God and many demon is off their feet, land difficult situation tumbling. But in void, as Chen Fan is extending stretching, enormous and powerful Vitality changes to the force 12 wind violent, sweeps across entire makes the Primal Spirit palace. 陈凡双脚落地时,整个方圆数千里的大地,同时为之一震,把太阳神子和诸多魔物震得人仰马翻,大地似惊涛骇浪般翻滚。而虚空中,随着陈凡伸着的懒腰,浩荡的元气化作十二级风暴,席卷整个造元神殿。 The Profound Abyss Blackwater, the Primordial Chaos cyanogen, the void storm and Seven Fiends Divine Fire wait/etc many Law(s) appear, almost changes to the naked eye obvious out of phase, comes in Chen Fan behind one by one. When Law(s) appears, the fierce Vitality storm, shakes the entire main hall, the blown main hall wall rumble makes noise. If not the innumerable immortal marks appear from the wall on, blocked Law(s) manifest, perhaps surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) land, by these terrors Law(s) outs of phase destroying. 玄冥黑水、混沌青气、虚空风暴、七煞神火等等诸多法则浮现,几乎化作肉眼可见的异相,在陈凡身后逐一现身。当法则浮现时,剧烈的元气风暴,将整个大殿都撼动,吹的大殿墙壁轰隆隆作响。若非无数仙纹自墙壁上浮现,挡住了法则外放,恐怕方圆数十里的大地,都被这些恐怖的法则异相给摧毁。 Un?” “嗯?” Chen Fan frowns. 陈凡皱眉 He just built Primal Infant, strength of not familiar this suddenly inflation. Chen Fan puts out a hand, gradually attempted to grasp this to inflate did not know many time of strengths. 他刚刚修成元婴,还不熟悉这骤然膨胀的力量。陈凡伸手,逐渐尝试掌握这一身膨胀了不知道多少倍的力量。 Recited!” “吟!” The hot phoenix that be only the ruler the size, holds up the head to fly upwards appears in the Chen Fan palm. Whiz changes to all over the body the turtle snake two phase of jet black treads on Blackwater. Later, one after several other changes. 一只只有尺许大小,昂头飞扬的火凤出现在陈凡掌中。紧接着,嗖的一声又化作通体漆黑脚踏黑水的龟蛇二相。之后,又接连数种变化。 These changes, Chen Fan has not used tiny bit Magic Power, condenses with the aid of Law(s) merely. 这些变化,陈凡没有动用一丝一毫法力,仅仅是借助法则凝聚。 It can be said. 可以说。 Even if this moment Chen Fan Magic Power completely loses, is only ordinary people one, he borrows ***, then strength, can easily grind kills Primal Infant. As Chen Fan has a familiar task and handles it with ease, after many Law(s) outs of phase take back one by one, in the main hall returns tranquilly. 此刻陈凡哪怕法力尽失,只是凡夫俗子一个,他借用***则之力,也可以轻易碾杀元婴。随着陈凡驾轻就熟的,将诸多法则异相逐一收回后,大殿内才回归平静。 But several big evil spirit and solar Son of God, almost die in that Law(s) storm, is Profound Abyss Divine Liquid is the flame is too clear Second Wood cyanogen, wants the desire immortal that they toss about. In solar Son of God heart with amazement, is almost impossible to describe with the language: 而几个大妖魔和太阳神子,差点在那法则风暴中陨落,又是玄冥神水又是火焰又是太清乙木青气,把他们折腾的欲仙欲死。太阳神子心中的骇然,几乎无法用语言形容: This fellow builds Primal Infant, Tribulation Transcendence became Divine Transformation, like this to be how terrifying? My his little Vitality leak cannot withstand...’ ‘这家伙到底修成元婴,还是渡劫化神了啊,怎么会这样恐怖?我连他一点点元气外泄都承受不住...’ Solar Son of God only thinks own this Primal Infant, is false. 太阳神子只觉自己这个元婴,是不是假的。 But at this moment, in the Chen Fan eyes shut, engage in self-examination, start to inspect to look at this practice achievement. His Divine Sense has swept Violet Palace, sea of qi, Primal Infant as well as all the limbs and bones five main internal organs (entrails). Crossed for a long time, Chen Fan opens eyes slowly, in the pupil Light Glow is complex, not only brings joyfully and faint trace is unwilling. 而此刻,陈凡双眼微闭,反躬自省,开始内视查看此次修炼的成果。他的神念扫过紫府、气海、元婴以及四肢百骸五脏六腑。过了许久,陈凡缓缓睁开眼,眸中光芒复杂,既带着喜悦又有一丝丝不甘。 If pure calculates by world Primal Infant Stage, I have entered into Primal Infant realm officially. Nine immortals also condense, practice successfully unprecedentednine kinds of immortals Primal Infant eternally, even if in the in Legends immortal clan, or Heaven, can be the natural talent to be peerless, foundation was abundant. ’ In the Chen Fan heart considers. ‘如果单纯以人间元婴期来算的话,那我已经正式迈入元婴境界。九种仙则同时凝聚,修成万古未有的‘九仙元婴’,哪怕在传说中的仙族,又或者天界,都算得上天资绝世,根基雄厚了。’陈凡心中思量。 Ordinary Divine Grade Golden Core breaks through Primal Infant, most can grasp 1-2 types god. Four gods were known as small Southern Heaven Realm first, then in central Galaxy that Chen Fan knows, can practice successfully 89 types god, is very few. 普通神品金丹突破元婴,最多能掌握1-2‘神则’罢了。四种神则就号称小南天境第一,便是在陈凡所知的中央星河,能修成八九种‘神则’的,也少之又少。 But Saint Grade Golden Core, the concise Law(s) difficulty is higher. 圣品金丹,凝练法则的难度更高。 On first Chen Fan repairs twice, when ascends Primal Infant again also five types Saint. This time can the one breath, condense nine immortals completely, although incomparably reluctantly, even pays Mortal Body to blast open continuously nine times, almost overstated, price that Vitality damaged severely, but reached one's goal instantly eventually, did not need all sorts of immortals to go again troublesome comprehended concise. 上一世陈凡两次重修,再登元婴时也不过五种‘圣则’。这次能一口气,把九种仙则全部凝聚,虽然无比勉强,甚至付出肉身连续炸裂九次,差点走火入魔,元气大伤的代价,但终究一步到位,不需要一种种仙则再去麻烦的参悟凝练。 But... this is only the world Universe standard.’ Chen Fan sighed lightly. ‘可是...这只是人间宇宙的标准啊。’陈凡轻叹。 World Immortal Cultivator, often concentrates on one type, the building up god who Refining Qi Refining Qi and Body Refining Body Refining, refining up the god. After all few has the person, can also give dual attention, advances in unison simultaneously practice the three to Peak. The energy and resources of this consumption were too many, If nothing else, Chen Fan light concise Golden Core level Immortal Body, spent the innumerable resources, finally by 12 groups of Immortal Qi, considers the merit greatly becomes. 人间修仙者,往往专注一种,炼气炼气炼体炼体、炼神的炼神。毕竟鲜少有人,能够同时兼顾,把三者齐头并进同时修炼巅峰。这耗费的精力和资源实在太多了,别的不说,陈凡淡淡凝练一个金丹仙体,就花费了无数资源,最后靠十二团仙气,才大告功成。 Generally ancient Jiaoshen toward, where has such luxurious approach. 一般古教神朝,哪有这么奢侈的做法。 On that wisp of all colors Immortal Qi, in Universe, can auction the sky-high price, even buys a Divine Treasure embryo to have more than enough to spare. Even Divine Transformation Great Power and ancient Saint see eyes are red. 就那一缕五彩仙气,在宇宙中,就能拍卖出天价,甚至买一件神宝胚子都绰绰有余。连化神大能和古圣看到都眼红。 Can the three with cultivating, inevitably is top Immortal Sect or ancient Holy Land, has this grade of background. 能三者同修,必然是顶级仙宗或古老圣地,才有这等底蕴。 I can condensenine kinds of immortals Primal Infant, already steamroll present age talent, on foundation as abundant as the extreme. Evildoer/Monstrous talent and to strong physique that beyond except that several Innate become, few foundation above me. What a pity, this is only the standard of the world... ’ Chen Fan is dissatisfied, keeps sighing. ‘我能凝聚‘九仙元婴’,已经碾压当世天才,在根基上雄厚到极点。除了那几个先天而成的妖孽和至强体质外,几乎没人根基在我之上。可惜,这只是人间的标准...’陈凡却不满足,长吁短叹。 He remembers, in the past once in some close to the grand ancient tablet of Immortal Realm potential surface on, saw a paragraph of writing, records Heaven cultivation level, a few words, have a vivid memory now. 他记得,当年曾在某个临近仙界位面的宏伟古碑上,看到一段文字,记述天界修行的层次,其中一段话,现在还记忆犹新。 So-called Primal Infant, the immortal infant, Immortal Body, Immortal Soul, must to the Primal Infant level, thus the three unite, bursts out infinite Divine Power, Origin Strength saying, is the cultivation initiation...’ ‘所谓元婴,仙婴、仙体仙魂,皆得至元婴层次,从而三者合一,迸发无穷神力,谓之一元之力,乃修行启始...’ This so-called Origin Strength, refers to Heaven Life, practice to the Primal Infant level, the vigor three unites, the most basic force has. It is said Immortal Cultivator of Heaven, but also takes this as foundation, establishes rule of one set of strength correspondence. A lot of Origin Strength quantities such and such levels have.” “这所谓的‘一元之力’,指的是一尊天界生命,修炼元婴层次,精气神三者合一,所具备的最基础力量。据说天界的修仙者,还以此为根基,编制出一套力量对应的规则。某某层次具备多少多少元力量。” Naturally. 当然。 The strength value is only the value, genuine fights, eternally changing, is not the pure several values can decide the victory and defeat. Divine Ability, magic spell, treasure, Array, spell, the Martial Dao even fight consciousness wait/etc, affects the final victory and defeat key. 力量数值只是数值,真正战斗起来,变化万千,绝非单纯的几个数值能够决定胜负。神通法术、宝物、阵法、符咒、武道甚至战斗意识等等,都影响最后胜负关键。 If by pure strength calculation, what on the first strength value is strongest is not Chen Fan, but actually only then he, ascends a height to get a broad view the summit of Universe, overlooks ten thousand boundary/world. 若以纯粹力量计算,上一世力量数值最强的绝非陈凡,但却只有他,登临宇宙之巅,俯瞰万界。 But, this Origin Strength, truly is a base number. Has this strength, can calculate in Universe bases, even walks various macrocosms, shuttles back and forth two channels, roams through the Primordial Chaos space, will not be torn into shreds together by the casual space storm. It is said in Heaven, only then after having Origin Strength, is genuine Immortal Cultivator, in the future the be likely Longevity looking for a long time, to grow up like a wild animal.” “不过,这‘一元之力’,确实是一个基数。拥有这个力量,才能算在宇宙中立足,甚至行走各大世界,穿梭两界通道,遨游混沌空间,不会被随便一道空间风暴就撕碎掉。据说在天界,只有具备‘一元之力’后,才算一个真正修仙者,未来有望长生久视,就像一只野兽成年了般。” Chen Fan is considering. 陈凡思虑着。 Origin Strength some all sorts of Great Divine Ability, are far from the pure strength index. But ancient stone tablet described, only had superficial one to bring: Builds Origin Strength, may depress Divine Transformation!’ 元之力有种种大神通,远非单纯的力量指数。而古碑描述中,仅有轻描淡写的一句带过:‘修成一元之力,可压下界化神!’ Difficult of Divine Transformation, is hard the last blue sky. 化神之难,难于上青天。 Even if on first, Chen Fan steps into the Primal Infant level, does not dare to talk wildly to be possible enemy Divine Transformation. But Origin Strength may press Divine Transformation, is that the multi- terrifying strength? 哪怕上一世,陈凡踏入元婴层次,也不敢放言可敌化神。而一元之力就可压化神,那得是多恐怖的力量啊? In Chen Fan regards itself. 陈凡内视自身。 Discovered although oneself immortal infant Great Accomplishment, grasp nine immortals, the prestige can the terrifying to the extreme. But makes the resources in Primal Spirit palace, insufficiently lets Chen Fan's Immortal Body and Immortal Soul radically advances the Primal Infant level similarly. Simply speaking, he at this moment, only then immortal infant arrives at the Immortal Realm standard Primal Infant level, but Immortal Body and Immortal Soul, but also is the Golden Core level. 发现自己虽然仙婴大成,掌握九种仙则,威能恐怖到极点。但造元神殿内的资源,根本不够让陈凡的仙体仙魂同样推到元婴层次。简单来说,他此刻,只有‘仙婴’到达仙界标准的元婴级,而仙体仙魂,还属于金丹级。 Magic Power of Primal Infant level, Mortal Body and Divine Soul of Golden Core level. Said, my strength, does support only to calculate half Origin Strength?” Chen Fan frowns. 元婴级的法力,金丹级的肉身神魂。这么说,我的力量,撑死只能算‘半元之力’?”陈凡皱眉 Makes Immortal Qi in Primal Spirit palace is too few, but Chen Fan this preparation collects some resources again, 1-2 years later arrives abandons outside Star Region again Prove the Dao Primal Infant. Now facing the Star Ocean Great Sects threat, has to be ahead of time, eventually seems hasty, this time breaks through Primal Infant, can only calculate step half. 元神殿中的仙气太少,而陈凡本准备再搜集一些资源,1-2之后到遗弃星域外再证道元婴。如今面对星海大教的威胁,不得不提前,终究显得仓促,此次突破元婴,只能算进阶一半。 But, half Origin Strength on semicircle, by my Chen Beixuan's Divine Ability. I do not believe that this abandons Star Region, who can keep off me semicircle to strike.” Quick, Chen Fan tidies up the mind, in the corners of the mouth reveals one to sneer. “不过,半元之力就半元,以我陈北玄的神通。我就不信,这遗弃星域,有谁能挡我‘半元一击’。”很快,陈凡收拾心神,嘴角间露出一丝冷笑。 Then some time. 接下来一段时间。 In the Chen Fan sitting cross-legged main hall, collects some Immortal Qi to do as before spare, simultaneously then repairs Divine Ability. Immortal infant mysterious with strength, is above Chen Fan to be unexpected. This his practice Fire-Trigram Fiery Golden Pupils Antiquity Five Elements divine weapon Innate air/Qi Great Seizing Hand and other Divine Ability magic spell, at this time under the stimulation of movement of immortal infant, appears the entirely different prestige energy, even True Essence has the marvelous change, making Chen Fan be unexpected. 陈凡依旧盘坐大殿中,收集一些仙气做备用,同时回头重修神通。仙婴的玄妙与力量,超乎陈凡预料之外。这一世他修炼的‘离火金瞳’‘太古五行神兵’‘先天一气大擒拿手’等诸多神通法术,此时在仙婴的催动下,显现出截然不同的威能,甚至连真元都发生奇妙变化,让陈凡始料未及。 But at this moment, seals the time of god grand ceremony, was getting more and more near. 而此刻,封神大典的时间,越来越近了。 The entire Earth and even small Southern Heaven Realm, the Du rain wants, the wind and cloud surges. 整个地球乃至小南天境,都山雨欲来,风云激荡。
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