ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1146: Immortal infant Great Accomplishment( third)

Whistling! 呼呼! Ancient palatial, all over the body spacious temple that in becomes by not the well-known black stone mold. The wind idle time, the Vitality solidification and dust fall to the ground, even the time in as if congeals at this moment. In void, only saw that a Chen Fan person sits cross-legged to sit in that. 古老巍峨,通体由不知名黑石塑造而成的宽大神殿中。风停歇、元气凝固、尘埃落地,甚至连时间在此刻仿佛都凝结。虚空中,只看到陈凡一人盘腿坐在那。 One minute and two minutes and three minutes... 一分钟、两分钟、三分钟... How long did not know in the past. 不知道多久过去。 Chen Fan is similar to a stone carving of clay sculpture, the whole body tiny bit aura does not have, the complete golden light restrains into within the body all, Magic Power fluctuates does not exist. Even the gloss on skin is also dim, died probably thousands of years. 陈凡就如同一个泥塑的石雕般,周身一丝一毫的气息都没有,全部金光尽数收敛入体内,连一点法力波动都不存在。甚至皮肤上的光泽也黯淡,就好像死去千万年般。 This condition, continued for three days and three nights. 这种状态,持续了三天三夜。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Bang. 轰隆一声。 Chen Fan's Mortal Body, blasts open fiercely. 陈凡的肉身,猛地炸裂开来。 The internal organs that the innumerable pale golden grace, the azure blood and all colors Light Glow cover, burst all, the blood scattered, explodes entire made the Primal Spirit palace completely, even his head has not stayed behind, only remained one group of golden light same place in the fierce ballooning. That rolls within the golden light, can see Chen Fan's Divine Soul indistinctly in fluctuate, spells goes all-out to compromise within the body rushes vast Vitality. 无数淡金色的仙骨、青色血液和五彩光芒笼罩的内脏,尽数破裂开来,鲜血四溅,炸满了整个造元神殿,连他的头颅都没有留下,原地只剩一团金光在剧烈鼓胀着。那团金光中,隐约可以看到陈凡的神魂在起起伏伏,拼尽全力调和着体内的澎湃浩大的元气 Concentrates!” “凝!” An obscure sound spreads. 一个晦涩的声音传出。 ! 唰唰! The innumerable blood, skeletons and internal organs fragment, from all directions, as if receive the invisible palm hauling to come completely, condenses in the golden light group locates, restores the Chen Fan's true body. 无数血液、骨骼、内脏碎片,全部从四面八方,仿佛受到无形的手掌牵引而来,重新凝聚于金色光团处,恢复陈凡的真身。 But just did not condense over two days. 但刚刚凝聚不超过两天。 Bang. 嘭的一声。 Mortal Body blasts open again, that golden light group compared with the former ballooning, among fierce Light Glow went all out to fluctuate, seemed to be the innumerable say/way qi energy to loaf, as if must also break open the entire light group momentarily. 肉身再次炸裂,那金色光团比之前更加鼓胀,其内剧烈的光芒拼命波动,似有无数道气劲游荡,仿佛随时要把整个光团也撑破般。 But at this moment, the Chen Fan Divine Soul complexion is still faint, but opens the mouth to drink one again. 但此刻,陈凡神魂依旧面色淡漠,只是开口再喝一声。 Many blood skeletons also condense again, change to Chen Fan Mortal Body. 诸多血液骨骼随之再次凝聚,化作陈凡肉身 So. 如此。 Continued continually nine times. 一连持续了九次。 Chen Fan Mortal Body breaks to rupture nine times, one by one broken thorough. Arrived finally, almost could not find including a bone of scrap negligible, changes to the fragment all. But Chen Fan condenses as before difficultly, although toward behind, condensed is more difficult, even Divine Fire on Chen Fan Immortal Soul, seems somewhat gloomy, Immortal Body that condenses, resembles brings the slight defect diamond together, before being far from, completion is like that powerful. 陈凡肉身破碎爆裂开来九次,一次比一次碎的彻底。到最后,几乎连一小块微末的骨头都找不到,尽数化作碎片。但陈凡依旧艰难凝聚,虽然越往后面,凝聚的越困难,甚至连陈凡仙魂上的神火,都显得有些黯淡无光,凝聚起的仙体,更似一块带着瑕疵的钻石,远没有之前那般圆满强大。 But Chen Fan forcefully, by unsurpassed Divine Ability, nine shatter, nine rebirth. 陈凡硬生生,以无上神通,九次破碎,九次重生 Each rebirth. 每一次重生 Although his Immortal Body the aura seems dim, but endless azure Divine Thunder explodes falls, many Law(s), the deep brand mark is one of them, lets the Mortal Body aura, appears the even more unadorned atmosphere, having a faint trace to be ancient, eternal uncertain say/way rhyme. Moreover these Law(s), not only enters Mortal Body, enters in True Essence and Divine Soul, making that golden light group also reduce. 仙体虽然气息显得黯淡,但无尽青色神雷炸落,将诸多法则,深深烙印在其中,让肉身的气息,显得越发古拙大气,带着一丝丝古老苍茫,永恒不定的道韵。而且那些法则,不仅进入肉身,同时也进入真元神魂之内,让那个金色光团随之缩小。 Bang!” “轰!” When ninth rebirth. 当第九次重生的时候。 The golden light group of Chen Fan within the body, reduces the extreme finally, changes to the goose egg size. That golden light group, is blooming gentle Light Glow, like a placenta. Among, the air/Qi of endless profound imaginary good fortune surges, is happening fierce and not for the miracle that the world knows. 陈凡体内的金色光团,终于缩小到极点,化作鹅蛋大小。那金色光团,绽放着柔和的光芒,如同一个胎盘般。其内,无尽玄幻造化之气涌动,正发生剧烈而又不为世人所知的奇迹。 Thump!” “咚!” Indistinct to incomparably fuzzy sound, transmits in that golden placenta, as if the heartbeat of baby. 一个隐约到无比模糊的声音,在那金色胎盘中传来,仿佛婴儿的心跳般。 . 紧接着。 Thump thump thump! 咚咚咚! Second, third tone and fourth tone... one by one powerful, to finally, such as the Deity beats a drum, vibrates Heaven and Earth. The surrounding area all lifeform within over a hundred li (0.5 km), were shaken the whole body to be weak. 第二声、第三声、第四声...一声比一声强大,到最后,如神人擂鼓,震动天地。方圆上百里内的所有生物,都被震得浑身酥软。 Bang!” “轰隆!” When ninth transmits. 当第九声传来时。 Surrounding area thousand li (500 km) all Primal Infant following demon, were shaken the smashing simultaneously, is these Primal Infant demon, was shaken bleeds profusely from the head, is seriously injured, courage entirely cracks, runs away to go all crazily outward. 方圆千里所有元婴以下的魔物,同时被震成粉碎,便是那些元婴魔物,也被震得七窍流血,身受重伤,无不肝胆俱裂,疯狂向外逃窜而去。 Hides in six Saint to seal/confer Mojie continually several big evil spirit, with solar Son of God Divine Soul, was also shaken, all dumbfounded is looking at Chen Fan. 连躲在‘六圣封魔界’中的几尊大妖魔,和太阳神子神魂,同时也被震了出来,无不目瞪口呆的望着陈凡 How was this?” “这是怎么了?” Solar Son of God cannot bear send out the doubts. 太阳神子忍不住发出疑惑。 He was suppressed more than one year in six Saint to seal/confer Mojie, to outside the matter, does not know. Mu Xiao, bites Ying beast to dance with joy actually, with hoarse obscure sound opens the mouth: 他被镇压在六圣封魔界中一年多,对外面发生的事情,并不知晓。倒是木枭、噬婴兽手舞足蹈,用沙哑晦涩的声音开口: Master... should in Tribulation Transcendence to become Ying!” “主人...应该在渡劫成婴!” Although their several Mortal Body was stave at that time, even Divine Soul will be cut to kill by Yin Haishen, but nourishes now for several months in six Saint to seal/confer Mojie, has restored such as beginning, has not damaged, even was more powerful than before. 它们几个虽然当时肉身破碎,连神魂都被尹海神将斩杀,但如今在六圣封魔界中滋养几个月,已经恢复如初,没有丝毫损伤,甚至比以前更强大。 Tribulation Transcendence to become Ying? Before this fellow, unexpectedly is really Golden Core?” Solar Son of God was shocked thoroughly. 渡劫成婴?这家伙之前,竟然真的是金丹?”太阳神子彻底惊呆了。 He before, thinks Chen Fan is also Divine Grade Golden Core to become Ying Son of God, but cultivation base is more powerful than him, the natural talent is higher than him, is some Immortal Sect or the Holy Land successor. 他以前,认为陈凡也是神品金丹成婴的‘神子’,只不过修为比他强大,天资比他更高,乃是某个仙宗圣地的传人。 Has not actually thought, Chen Fan unexpectedly is really Golden Core, condenses Primal Infant by the present. 却没想到,陈凡竟然真的是个金丹,到现在才凝聚元婴 This world, where Golden Core, can push about hundred Primal Infant horizontally, even my solemn does Son of God easily defeat?’ Solar Son of God is alarmed and afraid. ‚Are the Saint Earth Immortal sects in these starry sky most deep places, so really terrifying? Casual Golden Core, but steamroll my small Southern Heaven Realm Primal Infant Son of God?’ ‘这世间,哪有一个金丹,可以横推近百元婴,连我堂堂神子都轻易击败的?’太阳神子惊惧。‘难道那些星空最深处的圣地仙宗,真的都如此恐怖?随便一个金丹,都可碾压我小南天境元婴神子?’ The solar Son of God first time, from the heart dreads about Chen Fan. 太阳神子第一次,发自内心的对陈凡畏惧。 Or is to him behind, that stands tall and erect palatially, immeasurably deep ancient Sect fears. 或者说,是对他身后,那巍峨高耸,深不可测的古老宗门惧怕。 Reveals an corner/horn in that alarms the livelihood in front of terrifying Sect, Emperor Apollo that he was born, simply small and weak frail collapsing at the first blow. Perhaps Chen Fan Sect comes Great Power casually, stretches out a finger, can easily grind entire Emperor Apollo. 在那只是露出一角,就惊动日月的恐怖宗门面前,他出生的太阳神朝,简直弱小脆弱的不堪一击。恐怕陈凡宗门随便来一个大能,伸出一根手指,都可以轻易碾碎整个太阳神朝吧。 Strange, what he condenses is what Primal Infant? By his terrifying natural talent, at least must grasp the god, even Saint? I and other Son of God congealing infants time, but will appear the Inborn out of phase, with the Heaven and Earth Law(s) resonance. The out of phase that generally appears are more, the range is bigger, is stronger on Primal Infant that the representative condenses. How he has not demonstrated the out of phase, failed?’ In solar Son of God heart lives to have doubts suddenly. ‘不过奇怪,他凝聚的是什么元婴?以他的恐怖天资,至少得掌握神则,甚至圣则吧?我等神子凝婴的时候,可是会显现天生异相,与天地法则共鸣的。一般显现的异相越多,范围越大,就代表凝聚的元婴越强。他怎么没显示异相,难道是失败了?’太阳神子心中忽生疑惑。 . 紧接着。 Sees behind Chen Fan, appears black wave torrential Endless River fiercely, that Endless River is all over the body jet black, inside Blackwater crash-bang flows, has the Profound Abyss Qi breath of cold penetrating myriad things. 就看到陈凡背后,猛地显现出一条黑浪滔滔的长河,那长河通体漆黑,里面的黑水哗啦啦流淌,带着寒彻万物的玄冥气息。 Solar Son of God stares the big eye fiercely. 太阳神子猛地瞪大眼。 No! 不! Not is only behind Chen Fan. 不仅是陈凡背后。 In the sky of entire enormous and powerful immortal earth, appeared not to know that is many ten thousand li (0.5 km) Blackwater Endless River, billowing Profound Abyss Blackwater surged to interweave, changed to the dreadful monstrous waves, spanned the sky. 在整个浩荡仙土的上空,浮现了一条不知道长达多少万里的黑水长河,滚滚玄冥黑水在其中激荡交织,化作滔天巨浪,横亘天空。 The Primal Infant out of phase appears, moreover is so vast, almost stretches across the entire immortal earth. 元婴异相浮现,而且是如此浩大,几乎横跨整个仙土。 But this merely is the single layer. 但这仅仅是第一重。 Then, reaches to the sky, haunches the livelihood Primordial Chaos Divine Tree to reappear. Said innumerably the Primordial Chaos air current lets fall from Divine Tree on, each may easily cut to kill Golden Core. Divine Tree each trunk and branches picks up Galaxy, each leaf as if contains a world. 接下来,一株高耸入云,撑起日月的混沌神树浮现。无数道混沌气流自神树上垂落,每一道都可轻易斩杀金丹神树每一根枝干都托起一个星系,每一片树叶都仿佛蕴藏一个世界般。 Again then, has enormous and powerful Kun Peng to roam through Nine Heavens, shoulders a vault of heaven world, the whole body is covered by the endless Primordial Chaos space empty profound air/Qi, changes to giant black hole, similarly blocks the sky. 再然后,有浩荡鲲鹏遨游九天,背负一个苍穹世界,周身被无尽混沌空间的虚玄之气笼罩,化作一个巨大的黑洞,同样遮天蔽日。 Black Tortoise, Azure Emperor , Kun Peng and Lei Ze... 玄武青帝鲲鹏雷泽... Nine outs of phase 11 appear. 九种异相一一浮现。 Each type earth-shaking, covers the entire immortal earth. At that moment, all seeks for Star Ocean cultivator of chance in immortal within the earth, as well as many Primal Infant big monsters, are also on the rise, see this earth-shaking one. Some outs of phase even cannot cover, passes to Earth outside endless space. Some many people raise the head, see the in the air this unusual scene. But they mostly think that is which Great Cultivator the mirage or develops the law, shakes the head does not care, changes to for a while the subject. 每一种都惊天动地,笼罩整个仙土。那一刻,所有在仙土中寻找机缘的星海修士,以及诸多元婴大妖,同时抬头,见到这惊天动地的一幕。有些异相甚至遮盖不住,传到无尽空间外的地球上。有许多人抬头,见到空中这奇特的景象。但他们大多以为是海市蜃楼或哪位大修士演法,摇摇头就不在意,化作一时谈资罢了。 But solar Son of God was really shocked. 但太阳神子是真的惊呆了。 Two three types... genuine nine outs of phase. Moreover each type is so uncommon, such as I have not misread, that is Divine Beast Black Tortoise, Kun Peng and Vermilion Bird , thick earth Giant Ape? This is in Universe to Divine Beast! Is far from general Divine Beast may compare, about their cultivation methods, very few, each type is teaches Holy Land the secret of not passing on, this person of unexpectedly cultivation nine types?” “一种两种三种...真正九种异相。而且每一种都如此不凡,如我没看错的话,那是神兽玄武鲲鹏朱雀,还有厚土巨猿?这可是宇宙中的至神兽啊!远非一般神兽可比,关于它们的修行法门,少之又少,每一种都是古教圣地的不传之秘,这人竟然修行九种?” Solar Son of God looks at that between Heaven and Earth, endless Law(s) hands over the cry, the entire immortal earth has many immortal mark thunders. Especially when six Saint Ancestral Demon empty shades appear, in immortal earth, all demon bow the head to do obeisance surely simultaneously, respectfully like seeing Demon Lord is ordinary. 太阳神子看着那天地间,无尽法则交鸣,整个仙土都有诸多仙纹轰响。尤其是当六圣祖魔的虚影浮现时,千万里仙土大地上,所有魔物同时俯首拜下,恭敬如同见到魔主一般。 Who is this fellow? Why can simultaneously concise nine Law(s), moreover each Law(s) feels to me supreme, is similar to sees supreme Immortal God, even is more powerful than the god. Moreover each Merit Law, is so vastly boundless, with entire Heaven and Earth Law(s) the resonance, making Heaven and Earth jump for joy!” “这家伙到底是谁?为什么能同时凝练九种法则,而且每一种法则给我感觉都至高无上,就如同见到至上仙神,甚至比神则还要强大。而且每一种功法,都如此苍茫浩大,与整个天地法则相共鸣,让天地都为之雀跃!” Solar Son of God more is more alarmed more and afraid. 太阳神子越想越惊惧。 Nine heavy out of phase simultaneous/uniform present. 九重异相齐现。 Even if this in small Southern Heaven Realm history, most certainly generation of talents of also four heavy outs of phase. Builds four big gods, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered small Southern Heaven Realm various Star Region, is known as invincibly, finally becomes one generation of gods. 这哪怕小南天境历史上,最绝代的天才也才四重异相罢了。修成四大神则,纵横小南天境星域,号称无敌,最后更成为一代神主。 But Chen Fan builds nine heavy outs of phase, his natural talent compared with historically that god, terrifying? 陈凡修成九重异相,他的天资比起历史上那位‘神主’,又得有多恐怖? Thinks finally, solar Son of God hardly dares to imagine. 想到最后,太阳神子几乎不敢想象。 But all these, to Chen Fan, are successful. He wants the broken pill congealing infant, nine heavy outs of phase are only most foundations. After nine outs of phase appear one after another, his within the body that is sparkling the golden placenta of mild-mannered Light Glow, removes the light screen slowly. 而这一切,对陈凡来说,却是水到渠成的。他只要破丹凝婴,九重异相只是最基础的。当九种异相接连浮现后,他体内那闪耀着柔顺光芒的金色胎盘,缓缓褪去光幕。 Buzz! 嗡! Three cuns (2.5 cm) high Primal Infant, sits cross-legged to sit, float in Chen Fan Dantian sea of qi dead center. It only then child palm of the hand size, having delicate features, not the slightest difference from the Chen Fan's appearance, looks common. But that Primal Infant low eyebrow, the whole body is blooming the light immortal light, there is an eternally unchanging comfortable completion say/way rhyme. As if it sits in that the livelihood will crash the planet destruction not to vacillate the slightest, will be similar to the Nine Heavens Buddha say/way to revere to hang sits. 一尊三寸高的元婴,盘腿而坐,悬浮于陈凡丹田气海的正中心。它只有小孩巴掌大小,眉目清秀,与陈凡的容貌一般无二,看着毫不起眼。但那元婴低眉,周身绽放着淡淡的仙光,有一种永恒不变自在圆满的道韵。仿佛它坐在那,日月崩塌星辰毁灭也不会动摇分毫,就如同九天佛祖道尊垂坐般。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Black Tortoise, Kun Peng, Lei Ze and other heavy Divine Idol, appear behind Primal Infant one after another, changes to nine color Divine Light, surrounds behind Primal Infant, resembles a giant rotating disk. 玄武鲲鹏雷泽等九重神相,接连在元婴背后浮现,化作九色神光,环绕在元婴背后,似一个巨大的转轮。 Bang!” “轰!” Flash when Primal Infant presents. 元婴出现的一刹那。 Solar Son of God, Mu Xiao, bites Ying beast, and even the surrounding area all Primal Infant demon within several thousand li (0.5 km), like meeting the unsurpassed natural enemy, are centered on making the Primal Spirit palace kneeling that shivers all bends down place, lies prostrate in worship to Chen Fan, the whole body trembles to the extreme respectfully. 无论是太阳神子,还是木枭、噬婴兽,乃至方圆数千里内的所有元婴魔物,都如同遇见无上天敌般,以造元神殿为中心,尽数颤抖的跪伏一地,对陈凡顶礼膜拜,浑身颤栗恭敬到极点。 Yeah!” “哎!” A spooky deep sigh resounds in the temple. 一声幽幽长叹在神殿中响起。 By this time, Chen Fan opened exhausted and complex both pupils slowly. 到了这时,陈凡才缓缓睁开疲惫而又复杂的双瞳 The reincarnation repairs for 20 years, after many disasters, this nine kinds of immortals Primal Infant, built finally. 转世重修二十年,历经诸多劫难,这‘九仙元婴’,终于修成了。 PS: Three finished, asks the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket ^ _ ^ PS:三更完毕,求下月票和推荐票呢^_^
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