ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1145: Crosses the life and death( second)

Golden Core was broken. 金丹碎了。 The tiny crack, emerges out of thin air together on nine revolutions of Immortal Wheel, lets this round hang like the bright moonlight, above mark Black Tortoise Vermilion Bird Kun Peng Grand Dao Immortal Wheel, really has not completion at this moment, is unable again the greatly comfortable aura. 一道细小的裂缝,凭空出现在九转仙轮上,让这轮如明月般高悬,上面纹着玄武朱雀鲲鹏大道仙轮,此刻竟然有一种不圆满,无法再大自在的气息。 Chen Fan cold-hearted like ice. 陈凡心冷如冰。 He knows, to this step, condensed Primal Infant also to have not to draw back again. What Golden Core? Gold/Metal implication for immortal, Golden Core in the name of gold/metal, representative, it is world most completion, firmest, most immortal existence. Although common Immortal Cultivator Golden Core, possibly several thousand years will break dimly, are Son of God Golden Core, are not necessarily able to support for several tens of thousands years. 他知道,到了这一步,凝聚元婴就再也有进无退。何谓金丹?‘金’者寓意为不朽,金丹以‘金’为名,就代表着,它是世间最圆满,最坚固,最不朽的存在。虽然寻常修仙者金丹,可能几千年就会破碎黯淡,便是神子金丹,都未必能支撑数万年。 But Chen Fan's Immortal Grade Golden Core, is genuine may call immortally existence. 陈凡的仙品金丹’,是真正可称‘不朽’的存在。 Perhaps even if Divine Transformation Great Power die, his nine revolutions of Immortal Wheel, can like the livelihood, hang above Nine Heavens as before. Even if Chen Fan Divine Soul is rotten, the Mortal Body decrepit and Life idle time, this Golden Core will remain. If there is ancient boss to obtain Chen Fan's Golden Core, with this nine revolutions of Immortal Wheel, can refine an unsurpassed rare treasure easily, rude Divine Treasure! 哪怕化神大能陨落,他的九转仙轮,恐怕依旧能如日月般,高悬于九天之上。哪怕陈凡神魂腐烂、肉身衰朽、生命停歇,这枚金丹依旧会存在。若有古老大能得到陈凡的金丹,用此九转仙轮,可以轻而易举炼制成一件无上异宝,不逊神宝 Such firm to inconceivable Golden Core, suddenly was shattered, even if merely together tiny crack, is very serious. 这样一枚坚固到不可思议的金丹,突然破碎,哪怕仅仅一道细小裂纹,也无比严重。 It can be said that if Chen Fan is unable one breath congealment Primal Infant, his magical skill at least to need to back up several years, caused heavy losses unprecedentedly, Magic Power only has 70-80%. This condenses the difficulty of Primal Infant, cultivation base is higher, foundation more solidity, congealment Primal Infant meets difficult are more. 可以说,陈凡若无法就此一口气凝结元婴,他的道行至少要倒退数年,遭受前所未有的重创,法力只剩下七八成。这就是凝聚元婴的艰难,修为越高,根基越扎实者,凝结元婴遇到的险阻越多。 Continue!” “继续!” Chen Fan both pupils is not happy not sad, even peaceful mind lake has not been frightened with frightened, is only routinely , to continue to open nine black holes, by unsurpassed Magic Power, receives and instructs that nine high rank potential surface energy, instills into to the Chen Fan's sea of qi. 陈凡双瞳无喜无悲,平静心湖没有丝毫惊惶和恐惧,只是按部就班,继续撑开九个黑洞,以无上法力,接引那九个高阶位面的能量,向陈凡的气海灌输而来。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Originally only then the nine black holes of thumb size, were supported the bowl mouth size at this moment. Like various water torch energies, blots out the sky to Chen Fan spraying. Were more than golden flowing light of several times before, appears, more and more Immortal Realm Law(s) crystal, overflows, flies into Chen Fan nine revolutions of Immortal Wheel. 原先只有拇指大小的九个黑洞,此刻被撑到碗口大小。如同高压水枪般的各种能量,铺天盖地向陈凡喷射而来。比之前多了数倍的金色流光,也从中浮现,越来越多的仙界法则晶体,从中流溢而出,飞入陈凡九转仙轮中。 These nine world, attach in saves to high Immortal Realm, is much higher than the world, some inside Saint beasts and immortal beasts are even possibly surviving. Therefore by the Immortal Realm aura contamination, in the source is brought many Immortal Realm Law(s), even Vitality also by far compared with world of human beings Vitality rich pure many. 这九个世界,都是依附于至高仙界而存,远远高出人间,里面甚至可能有一些圣兽、仙兽存活着。所以被仙界气息沾染,本源中带着许多仙界法则,连元气也远远比人界元气浓郁纯粹的多。 But opens these nine world forcefully, Chen Fan must pay the price similarly. 但强行打开这九个世界,陈凡同样要付出代价。 Whistling.” “呼呼。” Only sees, he clear radiant Immortal Body, burns at this moment unexpectedly, the endless vitality, changes to a layer upon layer flame flaming combustion. Including golden casting Immortal Soul, also blooms light Golden Flames. The entire vigor also burns, the support condenses Primal Infant, while opens nine big channels simultaneously, receives and instructs the strength of vigorously rushing to lower. 只看到,他晶莹璀璨的仙体,此刻竟然燃烧起来,无尽的气血,化作一层层火焰熊熊燃烧。包括黄金铸造的仙魂,也随之绽放出淡淡金色火焰。整个精气神同时燃烧,一边支撑凝聚元婴,一边同时撑开九大通道,接引更雄浑澎湃的力量降下。 Tittering. 噗嗤。 Even if Chen Fan, at this moment somewhat cannot shoulder, two shocking bloodstains, stay behind from his ear nose, then evaporates to change to the flaming vitality instantaneously, joins to the energy. 哪怕是陈凡,此刻也有些扛不住,两条触目惊心的血迹,从他耳鼻之中留下,然后瞬间又蒸发化作熊熊气血,加入到能量中。 If not his foundation really arrives abundantly inconceivable, Immortal Body small accomplishment, nine revolutions of Golden Core and Supreme Immortal Soul. Any Primal Infant to this, perhaps the flash pulled out adult does. 若非他根基实在雄厚到不可思议,仙体小成、九转金丹无上仙魂。任何一个元婴到此,恐怕一瞬间就会被抽成人干。 That nine potential surfaces, but dominates by far with the world of human beings above. 那九个位面,可是远远凌驾与人界之上。 To open, at least wants Great Power ancient Shengji cultivation base, what although Chen Fan opens is only the nine black holes of bowl mouth size, but must pay the grievous cost as before. 想要打开,至少要大能古圣级修为,陈凡虽然开启的只是碗口大小的九个黑洞,但依旧要付出惨痛代价。 . 咔嚓咔嚓。 Only sees from nine big potential surfaces the strength of backlash, presses on Chen Fan's Mortal Body, making Chen Fan's Mortal Body also make squeak squeak the sound, like steel frame by squeal of heavy item extrusion. The Chen Fan's skeleton, internal organs and blood, put Light simultaneously greatly, the whole body vitality one burn layer upon layer, the whole person resembles one group of golden torches to be common, to finally, almost the human form cannot even see. 只看到自九大位面的反噬之力,压在陈凡的肉身上,让陈凡的肉身也发出吱吱的声音,如同钢架被重物挤压的尖锐声。陈凡的骨骼、内脏、血液,都同时大放光明,浑身气血一层层燃烧,整个人都似一团黄金火炬一般,到最后,几乎连人形都看不到。 In he goes all out in the combustion Divine Soul vitality. 就在他拼命燃烧神魂气血中。 With clear ka squeak, on nine revolutions of Immortal Wheel, finally has the second crack to appear. 随着清脆的咔吱一声,九转仙轮上,总算有第二道裂纹出现。 Bursts a dike to be the same like the dam, no matter how is firm, when the first second crack appears, will represent your entire dam soon to collapse. For the mountain nine ancient measures of length, falls short! 就如同大坝决堤一样,不管如何坚固,当第一道第二道裂纹出现的时候,就代表你整个大坝即将崩溃掉。为山九仞,功亏一篑! . 紧接着。 Third and fourth and fifth... and even the 100 th crack appears! 第三道、第四道、第五道...乃至第一百道裂纹都出现! Nine revolutions of Immortal Wheel that such as the bright moonlight hangs, cannot support again, eternal immortal, the big comfortable big completion aura that all generations do not rub is nothing left, it has the inflation, compared with the beforehand swelling several times, stuffs in the entire sea of qi. 那如明月高悬的九转仙轮,再也支撑不住,永恒不朽,万劫不磨的大自在大圆满气息荡然无存,它极具膨胀,比之前胀大数倍,充塞整个气海中。 „.” “咔嚓。” The small golden fragment, crashes from above together, falls into the sea of qi, changes the vast Great Power quantity that rushes rolling. Then second, third and fourth! 一块微小的金色碎片,从其上崩塌,掉入气海中,化作一股滚滚澎湃的浩大能量。然后第二块,第三块、第四块! Was drawing nine big Divine Idol Immortal Wheel, crashes thoroughly, like a palatial ancient temple decayed decline. 原先绘着九大神相仙轮,彻底崩塌掉,如同一座巍峨古老的神殿腐朽衰落般。 As Golden Core was shattered, Chen Fan aura, becomes the disorder to get up instantaneously. His whole body Light Glow flashes on and off erratically, the flame rises suddenly for a while, for a while contracts, obviously at very suddenly chaotic time. The energy that rush vastly, spreads from Immortal Wheel, stuffs the Chen Fan entire Dantian sea of qi, even rushes out the sea of qi, walks randomly in his five main internal organs (entrails) and all the limbs and bones. 随着金丹破碎,陈凡身上的气息,也瞬间变得紊乱起来。他周身光芒明灭不定,火焰一时暴涨,一时收缩,显然处于非常骤乱的时刻。一股股浩大澎湃的能量,自仙轮中流传而出,充塞陈凡整个丹田气海,甚至闯出气海,在他五脏六腑和四肢百骸中游走。 Tittered.” “噗嗤。” Even can see, in the Chen Fan nostril ear, there is a bloodstain to stay behind, spouts from the mouth to a blood finally, or makes together the golden sharp sword, projects beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m). 甚至可以看到,陈凡鼻孔耳朵中,有血迹留下,到最后更一口血从嘴中喷出,或作一道金色利剑,射出数十丈外。 Whistling. 呼呼。 This moment Chen Fan surface such as the pale gold/metal, aura drops suddenly, from Primal Infant Peak, has lowered, tumbles Golden Core, even must break the Innate sign. It can be said that the heaviness of his injury at this moment, is above the bystander to imagine. Then was at that time in the Fog Mountain summit, with unsurpassed taboo Divine Ability, investigates Fang Qiong and parents backlashes by the causes and effects, does not have now such heavy wound. 此刻陈凡面如淡金,一身气息骤然跌落,从元婴巅峰,一直降下,跌倒金丹,甚至要跌破先天的迹象。可以说,他此刻的伤势之重,超乎外人想象。便是当时在云雾山巅,用无上禁忌神通,探查方琼和父母遭到因果反噬,也没有现在这么重的伤。 Chen Fan within the body like a cauldron, the steam braves now, the boiling water ebullition, must momentarily his entire Mortal Body and Divine Soul, unravelling that explodes. 陈凡现在体内就像一个大锅炉,蒸汽直冒,开水沸腾,随时要把他的整个肉身神魂,都炸的灰飞烟灭。 But Chen Fan also needs to open nine big potential surface channels simultaneously, resists the Law(s) azure thunder, and combs True Essence, refining up Law(s), condenses Primal Infant. 陈凡还需要同时撑开九大位面通道,对抗法则青雷,并且梳理真元,炼化法则,凝聚元婴 If not his Immortal Body arrives powerful inconceivable, whole body Ice Muscles Jade Bones, each skeleton, each internal organs, firm to comparing favorably with certainly Divine Treasure. Like a firm incomparable copper pea, even if Divine Transformation Great Power strikes is not necessarily able to strike to kill Chen Fan, most makes him spit two blood, Chen Fan is really not necessarily able to support. 若非他仙体强大到不可思议,浑身冰肌玉骨,每一根骨骼,每一个内脏,都坚固到媲美准神宝。如同一颗坚固无比的铜豌豆,哪怕化神大能一击都未必能击杀陈凡,最多让他吐两口血的话,陈凡真未必能撑住。 ‚Since no wonder has been eternal, some people will build Immortal Grade Golden Core the day after tomorrow. Is Mortal Body is not very really firm, cannot support that dying pass/test of broken pill congealing infant!’ The Chen Fan heart within grows a clear(ly) became aware. ‘难怪万古以来,鲜少有人后天修成仙品金丹。实在是肉身不够坚固,根本撑不住碎丹凝婴的那个死关!’陈凡心中生起一丝明悟。 Even Chen Fan cannot support quickly. 陈凡都快支撑不住。 . 咔嚓。 Stores up Heavenly Medicine and accurate Divine Medicine that several years saved to from him bosom in Locking Sea Pearls innumerably to depart, flies his top of the head to break to pieces baseless, changes to the innumerable medicine juice to fall, nourishes Mortal Body Divine Soul. Meanwhile, Chen Fan also deeply inspires, fiercely and within the body vigor condenses the same place nine immortals. Becoming with inadequate, in this last resort! 无数储存了数年积攒下来的天药、准神药不得不从他怀中定海珠内飞出,飞到他头顶就凭空碎开,化作无数药汁落下,滋养肉身神魂。同时,陈凡也深吸一口气,猛地将九大仙则和体内精气神凝聚到一起。成与不成,都在这最后一着了! Concentrates to me!” “给我凝!” As Chen Fan sonic boom drinks. 随着陈凡一声爆喝。 Nine revolutions of pills of immortality disrupt thoroughly, many True Essence Magic Power and Divine Soul of Chen Fan whole body, and vitality shrinks fiercely. Sees the endless flame of his body surface, vanishes instantaneously, condenses in a sea of qi point. 九转仙丹彻底碎裂开来,陈凡周身的诸多真元法力神魂,以及气血猛地一缩。就看到他体表的无尽火焰,瞬间消失,凝聚于气海一点之中。 Entire makes the space and time in Primal Spirit palace, as if in also solidified at this moment. 整个造元神殿内的空间和时间,仿佛在此刻也凝固了。 In void, only then Chen Fan sits cross-legged to hang, resembles statue that sits cross-legged ancient. 虚空中,只有陈凡盘腿高悬,似古老盘坐的石像般。
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