ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1150: The grand ceremony starts( third)

On Earth. 地球上。 As the date and time arrives, entire Earth several billions all living things change to the happy sea. 随着时日到来,整个地球数十亿众生都化作欢乐海洋。 In order to let everyone saw this unprecedented seals god grand ceremony, mango live broadcast, banana live broadcast, BBC, CNN and other all countries in the world TV Station and media, collaborate, used several thousand cameras and many unmanned aerial vehicles and satellites, send greetings array wait/etc., from 316 degrees, the tiny particle that entire Chuzhou pats must presently, leakproof slightest. 为了让所有人看到这场亘古未有的‘封神大典’,芒果直播、香蕉直播、BBC、CNN等世界各国电视台与媒体,都联起手来,动用了数千台摄像机和诸多无人机、卫星、传音法阵等,从三百十六度,将整个楚州拍的纤毫必现,不漏分毫。 But as managing this live broadcast, is Jiang Hua of mango live broadcast. 而作为主持这场直播的,正是芒果直播的‘江华’。 He because of live broadcast twice Chen Fan's war, but reputation big chirp, was assigned by Northern Jade Faction for this live broadcast male host, the female host was past Xu Rongfei in the roommate of Imperial Capital film and television school Ning Xin. 他因为先后直播过两次陈凡的大战而名声大噪,被北琼派指定为本次直播男主持人,女主持人则是当年许蓉妃燕京影视学院的舍友‘宁心’。 30-year-old Ning Xin, has removed past charming and ostentatiousness, appears the heavy/thick calm atmosphere, originally is the prima donna of national television broadcast station, above happened together because of her and Chen Fan's, the urgent accent manages. 30多岁的宁心,已经褪去当年的妩媚和浮华,显得厚重沉稳大气,本来是国家电视台的当家花旦,上面因她与陈凡的交集,紧急调来主持。 Finally two special guests, respectively are Priest Soaring Clouds and Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch. 最后还有两位特邀嘉宾,分别是‘凌云道长’和‘安珀天君’。 Daoist priest and settles Heavenly Monarch to be good, has not thought that can invite your two as the special guest of this live broadcast, is excited. I am also two fans.” Ning Xin wears the tailor fit black small western-style clothes, facing the lens, the smile is brightly genial. “道长和安天君好,没想到能请来您二位作为本次直播的特别嘉宾,非常激动。我也是两位的粉丝呢。”宁心穿着剪裁合体的黑色小西服,面对镜头,笑容灿然和煦。 Priest Soaring Clouds seems somewhat cautious. 凌云道长显得有些拘谨。 He came from Star Ocean great sect, has never seen Earth this unusual science and technology, facing that small lens, even if Priest Soaring Clouds Divine Sense can scan the surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km), but did not understand, slightly Spirit Qi has not fluctuated every, how can disseminate the sound image to several billions people at present. 他来自星海大教,从未见过地球这种奇特科技,面对那个小小镜头,哪怕凌云道长神念能扫描方圆数百里,但也不理解,一个没有丝毫灵气波动的凡器,怎么能把声音影像传播到数十亿人眼前。 In comparison, Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch calm calm. 相比之下,安珀天君就从容淡定。 Host is good, audience is good, can be Great Expert / everybody illustrated fortunately Chen Divine Monarch seals god grand ceremony, An was also exceedingly honored.” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch said with a smile. “主持人好,诸位观众好,能有幸为大家解说陈神君的‘封神大典’,安某也不胜荣幸。”安珀天君笑道。 Settles Heavenly Monarch, you can give us popular science, what ‚is Divine Monarch?” Jiang Hua asked curiously. “安天君,您能给我们科普一下,到底什么是‘神君’吗?”江华好奇问道。 Although propagandized for more than one year, but on Earth many people, this title are still vacant to Divine Monarch. Great Expert / everybody knows that Chen Fan is very strong, far ultra general Primal Infant Heavenly Monarch, but is not clear, why only seals the god grand ceremony, lets the Kunlun Burial Grounds numerous immortal tears, making innumerable cultivator that came from the territory outside, the eyes are blazing. Even can let several Primal Infant Heavenly Monarch, a word made to commit suicide. 尽管宣传了一年多,但地球上许多人,对‘神君’这个称号依旧茫然。大家知道陈凡很强,远超一般元婴天君,但却不明白,为什么区区一个封神大典,就让昆墟众仙老泪纵横,让无数自域外而来的修士,双眼炽热。甚至能让几位元婴天君,一言令下就自杀。 I know, Divine Monarch is the Divine Transformation Great Power title, but actually did not understand why this seals the god grand ceremony to be so grand. Outside territory cultivator does not hesitate to catch up from afar, lies prostrate in worship. As far as I know, settled Heavenly Monarch you in the past and Chen Divine Monarch as well as Northern Jade, was actually had a grudge, the probably two disciples, died in the Northern Jade hand.” Jiang Hua is asking incisively, many people worry for him. “我知道,神君化神大能的称号,但却不理解,为什么这个封神大典要如此隆重。诸位域外修士不惜千里迢迢赶来,顶礼膜拜。据我所知,安天君您当年和陈神君以及北琼,其实是有仇的吧,好像有两个弟子,就死在北琼手中。”江华尖锐问着,许多人都为他捏了把汗。 Sits in opposite that white-bearded white hair, the smile is genial, the old man of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, is solemn Primal Infant Peak Great Cultivator, if really in a rage, cranks up the fragment powder the people of entire television station sufficiently. 坐在对面那白须白发,笑容和煦,仙风道骨的老头,可是一个堂堂元婴巅峰大修士,若真一怒之下,足以把整个电视台的人都拍成齑粉。 Haha, river young friend possibly does not understand Divine Monarch two characters in me and other in the minds the weight.” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch is not angry. “哈哈,江小友可能不理解‘神君’二字在我等心目中重量。”安珀天君毫不生气。 „, Please say?” Jiang Hua asked. “哦,请讲?”江华问道。 It is well known, Divine Monarch is the Divine Transformation Great Power title, but may know, what Divine Transformation?” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch removes asked. “众所周知,神君化神大能封号,但诸位可知,何谓‘化神’吗?”安珀天君刨除一问。 This...” Jiang Hua and Ning Xin look at each other in blank dismay. “这...”江华和宁心面面相觑。 Their two, are only the ordinary hosts, Innate cultivator is not, to Divine Transformation such lofty realm, really knows few. In fact, the entire earthman, the understanding Divine Transformation is also the odds and ends. It is estimated that only then extremely few several Primal Infant, and Northern Jade Faction core can understand some. 他们两个,只是普通的主持人,连先天修士都不是,对化神这么高远的境界,实在所知寥寥。实际上,整个地球人,对化神的了解也是一鳞半爪。估计只有极少的几位元婴,以及北琼派核心才能了解些。 Actually I from the beginning, does not know. When afterward cultivated/repaired Primal Infant Peak, self inductance front roadless, once looked everywhere many old books, goes to Heavenly Desolate, seeks in six big immortal Dao Lineage the record about Divine Transformation, understands indistinctly, the secret of Divine Transformation.” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch caresses must say: So-called Divine Transformation, seems like Immortal Cultivation realm above Primal Infant, actually with the Primal Infant disparity, is bigger than the disparity of Primal Infant and mortal.” “其实我一开始,也不知道。只是后来修到元婴巅峰时,自感前方无路,曾遍寻诸多古籍,更前往天荒,求取六大不朽道统中关于化神的记载,才隐约明白,化神之秘。”安珀天君抚须道:“所谓化神,看似是元婴之上的一个修仙境界,其实与元婴的差距,比元婴和凡人的差距还要大。” „?” “啊?” Jiang Hua is amazed, sits the earthman in front of television computer, similarly is amazed. 江华惊诧,坐在电视电脑前的地球人,同样惊诧。 Divine Transformation and is the Primal Infant disparity, older than Primal Infant and mortal disparity? Is this possible? 化神元婴的差距,比元婴和凡人差距还大?这怎么可能? But that's true.” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch affirms to say. First did not say outside the territory, solely I abandon Star Region several hundred planet, before 1 million to the present, known how things stand Divine Transformation Great Power, merely six, is Heavenly Desolate six big Divine Monarch. Is counted several other Divine Monarch words again, was sealed the Divine Monarch not over ten people. Last Heaven Treading Divine Monarch, die 100,000 years ago.” “但确实如此。”安珀天君肯定道。“先不说域外,单单我遗弃星域数百星辰,自百万前到现在,有数的化神大能,仅仅六位,也就是天荒六大神君。再算上其他几位神君的话,受封神君不超过十人。最后一位踏天神君,也陨落在十万年前。” I abandon the Star Region Primal Infant number, although are not many, but wants to come 1800 to have, 100000 years calculates, possibly has several thousand. But in these several thousand over ten thousand Primal Infant, actually cannot be born including Divine Transformation, may know this Divine Transformation difficulty, difficultly to what degree.” “我遗弃星域元婴数虽然不多,但想来千八百位还是有的,以100000年的时间来计算,更可能有数千位之多。但这数千上万元婴中,却连一位化神都诞生不了,可知这化神难度,难到何种程度。” Correct.” Priest Soaring Clouds the connection said: My Genkaze/Profound Wind gate is at no luan Star Region, although there is an immortal Dao Lineage inheritance, but recently during tens of thousands years, not a Divine Transformation Great Power birth. But 700 years ago, Primal Infant that no luan Star Region once the Immortal Cultivation grand meeting, gathered, over 1300.” 不错。”凌云道长接口道:“我玄风门所在的‘无鸾星域’,虽然有不朽道统传承,但最近几万年间,并无一尊化神大能诞生。而七百年前,无鸾星域曾有一次修仙盛会,汇聚起来的元婴,就超过一千三百位。” Thinks, 1300 Primal Infant, in addition does not have Divine Transformation born, may think this Divine Transformation difficulty.” “诸位想,一千三百位元婴,尚且无一位化神诞生,可想这化神的难度。” Two people said, the earthman was shocked thoroughly. 两人说完,地球人彻底震动了。 1000 Primal Infant have no way born Divine Transformation, difficulty that this is promoted, is really compared with Divine Sea rise Innate, or Innate rise Golden Core and so on was more difficult. 一千个元婴都没法诞生一个化神,这晋级的难度,真是远比神海先天,或者先天金丹之类难多了。 In fact, as long as can birth Divine Transformation Sect, mostly stem from these ancient Sect or in immortal Dao Lineage. Small Southern Heaven Realm half of Divine Transformation Great Power before the breakthrough, are Son of God Elder(s) of various gods. Only then few few, depending on the natural talent or the chance, ascend a height to get a broad view by luck the summit of Divine Transformation. Sect and family that once achievement Divine Transformation, he is, again also different. Will rule Star Region, becomes in that Star Region, natural ruler.” “实际上,但凡能诞生化神宗门,大多出自那些古老宗门或不朽道统中。小南天境一半的化神大能在突破前,都是各神教的神子长老。只有寥寥少数几位,凭天资或机缘,侥幸登临化神之巅。而一旦成就化神,他所在的宗门和家族,就再也不同。会君临一个星域,成为那个星域中,天然的统治者。” Such as Immortal Religion is at south leaves Star Region, Everlasting Sect is at silver Chen Star Region. Many planet, naturally submit to the Great Power under foot. Then is some planet or the Sect aristocratic family resists, is unpromising.” Priest Soaring Clouds said. “如长生教所在的‘南离星域’,无极宗所在的‘银辰星域’等。诸多星辰,自然臣服在大能脚下。便是有些星辰宗门世家抵抗,也不成气候。”凌云道长说道。 According to their two people. 据他们二人所言。 Each Divine Monarch is born, represents one to rise to great sect. 每一位神君诞生,都代表一个至大教崛起。 After these great sect rise, is not naturally able to tolerate the side of bed to have others to sleep soundly, must sweep away entire Star Region. In Star Region cultivator , submits to either, either was extinguished, does not have the second choice. 那些大教崛起后,自然无法容忍卧榻之侧有他人酣睡,必然要横扫整个星域星域修士,要么臣服,要么被灭,没有第二个选择。 The Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch disciple was killed by Northern Jade, originally is the enmity of non- world, absolutely irreconcilable. But Chen Fan ascends a height to get a broad view the position of Divine Monarch, was entirely different. 安珀天君弟子被北琼所杀,本是不世之仇,不共戴天。但陈凡登临神君之位,就截然不同了。 Offends Divine Monarch Sect dead, that is he deserves to be damned. As the countless white bones on Divine Monarch rise path, any Sect and aristocratic family, will not try report enmity, will only dread the respect about Divine Monarch.” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch said naturally. “冒犯神君宗门而死,那是他死有余辜。作为神君崛起道路上的累累白骨,任何宗门和世家,都不会尝试去报此仇的,只会对神君更加畏惧尊重。”安珀天君理所当然道。 Also nods including Priest Soaring Clouds. 包括凌云道长也点头。 The Divine Monarch dignity cannot offend. 神君威严不可触犯。 This abandons Star Region, and even entire small Southern Heaven Realm, the first iron rule. Can violate the person who this iron rule also lives, very few, besides Song Yufeng and others, few. 这是遗弃星域,乃至整个小南天境,第一条铁则。能够违背这个铁则还活下来的人,少之又少,除了宋禹峰等几人外,寥寥无几。 Moreover it is said that once some people ascend a height to get a broad view this position, but can also condense the entire Star Region big destiny in one, since then becomes the child of similar planet, the child of destiny and others, had invisible vigorously adds the body, is situated in this territory eternal undefeated, therefore Divine Monarch the position standard is so precious.” Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch said scruple. “而且据说,一旦有人登临此位,还可以凝聚整个星域的大气运于一身,从此成为类似星球之子,气运之子等,有无形大力加身,立于此域永恒不败,所以‘神君’的位格才如此珍贵。”安珀天君迟疑道。 Even he does not clarify. 连他都搞不清。 The air/Qi of so-called planet, the child of destiny is anything. 所谓星辰之气,气运之子到底是什么。 If Chen Fan here, understands. If Divine Transformation cultivator in some Star Region Prove the Dao, definitely will leave behind own say/way mark and god mark in that Star Region, thus becomes that Star Region darling to be the same, releases magic spell Divine Ability in that side Heaven and Earth, the nature is twice the result with half the effort, has similar home advantage. 陈凡在这里,就会明白。化神修士若在某个星域证道,必然会在那个星域留下自己的道纹与神痕,从而成为那个星域的宠儿一般,在那方天地释放法术神通,自然事半功倍,拥有类似主场优势。 Actually Primal Infant so, in various Heavenly Desolate territories, leaves behind many Primal Infant say/way marks similarly, what a pity abandons Star Region Primal Infant Law(s) not entire, therefore this aspect addition few, to is Priest Soaring Clouds understands some, but is not too many. 其实元婴同样如此,天荒各域中,就留下许多元婴的道痕,可惜遗弃星域元婴法则不全,所以这方面加成寥寥,到是凌云道长了解一些,但也不是太多。 Related to Divine Transformation and destiny and so on, often is secret in entire starry sky, generally Primal Infant cultivator few understood. 涉及到化神、气运之类,往往是整个星空中的大秘,一般元婴修士都鲜少了解。 Great Expert / everybody looked quickly, the fog outside Northern Jade heavenly palace dissipated, Primal Infant Heavenly Monarch was also invited into, the entire grand ceremony formally started.” Jiang Hua is shouting suddenly excitedly. 大家快看,北琼天宫外的云雾消散了,诸位元婴天君也被邀请入内,整个大典正式开始了。”江华忽然激动叫着。 Thump. 咚。 With timely exhortation to virtue and purity sound. 随着一声晨钟暮鼓般的响声。 Situated in the Fog Mountain summit float many celestial mountain pavilions, cover mist outside to clear at this moment, revealed Fog Mountain summit that reaches to the sky, as well as tall and pleasing to the eye celestial mountain Paradise. Many Northern Jade Faction disciples, wear the rosy cloud clothes, following the scaling ladder, receives and instructs the distinguished guest and honored guest of coming from far away. Can mount scaling ladder, at least is Primal Infant Heavenly Monarch or a planet representative. 位于云雾山巅悬浮着的诸多仙山楼阁,此刻笼罩在外的云烟散尽,显露出高耸入云的云雾山巅,以及美轮美奂的仙山福地。诸多北琼派弟子,身披霞衣,顺着云梯而下,接引诸位远道而来的贵宾、贵客。能登上云梯者,至少是元婴天君或一个星辰代表。 Sealed the god grand ceremony to open officially. 封神大典正式开启了。 ... ... But at this moment. 而此刻。 Outside Solar System. 太阳系外。 Wears War Armor innumerably, grasps the weapons, covers cultivator in endless god splendor, displays in Universe void. They crank up 78 battlefields, displays in void. Each aura withers, the whole body True Essence circulation, impressively is the Golden Core level. But such cultivator , boundless boundless, does not know many people. 无数身穿战甲,手持兵戈,笼罩在无尽神辉中的修士,罗列在宇宙虚空中。他们拍成七八个战阵,罗列在虚空之中。每一个气息肃杀,浑身真元流转,赫然都是金丹级。而这样的修士,无边无涯,不知道有多少人。 But frontline the battlefield, is one crowd of aura more powerful Primal Infant cultivator . 而在战阵最前方,是一群气息更强大的元婴修士 Takes the lead several Son of God, or wears golden armor, the whole body soars like the roaring flame, hung like one round of golden big day. Posthumous silver both wings, both pupils Yin-Yang transformation. Back round of demon day Swallowing Heaven , such as the demon dog bit day. Each aura, the terrifying arrives inconceivable, no under Yì gān Son of God, is only stronger than him, by far Primal Infant Peak. 领头几位神子,或身披金甲,周身如烈焰般腾空而起,如同一轮金色大日高悬。或背生银色双翅,双瞳阴阳变换。或背后一轮魔日吞天,如魔犬噬日般。每一个气息,都恐怖到不可思议,没有一个在易乾神子之下,只比他更强,远胜元婴巅峰 They wear War Armor that Divine Light varies, stands on the chariot, in the hand is forcing the reins. Each chariot your presence, is the different monster beasts pulls a cart, these monster beasts or are hundred zhang (333 m) both wings Heavenly Dragon, or god handsome incomparable black god tiger, either all over the body deep green giant rhinocero. Each, impressively is the Primal Infant level monster beast. 他们身披神光各异的战甲,站在战车上,手中勒着缰绳。每一辆战车座前,都是不同的妖兽拉车,这些妖兽或长达百丈的双翅天龙,或神俊无比的黑色神虎,或通体碧绿的巨大犀牛。每一只,赫然都是元婴级妖兽。 Qiao Zhen and Qiao Yu brother and sister, stand on a chariot. 乔真乔御兄妹,就站在其中一座战车上。 At this time, was such as a big day golden armor god knight across the sky opens the mouth slowly: 这时,为首如大日横空的一个金甲神骑士缓缓开口: Time , treads to extinguish Earth!” “时间到,出发,踏灭地球!” Works as. 哐当。 As he orders, the entire vast god army set out, innumerable Golden Core Primal Infant cultivator flies into the warship, with is Son of God of head, controls the chariot, rumble goes to the Earth steamroll. 随着他一声令下,整个浩瀚的神军开拔,无数金丹元婴修士飞入战船中,随着为首的诸位神子,驾驭战车,轰隆隆的向地球碾压而去。
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