ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1140: Let you die must die!( Fourth)

Everlasting Sect third Son of God Yì gān died. 无极宗的第三神子易乾死了。 Not is only he, including an ancient no polar star boat that he brings, a god Yin sea, dozens Primal Infant Elder(s), thousands of Everlasting Sect disciples, died all, no escapes. 不仅是他,包括他所带来的一艘古老无极星舟,一位神将尹海,数十位元婴长老,数以千计的无极宗弟子,尽数死去,没有一个逃脱。 Many treasures when Chen Fan leaves behind Yì gān receive, when changes to the original appearance, clone lowers Earth, immediately receives the endless cheers, the entire Earth changes to the ebullition sea. On each Northern Jade Faction disciple face, wrote all over joyfully with venerating. Their vision looks at Chen Fan frantically, like seeing gods. Then is A'Xiu, Lu Yanxue, Qi Xiu'er wait/etc., small face excited red, Aunt Tang is hugs into the bosom Chen Fan, excited staying behind tears. 陈凡易乾留下的诸多宝物收掉,重新化作原先模样,分身降下地球时,顿时受到无尽的欢呼声,整个地球都化作沸腾海洋。每一个北琼派弟子脸上,都写满了欣喜与尊崇。他们目光狂热看着陈凡,如同见到一尊神明般。便是阿秀陆燕雪祁秀儿等,也小脸激动的通红,唐姨更是一把将陈凡搂入怀中,激动的留下眼泪。 In comparison. 相比之下。 Outside territory Immortal Cultivation World, then a deathly stillness. 域外修仙界,则一片死寂。 Dozens Primal Infant powerhouse that survives, such as the duplicate sea swallows the mountain two big monsters, the Blood Clan first ancestor, Amber Old Ancestor wait/etc., all static, if cicada. The Blood Clan first ancestor has smelled there is something wrong, escapes hurriedly, even own Blood Clan descendant does not attend. Other Golden Race and demon dragon clan, Light Clan, Monster Clan wait/etc. is a flurry, the smart people slips away quietly. 存活下来的数十位元婴强者,如覆海吞山两位大妖,血族第一祖,安珀老祖等,无不静若寒蝉。血族第一祖更早就见势不妙,匆忙逃脱掉,甚至连自家的血族后裔都不顾。其他的黄金族、魔龙族、光明族、妖族等更是一片慌乱,聪明人都悄悄溜掉。 But Earth is so big, where can they escape? 但地球这么大,他们又能逃到哪里? Only if returns along the star road old route, escapes from Earth, but Chen Fan will not let off them as before. 除非沿着星路原路返回,逃出地球,可陈凡依旧不会放过他们。 Immediately orders all disciples, the entire Earth chases down these remnant. If they in three days, do not come the Northern Jade mountain to kneel down to apologize, goes everywhere also to track down them. Even the main body meets after the wedding toward their ancestor stars, writes off their race, does not remain.” Chen Fan strikes conveniently, demon dragon clan several hundred meters Yuan ancient Molong who will try to escape shakes massacres, Primal Infant announced to all Northern Jade disciples and various multi-ranges outside. “立刻命令所有弟子,全地球追杀这些余孽。它们若不三日内,前来北琼山下跪地请罪,就上天入地也把它们追寻到。甚至本尊会亲往他们祖星,将它们种族都抹杀掉,一个不留。”陈凡随手一击,将试图逃跑的一头魔龙族数百米长的元古魔龙震杀掉,对着所有北琼弟子和诸多域外元婴宣布。 Yes!” “是!” A'Xiu wait/etc. the public sentiment is roused to action, is ready to fight. 阿秀等都群情激奋,摩拳擦掌。 They outside the race and Primal Infant to these territories hate extremely, before does not know that has many disciples dead outside the territory in the cultivator hand. Even if can also be sent to the reincarnation to be reincarnated by Chen Fan, but calculates eventually died. 他们对这些域外种族和元婴可是恨极,之前不知道有多少弟子死在域外修士手中。哪怕还能被陈凡送去投胎转世,但终究算死掉了。 Outside various multi-ranges cultivator completely all looks ashen. 诸多域外修士则尽皆面如土色。 They were clear, oneself cannot escape. 他们清楚,自己逃不掉的。 Earth is so big, only if hides into the immortal earth, or escapes to the day beyond Universe goes, otherwise has no way to hide chasing down of Chen Fan cuns (2.5 cm) Divine Sense scanning land. They are Primal Infant Stage cultivation base, in Chen Fan sense , compared with the average person is conspicuous like a Sun, even if separated by several thousand li (0.5 km), Chen Fan can also look. 地球就这么大,除非躲入仙土,或者逃到天外宇宙去,否则根本没法躲掉陈凡一寸寸神念扫描大地的追杀。他们都是元婴期修为,在陈凡感应中,和普通人相比就像一枚太阳般显眼,哪怕相隔数千里,陈凡也能一眼望到。 As for immortal earth day beyond? 至于仙土天外? Immortal within the earth, does the Chen Fan true body there, many Primal Infant level demon, go in courts death? Beyond the day is more difficult, when Heavenly Road this type of thing, comes when is easy to go difficult. Although Primal Infant can roam through Universe, but if does not carry enough commodity, possibly Primal Infant, walked in the halfway falls by dire straits. 仙土中,陈凡真身就在那里,还有诸多元婴级魔物,进去是找死的?天外更难,天路这种东西,是来时容易去时难的。元婴虽然能遨游宇宙,但若不携带足够物资的话,可能许多元婴,走在半路中就被困死掉了。 Divine Monarch forgives, Divine Monarch forgives!” 神君饶命,神君饶命!” By Optimus Heavenly Monarch below, dozens Primal Infant kneel before the Northern Jade mountain dark mass, prostrating oneself that the whole body trembles in the Chen Fan under foot. Golden Race several Old Ancestor, are humblest, is almost full of admiration, on the face full is the smile of flattering, grovels, wants to kiss appearance of Chen Fan under foot simply. 擎天天君以下,数十位元婴都乌压压跪在北琼山前,浑身颤栗的拜倒在陈凡脚下。黄金族的几位老祖,更是最为谦卑,几乎五体投地,脸上满是谄谀的笑容,点头哈腰,简直想亲吻陈凡脚下的露面。 Even Amber Old Ancestor masters and disciples, prostrate oneself respectfully in the place, declaring Divine Monarch is invincible, asking Divine Monarch to make reparations. 连安珀老祖师徒,都恭恭敬敬拜倒在地,口称神君无敌,求神君赎罪。 Dozens Primal Infant, besides 2-3, unexpectedly few escape. Was cultivation base that Chen Fan showed is too terrifying. Originally Great Expert / everybody thinks, Star Ocean great sect Son of God arrives depending on the unsurpassed power and influence, not only subordinate many Primal Infant gods, cultivation base will be big as a mountain, vast as the sea. That no polar star boat, the sidewise compression abandons Star Region sufficiently, puts down any planet, including Amber Old Ancestor, thinks cannot block that not to have the polar star boat absolutely. 数十位元婴,除了2-3外,竟然没几个逃掉。实在是陈凡展现出来的修为太恐怖了。本来大家以为,星海大教神子挟无上威势降临,不仅麾下诸多元婴神将,一身修为更是如山如海。那一艘无极星舟,就足以横压遗弃星域,扫平任何一颗星辰,包括安珀老祖,都自思绝对挡不住那艘无极星舟。 But Chen Fan can depend on a person of strength unexpectedly, grinds all places of invading one's territory all kills. 可是陈凡竟然能凭一人之力,将所有来犯之地尽数碾杀。 This was too terrifying. 这就太恐怖了。 Explained that a Chen Fan person, can the sidewise compression entire abandon Star Region, even if abandons Star Region over a hundred planet to collaborate, innumerable race Sect gather in together, is not necessarily able to hit Chen Fan. 说明陈凡一个人,就能横压整个遗弃星域,哪怕遗弃星域上百星辰联手,无数种族宗门汇聚在一起,都未必能打过陈凡 But what is more terrifying, Chen Fan only used one merely clone, achieved all these. But his true body, but also closes up in immortal earth. Isn't this terrifying? What is the terrifying? Perhaps past Central Mainland Divine Monarch Jiang, did not have this grade of prestige energy. 而更恐怖的是,陈凡仅仅只用了一具‘分身’,就做到了这一切。而他的真身,还远在仙土内闭关。这还不恐怖?什么叫恐怖?当年的中土姜神君,恐怕都没有这等威能吧。 Therefore they do obeisance, declared Divine Monarch, satisfied. 所以他们拜下,口称‘神君’,心安理得。 Has such flood Heavenly God prestige, ascends a height to get a broad view sufficiently the position of Divine Monarch, the pressure entire abandons Star Region. Even Star Ocean Great Sects cultivator comes again, stands facing Chen Fan in certainly summit powerhouse like this, must have scruples three points. After all abandons the Star Region situation to be special, in Divine Transformation Great Power is unable to enter, they even again strong, cannot do to Chen Fan. 有如此滔天神威,足以登临神君之位,威压整个遗弃星域。甚至星海大教的修士再来,面对陈凡这样站在绝巅的强者,也得顾忌三分吧。毕竟遗弃星域情况特殊,化神大能根本无法入内,他们就算再强,也奈何不了陈凡 „Before every, began to kill my Northern Jade Faction disciple, oneself led, the main body will not investigate your family members and patriarchal clans.” The Chen Fan facial features said lightly. “凡是之前,动手杀了我北琼派弟子的,自己上来领死,本尊不会追究你们亲人和宗族。”陈凡面容平淡说道。 In dozens Primal Infant, several people of figure shake fiercely, on the face appears the extremely complex color. 数十位元婴中,有几人身形猛地一震,脸上现出极度复杂之色。 Has the person, whiz, explodes to shoot, wants to change to the blood light/only to run away, but Chen Fan puts out a hand, the dragon tattoo long halberd flies high to kill him. Finally, three Primal Infant cultivator see this situation, can only the surface such as the dying embers walks. 更有人,嗖的一声,爆射而起,就想化作血光逃遁,但陈凡只是一伸手,龙纹长戟就将他凌空射杀。最后,三位元婴修士见此情况,只能面如死灰的走出来。 Asked Your Highness Divine Monarch, looked in situation that in I and others were willing to bow the head, left a loophole, lets off me and other ancestor star patriarchal clans.” “求神君殿下,看在我等甘愿俯首的情况下,网开一面,放过我等祖星宗族。” Outside these three territories Primal Infant, prostrates oneself in front of Chen Fan, trembled the sound to say. 这三位域外元婴,拜倒在陈凡面前,颤着声音说着。 They are Alien Race powerhouse, respectively from Golden Race, Monster Clan and sea clan. Originally by their solemn Primal Infant Heavenly Monarch status, rather died in battle, will not be willing to bow the head to be captured absolutely. 它们都是是异族强者,分别来自黄金族妖族和海族。本来以它们堂堂元婴天君的身份,宁可战死,也绝对不会甘愿俯首就擒的。 But present Chen Fan, is different from another day. 但现在的陈凡,已经与他日不同了。 Arrived Chen Fan this situation, may compare favorably with antiquity Divine Monarch strongly, then has the ability of biding one's time for punishment. Alien Race ancestor star, even if in starry sky deep place, but to Chen Fan, walks several steps, is more troublesome. But once he arrives at the Alien Race ancestor star, these ancestor's on-board Primal Infant all arrive at this, remaining big cat kitten 32, as well as many Golden Core Innate and do the mortals, how possibly block the Chen Fan's retaliation? 强到陈凡这个地步,可媲美上古神君,那么就具备秋后算账的能力。异族祖星,哪怕在星空深处,但对陈凡而言,也就多走几步,麻烦一些罢了。而他一旦降临异族祖星,那些祖星上的元婴全部到此,剩下的只有大猫小猫三两只,以及诸多金丹先天和凡人,怎么可能挡住陈凡的报复? Abandoned Star Region era, had this example. 遗弃星域上古时代,就有这种例子。 When Great Power or Divine Monarch rise, no planet dares to resist. Otherwise, they frequently expedite the starry sky, conquers by killing one after another planet, all races and lives on these planet, the complete slaughter destroys completely. Star Ocean deep place, these immortal great sect, reason that can stand erect certainly the summit, control Star Region several hundred planet, depends on isn't this brutal method? 当一位大能神君崛起的时候,没有一颗星辰敢抵抗。否则,他们动辄远征星空,血洗一座又一座星辰,把这些星辰上的所有种族和生灵,全部屠灭掉。星海深处,那些不朽大教,之所以能屹立绝巅,统御一个星域数百星辰,凭的不就是这样的残酷手段吗? Therefore they have to come up to go. 所以它们不得不上来赴死。 Even if otherwise they escape, their races, will also be criticized by Chen Fan in the future. 否则哪怕它们逃掉,它们的种族,日后也会被陈凡清算。 Good, after you die, I will let off the ethnic group and ancestor star that you are at according to the word.” Chen Fan nods, then a sleeve wields, kills these three Primal Infant towns at the scene. “好,你们死后,我会依言放过你们所在的族群和祖星。”陈凡点头,然后一袖挥出,将这三位元婴当场镇杀。 Although they died, but on the face actually shows the look that relaxes. 它们虽然死去,但脸上却露出松了一口气的神色。 All sees outside this territory cultivator , simultaneously shakes alarmed and afraid intimidated, they know, on Earth, brand-new Divine Monarch rises slowly, Central Mainland will re-enter Peak. 所有见到这一幕的域外修士,同时为之惊惧震怖,他们知道,地球上,一位崭新的神君冉冉崛起,中土又将重回巅峰了。
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