ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1139: Cuts Son of God( third)

Bang!” “轰隆!” Accurate is Divine Treasure terrifying? 一件准神宝多恐怖? Accurate Divine Treasure in small Southern Heaven Realm, is immortal Sect Great Sects Sect Protecting magic treasure. Even if some Divine Transformation powerhouse, they crossed long one, is not necessarily able to seek for enough Divine Material to refine genuine Divine Treasure, therefore accurate Divine Treasure is in their hands the most powerful weapon. Divine Transformation weapon! That powerful? Even if a Divine Transformation drop of blood, can cut to kill Primal Infant, let alone does Divine Transformation use divine weapon that builds full power? 神宝在小南天境,也是一个不朽宗门大教的镇宗法宝。哪怕有些化神强者,他们渡过漫长一身,也未必能寻找到足够的神料炼制出真正神宝,所以准神宝就是他们手中最强大的武器。化神的兵器啊!那得多强大?要知道,哪怕化神一滴血,都能斩杀元婴,何况化神倾尽全力打造的神兵呢? Although the mountains and rivers cauldron merely is only Divine Sense accurate Divine Treasure, the might insufficient genuine accurate Divine Treasure half of displaying. 山河鼎虽然仅仅只是神念神宝,发挥出来的威力不足真正神宝的一半。 But was too still powerful. 但依旧太强大了。 passes! passes!” “噗通!噗通!” The starry sky deep place, as if exploded the blood splash rain. cultivation base in Golden Core middle stage and late stage above, wear the standard silver armor, a silver robe, the Everlasting Sect disciple of military might gifted general, like below stuffed dumpling, explodes to fall at this moment from the outer space. Nearly half of people, cultivation base insufficiently flew high to shake the blood fog. Even 2-3 Elder(s), bear the brunt, was shattered at the scene Mortal Body by the golden ripple. 星空深处,仿佛爆起了血花雨。一尊尊修为金丹中期后期以上,身穿制式银甲,一袭银袍,威武似天兵天将的无极宗弟子,此刻都如同下饺子般,自太空中爆头坠下。有近一半人,修为不够被凌空震成血雾。甚至有2-3位长老,首当其冲,也被金色波纹当场震裂肉身 Stop!” Yì gān is furious. “住手!”易乾震怒。 Although he these ordinary Golden Core disciples in the sect does not place in the eye, these are only the cannon fodder, in Everlasting Sect do not know that has many ten thousand this cannon fodders, dies 1800 people, Yì gān does not love dearly. But that dozens Elder(s), are in the sect follows his person, will accompany him to cross the starry sky to arrive at Central Mainland. Is Yì gān will compete to teach in the future to the secondary roles of high right, dies he exceptionally to love dearly. 尽管他不把宗内那些普通金丹弟子放在眼中,这些只是炮灰,无极宗中不知道有多少万这种炮灰,死个千八百人,易乾根本不心疼。但那数十位长老的,都是宗中追随他的人,才会陪他远渡星空来到中土。是易乾未来争夺教中至高权利的班底,死一个他都异常心疼。 When ding-dong! 当当当! But Chen Fan does not manage. 陈凡根本不管。 The unadorned atmosphere, the mountains and rivers cauldrons of three foot two ears shake continually three times, the golden ripple surge wave upon wave, to finally, even changes to the zhang (3.33 m) permits tall golden mighty waves, blots out the sky, sweeps across the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km). Float in this piece of district(s) asteroid, was broken baseless by the golden ripple. Then is fully several kilometers, as if an city hanging large-scale asteroid, broken to become fragments, even the fragment of fist size cannot search. 古拙大气,三足两耳的山河鼎连震三次,金色波纹一浪高过一浪,到最后,甚至化作丈许高的金色波涛,铺天盖地,席卷方圆百里。许多悬浮在这片地区的小行星,都被金色波纹凭空震碎掉。便是足有数公里大小,仿佛一座城市悬空的大型小行星,也碎成齑粉,连拳头大小的碎块都寻觅不到。 The Golden Core disciples on no polar star boat, thorough mature. passes passes, several thousand Golden Core disciples, from to small, almost all people explode the body to perish completely. 无极星舟上的金丹弟子们,彻底成熟不住。噗通噗通,数千金丹弟子,从上到小,几乎所有人全部爆体而亡。 Even Elder(s), if not for turns on no polar star boat to protect array rapidly, perhaps they really not necessarily have half to survive. But even if this, 45 cultivation base weakest Elder(s), were shattered by Mortal Body, Divine Soul Primal Infant breaks. 就算长老们,若不是迅速开启无极星舟所有防护法阵,恐怕他们真未必有一半能存活下来。但哪怕这样,又有四五位修为最弱的长老,被肉身震裂,神魂元婴都破碎掉。 Death!” The Yì gān surface such as the cold frost, in the eye pupil full is the fine glow. “死!”易乾面如寒霜,眼眸中满是精芒。 His really startled anger. 他真的惊怒。 Before also had to pity heart, wants the Chen Fan income, but did not keep the hand at this moment. Was thicker than the near time of permits black and white two air/Qi before, changed to two Divine Dragon, roaming drag, like Flood Dragon, circled to cover to go to Chen Fan in the sky agile. In void, has the vitality and death qi of rushing appears, life and death two Law(s) appear in this place, the black and white two colors cover the whole world thoroughly , when works as, between Heaven and Earth, is that together Daoist Magic god chain composition, the endless azure caps and dynamite fall. 之前还有惜才之心,想把陈凡收入麾下,但此刻再不留手。比之前粗大近倍许的黑白二气,化作两条神龙,当空游曳,矫捷如蛟龙般,向陈凡盘旋笼罩而去。虚空中,更有澎湃的生机与死气浮现,生死两种法则在此地显现,黑白二色彻底笼罩整个世界,哐当哐当,天地间,全是那一道道法则神链组成,无尽青雷炸落。 Yì gān this strikes, by far Primal Infant Peak. 易乾这一击,远胜元婴巅峰 He at this moment, the whole body vitality transpiration, boiling such as the torch is ordinary. Regardless of Magic Power, Divine Ability and Mortal Body, above general Primal Infant late stage. Even has the elegant demeanors of certain Saint Earth Immortal sect disciples Chen Fan previous life sees. 他此刻,周身气血蒸腾,沸腾如火炬一般。无论法力神通肉身,都在一般元婴后期之上。甚至有陈凡前世所见的某些圣地仙宗弟子的风采。 But Chen Fan does not pay attention to Yì gān. 陈凡根本不理会易乾 When sees Yin Haishen, Chen Fan pledged, must conquer by killing entire Everlasting Sect. His Chen Beixuan absolutely is not the good-hearted person, got the gate, Northern Jade Pavilion was trod, died hand/subordinate one in large numbers, the disciples were gripped in the hand, he actually can also endure. 早在见到尹海神将的时候,陈凡就发誓,要血洗整个无极宗。他陈北玄绝对不是什么老好人,被人打上门来,北琼阁都被踏碎掉,手下死了一大批,弟子都被人攥在手中,他却还能忍受的。 Bang!” “轰!” Sees only the golden small cauldron to hold one revolution in void, then vanishes fiercely baseless. The next quarter, appears in front of thousand zhang (3.33 m) no polar star boat, changes wipes the golden god rainbow, hits loudly to without polar star boat. 只见黄金小鼎在虚空中提溜一转,然后猛地凭空消失。下一刻,就出现在千丈长的无极星舟面前,化作一抹金色神虹,轰然撞向无极星舟。 Thump! 咚! In a thousand zhang (3.33 m), enough in front of nearly ten li (0.5 km) first ancient huge, firm incomparable no polar star boats. That 78 cuns (2.5 cm) golden small cauldron, as if dust in Universe. No polar star boat can take Everlasting Sect to the strong battleship, goes on an expedition the Universe innumerable years, by incomparably hard planet capital forging refinement, above quarter draws 99 starry sky Array, can be firm? 在上千丈长,足足有近十里首位的古老庞大,坚固无比的无极星舟面前。那七八寸大小的黄金小鼎,仿佛一颗宇宙中的尘埃般。无极星舟能够作为无极宗至强战舰,征战宇宙无数年,更以无比坚硬的星辰母金锻造炼制,上面刻绘九十九道星空阵法,得多么坚固? In fact. 实际上。 This is Everlasting Sect is used to go on an expedition the livelihood Galaxy battleship, even Peak Primal Infant, is unable to shake. But this, in that no polar star boat compared with immortal earth, come is more powerful, is the Son of God private car, the genuine battleship. 这是无极宗用来征战日月星河的战舰,就算巅峰元婴,也无法撼动。而这一艘,比起仙土内的那艘无极星舟,来的更强大,乃是神子座驾,真正的战舰。 But at this moment. 但此刻。 Sees only that 78 cuns (2.5 cm) big golden small cauldron, like a sharp day blade, resembles a blade cutting butter, the cut-in no polar star boat easily, passes through into its most deep place fiercely. 只见那七八寸大的黄金小鼎,如同一柄锐利的天刃般,似刀切黄油,轻易的切入无极星舟般,猛地贯穿入它的最深处。 Bang!” “嘭!” In Universe, blooms like brilliant beautiful fireworks, by planet capital forging, silver white is sparkling all over the body the ancient withering aura, is drawing up no matrix mark, the thousand-ten feet no polar star boat disintegrates in the sky, explodes fiercely, is similar to trillion nuclear bombs to explode simultaneously. 宇宙中,就像有一朵绚烂美丽的烟花绽放,通体由星辰母金锻造,银白中闪耀着古老肃杀气息,绘制着无数阵纹,长达千丈的无极星舟当空解体,猛地爆炸开来,就如同亿万颗核弹同时爆开般。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At that moment, on Earth, even the everyone in Solar System raised the head, can look out the starry sky deep place, that as gorgeous as the extreme vertigo, like a small Sun across the sky, even suddenly, camouflages Light Glow of genuine Sun. 那一刻,地球上,甚至太阳系内的所有人抬头,都能遥望到星空深处,那朵绚丽到极点的眼花,就像一颗小太阳横空,甚至一时间,遮蔽住真正太阳的光芒 No!” “不!” The Yì gān both pupils silvers glow drastic fluctuation, projects zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang, gives out earth-shaking angry roaring. 易乾双瞳芒剧烈波动,射出丈许长,发出一声惊天动地的怒吼。 The big no polar star boat, was really struck by Chen Fan unexpectedly striking to explode, dozens Primal Infant Elder(s), to finally only then 78 cultivation base are strongest, the body has top heavenly treasure to protect the body, forces to return alive from the explosion, other Elder(s), complete die during this strikes, the skeleton not saves, even Primal Infant and Divine Soul have no way to run. 偌大的无极星舟,竟然真的被陈凡一击给击爆,数十位元婴长老,到最后只有七八位修为最强,身上有顶级天宝护体,勉强从爆炸中生还,其他的长老,全部陨落在这一击之中,尸骨无存,连元婴神魂都没法跑出来。 Chen Beixuan, your lowly indigenous, gets down the poor ants, this your highness will certainly seize to be cut to pieces you, even this planet must conquer by killing, all vegetation and all living things, all Life cut to kill completely, can wash hate of my heart!” 陈北玄,你这个卑贱的土著,下劣的蝼蚁,本殿下一定会将你捉住千刀万剐,甚至连这颗星辰都要血洗,所有的草木、众生,一切生命全部斩杀,才能洗我心头之恨啊!” Yì gān is saying every single word or phrase, sound cold Rubing. His both hands control Divine Secret Art, like while Flood Dragon is coming, to bring black and white two color Law(s), sweeps across rapidly to Chen Fan. 易乾一字一句说着,声冷如冰。他双手更驾驭神诀,如同乘着蛟龙而来,带着黑白二色的法则,迅速席卷向陈凡 Bang! 嘭! But Chen Fan avoids him as before, leisure flashes in Universe, changes to a god rainbow as before, hits to 78 Primal Infant that only saves. This time, they cannot escape finally, on the face reveals the color of shocked, some people shouted loudly Your Highness Son of God to save a life panic-stricken, but did not have as before. Before nearly accurate Divine Treasure mountains and rivers cauldron, even if immortal Great Sects Primal Infant middle stage Elder(s), collapses at the first blow. 陈凡依旧避开他,慢悠悠的在宇宙中一闪,依旧化作一条神虹,撞向那仅存的七八位元婴。这一次,他们终于逃不掉,脸上露出惊骇之色,其中更有人惊恐高呼‘神子殿下救命’,但依旧没有。在近乎准神宝的‘山河鼎’前,哪怕不朽大教的元婴中期长老,也不堪一击。 Bang!” “轰隆!” 78 Elder(s) blood scatter, the yellow golden skeleton and blood sprinkle void. Their Mortal Body was broken by the small cauldron, Divine Soul and Primal Infant also by steamroll, all by a god cauldron cuns (2.5 cm) suppression smashing. 七八位长老鲜血四溅,黄金色的骸骨和血液洒满虚空。他们肉身被小鼎震碎掉,神魂元婴也被碾压,尽数被神鼎一寸寸的镇压成粉碎。 „!” The Yì gān anger blood punch, his top of the head even spouts the essence rainbow that the blood fog composes to come, a terrifying pressure, big as a mountain, vast as the sea, shakes planet to shake, obviously gets angry anxiously to the point. That two black and white Divine Dragon composes does not have polar circle, is, having the extremely sharp fluctuation, the hypervelocity to revolve, as if cuts Universe. “啊!”易乾怒血冲眼,他头顶甚至喷出血雾组成的精气长虹来,一身恐怖威压,如山如海般,震得星辰都为之撼动,显然怒急到至点。那两条黑白神龙组成的‘无极圈’,更是唰唰唰,带着极其锐利的波动,极高速运转,仿佛将宇宙都切割开来。 Kills.” “杀。” This time, Chen Fan also turns around, controls the mountains and rivers cauldron to hit to Yì gān. 这一次,陈凡也掉头,驾驭山河鼎撞向易乾 Two people are again unretentive, pressing bottom Divine Ability and Magic Power displays, cultivation base mentioned 30% most Peak, met, on life and death preying, full power making a move. 两人再无保留,把压箱底的神通法力都施展出来,一身修为提到十20%最巅峰,一碰面,就生死搏杀,全力出手 Bang!” “砰!” Seven cuns (2.5 cm) high golden small cauldron and concentrates the qualitative black and white god circle to hit truthfully together. 七寸高的黄金小鼎和凝如实质的黑白神圈撞击在一起。 That black and white two color Vitality Divine Dragon, to condense Law(s) finally, almost changes to the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be long, like two day blade combinations, but to become -like, high-speed rotation in void, pulls out a ten kilometers space slit, but before less than the ruler permits tall golden small cauldron, that black and white god circle, collapses at the first blow radically, was cracked-up directly baseless. 那黑白二色的元气神龙,到最后凝聚法则,几乎化作数百丈长,如同两柄天刀组合而成般,在虚空中高速转动,拉出一条十公里长的空间缝隙,但在不到尺许高的黄金小鼎前,那黑白神圈,根本不堪一击,直接被凭空撞碎掉。 . 刺啦。 The golden small cauldron is in power unforgiving, even hits directly to Yì gān. 黄金小鼎得势不饶人,甚至直接撞向易乾 „It is not good.” “不好。” The Yì gān look changes. 易乾神色一变。 He felt finally is not right, both hands make secret art crazily, Divine Ability were displayed by him, the colorful energy, changes to the Vitality big hand, fiercely lid to golden small cauldron. 他终于感觉到不对,双手疯狂打出法诀,一道道神通被他施展出来,五颜六色的能量,化作元气大手,猛地盖向黄金小鼎。 But is late. 但已经迟了。 The golden small cauldron strikes full power, easily cracks-up these magic spell and Vitality big hand directly, bangs into the Yì gān bosom loudly. 黄金小鼎全力一击,直接轻易撞碎那些法术元气大手,轰然撞入易乾怀中。 Bang!” “嘭!” Yì gān Mortal Body, is very firm, has achieved Primal Infant most Peak, may compare favorably with Chen Fan's past Azure Emperor Longevity Body big completion, the body is dense and numerous, 78 guard magical instrument, but under the golden small cauldron hits, the disruption, explodes the innumerable golden skeletons and blood at the scene, to splutters to go in all directions. 易乾肉身,无比坚固,早就达到元婴巅峰,可媲美陈凡的当年的青帝长生体圆满,身上密密麻麻,更有七八件护身法器,但在黄金小鼎一撞之下,当场碎裂,爆成无数黄金骨骼和血液,向四面八方溅射而去。 Concentrates!” “凝!” Yì gān Divine Soul bellows. 易乾神魂大吼。 On him also brings Divine Transformation Great Power by the letter written in blood on for assigning/life Divine Symbol, this is each Son of God standard configuration. Son of God as candidate person of the hour of immortal great sect most core, each is worth Great Power attaching great importance, writes Divine Symbol to maintain life personally. Divine Symbol void combustion, sacred aura reverberations. 他身上同样带着化神大能以血书就的‘替命神符’,这是每一位神子标配。神子作为一个不朽大教最核心的候补人物,每一个都值得大能重视,亲自书写神符保命。神符虚空燃烧,一股股神圣气息回荡。 But Son of God Yì gān just the Mortal Body recast, replied Peak, Chen Fan hits again fit. 神子易乾刚刚肉身重铸,回复巅峰,陈凡再次合体撞来。 Bang!” “嘭!” In void as if brilliant fireworks blasting open, this time, Yì gān Mortal Body broken is thorougher, the skeleton changes to the fragment powder, the muscle blasts open every inchs, almost could not find any completely, even Primal Infant was almost broken at the scene. 虚空中仿佛又有一朵绚烂烟花炸裂,这一次,易乾肉身碎的更彻底,骨骼化作齑粉,每一寸肌肉都炸裂开来,几乎找不到任何一处完整的,连元婴都差点被当场震碎。 But for assigning/life Divine Symbol worthily is Great Power by the letter written in blood, the prestige can be extremely terrorist. 但‘替命神符’不愧是大能以血书就,威能太过恐怖。 Crash-bang. 哗啦啦。 Another for assigning/life Divine Symbol burns baseless, sacred aura brave from Divine Symbol, changes Yì gān Son of God that the golden light covered dead, helping him remould Mortal Body, solidified Divine Soul and Primal Infant. 又一张替命神符凭空燃烧,一股股神圣气息从神符中冒出来,化作金光笼罩住死去的易乾神子,帮他重塑肉身,凝固神魂元婴 But useless. 但没用。 Chen Fan hits for the third time. 陈凡第三次撞来。 passes! 噗通! Yì gān was stepped on the watermelon that explodes to one. Even if this watermelon can combine in together, perfect. But just makes one step on a foot again. 易乾就向一颗被人一脚踩爆的西瓜般。哪怕这西瓜能够重新组合在一起,完好无损。但只不过让人再多踩一脚罢了。 When Yì gān comes back to life again, he fears finally, Mortal Body has not solidified, Primal Infant jumps out baseless, changes to the escaping light to escape together. Deflagrates one to escape Divine Symbol, prepares with the aid of the strength of Divine Symbol, escapes instantaneously, transfers to surely in beside. 易乾再次复生时,他终于恐惧,肉身还未凝固,元婴就凭空跳出,化作一道遁光想逃跑。更迅速燃烧掉身上一张逃命神符,准备借助神符之力,瞬间逃脱,挪移到千万里之外去。 Subdue!” “镇!” This time, Chen Fan does not allow him to escape, the golden small cauldron moves baseless, suppresses sky over Yì gān Primal Infant. The mountains and rivers cauldron do not look, only then 78 cuns (2.5 cm), but this was antiquity Great Saint was used to suppress livelihood Galaxy god cauldron, can the prestige the terrifying to what degree? genuine mountains and rivers cauldron, even an ancient star can easily suppress, let alone trivial Yì gān? 这一次,陈凡根本不容他逃跑,黄金小鼎凭空一挪,镇压在易乾元婴上空。山河鼎别看只有七八寸大小,但这是上古大圣用来镇压日月星河的‘神鼎’,威能恐怖到何种程度?真正的山河鼎,甚至连一颗古星都能轻易镇压,何况区区易乾呢? Entire void, under the mountains and rivers cauldron, concentrates instantaneously the sheet iron, even the strength of Divine Symbol, is inescapable. 整个虚空,都在山河鼎下,瞬间凝成铁板,连神符之力,都无法逃脱。 I am Everlasting Sect Son of God, you cannot kill me. I have the secret intelligence about immortal earth, can give you completely...” “我是无极宗神子,你不能杀我。我有关于仙土的秘密情报,全部能给你...” The Primal Infant whole face that the black and white two colors compose is alarmed and afraid, is shouting hurriedly. 黑白二色组成的元婴满脸惊惧,匆忙叫着。 But the mountains and rivers cauldron falls gently. 但山河鼎只是轻轻一落。 passes one. 噗通一声。 Black and white two color Primal Infant, were pounded the meat patty! 黑白二色元婴,就被砸成肉饼!
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