ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1141: Breaks through Primal Infant( before dawn (3 - 5 am))

Incessantly is they. 不止是他们。 All sees this by the video, similarly is the Chen Fan's power and influence vibrates. That is solemn Primal Infant Heavenly Monarch, above standing proudly planet, said that teaches to make existence of ancestor, now actually because of a Chen Fan word, commits suicide on the little darling, this begins to massacre dozens over a hundred Primal Infant compared with Chen Fan, but also makes one shake intimidated. 所有透过视频看到此幕者,同样为陈凡的威势而震动。那可是堂堂元婴天君啊,傲立一颗星辰之上,称教作祖的存在,如今却因为陈凡一言,就乖乖去自杀,这远比陈凡动手杀掉数十上百元婴,还让人震怖。 Power and influence on this, showed that Chen Divine Monarch strength, has far exceeded above general Primal Infant, formed the steamroll -type generation gap. Otherwise that three Alien Race Primal Infant, are impossible to be without a fight, is willing to go.” “威势到此,说明陈神君的力量,已经远远超出一般元婴之上,形成了碾压式的代差。否则那三位异族元婴,绝不可能束手就擒,甘愿赴死。” At the CIA forum, Seer posts to say. CIA论坛上,洞察者发帖说道。 Countless people for it excited inspired. 无数人为之激动振奋。 At this moment, even if the average person in Japan, United States and Europe, similarly is the Chen Fan's behavior is excited, even runs up to the avenue to parade, holds the joyful dance party. 此刻,哪怕是日国美国、欧洲的普通人,同样为陈凡的行为而激动,甚至跑到大街上游行,举办欢庆舞会。 Chen Fan not only on behalf of Northern Jade, representative China, he is an earthman. 陈凡不仅代表北琼,代表华国,他更是一个地球人。 Chen Fan's rises, will drive entire Central Mainland Star Region to rise, knows how things stand Divine Monarch like Heavenly Desolate, can the pressure entire abandon Star Region, making Star Ocean great sect not dare to look down on is the same. 陈凡的崛起,将会带动整个中土星域崛起,就像天荒有了数位神君,才能威压整个遗弃星域,让星海大教都不敢小瞧一样。 Chen Divine Monarch, is really Chen Divine Monarch!” “陈神君,真的是陈神君啊!” Many Cultivator sighs. 诸多修炼者感叹。 Including old Azure Dragon, one face is sigh with emotion, never expected that Chen Fan in an instant, has so terrifying cultivation base, but at this moment, from Chen Fan youngster period, not over 20 years. 包括老青龙,都一脸感慨,没想到陈凡转眼间,就拥有如此恐怖的修为,而此刻,距离陈凡少年时期,还不超过二十年啊。 During 20 years, the livelihood changes, planet moves, the time passes, vicissitudes Beidou. Not is only Chen Fan, Earth also had the so huge change. 二十年间,日月变化,星辰移动,时光流逝,沧桑北斗。不仅是陈凡,地球也发生了如此巨大的变迁。 In comparison. 相比之下。 Imperial Capital Qin Jia, some Japan plutocrats and European and US dark families, then the complexion is ugly. Even Star Ocean Great Sects Son of God arrives, was routed by Chen Fan easily accomplished, outside dozens territories Primal Infant bows the head, was known as that prostrates oneself to strong Ān pò Heav­enly Monarch in the Chen Fan under foot, how does this also hit? Who can also shake Chen Fan and Northern Jade invincible position? 燕京秦家、日国财阀、欧美一些黑暗家族,则面色难看。连星海大教的神子降临,都被陈凡摧枯拉朽击溃,数十位域外元婴俯首,号称至强的安珀天君都拜倒在陈凡脚下,这还怎么打?还有谁能撼动陈凡以及北琼无敌的地位? Qin Dongmu heaved a sigh all day, surface like dying embers. 秦东穆更是整天唉声叹气,面如死灰。 Perhaps, they at this moment, in Chen Fan and Northern Jade eye, compared with ants many, did not even pay attention are disinclined to pay attention. Like human conduct time, when cares about the trend and idea that the under foot floats? 可是,他们此刻,在陈凡北琼眼中,恐怕不比蝼蚁强多少,根本连关注都懒得关注了。就像人类行事的时候,什么时候在乎脚下浮游的动向和想法呢? Should on Divine Monarch confer a title upon to Chen, conducts one incomparably grandly, making Earth even entire abandon the vast greatly rises standard that Star Region focuses attention on, coronates Divine Monarch for Chen Divine Monarch genuine ‚’ the number. Announced that the rise of my Earth, re-entered era Peak.” “该给陈神君上封号了,举办一场无比盛大,让地球甚至整个遗弃星域瞩目的浩大盛典,为陈神君真正加冕‘神君’之号。宣告我地球的崛起,重回上古时代巅峰。” Established Golden Core suggestions in Kunlun Burial Grounds numerous immortal. 昆墟众仙中的一位老牌金丹建议。 His suggestion, obtains entire Northern Jade Faction to approve instantaneously , by old Azure Dragon and the others the mouths, spreads over entire Earth practice. Arrived finally, was clear including the most common three -year-old child. 他的建议,瞬间得到整个北琼派一直认可,紧接着,透过老青龙等人的嘴,传遍整个地球修炼界。到最后,连最普通的三岁小孩都清楚。 Immediately. 顿时。 The entire Earth boiled. 整个地球都沸腾了。 Yes. 是啊。 Earth changes after ten years of vicissitudes, encounters outside the territory repeatedly cultivator and Star Ocean Great Sects oppression, now feels proud and elated, should hold an incomparably grand celebration, being used is Chen Fan coronates, the congratulations happy wished all these while convenient. 地球经过十年沧桑大变,屡屡遭到域外修士星海大教的欺压,如今扬眉吐气,是该举办一场无比盛大的庆典,用来为陈凡加冕,顺便庆贺欢祝这一切。 A'Xiu and Jiang Churan, the 2nd day stepped into Northern Jade Pavilion that constructed, asked for instructions to Chen Fan. 阿秀姜初然,第二日就踏入重新修建的北琼阁,向陈凡请示。 Chen Fan returned to the character: „ But ’. 陈凡回了字:“可’。 Finally, the magnificent ceremony determines to be held, the time was made a final decision in a half year. In the half year, remains outside cultivator for these territories to catch up, simultaneously arranges for the celebration. 最终,盛典确定举行,时间被敲定在半年。这半年,是留出来供那些域外修士赶来,同时为了庆典筹备的。 Olympic Games and World Cup must conduct for 78 years, now entire Earth most grand seals god grand ceremony, arranged too to be hasty with a half year. Moreover Chen Fan estimated, oneself most is less than a half year, can genuine go out. 一届奥运会和世界杯都要举办七八年,如今整个地球最隆重的‘封神大典’,用半年筹备都太仓促了。而且陈凡预计,自己最多不到半年,就能真正出关了。 After obtaining the Chen Fan approval . 得到陈凡认可后。 The world power vibrates, five great nations vigorously to collaborate, many plutocrats, sects and aristocratic family, wish one could to pull out the family property, goes all out to offer. 世界大国都为之震动,五大国倾力联手,诸多财阀、宗派、世家,更是恨不得把家底都掏出来,拼命献上。 Any land, building, material, fund, procedure wait/etc, is a cinch radically, China gives the green light. President United States, pulls the sleeve to run up to Chuzhou to come personally, the head is saluting a safety helmet, when supervisor head. Now, entire Chuzhou is Jiangnan Province, changes to a big work site. On an Earth unprecedented mammoth project opening. 什么土地、建筑、材料、资金、手续等等,根本不在话下,华国一路开绿灯。美国总统,更是亲自挽袖子跑到楚州来,头顶带着一顶安全帽,当监工头。如今,整个楚州乃是江南省,都化作一个大工地。一个地球上前所未有的浩大工程开启。 Not only ordinary mortal. 不仅普通凡人。 Outside territory cultivator simultaneously making a move. 域外修士同时出手 Many Primal Infant magnanimous practice resources both hands will offer, some Primal Infant Old Ancestor, but also offers celestial mountain pavilions, these celestial mountain pavilions refine with special Magic Power, tall and pleasing to the eye, each multi-colored sunlight ten thousand, spectacular. Is situated in the Chuzhou space, becomes a piece of heavenly palace continuously, on most the head, is Qitian Gong of Kunlun Burial Grounds deep place. 诸多元婴将海量的修炼资源双手奉上,有一些元婴老祖,还献上一座座仙山楼阁,那些仙山楼阁都是用特殊法力炼制而成,美轮美奂,各个霞光万道,气象万千。坐落在楚州天上,连绵成一片天宫,最上首的,正是昆墟界深处的‘齐天宫’。 At this moment. 此刻。 Qitian Gong has left from the Kunlun Burial Grounds China , Norway, substituted Northern Jade Pavilion, dominates in Fog Mountain most Peak, becomes the entire Northern Jade Faction most important core place. 齐天宫已经从昆墟界中挪出,替代了北琼阁,凌驾在云雾山巅峰,成为整个北琼派最重要的核心地方。 Chen Fan's Nine Orifices Divine Infant, since striking massacres Son of God Yì gān, assumes personal command in this. 陈凡的九窍神婴,自从击杀掉神子易乾后,就坐镇于此。 He even also finds the time, refines entire Heavenly Cloud Palace, this Heavenly Monarch level spirit treasure grade, enhances plans, with sidereal revolution Galaxy sword is linked to each other while convenient, Northern Jade Faction high and low, genuine builds is ordinary like Tietong. 他甚至还抽出时间来,把整个云天宫重新炼制一遍,将这尊天君灵宝的品级,更提高一筹,顺便与周天星河剑阵连在一起,把北琼派上下,真正打造的如同铁通一般。 Every day. 每一天。 Has the disciple to come to ask for instructions the inquiry. 都有弟子前来请示询问。 Chen Fan also all comes are welcome, his true body closes up in immortal within the earth in any case, does not delay. Directs A'Xiu, Jiang Churan, Lu Yanxue, Qi Xiu'er and the others while convenient cultivation. The Chen Ning, Chen Guoguo and other Chen Family juniors, also do obeisance into Chen Fan Disciple, although is not the genuine disciple, but now is also Northern Jade core person of the hour. 陈凡也来者不拒,反正他真身在仙土中闭关,并不耽误。顺便指点阿秀姜初然陆燕雪祁秀儿等人的修行陈宁陈果果陈家小辈,同样也拜入陈凡门下,虽然不是真正弟子,但如今也是北琼的核心人物 „Can Teacher, why be so hasty? Six months, we can definitely wait again 35 years, rules entire to abandon Star Region to go the matter, makes entire abandon the Star Region people to come, is the Teacher congratulations.” A'Xiu asked curiously. 老师,为什么要这么仓促?仅仅半年时间,我们完全可以再等个三五年,把事情统治到整个遗弃星域去,让整个遗弃星域的人都过来,为老师庆贺。”阿秀好奇问道。 If seals the god grand ceremony so grand ceremony. 如封神大典这般隆重的仪式。 Generally the sect wishes one could with ten years of even hundred years arranges, in the past when it is said Heaven Treading Divine Monarch god, entire Desolate Heaven Star and even surrounding more than ten planet, spent for 500 years to prepare, make entire abandon cultivator above Star Region Golden Core, rushed all. Even many Golden Core, but also passed away in Heavenly Desolate. 一般宗派恨不得用十年甚至百年的时间去筹备,当年据说踏天神君封神时,整个天荒星乃至周围十几颗星辰,花了五百年去筹办,让整个遗弃星域金丹之上的修士,尽数赶到。甚至有不少金丹,还老死在了天荒 Chen Fan uses merely for a half year, is far more than hasty, starts simply hurriedly. 陈凡仅仅用半年,何止仓促,简直是匆忙上马。 If not Earth may emerging planet, but Chen Fan is also very savage, has elders cultivator outside territory, said that did not have good manners the meter custom. 若非地球是可颗新兴的星辰,而陈凡又无比凶残,早就有域外的老辈修士,说不懂礼仪规矩了。 Was so long, within most 1-2 years, Teacher must start the Star Ocean deep place, looked for your teacher's wife they.” Chen Fan puts out a hand, caresses the young girl top of the head lightly. Moreover, something were also far from the conclusion, I hope, in this sealed on the god grand ceremony, understood all!” “等不了那么久的,最多1-2之内,老师就要启程去星海深处,寻找你师娘她们了。”陈凡伸手,轻抚少女头顶。“况且,有些事情还远远没有结束,我希望在这个封神大典上面,把一切都了解掉!” Chen Fan is saying, in the eye pupil sparkles cold glow. 陈凡说着,眼眸中闪耀一丝寒芒 What matter can also make you begin? You have abandoned Star Region invincibly.” A'Xiu is smiling, suddenly stares, the small face is ignorant. Teacher, what you said is Star Ocean great sect? Will they also come again? Hasn't come?” “什么事情还能让您动手?您已经无敌遗弃星域了啊。”阿秀笑着,忽的一愣,小脸懵懂。“老师,您说的是星海大教?他们还会再来?可不是早就已经来过了吗?” Chen Fan smiles does not answer. 陈凡笑了笑不答。 Some things, entire Northern Jade high and low, and others knows on Jiang Churan and Priest Soaring Clouds, even A'Xiu Chen Fan has not told. Earth has the immortal reason to be, is these Star Ocean great sect layout tens of thousands years, even several hundred thousand years plan, let many Divine Transformation Great Power greedy existences. 有些事情,整个北琼上下,就姜初然凌云道长等寥寥几人知道,连阿秀陈凡都没告诉。地球有仙缘所在,是那些星海大教布局几万年,甚至几十万年谋划,让诸多化神大能都眼馋的存在。 Solar Son of God, is Yì gān and the others, is only the vanguard. 无论是太阳神子,还是易乾等人,只是先锋罢了。 genuine large unit also in behind. 真正的大部队还在后面。 Now died merely is several Son of God and dozens Primal Infant. By these immortal great sect, hundreds and thousands of Primal Infant, the Son of God god dozens over a hundred, Golden Core is frequently as numerous as the hairs of an ox, how possibly easily to give up? Even Chen Fan guessed, the news on Earth, has reached the Star Ocean deep place inevitably, next time, when these great sect arrivals, will not look down on him again, puts out the complete strength inevitably, the thunder strikes, goes all out also uses the full power! 如今死掉的仅仅是几个神子和数十个元婴罢了。以那些不朽大教,动辄成百上千的元婴,神子神将数十上百,金丹更多如牛毛,怎么可能轻易善罢甘休?甚至陈凡都猜测,地球上的消息,必然已经传进星海深处了,下一次,当那些大教到来时,绝不会再小瞧他,必然拿出全部力量,雷霆一击,狮子搏兔亦用全力! By that time, is genuine struggles hard. 到那时,才是一场真正苦战。 Although Chen Fan does not place in the trivial immortal god the eye, but he at this moment, eventually is only Golden Core. 虽然陈凡并不把区区不朽神教放在眼中,但他此刻,终究只是一个金丹罢了。 Even Chen Fan has to step up to close up, with Immortal Qi tempering the fleshly body Divine Soul. Chen Fan attempts Mortal Body, Magic Power and Divine Soul as succinct as most Peak, even concise is one, had confidence that in this unprecedented war, shelters at present the young girl, as well as entire Northern Jade Faction and Earth. 陈凡都不得不加紧闭关,用仙气淬炼肉身神魂陈凡试图把肉身法力神魂都洗练到最巅峰,甚至凝练为一,才有把握在这场前古未有的大战中,庇护眼前少女,以及整个北琼派和地球。 My wait for you come, does not kill you to be scared, how will one flock of large mice give up Earth this fat?’ ‘我等你们来,不杀到你们胆寒,一群硕鼠又怎么会放弃地球这块肥肉呢?’ Chen Fan sneers, looks up to the sky, both pupils full is Killing Intent of deep conceals. 陈凡冷笑,仰望天空,双瞳满是深藏的杀意 ... ... Quick, time circulation, time change. 很快,时光流转,光阴变迁。 Makes the Primal Spirit palace deep place. 元神殿深处。 Chen Fan's Mortal Body sits well as before, in makes Origin Well side. He at this moment, not only round of good fortune Immortal Wheel, hangs in the top of the head, nine color Divine Light rotate slowly, Mortal Body is glittering and translucent carving, like the radiant diamond amber, does not have the tiny bit slight defect. Even Chen Fan sits well Divine Soul in Violet Palace, whole body clear, is sparkling the radiant golden light. 陈凡的肉身依旧端坐在‘造元井’旁。他此刻,不仅一轮造化仙轮,高悬于头顶,九色神光徐徐转动,肉身晶莹剔透,如同璀璨的钻石琥珀般,没有一丝一毫的瑕疵。甚至连陈凡端坐在紫府内的神魂,都浑身晶莹,闪耀着璀璨金光。 His Divine Soul, such as today is never so dazzling, flew high like the big day. 他的神魂,从未如今天这般耀眼过,如同大日凌空。 The person who each looks straight ahead his Divine Soul, will only feel, Chen Fan's Divine Soul as if hangs above Nine Heavens, being full of one is greatly comfortable and greatly being free, the big completion ideal condition, as if eternal does not extinguish. The immortal light, surrounds continuously around Chen Fan Divine Soul, the smallpox emerges from the top of the head, the golden lotus gushes out in the under foot, continuously, extinguishes, just like High Heavens Immortal! 每一个直视他神魂的人,都只会觉得,陈凡的神魂似乎高悬于九天之上,充满着一股大自在、大逍遥、大圆满的意境,仿佛永恒不灭般。更有一缕缕仙光,环绕在陈凡神魂周围,天花自头顶涌现,金莲在脚下涌出,源源不断,生生灭灭,宛如天上仙人般! Immortal Soul! 仙魂 Chen Fan impressively in Legends Immortal Soul, concise success. 陈凡赫然将传说中仙魂,凝练成功了。 In Immortal Body, Immortal Soul and pill of immortality. Is strongest at the Immortal Soul difficulty, after all practice Magic Power and Mortal Body method, various factions are not rare. For example True Martial Immortal Sect Battle Immortal Secret Art, Five Elements Immortal Sect Five Elements immortal secret art wait/etc. Since thousands of years, always several people can cultivate/repair to become an immortal Immortal Physique pill. But Immortal Soul were too few. 仙体仙魂、仙丹中。以仙魂的难度最强,毕竟修炼法力肉身的法门,各宗各派都不罕见。比如真武仙宗的‘斗战仙诀’,五行仙宗的‘五行仙诀’等等。千万年以来,总有几个人能修成仙体仙丹。但仙魂就太少了。 Including Chen Fan, in the hand does not have an immortal level that points to Immortal Soul refining up the soul method. 包括陈凡,手中都没有一部直指仙魂的仙级炼魂法门。 Meanwhile, in Chen Fan's Immortal Soul truly three, is easiest to refine, by Immortal Qi one succinct, spent for several months concise, compared with Immortal Body changed/easy to become, reasons for this include, Chen Fan guessed possibly with own Samsara rebirth, on first has built up Immortal Soul to be related. 但同时,陈凡的仙魂确实三者中,最容易炼成,被仙气一洗练,花了几个月时间就凝练而成,远比仙体易成,究其原因,陈凡猜测可能与自己轮回重生,上一世早就炼成过仙魂有关。 Does not manage. Should tread last.” “不管了。是该踏出最后一步了。” Chen Fan raised the head. 陈凡抬头。 Sees only hangs in the flowers of Chen Fan top of the head three limit, now congeals all, without the least bit impurity and illusory. This on behalf, Chen Fan's Mortal Body, Divine Soul and Magic Power, to most Peak, has been achieving this Universe pinnacle concise, is in Legends big Golden Core realm. Also is Three Immortal Forms, eternal rare. 只见高悬于陈凡头顶三朵止境之花,如今尽数凝结,没有半点杂质和虚幻。这代表着,陈凡的肉身神魂法力,都已经凝练到最巅峰,达到这个宇宙的极致,也就是传说中的‘大金丹境界。也就是‘三仙之姿’,万古罕有。 But then, unites the three, attempts to break through Primal Infant, obtains genuine sidewise compression all strengths! 而接下来,就是将三者合一,尝试突破元婴,获得真正横压一切的力量! PS: Before dawn (3 - 5 am) finished, asking the monthly ticket to ask recommendation ticket ^ _ ^ PS:五更完毕,求月票求推荐票^_^
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