NE :: Volume #3

#263: Looks forward to act unreasonably

Your Magic Pet evil intention has attacked a human child, has created -two injury value. ‘你的魔宠恶意攻击了一名人类孩子,造成了-2的伤害值’。 The above is the fight prompt in system, Beta sees, is somewhat surprised, afterward immediately summoned Jeanne. 以上就是系统中的战斗提示,贝塔看到的时候,有些惊讶,随后立刻将贞德召唤了回来。 Jeanne is a good bird, is Intelligence is normal, and has Magic Pet of enough right and wrong judgment ability, but the good bird, actually to have attacked a child in the city like this. Beta also knows from the system prompt, Jeanne has handled such matter, although has only caused 2 damage to the child, probably also gently looks for an appearance, but the system judgment, in this attack, is having evil intention. 贞德是一头好鸟,是一只智力正常,并且拥有足够是非判断能力的魔宠,但这样的好鸟,却在城中袭击了一个小孩子。贝塔也是从系统提示中出知道,贞德做了这样的事情,虽然只对小孩子造成了2的伤害,大约也就是轻轻找上一下的样子,但系统判断,这一次攻击中,带着‘恶意’。 Evil intention of system determination, will not make a mistake absolutely, in other words, Jeanne is not losing of having no interest. 系统判定的恶意,绝对不会出错,也就是说,贞德并非无心之失。 Jeanne was transmitted the Beta side, as soon as it sees Beta, receives own head under the neck under soft the golden feather. 贞德被传送回贝塔的身边,它一看到贝塔,就将自己的脑袋收在脖子下方柔软的金色羽毛之下。 This has done the wrong thing obviously, can have the performance that. 这明显是做了错事,才会有的表现。 Why?” Beta sits on the chair, asked friendly. “为什么?”贝塔坐在椅子上,和气地问道。 Although said that Jeanne truly has done the wrong thing, but has not handled the matter excessively, was only gently flexure a child, superficially, this was not the big matter, but embarked from the event nature, then matter some are not right. 虽然说贞德确实是做了错事,但并没有把事情做得过份,只是轻轻地挠了一下小孩子,从表面上来看,这并不是什么大事情,但从事件性质上出发,那么事情就有些不对了。 Side is the child, side is Magic Pet. The average adult meets Jeanne such powerful Magic Pet, is the dead ends, let alone is a child. If not clarify the reason of matter, Beta was worried by some chance, Jeanne presents such matter again, was not gently the flexure child one so is possibly simple. 一边是小孩子,一边是魔宠。普通成年人遇上贞德这样的强力魔宠,都是死路一条,更何况是个小孩子。如果不把事情的原因弄清楚,贝塔担心万一以后贞德再出现这样的事情,那么可能就不是轻轻挠小孩子一下这么简单了。 Heard master's inquiry, the Jeanne body swung, then searched from the feather the head, said: I am not clear, has very strange hatred to that child suddenly. Time when I awaken, must almost pinch his neck with the claw, is good because of also with enough time receives the hand......” 听到主人的询问,贞德身子摇摆了一下,然后才将脑袋从羽毛中探出来,说道:“我也不清楚,突然之间就对那个小孩子有着很奇怪的憎恨。等我醒悟过来的时候,差不多就已经要用爪子捏着他的脖子了,好在还来得及收手……” Possibly you were tired, therefore the spirit was somewhat abnormal, in the advanced space rested.” “可能你是累着了,所以精神有些失常,先进空间中休息一下吧。” Beta has fed in Jeanne the Grand Residence Spell space, then is lost in thought. Magic Pet physical strength is very strong. Situation that is impossible to have the mental aberration, only if by person intentionally using the Spiritual Magic attack, or control. 贝塔贞德送进了豪宅术空间中,接着便陷入沉思。魔宠本身的体力就很强。不可能出现精神失常的情况,除非被人故意利用精神魔法攻击,或者控制。 Is good at the mental manipulation spellcaster being many, what he feels strange is. Jeanne flies generally in upper air, takeoffs several hundred meters, who has such big skill , to continue several hundred meters own spiritual attack, moreover is controlling magic spell on the ground to airborne completely bold common goal use spirit class. 擅长精神控制的施法者不少,但他奇怪的是。贞德一般都是飞在高空,离地数百米,谁有这么大的本事,将自己的精神攻击延续数百米,而且还是在地上对着空中一个完全豪不起眼的目标使用精神类控制法术 He was guessing various possible times. Actually some discovery people stood in oneself front. 他正猜测着各种可能性的时候。却发现有人站在了自己的面前。 „Are you Beta?” “你就是贝塔?” Comes the person to be very rampant, the look is also very stubborn. 来人很嚣张,神色也很桀骜。 Beta lifts the eyelid, somewhat strangely looks at the opposite party: Who are you?” 贝塔抬起眼睑,有些奇怪地看着对方:“你是谁?” Moses- Brighton.” The youth look has selected indifferently , a face I look at your one eyes, is the member of the upper-class expression of your good fortune: Heard that you and Emma little princess's relations are very good?” “摩西-布莱顿。”青年神色淡然点了下头,一脸我看你一眼,是你福气的上等人表情:“听说你和艾玛小公主的关系很好?” Beta has pondered over the meaning of these words, looked under the opposite party expression again, immediately understood the purpose in coming of opposite party, he asked puzzled: Who told you this saying?” 贝塔琢磨了一下这句话的意思,再看了下对方的表情,顿时明白了对方的来意,他不解地问道:“谁告诉你这话的?” Who you leave alone are tell me.” Moses snort/hum sound: You should be farther to the Emma little princess, she......!” “你别管是谁告诉我。”摩西哼了声:“你最好离艾玛小公主远些,她……啊!” A sad and shrill pitiful yell resounds, Beta speed is quick likely is the wind and thunder. His direct fist pounded on Moses's face, hit continually the opposite party draws back several steps to fall on the ground, the blood in nose, was the fountain gushes out likely generally. 一声凄厉的惨叫响起,贝塔速度快得像是风雷。他直接一拳砸在了摩西的脸上,将对方打得连退数步跌坐在地上,鼻子里的血,像是喷泉一般涌出。 This has not ended, Moses's guard sees that just wants to go forward to help, was actually blown the flying several meter/rice by together the strong winds, drops on the ground. 这还没完,摩西身边的护卫见状,正想上前帮忙,却被一道狂风吹飞数米,跌落在地上。 Although Beta does not excel at wind system magic very much, but is used to cope with these strength general Class Holder, actually also has more than enough to spare. 虽然贝塔并不很擅长风系魔法,但用来对付这些实力一般的职业者,却也绰绰有余。 You dare unexpectedly. You dare unexpectedly!” “你居然敢。你居然敢!” Moses covers the nose, hate place is looking before own body, not far away man. 摩西捂着鼻子,怨恨地看着自己身前不远处的男人。 Beta walks, grasps Moses's hair, drags the line. The pitiful cry and cursed in hiding hits the mark to resound. Many people were attracted, including that several reinforcements old men. 贝塔走过去,抓起摩西的头发,一路拖行。凄惨的叫声和咒骂在隐蔽点中响起。很多人都被吸引了过来,包括那几个援军老头子。 Drags this Moses, Beta to arrive at the Second Prince front, then threw the under foot of Second Prince the person. 拖着这个摩西,贝塔一路走到二王子的面前,然后将人扔到了二王子的脚下。 Looks at Moses's pitiful condition, the appearance that Second Prince does not know the circumstances of the matter asks: Beta did your excellency, Moses offend you? Perhaps his disposition is some are unendurable. But you cope with him like this, tramples his dignity, this is not quite good.” 看着摩西的惨状,二王子一幅不知情的模样问道:“贝塔阁下,摩西怎么得罪你了?或许他的性格是有些让人难以忍受。但你这样子对付他,践踏他的尊严,这不太好吧。” Nearby encirclement audience is a heart has in the expression, especially that several old men, they look at Moses's pitiful condition, has a look at Beta again, immediately thought this person went too far. They once had been also young, before they or wanted Moses more innocent, the scoundrel, they most feared that meets person who a Beta this word did not begin at earliest convenience, not only will be punched, but also met the face countenance to lose greatly. 旁边的围观众都是一幅心有于焉的表情,特别是那几个老头子,他们看着摩西的惨状,再看看贝塔,顿时觉得这人太过份了。他们也曾年轻过,以前他们或者要比摩西更加不懂事,更加混帐,他们最怕遇到贝塔这种一言不合就动手的人,不但会被揍一顿,而且会颜面大失。 Second Prince, I want to tell you a matter.” Beta looks at the opposite party, the corners of the mouth is having the obvious satire: As an accurate King, your measuring is too small. You dislike me to be very normal, after all I never flattered to your humble/despise Gong, moreover occasionally will remove your stage, but you should not cope with me with such bored small method, did not have the style. You either the King who when possesses forbearance a person of quantity truly, either is making a move thunder even tyrant. But you use like this small method, is very disappointing.” 二王子,我只是想告诉你一件事。”贝塔看着对方,嘴角带着明显的讽刺:“作为一名准王者,你的度量太小。你讨厌我很正常,毕竟我从不对你卑躬奉承,而且还偶尔会拆你的台,只是你不该用这么无聊的小手段来对付我,太没有格调。你要么就当一个真正有容人之量的王者,要么就做一名出手雷霆均的霸者。可你用出这样的小手段,很让人失望。” After the one breath the words said that Beta left, simply has not given the Second Prince rebuttal the opportunity. 一口气将话说完后,贝塔离开了,根本没有给二王子反驳的机会。 Ignazio looks at the Beta back, hating the tooth to be itchy, he looks at the surrounding everyone now, what expression regardless of the opposite party now is, he thought that the opposite party definitely at heart was ridiculing him. 伊格纳兹看着贝塔的背影,恨得牙痒痒的,他现在看着周围每一个人,无论对方现在是什么样的表情,他都觉得对方肯定在心里嘲笑他。 He hates and gets angry, has no alternative. Beta is in itself Grandmaster Level spellcaster, moreover there is Emma, Kyle and other powerhouses were lending a hand. If he dares to get angry, bad luck absolutely is not Beta, but is oneself. 他又恨又怒,却又无可奈何。贝塔本身就是大师级施法者,而且还有艾玛,凯尔等强者帮衬着。如果他敢翻脸,倒霉的绝对不会是贝塔,而是自己。 Everybody dispersed, went back to prepare, tomorrow our positive/direct storm Royal City.” Ignazio is enduring the anger, has issued the order. Several old man innertubes the vague smile was leaving, regarding the Second Prince disposition and moral character, they some new understanding, this they and royal courts was together to later, has important implication. “大家都散了吧,回去准备,明天我们就正面强攻王城。”伊格纳兹忍着怒火,下达了命令。几个老头子带着若有若无的微笑离开了,对于二王子的性格和品性,他们又有了新的理解,这会对以后他们和王室相处,有着很重要的借鉴意义。 Ignazio walks, holds Moses, said: Excuse me, Moses, it seems like you must trade a desire to be good. The man who Emma selects is not affable, you also saw, his I do not pay attention.” 伊格纳兹走过去,将摩西扶起来,说道:“不好意思,摩西,看来你得换个愿望才行了。艾玛选中的男人不好惹,你也看到了,他连我都不放在眼里。” Puts out a handkerchief from the clothes, Moses is scratching nosebleed on the face, at this time his on the face did not have that rampant expression again, but sighed that very much said: I think oneself have sufficed insolent, but has not thought, unexpectedly some people are more insolent than me, the face of royal family does not sell, dares to scold including future country Royal Capital.” 从衣服中拿出一张手帕,摩西擦着自己脸上的鼻血,此时他脸上已经再也没有那种嚣张的表情,而是很感叹地说道:“我本以为自己已经够张狂了的,但没有想到,居然有人比我更加张狂,连王室的面子都不卖,连未来的国王都敢骂。” After having smiled bitterly one next, Ignazio asked: Beta is very able, moreover is very good with the Emma relations, I do not have the means with him. You think that the new desire does not have, after all your family can help, I cannot such disregard your loyalty.” 苦笑了一下之后,伊格纳兹问道:“贝塔很有能力,而且和艾玛关系还很好,我拿他也没有办法。你想好自己新的愿望没有,毕竟你们家族能来帮忙,我不能就这么无视你们的忠诚。” Moses beckons with the hand again and again: Does not need to trade, now the Emma little princess or Saintess, she must give up office, at least 2-3 years later, some of my also a lot of opportunities.” 摩西连连摆手:“不用换,现在艾玛小公主还是圣女,她要卸职,至少得两三年以后,我还有很多机会。” Ignazio has gawked, afterward smiles: I somewhat hope actually you were my brother-in-law.” 伊格纳兹愣了一下,随后微笑起来:“我倒是真有点希望你是我的妹夫了。” Moses smiles. 摩西嘿嘿一笑。 Actually Naze Naze also has half a word words not saying: What a pity Emma cannot have a liking for you. 其实纳兹纳兹还有半句话没有说出来:可惜艾玛看不上你。 After Beta leaves Second Prince certain distance, sneaked in the Grand Residence Spell space directly. Emma visits him lovingly, Kyle and Alice are the expressions that a face admires, the only Sophie complexion is not quite attractive. 贝塔离开二王子一定距离后,直接钻进了豪宅术空间中。艾玛含情脉脉地看着他,凯尔爱丽丝都是一脸佩服的表情,唯独苏菲脸色不太好看。 After all the Beta action, saw that is protecting Emma, as well as is giving her to vent anger. Actually only then Beta know, he absolutely does not have that meaning, only therefore which \; first, unable to get used to seeing Second Prince that small thoughts, another reason, truly has then regarded as own teammate and friend Emma, but they do not imagine the sweetheart. 毕竟贝塔刚才的举动,怎么看都是在护着艾玛,以及在给她出气。其实只有贝塔自己才知道,他完全没有那意思,只所以哪些,一是看不惯二王子那点小心思,另一个原因,便是将艾玛真正看成了自己的队友兼朋友,而非他们想像中的情人。 Tomorrow Second Prince will definitely meet storm Royal City, therefore we must make many preparations ahead of time.” “明天二王子肯定会强攻王城,所以我们要提前做好些准备。” Seeing Beta must say the proper business, the people also sat immediately. 见到贝塔要说正事了,众人立刻也坐了下来。 From population, Second Prince, is us holds the superiority, moreover us the Class Holder strategy is quite strong, after all our several people, in addition does not dare saying that deals with several hundred people not to have the issue.” “从人数上来看,二王子,也就是我们这边占有优势,而且我们这边职业者战略比较强,毕竟我们几人在,另的不敢说,对付数百人还是没有问题的。” The people show a faint smile. Now in their five people of groups, three Grandmasters, Alice also misses one step to step into the Grandmaster, the Sophie strength is worse, but also is the public figure of elite rank, and now Emma and Sophie two people have oneself Magic Pet, the strength considerably increases, their five people join up, itself can regard as is a several hundred people of formidable army. 众人都是微微一笑。现在他们五人组中,有三个大师,爱丽丝也差一步就踏入大师,苏菲实力差些,但也算是精英级别的人士,并且现在艾玛苏菲两人都有自己的魔宠,实力大大增加,他们五个人联合起来,本身就可以看成是一支数百人的强大军队。 Although said that looked like we are wins, so long as did not have what accident/surprise, absolutely will not lose, as long as the matter was careful. I once had seen somewhat formidable Class Holder, the flowed arrow in the battlefield claimed the life, therefore we must result in prepare completely safe. These defend the arrow arrow scroll, your six, after on to battlefield, must maintain element deflects the magic entire journey to start, understood?” “虽然说看起来我们是赢定了,只要没有什么意外,就绝对不会输,但凡事都要小心。我曾见过有些强大的职业者,在战场上被流矢夺去了生命,所以我们必须得做好万全的准备。这些是防御箭矢卷轴,你们每人六张,上到战场后,一定要保持身上的元素偏转魔法全程启动,明白了吗?” The people divide that pile of magic scroll that on the tabletop just took, then Beta continues saying: Side First Prince also has space demon Mage, the Grandmaster rank, is very fierce. You are also clear, space demon Mage strange, if to he, escapes immediately, asks us to meet, do not prolong contact, understood?” 众人分了桌面上刚拿出来的那一堆魔法卷轴,而后贝塔继续说道:“大王子身边还有一名空间魔法师,大师级别,很厉害。你们也清楚,空间魔法师有多诡异,如果对上他,立刻就逃跑,找我们会合,千万不要恋战,明白了吧?” The people nod. 众人又是点点头。 Was good, everybody rests, earlier rests, earlier recuperates the spirit, but after all tomorrow matter of life and death, if the spirit is not good, will affect the survival rate.” “好了,大家都休息吧,早点休息,早点养好精神,毕竟明天可是生死攸关的时候,如果精神不好,甚至会影响生存率的。” After the words said that Beta sets out, will leave to outside rests, but Emma stopped by calling out him suddenly: Beta, you and we rest to two buildings together.” 话说完后,贝塔起身,正要离开到外面去睡,可艾玛突然叫住了他:“贝塔,你到二楼和我们一起休息吧。” Beta somewhat felt strange: But two buildings are the places that you and Sophie rest, you two girls in the same place, I do not come up conveniently.” 贝塔有些奇怪:“可二楼是你和苏菲休息的地方,你们两个女孩子在一起,我上去不方便。” Has not been relating. In the Grand Residence Spell space the rest quality be better than outside.” Emma smile: Moreover we believe you, regardless of I am Sophie, believes that you will not act unreasonably.” “没在关系。豪宅术空间中休息质量要比外边好。”艾玛微笑:“况且我们相信你,无论我是苏菲,都相信你不会乱来。” Alice hears funnily in side, she uses the sound to whisper weakly inaudible: Attire , to continue to install! Actually you look forward to him to act unreasonably.”( To be continued.) 爱丽丝在旁边听得好笑,她用弱不可闻地声音嘀咕道:“装,继续装!其实你们两人巴不得他乱来吧。”(未完待续。) ... ...
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