NE :: Volume #3

#262: Feudal Lord is centralized

Destiny Goddess has not set up Temple on the ground, not to anybody, or any race has passed on the doctrine. Nobody knows that she is having any appearance, how nobody knows her temperament, even nobody knows that she names. The people only know, this world also Destiny Goddess, only knows she can operate the destiny. 命运女神从来没在地上设立神殿,也没有向任何人,或者任何种族传过教义。没有人知道她长着什么模样,没有人知道她脾气如何,甚至没有人知道她叫什么名字。人们只知道,这世间还有一个命运女神,只知道她可以操纵命运。 Thinks that was such mysterious gods plans more than 300 years ago God War, Beta felt the tooth somewhat turned sour. Although the gods are formidable, but each gods have own weakness, the miracle that so long as the people showed from her in the past, can infer the domain that she excels. 一想到是这么神秘的神明策划了300多年前的神战,贝塔就感觉牙齿有些发酸。神明虽然强大,但每一个神明都有自己的弱点,人们只要从她以往展现的神迹,就能推断出她擅长的领域。 Therefore the players can cope with Divine Descent Forest Goddess, because Forest Goddess fears the fire. 所以玩家们才可以对付神降森林女神,因为森林女神怕火。 But nobody knows that Destiny Goddess has other any special capabilities, does not know that what weakness she has, but light operates destiny ability, sufficiently makes the person dread. 可没有人知道命运女神有什么其它的特殊能力,更不知道她有什么样的弱点,但光是操纵命运这能力,就足以让人忌惮。 Many people do not fear any misery, did not fear the death, actually feared that was regarded the board game piece same to organize, thinks that was handling the correct matter, however was actually the misdemeanor did not know, this regarding them, that was dying is more fearful than much matters. 很多人不怕任何苦难,也不惧怕死亡,却怕被人当成棋子一样摆布,自以为做着正确的事情,然而却是坏事而不自知,这对于他们来说,那是比死亡更可怕得多的事情。 What Beta is worried, Persian cat and little white how. They kept the letter saying that the enemy was very formidable, does not dare to come, was because feared that was caught destiny by Destiny Goddess the relations of track? 贝塔更担心的是,波斯猫和小白到底怎么样了。她们留信说,敌人很强大,不敢现身,难道是因为怕被命运女神抓到‘命运’轨道的关系? Own talent special skill Materialist, does not know that can resist the Destiny Goddess destiny control ability, perhaps if the energy, later can add on the Persian cat they. 自己的天赋特长‘唯物主义者’,不知道能不能抵抗命运女神的命运操纵能力,如果能的话,或许以后能帮得上波斯猫她们。 Saw that Beta is pondering, other people have not disturbed him. 看到贝塔在沉思,其它人没有打扰他。 Emma continues to tease her flame little ghost, because she discovered, after flame little ghost the contract becomes Magic Pet, unexpectedly will speak the language of Hollevin country's. Therefore she has been inquiring to oneself little ghost the Demon Realm situation, look can ask some useful information, is good to add on busy of Beta. 艾玛继续逗弄她的火焰小鬼,因为她发现,火焰小鬼被契约成魔宠后,居然会说霍莱汶国的语言了。所以她一直在向自己的小鬼询问着魔界的情况,看看能不能从中问出些有用的信息,好帮上贝塔的忙。 About after one meeting, Beta rotates the state of mind from the ponder, he looks at the people, said: We go back, stayed here not to use. This matter of doing we have completed, the following matter, is not we can process.” 大约一会后,贝塔从沉思中回转神思,他看着众人,说道:“我们回去吧,留在这里也没有用了。该做的事情我们已经完成,接下来的事情,不是我们能处理的。” The people nod, agrees. A Demon Race city. A king of doubtful Demigod Level powerhouse, moreover this matter also involves the Demon God Phoenix, their several are considered as in the world reluctantly on is some status, but places in this god demon the level of struggle, unimportant person. Mixes, is no different courts death. 众人都点点头,表示同意。一个魔族的城市。还有一个疑似半神级强者的大王,而且这事还牵扯到魔神菲尼克斯,他们几个在人类世界中勉强算得上是有些地位,但放在这种神魔的斗争的层面上,就得小人物一个。掺合进去,无异于找死。 Has rested again after the period of time, Beta leaves to arrive at outside, draws up magic array, transmitted the Royal City suburb. 再休息了一阵子后,贝塔出到外边,绘制魔法阵,传送到了王城的郊外。 Again hiding that returned to Second Prince to be. 再一次回到了二王子所在的隐蔽点。 Ignazio to Beta and the others coming back somewhat strangely, on his face is having the doubts: You did not say that must exit about three days, now in one day, will you unexpectedly come back?” 伊格纳兹贝塔等人的回来有些奇怪,他脸上带着疑惑:“你们不是说要出去三天左右,现在才过了一天,你们居然就回来了?” This issue caused Beta and Emma two people complexion some is not quite attractive, has hesitated all of a sudden, after obtaining the Beta affirmative vision. Emma said the process of matter. 这问题使得贝塔艾玛两人脸色都有些不太好看,迟疑了一下子,在得到贝塔肯定的目光后。艾玛将事情的经过说了一遍。 Calmly after silent some little time, Second Prince Ignazio is having the incredible expression, he had not even discovered, oneself throat was having the hoarse sound: „A Demon Race city? Moreover there is a doubtful close Demigod Level powerhouse to assume personal command? Near Royal City under not too far mountain massif?” 静静地沉默了好一会之后,二王子伊格纳兹带着不可置信的表情,他甚至没有发现,自己的喉咙已经带着沙哑的声音:“一个魔族的城市?而且还有疑似接近半神级强者在坐镇?就在王城附近不太远的山体底下?” Three asked continually, explained surprised that in the Second Prince innermost feelings is unable to state clearly, even can feel that he disclosed fears intent little. 三句连问,说明了二王子内心中无法言明的惊讶,甚至可以感觉到他透露出的一点点惧意。 Beta has not spoken, Emma had said this matter Second Prince hear, the significance is not big, instead will also affect his present mood, ties him and First Prince following fight is disadvantageous. Naturally. Emma actually also extremely in shocking, this matter has suppressed when the heart uncomfortable, wants to ask a family member to pour out. 贝塔没有说话,艾玛把这事说过二王子听,意义不大,反而还会影响他现在的情绪,结他与大王子的接下来的战斗并不利。当然。艾玛其实也只是太过于震惊了,这事憋在心时难受,想找个亲人倾诉一下而已。 Some Second Prince of being mixed up look for oneself seat of honor ** master Jiehuo went, but was a pity very much. That ** the master not only has not dispelled doubt to him, how has not told him to manage, instead runs up to front of Beta to try to prove, truly this matter real. 有些神不守舍的二王子去找自己的首席**师解惑去了,但是很可惜。那个**师不但没有给他解惑,没有告诉他应该如何办,反而跑到贝塔面前求证,确实这事是不是真的。 Over and over confirmed after Beta has not deceived him, right now including this ** during the masters fell into were confused. 再三确认贝塔没有骗他之后,这下子连这个**师都陷入了迷茫之中。 Regarding the Demon Race lifeform, human always keeps at a respectful distance. Moreover Demon Realm once several times on a large scale captured the world, has brought very deep injury to this world. Although each human unites other races to be able Demon Race to hurry back, but each war, regardless of human, is other races, can the vitality damage severely. 对于魔族生物,人类一向敬而远之。而且魔界曾数次大举攻入人类世界,给这个世界带来了很深的伤害。虽然每一次人类联合其它种族都能将魔族赶回去,可每一次大战,无论人类,还是其它种族,都会元气大伤。 This discovery Demon Race city, near Royal City, in other words, if the enemy attacks the world, then first met with a disaster, is the Hollevin kingdom. 况且这次发现的魔族城市,就在王城附近,也就是说,万一对方真的攻击人类世界,那么第一个遭殃的,便是霍莱汶王国。 In this case, even if Ignazio overcomes Royal City, there is what significance? 这样子的话,即使伊格纳兹打下王城,又有何意义? Such issue, Beta could not give their answer. Therefore afterward two days, Second Prince and his seat of honor ** during the master, has been is confused, such situation, has continued to appear to an army in the Royal City suburb. 这样的问题,贝塔给不了他们答案。因此随后的两天,二王子和他的首席**师,一直处于迷茫之中,这样的情况,一直持续到一支大军出现在王城的郊外。 After seeing this army, on Second Prince face confused completely vanished, the reason does not have him, the population of this army exaggerates. In the Hollevin like this young army, 1000 people to 1000 people of fights, are the top fight scales, but this army, at least has 10,000 people. 看到这支大军后,二王子脸上的迷茫完全消失了,原因无他,这支大军的人数十分夸张。在霍莱汶这样的小军,1000人对1000人的战斗,就已经是顶级的战斗规模了,但这支大军,却至少有10000人。 The population to a certain extent, can inflate the courage of yellowbelly. 人数某种程度上,可以膨胀懦弱者的勇气。 Second Prince sends out to contact Scout, then contacted with the several commanders of army very much easily on, they were leading oneself guard, arrived at hiding of Second Prince quietly, held the pre-war conference. 二王子派出联络斥候,很容易便和大军的数个指挥官联系上了,他们带着自己的护卫,悄悄地来到二王子的隐蔽点,召开了战前会议。 This army is the Feudal Lord allied armies, seven commanders, six are the old people, one is a youth. 这支大军是领主联军,有七个指挥官,其中六个是老人,还有一个是青年。 Second Prince looks at the surrounding person, is very joyful. They at this time the place, is the chief Great Magician construction underground secret room, other did not say, in the security, at least has enough reliability. 二王子看着周围的人,很是欣喜。他们此时所处的地方,是首席大魔法师建造的地下密室,别的不说,在安全性上,至少有足够的可靠性。 Thanked everybody very much to my support.” Second Prince has stood, saluted to all people in turn, he puts very lowly oneself manner: „After we defeat that murdering Monarch, everybody's wanting, I will satisfy, will not renege on a promise absolutely.” “很感谢大家对我的支持。”二王子站了起来,向所有人依次行了个礼,他将自己的态度放得很低:“我们击败那个弑者君后,大家的愿意,我都会满足,绝对不会反悔。” Six old men satisfied nod. 六个老头子都满意地点点头。 At this time, Second Prince was saying to that young people: Moses, what is your desire? Your arrival, for me is the happiness of accident/surprise, is the gods bestows in my boost.” 这时候,二王子对着那个青年人说道:“摩西,你的愿望是什么?你的到来,对我来说是意外之喜,是神明赐于我的助力。” This named Moses's young people, the appearance is common, compared with Second Prince Ignazio comes, to have permits some the disparity, moreover in temperament, is not much. He puts on near the golden mark the noble formal clothes, a luxurious noble noble clothing, wore the flavor of nouveau riche actually. 这个名叫摩西的年青人,长相一般,比起二王子伊格纳兹来,有着许些差距,而且在气质上,也不怎么样。他穿着金色的纹边贵族礼服,硬是将一件奢华高贵的贵族服装,穿出了暴发户的味道。 Your Highness Second Prince.” This youth has stood, on face has permits some the desire soon to become really joyful: My request may make you feel embarrassed, but hopes that asked you to listen to me to say slowly.” 二王子殿下。”这青年站了起来,脸上带着许些愿望即将成真的欣喜:“我的要求或许会让你为难,但希望请你能听我慢慢说完。” Second Prince wrinkled the brow, then relaxes: Please say.” 二王子皱了一下眉头,然后又放松开来:“请说。” I one year ago, when the Royal City study, saw accidentally is returning to Princess Emma who Royal City visits the parents.” On Moses's face is having the facial expression of admire: At that time I thought oneself saw the goddess, she that lovable, that charming. My non- extravagant demands she can marry me immediately, but I asked Your Highness Second Prince to me an opportunity, knew the little princess's opportunity.” “我一年前,在王城学习的时候,无意中看到了正回王城探望父母的艾玛公主。”摩西的脸上带着爱慕的神情:“当时我就觉得自己看到了女神,她是那么的可爱,那么的迷人。我不奢求她能立刻嫁给我,但我请二王子殿下能给我一次机会,认识小公主的机会。” In Royal City, wants to marry the youth talent who Emma is the wife, does not have 1000, at least also will have over 600. Ignazio fully realized own younger sister's Charm. If in beforehand several days, Moses goes for shelter immediately, let alone gives him one to know the Emma opportunity, even if under the life marries him Emma is not the issue. 王城中,想娶艾玛作妻子的青年才俊,没有1000,至少也会有600以上。伊格纳兹深知自己小妹的魅力。若是在之前数天,摩西立刻投奔过来,别说给他一个认识艾玛的机会,就算是下命将艾玛嫁给他所不是什么问题。 But currently has very major problem. 可现在却有很大的问题。 Several days ago, he suggested that if Beta supports own plan, then he marries Emma to the opposite party, while convenient also gives the opposite party the wetland. 就在数天前,他暗示如果贝塔支持自己的计划,那么他就将艾玛下嫁给对方,顺带把湿地也送给对方。 Since has made the commitment, then Moses this desire requested, naturally cannot agree. Otherwise will offend Beta inevitably. 既然已经作下了承诺,那么摩西这个愿望请求,自然是不能同意的。否则势必会得罪到贝塔 But Beta Grandmaster Level spellcaster . Moreover the side also has Kyle, Alice such powerhouse follows. If solely they, pour also insufficient to fear, but the Alice father is strongest Spearmaster, since steps into other Legendary Level hero character. 贝塔可是大师级的施法者,而且身边还有凯尔,爱丽丝这样的强者跟随。若只是单单他们三人,倒也不足为惧,可爱丽丝的父亲是最强枪术师,既然踏入传奇级别的英雄人物。 If offended Beta, will then inevitably cause the unhappiness of Alice, they after all are the companions. 如果得罪了贝塔,那么势必会引起爱丽丝的不快,他们毕竟是同伴。 So long as Alice that hands over toward her father this matter, said many several about own malicious remarks, then the half-elf legend powerhouse will abandon the Neutral standpoint mostly, then supports First Prince that regicide. 只要爱丽丝把这事往她父亲那一递,说多几句关于自己的坏话,那么半精灵传奇强者多半会抛弃中立立场,转而去支持大王子那个弑君者。 Therefore, Second Prince Ignazio is impossible to marry Emma to Moses directly, but he cannot put Moses to leave, after all must attack a city quickly, he must result in the army that leaves behind Moses, after all are many a person, are many a odds of success. 所以,二王子伊格纳兹是不可能直接将艾玛下嫁给摩西的,可他也不能放摩西离开,毕竟很快就要攻城,他必须得留下摩西的部队,毕竟多一点人,就多一点胜算。 Since cannot speak directly, that can only say secret language that obliquely some everybody understand. Ignazio said with a smile: Emma is young small, was confused easily, she walked with a youth of bright golden hair recently very nearly, therefore I cannot introduce that Emma gave you to know.” 既然不能直接明言,那就只能拐弯抹角地说些大家都懂的黑话。伊格纳兹笑道:“艾玛年轻还小,容易被人迷惑,她最近和一位亮金色头发的青年走得很近,所以恕我不能介绍艾玛给你认识了。” Some matters, even if I agreed that you also strive.” “有些事情,就算我同意了,你也得自己去争取。” noble spoke, always has meaning, six old men have understood what is heard, Moses naturally also understood what is heard. Second Prince allows him to pursue the Emma little princess, but how to do specifically, the opposite party has given very loose condition, therefore Moses planned that completes this matter, must make the little princess be moved. 贵族们说话,总是别有含义的,六个老头子听明白了,摩西自然也听明白了。二王子准许他去追求艾玛小公主,但具体怎么做,对方给出了很宽松的条件,所以摩西打算把这事做好,一定要让小公主感动。 Moses nods, has stood, said with a smile: That many thanks good intention of Your Highness Second Prince.” 摩西点点头,站了起来,微笑道:“那就多谢二王子殿下的好意。” At this time Beta is training Jeanne, this little thing is now same as Beta, is lv10, but if according to normal flow, this is one set of very complex rest, as well as the development process, Jeanne after all is a bird, is Magic Pet, therefore the promotion is quicker is very normal. 此时贝塔正在调教着贞德,这小东西现在和贝塔一样,都是lv10,但若按正常的流程来看,这是一套很复杂的休息,以及成长过程,贞德毕竟是头鸟,还是魔宠,所以升级快些很正常。 But Jeanne somewhat vividly was excessive. 贞德则有些活泼过头了。 Not only likes from the sky flying round, but also becomes has the combative nature very much. 不但喜欢在空中飞来飞去,而且变得很有进攻性。 Before several minutes, Jeanne has attacked a child, although does not have to injure to the opposite party in the true sense. But he is not clear, why Jeanne must such do, after all Jeanne is not ordinary does not have the Intelligence silly bird, it is Magic Pet, Intelligence and human is similar, absolutely does not have the too big disparity. 就在几分钟前,贞德袭击了一个小孩子,虽然没有真正意义上伤到对方。可他不明白,为什么贞德要这么做,毕竟贞德可不是普通没有智力的傻鸟,它可是魔宠,智力和人类相似,绝对没有太大的差距。 Beta is just about to ask why Jeanne must attack the person time, a youth is leading his guard, arrived at the Beta front rampantly.( To be continued.) h : .147.247.73 贝塔正要问贞德为什么要袭击人的时候,一个青年带着他的护卫,嚣张走到到了贝塔的面前。(未完待续。)h:.147.247.73
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