NE :: Volume #3

#261: Epic Quest completes

Like is the jet plane in airborne flies rapidly, after inventory space in space bubble scroll all uses up, Beta then fell the ground. 像是喷气式飞机一样地在空中急速飞行,在将自己空间背包中的‘空间泡’卷轴全用完后,贝塔这才落到了地上。 Also likely is the landing way that the meteorite falls to the ground, making his body be at the weak condition. Some little time after he routine inertia nearby forest fire in the mountains is put out, this hid in the Grand Residence Spell space. 又像是陨石落地的降落方式,使得他身体都处于虚弱状态。好一会他例行惯性地将附近的山火熄灭后,这才躲进了豪宅术空间中。 He very long has not tried such distressedly to escape, this then he remembered initially just entered in the game, has not promoted, did not understand fight time, was pursued several kilometers matter by several street bludgers crazily. 他已经很久没有试过这么狼狈地逃跑了,这便得他想起了当初刚进游戏中,还没有升级,也不太懂得战斗的时候,被几个街头小混混狂追几公里的事情。 Also was at that time same to this time, has been full of the fear and excited mood. But was playing in the past, in three days is less, he went back to punch one to vent anger that several bludgers, has revenged. Perhaps the situation is now different, pursues his person half to make great strides forward the Demigod Level degree, does not know when can go back to recover the gathering place. 当时也与此时一样,充满了害怕和兴奋的情绪。只不过当年在游戏中,过了三天不到,他就回去把那几个混混揍了一顿出气,算是报了仇。但现在情况不同,追他的人说不定半步已经迈进半神级的程度了,也不知道何年何月才能回去找回场子。 Beta just entered in the space, Emma and Sophie two people also come up, one on the left and other on the right is supporting by the arm him. 贝塔刚一进空间中,艾玛苏菲两人就同时上来,一左一右搀扶着他。 Then the scene atmosphere feels strange all of a sudden, the Emma body does not smile said: Sophie, was not exhausted you, I was holding Beta on the line.” 然后场面气氛一下子就奇怪起来,艾玛皮肉不笑地说道:“苏菲,不劳烦你了,我来扶着贝塔就行了。” Saying that Sophie is actually in sharp opposition: Storm Temple is good at attacking and defending the auxiliary ability in aspect, but in treating and recovering energy, and is inferior to our Underworld Temple, therefore Princess Emma you should let.” 苏菲却针锋相对的说道:“风暴神殿擅长进攻和防守方面的辅助能力,但在治疗和恢复体力上,并不如我们冥神殿,所以艾玛公主你应该让一下。” Sophie said truly is the fact, all Temple Priest, understand to treat magic spell, but most excels at this aspect, is Light Temple, with Underworld Temple. This light dark two Temple, are liking of becoming famous saves the sick and wounded, but Light Temple because of the relations of doctrine, becomes famous many Underworld Temple are too more. 苏菲说的确实是事实,所有神殿牧师,都懂得治疗法术,但最擅长这方面的,莫过于光明神殿,和冥神殿。这一光一暗两座神殿,是出了名的喜欢救死扶伤,不过光明神殿因为教义的关系,比冥神殿出名得太多太多。 Although said that Sophie said is reasonable, but Emma actually knows, oneself cannot let, how even if Underworld Temple in the treatment compared with storm Temple, Beta were not seriously injured, ordinary restoration physical strength magic, compared with two Temple. Nothing but is earlier and late point difference, is possibly very important in the fight, but in usually, does not have that many art. 虽然说苏菲说得很有道理,但艾玛却知道,自己不能让,就算冥神殿在治疗上比暴风神殿强又如何,贝塔又不是受了重伤,普通的恢复体力魔法,两个神殿相比。无非就是早点和迟点的区别,在战斗中可能很重要,但在平时,却没有那么多讲究。 Emma not only does not let. Even hugged both hands of Beta to make an effort. 艾玛不但不让。甚至搂着贝塔的双手更加用力了些。 Sophie is also staring her. 苏菲也在瞪着她。 Looks at this, Kyle pulls out the cold air/Qi in one side, crosses the person by oneself, he has as if been able to see, if provoke Alice. Then the fate definitely can also be this. 看着这一幕,凯尔在一旁直抽冷气,以己渡人,他已经似乎能看到,如果自己招惹爱丽丝。那么下场肯定也会是这样。 Beta is not a stupid person, he felt that between two young girls faint hostility, copes with such situation, he was very experienced, after all in the past the Persian cat and little white, once mutually had acted difficult. 贝塔也不是笨人,他感觉到了两个少女之间隐隐的敌意,对付这样的情况,他很有经验,毕竟当年波斯猫和小白,也曾互相闹过别扭。 , Also very much firmly works loose from two young girl both hands gently, Beta arrives on the chair to sit down, after oneself have discharged reply energy magic, after he breathed several tones, said: Sits down. The matter I want to chat with you.” 轻轻地,同时也很坚定地从两个少女双手中挣脱,贝塔走到椅子上坐下,给自己施放了一个回复精力的魔法后,他喘了几口气后说道:“都坐下吧。刚才的事情我想和你们谈谈。” After Emma and Sophie two people snort/hum sound, simultaneously one on the left and other on the right takes a seat in the Beta side, but Kyle and Alice sat in the Beta opposite. 艾玛苏菲两人哼了声后,同时一左一右落座在贝塔的身边,而凯尔爱丽丝则坐在了贝塔的对面。 A moment ago that king...... Very strong, is much stronger. I suspected that his strength must step into Demigod Level quickly.” “刚才那个大王……很强,强得离谱。我怀疑他的实力很快就要踏入半神级。” A Beta words exit|to speak, the people have opened the mouth. Regarding the human in surface, Legendary Level should not be the unattainable powerhouse, but Demigod Level Class is the legend in legend. Until now, without any written records is having the person, or has other races lifeform to arrive at Demigod Level. 贝塔话一出口,众人都是张开了嘴。对于地表上的人类来说,传奇级别已经是高不可攀强者,而半神级职业是传说中的传说。至今为止,没有任何书面记载着有人,或者有其它种族的生物到达半神级 Demigod Level leaves, regarding human. A concept, but unreality. 半神级别,对于人类来说。只是一个概念,而非现实。 But now doubtful soon will possibly step into other Demigod Level powerhouse to run, that matter some are not wonderful, moreover this person of Demon Realm member. That matter is enormous trouble. 但现在有一个疑似可能即将踏入半神级别的强者跑出来,那事情就有些很不妙了,而且这人还是魔界一份子。那事情更是极大的麻烦。 Emma, you can that king does the appearance picture come out?” 艾玛,你能把那个‘大王’的模样画出来吗?” As the royal family princess, Emma was educated since childhood extremely good, the drawing is a basic curriculum. 作为王室公主,艾玛从小就受到极好的教育,绘画是一门基本课程。 Three two horizontal...... Emma is very simple to use Jane/simple stroke to describe the appearance that oneself see, the people looked, looks at the line of sight. But Hero youngster. Then stares in a big way the eye. 三笔两横……艾玛很简单就用简笔画法将自己所看到的容貌描绘出来,众人一看,都将视线看向凯。而勇者少年。则是瞪大了眼睛。 The reason does not have him, paints a portrait is Kyle truly somewhat is really similar. 原因无他,画像实在是与凯尔确实有几分相似。 „This person in world similar appearance are many.” The Beta finger is striking the tabletop gently: Is only not only the appearance is similar, the ability similar words, that situation some do not suit. I just escaped, turned head to look at one, what pursued was dark violet Fire Bird, that type of flame, had the similar nature with the Kyle Fire Phoenix roaring flame, was only its is purer.” “这世间相似模样的人很多。”贝塔手指轻轻敲打着桌面:“只是不但容貌相似,能力也相似的话,那情况就有些不对劲了。我刚逃跑的时候,回头看了一眼,追出来的是一头蓝色的火鸟,那种火焰,和凯尔火凤凰烈焰拥有同样的性质,只是它的更加精纯罢了。” Kyle thinks to have a parched mouth: Then, was he also the Hero bloodlines?” 凯尔觉得口干舌燥:“这么说来,他也是勇者血脉了?” Exactly said that is the bloodlines of Phoenix.” Beta is holding the forehead: Demon God Polo also by their seal, but on that two flame little ghost does not have the evil flavor, this explained that they stem from a normal social environment, again according to the hearsay , the action that Phoenix rewards virtue and punishes vice, perhaps explained, 37 th Feudal Lord, Phoenix is a good bird...... Moreover under it commands 37 th, is very normal, and world is equally normal, has the correct morality.” “确切地说是菲尼克斯的血脉。”贝塔扶着额头:“魔神戴波罗还在被他们封印着,而那两个火焰小鬼身上也没有邪恶的味道,这说明他们出自一个正常的社会环境,再根据传闻中,菲尼克斯惩恶扬善的举动,或许说明,第37界的领主,菲尼克斯是头好鸟……而且它统领下的第37界,很正常,和人类世界一样正常,有正确的道德观念。” „Does the Demon Realm lifeform have the normal morality?” Sophie interrupted: How I thought that is unlikely.” 魔界生物有正常的道德观念?”苏菲插嘴道:“我怎么都觉得不太可能。” Asked that two little ghost of your contract knew.” Beta hehe smiles: They are the floor personnel, is the floor personnel, more has the direct experience regarding these matters.” “问一下你们契约的两个小鬼就知道了。”贝塔呵呵一笑:“他们是底层人员,越是底层人员,对于这些事情越是有直接的体会。” Two flame little ghost have sat the rest in side, hears this saying to run over on own initiative, they jump, dance with joy, your word, my language was shouting. 两个火焰小鬼一直在旁边坐着休息,听闻这话主动跑了过来,他们蹦蹦跳跳,手舞足蹈,你一言,我一语地喊着。 Feudal Lord is the sacred god.” 领主是神圣的神。” 37 th is very safe.” “第37界很安全。” We have the food to eat daily.” “我们天天有饭吃。” Nobody injures us.” “没有人伤害我们。” King likes taking a walk.” “大王喜欢散步。” Our 37 population are many.” “我们37界人口很多。” Does not have little ghost to starve to death, so long as works earnestly.” “没有小鬼会被饿死,只要认真工作。” Kills little ghost to be sentenced by the king.” “杀害小鬼会被大王处刑。” The words that although they spoke are chaotic, but careful pieces together, then can feel one to have the good social convention atmosphere country or fief. Two little ghost are very excited, look is also very frantic. Was is not telling lie absolutely likely. 虽然他们说的话杂乱无章,但仔细一拼凑,便能感受到一个拥有良好社会风气氛围的国家或者领地。两个小鬼很激动,眼神也很狂热。绝对不像是在说假话。 This world nothing is absolute. Majority of Demon Realm fief pursues the complete jungle principle, but occasionally presents one to conform to the human moral idea Demon Realm fief, is not the strange matter. Beta nods: It seems like Phoenix truly should be good Feudal Lord, otherwise they arrive at the world, will be dishonest in the underground global development, already should establish the country in the ground. After all by their strengths, to occupy an unmanned territory, is not a too troublesome matter.” 这世间没有什么事情是绝对的。大部分的魔界领地奉行完全的丛林法则,但偶尔出现一个符合人类道德观念的魔界领地,也不是什么奇怪的事情。贝塔点点头:“看来菲尼克斯确实应该是位好领主,否则他们来到人类世界,就不会老实在在地下世界发展,早就应该在地面上建立国家了。毕竟以他们的实力,要想占据一片无人领土,不是件太麻烦的事情。” Soon will step into other Demigod Level powerhouse...... Places any country greatly to kill, the person weapon of nuclear bomb rank, only if some king were insane, otherwise meets absolutely is not thinking invades, or crusades against one to have the country of other Demigod Level powerhouse, even if they are the Demon Race lifeform, Beta thought that absolutely does not have many people to dare such to do, even if the lunatic, must think over and opposite party strength difference. 即将踏入半神级别的强者……放在任何国家都是大杀器,核弹级别的人型武器,除非某个国王疯了,否则绝对会不想着去入侵,或者讨伐一个拥有半神级别强者的国家,就算他们是魔族生物,贝塔心想绝对没有多少人敢这么做,就算是疯子,也得掂量一下自己和对方的实力差。 Except for Child of Gold. 除了黄金之子 Only then Child of Gold dares to handle such matter, after all is playing, they even dare the guts to run to look for the trouble of Forest Goddess. 只有黄金之子敢做这样的事情,毕竟在游戏中,他们甚至都敢胆跑去找森林女神的麻烦。 The people nod, agreed that judgment of Beta, he continues saying: Therefore this underground Demon Race city, we, so long as reported to be good upwardly, for example, I told Waukeen Goddess this matter, Emma and Sophie you go to pass on to your Temple Pope this matter, I think that they should have the correct judgment.” 众人都点点头,同意贝塔的判断,他继续说道:“所以这个地下魔族城市,我们只要向上汇报一下就好了,比如说,我告诉渥金女神这事情,艾玛苏菲你们则去将这事情转告你们神殿教皇,我想他们应该会有正确的判断。” Two young girls both nod. 两个少女都点点头。 The matter arrived here, properly speaking should finish, but Beta knows at this time the matter has not completed, is other Epic Level duty that the system gives. 事情到这里,按理说应该就结束了,但此时贝塔知道还有一件事情没有完成,就是系统给出的史诗级别任务。 Demon God Polo still in the seal, properly speaking, looks up this degree, the duty that the system gives should be accomplished was right, but the duty still well is still lying down in the duty column at this time, but the progress arrived at 90%. 魔神戴波罗还在封印中,按理说,查到这种程度,系统给出的任务应该完成了才对,但此时任务依然还在任务栏中好好地躺着,只是进度已经到达了90。 In other words, but also misses a crucial duty point not to be looked. 也就是说,还差一个关键性任务点没有被找出来。 Beta early has given Kyle and Alice duty sharing, he said: Now about Demon God and destiny truth, but also misses the last step, we must result in make clear are any reasons. Emma was chased down, but also is monitoring her Demon Race lifeform, should not belong to Phoenix fief, they should be the Demon God Polo's remnants of faction, but we must clarify them to clarify, they are that Demon Realm Feudal Lord subordinate.” 贝塔早已经将任务共享给了凯尔爱丽丝,他说道:“现在关于魔神与命运的真相,还差最后一步,我们必须得搞清楚是什么原因。艾玛被追杀,还在监视着她的魔族生物,应该不属于菲尼克斯领地,他们应该是魔神戴波罗的余党,只是我们得弄清楚他们得弄清楚,他们属于那一个魔界领主的手下。” The people shake the head, the information are too few, cannot discover any clue. 众人都是摇头,情报太少,根本找不出任何头绪。 At this time, pink little ghost of Emma contract said: Several great masters, about this matter, I know. Chirp.” 就在这时候,艾玛契约的粉色小鬼说道:“几位伟大的主人,关于这事,我知道哦。叽喳。” The people the line of sight reverse in the past, were staring at this little ghost immediately surprisedly. 众人立刻将视线扭转过去,惊讶地盯着这个小鬼 Flame little ghost is a timid living thing, even if has become by the contract Magic Pet, is still difficult to change this custom. It retroceded one step under people moxibustion hot line of sight, then said uneasy: „ This in Demon Realm is not in the secret, chirp. I once listened to Naga saying that Destiny Goddess has colluded with many Evil God and Demon God, has raised God War more than 300 years ago, causes many gods and Demon God vanishes, Polo is Lord of the Fire Prison, the Gelmus assistant, chirp. But Lord of the Fire Prison was fought Angel to strike to kill, Polo then went to the Destiny Goddess subordinates, if has to resurrect really truncation Polo, that surely is Destiny Goddess, chirp. „ 火焰小鬼是一种胆小的生物,即使被契约成了魔宠,依然难改这习惯。它在众人灸热的视线下后退了一步,然后忐忑不安地说道:“这在魔界并不是什么在秘密,叽喳。我曾听一位纳迦说过,命运女神勾结了许多邪神魔神,在300多年前掀起了神战,使得不少神明和魔神消失,戴波罗原本是火狱之主,格罗姆斯的副手,叽喳。但火狱之主被战天使击杀,戴波罗便投向了命运女神的麾下,如果真有要复活截波罗,那必定是命运女神,叽喳。“ The flame little ghost words just said, the system is completed on prompt Epic Quest, the massive experiences were divided into three points, emerges in three bodies of litigants. 火焰小鬼的话刚说完,系统就提示史诗任务完成,大量的经验被分成三分,涌入三个当事人的身体中。 Beta and Kyle obtained all of a sudden current must experience more than 50% values, but Alice continually rose two-level, the imposing manner dialed all of a sudden high much. 贝塔凯尔一下子就得到了当前所需经验一半以上的数值,而爱丽丝则是连升两级,气势一下子就拨高了不少。 Emma and Sophie look at joyful Alice, is somewhat vacant. Emma also many, her clear these three have the Knight contract to strengthen oneself strength, but Sophie actually does not know that she did clearly, why Alice completely does not stiffen suddenly. 艾玛苏菲看着欣喜的爱丽丝,有些茫然。艾玛还好些,她清楚这三个有个骑士契约加强自己的力量,但苏菲却是不知道的,她完全搞不明白,为什么爱丽丝突然间就变强了。 Beta switches off the system prompt, in the heart has shaking. Unexpectedly is most mystical Destiny Goddess operates all these in the back, this can explain why Emma wants to change itself obviously and destiny of people, actually completely could not achieve.( To be continued.) 贝塔关掉系统提示,心中有震憾。居然是最神秘的命运女神在背后操纵这一切,这就可以解释,为什么艾玛明明想改变自己和众人的命运,却完全做不到了。(未完待续。)
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