NE :: Volume #3

#264: Always thought that some do not suit

Sleep wakes up, is next day, Second Prince by own chief Great Magician was to invite Beta in the past, preparation. 一觉醒来,已经是第二天,二王子让自己的首席大魔法师为请贝塔过去,准备出发。 At this time Moses in the camp, has not wanted to come to return to the allied armies that side, prepared to direct own army. But Ignazio is very warm with chats gives regards, chats, the matter that as if yesterday Beta did not give him the face, does not exist completely general. 此时摩西已经不在营地中,想来已经回到联军那边去,准备指挥自己的军队了。而伊格纳兹很热情和贝聊问好,聊天,仿佛昨天贝塔不给他面子的事情,完全不存在一般。 Is adaptable to the situation, this is one becomes important matter should have the quality that. Ignazio has wanted to understand, before has not become the genuine King, one side own dignity can definitely put, even if becomes the king, a lot cannot come by oneself temper, after all he helps the father process many politics, sometimes is also clear he to result to many people, or the matter compromises. 能屈能伸,这才是一个成大事者应该有的素质。伊格纳兹已经想明白了,在没有成为真正的王者之前,自己的尊严完全可以放到一边去,就算成为国王,很多事情也不能由着自己的性子来,毕竟他帮着父亲处理过不少的政事,也清楚他有时候必须得向很多人,或者事情妥协。 Because army being near boundary, the Royal City army already did not move outside the city, but transferred withdraws has defended in the city, Second Prince with own troop, has made the Shield white bottom royal family Emblem flag high-spirited, likely was, converged with the army. 因为大军临境,王城的军队早已不在城外活动,而转为龟缩在城防守了,二王子意气风发地跟着自己的骑兵队,打出了蓝盾白底的王室纹章旗,像是一阵旋风般,与大军汇合。 Six old man and Moses are waiting for him before the army, sees Second Prince to come, seven people of simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform turns over/stands up dismount, bows to salute toward Second Prince. Some many are wholehearted, bystander is unknowable, but Second Prince saw, actually is extremely happy, he laughs on the horseback: Everybody, then troubled you, so long as kicked Royal City, then our desires can be realized.” 六个老头和摩西在大军前等着他,见到二王子过来,七人齐齐翻身下马,向着二王子鞠躬行礼。这其中有多少是真心实意,外人不可知,可二王子看到了,却极是高兴,他在马背上哈哈一笑:“各位,接下来就麻烦你们了,只要攻进王城,那么我们大家的愿望都能实现。” Seven people reveal the understanding happy expression, they look at the Royal City vision, looked like the sexual harasser sees not to put on the beautiful woman of clothes. This time weather was very good, the colorful Yanggao photo, ten thousand li (0.5 km) not said that in the air was passing a neat clean flavor. 七人都露出会心的笑意,他们看着王城的眼光,就像是色狼看见了没有穿着衣服的美女。这时候的天气很好,艳阳高照,万里无云,空气中都透着一股清爽干净的味道。 That motion as scheduled.” “那就按照原定计划的行动吧。” Second Prince has wielded starting, several other people bent the waist again, then leads own army to set out toward Royal City. 二王子挥了下手,其它几人再一次弯了腰,然后便带领着自己的部队向着王城进发。 As the future King, Second Prince naturally cannot take the lead, although he is Moses together main attack main entrance, but in fact, he and his Knight group follows in behind of army, sets out in the city gate direction. 作为未来的王者,二王子自然不会去打头阵的,虽然他是和摩西一起主攻正门,但实际上,他和他的骑士团只是跟在军队的后面,向着城门的方向进发。 Beta follows side Second Prince. Emma and the others in his space, have been ready, momentarily can come out to fight. 贝塔跟在二王子身边。艾玛等人在他的空间中,已经作好了准备,随时可以出来战斗。 More than 10,000 people of armies, this is Second Prince biggest taking advantage. He does not think oneself big brother. That heartless regicide can assemble these many people to come out. He has made the bait in Royal City, to place own body the line of sight of enemy, but makes the trusted subordinate unite other Feudal Lord, and promised the exchange benefit. 10000多人的军队,这是二王子最大的依仗。他不认为自己的大哥。那位无情的弑君者可以集结这么多人出来。他一直在王城作诱饵,就是为了将敌人的视线放在自己的身上,而让亲信去联合其它领主,并且许下交换利益。 Now looks like, this plan is very successful. 现在看来,这计划很成功。 Person happiest matter. Is the scheduled plan can succeed, moreover he appoints Beta and Little Sister, has killed right-hand of big brother, now he believes that the possibility that oneself will not have losing, absolutely does not have. 人最开心的事情。莫过于自己预定的计划能成功,而且他指派贝塔和小妹,干掉了大哥的左膀右臂,现在他认为,自己不会有一丝输掉的可能性,绝对没有。 The people meet the celebration spirit crisply...... Second Prince is in high spirits, he refers to the city wall that front has visibled faintly, smiles to ask: Beta your excellency, was quick we to become the master in this country, you currently have any view.” 人逢喜事精神爽……二王子神采飞扬,他指了指前边隐约可见的城墙,笑问道:“贝塔阁下,很快我们就要成为这个国家的主人了,你现在有什么看法。” Can become the person of this country Family Lord person is you. But is not I.” Beta was speaking the polite speech, if Second Prince does not handle the matter of any greasy dark person, he is disinclined in view of the opposite party: Although explained that in the surface you are having very big superiority, but we carefully, once after all is failed, leeway that has not stood up from failure.” “能成为这个国家主人的人是你。而不是我。”贝塔说着场面话,如果二王子不做什么腻昧人的事情,他才懒得针对对方:“虽然说明面上你占据着很大的优势,但我们还是得小心些,毕竟一旦失败,就没有翻身的余地了。” Relax.” Second Prince not care beckons with the hand, the appearance is really self-confident: This time I can affirm, he did not have the means to make a comeback again. Can he also turn into several thousand armies to come out inadequately?” “放心。”二王子毫不在意地摆着手,模样甚是自信:“这次我敢肯定,他是没有办法再翻盘了的。难道他还能变成几千军队出来不成?” Beta hears this saying, wrinkled under the brow, just wants to say anything again. 贝塔听到这话,皱了下眉头,正想再说些什么。 But Second Prince has laughed the sound. Front progressed to arrive went, chief Great Magician of his side had the apology to smile to Beta actually: Hopes that your excellency does not be angry, Ignazio he was too happy, this let success go to the head.” 二王子哈哈大笑了声。策马走到前边去了,倒是他身边的首席大魔法师带着歉意向贝塔笑了笑:“希望阁下别生气,伊格纳兹他只是太高兴了,这才得意忘形了些。” Generally speaking. More competent spellcaster, more understands to cultivate the behavior, like by Archbishop Edgar who Beta they kill, although shattered from the bone, a evil aura, but at least in his surface. Installs with sage, Beta is clear, Spider Empress Archbishop absolutely does not have the good person, otherwise in a short time, does not think that the opposite party is an evil person. 一般来说。越是有实力的施法者,越懂得做人,就像被贝塔他们干掉的大主教埃德加,虽然已经从骨子里坏掉,一身的邪气,但至少他表面上。装得跟个圣人似的,要不是贝塔清楚,蛛后大主教绝对没有好人,否则在短时间内,根本也不会认为对方是个恶人。 Once more after the Beta slight nod expressed best wishes, this Great Magician half step goes forward, pursues Second Prince. 再次向贝塔微微点头致意后,这大魔法师快步上前,追着二王子去了。 Beta indifferent following in their, was only the Second Prince those words a moment ago, let in the Beta heart indistinctly flood some shadows. 贝塔无所谓的跟在他们的身后,只是刚才二王子那句话,隐约让贝塔心中泛起了些阴影。 ...... …… ...... …… About after a half hour, before Second Prince and Moses's army arrived at the Royal Capital main entrance. But several other old people are bringing oneself army, arrives to the situation that the plan assigns, has carried on the watertight encirclement to the King. 大约半小时后,二王子和摩西的军队已经到达了王都的正门前。而其它的几位老人带着自己的军队,也到达到计划指定的地步,对王者进行了水泄不通的合围。 The Royal City city gate closely was closed, not only above is standing the soldiers of many being critical situation, many strength common demon Mage. 王城城门被紧紧地关闭,上面不但站着很多如临大敌的士兵,还有许多实力一般的魔法师 In each large-scale war, spellcaster is the indispensable main force. Attacks, is the defense, spellcaster can play the extremely good role. Therefore, in the war, besides enough military strength and morale, has many spellcaster, is whether formidable, is decided important part that the war moves toward. 在每一场大型战争中,施法者都是不可或缺的主力。无论是进攻,还是防守,施法者都能起到极好的作用。因此,战争中,除了足够的兵力和士气外,拥有多少施法者,是否强大,也是决定战争走向的重要一环。 I am Second Prince Ignazio, First Prince murder the father to kill Monarch, the stratagem seize the throne, is our Hollevin criminal. I as a son, as a prince, have the duty to subjugate him, some rights judge his crime. If your also a little conscience, but also a little general situation view, please surrender, and opens the city gate, puts us to go. My name guarantee by the royal family, will remit you absolutely, will not throw into the prison you, will make you continue in the original position to treat.” “我是二王子伊格纳兹,大王子弑父杀君,谋夺王位,是我们霍莱汶的罪人。我作为一名儿子,作为一名王子,有义务征讨他,有权利宣判他的罪行。如果你们还有一点良知,还有一点大局观的话,就请投降,并且打开城门,放我们进去。我以王室的名义担保,绝对会赦免你们,不会将你们投进监狱,更会让你们继续在原来的职位上待着。” The front-line propaganda, is almost the Hollevin tradition, Second Prince naturally will not let off this brushing face the opportunity. 阵前喊话,几乎是霍莱汶的传统,二王子自然也不会放过这次刷‘脸’的机会。 Soldiers and military officers of defense, although is very anxious, nobody is actually willing to respond him. 只是守城的士兵和将领们,虽然很紧张,却没有一个人愿意响应他。 Along with the time in the past, the awkward expression climbed up the face of Ignazio little slowly, Beta in the one side, did not think at heart funny, he looks above city wall these soldiers, because of the apparent distance very far relations, he can look at the expressions of these people very much clearly. 随着时间一点点过去,尴尬的表情慢慢爬上了伊格纳兹的脸,贝塔在一旁,心里却不觉得有多好笑,他看着城墙上方的那些士兵们,因为视距很远的关系,他能很清楚地看着这些人的表情。 Almost all soldiers of defense and military officers, their look nervous, are bringing two points of firm and resolute. 几乎所有守城的士兵们和将领们,他们的神情紧张,却带着两分坚毅。 Beta also leads the soldier, has gotten the person, his atmosphere assurance to the battlefield, absolutely presenting anybody is much stronger. 贝塔也是带过兵,领过将的人,他对战场的气氛把握,绝对要比在场任何人都强得多。 He progresses the first two steps, was saying to Second Prince: Prince, I thought that matter some are not as if right.” 他策马走前两步,对着二王子说道:“王子殿下,我觉得事情似乎有些不对。” Second Prince the mood somewhat was unhappy at this time, hears word said: Beta your excellency, you were too prudent, but excessively prudent, can call timidly. But I am clear, you are not the timid person, because you dare to lead three people, goes to storm a manor of respected family. The fighting of this large-scale battlefield and small scale is different, is the absolute superiority that spells, so long as population and battle formation 10%, even if the opposite party has many small scheme, does not have what function, they cannot overturn the heavens.” 二王子此时心情本来就有些不快,闻言说道:“贝塔阁下,你太慎重了,但过度的慎重,可以称之为胆小。可我清楚,你不是胆小的人,因为你敢带着三个人,就去强攻一个大家族的庄园。只是这种大型战场和小规模的械斗不同,拼的就是绝对的优势,只要人数和阵势一成,就算对方有再多的小计谋,也没有什么作用,他们翻不了天。” Second Prince is a manner of elite war commander, Beta frowned completely, his clear Second Prince said is reasonable, but the opposite party that side atmosphere, truly is some does not suit, as if has any subsequent hand to be ordinary. 二王子完全是一幅精锐战争指挥官的派头,贝塔皱起了眉头,他清楚二王子说得有道理,可对方那边的气氛,确实是有些不对劲,似乎是有什么后手一般。 Moses looks in the one side, having the ridicule to say with a smile: Beta your excellency, although is famous powerhouse, but should not direct over hundred people fights. Haha, this is very normal matter, later you we were directing the fight to be good in the behind shield, if there is the stab in the back or Assassin touches chaotic, you were responsible for protecting the safety of your highness.” 摩西在一旁看着,带着讥讽笑道:“贝塔阁下虽然是名强者,但应该从来没有指挥过百人以上的战斗吧。哈哈,这是很正常的事情,待会你在后面盾着我们指挥战斗就行了,如果有暗箭或者刺客混乱摸过来,你就负责保护殿下的安全吧。” Moses this saying, regarded the Second Prince guard to regard Beta completely. 摩西这话,完全是把贝塔当成二王子的护卫来看待了。 Beta has not been angry, but he hit the spirit, paid attention to opposite party that this sound. 贝塔也没生气,只是他更加打起了精神,注意对方那这的动静。 Second Prince looked at Beta, shows a faint smile, at this time he thought finally oneself have exceeded a Beta head. For these days, he was suppressed the crest of wave by this person completely, the talent, is the strength, was inferior to the opposite party. Even is the small method, was looked through by the opposite party. He thinks very aggrieved, at this time finally has the strong point to win the opposite party, the mood is extremely immediately refreshed, felt that looked like in the big hot days has eaten the iced watermelon comfortably generally. 二王子看了一眼贝塔,微微一笑,此时他终于觉得自己胜过了贝塔一头。这几天来,他完全被这人压住风头,无论是才华,还是实力,都不如对方。甚至就算是小手段,都被对方看破。他觉得很憋屈,此时终于有长处可赢过对方,顿时心情极其爽快,感觉就像是大热天里吃了个冰镇西瓜一般地舒服。 A moment ago by the depressed feeling that person enemy disregarded, immediately vanishes without a trace, Ignazio was saying to own chief Great Magician: Uncle, troubled you first.” 刚才被人敌人无视的郁闷感,立刻消失得无影无踪,伊格纳兹对着自己的首席大魔法师说道:“舅舅,先麻烦你了。” Great Magician nods, he exceeds the army, before walking, several steps. 大魔法师点点头,他越出军队,走前了几步。 Sees him to go forth to battle, the enemy in city wall somewhat is immediately flustered. 看到他出阵,城墙上的敌军立刻就有些慌张起来。 Most suits Class that attacks a city, is fire system demon Mage, with the soil series demon Mage two branches. The former can demolish the city wall with the method of violence extremely forcefully, but the latter can use own talent ability, city wall becomes must be torn to pieces, after all all city walls are build by the stone and soil, this is in itself in their control areas. 最适合攻城的职业,莫过于火系法师,和土系魔法师两个分支。前者可以用极其暴力的手段强行拆除城墙,而后者则可以利用自己的天赋能力,将城墙的变得支离破碎,毕竟所有的城墙都是由石头和泥土砌成,这本身就是他们的控制范围之内。 Brown Magic Power ripple emit from the body of chief demon Mage, is arrow Yaichi supposes into to the land in likely. 一道道褐色的魔力波纹从首席魔法师的身上冒出,然后像是箭矢一般地设入到土地中。 The ground vibrates gradually, the momentum is getting bigger and bigger, many warhorses cannot be stopping retrocede, what is most important, this center of origin slowly is still turning toward the direction of city wall to move. 地面渐渐震动起来,声势越来越大,很多战马都在止不住地后退,最重要的是,这个震源还在缓缓向着城墙的方向移动。 In the city wall many demon Mage, are only their strength is also ordinary, although scattering magic that goes all out to use, with Magic Power Vibration magic, does not have the means to prevent the center of origin to move to their side. 城墙上也有很多魔法师,只是他们实力一般,虽然拼命地使用的驱散魔法,和魔力震荡魔法,都没有办法阻止震源向他们那边移动。 Earth shock rumbling sound more and more loud, although is not the center of origin center, but Beta still felt that own balance was certainly affected. 地面震动的轰轰声越来越响,虽然不是震源的中心,但贝塔依然感觉到了自己的平衡受到了一定的影响。 This is in soil series magic very practical skill, the earthquake technique! Miracle of chief Great Magician this momentum such as in other person of eyes is simply common, but in his opinion, is actually very same. Beta sees other players to display, that called a fearfulness, that was the genuine earthquake, if has not scattered the technique and Magic Power counterattacking, other Legendary Level soil series demon Mage earthquake technique can make a city the ruins. 这是土系魔法中很实用的技能,地震术!首席大魔法师这点声势在其它人眼里简直如神迹一般,但在他看来,其实很一般般。贝塔见过其它玩家施展出来,那才叫一个可怕,那可是真正的大地震,如果没有驱散术和魔力反制,传奇级别的土系魔法师一个地震术就能让一座城市成为废墟。 The center of origin of earthquake technique moved that side the city gate quickly, on the chief Great Magician forehead saw the perspiration slightly. 地震术的震源很快就移动到了城门那边,首席大魔法师的额头上已经微微见汗。 But all these are worth, the Royal Capital city gate is keeping swaying, the soldiers who above defends were shaken lean this way and that some quick people fell from above, simultaneously city gate nearby city wall starts to have the crack, keeps the stone starting to fall off. 但这一切都是值得的,王都的城门在不停地摇晃,上面防守的士兵们被震得东倒西歪,很快就有人从上面摔了下来,同时城门附近的城墙开始出现裂缝,不停地有石块开始脱落。 The quick, entire city gate in the shocking cheers, broke to pieces a stone of place.( To be continued.) 很快,整座城门就在震天的欢呼声中,碎成了一地的石头。(未完待续。)
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