NE :: Volume #3

#257: Bottom city (First Part)

Naga is a sea intelligent living thing, but why does not know, they actually suddenly lifted the clan to move in Demon Realm, was separated from the sea, became the land life. ◇↓◇↓ novel. ¥ f this seems some Demon God writing skill, but Liang Lidong studies not deeply to the world history, but has probably heard such a matter, does not know that was that Demon God so has the leisurely and carefree mood. 纳迦是一种海洋智慧生物,但不知道为什么,她们却突然举族搬迁到了魔界中,脱离海洋,成为了陆地生命。◇↓◇↓小说。¥f这似乎是某个魔神的手笔,但梁立冬对世界历史研究得不深,只是大约听说过这么一回事,也就不知道到底是那位魔神如此有闲情逸致了。 Naga is the elf in sea, is long is good, except for some body scales, but also were many beside a snake tail, the mental disposition generally is also temperate. 纳迦原本是海洋中的精灵,长得还算不错,除了身体有些鳞片,还多了一条蛇尾之外,秉性普遍也算是温和的。 But after becoming a Demon Race member, Naga to adapt to life of land and Demon Realm, after certain age, not only can evolve the both feet the snake tail, but also the disposition also becomes tyrannical. 但成为魔族一份子之后,纳迦为了适应陆地和魔界的生活,到了一定的年岁后,不但能把蛇尾进化成双脚,而且性格也变得暴虐起来。 Can evolve Naga of both feet, Level generally in lv5 above, in other words at least elite rank.” “能进化出双脚的纳迦,等级普遍在lv5以上,也就是说至少精英级别。” At this time Emma, Alice, the Sophie three people have caught up following the trace of magic flare, Beta was explaining the characteristics of Naga this living thing to them. Five people hide in a piece of grass, encircles in the same place, Beta is taking a deadwood, is having the Naga appearance on the ground. 此时艾玛,爱丽丝,苏菲三人顺着魔法照明弹的痕迹赶了过来,贝塔正在给他们讲解着纳迦这种生物的特征。五人躲在一片草从中,围在一起,贝塔拿着一根枯枝,在地上带着纳迦的模样。 „After Naga evolves the both feet, according to producing the ability, there are three different appearances. One type is Multi-Armed Naga, they generally have two pairs of hands, moreover along with the growth of strength, will be long more hands, as far as I know, strongest Queen Naga, may five both hands, is ten hands, the hand multi- issues are not big, but this Naga is generally tall, the strength also very much exaggerates, moreover what is oddest, each hand can take light weapons, or both hands take a heavy weapon, as well as long-range weapon.” 纳迦进化出双脚后,根据产生的能力,有三种不同的模样。一种是多臂纳迦,她们普遍有两双手,而且随着实力的增长,会长出更多的手,据我所知,最强的纳迦女王,有可能有五双手,也就是十只手,手多问题不大,但这种纳迦普遍身材高大,力气也很夸张,而且最离谱的是,她们每只手都能拿一种轻武器,或者双手拿一种重武器,以及远程武器。” Beta in the people surprised look, has smiled bitterly, said: This Naga is most formidable, I once had seen six arm Naga, it is taking two light weapons, then a long bow, a short bow, the close combat, is long-distance. It is fearful. Afterward we closed right up against the population superiority, persecuted to death her livingly.” 贝塔在众人吃惊的眼神中,苦笑了一下,说道:“这种纳迦是最难对付的,我曾见过一个六臂纳迦,它拿着两把轻武器,然后一把长弓,一把短弓,无论是近战,还是远程。都十分可怕。后来我们靠着人数优势,活生生把她逼死。” Kyle has imagined, oneself and can take four types, or eight person fights of different weapons. Could not bear hit to tremble, he is not willing to meet this type in the enemy who on independent combat nearly cheated. 凯尔想像了一下,自己和一个能拿着四种,或者八种不同武器的人战斗。也忍不住打了个寒颤,他也不愿意遇上这种在单打独斗上近乎作弊的敌人。 Other people can also imagine the type lifeform fearful...... On the Sophie smooth small face is somewhat puzzled: „Is the lifeform of Demon Realm so fierce? That why they attacked our world world several times, will be defeated?” 其它人也能想像中出样的生物有多可怕……苏菲光滑的小脸上有些不解:“难道魔界的生物都这么厉害?那为什么他们数次进攻我们人间世界,都会失败?” Beta shakes the head: That actually not, the Naga single body strength in the Demon Realm race, ranks third. Compared with them stronger only has Demon Realm Black Dragon, with large-scale Fire Demon. But the latter two biological quantities were too few, instead does not have Naga to be high in the Demon Realm influence, because Naga they can reproduce. As for other Demon Realm living thing, the strength compared these three race difference to be far, was the quantity are mainly many. But their quantities are presently many, cannot compare our human, our human is in the entire race, lifeform that most can give birth, therefore is grasping the main world substantive status life now. It is not Dragon Race, Elf Race, but is our human.” 贝塔摇摇头:“那倒不是,纳迦的单体实力在魔界种族中,是排名第三的。比它们更强的只有魔界黑龙,和大型炎魔。但后两种生物数量太少了,在魔界的影响力反而没有纳迦高,因为纳迦它们更能繁殖。至于其它魔界生物,实力则比这三个种族差远了,主要是数量多。但他们的数量现多,也比不上我们人类,我们人类才是全种族中,最能生养的生物,所以现在掌握着主世界实质地位的生命。不是什么龙族,精灵族,而是我们人类。” Other four people smile, human can live this view, many Class Holder have listened, this is other surface races hates the tooth itchy place. Human once and many powerful races have held the war, both sides play inextricably involved, although the death quantity of human was other races five times, even was over ten times, so long as on several years. Human can rest and build up strength successfully, restores the fresh institute. But other powerful races, almost calculate by for hundred years. 其它四人会心一笑,人类能生这个说法,很多职业者都听过,这是其它地表种族恨得牙痒痒的地方。人类曾和不少强力种族开过战,双方打得难分难解,虽然人类的死亡数量是其它种族的五倍,甚至是十倍以上,但只要过上十几年。人类就能休养生息成功,恢复生所。而其它强力种族,几乎都是以百年来计算。 This also causes, human more hits is stronger. But other races more hit are weaker. 这也使得,人类越打越强。而其它种族则越打越弱。 Another two Naga, Black Hair Naga. In front of me has said that Naga and Elf Race have not to talk clearly, unclear relations, this Black Hair Naga is almost the appearance of elf, they have the length ear and beautiful appearance. The body and normal elf are not many, a point that but they and normal elves are easiest to distinguish, is their hair, is the black, Elf Race is the golden color. Therefore they are called Black Hair Naga.” “另外两种纳迦,一种黑发纳迦。我前边说过,纳迦精灵族有着说不清,道不明的关系,这种黑发纳迦几乎就是精灵的模样,她们也有长耳朵和美丽的容貌。身体和正常精灵并不多,不过他们和正常精灵最容易区别的一点,便是她们的头发,全是黑色的,精灵族全是金色的。所以他们被称作黑发纳迦。” Beta continues to draw the Black Hair Naga general appearance on the ground, other three people go to Alice the line of sight, this lets the half-elf young girl is not very happy: Our Elf Race will not have the relations with these ugly monsters.” 贝塔继续在地上画着黑发纳迦大概的模样,其它三人将视线投向爱丽丝,这让半精灵少女很是不高兴:“我们精灵族才不会和这些丑陋的怪物扯上关系呢。” The people hee hee smile, are teasing this young girl. 众人嘻嘻笑着,调侃着这个少女。 Beta hehe said with a smile: Black Hair Naga is not ugly, on the contrary they are very attractive, is equally matched with your Elf Race. They same excel at Spiritual Magic with Succubus, the place that but they are stronger than Succubus, has the male to have the female, Succubus can only tempt the man, but masculine Black Hair Naga can actually make the woman not be oneself.” 贝塔呵呵笑道:“黑发纳迦并不丑陋,相反她们还很漂亮,和你们精灵族不相上下。她们和魅魔一样擅长精神魔法,但她们比魅魔强的地方,是有男有女,魅魔只能引诱男人,而男性黑发纳迦却可以让女人神魂颠倒。” One hear of this saying, Emma and other females had goosebumps immediately. 一听这话,艾玛等三女立刻起了一身鸡皮疙瘩。 Looks the appearance that this shuts out, Beta said with a smile: Fortunately the Black Hair Naga quantity is very scarce, once were born, is the treasure in Naga clan, therefore they are impossible to appear in the frontline or the dangerous place.” 看着她这嫌弃的模样,贝塔笑道:“所幸黑发纳迦的数量很稀少,一旦出生,便是纳迦族中的宝贝,所以他们不可能出现在前线或者危险的地方。” Last Naga, is Tidal Naga.” Beta draws the Tidal Naga appearance: Although said Naga to adapt to the land life, evolved the both feet, but in the blood of many Naga, still maintained ancestor's ability, this Naga can summon baseless the sea water from the different dimension, although was very strong, light from the strength, can say that was stronger than Multi-Armed Naga, but their forms of combat were too unitary, was one type controls the water ability, how regardless of water magic changed, that several types of methods. So long as understood that soil series magic and wind system magic, is very easy to restrain them, regarding our spellcaster, they are easiest to cope, but regarding Kyle such close combat Class, is actually very fearful enemy.” “最后一种纳迦,是潮汐纳迦。”贝塔画出潮汐纳迦的模样:“虽然说纳迦为了适应陆地生活,进化出了双脚,但不少纳迦的血液中,依然保持了祖先的能力,这种纳迦可以凭空从异次元将海水召唤过来,虽然很强,光从实力上来说,可以说比多臂纳迦还强,可他们的战斗方式太单一了,就是一种控水能力,无论水魔法怎么变化,就都还是那几样手段。只要懂得土系魔法风系魔法,很容易克制他们,对于我们施法者来说,它们是最容易对付的,但对于凯尔这样的近战职业来说,却是很可怕的敌人。” Although said that our enemies, possibly is only Multi-Armed Naga, but to be safer, I must result to you spread the Naga knowledge, what now you have to ask?” “虽然说我们的敌人,可能只是多臂纳迦,但为了更保险一些,我必须得向你们普及纳迦的知识,现在你们有什么要问的吗?” Before Kyle still retained , he custom when Reed Village study, heard that the word has raised own hand high, asked: Teacher, doesn't Multi-Armed Naga have the weakness?” 凯尔依然保留了以前他在里德村学习时的习惯,闻言高高举起了自己的手,问道:“老师,多臂纳迦没有弱点吗?” Nearly does not have.” The Beta forced smile said: Long-distance close combat all may, strength be also big, speed is not slow, to cope with them, can only the quantity crush, or be the Level strength suppresses, otherwise is very difficult.” “近乎没有。”贝塔苦笑道:“远程近战皆可,力气又大,速度也不慢,要想对付他们,只能数量碾压,或者是等级实力压制,否则很难。” Depending on several of us, must cope with six arm Naga not to be difficult, feared that opposite party there Multi-Armed Naga quantity are many.” Beta looks at other person of prudent looks, then said with a smile: Does not need to worry, are we are only have a look at Demon God Polo the real seal in this place, looked walked, I did not plan and enemy battle directly, I was those words, the day collapse, had the tall person to withstand/top, if Polo appeared, then we did not need on, passed on the news, the strength of set entire world powerhouses coped with it, was the correct principle.” “光凭我们几个,要对付一个六臂纳迦还是不难的,就怕对方那里多臂纳迦数量不少。”贝塔看着其它人慎重的神色,便笑道:“也不用那么忧心,我们只是去看看魔神戴波罗是不是真封印在这地方,看了就走,我也不打算和敌人正面作战,我还是那句话,天塌下来,有高个子顶着,如果戴波罗真的出现,那么我们没有必要自己就上,把消息传出去,集合全世界强者的力量来对付它,才是正理。” As soon as the people listen to this saying, somewhat is relaxed. In demon God War bucket with legend, even if Kyle this Hero, some send being afraid/painful at heart, he knows that was own seal Demon God, but he knows that oneself strength, came compared with the ancestor, but also fell far short, coped with the common evil life to be good, if wants seal Demon God, the difficulty to be enormous. 众人一听这话,都有些轻松。和传说中的魔神战斗,就算是凯尔这个勇者,也有些心里发憷,他知道是自己的封印了魔神,但他知道自己的实力,比起祖先来,还差得远,对付一般的邪恶生命还行,要想封印魔神,难度极大。 After having planned the tactic, several people touched one to be hidden following the footsteps in the level area, by large-scale cave entrance of trees shade, the footprint arrived here not to have again, because the ground in cave entrance, was spreading the flagstone, was impossible to leave the obvious footprint again. 策划了一下战术后,几人顺着脚步摸到了一个被隐藏在山坳里,再被树木遮拦的大型洞口,脚印到这里就没有了,因为洞口内的地面,铺着石板,不可能再留下明显的脚印。 Beta gestured, their several people hid in 20 meters of Dongkou far about thick patch of grass, then said: Inside is very dark, most Demon Race have the darkness to regard not to have, Naga is no exception. But in our several people, has Night Vision, only then I and Kyle, therefore your three girls on as advanced await orders as the Grand Residence Spell space, gets down inquiry by me and Kyle.” 贝塔打了个手势,他们几人躲到了离洞口20米远开外的草丛内,然后说道:“里面很暗,大多数的魔族都有黑暗视没,纳迦也不例外。而我们几人中,拥有黑暗视觉的只有我和凯尔,所以你们三个女孩子就先进到豪宅术空间中待命,由我和凯尔下去打探情况。” Three young girls understand, this is the most reasonable judgment, but Emma somewhat was worried: If you have banged into that Multi-Armed Naga...... Did some time summon us?” 三个少女明白,这是最合理的判断,但艾玛还是有些担心:“万一你们撞入了那个多臂纳迦……有时间把我们召唤出来吗?” Do not despise me and Kyle.” Beta shrugs: Not to mention Kyle is Hero, restrains the Demon Realm lifeform inborn, but I have various special capabilities, both of us hit that Multi-Armed Naga, must protect oneself does not have the issue.” “别小看我和凯尔啊。”贝塔耸耸肩:“且不说凯尔勇者,天生克制魔界生物,而我自己也有各种特殊能力,我们两人就算打不过那个多臂纳迦,要自保是没有问题的。” Emma is staring at Beta after the beautiful eye some little time, said gently: You are more careful.” 艾玛用美目盯着贝塔好一会后,温柔地说道:“那你自己要小心些。” Kyle you are also careful.” This is Alice in loving speech, Kyle must smile bitterly the response. 凯尔你也要小心。”这是爱丽丝在含情脉脉的说话,凯尔只得苦笑回应。 Sophie to Emma snort/hum, first was sneaking in the Grand Residence Spell space. Then another two young girls, same place are disappearing do not see. 苏菲对着艾玛哼了一声,第一个钻进了豪宅术空间中。而后另外两个少女,也在原地消失不见。 Then, Beta reorganized in the space slightly the order of rank of scroll, then brought Kyle to sneak in cave entrance. Because of the relations of real field of vision, in his eyes, this inside shines like the daytime, with usually does not have any difference. The real field of vision is truly useful, but occasionally Beta also will think that this ability is somewhat troublesome, because from having this ability to the present, he did not know to place in the darkness, was what feeling. 接下来,贝塔稍稍整理了一下空间中卷轴的排列顺序,便带着凯尔钻进了洞口。因为真实视野的关系,在他个人的眼中,这里面亮如白昼,和平常没有任何区别。真实视野确实很有用,但偶尔贝塔也会觉得这能力有些麻烦,因为从拥有这能力到现在,他已经不知道身处黑暗中,是什么样的感觉了。 Every so often, what he can only depend upon sky to hang is Sun, now when moon judges is. 很多时候,他只能依靠天空是挂着的是太阳,还是月亮来判断现在是处于什么时间。 Kyle has Night Vision, when he is in darkness, the world that sees is the black and white two colors, seems like looking at that feeling of monochrome set. 凯尔拥有黑暗视觉,他处于黑暗中时,所看到的世界是黑白两色的,就像是在看黑白电视机的那种感觉。 Two people are walking cautiously, does not embark as far as possible a sound, slowly is breathing heavily including the breath, because in the channel is very peaceful, so long as the little sound can pass on, they for fear that front will have the enemy to hear. 两人小心翼翼地走着,尽量不出发一点声音,连呼吸都是慢慢喘着,因为通道中很安静,只要一点点声音都能传得很远,他们生怕前边有敌人会听到。 This channel is very low, and is slanting to lead to underground, front two people walked some little time, then heard broadcast the sound faintly, after they anchored the footsteps slightly, own motion speed that then started to speed up. 这个通道很低,并且斜着通向地下,两人走了好一会,便听到前边隐隐传来声音,他们稍稍停住脚步之后,便开始加快的自己的行动速度 more proceeds, the sound is louder, when walks again many one minute, front they then hear to quarrel the mixed sound to pass on, when the hammering sound, the strange imprecations, the flame eruption roar roar roar, such sound mixes up, is quarrels very much mixed. 越往前,声音越大,等再走多一分钟,他们便听到前边吵杂的声音传进来,打铁声,古怪的咒骂声,还有火焰喷发时的吼吼吼声,这样声音混在一起,很是吵杂。 In quarrelled in like this mixed sound environment, Beta and Kyle two people arrived at the exit|to speak of channel, front flame colors. Beta gestured to Kyle, two people stretch the body forward quietly, then some look then shaking.( To be continued.) 在这样吵杂的声音环境中,贝塔凯尔两人来到通道的出口,前边一片火红色。贝塔凯尔打了个手势,两人悄悄地探身过去,然后神色便有些震憾。(未完待续。)
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