NE :: Volume #3

#256: Had the clue

Three days, can handle a lot, but sometimes, what matter First Prince troop destruction actually could not make any matter this to regard as, therefore he in Somalian enemy, became very bad, although said that once for a while had the infantry squad to pass through from the, but nobody discovered that Second Prince they hid in two mountain neighboring small ravines. ●⌒. 三天的时间,可以做很多事情,但有时候,却也做不了什么事情这得看做什么样的事情大王子的骑兵队覆灭了,因此他在索敌方面,就变得很差,虽然说时不时有步兵小队从附近走过,但没有人发现二王子他们隐藏在两座山相邻的小山沟中。●⌒,. Reason that can achieve this \; first, Alice this half-elf will hide a nearby vegetation to expedite the cover using the strength of nature, another reason is Second Prince demon Mage, he seems the brown Magic Tower person, soil series magic is extremely succinct, in one day during a night, pulled out one to accommodate more than 300 people unexpectedly, with the large-scale basements of more than 300 warhorses. 之所以能做到这点,一是爱丽丝这个半精灵利用自然之力将隐藏点附近的草木催生得更加茂密,另一个原因便是二王子身边的魔法师,他似乎是褐色魔法塔的人,一手土系魔法极其精粹,在一天一夜之中,居然就掏出了一个能容纳300多人,和300多匹战马的大型地下室。 Demon Mage this Class, was fiercer to the later period, fell beside various lethality magic, but can also treat the patient, changed the terrain, changed changes the climate, even can also strengthen the teammate or the army, it can be said that was late demon Mage, was versatile, if were skilled in various types to assist magic, even can also be a guest performer the soldier or the archer, even was Thief, naturally did not have the specialty to be so fierce and that's the end. 法师这个职业,越到后期就越厉害,降了各种杀伤力魔法之外,还能治疗病人,改变地形,变改气候,甚至还可以强化队友或者军队,可以这么说,越是后期的魔法师,越是全能,如果精通各种辅助魔法的话,甚至还可以客串一下战士或者弓箭手,甚至是盗贼,当然没有专职那么厉害就是了。 Three days, Beta is not willing to pass in the waiting. Regarding the players, the time is money, the time is the life, the waste time is the ignominious matter. 三天的时间,贝塔不愿意在等待中度过。对于玩家们来说,时间就是金钱,时间就是生命,浪费时间是可耻的事情。 They came to Royal City here, but to inquire Polo's seal point, three days of spare hours, he naturally does not want to waste now. 况且他们原来来王城这里,只是为了打探戴波罗的封印点,现在有三天的空余时间,他自然不想浪费。 What, you must leave for three days “什么,你们要离开三天” Listens to the Beta words, on the Ignazio fair handsome face to lead permits some to worry: Although my some are not willing to say. But has to acknowledge, if there are your four people. We can be safer, if you left me to worry that the enemy discovered us by some chance, we were not necessarily able to resist.” 听完贝塔的话,伊格纳兹白皙的俊脸上带着许些担忧:“虽然我有些不愿意这么说。但不得不承认,如果有你们四人在的话。我们能更安全一些,如果你们离开了我担心万一敌人发现我们,我们未必能抵挡下来。” I told the sentence truth, Your Highness Second Prince, I am a very straightforward person.” Beta looks at the opposite party, is handsomer and has the temperament on the face leads permits some to be faint: You do not make us leave. It is not because feared that First Prince discovers you. But feared that we inform.” “恕我说句实话,二王子殿下,我是一个很直白的人。”贝塔看着对方,更加英俊和更有气质的的脸上带着许些淡漠:“你不让我们离开。不是因为怕大王子发现你们。而是怕我们去告密吧。” This saying, the surrounding person in visiting him, Emma and on the queen face is bringing several points of surprised, there is a two points of really such expression. As for Kyle, he is smiling, because he remembers that the teacher once had said with him at the Barbara birthday party, the powerhouse does not need to observe any noble etiquette. 这话一出,周围的人都在看着他,艾玛和王后脸上带着几分惊讶,也有两分果然如此的表情。至于凯尔,他只是在微笑,因为他记得老师曾在笆笆拉的生日宴会上和他说过,强者不必遵守什么贵族礼仪。 This saying can use in many places, naturally can also suffice with the teacher here, they suffice. Therefore now they can speak these words, if six months he, in a front of prince, let alone flings the opposite party complexion. Even if including the speech, does not dare to breathe several atmosphere. 这话可以用在很多地方,当然也可以用在这里老师够强,他们够强。所以现在他们可以说这些的话,若是半年前的他,在一位王子的面前,别说甩对方脸色。就算是连说话,都不敢多喘几口大气。 The strength is to maintain the self- basis, was not wanted the power and influence puzzle foundation Kyle even more to think by the world own teacher exercises together, informed and experienced, is the correct incomparable behavior. 实力是保持自我的根本,是不被世欲权势困扰的基础凯尔越发觉得自己跟着老师一起锻炼,历练,是正确无比的行为。 The Second Prince complexion is very ugly, with the words of players, is a face compels ignorant. Crossed the meeting. He responded finally, said with a smile awkwardly: How possible, I have trusted you very much, after all you are my queen mother, is my younger sister, as well as my future brother-in-law.” 二王子脸色很难看,用玩家们的话来说,就是一脸的懵逼。过了会。他终于反应过来,尴尬地笑道:“怎么可能,我一直很信任你们,毕竟你们是我的母后,是我的妹妹,以及我未来的妹夫。” Emma is somewhat happy, she throws an expression of god teammate to Second Brother. 艾玛有些开心,她向二哥抛去一个神队友的表情。 Beta said with a smile: If your really trust we, before eating thing, made your chief Great Magician display test toxin magic quietly.” 贝塔则笑道:“如果你真的信任我们,就不会在吃东西之前,悄悄让你的首席大魔法师施展测试毒素魔法了。” Test toxin magic is very simple magic, the effect is very good, can recognize the majority of toxic substances . Moreover the Magic Power fluctuation is also very small, if is good at assisting the magic person, even can reduce the Magic Power fluctuation to the slightly inaudible situation. 测试毒素魔法是一个很简单的魔法,效果很好,能辨识出大部分的有毒物质,而且魔力波动也很小,如果是擅长辅助魔法的人,甚至能将魔力波动压缩到微不可闻的地步。 But Liang Lidong is the magic master theoretician who who is true, Divine Noble Spiritual Force grows is very good, must be higher than two points compared with traditional demon Mage, magic that therefore the opposite party displays, was felt by him. 梁立冬是什么人真正的魔法理论大师,况且神裔贵族精神力成长很不错,比传统魔法师要高出两个点,所以对方施展的魔法,被他感觉到了。 Was grasped scene Second Prince not to have the words saying that he can only smile, the appearance smile that pretends any matter not to have. 被人抓了个现场二王子没有话说了,他只能微笑,装作什么事情都没有发生的模样微笑。 Liang Lidong took in Emma and the others space, the direct transmission left here. 梁立冬艾玛等人收进空间中,直接传送离开了这里。 Second Prince looks to transmit the magic residual ray, the face of smile gradually becomes ugly. 二王子看着传送魔法残留的光芒,微笑的脸庞渐渐变得难看起来。 He pounds the dry rations in hand ruthlessly on the ground, after the big mouth breathed several tones, gets angry: Really is the rampant person, he also really thinks, oneself important 他狠狠地将手中的干粮砸在地上,大口喘了几口气后,怒道:“真是嚣张的人,他还真以为,自己有多重要” „It is not he thinks itself to be important, is you thought that oneself is too important, but he did not think that you were important nearby demon Mage to speak the words of tongue-twister: Therefore he naturally does not will think finally again you have multiple-valued him to regard as important Ignarro news group, I have said with you, demon Mage is very proud person, especially noble Great Magician, let alone you are only a prince, but must rely upon in him, even if you are the genuine king, like his youth talent, same meets does not pay attention to you.” “不是他觉得自己重要,是你觉得自己太重要,而他又不觉得你重要”旁边的魔法师在说着很绕口的话:“所以最终他就自然不会再觉得你有多值得他看重伊格纳新闻组,我和你说过,魔法师都是很骄傲的人,特别是贵族大魔法师,别说你只是王子,还得仰仗于他,就算你是真正的国王,像他那种青年才俊,一样会不太理会你。” Uncle, you are also same regard me Second Prince to ask that nearby Great Magician, his air/Qi has disappeared. “舅舅,你也是一样地看待我”二王子问旁边的大魔法师,他的气消了许多。 If you are not outside me the nephew, if not the eldest sister to often very much take care of me, I being disinclined manages you.” “如果你不是我外侄,如果不是大姐以常很照顾我,我才懒得理你。” Second Prince smiles bitterly: Then, is my is not right.” 二王子苦笑一下:“这么说来,是我的不对了。” Great Magician nods: Truly, the person like Beta, can look, there is an seal's arrogance in bone. In front of him helps you, looks mostly in the Emma share, you little advance was late, shows off the small thoughts, the opposite party has seen through, naturally cannot have any good complexion.” 大魔法师点点头:“确实,像贝塔那样的人,一眼就能看得出来,有一种印在骨子里的傲慢。他前面那么帮你,多半也是看在艾玛的份上,你得寸进迟,卖弄小心思,对方看穿了,自然不会有什么好脸色。” Ok, did not discuss him.” Second Prince beckons with the hand: „The military provisions have succeeded in obtaining in any case now, three days later we can counter-attack, when the time comes gives him the wetland, making him lead the Little Sister to walk, the less seen the better, I cannot stir up, could not have hidden “算了,不谈他了。”二王子摆摆手:“反正现在军粮也到手了,三天后我们就能反攻,到时候把湿地给他,让他带着小妹走,眼不见为净,我惹不起,难道还躲不起” On the face of Great Magician scholarly shows the silk smile: You can want to be very good, as a King, the matter that must first learn can endure, so long as has not surpassed the matter of your bottom line, must endure, cannot study First Prince, at earliest convenience person who a that word does not begin to kill by poison the father, nobody dares to devote life to under his place for a long time.” 大魔法师儒雅的脸上露出丝微笑:“你能这么想很好,作为一名王者,第一件要学会的事就是能忍,只要没有超过你底线的事情,都要忍,切不可学大王子,那种一言不合就动手毒杀父亲的人,没有人敢长久地在他座下效命。” Second Prince nods, indicated to listen to reason, he was very clear, although the uncle often taught him, but was truly good for him, has not saved other any thoughts. 二王子点点头,表示受教,他很清楚,虽然舅舅常教训他,但确实是为了他好,没有存什么其它的心思。 Nearby the Isinas City castle appeared in the intense Magic Power fluctuation, this image has immediately caused above the castle the attention of defense personnel. The ding of security sounds rapidly, the garrisons and several strength common demon Mage are critical situation, because they are very clear, such strong Magic Power fluctuation, the future absolutely is generally formidable Mage. 伊斯奈斯城城堡附近出现在了强烈的魔力波动,这影像立刻引起了城堡上方守备人员的注意。警戒的钟声急促地敲响,守备队和几个实力一般的魔法师如临大敌,因为他们很明白,这么强的魔力波动,来者绝对是一般强大的法师 When the Beta form appears in the azure magic ray, the people relaxed, because of Liang Lidong here later several days, therefore in the garrison many people recognize him, after all his bright golden hair is really noticeable, has seen very unforgettable. 贝塔的身影出现在青色的魔法光芒中时,众人才松了口气,因为梁立冬在这里待会数天,所以守备队中不少人认得他,毕竟他那一头亮金色的头发实在是引人注目,见过了就很难忘记。 Beta puts from space Emma and queen, then he was saying to the queen: „Our time must go to a dangerous place, the queen you treat rest here, after all here is Emma fief, you here, should be very safe.” 贝塔艾玛和王后从空间中放出来,然后他对着王后说道:“我们这次是要去一个危险的地方,王后你就待在这里休息吧,毕竟这里是艾玛领地,你在这里,应该很安全。” Some Emma worries said: If the big brother he sends for 艾玛有些担心地说道:“万一大哥他派人过来” Beta said with a smile: Does not need to be worried, now First Prince and Second Prince are also in the battle, they do not have the time to pay attention to the queen, at least must wait for them to decide the victory and defeat, and 1-2 months later, First Prince thinks that must look for the trouble of Emma. The person who wins not necessarily is First Prince.” 贝塔微笑道:“不用担心,现在大王子二王子还处于争斗中,他们没有时间过来理会王后,至少也得等他们决出胜负,并且一两个月后,大王子才会想到要来找艾玛的麻烦。况且,赢的人不一定是大王子。” Heard this saying, Emma has felt relieved immediately, she believed the judgment of Beta very much. 听到这话,艾玛顿时放心了许多,她很相信贝塔的判断。 The queen nods, she understands that she is only an average person, although is very safe in the space, but treats in inside, truly is not a good matter. 王后则点点头,她明白自己只是个普通人,虽然在空间中很安全,但待在里面,确实不是件好事情。 Because the beforehand queen often comes the Ys mark Si staying a while several days, therefore here garrison personnel recognize her, after one team defends the member she nears the castle, Beta immediately transmits the Royal City suburb. 因为以前王后常来伊斯标斯小住数天,所以这里的守备队人员都认得她,等一队守备队员将她接近城堡后,贝塔立刻传送回了王城郊外。 After a Scout confrontation of squad First Prince, and after repelling, Beta arrives in a mountain peak, he emits the people from the space, and makes Jeanne fly the sky reconnaissance, then he said: Sophie, Alice, Emma, your three people of one group reconnoiters to the north, I and Kyle one group reconnoiters to the south side, if meets any clues, immediately fires the azure flare to inform us to the sky, understood 在与一小队大王子斥候交锋之后,并且击退之后,贝塔来到一座山峰之中,他从空间中放出众人,并且让贞德飞上天空侦察,而后他说道:“苏菲,爱丽丝,艾玛,你们三人一组向北方侦察,我和凯尔一组向南边侦察,如果遇到什么蛛丝马迹,立刻向天空发射青色照明弹通知我们,明白了吗” „After illumination magic ascends the sky, is very conspicuous, what to do if alerts the enemy Emma to ask. “照明魔法上天后,很显眼,万一打草惊蛇怎么办”艾玛问道。 Beta beckons with the hand indifferently: All right, your three people independent combat very weakly, but unites in the together words are very strong, is much stronger. But I and Kyle, have the good survival capability . Moreover the strength is not weak, even if meets the enemy, so long as is not Polo, the average person, or ordinary Demon Race will not be our matches.” 贝塔无所谓地摆摆手:“没事,你们三人单打独斗很弱,但联合在一起的话却很强,强得离谱。而我和凯尔两人,都拥有不错的生存能力,而且实力也不弱,就算遇上敌人,只要不是戴波罗,一般人,或者普通的魔族不会是我们的对手。” The people think, truly is also such a matter. After urging mutually several must be careful, two teams of people then separate. 众人一想,确实也是这么回事。互相叮嘱几句要小心后,两队人便分开。 In the estimate of Beta, the Demon God Polo's seal should in the, but here mountain forest is luxuriant, moreover seal mostly also under mountainous region, to look, is not truly easy. 贝塔的估计中,魔神戴波罗的封印地应该就在附近,但这里山林莽莽,况且封印地多半还在山地下,要想找出来,确实不算容易。 In the game, Beta does has sought for the vestige much the duty, therefore he has many attainments to this aspect. First vestige entrance generally near mountainside, or at the foot of the hill, because the area on summit is small, generally is not quite suitable to construct the large-scale vestige, moreover seal magic array, if outside place, the wind and rain, are easy to damage. 在游戏中,贝塔做过不少寻找遗迹的任务,所以他对这方面有不少的心得。首先遗迹的入口一般都会在山腰附近,或者山脚下,因为山顶上的面积小,一般不太适合建造大型遗迹,况且封印魔法阵如果放在外边,风吹雨淋的,容易损坏。 Seal Demon God is the what kind of important matter, naturally cannot handle affairs illegibly. Therefore a seal or vestige, mostly should in underground be right. 封印魔神是何等大事,自然不能潦草行事。所以封印阵或者说遗迹,多半应该在地下才对。 Before coming, he has prepared full, he human form lifeform search, the Demon Realm lifeform search, the element lifeform search, sought for trail four magic scroll to throw completely, formed a stretch about 300 meters in diameter search space in own side. 在来之前,他已经做好了十足的准备,他将人形生物搜索,魔界生物搜索,元素生物搜寻,寻找足迹四个魔法卷轴全部扔了出来,在自己的身边形成一片直径300多米的搜索领域。 Kyle looks at these four magic, although he is Hero, the battle efficiency is very strong, but in the ability of this auxiliary nature, cannot help. 凯尔看着这四种魔法,啧了一声,虽然他是勇者,战斗力很强,但在这种辅助性质的能力上,真的帮不上忙。 Was having these four magic effects, Beta and Kyle walked for three hours near the mountain forest, had achieved nothing. When Beta suspected are one guess has made a mistake the place, magic effect there feeds back an information. 带着这四种魔法效果,贝塔凯尔在山林附近走了三个小时,一无所获。就在贝塔都怀疑自己是不是猜测错了地方的时候,魔法效果那里反馈回来一种信息。 They walk to look, had found immediately one string of footprints, one string only has the big foot money of three sharp toes. But in side of footprint, has the subdued weeds and young tree. 他们走过去一看,立刻就找到了一串脚印,一串只拥有三根尖锐脚趾头的大脚钱。而在脚印的旁边,有很多被折伏的野草和小树。 Human is impossible to have such footprint.” Kyle looked at the footprint on lawn, happy. “人类不可能有这样的脚印。”凯尔看了看草地上的脚印,开心不已。 This is a very big living thing.” Beta fires a azure flare upwardly, then said: Knows the institute according to me, in Demon Race has the lifeform of three toes, only has one type, that was evolves human form condition Naga.” To be continued. “这是一个很高大的生物。”贝塔向上发射一颗青色的照明弹,然后才说道:“据我知所,魔族中拥有三根脚趾的生物,只有一种,那就是进化到了人形状态的纳迦。”未完待续。
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