NE :: Volume #3

#258: Bottom city (Last Part)

Presents in them at present, is the giant place bottom is empty, ring airborne plank road in their at present, one after another, layer by layer downward spread, until passing through that broad smooth place bottom. 呈现在他们眼前的,是个巨大的地底空洞,圆环型的空中栈道就在他们的眼前,一圈一圈,一层一层地向下蔓延,直至通到那宽阔平坦的地底。 If is also only this, pours does not have anything. In probably more than 100 meters below ground sides, the inhuman lifeform survives there. The lava that central there is a beach tumbled, to entire underground has provided the light source emptily, but in the most center of lava, the rock island, above is towering a huge blue magic front door. 若也只是这样,倒也没有什么。在大概100多米下方的地面方,很多非人生物在那里生存。最中心那里是一滩正在翻滚的熔浆,给整个地下空洞提供了光源,而在熔浆的最中心,有一座岩石小岛,上面耸立着一座巨大的蓝色魔法大门。 Space transmission gate, moreover is permanent that! 空间传送门,而且是恒久型的那种! In the surroundings of lava lake, is styles is rough, is full of the strange construction, strange lifeform enters to pass in and out presently, moreover in these constructions surroundings, extremely orderly, netted path. 在熔浆湖的周围,是一座座风格粗犷,充满怪异建筑,很多古怪的生物在其中进进出现,而且在这些建筑的周围,还有一条条极有规律,网状的道路。 This is the place city.” “这已经是座城市了。” Beta thinks somewhat has a parched mouth, in the air is flooding the colored glaze sulphur flavor, dry and hot air. 贝塔觉得有些口干舌燥,空气中充斥着琉磺的味道,还有燥热的空气。 Teacher, I suddenly thought, a oneself Hero this Class future did not have. It is not really clear, why my ancestor Kate can in the Demon Realm lifeform army, cut to kill, and seal Demon God truncation Polo, how does he achieve?” “老师,我突然觉得,自己勇者这个职业一点前途也没有了。真不明白,为什么我的祖先凯特可以在魔界生物大军中,斩杀且封印了魔神截波罗,他是怎么做到的?” Looks at the bitterness and astringency and puzzled of Kyle that face, Beta hehe smiles: Perhaps your ancestor Kate at that time is the Demigod Level character.” 看着凯尔那一脸的苦涩和不解,贝塔呵呵一笑:“说不定你的祖先凯特当时已经是半神级的人物了。” If Demigod Level, how will pass away?” “若是半神级,怎么会老死?” Beta shrugs: That but actually is also!” 贝塔耸耸肩:“那倒也是!” Makes Kyle think that what truly shocking and bitter and astringent, below city, not only many flame little ghost, what is more important, there are many four arms, as well as six arm Naga, in addition several build huge Fire Demon pace back and forth around the lava. 真正让凯尔觉得震惊和苦涩的是,下方的城市中,不但有很多火焰小鬼,更重要的是,有许多的四臂,以及六臂纳迦,另外还有数个体形巨大的炎魔在熔浆周围徘徊。 Such strength, let alone their several people...... Even has been able to implement one to extinguish the country war. 这样的战力,别说他们几个人……甚至已经可以实施一声灭国战争了。 Liang Lidong is examining below environment and architectural composition carefully. Cloud Dragon’s Blue Eyes this talent bestowed on he extremely far apparent distance, was quick he to draw a conclusion: Demon God Polo also by seal.” 梁立冬仔细地查看着下方的环境和建筑布局。云龙蓝瞳这个天赋赋于了他极远的视距,很快他就得出了一个结论:“魔神戴波罗还在被封印着。” The Kyle spirit inspires, he most feared that Demon God was put, in the legend Polo has caused the enormous damage to the entire world, he does not hope that such matter occurred again one time. 凯尔精神一振,他就最怕魔神被放出来,传说中戴波罗给整个世界造成了极大的伤害,他不希望这样的事情再发生一次。 Teacher, how do you see?” “老师,你怎么看出来的?” „The layouts of these constructions is a seal check. Moreover the path between constructions is the seal magic trace, their such layouts, are strengthening the magic array seal might. But seal is the middle that beach lava.” “那些建筑的布局本来就是封印阵的格子。而且建筑间的道路就是封印阵的魔法纹路,他们这样子的布局,是在加强魔法阵的封印威力啊。而封印点就是中间那滩熔浆。” Kyle went forward to look, what a pity he was not spellcaster Class, could not see any thing. 凯尔上前看了下,可惜他不是施法者职业,看不出什么东西来。 It seems like Polo's true body under that lava.” Some Beta actually doubts: These Demon Race as if are on own initiative is helping us strengthen the seal, but why can like this? In Demon Race some people have the opinion to Polo...... Hehe, this may be very interesting.” “看来戴波罗的真身就在那片熔浆之下。”贝塔却有些疑惑:“这些魔族似乎是在主动帮我们加强封印,但为什么会这样?难道魔族中有人对戴波罗有意见……呵呵,这可挺有意思了。” Kyle has referred to the distant place: Teacher, does not need to guess, there came two little things. We grasp to ask that them was not clear!” 凯尔指了指远处:“老师,不用猜来猜去,那里来了两个小东西。我们把它们抓来问问不就清楚了!” Beta looked at the past following the finger of Kyle, then smiled: Two flame little ghost? Ok, we withdraw ambush them, with your special capability, that thing do not have what strength, was bumped not to have by your flame.” 贝塔顺着凯尔的手指看过去,然后便笑了:“两个火焰小鬼?行,我们退后些伏击他们,别用你的特殊能力,那东西没有什么实力,被你的火焰碰一下就没有了。” Flame little ghost this living thing is very diminutive, can only use the Samll Fireball technique, the firing distance is short. The might is small, the strength is very weak. However they it is said have the weak Red Dragon bloodlines, is the same with the dog head person, so long as grows, may very much becomes dragon vein Sorcerer, even the transformation is half dragon people. 火焰小鬼这种生物很矮小,只能使用小火球术,射程短。威力小,实力很弱。不过它们据说拥有微弱的红龙血脉,和狗头人一样,只要成长起来,很有可能成为龙脉术士,甚至蜕变为半龙人。 Naturally, flame little ghost and dog head that person can grow. In ten thousand does not have one, their life is very short, the common dog head/number of people person can only live for about 20 years, formidable flame little ghost and dog head person can live for about 40 years, does not have enough life. To climb the strength peak, is almost the impossible matter. By the understanding of Beta this world, the dog head person who probably is called Hodgen became the legendary lifeform, evolved half dragon people. 当然,能成长起来的火焰小鬼和狗头人。万中无一,他们寿命很短,一般的狗人头人只能活20年左右,强大些的火焰小鬼和狗头人能活到40年左右,没有足够的寿命。想攀登实力巅峰,几乎是不可能的事情。以贝塔对这个世界的了解,好像只有一个叫做霍金的狗头人成为了传奇生物,进化成了半龙人。 Two flame little ghost jump collapse jump to walk on the annular plank road, leaves Beta gradually they according to the position was near. 两个火焰小鬼蹦崩跳跳地走在环型栈道上,渐渐离贝塔他们据的位置近了。 More approaches, Liang Lidong more is hears them in snort/hum a strange ballad. That was the Demon Realm commonly used language, Liang Lidong once painstakingly had studied, although said not fluently, but the dictation did not have the issue. 越是靠近,梁立冬越是听到他们在哼着一首奇怪的歌谣。那是魔界的通用语,梁立冬曾苦学过,虽然说得不流利,但听写还是没有问题的。 What these two flame little ghost sang was the bored saliva song, translated is: 这两个火焰小鬼唱的是首无聊的口水歌,翻译过来便是: King called me patrolling mountain, he/she he/she yo......” “大王叫我来巡山,伊呀伊呀哟……” Is drinking the strange ballad, two flame little ghost appear very happy, their tails turn upwards high, above has one bunch of flame to burn slightly. This is their strategic points, the flame little ghost reproductive property is very strong, even if the head does not have, so long as rests for several days in the safe place, can be long to come out, but this bunch of flame extinguished words, that really died. 喝着古怪的歌谣,两个火焰小鬼显得很开心,它们的尾巴高高地翘起,上面有一束火苗在微微地燃烧着。这是他们的要害,火焰小鬼再生能力很强,就算是脑袋没有,只要在安全的地方休息几天,都能重新长一个出来,但这束火苗灭了的话,那真是死定了。 Listens to flame little ghost this characteristics to be very formidable, but in fact, its bunch of flame are very easy to be made to extinguish, because is not hot, even if the child, endures a pain, both hands is covering, can suffocate. 听着火焰小鬼这特性很强大,但实质上,它那束火苗很容易被弄灭,因为不烫,就算是小孩子,忍着点痛,双手捂上去,也能闷熄掉。 Probably waited for dozen minutes, these two little ghost arrive at cave entrance that Liang Lidong and Kyle are at finally, they just want to enter the hole, actually saw that about inside extends a big hand respectively, is pinching their necks by extremely quick speed, draws in them the cave entrance channel. 大约等了十几分钟,这两个小鬼终于来到梁立冬凯尔所在的洞口,它们正想进洞,却看到里面左右各伸出一张大手,以极快的速度掐着他们的脖子,将他们拖进洞口通道中。 They even continually call out in alarm the sound with enough time not to send out. 它们甚至连惊叫声都没有来得及发出。 Beta and a Kyle person is pinching little ghost, left the channel rapidly, returns to the mountain forest, then found a covert place, hides in the Grand Residence Spell space, naturally has also towed two little ghost. 贝塔凯尔一人掐着一个小鬼,迅速离开了通道,回到山林中,而后找了个隐蔽的地方,躲进豪宅术空间里,当然也将两个小鬼拖了进去。 After loosening them, two little ghost hug in the same place, trembles visits in front of them five giants! 松开它们后,两个小鬼抱在一起,瑟瑟发抖地看着它们面前的五个巨人! At the flame little ghost angle of view, these human each one are much higher. 以火焰小鬼的视角来看,这些人类个个都高得不可思议。 Emma, Sophie, the Alice three young girls look at these two flame little ghost, interested. 艾玛,苏菲,还有爱丽丝三个少女看着这两个火焰小鬼,饶有兴趣。 The essence stops, these flame little ghost are long very lovably, the small body, the smooth light red skin, the big eye, is somewhat is smelly. This is the reason that because they do not take a bath all the year round, in Demon Realm lacks after all extremely, moreover they do not dare to take a bath casually, if extinguishes the flame lanes on their tail, was dying. 实质止,这些火焰小鬼长得挺可爱的,小小的身子,光滑的淡红色皮肤,还有大大的眼睛,就是还有些臭。这是因为它们长年不洗澡的缘故,毕竟魔界中极度缺少,而且它们也不敢随便洗澡,万一把他们尾巴上的火焰弄熄,就死翘翘了。 Sophie quite likes being cleaner, she gave little ghost to discharge a clean technique, after the stink in air pale, she put down to cover the hand of mouth, then asked: Anyone of you speaks the Demon Realm language.” 苏菲比较爱干净些,她给小鬼们施放了一个清洁术,等空气中的臭味淡了后,她才放下捂着自己嘴巴的手,然后问道:“你们谁会魔界语。” I come.” “我来吧。” The Beta squatting down body, is grinning fiendishly to two little ghost, then stutter asked in the Demon Realm language: You two little thing from several Demon Realm?” 贝塔蹲下身子,对着两个小鬼狞笑一下,然后用魔界语结结巴巴地问道:“你们两个小东西来自第几层魔界?” Two flame little ghost look at Beta, does not dare to speak, but also is trembling. The flame on their tail continuously sometimes shines sometimes secretly, is in the extreme fear obviously. 两个火焰小鬼看着贝塔,不敢说话,还在发抖。它们尾巴上的火焰一直在时亮时暗,明显处于极度的恐惧之中。 If you did not say, I you according to entering in water. I think that nearby this must look for one to submerge your small stream not too to be difficult.” “如果你们不说的话,我就把你们按进水里。我想这附近要找一条能淹没你们的小溪还不算太难。” Regarding flame little ghost, the most fearful matter is this, originally frightened extremely they immediately collapse. 对于火焰小鬼来说,最可怕的事情莫过于此,原来就已经极度恐惧的它们立刻崩溃了。 37 th...... Sir Feudal Lord lets us...... Comes to here to live, the 37 th person...... Too many, is about not to stay.” “第37层……领主大人让我们……来这里生活,第37层人……太多,快住不下了。” Because the Demon Realm lifeform little appear here world, even if appeared, both sides are also in the hostile standpoint, is not you dies is I lives, therefore some Demon Realm many levels, or many Demon God, do not have the accurate material, because is not all Demon God is interested in the world, they do not send, naturally nobody knows their name and origin. 因为魔界生物很少出现在这个世界上,就算出现了,双方也是处于敌对的立场,不是你死便是我活,所以魔界到底有多少层,或者说有多少位魔神,并没确切的资料,因为并不是所有的魔神都对人类世界感兴趣,他们不派人过来,自然没有人知道他们名字和来历。 Beta does not calculate to the Demon Realm lifeform too understood, hears Yanbian asked: 37 th does Feudal Lord name?” 贝塔魔界生物并不算太了解,闻言便问道:“第37层的领主叫什么名字?” Phoenix, is Phoenix Sir.” “菲尼克斯,是菲尼克斯大人。” After the translation of Beta, the people all are silent, including Beta this calm person, in the heart was startled, he looks at Kyle: Phoenix, isn't this Fire Phoenix name? Has become 37 th Demon God?” 经过贝塔的翻译,众人皆是默然,连贝塔这种淡定的人,心中都吃了一惊,他看着凯尔:“菲尼克斯,这不是火凤凰的名字吗?怎么成了第37界的魔神?” Kyle shakes the head again and again, his bewildered expression replied: „The teacher you are not clear, I am not clearer.” 凯尔连连摇头,他一脸茫然的表情答道:“连老师你都不清楚,那我就更不清楚了。” Sophie did not know about Kyle, she sees other four people of looks to be very strange, then asked: Is a matter? It can be said that listens to me?” 苏菲凯尔不了解,她见其它四人神色很怪异,便问道:“到底是怎么一回事?能说给我听听吗?” Before Beta immediately, original consequence said that then hoodwinked including Sophie: „The Kyle true surname, unexpectedly and Demon God same surname, this was too strange.” 贝塔当下就将前原后果说了一遍,然后连苏菲都蒙了:“凯尔真正的姓氏,居然和魔神同姓,这太奇怪了吧。” Beta also thought oneself as if dug a big secret, he asked two flame little ghost: Your Phoenix Feudal Lord look like.” 贝塔也觉得自己似乎挖到了个大秘密,他问两个火焰小鬼:“你们的菲尼克斯领主长得什么样子。” Mentioned Feudal Lord, two little ghost eye Neutral were sharp and clear the frantic look, a person of language described the appearance of Phoenix. 一提到领主,两个小鬼中立刻露出狂热的神色,一人一语地将菲尼克斯的样貌描述了出来。 Seven color flame!” “七彩的火焰!” Mountain is generally great.” “高山一般伟岸。” Good.” “善良。” Benevolent this.” “仁兹。” Biplane wing can cover the sky.” “双翼可以遮盖天空。” Likes sleeping.” “爱睡觉。” Beta more listens even more to affirm, these two little ghost descriptions Phoenix, absolutely in Holy Beast with legend, Fire Phoenix. 贝塔越听就越发肯定,这两个小鬼描述的菲尼克斯,绝对就和传说中的圣兽,火凤凰 The people heard not to speak, Kyle even more frowned, he has been proud of oneself bloodlines, but these two little ghost said unexpectedly his bloodlines came from Demon God, this made him very unhappy. 众人听得都不想说话了,凯尔越发皱起了眉头,他一直为自己身上的血脉而自豪,但这两个小鬼居然说他的血脉来自魔神,这让他很不开心。 Beta has thought the meeting, said: Kyle, you putting to give them to have a look, making them your Fire Phoenix roaring flame distinguish.” 贝塔想了会,说道:“凯尔,你把自己的火凤凰烈焰给放出来给他们看看,让他们识别一下。” The blue flame appears in the Kyle palm, has seen this flame in trembling two flame little ghost, unexpectedly is not afraid, they dance with joy in front of Kyle, are drinking the strange song, the lyrics general idea nothing but is praises the benevolence and rightness of Phoenix. 蓝色的火焰出现在凯尔的手掌心中,原本一直在发抖的两个火焰小鬼看到这火焰,居然不害怕了,他们在凯尔面前手舞足蹈,喝着古怪的歌曲,歌词大意无非就是赞美菲尼克斯的仁慈和公正。 It seems like is really Phinney Sisi.” Beta spoke an idle talk, but everybody understand that he is any meaning. “看来真是菲尼斯斯。”贝塔说了一句废话,但人人都明白他是什么意思。 These two little ghost did not fear unexpectedly roaring flame of Phoenix, it seems like they are not the evil living thing.” Beta is staring at two little things, said slowly: We do not need to massacre two are not the lives of evil lifeform, but cannot put them to walk, otherwise under that city Demon Race knows that we have come, does not know that what happened.” “这两个小鬼居然不怕菲尼克斯的烈焰,看来它们不是什么邪恶生物。”贝塔盯着两个小东西,缓缓地说道:“我们没有必要杀掉两个不是邪恶生物的生命,但也不能放他们走,否则那个城市下面的魔族知道我们来过,不知道会发生什么事情。” That what to do?” Emma asked. “那怎么办?”艾玛问道。 Beta has thought the meeting, said: Or this, how Emma and Sophie do you become these two flame little ghost contracts Magic Pet?”( To be continued.) 贝塔想了会,说道:“要不这样吧,艾玛苏菲你们把这两个火焰小鬼契约成魔宠如何?”(未完待续。)
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