NR :: Volume #2

#192: Does Hero crash? 【Sought recommendation】

Void between plane, is called Star World. 位面之间的虚空,被人们称为星界 In Star World is not the complete nihility, here is surviving the tenacious species, for example god evil, for example hundred items of giants. 星界里并非是完全虚无的,这里生存着很多顽强的物种,比如神孽、比如百目巨人。 But star beast, is in Star World one of the most terrifying creature. 星兽,则是星界中最恐怖生物之一。 The body of grown star beast is limitless, almost can compare favorably with some small plane. 成年星兽的身体无边无际,几乎可以和一些小型位面媲美。 But they have to surmount Dragon Race Strength since birth. In Multiverse, star beast obviously is existence of food chain most peak. 而他们生来就拥有超越龙族力量。在多元宇宙中,星兽显然是食物链最顶端的存在。 What they nibble abandons plane that. 他们蚕食的是废弃的位面 But that is ordinary star beast. 但那是普通星兽 This star beast, has gone far beyond the normal star beast range. 这一头星兽,远远超过了正常星兽的范围。 He in the boundary dissociation of Final Star World, this means unexpectedly he had to revolt against the Final Star World attraction the ability. 他居然在最终星界的边界游离,这就意味着他拥有反抗最终星界引力的能力了。 This is very unusual to star beast. 这对一头星兽来说是很不寻常的。 Marvin deeply inspired, has relaxed own mood. 马文深吸一口气,舒缓了一下自己的情绪。 This star beast, may very much will be in the future, when the Universe Magic Reservoir avalanche tries to eat Fenan's that!” “这一头星兽,很有可能就是日后,在宇宙魔池崩塌的时候试图吃掉费南的那一个!” Initially Universe Magic Reservoir exploded, has sent out the innumerable signals to four, this star beast then thinks that this is abandoning plane, comes following the signal, the preparation goes to enter.” “当初宇宙魔池爆炸,向四周围发出了无数的信号,这头星兽便以为这是一个废弃的位面,循着信号而来,准备趁虚而入。” Luckily Heaven various gods also grasps one to kill the star beast treasure. Mentioned is also laughable, before this treasure unexpectedly was also God of Sorcerers Lance just before leaving, stayed behind.” “幸亏天界诸神还掌握着一件可以杀死星兽的宝物。说来也是可笑,这件宝物竟然也是巫师之神兰斯临走之前留下的。” These Deity definitely estimated this point, so boldly such will do.” “这些神明肯定都是估算到了这一点,才会如此大胆地这么做。” In the Marvin's mind flashes through myriad about the star beast and Final Star World and other plane knowledge. 马文的脑海里闪过万千关于星兽最终星界位面知识。 ...... …… Although previous generation time. Main content of game still stayed on broad Fenan Continent. 虽然前世的时候。游戏的主体内容仍然停留在广阔的费南大陆上。 But colorful Fenan, indeed also gave the general players to provide an interesting game world. 而多姿多彩的费南,的确也给广大玩家提供了一个有趣的游戏世界。 But in fact, from the mouths of many indigenous people. Can know from the background narrations of many large-scale Quest, This World, Fenan so is more than simple. 但事实上,从许多原住民的口中。从许多大型任务的背景叙述可以知道,这个世界,远不止费南那么简单。 Fenan is only the centers of all stages, many people want to be on this stage, because this stage has unequalled Charm. 费南只是一切舞台的中心,很多人都想登上这个舞台,因为这个舞台拥有无与伦比的魅力 Therefore they do not hesitate all means. 为此他们不惜一切手段。 For example daemon, for example evil spirit, for example fiend...... Also for example, various gods! 比如恶魔、比如邪灵、比如魔鬼……又比如,诸神 Outside Fenan, the place of ordinary plane gap is called Star World. 费南以外,普通的位面间隔之地被称为【星界】。 But in all world most under. Under the World Tree root hair, there is a quieter world. 而在所有世界的最下方。世界树的根须之下,有一片更加沉寂的世界。 That is Final Star World. 那就是【最终星界】。 Final Star World deep place. Natural attractions, it attracts the thing that is unable to contend with tenesmus unceasingly. 最终星界的深处。有一种天然的引力,它吸引着无法抗衡的事物不断下坠。 For example some ancient abandoning plane, it from the beginning was possibly born on World Tree, but experienced the innumerable prosperity and decline to alternate. plane died and abandoned gradually gradually. 比如一些古老的废弃位面,它可能从一开始就在世界树上诞生了,但是经历了无数的兴衰更迭。位面逐渐死去、逐渐废弃。 At this time, it automatically will fall off from World Tree. Under the gravitation of Final Star World, crashes into boundless darkness finally. 这个时候,它就会自动从世界树上脱落。在最终星界的引力作用下,最终坠入无边的黑暗 Rot Plateau obviously was not dead plane, it cut off with plane of World Tree relation artificially. 腐烂高原显然不是死去的位面,它是被人为割断和世界树联系的位面 But the result is the same, because little has the thing to resist the Final Star World attraction, therefore Rot Plateau cannot run away finally crash Fate! 但结局都一样,因为很少有事物可以对抗最终星界的引力,所以腐烂高原最终逃不了坠落的命运 Incessantly Rot Plateau, many Heaven God Country are also so. 不止腐烂高原,很多天界神国也是如此。 Heaven is the world of another relative distortion. 天界是另外一个相对扭曲的世界。 Deities can establish own God Country, dissemination own faith passes in the way of each plane nurture follower. 神明们可以创立自己的神国,传播属于自己的信仰通过在各个位面培养信徒的方式。 They use their Strength to resist the Final Star World attraction, simultaneously with the help of Heaven God Country. This attraction small many. 他们利用自己的力量抵抗最终星界的引力,同时在天界神国的帮助下。这股引力会小的很多。 But one day, Deity possibly died. 但总有一天,神明可能死去。 At this time, again did not have no Strength to support God Country to crash. 这个时候,就再也没有什么力量支撑神国坠落了。 Deity country that these died. Also will crash from Heaven, finally becomes darkness part. 这些死去的神明国度。也将从天界坠落,最终成为黑暗的一部分。 Even Deity of some deep sleep, even if left behind enough Divine Power to resist this attraction before the deep sleep \; Because has not waked up in the scheduled time, their God Country slowly will also sink. 甚至有些沉睡的神明,即便在沉睡之前留下了足够的神力对抗这股引力\;但是因为没有在预定的时间里醒来,他们的神国也会缓缓地下沉。 If cannot regain consciousness before crash, then God Country crashes into Abyss, to crash into Hell, to crash into Final Star World to have the possibility. 如果不能在坠落之前苏醒,那么神国坠入深渊、坠入地狱、坠入最终星界都是有可能的。 For example God of Wealth that before died. Was framed in the process of deep sleep, a short time again is unable to regain consciousness. Only can die in the deep sleep. 比如之前陨落的财富之神。就是在沉睡的过程中遭人陷害,一时半会再也无法苏醒。只能在沉睡中陨落。 His God Country and he is buried along with the dead together. 他的神国和他一同陪葬。 ...... …… Reason that this star beast build endures compared with Fenan Continent half, Marvin can look is so clear. Is because the space and time near World Tree is the distortion. 这头星兽的体型堪比费南大陆的一半,马文之所以能看的这么清晰。是因为在世界树附近时空是扭曲的。 His body has not changed. 他自己的身体没有变。 However Fenan turned into a big leaf. But under that monster, seems only compares this big leaf to be smaller. 但是费南变成了一张大树叶。而底下的那头怪物,看上去只比这张大树叶要小一些。 He has the innumerable eyes, eyes covetously. 他有无数双眼睛,都虎视眈眈。 His vision makes the will of the people bottom send coldly, because he is representing Ruin. 他的目光让人心底发寒,因为他代表着毁灭 However Marvin knows that star beast cannot see own, he very much curiously upwardly is looking around, fumble. 但是马文知道,星兽是看不到自己的,他只是很好奇地在向上张望,摸索。 Both sides were separated do not know that many remote distance, he wanted to arrive at Fenan, must spend many not to know many energies. Moreover Multiverse many plane, under the protection of World Tree, do not have the huge sound as the direction, star beast cannot induce their existence. 双方之间隔了不知道多少遥远的距离,他想要来到费南,都必须花费多少不知道多少能量。而且多元宇宙的许多位面,都在世界树的保护下,没有巨大的动静作为指引,星兽感应不到他们的存在。 Although this fellow is formidable, however in the endless universe is almost a blind person. If not magic reservoir explodes, he did not have the means to find here from the start. 这家伙虽然强大,但是在漫漫宇宙中差不多就是个瞎子。如果不是魔池爆炸,他压根就没办法找到这儿来。 Thinks of here, in the Marvin heart decides slightly. 想到这里,马文心中稍定。 He starts wholly absorbed, exhausts last Strength, kā chā, has sheared Rot Plateau! 他开始专心致志,用尽最后一股力量,咔嚓一下,剪断了腐烂高原 In an instant, the Digaogan sound resounds by his ear: 刹那间,狄高庚的声音在他耳旁响起: Mean Marvin! I must curse you, I must carry Strength of entire world to curse you!” “卑鄙的马文!我要诅咒你,我要携带着整个世界的力量诅咒你!” Marvin is startled terrified. 马文悚然一惊。 That rotten leaf falls gently from World Tree quietly, tenesmuss fast. 那片腐烂的叶子悄然从世界树上飘落,快速地下坠。 ...... …… On Fenan Continent, the people look at the mutation on sky surprised. 费南大陆上,人们吃惊地看着天空上的异变。 The deep blue sky turned into the micro green region, they saw whinning of massive monster, saw the avalanche and struggling of their world, saw the curse of Digaogan hysteria...... Finally what sees, Marvin solemn face. 原本湛蓝的天空变成了微绿色的区域,他们看到了大量怪物的哀嚎,看到了他们世界的崩塌和挣扎,看到了狄高庚歇斯底里的诅咒……最终看到的是,马文冷峻的脸庞。 At this moment, all Fenan lives knew the Marvin's actions. 这一刻,所有费南生灵都知道了马文的所作所为。 He by strength of the. Ruin Evil Spirit World. 他以一己之力。毁灭了一个邪灵世界 He lets by Rot Plateau invasion Fenan, during returned was tranquil. 他让饱受腐烂高原侵扰的费南,重新回到了平静之中。 He is Hero. 他是英雄 Such thought raises from each common people hearts. 这样的念头自每一个平民百姓心中升起。 But East Coast, almost already thorough ebullition. 东海岸,几乎已经彻底沸腾。 If the Northland person has not known that whose this youth is. Then in East Coast, mysterious Marvin this given name already shocking sound! 如果说北地的人还不知道这个少年是谁的话。那么在东海岸,神奇的马文这个名号早已震天响! Sir Marvin long live!” 马文大人万岁!” In the Whirlwind Harbor street, some people are cheering unrestrainedly. 旋风港的街头上,有人情不自禁地欢呼着。 Great Hero Marvin!” 大英雄马文!” Has the Noble young girl eyes to brave the peach blossom, looks at Marvin on sky crazily. 贵族少女眼冒桃花,痴痴地看着天空上的马文 In the majority of person heart emerges the joy. 大部分人心中涌现出浓浓的喜悦。 Since Anthony falls from the sky, that type has continued to linger in constraining of people heart reduces immediately much. 自从安东尼陨落之后,那种一直持续萦绕在众人心头的压抑顿时减轻不少。 Because of departure of Rot Plateau, the entire Fenan's air seemed to be cleaner. 因为腐烂高原的离去,整个费南的空气似乎都干净了许多。 All these, in people eyes. Must give credit to Marvin! 这一切,在众人眼里。都要归功于马文 On World Tree, the Marvin's data panel renovates crazily. 世界树上,马文的数据面板疯狂刷新。 His myths already explosive table! 他的传说度已经爆表! But is not Regional Myths. But is World Myths, has Multiverse myths! 而不是地域传说度。而是世界传说度,其中还有一份多元宇宙传说度! This, not only the entire Fenan Continent people knew Marvin, even started to pay attention to this to destroy the Rot Plateau fellow including Deity! 这一下,不仅整个费南大陆的人都知道了马文,甚至连神明都开始关注这个摧毁了腐烂高原的家伙! In the Marvin heart is also somewhat excited. 马文心中也是有些激动。 These myths for him advantages are accompanied by disadvantages. If returns to Fenan successfully, use, is the advantage outweighs the shortcoming well absolutely. 这些传说度对他来说有利有弊。但是一旦成功返回费南,好好利用的话,绝对是利大于弊。 Hero Marvin, but also of pleasant to hear.” 英雄马文,还蛮好听的嘛。” By such rallying point, in addition enough strength, can definitely gather Strength of majority of Fenan life after Great Cataclysm.” “凭借这样的号召力,再加上足够的实力,完全可以在大灾变之后聚集大部分费南生灵的力量了。” I must let these Divine God abacuses, fails completely!” “我要让那些神灵的算盘,全部落空!” Thinks here time, that rotten leaf has crashed nearby Sea of Evil Spirits. 想到这里的时候,那片腐烂的叶子已经坠落到了邪灵之海附近。 Digaogan tries to support Rot Plateau by strength of the, making it integrate Sea of Evil Spirits. However all these were impossible. 狄高庚试图以一己之力支撑腐烂高原,让它融入邪灵之海。然而这一切已经不可能了。 Under the gravitation of Final Star World, the speed that it crashes is too quick, Sea of Evil Spirits has not started to contain it. Rot Plateau has crashed to darkness of deeper level. 最终星界的引力作用下,它坠落的速度太快,邪灵之海还没开始包容它。腐烂高原就已经向更深层次的黑暗中坠落下去。 All already without enough time. 一切都已经来不及了。 The body and soul of Digaogan already and entire plane fuses in together, even if wants alone to work loose, is impossible. 狄高庚的身体和灵魂都已经和整个位面融合在一起,就算想要独自挣脱,也是不可能。 Therefore he initiated the severest curse to Marvin. 于是他向马文发起了最严厉的诅咒。 With entire plane Strength. 用上了整个位面力量 However cursed to Marvin is invalid! 然而诅咒对马文无效! Gold Shears protects Planar Destroyer, not by any attack of curse. 金剪子保护位面毁灭者,不受任何诅咒的侵袭。 Although has cut time Vanish, however before Vanish, it is handle unequalled God Tool! 尽管剪过一次就会消失,但是在消失之前,它还是一柄无与伦比的神器 Handled finally!” “总算搞定了!” Marvin long vented anger. 马文长长地出了一口气。 He sees Rot Plateau to crash finally. Has been squatted by that in star beast one of the Final Star World edge swallowed down this fellow to wait for feeding there obviously! 他看见腐烂高原最终坠落下去。被那头一直蹲在最终星界边缘的星兽一口吞了下去这家伙明显就是在那里等待喂食的! From now on the future, Digaogan and Rot Plateau. Becoming the passing term. 从今往后,狄高庚腐烂高原。都会成为过往名词。 Evil Spirit World other plane will be the same with Abyss and Hell, is away from Fenan to be remote. 邪灵世界的其他位面将和深渊地狱一样,距离费南非常遥远。 Marvin also fruitfully attained Planar Destroyer This title. 马文也如愿以偿地拿到了【位面毁灭者】这个称号。 But he did not have with enough time the attribute of careful Observation this title, his back has transmitted huge Strength suddenly! 只不过他还没来得及仔细观察这个称号的属性,他的背后突然传来了一股巨大的力量 The Marvin's body cannot help but pushed out! 马文的身体不由自主地被推了出去! He incomparably turns around to go astonished backward but actually, actually saw a female beautiful face. 他惊愕无比地转身向后倒去,却看到了一个女子绝美的脸庞。 You think, only then do you have the Nature Ancient God faith token?” “你以为只有你一个人拥有自然古神的信物么?” She smiled: Parted forever, Marvin.” 她浅浅地笑了笑:“永别了,马文。” The next second, the Marvin's body starts to crash unceasingly! 下一秒,马文的身体开始不断坠落! ...... …… Fenan Continent. 费南大陆 All people by this sudden accident shock! 所有人都被这突如其来的变故震惊了! Their Hero Marvin, were sneak attacked unexpectedly, crashes from World Tree! 他们的英雄马文,竟然被人偷袭,从世界树上坠落下去! Suddenly, they lost the Marvin's trail. 眨眼间,他们就失去了马文的踪迹。 However to plane the people, as long as some least bits understand know that Marvin this is Rot Plateau also has a Digaogan fate. 但是对位面但凡有半点了解的人都知道,马文这是和腐烂高原还有狄高庚一个下场。 He will crash into Final Star World! 他会坠落入最终星界 Waits for his, only then endless ice-cold and death! 等待他的,只有无尽的冰冷和死亡! ...... …… No!” “不!” Forest of a Thousand Leaves. 千叶之森 Hathaway and Ibo have simultaneously sent out not willingly roaring! 海瑟薇伊布同时发出了不甘心的咆哮! Shadow Thief Owlet looks at Marvin Vanish in the sky, but that beautiful female still stands on World Tree. 影贼怔怔地看着马文消失在天空,而那个美丽的女子依然站在世界树上。 Her back condenses false image gradually. 她的背后渐渐凝聚出一个虚影 Eight-headed Snake, the ninth head was still fermenting. 八头蛇,第九个脑袋仍然在酝酿当中。 This is the symbol of Great Cyan Shepherd Leader! 这是天青牧首的标志! In an instant, just got rid of evil spirit Fenan, fell into the middle of Double Snake Cult Shadow once again! 刹那间,刚刚摆脱了邪灵费南,再度陷入了双蛇教阴影当中! Their this is bringing about own destruction!” “他们这是在自寻死路!” In the Ibo eye flashes through strong murderous aura! 伊布眼中闪过浓重的杀气! The next second, he ran out of Forest of a Thousand Leaves reckless. 下一秒,他不顾一切地冲出了千叶之森 Shadow Thief Owlet silently Vanish in same place. The Endless Ocean expression with deep veneration, starts to contact Constantine. 影贼默默地消失在了原地。无尽之洋表情肃然,开始联络康斯坦丁 But White River Valley, thoroughly randomly has become pot gruel! 白河谷地,更是彻底乱成了一锅粥! ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Today earlier renewed, everybody casts two recommendation tickets to thank ~ ps:今天早点更新了,大家多投两张推荐票谢谢~
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