NR :: Volume #2

#191: star beast!

White River Valley. ☆→ all people surprised look at that on sky. 白河谷地。☆→所有人都吃惊地看着天空上的那一幕。 Day, isn't that our Sir Marvin?” “天呐,那不是我们的马文大人吗?” Sir Marvin become God?” 马文大人成神了啊?” His how running space!” “他怎么跑天上去了!” The general publics do not know that had anything. 普通民众根本不知道发生了什么。 They are only look in sky crazily, Marvin's face. 他们只是痴痴地看着天空上,马文的脸庞。 Anna and Wayne similar shock is incomparable. 安娜维尼同样震惊无比。 Elder brother...... Is he doing?” “哥哥……他在干嘛?” As Seer Wayne, at this time has not understood the Marvin's actions. 身为天醒者维尼,此时也没有理解马文的所作所为。 Why does not know, he felt being flustered of dying in battle reason suddenly! 不知道为什么,他突然感受到了一阵没来由的心慌! „It is not good, the elder brother has danger!” Wayne said suddenly. “不好,哥哥有危险!”维尼突然说道。 Danger? What danger?” At this time, a relaxed sound behind resounded in him. “危险?什么危险?”就在这个时候,一个轻松的声音在他身后响起。 Daniela. 丹妮拉 Future Snow Queen walked slowly, looks at the sky easely, the mouth mutters: This fellow is really...... Can be restless.” 未来的冰雪女皇缓缓地走了过来,悠然看着天空,嘴里喃喃道:“这家伙真是……能闹腾啊。” Unexpectedly does not know that with any means that drilled comes up to World Tree.” “居然不知道用了什么办法,钻到世界树上去了。” That place, is not everyone can go, Marvin will not have any danger.” “那个地方,不是每个人都能进去的,马文不会有任何危险。” Wayne complexion slightly slow. 维尼脸色稍缓。 Yes?” “是么?” Little Wayne, you must believe me!” Daniela has pinched the small face of Wayne self-confidently, one that the latter brushes blushes incomparably. 小维尼,你要相信我!”丹妮拉自信地捏了捏维尼的小脸,后者刷的一下就脸红无比。 Moreover you must believe that your elder brother, he is I have seen the most immeasurably deep person, since he dares to do this matter, definitely has prepared all.” “而且你也要相信你哥啊,他是我见过的最深不可测的人,他既然敢干出这种事情,肯定做好了一切的准备。” Has any issue, when he comes back to ask again.” “有什么问题,等他回来再问吧。” Is listening to the dialog of Daniela and Wayne, somehow, in Anna heart unexpectedly also one unclear premonitions. 听着丹妮拉维尼的对话,不知怎的,安娜心中竟然也有一种不详的预感。 Certain. Must come back safely.” “一定。要安全回来啊。” She prayed silently. 她心里默默祈祷。 ...... …… In the entire Fenan world, when debates unceasingly for this sudden strange picture. 就在整个费南世界,都在为这突然出现的诡异景象争论不休的时候。 Marvin actually still is World Tree eliminates this rotten leaf, but is trying hard! 马文却还在为世界树剪除这片腐烂的叶子而努力着! Wants Ruin plane is not that easy. 毁灭一个位面可不是那么容易的。 It is not everyone. Took Gold Shears to destroy Rot Plateau. 不是每一个人。拿着一把金剪子就能毁了腐烂高原 Gold Shears is inborn God Tool, minimum requirement. Also has Divinity. 金剪子是天生神器,最低要求。也是具备一点神性 Marvin just has attained Divinity from Scarlet-red Shepherd Leader there, this had has taken up the minimum requirement of Gold Shears. 马文刚好从赤红牧首那里拿到了一点神性,这才具备了拿起金剪子的最低要求。 Even if so, trims off plane, with trimming off a leaf has very big difference. 即便如此,剪掉一个位面,和剪掉一张树叶还是有很大区别的。 Digaogan when grafts on Rot Plateau World Tree, is willing to make to order many preparations and preventive measures. 狄高庚在将腐烂高原嫁接到世界树上的时候,肯定做了很多准备和预防措施。 This makes Marvin cut unusual is strenuous. 这让马文剪的非常吃力。 Crossed quick a half hour, he trims off the Rot Plateau about three-fourth degrees. 足足过了快半个小时的时间,他才剪掉腐烂高原3左右的程度。 But his this person, was already streaming with sweat! 而他本人,早已汗流浃背! It seems like World Tree itself, has produced the resonance with Rot Plateau, mother *. Initially watched in the game promotional film, Nature Ancient God this person was taking Gold Shears gently kā chā, a world of deathly stillness crashed. It seems very relaxed appearance!” “看来世界树本身,和腐烂高原已经产生了共鸣,妈*的。当初看游戏宣传片里,自然古神本人过来拿着金剪子轻轻一咔嚓,一个死寂的世界就坠落了。看上去很轻松的样子嘛!” Why arrived at the father such to use energy!” “为什么到老子了就这么费劲!” In his heart spits the trough secretly. 他心中暗自吐槽。 However actually Marvin also know that own strength and Nature Ancient God differ should not be too far. 不过其实马文自己也知道,自己的实力和自然古神相差不要太远。 Can trim off three-fourth, basically is also Gold Shears this God Tool in the display effect. 能剪掉3,基本上还都是金剪子这件神器在发挥效果。 If there is traded plane, even if ordinary Secondary Plane, the Gold Shears reputation estimated that must ruin in Marvin's he had estimated cuts radically motionless! 如果换了一个位面,哪怕是普通的次级位面,金剪子的名声都估计要败坏在马文的手里了他估计根本剪不动! If Fenan, Marvin even links an opening unable to cut. 如果是费南,马文甚至连一个口子都剪不出来。 Also is Rot Plateau came from in the heresy of Sea of Evil Spirits, Marvin can loot a burning house. 也就是腐烂高原是源自于邪灵之海的异端,马文才能趁火打劫 Planar Destroyer This title. My previous generation has not attained.” “【位面毁灭者】这个称号。我前世都没有拿到过呢。” First cleans up Digaogan this Evil Spirit World Outpost Station for Fenan, even if in the future Great Cataclysm occurred, person who died innocently also little.” “先替费南清理掉狄高庚这个邪灵世界前哨站,往后哪怕大灾变发生了,无辜死去的人也会少很多。” Marvin is thinking, trampled the tone slightly. Continues to try hard. 马文这么想着,稍稍踹了口气。继续努力。 But in his eyes, Digaogan and his Evil Spirit Plane, were already doomed by Ruin. 而在他的眼里,狄高庚和他的邪灵位面,早已是注定要被毁灭的了。 Entire Rot Plateau inclined downward that is Final Star World The attraction is involving. 整个腐烂高原已经向下倾斜那是【最终星界】的引力在牵扯。 Once Marvin shears Rot Plateau thoroughly. Then Digaogan joins Sea of Evil Spirits it without enough time. In Final Star World Under the gravitation, Rot Plateau will be bringing Digaogan and several billions evil spirit together Ruin! 一旦马文彻底剪断腐烂高原。那么狄高庚是来不及将它接上邪灵之海的。在【最终星界】的引力作用下,腐烂高原会带着狄高庚和数亿邪灵一同毁灭 They will enter that ice-cold Final Star World. Is forever impossible to come back again. 他们会进入那冰冷的最终星界。永远也不可能再回来。 This is Final Star World the place of terrifying. 这就是最终星界恐怖之处。 ...... …… Forest of a Thousand Leaves. 千叶之森 Audiences Legendary is similarly anxious incomparably looks at Marvin's to move. 一众传奇同样紧张无比地看着马文的行动。 Inheim with the help of Wrath of the Firmaments, went to the north. Seeks for another Archdruid Mother Of All Living Things Rescue. 因海姆已经在苍穹之怒的帮助下,前往北方。寻找另外一个大德鲁伊万物之母】的救助。 Other people are most in the fight are only the consumption are oversized, has not received any injury. 其余人在战斗中最多只是消耗过大,没有受到什么伤势。 We must think the means to meet Marvin!” “我们必须想办法把马文接回来!” Holy Spirit White Deer said firmly: By his own Strength, he does not have the means to return from World Tree.” 圣灵白鹿坚决地说:“凭借他自身的力量,他没办法从世界树上返回。” „What can we make?” But Endless Ocean said: Your Seven-colored Stone lost the function temporarily.” “可是我们又能做什么呢?”无尽之洋无奈说:“你的七彩石暂时已经失去了作用。” Owlet silent a while, suddenly Vanish in same place. 沉默了一会儿,眨眼消失在了原地。 After a while, he somewhat dejected appears before the people: Shadow Plane and Rot Plateau overlapping point already Vanish.” 过了一会儿,他有些颓然地出现在众人面前:“阴影位面腐烂高原的重叠处已经消失了。” I do not have the means to enter Rot Plateau, does not have the means to receive Marvin.” “我没办法进入腐烂高原,也就没办法接到马文。” The people look at each other in blank dismay, no one has thought that finally will turn into such result. 众人面面相觑,谁也没想到最终会变成这样的结果。 The preparation that initially they when the arrangement plan, made was Marvin cuts away Rot Plateau rapidly, then returned to Rot Plateau, before it tenesmused, left with the people together. 当初他们在布置计划的时候,做的准备是马文迅速切掉腐烂高原,然后返回腐烂高原,在它下坠之前,和众人一同离开。 Has not thought that the plan had uncertainties eventually. 没想到计划终究还是出现了变数。 Appearance of God of Plague, even almost compels the Legendary team group to extinguish \; But Marvin this person, has not expected this leaf so to be unexpectedly hard! 瘟疫之神的出现,甚至逼得传奇小队都差点团灭\;而马文本人,也没有料到这片叶子居然如此坚硬! He has almost cut nearly for 40 minutes, picture also unceasingly evade on sky, vague. 他差不多已经剪了快40分钟了,天空上的画面也不断闪烁,若有若无。 The people vaguely can see, Marvin has almost cut quickly 4/5. 众人依稀能看见,马文差不多已经剪了快4了。 , Almost can remove from Multiverse Rot Plateau again diligently! 再努力一把,差不多就能将腐烂高原多元宇宙中除名! Digaogan name, becomes the history. 狄高庚的名字,也将成为历史。 Marvin also becomes true Hero. 马文也将成为真正的英雄 However the key is, this Hero currently is very likely after completing Quest. It is not able to return. 然而关键是,这位英雄现在极有可能在完成任务之后。无法回归。 This is everybody is not willing to see. 这是大家都不愿意看到的。 The people look at each other in blank dismay, finally vision centralized on Ibo. 众人面面相觑,最终将目光集中在了伊布身上。 Ibo has smiled bitterly. Has stood slowly. 伊布苦笑了一声。缓缓站了起来。 I try.” He said indefinitely. “我试试吧。”他不确定地说。 Ibo Your Highness......” some Ollie worries said: Perhaps Sir Nicholas is not willing to see you now.” 伊布殿下……”奥莉有些担心地说:“恐怕尼古拉斯大人现在不愿意见你。” Ibo knits the brows: Why?” 伊布皱眉:“为什么?” He had just given me an order, do not make anybody disturb him!” “他刚刚给了我一个命令,不要让任何人打扰他!” Ollie shows an awkward expression. 奥莉露出一个为难的表情。 I am not anybody. I am his son!” “我不是任何人。我是他的儿子!” Ibo let somebody cool off or calm down has shoved open Ollie, with long hurried strides walked toward the Forest of a Thousand Leaves deep place. 伊布冷冷地推开了奥莉,大步流星地往千叶之森深处走去。 The people are silent. 众人默然。 Everybody knows that the Elf King parent-child operator is quite bad, can make Ibo say this words, obviously in his heart, Marvin is how important. 大家都知道精灵王父子关系极为恶劣,能让伊布说出这种话的,可见在他心中,马文是多么重要的了。 In any event, he must under the attempt. 无论如何,他都必须尝试下。 In the induction following heart, Ibo fast is going through in the Forest of a Thousand Leaves center. 顺着心中的感应,伊布快速在千叶之森中央穿行着。 Finally, he arrived at secret place of deep woods. 最终,他来到了森林深处的一块秘地。 Those who make him somewhat strange is, this all the way. Unexpectedly also nobody organizes him. 让他有些奇怪的是,这一路上。居然也没有人来组织他。 He knits the brows the past, sees only secret central, there are lake water. 他皱着眉走了过去,只见秘地中央,有一片湖水。 Great Elf King Nicholas, is soaking stark naked in the lake water! 大精灵王尼古拉斯,正赤身露体地浸泡在湖水中! Father......” Ibo does not know that should say any was good. “父亲……”伊布不知道该说什么好了。 The back has been turning around slowly to his Great Elf King. 背对着他的大精灵王缓缓转过身来。 The lake water has inundated his waist, the pure white flesh endures compared with the virgin, however made Ibo feel what truly was alarmed, the Chest of Nicholas, presented the hole that has fired unceasingly unexpectedly! 湖水漫过了他的腰部,洁白的肌肤堪比处子,然而真正令伊布感到触目惊心的是,尼古拉斯的心口,竟然出现了一个不断灼烧的窟窿! That hole, really also has the trend of expansion! 那个窟窿,竟然还有扩大的趋势! You......” “您……” You how!?” “您怎么了!?” Ibo overran fiercely. 伊布猛地冲了过去。 Stops.” “停下。” Nicholas said undeniably. 尼古拉斯不容置疑地说。 Ibo suspension of movement. 伊布停步。 He looks at Great Elf King. From infancy to maturity. Nicholas is in his eyes invincible. He so great, nobody can injure him! 他怔怔地看着大精灵王。从小到大。尼古拉斯在他眼里就是战无不胜的。他是如此的伟岸,没有人可以伤害他! He is such Dignity, forever keeps aloof, will never be weary, fear or the confusedness. 他是那么的威严,永远高高在上,永远不会疲倦、害怕或者迷茫。 However Great Elf King at this moment. On the face has filled unexpectedly wearily! 然而此时此刻的大精灵王。脸上竟然充满了疲倦! His two temples, presented the white hair unexpectedly. 他的两鬓,竟然出现了白发。 That hole of chest, but also is lingering terrifying Flame. Continuously is destroying the Great Elf King body. 胸口的那个窟窿,还萦绕着一圈恐怖火焰。不断地破坏着大精灵王的身躯。 Closes your eye, turns around. Leaves here.” “闭上你的眼睛,转身。离开这里。” Nicholas sound still ice-cold, but is bringing a thick feeling of weariness. 尼古拉斯的声音依然冰冷,但是却带着一丝浓浓的倦意。 I probably needed to rest last some time.” “我可能需要睡上一段时间了。” However you. Still pursued elf, please leave here.” “而你。依然是被驱逐的精灵,请你离开这里。” I once had said to you, before you are truly mature, do not come back. But until now, I see on you is still ignorant and weak.” “我曾对你说过,在你真正成熟起来之前,不要回来。而时至今日,我在你身上看到的依然是愚昧和幼稚。” Ibo...... You disappointed me.” 伊布……你太让我失望了。” His sound submerges gradually in lake water. 他的声音渐渐淹没在湖水里。 His body sank to the lake water slowly, finally Vanish does not see. 他的身体缓缓地沉入了湖水中,最终消失不见。 Ibo stands in the lakeside, looked at lake the shadow in Great Elf King, looked at space Marvin appearance furiously, a face is desolate. 伊布怔怔地站在湖边,看了看湖里的大精灵王的影子,又看了看天上马文奋力的样子,一脸落寞。 ...... …… Heaven God Country, two thoughts are exchanging in secret: 天界神国,两道意念正在秘密交流: These time has been lucky that two Analia and Glanos that two fools, unexpectedly Nicholas directing.” “这一次多亏了那两个安玛利亚格莱诺斯那两个傻瓜,居然把尼古拉斯给引出来了。” Yes, Nicholas has hidden these many years in Forest of a Thousand Leaves, has not thought that these time cannot bear unexpectedly. Left Fenan unexpectedly, gives opportunity that we started.” “是啊,尼古拉斯千叶之森里躲了这么多年,没想到这一次竟然没能忍住。竟然离开了费南,给了我们下手的机会。” Your Roasting Flame Godlance Penetrated his heart directly, this, dozens years could not have restored?” “你的【炙热神矛】直接穿透了他的心脏,这一下,没个几十年是恢复不过来的吧?” „The threat that we face has been short.” “我们面临的威胁又少了很多。” ...... …… On World Tree, with the efforts of that Marvin is not aware of fatigue, finally arrived the last step! 世界树上,在马文不知疲倦的努力下,终于到了最后一步! He deeply inspires, on the forehead has covered entirely the dense and numerous beads of sweat. 他深吸一口气,额头上布满了密密麻麻的汗珠。 But Gold Shears, because also soon completes his mission to start becomes does not stabilize. It has possibility Vanish anytime! 金剪子,也因为快要完成他的使命开始变得不稳定起来。它随时都有可能消失 Marvin clenches teeth, just prepared to extinguish Rot Plateau in one vigorous effort thoroughly. 马文一咬牙,刚准备一鼓作气彻底灭了腐烂高原 Who knows that at this time, his vision following that leaf, downward looks. 谁知道就在这个时候,他的目光顺着那片叶子,往下看去。 In there, piece of huge Shadow swam from the distant place. 在那里,一片巨大的阴影从远方游了过来。 That is Final Star World In range! 那是【最终星界】的范围内! My God......” “我的天……” Marvin holding breath one breath. 马文倒吸一口气。 That is star beast! 那是一头星兽 He continuously in the boundary dissociation of Final Star World! 他一直在最终星界的边界游离! He has lifted the head slowly, lets somebody cool off or calm down is gazing at Marvin. 他缓缓地抬起了头,冷冷地注视着马文 Next second, Marvin whole body ice-cold, the hand completely could not make an effort! 下一秒,马文浑身冰冷,就连手都完全使不上劲儿了! ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Had the wood to have the feeling plot to move toward is getting more and more confusing? Continues to sell to sprout to sway back and forth to ask recommendation ticket and monthly ticket! Rests for two days, if wrist|skill issue is not big, the coconut tree will continue Burst! Moreover, in the beforehand plot predict that many people forecast that is Great Elf King gets rid, but especially Fenan most hadron controls What's the matter? Do not think that I cannot see! ps:有木有感觉剧情走向越来越扑朔迷离了?继续卖萌打滚求推荐票和月票!休息两天,如果手腕问题不大,椰子会继续爆发!另外,之前的剧情预测中,很多人都预测到了是大精灵王出手,但特么【费南最强子控】是怎么回事?别以为我看不到啊!
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