NR :: Volume #2

#190: Planar Destroyer

You and you dare to leave Fenan unexpectedly!” “你、你竟然敢离开费南!” God of Plague has turned around, was calmed down forcefully by oneself. » 瘟疫之神转过身,强行让自己冷静下来。》 Although loses doppelgänger for him is also very grieved matter, but the matter developed this degree, did not have the means grievedly. 虽然损失一个分身对他来说也是非常心痛的事情,但是事情发展到了这种程度,心痛也没有办法。 Those who let him be startled, at present this huge form, dares to leave Fenan unexpectedly! 让他吃惊的是,眼前这个庞大的身影,竟然敢离开费南 Leaves the protection of Universe Magic Reservoir! 离开宇宙魔池的保护! Why not? Although I many years had not come out.” “有何不可?虽然我已经很多年没有出来过了。” That piece of huge Shadow center, walks a handsome man slowly. 那一片庞大的阴影中央,缓缓走出来一个俊朗的男子。 Great Elf King. 大精灵王 This time, he has not worn the royal crown, puts on quite simply, however looks like in two Deity, has the inexhaustible pressure. 这一次,他没有佩戴王冠,穿着相当朴素,但是在两位神明看来,却有着无穷无尽的压力。 Let alone, has that matter misleading fog, matter always meeting unexpected.” “更何况,有那层迷雾在,事情总是会让人意想不到的。” Great Elf King said slowly. 大精灵王缓缓道。 God of Plague and Shadow Prince look at each other one, next second, their forms immediately on Vanish in same place! 瘟疫之神阴影王子对视一眼,下一秒,两人的身影立刻就消失在了原地! Runs separately! 分头跑! Unexpectedly this big god compelling, can run away is! 竟然把这尊大神给逼出来了,能跑掉一个是一个! Nicholas is without turning a hair, but decides looks at stunned Ibo, sighed a voice gently. 尼古拉斯面不改色,只是定定地看着愕然的伊布,轻轻叹了一声气。 He looks to the Ibo's look, first time has been full of the rich sentiment, but Ibo a short time was unable to comprehend oneself father's look to mean anything. 他看向伊布的眼神,第一次充满了丰富的感情,只不过伊布一时半会还没能领会自己父亲的这个眼神意味着什么。 Because of the next second, behind Nicholas that giant shadow started suddenly. 因为下一秒,尼古拉斯背后的那个巨大的影子陡然开始动了。 Two hands, have taken bearing separately two sides void! 两只手,分别探向了两边的虚空! ...... …… Hateful!” “可恶!” This time misleading fog comes does not have the indication, could not see.” “这次的迷雾来的毫无征兆,又看不到了。” Heaven God Country, among the gods is whooping. 天界神国,众神之间正议论纷纷。 In fact. Since Marvin starts furiously tries to shear the leaf of World Tree the time, Heaven has realized! 事实上。自从马文开始奋力试图剪断世界树之叶的时候,天界就有所察觉了! Each Deity. Has to surpass common Perception, although they are unable to enter on the World Tree trunk and branches like Nature Ancient God. However can also see some unusual forms. 每一个神明。都有超出寻常的感知,他们虽然无法像自然古神那样进入世界树枝干上。但是也能看到一些异状。 Therefore they immediately on Discovery root. 于是他们立刻就发现了根源。 Legendary team attacks Rot Plateau, mountain giant pulls open Digaogan Throne, tiny ordinary person sneaks in the vortex...... 传奇小队突袭腐烂高原,山巨人拉开狄高庚王座,一个渺小的凡人钻进漩涡中…… All these occur impressively under their eyes hide. 这一切赫然都发生在他们的眼皮子底下。 Front , the Marvin's action, actually makes majority of Deity feel to shock! 前面的也就罢了,马文的举动,倒是让大部分的神明都感到震撼! Tiny ordinary person, Legendary is not, unexpectedly also dares to do this matter? 一个渺小的凡人,连传奇都不是,居然也敢干这种事情? That is Ruin plane, Courage and disposition of this fellow, do not match with own strength completely. 那可是毁灭一个位面啊,这家伙的勇气和心性,完全和自身实力不匹配。 Deity that certain having a mind starts to try to pay attention to Marvin. 某些有心的神明开始试图关注起马文来。 However at this time. Their Discovery, about Marvin's all, they can only see that in consternation only the scale grasps. 然而就在这个时候。他们愕然发现,关于马文的一切,他们只能看到只鳞片抓。 They only the story that can spread from Fenan's people mouth knew that actually Marvin has made anything. 他们只能从费南的人民口中流传的故事得知马文究竟做了什么。 They wanted to examine Marvin's with Great Prophecy Spell in the past, are actually prevented by that matter hateful misleading fog. 他们想要用大预言术查看马文的过去,却被那层可恶的迷雾所阻止。 This is a matter of fishy. 这可是一件蹊跷的事情。 However regarding the gods, they many attention points, is on Hathaway. 不过对于众神来说,他们更多的关注点,还是在海瑟薇身上。 This is until now, above Fenan only confirmed Seer. It looks like in various gods, this motion, may be Seer Hathaway plan extremely. But Marvin. But is one kid who is used to divert attention. 这是迄今为止,费南之上唯一被证实的天醒者。在诸神看来,这次的行动,极有可能是天醒者海瑟薇策划出来的。而马文。只不过是一个用来转移视线的小家伙罢了。 How after all he jumps again da, is only small ordinary person. 毕竟他再怎么蹦跶,也只是一个小小的凡人 Disparity between Legendary and non- Legendary were too many. 传奇和非传奇之间的差距实在太多了。 Non- Legendary ordinary person, ants in front of Deity. But the Legendary words, have almost evolved the rabbit that can bite. 传奇凡人,在神明面前不过蝼蚁。而传奇的话,差不多已经进化成一只能咬人的兔子了。 Above certain apexes as for Legendary exist. Many Deity must acknowledge reluctantly that they had the qualifications and pull the wrist|skill! 至于传奇之上的某些顶尖存在。就连很多神明都必须无奈地承认,他们已经有资格和自己扳手腕了! ...... …… Before this, them saw God of Plague and Shadow Prince lower doppelgänger respectively. Also very much anticipates to have a liking for a good play. 在此前,他们看到了瘟疫之神阴影王子各自降下分身。还很期待看上一场好戏。 After all although these two fellows the battle efficiency was ordinary in various gods, however in Evil Spirit World. Their doppelgänger can display the quite good strength, is adding on Digaogan of hysteria. Destroys completely this only Legendary team people should not be a problem. 毕竟这两个家伙虽然战斗力在诸神中一般了些,但是在邪灵世界。他们的分身能发挥出相当不错的实力,在加上歇斯底里的狄高庚。灭掉这只传奇小队应该不成问题。 Who knows at crucial moments, saw that God of Plague Analia interrupts the transmission of Heaven Deer continuously, their field of vision unexpectedly Vanish! 谁知道就在关键时刻,眼看瘟疫之神安玛利亚连续打断天界鹿的传送,他们的视野居然消失了! Also is that hateful misleading fog! 又是那阵可恶的迷雾 various gods is not feeling well. 诸神非常不爽。 This misleading fog as if lingers between Fenan and God Kingdom, occasionally will appear, can hoodwink including their Perception. 这层迷雾似乎是萦绕在费南神界之间的,偶尔会出现一下,连他们的感知都能蒙蔽。 By the way, this misleading fog after God of Sorcerers leaves appears. 顺便说一句,这层迷雾是在巫师之神离开之后出现的。 Each misleading fog appears, as if has any important matter occurrence. 每一次迷雾出现,似乎都有着什么重要的事情发生。 Actually did Lower World have what?” 下层世界究竟发生了什么?” „Can we also condense doppelgänger to have a look?” “我们要不要也凝聚一个分身下去看看?” Several Deity talked in whispers. 几个神明窃窃私语。 Stupid, do you want also to have Rot Plateau with Digaogan to be buried along with the dead together?” “愚蠢,难道你们想要和狄高庚还有腐烂高原一同陪葬吗?” A chilly sound resounds in God Country. 一个清冷的声音在神国之间响起。 God of Dreamland. 梦境之神 He had the profound meaning to say one: misleading fog this type of thing, can only block our fields of vision, is actually not able to block our brains.” 他别有深意地说了一句:“迷雾这种东西,只能挡住我们的视野,却无法挡住我们的脑子。” Some people must suffer a loss.” “有人要吃亏了。” ...... …… Evil Spirit World, because of the appearance of Great Elf King, the aspect had the reversal again. 邪灵世界,因为大精灵王的出现,局面再次出现了逆转。 His back false image, formidable incomparable, resisted the attack of crazy Digaogan unexpectedly. 他背后的虚影,强大无比,竟然独自一人就抵挡住了疯狂的狄高庚的进攻。 That took bearing void two hands, quick received! 那探向虚空的两只手,很快就收了回来! Left hand Shadow Prince Glanos. 左手阴影王子格莱诺斯 Right hand God of Plague Analia. 右手瘟疫之神安玛利亚 You can kill our doppelgänger, is actually not able to prevent Fate!” “你能杀死我们的分身,却无法阻止命运!” Nicholas, you are formidable, is unable with the Deity resistance!” 尼古拉斯,你再强大,也无法和神明抗争!” They clamored! 两人纷纷叫嚣! Boisterous.” “聒噪。” Great Elf King said peacefully. 大精灵王安静地说。 The next second, two hands catch up gently. 下一秒,两只手轻轻一发力。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! Two resounding. 两声脆响。 Two Deity doppelgänger, such were pinched to explode by Great Elf King unexpectedly! 两个神明分身,竟然就这么被大精灵王生生掐爆了! Pinched to explode! 掐爆了! Audiences Legendary looks to Nicholas that false image, although cannot see clearly its facial features, but also heartfeltly has the huge respectful fear! 一众传奇望向尼古拉斯背后的那个虚影,虽然看不清它的面容,但也由衷地产生巨大的敬畏之情! Resists Digaogan, eliminates Shadow Prince and God of Plague easily. 独自一人,抵挡住狄高庚,轻而易举地消灭阴影王子瘟疫之神 This is the what kind great strength!? 这是何等的强大!? Just, people moral nature another thought also at once dodges: He such being the case is formidable. Has rigidly adhered why in Forest of a Thousand Leaves, almost hasn't left? 只不过,众人心底另外一个念头也旋即闪起:他既然如此强大。为何又一直拘泥于千叶之森中,几乎从来没有离开过呢? However the time could not allow them to think much. 然而时间容不得他们多想了。 The Digaogan roaring sound is even more demented. 狄高庚的咆哮声越发癫狂。 He felt desperately! 他已经感到绝望了! He wants to find the person to be buried along with the dead. Heartlessly was actually rejected by Great Elf King. 他想找人陪葬。却被大精灵王无情地拒绝。 Under the function of strength of plane, Little World Tree starts to wither. Wrath of the Firmaments and Endless Ocean weak prevent. 位面之力的作用下,小世界树开始枯萎。苍穹之怒无尽之洋都无力阻止。 Walks.” “走。” Nicholas said one. 尼古拉斯说了一句。 Has not waited for the people to respond. A hand of Hide the Sky, Cover the Sun all round wraps them. 还没等众人反应过来。一只遮天蔽日的手就将他们团团包裹住。 A world revolves, space and time distortion! 一阵天地旋转,时空扭曲! Is the short flash, they returned to Fenan from Rot Plateau! 仅仅是短短的一瞬间,他们就从腐烂高原来返回了费南 First appears in their front person's shadows, is actually Shadow Thief Owlet. 第一个出现在他们面前的人影,却是影贼 You fortunately?” Owlet looks at Inheim that suffocates, is startled does not know that should say any good. “你们还好吧?”看着奄奄一息的因海姆,惊得不知道该说什么好。 This Legendary Martial Monk, is among them the strongest fellow! 这个传奇武僧,可是他们之间最强的家伙啊! Delivers him to treat. Migratory Birds Council Mother Of All Living Things Should be able to solve his curse.” “送他去治疗。候鸟议会的【万物之母】应该可以解决他身上的诅咒。” Welcome to Forest of a Thousand Leaves.” “欢迎来到千叶之森。” Nicholas said such two, turns around to walk, quick, on Vanish in deep woods. 尼古拉斯说了这么两句,转身就走,很快的,就消失在了森林深处。 Several elf server. Awaits respectfully in the one side, including Ibo's old acquaintance Ollie. 几个精灵侍者。在一旁恭候,包括伊布的老熟人奥莉 Great Elf King, really and in myths is equally unreasonable.” 大精灵王,果然和传说中一样不近人情啊。” Owlet has self-ridiculed one: Before Marvin let I looked for his time, I also very much suspected that he can get rid......” 自嘲了一句:“之前马文让我去找他的时候,我还很怀疑他会不会出手呢……” Wait / Etc.! 等等! The people have gawked. 众人都是愣了一下。 We forgot a person...... Holy Spirit White Deer Lorante to say probably difficultly. “我们是不是好像忘了一个人……”圣灵白鹿洛兰特艰难地说。 Marvin!” 马文!” Hathaway gains ground suddenly. 海瑟薇猛然抬头。 The next second, in the Fenan's sky, presented the massive illusion unexpectedly! 下一秒,费南的天空上,竟然出现了大量的幻境! A feeling of palpitation, transmits from the moral nature of each Fenan life. 一种心悸的感觉,从每一个费南生灵的心底传来。 This feeling, previous time is falling from the sky of Anthony, the range also is only restricted in East Coast. But this time. Actually spreads entire Fenan. 这种感觉,上一次是安东尼的陨落,范围也仅限于东海岸。而这一次。却是遍及整个费南 From East Coast to Dead Region of West, from White River Valley to north City State. 东海岸到西方的死域,从白河谷地到北部城邦 The Wisdom life of entire mainland is startled incomparably lifts the head. 整个大陆的智慧生命都吃惊无比地抬起脑袋。 In the sky floats the unceasing illusion to make them life-long! 天空上漂浮不断的幻象让他们终生难忘! They see, a facial features Shang Xian immature youth, dedicated incomparably grasped Gold Shears. Is cutting a rotten leaf diligently! 他们看到,一个面容尚显稚嫩的少年,正专注无比地手持一把金剪刀。努力地剪着一片腐烂的叶子! That is an immeasurably deep big tree, everyone sees that tree, is inspired. 那是一棵深不可测的大树,每个人看到那棵树,都心生敬畏。 But made one feel what was strange was. That leaf unexpectedly is so tenacious, the youth with a sudden burst. Also can only bit by bit trim off! 只不过令人感到奇怪的是。那片叶子竟是如此坚韧,少年卯足了劲儿。也只能一点一点地剪掉! Suddenly, in the mind of everyone. Were many some knowledge. 突然间,每一个人的脑海里。都多了一些知识。 They understood anything. 他们明白了什么。 On that leaf, reflects the infinite design, the Digaogan roaring sound, innumerable evil spirit flurried runs...... 那一片叶子上,折射出无限的图案,狄高庚的咆哮声,无数邪灵慌乱的奔走…… But above the leaf, is growing a emerald green and full of vitality leaf. On the leaf refracts the person's shadows of countless person, hurried. 而叶子之上,长着一片翠绿而生机勃勃的树叶。树叶上折射出无数人的人影,匆匆忙忙。 That is Fenan. 那就是费南 This strange picture, has spread over the entire mainland. Some people think that saw miracle, therefore lowers the head to worship on bended knees. 这种诡异的景象,传遍了整个大陆。有的人以为看见了神迹,于是低头跪拜。 Some people think that is illusion. 有的人则认为是幻觉。 But when more people, association had the antiquity Hero story. 而更多的人,联想起了上古时的英雄故事。 In myths, only then greatest Hero for Guardianship Fenan, when the elimination tries to invade the Fenan's evil life, will present similar phenomenon! 传说之中,只有最伟大的英雄为了守护费南,在消灭试图入侵费南的邪恶生命的时候,才会出现类似的异象! ...... …… Rubble Mountain. 乱石山 On the highest mountain peak, purple hair Three Sisters stands shoulder to shoulder, looks at this partly visible design. 最高的山峰上,紫发三姐妹并肩而立,怔怔地看着这幅若隐若现的图案。 Marvin......” the Kate low lowland said. 马文……”凯特低低地说道。 „Do you know her?” The female of her quite heroic spirit is surprised the different way: Never listens to you to mention.” “你认识她?”她身边一个较为英气的女子诧异道:“从未听你提起过。” Facing elder sister's inquiry, Kate rare does not know how should reply. 面对姐姐的提问,凯特难得不知道该如何回答。 Long time, she scruple said: Has some contacts, should be a good person, good-hearted.” 半晌,她才迟疑说:“有过一些接触,应该是个不错的人,心地善良。” Good-hearted.” The females sneered saying: You know that he is doing now?” “心地善良。”女子冷笑说:“你知道他现在在干嘛吗?” He in Ruin plane! Planar Destroyer, zé zé zé, how regardless of nicely to establish the relations?” “他在毁灭一个位面位面毁灭者,啧啧啧,无论如何也跟善良搭不上关系吧?” Kate is at a loss for words immediately. 凯特顿时语塞。 However at this time, another seemed the age immaturest girl actually says: 然而就在这个时候,另外一个看上去年纪最为幼小的女孩却开口说: But I thought that this is very charming!” “可是我觉得他这样很帅气啊!” So is obviously weak, actually did such earthshaking important matter, wasn't a very charming matter?” “明明那么弱,却干出了这么惊天动地的大事,难道不是很帅气的一件事么?” The girl is opening adorable both eyes, sees two elder sisters. 女孩睁着可爱的双眼,看着两位姐姐。 They did not speak silently. Long time, oldest that touches younger sister's head, the unwilling heart said: 两人默然不语。良久,最年长的那位才摸了摸妹妹的脑袋,不甘心地说: Good, I acknowledged that has a little boldness.” “好吧,我承认是有那么一点魄力。” To a point, should arrange in order him to my fiance treats chooses in the list?” “就冲着一点,也该把他列到我的未婚夫待选名单中吧?” ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Today the wrist|skill many, have written still pained. Yesterday Burst was very actually difficult. Seemingly were recently many have attacked this book the sound, the coconut tree has been disinclined to process. Actually I want to say that a book you thought good that writes, looks and that's the end \; Writes is not good to select fork, why can attack to publicize to throw filthy water everywhere? The coconut tree self-examined that writing a book is diligent, the renewal diligently, never irrigates. An author should have the Profession morals that basically maintains. Does some people to select a saliva? Depressed. In the evening also the chapter, on Monday asked the free recommendation ticket. ps:今天手腕好些了,不过写的时候仍然隐隐作痛。昨天爆发其实真的挺困难的。最近貌似多了很多攻击本书的声音,椰子一直懒得处理。其实我想说,一本书你觉得写的不错,看就是了\;写的不好就点叉,何必要到处攻击宣扬泼污水?椰子自问写书还算勤奋,更新努力,从不灌水。一个作者该有的职业道德基本都保持了。干嘛有些人就非得挑点口水?郁闷。晚上还有一章,周一求一下免费的推荐票。
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