NR :: Volume #2

#189: World Falls!

God of Plague! 瘟疫之神 The Legendary six people of groups cut back defense line slowly, takes Little World Tree as the pivot, is gazing at God of Plague that Digaogan of hysteria and braves suddenly cautiously. 传奇六人组缓缓收缩防线,以小世界树为支点,小心翼翼地注视着歇斯底里的狄高庚和突然冒出来的瘟疫之神 This fellow, uses his Divine Power unexpectedly, has interrupted the Seven-colored Stone tunnel. 这个家伙,竟然用他的神力,生生截断了七彩石的隧道。 This is the strong capability that Ancient God has. 这是古神才拥有的强大能力。 Digaogan lets somebody cool off or calm down is gazing at God of Plague, as Evil Spirit Landgraf, he apparently does not have what favorable impression to Deity. 狄高庚冷冷地注视着瘟疫之神,作为一名邪灵领主,他对神明显然也没有什么好感。 However to this Legendary team, he rather with the God of Plague cooperation! 不过相对于这支传奇小队,他宁愿和瘟疫之神合作! We have the same goal, not?” God of Plague looks at Hathaway in six people with a smile: Kills off them, before then, we will not be the enemies.” “我们有着相同的目的,不是么?”瘟疫之神笑吟吟地看着六人之中的海瑟薇:“杀光他们,在此之前,我们不会是敌人。” Digaogan was silent, at this time, his third doppelgänger finally rushed. 狄高庚沉默了,就在这个时候,他的第三个分身终于赶到。 Three doppelgänger, give extra This Venerable, thoroughly World Tree surrounding. 三个分身,外带本尊,彻底将世界树包围。 But God of Plague also watches critically, he closely is staring at Hathaway, the goal again obviously also! 瘟疫之神也冷眼旁观,他紧紧盯着海瑟薇,目标再明显也不过! He must on this lands, strangle this Seer! 他要在这片土地上,扼杀掉这名天醒者 This will make him the status on Council of the Gods greatly promote. 这会让他在众神议会上的地位大大提升。 What to do?” “怎么办?” The people flash before such question mark. 众人心里都闪现出这样的问号。 Seven-colored Stone momentarily can turn on the plane channel, but there is God of Plague, they cannot get away! 七彩石随时能够开启位面通道,但是有瘟疫之神在,他们谁也走不了! But Little World Tree can support to them, but this type of support also has the limit. 小世界树虽然可以给他们支撑,但是这种支撑也是有限度的。 It most can also support for quite a while again. 它最多还能再撑半天。 Let alone, Digaogan This Venerable has gone down Throne now, six Legendary, simply do not have the odds of success. 更何况,如今狄高庚本尊都已经走下了王座,六位传奇,根本没有胜算。 Retreats? They did not have the escape route. 撤退?他们已经没有退路了。 Now, their only prospects. Is Marvin! 如今,他们唯一的指望。就是马文 Has not thought that can be this aspect.” “没想到会是这种局面。” Lorante is smiling bitterly shaking the head of: Sir God of Plague, why do you want to be a companion with evil spirit?” 洛兰特苦笑着摇了摇头:“瘟疫之神大人,为何您要和邪灵为伍?” God of Plague shows a faint smile: Lorante. For a long time does not see. I do not have the hostility to you, but that Sorceress. I and her a little personal grudges must solve. If you give me her, I ensure does not meddle this matter.” 瘟疫之神微微一笑:“洛兰特。好久不见。我对你们没有敌意,只不过那位女巫师。我和她有点私人恩怨要解决。如果你们把她交给我,我保证不插手这件事情。” You can hit a happiness with Digaogan.” “你们可以跟狄高庚打个痛快。” Hathaway complexion is pale. 海瑟薇面色铁青。 She already knows that she by the matter that Shadow Prince stares. However has not thought that is not only Shadow Prince, plague Ancient God stared at itself. 她早就知道,自己被阴影王子盯上的事情。但是没想到,不仅是阴影王子,就连瘟疫古神都盯上了自己。 These gods wish one could to eliminate it her to be then quick. 这些神都恨不得将她除之而后快。 However she is not afraid, Marvin indistinctly had already suggested she, she is determined to come. 不过她并不害怕,马文早就隐约暗示过她了,她还是执意要来。 Since came, must face. 既然来了,就要面对。 Also, since that fellow said that he has the means. Then certainly will have the means! 再说了,既然那个家伙说他有办法。那么就一定会有办法的! In the Hathaway eye has been full of the color of resolution. 海瑟薇眼里充满了坚定之色。 ...... …… We will not give up any person.” “我们不会放弃任何一个人。” Inheim lets somebody cool off or calm down is gazing at God of Plague: Today only then I can run away, you in Strength of world of mortals, will be attacked unprecedentedly!” 因海姆冷冷地注视着瘟疫之神:“今天就算只有我一个人能逃出去,你们在凡间的力量,也会受到前所未有的打击!” Fellow of that revealing only part of the truth?” “那个藏头露尾的家伙呢?” The next second, Hathaway shouts suddenly greatly: Be careful!” 下一秒,海瑟薇突然大喊道:“小心!” Behind Inheim, has stepped forward piece of Shadow suddenly! 因海姆背后,陡然跨出了一片阴影 The Glanos expression is fierce. 格莱诺斯的表情狰狞无比。 „Do you also want to escape? Depending on pair of Boots of the Void?” “你还想逃掉?就凭一双虚空之靴?” „Do you think here Fenan? In there, my strength can only display less than one-third!” “你以为这里还是费南?在那里,我的实力只能发挥出不足1!” Here, but Lower Plane, enjoys well, Inheim!” “这里可是下层位面,好好享受吧,因海姆!” Time that the Glanos sound makes a sound, other Legendary want to aid. Already without enough time. 格莱诺斯的声音响起来的时候,其余的传奇想要援助。已经来不及了。 His Dusk pierced the back of Martial Monk from the back directly! 他的黄昏直接从背后刺穿了武僧的后背! Inheim reveals one not to dare to believe the color! 因海姆露出一丝不敢置信之色! Shadow Prince sneak attacks itself behind, oneself actually do not have any detection! 阴影王子偷袭到自己身后,自己竟然没有任何察觉! „Sorry that incautiously has hoodwinked your Perception.” “很抱歉,一不小心蒙蔽了你的感知。” God of Plague is still maintaining his advertisement -type smile, unknowingly. Under the Inheim foot, presented a piece of brown shadow impressively. 瘟疫之神依然保持着他那招牌式的微笑,不知不觉。因海姆足下,赫然出现了一片褐色的影子。 This is God of Plague Divine Art, can significantly reduce Martial Monk Perception! 这是瘟疫之神神术,可以大幅度降低武僧感知 All that he just made. Actually is doing to shield for the sneak attack of Shadow Prince. 他刚刚所做的一切。其实都是在为了阴影王子的偷袭而作掩护。 ...... …… Go away!” Ibo flies into a rage, overran fiercely. “滚开!”伊布勃然大怒,猛地冲了过去。 Glanos strikes to go well. Sneered, Vanish in same place. 格莱诺斯一击得手。只是冷笑一声,消失在了原地。 Inheim heart quilt Dusk Piercing. Suffocate! 因海姆的心脏被【黄昏】戳穿。奄奄一息! Even if were he had already been separated from the ordinary person category, the body did not have the strategic point, but was so sneak attacked by Shadow Prince, was on the verge of death! 就算是他早已脱离了凡人的范畴,身体已经没有要害,但是被阴影王子如此偷袭,也是危在旦夕! Ibo, comes back quickly!” 伊布,快回来!” Endless Ocean summoned loud. 无尽之洋高声呼唤。 Ibo is holding Inheim, returned to above World Tree fast. 伊布抱着因海姆,快速返回了世界树之上。 Backs on World Tree, he cannot start the sneak attack from World Tree to us!” “背靠世界树,他不能从世界树内部向我们发动偷袭!” The Endless Ocean reminder said. 无尽之洋提醒说。 People complexion is dignified, although the opposite party has three people, but is powerhouse of weak Divine Power rank! 众人面色凝重,对方虽然只有三个人,但都是微弱神力级别的强者 Let alone, Digaogan This Venerable. 更何况,还有狄高庚本尊 The Shadow Prince ambush waits for an opportunity in Shadow Plane due-out, but bastard who God of Plague, this continuously smiled, is most terrifying! 阴影王子潜伏在阴影位面伺机待发,而瘟疫之神,这个一直在微笑的王八蛋,才是最恐怖的! He can put on the curse to the person silently, making the attack that can avoid unavoidable. 他可以无声无息地给人套上一些诅咒,让原本可以避开的攻击变得无法避免。 Ms. Hathaway, your existence is a mistake.” 海瑟薇女士,你的存在就是一个错误。” God of Plague extends the right hand slowly, is pointing at Hathaway, said in a soft voice: 瘟疫之神缓缓地伸出右手,指着海瑟薇,轻声说道: You should die.” “你应该死亡。” Vast Divine Power has been completing the condensation instantaneously. 浩瀚的神力在瞬间完成了凝聚。 Some Hathaway dread look at this Divine Power, without a doubt, God of Plague is displaying some fearful ancient Divine Art! 海瑟薇有些恐惧地看着这股神力,毫无疑问,瘟疫之神在施展某种可怕的古神术 What to do should? 到底应该怎么办? Six in the person, strongest Inheim suffocated, dagger Dusk On massive curse winding on him, he can live now, is a miracle! 六人之中,最强的因海姆已经奄奄一息,匕首黄昏】上的大量诅咒缠绕在他身上,他能活到现在,已经是一个奇迹! Although Lorante and Endless Ocean have tried to pursue his curse, but the effect is small. 尽管洛兰特无尽之洋一直试图驱逐他身上的诅咒,但是效果却甚微。 Digaogan from comes in all directions, steps into the range that World Tree aura has covered maliciously. 狄高庚从四面八方而来,狠狠地踏进了世界树光环笼罩的范围。 He has prepared to initiate attacks comprehensively! 他已经准备发起全面的进攻了! Goes.” God of Plague smiles lightly. “去吧。”瘟疫之神淡淡一笑。 One group of gloomy brilliance from his fingertip ejection, have locked Hathaway thoroughly! 一团灰暗的光辉自他指尖弹射而出,彻底锁定了海瑟薇 Spelled!” Hathaway clenches teeth, just wants to use Legendary sorcery that has not studied to resist. “拼了!”海瑟薇一咬牙,刚想使用一个还未研究完毕的传奇巫术来对抗。 Who knew at this time, entire Rot Plateau. Suddenly presented serious swaying! 谁知道就在这个时候,整个腐烂高原。突然出现了严重的摇晃! „!” “啊!” Digaogan cannot help but whins, he seems very painful. This Venerable including doppelgänger all together knelt on the ground unexpectedly! 狄高庚不由自主地哀嚎一声,他看上去十分痛苦。本尊包括分身竟然齐齐跪在了地上! The next second, entire Rot Plateau had the innumerable cracks. 下一秒,整个腐烂高原都出现了无数的裂缝。 That group gloomy brilliance that God of Plague releases. Was given Engulf by a nearby crack directly. 瘟疫之神释放出的那团灰暗的光辉。直接被附近的一条裂缝给吞噬了。 This is......” “这是……” Boy!” “那小子!” Possibly so to be how quick!” “怎么可能这么快!” Did God of Plague quickly grasp the meaning of something he such quickly to be able in the boundless branches and leaves to find Rot Plateau suddenly unexpectedly?! 瘟疫之神陡然一个激灵他竟然这么快就能在茫茫的枝叶中找到腐烂高原?! This is matter that Deity cannot achieve! 这是神明都做不到的事情! How regardless of he is unable to imagine, entire Rot Plateau, indeed presented the trace of collapse! 然而无论他如何无法想象,整个腐烂高原,的确出现了崩溃的痕迹! In the sky, starts to present phenomenon. 天空之中,开始出现一丝异象。 No!” “不!” No!” “不!” Digaogan face upwards to roar, however has been too late. 狄高庚仰天怒吼,然而已经为时过晚。 ...... …… Passes through the vortex, what Marvin sees was one passed through the entire Multiverse tree. 穿越漩涡,马文看到的是一棵穿越了整座多元宇宙的树。 This is true Tree of the World. Here is Nature Ancient God Domain, besides him, nobody can enter. 这才是真正的世界之树。这里是自然古神领域,除了他之外,无人可以进入。 World Tree takes root in Fenan, the root hair extends downward. Have the branches and leaves in Fenan Continent, God Kingdom as well as Lower Plane some spaces. 世界树扎根于费南,根须向下延伸。在费南大陆神界以及下层位面的部分空间都有枝叶。 Each piece of branches and leaves, represent plane. 每一片枝叶,代表一个位面 Nature Ancient God has one set of treasure, this set of treasure is Gold Shears. 自然古神有一套宝物,这套宝物就是金剪子 Gold Shears is the natural formation, myths before Tree of the World is born, existed. Altogether 12. 金剪子是天然形成的,传说世界之树诞生之前,就存在了。一共十二把。 Before the deep sleep, Nature Ancient God has used up ten. 在沉睡之前,自然古神已经用掉了十把。 This is 11 th. 这是第11把。 Yes, trims off a leaf every time, quite in trimming off together plane \; But each Gold Shears, can only use one time. 是的,每剪掉一片叶子,就相当于剪掉一块位面\;而每一把金剪子,只能使用一次。 Marvin stands before huge World Tree. Is feeling four periphery tranquilities. 马文站在庞大的世界树前。感受着四周围的宁静。 This is true Tree of the World on generalized. 这才是真正的世界之树广义上的。 These Druid in Migratory Birds Council, think that Tree of the World is the growth in Fenan's that small part. In fact, Fenan is just the Tree of the World trunk and branches passes through, but most important Material World. 候鸟议会中的那些德鲁伊,都以为世界之树就是生长在费南的那一小部分而已。事实上,费南只不过是世界之树枝干穿越而过的一个最重要的物质界 Around Fenan, but also is lingering many branches and leaves. Each piece of branches and leaves, are representing Secondary Plane. 费南周围,还萦绕着许多枝叶。每一片枝叶,都代表着一个次级位面 They absorb the nutrition from World Tree, then constantly grows. 他们从世界树上吸取营养,然后不断成长。 As for Ranger learn spells Leaf of Nature. But is on a special branch of Tree of the World grows. 至于游侠学习法术自然之叶。只不过是世界之树的一根特殊的枝桠上生长出来的而已。 That is narrow World Tree. 那是狭义的世界树 But Marvin present limitless, is supports the entire universe World Tree. 马文眼前的这棵无边无际的,才是支撑起整个宇宙的世界树 It is said formidable Nature Ancient God this person. Also cannot completely grasp this World Tree all mysteries. 据说就连强大的自然古神本人。也没能完全掌握这棵世界树的所有奥秘。 He once self-ridiculed that one are just one for the worker of World Tree trim branch. 他曾经自嘲说自己只不过是一个替世界树修剪枝桠的工人而已。 ...... …… Marvin following complicate root hair, quick. He had found himself that leaf that wanted to find! 马文顺着盘根错节的根须而下,很快的。他就找到了自己想要找到的那片叶子! Although it that tiny, the grey color of however being in sole possession, making him emerge in numerous root hair. 尽管它是那么的渺小,但是独有的灰黑色颜色,让他在众多根须中脱颖而出。 This is Digaogan Rot Plateau. 这就是狄高庚腐烂高原 This fellow, bold, grafts on own plane World Tree unexpectedly. 这个家伙,胆大包天,竟然把自己的位面嫁接到世界树上。 The consequence that what a pity does this is, once there is a manpower to hold Gold Shears, can cut this rotten leaf! 可惜这样做的后果就是,一旦有人手持金剪子,就能将这一片腐烂的叶子剪去! Marvin deeply inspires, bent the waist. 马文深吸一口气,弯下腰来。 Gold Shears in void with darkness in splendid. 金剪子在虚空和黑暗中熠熠生辉。 The next second, he to that leaf, has been cutting! 下一秒,他对着那片叶子,剪了下去! kā chā! 咔嚓 The leaf has broken one-third. 叶子断裂了1。 Good tenacious......” Marvin to grip tightly Gold Shears, catches up suddenly! “好坚韧……”马文紧握金剪子,猛然发力! ...... …… This World must crash, we must leave immediately!” 这个世界就要坠落了,我们必须立刻离开!” Feels the marvelous change of entire plane, Endless Ocean is reminding loud. 感受着整个位面的奇妙变化,无尽之洋高声提醒道。 Leaves? Do you also want to leave?” “离开?你们还想离开?” Painful incomparable Digaogan both eyes are staring at six people scarlet: I want you to be buried along with the dead for me!” 痛苦无比的狄高庚双目猩红地盯着六人:“我要你们所有人都为我陪葬!” Seven color tunnels open once more, Lorante complexion is pale, the preparation wrestles finally. 七彩的隧道再次打开,洛兰特面色铁青,准备最后一搏。 However the tunnel pinched out by God of Plague instantaneously! 然而隧道瞬间被瘟疫之神掐灭! „Sorry that you could not get away.” “很抱歉,你们走不了了。” God of Plague sneered saying: I believe that you indeed should die with this fellow.” 瘟疫之神冷笑说:“我认为,你们的确应该和这家伙一起死。” Next second, he and Glanos form Vanish in Evil Spirit World! 下一秒,他和格莱诺斯的身影消失在了邪灵世界中! They have not left, in, but will not make six people return to Fenan! 他们没有离开,就在附近,但是却绝不会让六人返回费南 Lets these ignorant ordinary person and Rot Plateau together Ruin!” “就让这些愚昧的凡人腐烂高原一起毁灭吧!” God of Plague in void, said with a smile slightly. 瘟疫之神在虚空中,微微笑道。 However at this time, a steady sound resounded in their moral nature: 然而就在这个时候,一个平稳的声音在他们心底响起: Glanos, Analia.” 格莱诺斯,安玛利亚。” Long time no see.” “好久不见了。” Shadow Prince and God of Plague look at each other one, the body start because of being afraid unexpectedly, but cannot help but shivers! 阴影王子瘟疫之神对视一眼,身体竟然开始因为害怕而不由自主地颤抖起来! Next second, giant shadow fast descends. 下一秒,一个巨大的影子快速降临 Before him, two Deity resemble the ants to be equally tiny. 在他面前,两位神明就好像蝼蚁一样渺小。 ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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