NR :: Volume #2

#188: Throne secret

Throne secret. 王座的秘密。 Actually Marvin already knew. But this plans the second part of cores, lies in this. 其实马文早就知晓了。而这个计划第二部分的核心,就在于此。 Why isn't Digaogan willing to leave Throne throughout? 狄高庚为什么始终不肯离开王座 Once because leaves, he will expose a biggest flaw! 因为一旦离开,他就会暴露出一个最大的破绽来! If this flaw by Marvin such person with high aspirations use, Digaogan and his Rot Plateau thoroughly by Ruin. 这个破绽如果被马文这样的有心人利用的话,狄高庚和他的腐烂高原将彻底被毁灭 However wants to achieve this point, must make Digaogan This Venerable leave Throne or Throne moves out of the way little. 但是想要做到这一点,就必须让狄高庚本尊离开王座或者王座挪开一点点。 Even if the little slit, Marvin had the opportunity. 哪怕是一点点的缝隙,马文就有机会了。 ...... …… The people hear the Marvin's sound, is in the heart sinks. 众人听到马文的声音,都是心中一沉。 The Shadow Prince matter, Marvin has reminded them, as for other Deity, they have not prepared for with that they fight! 阴影王子的事情,马文是提醒过他们的,至于其余的神明,他们可没有做好和他们战斗的准备! Especially God of Plague this Ancient God, although his strength is also weak, but is grasping ancient Divine Art. 尤其是瘟疫之神这种古神,虽说他的实力也是微弱,但是掌握着很多古老的神术 Even if doppelgänger, is formidabe. 就算是分身,也非常难对付。 However no matter how, since arrived at Rot Plateau today, the people prepared for died to fight! 不过不管怎么,既然今天已经来到了腐烂高原,众人就做好了死战到底的准备! Begins!” Inheim heavy blows, anti- Digaogan doppelgänger, first responded the Marvin's summons. “动手吧!”因海姆一记重拳,抗开了狄高庚的一个分身,第一个响应马文的号召。 All person all together nod. 所有人齐齐点头。 The most crucial time came finally! 最关键的时刻终于来了! In an instant, Ibo and Inheim simultaneously gave up own match, relied on the formidable Burst strength to circle directly! 刹那间,伊布因海姆同时放弃了自己的对手,直接凭借强大的爆发力绕了过去! They have discarded Digaogan doppelgänger, has aimed at his This Venerable! 他们舍弃了狄高庚分身,瞄准了他的本尊 They really completely understood!” “他们果然看透了!” Digaogan mood awful! 狄高庚心情糟糕至极! His This Venerable cannot leave Throne. But Throne, cannot leave this lands! 他的本尊绝不能离开王座。而王座,也不能离开这片土地! He clenches teeth, two doppelgänger preparation round trips pursue. Who knows that at this time, dragon's cry resounds in Evil Spirit Plane! 他一咬牙,两个分身准备往回追。谁知道就在这个时候,一声龙吟邪灵位面响起! In Digaogan and in the evil spirit shocking vision, was World Tree has poured into mana Wrath of the Skies Burst surely silently! 狄高庚和千万邪灵震惊的目光中,原本一直默默地为世界树灌注法力天空之怒爆发了! He leaves from the Endless Ocean side, jumps high. 他从无尽之洋的身边离开,高高跃起。 His body has launched a series of changes, suddenly, Evil Spirit Plane has been short of formidable Druid, were many more formidable Bronze Dragon! 他的身体展开了一系列的变化,眨眼间,邪灵位面少了一个强大的德鲁伊,却多了一头更加强大的青铜龙 This is Wrath of the Skies ultimate transfiguration technique Bronze Dragon. 这就是天空之怒的终极变身青铜龙 Like Scarlet-Copper Dragon. Bronze Dragon is formidable and brilliant, is solitary with evil five color dragons. 赤铜龙一样。青铜龙强大而睿智,和邪恶的五色龙孑然不同。 Bronze Dragon howls under. dragon breath direct Ruin did not know many evil spirit. 青铜龙呼啸而下。一口龙息直接毁灭了不知道多少邪灵 Also hinders the footsteps that doppelgänger returned to! 同时也阻碍了那个分身返回的脚步! Bronze Dragon direct held him, started most primitive fighting hand-to-hand! 青铜龙直接一把抓住了他,开始了最原始的肉搏! But Tree of the World, then gave Endless Ocean to pour into. Then, her pressure also increases suddenly. 世界之树,则交给了无尽之洋独自一人灌注。如此一来,她的压力也是陡增。 Hathaway and Holy Spirit White Deer continue to clean up nearby evil spirit. 海瑟薇圣灵白鹿继续清理着附近的邪灵 Storm of Ashes sweeps across continuously. Massive evil spirit powerhouse were eliminated heartlessly. 灰烬风暴连续席卷。大量的邪灵强者被无情地消灭。 Digaogan are most only to condense three doppelgänger, on road that doppelgänger in catching up, second doppelgänger was pestered by Bronze Dragon, as for third doppelgänger 狄高庚最多只能凝聚出三个分身,一个分身在赶来的路上,第二个分身青铜龙纠缠住了,至于第三个分身 Ibo does not return, lost that handle Fengyao directly! 伊布头也不回,直接将那柄风燿丢了回去! He recited a crabbed strange incantation loudly. 他大声地吟诵了一段艰涩古怪的咒语。 The next quarter, Fengyao starts to twist, suddenly turned into and Ibo exactly the same elf! 下一刻,风燿开始扭曲,眨眼间就变成了和伊布一模一样的精灵 This is of a strongest secret Elvish Nine Swords! 这才是精灵九剑之一的最强秘密! Ibo that Fengyao turns into, has he 90% strengths, constrained third doppelgänger completely sufficiently. 风燿化成的伊布,拥有他九成的实力,完全足以拖住第三个分身了。 As the matter stands. Digaogan This Venerable will soon face, is Elven Martial Saint and challenges of kings of Legendary Martial Monk two strong fighting hand-to-hand! 这样一来。狄高庚本尊即将面临的,是精灵武圣传奇武僧两个超强的肉搏之王的挑战! ...... …… in a flash, Ibo and Inheim one on the left and other on the right. Rushed to above supreme Throne! 电光火石之间,伊布因海姆一左一右。冲到了至尊王座之上! Digaogan complexion is cloudy, the strength of massive contamination build up in his body surface. 狄高庚面色阴沉,大量的污秽之力在他体表集结。 Gathers the entire plane energy! 汇聚整个位面的能量! Condensed with just exactly the same three layers barrier, he does not believe that these two ordinary person can eradicate their barrier! 和刚刚一模一样的三层屏障凝聚完毕,他就不相信,这两个凡人可以破除自己的屏障! Must know that just this Martial Monk Meteor Falls can only break First Layer! 要知道,刚刚这个武僧流星坠落都只能破开第一层 However all of following occurrence, have subverted the Digaogan cognition completely! 然而接下来的发生的一切,完全颠覆了狄高庚的认知! Ibo and Inheim have not begun directly. In their hands were suddenly many ropes. 伊布因海姆并没有直接动手。他们的手中突然多了一圈圈的绳索。 This is not ordinary Wishful Rope, but was tenacious incomparable, has mixed in the fine gold. 这可不是普通的如意绳索,而是坚韧无比、混入了精金的。 myths this is high elf. Was used for the Captivity antiquity giant! 传说这是高等精灵。用来囚禁上古巨人的! About them coordinates, in Digaogan is unexpected, the rope of convict Throne has been tying up the entire barrier! 两人左右配合,在狄高庚猝不及防间,囚徒之绳已经将整个屏障连带着王座捆绑住了! Actually they want to do!” “他们究竟想要干嘛!” Digaogan gets rid angrily, terrifying Strength condenses the purest fist directly, one on the left and other on the right rumbled. 狄高庚愤怒出手,恐怖力量直接凝聚成最纯粹的拳头,一左一右轰了出去。 Finally actually evades by Ibo and Inheim cleverly. 结果却被伊布因海姆灵巧躲过。 The next second, they draw the rope to run from about separately, in same direction! 下一秒,两人分别从左右拉着绳索奔跑,向着同一个方向! They do not have hard resisting, but has chosen other way. 他们没有硬抗,而是选择了另外的方式。 „To pull down from Throne me?” “想要把我从王座上拉下来?” Simply is the joke!” “简直是笑话!” Digaogan only thinks inconceivable. 狄高庚只觉得一阵不可思议。 Were these two fellows certainly brain * remnant? Depending on their Strength, wants to draw itself? 这两个家伙一定是脑*残了吧?就凭他们两个的力量,想拉动自己? However the next second, the face of Digaogan was green! 然而下一秒,狄高庚的脸都绿了! They ran a distance, unexpectedly threw the exiting tight band to live to high Throne the rope of convict to split up the innumerable strip the string directly directly, another end of ropes, altogether six big false image started gradually the congealing reality! 两人奔跑了一段距离,居然直接把绳子丢了出去紧紧箍住至高王座的囚徒之绳直接分化出了无数条,一条条绳索的另外一端,一共六个高大的虚影开始逐渐凝实! Also some people came! 又有人来了! Digaogan cancould help scolding * mother, today's Rot Plateau simply is the unprecedented liveliness. 狄高庚忍不住要骂*娘了,今天的腐烂高原简直是前所未有的热闹。 He just wants to prevent entries of these people, but actually the Discovery opposite party does not come in through the space and time slit. 他刚想阻止这些人的进入,只不过却发现对方并不是通过时空缝隙进来的。 This is summoning spell. 这是召唤术 The Ibo right hand buckles the chest, recited lowly. 伊布右手扣胸,低低吟唱。 Six mountain general person's shadows, grip these scattered in disorder ropes respectively, has circled toward oneself them. 六个高山一般的人影,各自握住那些散乱的绳索,将它们往自己身上一圈圈绕了上去。 This time, Digaogan was frightened really! 这一次,狄高庚是真的被吓到了! stone giant! 石巨人 Unexpectedly is six Elite Stone Giant! 居然是六个精英石巨人 For a long time does not see.” Ibo has shown the self-satisfied smiling face. “好久不见。”伊布露出了得意的笑容。 He in Stone Giant Territory is not boringly stay! 他在石巨人领地可不是白待的! Before he leaves. stone giant Leader once bestowed to his summon badge. Where regardless of he is, can summon six Elite Stone Giant to help. 在他离开之前。石巨人首领曾经赠送给他一枚召唤徽章。无论他身在何方,都可以召唤出六名精英石巨人帮忙。 Asked you, pulled down from his tattered chair that fellow!” “拜托你们了,把那个家伙从他的破烂椅子上拉下来吧!” Ibo shouts loudly. 伊布大声喊道。 stone giant nodded slowly. 石巨人们缓慢地点了点头。 They to a direction. Closely is drawing the rope of convict, then all together catches up! 他们冲着一个方向。紧紧拉着囚徒之绳,然后齐齐发力! Ka, in vision that in Digaogan does not dare to believe that his Throne, toward right movement one centimeter! 咔的一声,在狄高庚不敢置信的目光中,他的王座,生生向右移动了一公分! Merely one centimeter, was enough. 仅仅一公分,就足够了。 The vision of all people, condensed under Throne. 所有人的目光,都凝聚在了王座之下。 What secret under Throne has? 王座下到底有什么秘密? ...... …… We begin!” Shadow Prince said impatiently: I do not know that under Digaogan Throne has any secret. However the situation favored human this side probably completely.” “我们动手吧!”阴影王子迫不及待地说:“我不知道狄高庚王座下到底有什么秘密。但是局势好像已经完全倾向了人类这一方。” God of Plague hesitant: Again waits, Digaogan did not have fully.” 瘟疫之神犹豫了一下:“还是再等等吧,狄高庚还没有出全力。” We have a look under Throne first are anything!” “我们先看看王座下面是什么!” Glanos but. Also can only according to controlling one's temper Observation gets down. 格莱诺斯无奈之下。也只能按捺着性子观察下去。 ...... …… Although was moved one centimeter, under Digaogan supreme Throne, had the intense mutation. 尽管只是被挪动了一公分,狄高庚的至尊王座之下,也出现了强烈的异变。 The strange aperture sends out from under. 诡异的光圈从下方散发出来。 That is cavity that eddy currents compose. 那是一个个漩涡组成的空洞。 The empty interior is the unknowable world, besides Digaogan and Marvin and the others. On This World nobody knows this secret. 空洞内部是不可知的世界,除了狄高庚马文等人之外。这个世界上没人知道这个秘密。 Nobody knows that was Rot Plateau Master, Digaogan unexpectedly own plane quietly and true Tree of the World fusion in one! 没有人知道,身为腐烂高原主人,狄高庚竟然将自己的位面悄悄地和真正的世界之树融合在了一起! In order to derive Tree of the World Strength, lets Rot Plateau for a healthier growth, he chose risk Nature Ancient God the deep sleep is very in any case long, nobody will handle Tree of the World. 为了汲取世界之树力量,让腐烂高原为了更加茁壮的成长,他选择了冒险反正自然古神已经沉睡很久了,没有人会打理世界之树的。 So long as he guards this entrance, is absolutely safe. He can enjoy Tree of the World Strength, to consciousness of Nature Ancient God. 只要他镇守住这个入口,就万无一失。他能一直享受世界之树力量,一直到自然古神的苏醒。 But perhaps to that day, he already had has surmounted opposite party Strength. His ambition also already realized. 而到了那一天,他恐怕早就拥有了超越对方的力量了。他的野心也早已实现。 When the time comes. The entire universe must submit to but actually in his under foot. 到时候。整个宇宙倒要臣服在他的脚下。 Was only a pity that he thinks plan that nobody knows, because actually Marvin's appears. But presented an oversight. 只可惜,他自以为无人知晓的计划,却因为马文的出现。而出现了一丝疏漏。 In Throne by movement that flash, Marvin was moved! 就在王座移动的那一瞬间,马文就动了! He put on already to prepare, whole person Vanish in same place. 他披上了早就准备好的,整个人消失在了原地。 With the help of this God Tool, he wormed one's way into directly! 在这件神器的帮助下,他直接钻了进去! Digaogan startled and anger looks at all these, he has not thought that seems like small and weak Ranger. Unexpectedly is key that the enemies plan! 狄高庚又惊又怒地看着这一切,他没有想到,那个看似弱小的游侠。竟然是敌人们计划的关键! Shadow Prince and God of Plague were also scared! 阴影王子瘟疫之神也傻眼了! They have not expected Digaogan to do such bold matter unexpectedly. 他们没有料到狄高庚居然会干这么胆大包天的事情。 He has stripped Sea of Evil Spirits Rot Plateau unexpectedly, then grafted on Tree of the World. Thus derives Tree of the World Strength in secret! 他居然把腐烂高原剥离了邪灵之海,然后嫁接到了世界之树上。从而暗中汲取世界之树力量 This no doubt can promote the plane rank of Rot Plateau rapidly, but the danger is also infinity. 这样固然可以快速提升腐烂高原位面等级,但是危险也是无穷大的。 Because Tree of the World is Nature Ancient God Domain, but Nature Ancient God has God Tool, known as Gold Shears! 因为世界之树自然古神领域,而自然古神有一件神器,叫做金剪子 ...... …… Succeeded! 成功了! All Legendary are happy! 所有的传奇都喜形于色! Always serious in speech and manner Inheim, has shown a smiling face. 就连向来不苟言笑的因海姆,也露出了一丝笑容。 Just he and Ibo, were used to attract the Digaogan attention, this move was also Marvin plans. 刚刚他和伊布,就是用来吸引狄高庚的注意力的,这一招也是马文计划好的。 Even if the god, the attention is also limited, after by oneself is thought has the enormous threat existed to attract the attention, was very difficult to note other places. 就算是神,注意力也是有限的,当被自己认为拥有极大威胁的存在吸引了注意力之后,就很难注意到其他地方了。 Ropes of six Elite Stone Giant and convict, are the surprise-attack forces. 六个精英石巨人和囚徒之绳,都是奇兵。 The goal is to move Digaogan Throne, even if one centimeter! 目的就是为了挪动狄高庚王座,哪怕一公分! This centimeter, sufficiently ruined Digaogan and entire Rot Plateau! 这一公分,就足以葬送狄高庚和整个腐烂高原了! „......” “啊……” The Digaogan roaring sound resounds through entire Rot Plateau! 狄高庚的咆哮声响彻整个腐烂高原 He felt the unprecedented life and death crisis. He does not have the means to enter in the vortex, because the person, only then grasps the Nature Ancient God faith token can enter! 他感受到了前所未有的生死危机。他没办法进入漩涡之中,因为只有手持自然古神信物的人才能进入! In Marvin, is taking Gold Shears. 马文手里,拿着金剪子 Other people, all can not enter! 其余人,皆不得入! He approached demented! 他已经接近癫狂了! If waited for that my is Ruin. Then, do not want to run away!” “如果等待我的是毁灭。那么你们,一个也别想逃走!” In an instant, the world becomes darkness gets up immediately! 刹那之间,天地顿时变得黑暗起来! The entire earth, starts to elevate temperature suddenly, even starts to melt! 整个大地,都开始急剧升温,甚至开始融化! Digaogan This Venerable, finally from Throne! 狄高庚本尊,终于从王座上走了下来! „It is not good! He must go all out!” “不好!他要拼命了!” Holy Spirit White Deer reminded loudly: We retreat first!” 圣灵白鹿大声提醒道:“我们先撤退!” Seven-colored Stone blooms suddenly dazzling brilliance, opened a plane channel directly. 七彩石陡然绽放出炫目的光辉,直接打开了一条位面通道。 The people just want to evacuate, who knows that at this time, arbitrary Strength from void, has shut off the Seven-colored Stone plane channel directly! 众人刚想撤离,谁知道就在这个时候,一股蛮横的力量从虚空中来,直接切断了七彩石位面通道! That is Divine Power! 那是神力 God of Plague smiles hē hē to go out from Shadow Plane: 瘟疫之神呵呵地从阴影位面中走出: Digaogan, has not thought that we have this day of cooperation.” 狄高庚,没想到我们也有合作的这一天。” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Spits blood before down...... The eye hurts == ps:吐血第五更……眼睛疼== ... ...
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