NR :: Volume #2

#187: God of Plague

Passes through the moist tunnel, the front candlelight has lit the path. √∟ 穿越潮湿的地洞,前方的烛火照亮了道路。√∟ This is a complex cavern, in the cavern is containing secret rooms. 这是一个复杂的洞穴,洞穴中包含着一个个密室。 Each secret room, has formidable Strength to protect more or less, naturally, some secret rooms are opening, inside thing relative is not just precious. 每一个密室,或多或少都有强大的力量在保护,当然,有些密室是开着的,只不过里面的东西相对没那么宝贵罢了。 This is the Evil Spirit Landgraf Digaogan hidden treasure storehouse. 这是邪灵领主狄高庚藏宝库。 Since establishing Rot Plateau, he himself the treasure or the rarity goods that from Multiverse collects, has placed here completely. 自从创立了腐烂高原之后,他就把自己从多元宇宙各地搜集过来的宝物或者稀罕物品,全部放在了这里。 Shadow Thief Owlet is shuttling back and forth in valuable hole fast. 影贼快速地在宝洞中穿梭着。 He did not have the time not to have the energy to solve these to have the secret room of ban, but was sweeping the open secret room as far as possible! 他没有时间没有精力去解决那些有禁制的密室了,而是尽可能地扫荡着开放的密室! The bonus is so, this inside thing is also priceless. 饶是如此,这里面的东西也价值连城。 At this time, the Marvin's sound leisurely transmitted from Thousand Paper Cranes of his waist: 就在这个时候,马文的声音悠悠地从他腰间的千纸鹤传来: What kind , does Sir Owlet, the hidden treasure hole stroll is happy?” “怎么样,大人,藏宝洞逛得还算愉快吗?” Owlet replied, while both hands have not forgotten to collect the Digaogan treasure: Is happy!” 一边回答,一边双手还不忘搜罗狄高庚的宝物:“愉快个屁!” Digaogan sent doppelgänger to chase down me!” 狄高庚派了一个分身来追杀我!” Although through your means that I indeed touched his hidden treasure hole with the quickest speed, but his this person, was actually needs some tedious spell to come.” “虽然通过你的办法,我的确用最快的速度摸进了他的藏宝洞,而他本人,却是需要一些繁琐的法术才能进来。” But! Mother *, my considering everything, only then two minutes steals the thing, this is in your mouth plenty of time?” “但是!妈*的,我满打满算只有两分钟的时间来偷东西,这就是你口中【充裕的时间】?” But other one side, gazes after Marvin that white deer are going far away to shrug: „Should two minutes to you, be abundant enough?” 而另外一边,目送着白鹿们远去的马文耸了耸肩:“两分钟对您来说,应该够充裕了吧?” Remembers to be defter, these treasures I have one.” “记得手快些,那些宝物我也有一份的。” Owlet shouted abuse: Is most cunning on your boy. Let the father do the most dangerous work, oneself actually sit can with being divided!” 不由破口大骂:“就你小子最奸猾。让老子来干最危险的活儿,自己却坐着都能拿分成!” I am clever. I will only steal the thing, but now the nature changed. Digaogan is waiting for me outside, I from dark turned secretly steal openly!” “我是贼啊。我只会偷东西,可是现在性质已经变了。狄高庚在外面等着我呢,我已经从暗偷变成明抢了!” Marvin hā hā smiles: Congratulated you to upgrade the level of burglary.” 马文哈哈一笑:“恭喜您提升了盗窃的层次。” I believe by your strength. Ties down Digaogan doppelgänger people should not be difficult.” “我相信以您的实力。缠住狄高庚一个分身应该不难的。” If really could not withstand, implements strategic to retreat is also the matter in plan.” “不过如果实在顶不住了,实施一下战略性撤退也是计划之中的事情。” That side Owlet is silent, seems is busy snatching the thing, did not pay attention to Marvin. 那边沉默不语,似乎是忙着抢东西,不理会马文了。 Marvin knows that Shadow Thief indeed is not one very Profession that is suitable to fight. Let him constrain Evil Spirit Landgraf doppelgänger, is actually very difficult. 马文知道,影贼的确不是一个很适合战斗的职业。让他来拖住邪灵领主分身,其实是非常困难的。 How long can drag how long, his plan first part has realized in any case. 能拖多久就多久吧,反正他的计划第一部分已经实现了。 At this time, Hathaway received the signal that he has sent out, opened transmission gate. 就在这个时候,海瑟薇已经收到了他发出的信号,打开了传送门 He walked without hesitation. 他毫不犹豫地走了进去。 Result first. Saw Digaogan that eats the person general look. 结果第一眼。就看到了狄高庚那吃人一般的眼神。 The bonus is Marvin has experienced great storms, sees the Evil Spirit Landgraf such angry look, at heart some instinct round of chu. 饶是马文经历过大风大浪,看到邪灵领主这么愤怒的眼神,心里本能地还是有些发憷。 However he does not prepare and Digaogan comes hardly, after Hathaway draws, he directly toward World Tree on jumps, drills in a Tree Cave. 不过他也不准备和狄高庚硬来,被海瑟薇拉过来之后,他直接往世界树上一跳,钻到了其中一个树洞里。 In Tree Cave, faint yellow and frivolous incomparable skin, calmly lie down there. 树洞之中,一份淡黄色、轻薄无比的皮,静静地躺在那里。 Marvin walked, catches it in the hand. 马文走了过去,把它抓在手里。 Was the time implements the second step plan. 是时候实施第二步的计划了。 ...... …… In hidden treasure hole. The time flies, when Owlet receives a blockade treasure chest, Digaogan doppelgänger rushed finally! 藏宝洞中。时间飞逝,当收好一个封锁的宝箱的时候,狄高庚分身终于赶到了! He is angry! 他愤怒无比! Unexpectedly is blocked by ban that oneself suppose. 居然被自己设下的禁制拦住了。 But this hateful Shadow Thief, does not know that adopts any method. Bypassed itself to ban unexpectedly strictly that has drilled into own hidden treasure storehouse secretly! 而这个可恶的影贼,不知道通过什么手段。竟然绕过了自己严密的禁制,偷偷钻入了自己的藏宝库中! This is simply unforgivable. 这简直不可饶恕。 This is my domain, wants to snatch my thing. You must prepare for paying a price at heart!” “这是我的地盘,想要抢我的东西。你就得做好付出代价的心里准备!” Digaogan doppelgänger lets somebody cool off or calm down is gazing at Shadow Thief Owlet: However the price, died.” 狄高庚分身冷冷注视着影贼:“而代价,就是死亡。” Owlet hollow laugh: I have not wanted dead.” 干笑一声:“我还不想死。” Next second. His body suddenly Vanish in same place! 下一秒。他的身体陡然消失在了原地! Digaogan cold snort|hum, doppelgänger simultaneously Vanish in the hidden treasure hole. 狄高庚冷哼一声,分身同时消失在了藏宝洞中。 Also two minutes. Evil Spirit World some, Owlet threw down distressedly on the ground! 又过了两分钟。邪灵世界的某一处,狼狈地摔倒在了地上! In This World, Digaogan is invincible. 这个世界,狄高庚是战无不胜的。 Even if tyrannical like Inheim, is unable to injure Digaogan, he can achieve, contends merely reluctantly. 就算是强横如因海姆,也无法伤害狄高庚,他能做到的,也仅仅是勉强抗衡而已。 As for Owlet, he contends cannot achieve! 至于,他连抗衡都做不到! The short two minutes, he under chasing down of Digaogan doppelgänger, runs away very distressedly! 短短两分钟时间,他在狄高庚分身的追杀下,逃得很狼狈! Finally was caught a flaw by him, almost the poor life does not guarantee. 最终还是被他抓到了一个破绽,差点小命不保。 Did not have the means that really could not withstand.” “没办法了,实在顶不住了。” In his heart sighed one darkly, the next second, his body transformed innumerable doppelgänger suddenly! 他心中暗叹一声,下一秒,他的身体突然幻化出无数个分身 Each doppelgänger, escaped into Shadow Plane! 每一个分身,都遁入了阴影位面 Is then unceasing Shadow Travel! 然后就是不断的【阴影之旅】! Over a thousand Owlet become a fugitive in Shadow Plane, including more than 800, were intercepted by Digaogan forcefully, finally only then more than 100 doppelgänger survived, and got rid of chasing down of Digaogan doppelgänger! 上千个阴影位面逃亡,其中有800多个,被狄高庚强行拦截,最终只有100多个分身存活了下来,并且摆脱了狄高庚分身的追杀! The vitality damages severely. 元气大伤。 Mother *, will not listen to that young bastard to coax next time.” “妈*的,下次再也不听那小王八蛋忽悠了。” Owlet has a lingering fear in Shadow Plane cautiously movement. 心有余悸地在阴影位面小心翼翼地移动着。 This resisting Antiquity Red Dragon fearfully were too more than! 这比对抗太古红龙可怕了太多! In Whirlwind Harbor, his good and evil also one pile of powerhouse help, so long as were responsible for a link being OK. 旋风港的时候,他身边好歹还有一堆强者帮忙,自己只要负责一个环节就可以了。 However this time, he faces Digaogan doppelgänger, indeed cannot shoulder! 但是这一次,他独自一人面对狄高庚分身,的确是扛不住啊! They almost should also start to implement the second step plan.” “他们差不多也该开始实施第二步的计划了吧。” Marvin this fellow, really not awfully......” 马文这个家伙,真的是不要命啊……” Owlet is going through in Shadow Plane, in heart so thinks. 阴影位面穿行着,心中如此想到。 Part 2, has not related with him. 第二部分,就和他没关系了。 But he is somewhat is in suspense. 只不过他还是有些放心不下。 Who knows that at this time, in his field of vision, presented two backs suddenly! 谁知道就在这个时候,他的视野之中,陡然出现了两个背影! The body of Owlet is unbending immediately there! 的身体就立刻僵直在了那里! He stopped. 他停了下来。 Shadow Plane is very marvelous distortion space, he stands here, looks at that two backs. 阴影位面是非常奇妙的扭曲空间,他站在这里,看着那个两个背影。 But the two, are actually looking at another direction. 而那两人,却在看着另外一个方向。 In that direction, Shadow Thief is shuttling back and forth unceasingly. 在那个方向,正有一名影贼在不断穿梭。 That Shadow Thief, impressively is Owlet this person! 那名影贼,赫然就是本人 This is some time ago I!” “这是一段时间之前的我!” Understanding of Owlet to Shadow Plane is very thorough. 阴影位面的理解还是很透彻的。 He understood instantaneously. 他瞬间就明白了过来。 One when pass through Shadow Plane to enter Evil Spirit World, stared. 自己在穿越阴影位面进入邪灵世界的时候,就已经被人盯上了。 That two person's shadows. And, Owlet is very familiar. 那两个人影。其中一个,无比熟悉。 Was previous time is dug up up various clothes, underpants and types by him impressively ** thing Shadow Prince Glanos! 赫然是上次被他扒光了衣服、内裤和各种**之物的阴影王子格莱诺斯 The Owlet scalp somewhat tingled with numbness. 的头皮有些发麻了。 If this is Glanos doppelgänger. Then another...... 如果这位是格莱诺斯分身的话。那么另外一位…… „It is not good!” “不好!” Marvin they have the danger!” 马文他们有危险!” Owlet clenches teeth, suddenly acceleration. Immediately returned to Fenan. 一咬牙,陡然加速。立刻返回了费南 In Shadow Plane, Thousand Paper Cranes is unuseful. 阴影位面,千纸鹤是不能使用的。 Only then in Material World. As for the communication of Cross-plane, although will consume the Thousand Paper Cranes service life, however at this time, he could not attend to too! 只有在物质界才可以。至于跨位面的沟通,虽然会消耗千纸鹤的使用寿命,但是在这个时候,他也顾不得太多了! Marvin! The motion changes.” 马文!行动有变。” Glanos appeared, another fellow, on his clothes has the God of Plague priesthood to symbolize that may be God of Plague doppelgänger extremely!” 格莱诺斯出现了,还有另外一个家伙,他的衣服上有瘟疫之神的神职标志,极有可能是瘟疫之神分身!” ...... …… World Tree, Marvin hears this news suddenly. Slightly knitting the brows head. 世界树内部,马文陡然听到这个消息。微微皱了皱眉头。 Shadow Prince Glanos will appear, he is not accidental. This fellow previous time was traced to want the immortal to want by Owlet, definitely bears a grudge. 阴影王子格莱诺斯会出现,他一点也不意外。这家伙上次被摸得欲仙欲死,肯定怀恨在心。 However God of Plague doppelgänger will appear, a little superhigh his expectation. 但是瘟疫之神分身会出现,就有点超出他的预料了。 Invisible Bomb Zhu. he already considered. This motion is impossible to hide the truth from the eye of Extinguishing the World Double Snakes, after all gathered too many Legendary, in which many people, stared by the great people. 还有一个隐形炸弹。他早就考虑在内。这次行动不可能瞒得过灭世双蛇的眼睛,毕竟汇聚了太多的传奇,其中的很多人,都被大人物们盯上了。 In hidden place actually these hide the enemy when will brave, Marvin does not eat certainly. 这些隐藏在暗处的敌人究竟什么时候会冒出来,马文吃不准。 However he has completed countermeasure. 但是他都做好了应对策略。 But the appearance of God of Plague, has indeed disrupted his deployment. 只不过瘟疫之神的出现,的确打乱了他的部署。 He thinks. Finally to Thousand Paper Cranes, has been putting out a name of person slowly. 他想了想。最终对着千纸鹤,缓缓吐出了一个人的名字。 ...... …… The Fenan world, the Marvin's sound passed from Thousand Paper Cranes. 费南世界,马文的声音从千纸鹤中传了出来。 After Owlet heard that name, just wants to ask anything again. What a pity to this time, the Thousand Paper Cranes suddenly self-ignition got up. 听到了那个名字之后,刚想再问一些什么。可惜到了这个时候,千纸鹤陡然自燃起来。 Suddenly, turned into one group of Ashes. 眨眼间,就变成了一团灰烬 Cross-planar Communication. Is extremely the matter of expended energy, Owlet Origami Art leaves the womb to come from Gu mystical spell. Also unavoidable this point. 跨位面沟通。本来就是极为消耗能量的一件事情,就算折纸术是从上古某种秘法中脱胎而来的。也无法避免这一点。 He deeply inspires, at this moment. Trying that also can only say according to Marvin. 他深吸一口气,事到如今。也只能按照马文说的试试了。 Thinks of here, his does not return goes toward the southeast! 想到这里,他头也不回地往东南方而去! ...... …… To high Throne on, violent anger Digaogan, has not made This Venerable leave throughout, even if half step! 至高王座上,暴怒不已的狄高庚,始终没有让本尊离开哪怕半步! He has dispatched the subordinate and doppelgänger is fighting. 他一直都是派遣手下和分身在战斗。 The aspect of however at present refusing to compromise lets him anxiously. 但是目前僵持不下的局面让他焦躁不已。 World Tree that Endless Ocean and Wrath of the Firmaments, two Archdruid simultaneously expedite indeed gave Legendary team to provide the formidable backing. 无尽之洋苍穹之怒,两大德鲁伊同时催生的世界树的确给传奇小队提供了强大的后盾。 Ibo and Inheim, each one anti- Digaogan doppelgänger. 伊布因海姆,各自抗住了狄高庚的一个分身 But Hathaway, used Legendary Item Candlelight Necklace to summon 12-headed Fire Element! 海瑟薇,则利用一件传奇物品烛火项链召唤出了十二头火元素 This 12-headed Fire Element can enjoy the World Tree aura addition similarly. 十二头火元素同样可以享受世界树光环的加成。 These Corrupted Titan by no means real Titan that came from the Sea of Rot deep place, they are only the Titan descendants, was caught by Digaogan, then transformed decayed creature using the negative energy. 那些从腐烂之海深处而来的腐化泰坦并非真的泰坦,他们只是泰坦的后裔,被狄高庚捕捉,然后利用负能量改造成了腐朽的生物 Their Strength are inferior to true Titan, fire element under the World Tree aura in addition holds, can contend with these monster reluctantly. 他们的力量远不如真正的泰坦,火元素世界树光环的加持之下,勉强可以抗衡这些怪物 As for other evil spirit armies, then there is Lorante to go into action personally. 至于其余的邪灵大军,则有洛兰特亲自出马。 Heaven Deer many abilities, have the natural restraint effect to evil spirit. In addition Hathaway once for a while loses a wide scope Legendary Sorcerer to sweep, the Digaogan subordinate, does not have the means to destroy even close World Tree! 天界鹿本身的许多能力,都对邪灵有着天然的克制效果。再加上海瑟薇时不时丢一个大范围的传奇巫师扫荡一下,狄高庚的手下,根本没办法破坏甚至接近世界树 Such aspect makes Digaogan not be feeling well very much! 这样的局面让狄高庚很不爽! In process that although his another doppelgänger is catching up with fast, but the time drags for a long time, his exceed thought that does not suit. 虽说他的另外一个分身正在快速赶过来的过程中,但是时间拖得越久,他就越觉得不对劲。 This group of people, if saves others, then their goal has been achieved now. 这帮人,如果说是来救人的,那么现在他们的目的已经达到了。 Why is not willing to depart!? 为何迟迟不肯离去!? Digaogan is not a fool, in his heart is somewhat restless. 狄高庚不是笨蛋,他心中有些不安。 But at this time, just that hid in small Ranger in Tree Cave to appear on the branch of World Tree again. 而就在这个时候,刚刚那个躲进树洞里的小游侠再次出现在了世界树的枝桠上。 His vision, actually fell on Digaogan to high Throne on! 他的目光,却是落在了狄高庚的至高王座上! In the Digaogan heart sinks. 狄高庚心中一沉。 Although all these look like illogical, but in his heart has one premonition. 虽然这一切都看起来不合逻辑,但是他心中有一种预感。 Was this Throne secret, only known by them? 难道这只王座的秘密,已经被他们知道了? ...... …… everyone, Sir Owlet just gave my news, Shadow Prince and God of Plague doppelgänger is peeping this fight.” 诸位,大人刚刚给我的消息,阴影王子瘟疫之神分身都在偷窥这场战斗。” I do not know that also many people are waiting and seeing, but we must fight a battle to force a quick decision.” “我不知道还有多少人在观望,但是我们必须速战速决了。” Marvin is adjusting the breath, diligently tranquil mood: 马文调整着呼吸,努力平静心情: We begin!” “我们动手吧!” .........( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ………(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Goes all out fourth! ps:拼命第四更!
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