NR :: Volume #2

#186: This round, value!

No. 4 Holy Water, condensed purest Heaven Holy Power, with Lorante Strength is a nature. 四号圣水,凝聚了最纯正的天界圣力,和洛兰特身上的力量是一个性质的。≧ Marvin itself lacks the range attack capability, but Firearms Shooter this Profession, to a certain extent has actually made up for this point. 马文本身缺乏范围攻击能力,但是火线枪手这个职业,却在一定程度上弥补了这一点。 This handle shotgun is the Constantine young time has played, the name is vulgar, known as Gilded Rose, Although on the spear|gun's body indeed has a rose and that's the end. 这柄散弹枪是康斯坦丁年轻时候玩过的,名字庸俗无比,叫做镶金玫瑰】,虽说枪身上的确有一朵玫瑰就是了。 The Sand Race People shotgun non- Changkeng father, after hitting one round, after must cool for three minutes, can continue to use. 沙族人的散弹枪非常坑爹,打一发之后,必须冷却三分钟之后才能继续使用。 Otherwise can the burst in the bore. 否则就会炸膛。 This is also one of reasons why Sand Race People hot weapon had not been popular. 这也是为什么沙族人热武器一直没有流行起来的原因之一。 However regarding present Marvin, this round was enough. 但是对于现在的马文来说,这一发就已经足够。 Attracts seven Evil Spirit Knight attention using Storm Fey, attracts in them the attack range, then a round of bullet solution. 利用风暴精灵吸引七名邪灵骑士的注意力,将他们吸引到攻击范围之内,然后一发子弹解决。 This feeling simply should not be too crisp! 这种感觉简直不要太爽! ...... …… Outside Moss Dungeon, surplus evil spirit guards angrily. 苔藓地牢外,剩余的邪灵守卫们愤怒不已。 The giant gunshot has alarmed them obviously, they from outflank in all directions, number minimum over a thousand! 巨大的枪响显然惊动了他们,他们从四面八方包抄过来,数目起码上千! These evil spirit basically are the cannon fodders in This World lowest level, except for the strength of dirty contamination, they do not have other thing. 这些邪灵基本上就是这个世界最底层的炮灰,除了肮脏的污秽之力,他们没有别的东西。 However to other lives, wants to destroy completely these evil spirit, is a quite troublesome matter. 但是对其他生灵来说,想要灭掉这些邪灵,还是相当麻烦的一件事情。 Marvin lifts up high curved blade, suddenly acceleration! 马文高举弯刀,陡然加速! Raging Wildfire! 怒火燎原 terrifying arcane Flame is wreaking havoc in an instant this piece of wilderness, the magic Flame temperature, is not these evil spirit can withstand. 恐怖奥术火焰刹那间肆虐着这一片原野,魔法火焰的温度,不是这些邪灵可以承受的。 Between Marvin and Moss Dungeon, were boiled stiffly a quite open distance. 马文苔藓地牢之间,硬生生被烧开了一片颇为开阔的距离。 Massive evil spirit were burnt down cleanly, but other. Kept off outside Flame. 大量的邪灵被焚烧干净,而其余的。则被挡在了火焰外。 The Marvin's form just like the lightning, broke in the sea of fire. The one breath has crashed in Moss Dungeon! 马文的身影宛如闪电,冲入了火海之中。一口气冲进了苔藓地牢内! These moss active threat enemies, however their defense capabilities will not be hard. 这些苔藓并不会主动攻击敌人,但是他们的防御能力非常坚硬。 At this moment. All messes turned into the angry red! 此时此刻。所有的苔藓都变成了怒红色! This means that has the foreign invasion! 这意味着有外敌入侵! However the evil spirit guards take Marvin not to have the means. 然而邪灵守卫们却拿马文没有办法。 expert was reassigned by Digaogan, Evil Spirit Landgraf is only restricted in Legendary to this piece of Perception, in Inheim, Hathaway and the others under the diversions, he will not even have the energy unnecessary Perception to assign on Moss Dungeon! 高手都被狄高庚抽调走了,邪灵领主对这一片的感知仅限于传奇,在因海姆海瑟薇等人的牵制之下,他甚至没有精力将多余的感知分配在苔藓地牢上! Remaining evil spirit, at is not the enemy of Marvin's gathering. 剩下了的邪灵,根本不是马文的一合之敌。 On his double blade spread completely No. 4 Holy Water similarly. 他的双刀上同样涂满了四号圣水 evil spirit retainer of all approaches, his blade, even can sometimes blade two! 所有迎上来的邪灵仆从,他一刀一个,有些时候甚至能一刀两个! The short ten breath, Marvin had a bloody road! 短短十个呼吸,马文生生杀出了一条血路! Sir Marvin!” 马文大人!” He really saved us!” “他果然来救我们了!” Father Sir has not deceived us, he had said Sir Marvin can rescue our!” “父亲大人没有骗我们,他说过马文大人会来救我们的!” A piece of giant moss center. Is surrounding several adorable fawns. 一片巨大的苔藓中央。包围着十几头可爱的小鹿。 They encircled on own initiative, encircled Muse in inside. 它们主动围成了一圈,将缪斯围在里面。 Marvin knows that this is they are protecting her. 马文知道,这是它们在保护她。 The fawns have Lorante bloodline, naturally has Heaven Holy Power to guarantee that they will a short time not receive the corrosion of strength of contamination. 小鹿们拥有洛兰特血脉,自然有股天界圣力保证它们一时半会儿不会受到污秽之力的侵蚀。 However Saintess Muse is different, she does not have any Strength, if no protection of fawns, her ** perhaps was already perished. 但是圣女缪斯不同,她没有任何力量,如果没有小鹿们的保护的话,她的**恐怕早就被腐蚀掉了。 Marvin looks at present Indestructible Moss Dungeon, takes out two scroll from storage equipment fiercely! 马文看着眼前坚不可摧苔藓地牢,猛地从储物设备里取出两枚卷轴 These two scroll, are he obtains from the Archdruid Wrath of the Firmaments hand. 这两枚卷轴,都是他从大德鲁伊苍穹之怒手中得到的。 When Marvin told them the Moss Dungeon characteristics. Wrath of the Firmaments has given Marvin these two scroll. 马文告诉他们苔藓地牢的特性的时候。苍穹之怒就将这两枚卷轴送给了马文 On these two scroll, is supplementing powerful spell Stronger Withering Spell! 这两枚卷轴上,都是附带着一个强有力的法术强效枯萎术】! Constitution dungeon moss, variation plant that although is expedited by the negative energy, but is still the plant. 构成地牢的苔藓,虽说是由负能量催生出来的变异植物,但是依然是植物。 Withering Spell is the difficult adversary of plant. As for Stronger Withering Spell, naturally is the natural enemy of moss. 枯萎术本来就是植物的克星。至于强效枯萎术,自然更是苔藓的天敌。 But this spell, is will not use to Druid unless it is absolutely essential. 只不过这种法术,对德鲁伊来说是不到万不得已不会使用的。 Similarly. Expedites the World Tree seed is also similar action. 同样的。催生世界树种子也是类似的举动。 If to not maintain natural balance, eradicates Evil Spirit Plane. Then Lorante and Wrath of the Firmaments friendship is good, he will not get rid. 如果不是为了维持自然平衡,铲除邪灵位面。那么就算洛兰特苍穹之怒的交情再好,他也不会出手。 In fact. This two Archdruid behavior, hides the truth from acting presumptuously that Migratory Birds Council is carrying on completely. 事实上。这次两位大德鲁伊的行为,全部都是瞒着候鸟议会进行的擅自行动。 ...... …… Guards not to surround while evil spirit, Marvin has ripped open first scroll directly. 趁着邪灵守卫还没包围过来,马文直接撕开了第一枚卷轴 Dark colored spell rune flashes past, is the massive black gas is twining the angry red moss. 暗黑色的法术符文一闪而过,然后就是大量黑色的气体缠绕着怒红色的苔藓。 The next second, moss starts to wither. 下一秒,大片大片的苔藓开始枯萎。 Stronger Withering Spell was really effective. 强效枯萎术果然奏效了。 In Marvin heart one happy, received another scroll. Wrath of the Firmaments gives him two scroll, but is for safety's sake. 马文心中一喜,将另外一枚卷轴收了起来。苍穹之怒给他两枚卷轴,只不过是为了保险起见而已。 In fact, sufficed. 事实上,一枚就够了。 The fawns incomparably ran cheerfully, is also carrying on the back Muse. 小鹿们欢快无比地跑了出来,其中一头还驮着缪斯 Many thanks your excellency.” Muse somewhat excitedly looks at Marvin. “多谢阁下了。”缪斯有些激动地看着马文 Marvin slight bow of: Now did not say these times, you must leave Evil Spirit Plane immediately.” 马文微微点了点头:“现在不是说这些的时候,你们必须立刻离开邪灵位面。” In the direction that I said that not to stop ran, you will see then a mushroom bridge.” “按照我说的方向,一刻不停地跑,然后你们就会看到一座蘑菇桥。” Believes me, has leapt the mushroom bridge, shoves open a leaf of door, you can return to Fenan.” “相信我,跃过蘑菇桥,推开一扇小门,你们就能重返费南。” Remembers surely, after you return to Fenan, locking hangs up this.” “千万记得,当你们重返费南之后,把这把锁重新挂上。” Marvin has given Muse the lock that. 马文把那把锁递给了缪斯 You?” In the Muse eye is somewhat scruple. “那您?”缪斯的眼中有些迟疑。 She thinks that Marvin can leave with together. However listens to his expression, he also wants to continue to stop over in Evil Spirit World unexpectedly! 她原本以为,马文会和自己一同离开。但是听他的语气,他竟然还想继续在邪灵世界逗留! I have the plan.” Marvin briefly: Brings the fawns to run away!” “我另有计划。”马文简单地说:“带着小鹿们逃吧!” evil spirit guarded from surround in all directions. 邪灵守卫从四面八方围堵了过来。 Marvin no longer hesitates, holds up curved blade once more! 马文不再犹豫,再次举起弯刀 Raging Wildfire! 怒火燎原 Above his double blade, respective one time releases the Raging Wildfire opportunity. 他的双刀之上,各自有一次释放怒火燎原的机会。 This Raging Wildfire, burnt a piece of space once again. 这一次怒火燎原,再度烧出了一片空间。 Marvin stands up from failure to ride a fawn, the group ran out of Moss Dungeon crazily! 马文翻身骑上一头小鹿,一行人疯狂地冲出了苔藓地牢 They escape along the road that Marvin comes, to a meadow, Marvin has anchored suddenly. 他们沿着马文来的路逃跑,到了一片草甸上,马文突然停住了。 He stands up from failure. Falls to the ground steadily. 他翻身下来。稳稳落地。 You hurry. Following this direction, to seeing mushroom bridge!” “你们赶紧走吧。顺着这个方向,一直到看到蘑菇桥!” He urged. 他催促说。 You what to do?” A fawn asked restlessly: Behind also has many evil spirit. You cannot resist!” “那您怎么办?”一头小鹿不安地问道:“后面还有好多邪灵。您一个人抵挡不住的!” Yes, moreover in Moss Dungeon has Pond of Rot. These killed Evil Spirit Knight, quick from Pond of Rot resurrection.” “是啊是啊,而且苔藓地牢里有一座腐烂之池。那些被杀死的邪灵骑士,很快就会从腐烂之池复活。” They run is quicker than us.” “他们跑的比我们还快呢。” The fawns said restlessly. 小鹿们不安地说。 Marvin plan in advance smiles: I early am prepared.” 马文胸有成竹地笑笑:“我早有准备。” ...... …… The Pond of Rot matter, how Marvin possibly does not know. 腐烂之池的事情,马文又怎么可能不知道。 These Evil Spirit Knight do not die. Therefore in just data record, Marvin has clearly flashed on and off they, has not actually harvested any Slaughter Experience! 这些邪灵骑士是不死的。所以刚刚的数据记录中,马文明明灭了他们,却没有收获任何杀戮经验 Because their sources in that Pond of Rot of Moss Dungeon deep place. 因为他们的本源在苔藓地牢深处的那座腐烂之池中。 Most five minutes, their resurrection, will then pursue. 最多五分钟,他们就会复活,然后重新追上来。 The running speed of fawns is quick, but is well below Evil Spirit Knight. 小鹿们的奔跑速度很快,但是远远不如邪灵骑士 these factors, Marvin already considered. Therefore he will stop in this place! 这些因素,马文早就考虑在内。所以他才会在这个地方停下! The next second, in the fawns and under the Saintess Muse surprised vision, Marvin drags an everybody from the meadow deep place directly! 下一秒,在小鹿们和圣女缪斯吃惊的目光下,马文直接从草甸深处拖出来一个大家伙! That is a cannon! 那是一门大炮! Marvin receives the good double blade, has debugged the Purple Brilliance angle, will have aimed at not far Moss Dungeon! 马文收好双刀,调试了一下紫耀的角度,将之对准了不远的苔藓地牢 At this moment, is having massive evil spirit to gush out. 此时此刻,正有大量的邪灵从中涌出。 These evil spirit sources, in Pond of Rot. 这些邪灵的本源,也都在腐烂之池中。 So long as destroys Pond of Rot, they do not exist! 只要把腐烂之池摧毁,它们也都不复存在! Is puts up the cash to buy the experience simply, how suddenly to have the previous generation ancient pit father page tour regarded to feel......” “简直是砸钱买经验啊,怎么突然有种前世古老的坑爹页游的即视感了……” Marvin deeply inspires. Has self-ridiculed a while in secret, traded an equipment rapidly. 马文深吸一口气。暗中自嘲了一会儿,迅速换好了一身装备。 Purple Brilliance adjusts finally. 紫耀最终调整完毕。 In barrel attire is not Dragon Fang, Rather First Glimmers of Dawn! 炮膛里装的不是【龙牙】,而是【晨曦】! Round of First Glimmers of Dawn, the price is 1500 Sorcerer Gold Coin(s)! 一发晨曦,价格是1500巫师金币 evil spirits supports numerously, but. Must rush to the front shortly. 邪灵们纷拥而至。眼看就要冲到面前了。 Sir Marvin!” 马文大人!” Fawns anxious soon jumped. 小鹿们急的快要跳起来了。 Don't, anxious......” “别、着、急……” A Marvin character character said that his both hands slowly according to Purple Brilliance, next second. He draws the external spanner suddenly! 马文一字一字地说,他的双手缓缓地按在了紫耀上,下一秒。他猛然拉动外置的扳手! hōng! 轰! The bang blasts out, the Marvin whole person was flown by the ball directly backward several meters. The blood has splashed a face! 巨响炸开,马文整个人直接被向后弹飞十几米。鲜血溅了一脸! In an instant, the fair ray has been separated from the barrel together. Rapidly launching, then drop. 刹那间,一道白皙的光芒脱离了炮膛。急速起飞,而后下降。 Finally fell in Moss Dungeon steadily! 最终稳稳地落在了苔藓地牢中! hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 The terrifying report resounds, under explosive force that First Glimmers of Dawn seizes every opportunity, entire Moss Dungeon crushes loudly! 恐怖的爆裂声响起,在晨曦无孔不入的爆炸力下,整个苔藓地牢轰然粉碎! Marvin lies down, has brushed the innumerable data records at present! 马文躺倒在地,眼前刷过无数的数据记录! He coughs up blood while to laugh wildly. 他一边咳着血一边狂笑。 Pond of Rot, was really destroyed! 腐烂之池,果然被摧毁了! Although he was also made to spit blood by the terrifying recoil, but with obtaining the advantage compares, this injury at is not anything! 他自己虽然也被恐怖的后坐力弄得吐血,但是和获得的好处比起来,这点伤势根本不算什么! Hits the artillery, although wound body......” “打炮虽然伤身体……” But this round, value!” “但是这一发,值啊!” Data record 数据记录 You succeeded Ruin Pond of Rot, the accumulation obtained the Slaughter Experience 81748 points!】 【您成功毁灭腐烂之池,累积获得杀戮经验81748点!】 Marvin staggers to crawl, just wants to tidy up Purple Brilliance, at this time, pure white brilliance unceasingly descended on Marvin's. 马文踉跄地爬起来,刚想去收拾紫耀,就在这个时候,一道道纯白色的光华不断降落在马文的身上。 The fawns surround him, cure the technique and strengthen aura one after another, making Marvin think instantaneously incomparably warm. 小鹿们将他包围,治愈术和强化光环接二连三,让马文瞬间觉得无比温暖。 These adorable fawns combine in together, completely is a force wet nurse group! 这些可爱的小鹿们组合在一起,完全就是一个强力奶妈团啊! ...... …… Anything!” “什么!” Actually what's the matter!” “究竟是怎么回事!” Above Throne, Digaogan awakens suddenly! 王座之上,狄高庚猛然惊醒! Marvin has created such big sound, his Perception, do not make this Planar King again! 马文造成了这么大的动静,他再感知不到,就别做这个位面之王了! Pond of Rot was destroyed, the fawns run away in abundance...... 腐烂之池被摧毁,小鹿们纷纷逃走…… A series of pictures, all appeared in the Digaogan eye. 一系列的画面,全部出现在了狄高庚的眼中。 Finally, he saw tiny human, is holding strange weapon strenuously, has aimed at Moss Dungeon. 最终,他看见了一个渺小的人类,正吃力地抱着一门奇怪的武器,对准了苔藓地牢 Unexpectedly, is shooter!” “居然,是一个枪手!” Unexpectedly is not Legendary!” “居然不是传奇!” A Digaogan fist pounds on Throne, complexion is even more fierce: Tiny human, dares to come my world to act unruly unexpectedly!” 狄高庚一拳砸在王座上,面色越发狰狞:“一个渺小的人类,竟然敢来我的世界撒野!” However at this time, Hathaway in World Tree aura suddenly opened transmission gate. 然而就在这个时候,世界树光环内的海瑟薇陡然打开了一道传送门 Under vision that Digaogan is furious, in transmission gate went out of a person. 狄高庚震怒的目光下,传送门内走出了一个人。 Also has Legendary? 难道又有传奇 The anger in Digaogan heart is even more exuberant. This group of did Legendary regard the back garden their Rot Plateau really? 狄高庚心中的怒火越发旺盛。这帮传奇真的把自己的腐烂高原当成后花园了? However what stems from him to expect, that person who in transmission gate walks, is not Legendary! 然而出乎他预料的是,传送门里走出来的那个人,并不是传奇 But is Third Step Ranger! 而是一个三阶游侠 Mother *, you also dares to appear before me unexpectedly!” “妈*的,你居然还敢出现在我面前!” Digaogan must explode simply! 狄高庚简直要爆炸了! He wishes one could this human to tear to shreds at present! 他恨不得将眼前这个人类碎尸万段! ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Third! Today reached an agreement before down Burst, but the coconut tree will attempt to put together extreme limit again! If I six, how you have prepared to reward me ~ ~ ~ ~ ps:第三更!今天本来说好五更爆发,但是椰子会尝试再拼一把极限!如果我六更了,你们准备怎么奖励我呢~~~~
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