NR :: Volume #2

#185: luring the tiger away from its mountain

The structure of Moss Dungeon is solid, these Mutation giant messes, not only imprisons the best material of prisoner. 苔藓地牢的构造非常坚实,这些异化的巨型苔藓,不仅是禁锢囚犯的最好材料。 Meanwhile, they are also Evil Spirit World part. They are one type life body that has Perception. 同时,它们也是邪灵世界的一部分。他们是一种有感知的生命体。 According to the Marvin's experience, their Perception to non- evil spirit creature is intense, even if own Disguise Spell, is not necessarily able to conceal these fearful messes. 根据马文的经验,他们对非邪灵生物感知非常强烈,就算是自己的伪装术,也未必能隐瞒地过这些可怕的苔藓。 Therefore he in the close Moss Dungeon about half mile, stopped the advance. 所以他在接近苔藓地牢半英里左右,就停止了前进。 He crawls in the meadow, front is a rugged trail. Again toward the west side, was the Moss Dungeon edge. 他匍匐在草甸上,前方是一条崎岖的小径。再往西边,就是苔藓地牢的边缘了。 Evil Spirit Knight are riding the similarly abominable warhorse, howls, they are responsible for doing an inspection the security of this place. 一名名邪灵骑士骑着同样令人憎恶的战马,呼啸而过,他们是负责巡查此地的安全的。 Naturally, the significance that they have generally is internal, preventing the prisoners to escape. 当然,他们存在的意义一般都是对内,防止囚犯们逃脱出来。 Foreign? Who believes that Evil Spirit World will have visitor? 对外?谁会相信邪灵世界会有访客? Entire Evil Spirit World Strength was reassigned by Digaogan, is used to cope with six people of Legendary team, but only here does not have. 整个邪灵世界力量都被狄高庚所抽调,用来对付六人传奇小队了,但是唯独这里没有。 Digaogan is sly, although Moss Dungeon is very reliable, but always has the means to break. 狄高庚非常狡猾,虽说苔藓地牢很牢固,但是总有办法破开的。 Holy Spirit White Deer Lorante likely is not that meeting burn both jade and stone role, he is impossible to discard his child, therefore, Digaogan believes Moss Dungeon, definitely also will present an influence to rescue these adorable small white deer. 圣灵白鹿洛兰特不像是那种会玉石俱焚的角色,他不可能舍弃他的孩子,所以,狄高庚相信苔藓地牢这边,肯定也会出现一股势力来营救那些可爱的小白鹿们。 But they have not appeared now. 只不过他们现在还没出现罢了。 He is maintaining vigilant, therefore guards the Moss Dungeon military strength, simply had not been reassigned, instead from a nearby rotten small town, wells up many elite Evil Spirit Knight guarding. 他一直保持着警惕,所以守卫苔藓地牢的兵力,根本没有被抽调走,反而从附近的一座腐烂小镇里,涌来不少精锐的邪灵骑士驻守。 This makes the difficulty of forcefully breaking through flip directly. 这让强行攻破的难度直接翻了翻。 Sly Digaogan......” in the Marvin heart thinks silently. “狡猾的狄高庚啊……”马文心中默默地想。 However he early is prepared! 不过对此他早有准备! Nobody compared with him understood that Digaogan style, he is enough sly, but he is also arrogant enough! 没有人比他更了解狄高庚的行事风格了,他是足够狡猾,但他也足够自大! Matter that he recognizes. Definitely meets a road execution. 他认定的事情。肯定会一条路执行到底。 This is his life gate. 这就是他的命门。 Thinks of here, Marvin gently takes out Thousand Paper Cranes. 想到这里,马文不由轻轻取出一只千纸鹤来。 In the belly of this only Thousand Paper Cranes. Also thinks of a red dragon corpse! 就是这只千纸鹤的肚子里。还装着一头红龙的尸体! However this precious Thousand Paper Cranes, other function. 然而这只珍贵的千纸鹤,还有别的功能。 You can begin. Sir Owlet.” “你可以动手了。大人。” Marvin said in a soft voice. 马文轻声说道。 ...... …… Fenan. As one of the seven big Legendary, Shadow Thief Owlet is only one has not entered seven color tunnels. 费南。作为七大传奇之一,影贼是唯一一个没有进入七彩隧道的。 But this did not represent him not to participate in punitive expedition Evil Spirit World. 但这并不代表他就不参与讨伐邪灵世界了。 In fact, plans according to Marvin's, he does not need with Lorante and the others together. 事实上,按照马文的计划,他本来就不需要和洛兰特等人一道。 Six Legendary, enough resisted formidable Digaogan. But Shadow Thief Owlet, is used to attract the Digaogan last attention! 六位传奇,足够抵挡强大的狄高庚了。而影贼,则是用来吸引掉狄高庚最后一丝注意力的! He sits on a stone, is holding appreciatively Thousand Paper Cranes bored. 他坐在一块石头上,无聊地把玩着千纸鹤 At this time, inside broadcast the Marvin's sound. 就在这个时候,里面传来马文的声音。 Owlet extended one to stretch, Thousand Paper Cranes suddenly Vanish in his control. 伸了一个懒腰,千纸鹤陡然消失在了他的手心。 This Little Marvin. Really compared with his grandfather's young time also likes tossing about......” “这个小马文。真是比他祖父年轻的时候还爱折腾呢……” „An age must also go to resist with Evil Spirit Landgraf hardly, father's luck also suffices to carry!” “一把年纪了还要去跟邪灵领主硬抗,老子的运气也够背的!” He mumbled one, next second, body suddenly Vanish in same place! 他嘟囔了一句,下一秒,身体陡然消失在了原地! Shadow Thief Legendary ability Shadow Travel! 影贼传奇能力【阴影之旅】! This ability, with short Shadow Escape Different, the latter can only use Shadow Plane short, realizes at the displacement of Fenan world \; But Shadow Travel, then can integrate Shadow Plane truly, completely! 这个能力,和短暂【影遁】不同,后者只能短暂地利用阴影位面,实现在费南世界的位移\;而阴影之旅,则是可以真正地、完全地融入阴影位面 Shadow Thief Owlet goes through in Shadow Plane. 影贼阴影位面中穿行。 In fact, in his seven big Legendary. Only can not draw support from item to arrive in existence of Evil Spirit Plane! 事实上,他七大传奇中。唯一一个可以不借助道具就能抵达邪灵位面的存在! Shadow Plane, has many with Rot Plateau the place of overlapping. 阴影位面,和腐烂高原的重叠之处也有不少。 By Shadow Travel, Owlet can find through Shadow Plane with the Rot Plateau slit, then worms one's way into! 凭借阴影之旅,可以通过阴影位面找到和腐烂高原的缝隙,然后钻进去! Naturally. If conceives a plan temporarily, wants to seek for such slit, was difficult. After all Shadow Plane is also a high-risk place. 当然。如果是临时起意,想要寻找这样的缝隙,就非常困难了。毕竟阴影位面也是一个充满危险的地方。 However Owlet is different, this fellow experiences richly. Young time is also widely traveled, Shadow Plane had also been explored many places by him. 不过不同,这家伙经验丰富。年轻的时候也闯南走北,阴影位面也被他探索了很多地方。 He knows and slit of Lower World superposition. Over 13! 他知道的和下层世界重合的缝隙。超过13处! Enters Rot Plateau, is very simple. 进一个腐烂高原,还是很简单的。 Enters Lower World from Fenan set off, entered Fenan to want simple many compared with Lower World. 费南出发进入下层世界,本来就比下层世界进入费南要简单的多。 Whiz, his form finally Vanish in inexhaustible Shadow. 嗖的一下,他的身影最终消失在了无穷无尽的阴影中。 The next second, greets his is the endless rotten aura! 下一秒,迎接他的是无尽的腐烂气息! Really also has Legendary! Unexpectedly is Shadow Thief!” “果然还有传奇!居然是影贼!” In the frontal battlefield, facing the joint attacks of six big Legendary, Digaogan has used unexpectedly only two doppelgänger with ease anti- under. 正面战场上,面对六大传奇的联手进攻,狄高庚竟然只用了两个分身就轻松抗下。 His This Venerable, still in the Perception entire world. 他的本尊,依然在感知整个世界。 A Shadow Thief Owlet appearance, instantaneously was caught by him. 影贼一出现,就被他瞬间捕捉到了。 On his face appears the self-satisfied smiling face. The Perception world also needs a limit. 他的脸上浮现出得意的笑容。感知世界也是需要一个限制的。 Digaogan is assured, this group of people definitely were Legendary, if were not Legendary, should nobody dare to come Rot Plateau to bring death. 狄高庚笃定,这帮人肯定都是传奇了,如果不是传奇,应该没有人敢来腐烂高原送死的。 Therefore he when Perception plane, has carried on simple aura screening, frames the strength above Legendary. 所以他在感知位面的时候,进行了一个简单的气息筛选,把实力定格在传奇之上。 This is more effective. 这样更加有效率。 Sure enough, the appearance of Shadow Thief Owlet, has substantiated his idea completely. 果不其然,影贼的出现,完全印证了他的想法。 This Shadow Thief is rescues certainly these adorable small white deer. hē hē......” “这个影贼一定是来救那些可爱的小白鹿的。呵呵……” Really is naive.” “真是天真。” Digaogan lifts the hand silently, another doppelgänger appears suddenly! 狄高庚默默地一抬手,又一个分身陡然出现! This doppelgänger, in the aura be weaker than other two doppelgänger, but copes with Shadow Thief, had more than enough to spare. 这个分身,气息上要比其余两个分身弱一些,但是对付一个影贼,也绰绰有余了。 But at the same time, guarded Moss Dungeon that Evil Spirit Messenger also to receive the order of Digaogan. 而与此同时,守卫苔藓地牢的那名邪灵使者也接到了狄高庚的命令。 Takes majority of Evil Spirit Knight, encircles that sly Shadow Thief with me!” “带上大部分的邪灵骑士,跟我去围剿那个狡猾的影贼!” Digaogan sound incomparable Dignity. 狄高庚的声音无比威严 Evil Spirit Messenger can only respond immediately: Yes!” 邪灵使者只能立马回应:“是!” The next second, large quantities of Evil Spirit Knight left the post of guarding, wells up toward the place that Shadow Thief Owlet presents! 下一秒,大批的邪灵骑士离开了驻守的岗位,往影贼出现的地点涌去! But Owlet this person, actually makes the action that command Digaogan has used energy very much. 本人,却是做了一个令狄高庚很费劲的举动。 He has not gone toward Moss Dungeon unexpectedly, instead has traded a direction, accelerates to go forward. 他居然没有往苔藓地牢而去,反而换了一个方向,加速前进。 This makes Digaogan very obscure: 这让狄高庚非常费解: „Isn't he saves others?” “难道他不是来救人的?” Wait / Etc....... That direction, is my hidden treasure hole!” “等等……那个方向,是我的藏宝洞!” How does he know?! Mother *. Originally is loot a burning house!” “他怎么知道的?!妈*的。原来是个趁火打劫的!” Digaogan is suddenly enlighted. The tooth of his air/Qi is immediately itchy, ordering doppelgänger not to stop to pursue. 狄高庚恍然大悟。他立马气的牙痒痒的,命令分身一刻不停地追上去。 But his This Venerable. Still in the Perception Rot Plateau possible Legendary aura. 而他的本尊。依然在感知腐烂高原可能出现的传奇气息。 As for Legendary below, completely was neglected by him. 至于传奇以下的,则被他完全忽略了。 Legendary that today presents were too many. Even if braves several again, he will not feel that is very strange, he will only feel excited! 今天出现的传奇实在太多了。就算再冒出来几个,他也不会感觉到很奇怪,他只会感到兴奋! Because of these Legendary, they were doomed unable to leave This World. 因为这些传奇,他们注定离不开这个世界了。 One have entire plane Strength, That thing Is providing Strength for oneself continuously, how these people may be their match! 自己坐拥整个位面力量,还有【那个东西】在源源不断地为自己提供力量,这些人怎么可能会是自己的对手! Thinks of here, he wants to laugh wildly simply loudly! 想到这里,他简直想放声狂笑! ...... …… Shadow Plane, shadows of two distortions quietly appear. 阴影位面,两个扭曲的影子悄然出现。 zé zé zé, enemies often cross each other's path.” 啧啧啧,冤家路窄啊。” That facial features outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted man said with a smile in a low voice: „Before it seems like today you can snow, shame.” 那个面容阴柔的男子低声笑道:“看来今天你可以一雪前耻了。” The anger in Glanos eye almost must spout. 格莱诺斯眼中的怒火几乎要喷涌出来。 Because in the place of their field of vision extreme limit. Shadow Thief is shuttling back and forth unceasingly, suddenly, his Vanish in Shadow Plane. 因为在他们的视野极限之处。一名影贼正在不断地穿梭着,眨眼间,他就消失在了阴影位面 Although in within eyesight, because Shadow Plane is the reason of distortion, they are Deity, is unable to violate the space and time law, pursues the opposite party. 虽说是在视野之内,但是因为阴影位面是扭曲的缘故,他们就算是神明,也无法违背时空的法则,去追击对方。 In fact, Shadow Plane all are twist, here you held enemy. Perhaps he also lives in Main Material World well. 事实上,阴影位面的一切都是扭曲的,在这里你捅死了的敌人。说不定在主物质界他还活得好好的。 This is also Shadow Prince saw reason that Shadow Thief Owlet has not begun immediately. 这也是阴影王子看到影贼没有立刻动手的缘故。 „Haven't we begun?” “我们还不动手吗?” Looks that Owlet sneaked in the Rot Plateau slit stealthily, Glanos complexion asked gloomy. 看着鬼鬼祟祟地钻进了腐烂高原的缝隙中,格莱诺斯面色阴沉地问。 His side that person shook the head with a smile: As Assassin, your Patience as if has been not as before after become God.” 他身边那人笑着摇了摇头:“作为一名刺客,你的耐心成神之后似乎已经大不如前了。” Do not forget actually one come from where.” “不要忘记自己究竟从何而来。” This will not lose.” “这样才不会迷失自我。” Shadow Prince cold snort|hum, but has not responded. 阴影王子冷哼一声,不过没有回应。 The opposite party said is very right. Since sealed as god succeeds, Patience was indeed bad. 对方说的很对。自从自己封神成功之后,耐心的确差了很多。 Beforehand that bore patiently did not have, what replaces it is made widely known, but crazy assassination this did not say the style. But is the mentality. 以前的那种隐忍都没有了,取而代之的是张扬而疯狂的刺杀这不是说行事风格。而是心态。 The pride after become God, making his mentality incomparably impetuous. 成神之后的骄傲,让他的心态变得无比浮躁。 General that he mixes in God Kingdom. One time displays own opportunity on Council of the Gods with great difficulty, finally also screwed up. 以至于在神界他混的一般。好不容易有一次在众神议会上表现自己的机会,结果还搞砸了。 Right that you said.” Glanos silent [say / way]: Worthily is Ancient God. Although has not surpassed me to be too many on Strength, but the understanding to This World is not I can compare.” “你说的对。”格莱诺斯沉默道:“不愧是古神。虽然在力量上没有超出我太多,但对这个世界的理解不是我能比拟的。” Outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted male hollow laugh, in eye flashes through one to be discontented. 阴柔男子干笑一声,眼中闪过一丝不满。 ...... …… Moss Dungeon. 苔藓地牢 Saw that Evil Spirit Knight Vanish in own field of vision end, Marvin long vented anger finally! 眼看着邪灵骑士消失在自己的视野尽头,马文终于长长地出了一口气! Planned effective! 计划奏效了! First is six people of Legendary team, is seems like loot a burning house Shadow Thief Owlet, two waves of motions attracted the Digaogan attention! 先是六人传奇小队,然后是貌似趁火打劫影贼,两波行动吸引了狄高庚的注意力! Defense unprecedented void of Moss Dungeon. 苔藓地牢的防御空前的空虚。 Was time gets rid. 是时候该自己出手了。 Must fight a battle to force a quick decision.” “必须速战速决啊。” Marvin looks to pace back and forth in that several Evil Spirit Knight of Moss Dungeon edge, thinks that finally opened Sneak, has traced slowly. 马文看着徘徊在苔藓地牢边缘的那几个邪灵骑士,想了想,最终还是开了潜行,缓缓地摸了过去。 The distance of both sides is quick. 双方的距离很快接近。 Other seven Evil Spirit Knight dedicate, various types stand on the post. 剩余的七个邪灵骑士尽忠职守,各种站在岗位上。 Who knows that at this time, the Mutation moss suddenly turned into the red! 谁知道就在这个时候,异化的苔藓突然变成了红色! The slight pellet on moss, revolves unceasingly, finally has aimed at a nearby place. 苔藓上的细微颗粒,不断旋转,最终指向了附近的一个地点。 All Knight look at each other one, draws the reins, dashes about wildly together toward that place! 所有的骑士对视一眼,一拉缰绳,一同往那个地点狂奔过去! Their speed is extremely fast, assumes immediately fan-shaped, spheres that place. 他们速度极快,立马就呈扇形,将那个地点围住。 Evil Spirit Knight hold up longspear, has aimed at that direction, must puncture shortly. 邪灵骑士们举起长枪,对准了那个方向,眼看就要刺了下去。 Who knows that a spatial warping, innocent Little Fairy appeared in same place! 谁知道一阵空间扭曲,一个无辜的小精灵出现在了原地! Storm Fey! 风暴精灵 huā lā la, strong winds of revolving blow, Knight longspear has not only displaced the direction, they each other also almost hit in one. 哗啦啦,一阵旋转的狂风刮起,骑士们的长枪不仅偏移了方向,他们彼此还差点撞在了一起。 The next second, Storm Fey flies fiercely upwardly. 下一秒,风暴精灵猛地向上飞去。 Has not waited for Knight to respond that a fierce gunshot then transmits less than 15 meters place from the front! 没等骑士们反应过来,一声剧烈的枪响便从前方不足15米的地方传来! With this gunshot, the Marvin's personal appearance also appears. 伴随着这声枪响,马文的身形也浮现出来。 The bright and radiant flame howls from the bore of gun of shotgun, has covered seven Knight just right! 明亮而璀璨的火光从散弹枪的枪膛呼啸而出,正正好好覆盖了七名骑士 No. 4 Holy Water adds the shotgun, is this on This World some first people such plays?” 四号圣水加散弹枪,这是这个世界上第一次有人这么玩吧?” Marvin smiles is looking that the body of Evil Spirit Knight starts to collapse under the purest Holy Power function, receives without hesitation the spear|gun. 马文微笑着看着邪灵骑士的身体在最纯净的圣力作用下开始坍塌下去,毫不犹豫地把枪收好。 The next second, he crossed seven directly also in struggling Knight, the double blade in the hand, has fired into Moss Dungeon! 下一秒,他直接越过了七名还在挣扎的骑士,双刀在手,冲向了苔藓地牢 ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Second delivers! ps:第二更送上!
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