NR :: Volume #2

#184: Moss Dungeon

On tranquil Rot Plateau, evil spirits performs its own functions. ◇↓ 平静的腐烂高原上,邪灵们各司其职。◇↓ Digaogan sits in that senselessly to high Throne on, seems pondering anything. 狄高庚无趣地坐在那张至高王座上,似乎在沉思什么。 His bodyguard is silent, since he follows Digaogan to start, has not seen this Sir to leave Throne, even if half step. 他身旁的侍卫沉默不语,自从他追随狄高庚开始,就没有见过这位大人离开过王座,哪怕半步。 He sits there every time, motionless. 他每时每刻都坐在那里,一动不动。 Nearby Throne, is the forbidden area, if some people dare to approach, anyone, has a Ruin fate. 王座附近,更是禁区,如果有人胆敢靠近,无论是谁,都只有毁灭一个下场。 evil spirit does not have the curiosity, they will only obey, the order of Digaogan for them is the highest instruction. 邪灵是没有好奇心的,他们只会服从,狄高庚的命令对他们来说是最高的指令。 Nobody dares to go bad his custom. 没人胆敢坏他的规矩。 But Deceiver, is in history first. 欺诈者,是有史以来第一个。 However she is not evil spirit. 不过她并不是邪灵 She is still certainly looking for her younger brother, although does not know that what's the matter, since knew this point, wanted to find her is very easy.” “她一定还在找她的弟弟,虽然不知道怎么回事,不过既然知道了这一点,想要找到她还是很容易的。” In the Digaogan eye flashes through a cunning color, he closes both eyes, starts to attempt to relate in Fenan's Evil Spirit Messenger. 狄高庚的眼中闪过一丝狡黠之色,他闭上双眼,开始尝试联系一些在费南的邪灵使者 However at this time, in the sky suddenly has torn a seven color slit! 然而就在这个时候,天空中陡然撕裂了一道七彩的缝隙! Holy Spirit White Deer Lorante!” 圣灵白鹿洛兰特!” Digaogan opens both eyes fiercely, reveals smiling face that the plot prevails! 狄高庚猛地睁开双眼,露出阴谋得逞的笑容! You came finally, welcome.” “你总算来了,欢迎欢迎。” After seven color channels open, Lorante first walked from inside. 七彩的通道打开之后,洛兰特第一个从里面走了出来。 His Heaven chaste Holy Power, opened piece of fresh Domain in Rot Plateau directly. 他身上的天界纯洁圣力,直接在腐烂高原开辟出了一片清新的领域 This is the Heaven Deer unique ability! 这是天界鹿特有的能力! However this ability makes all evil spirit feel not to be feeling well. 然而这个能力却让所有的邪灵都感到不爽。 They are the products of negative energy, especially resists to Power of Order. 他们是负能量的产物,对秩序之力尤为抗拒。 Digaogan complexion is solemn, but then no longer haggles over the Lorante manner at once. 狄高庚面色冷峻,不过旋即便不再计较洛兰特的态度。 After all in his opinion. This arrogant Heaven Deer must degenerate into own crotch mount quickly. When the time comes, his Heaven Holy Power completely Conversion becomes strength of the purest contamination! 毕竟在他看来。这头高傲的天界鹿很快就要沦为自己的胯下坐骑了。到时候,他身上的天界圣力会全部转化成最纯粹的污秽之力! Energy and negative energy. Can pass fixed ceremony Conversion. But as Evil Spirit Landgraf Digaogan is skilled in this field of endeavor obviously. 正能量和负能量。是可以通过固定的仪式转化的。而身为邪灵领主狄高庚显然精通此道。 Gives me your stone, I will give back to you your child.” “给我你的石头,我会把你的孩子还给你。” Digaogan squeezes an ugly smiling face. 狄高庚挤出一丝难看的笑容。 However next second. His complexion stiff in same place. 然而下一秒。他的面色就僵在了原地。 Because behind in the Lorante seven color channels, walks a person unexpectedly! 因为洛兰特背后的七彩通道中,竟然又走出来一个人! That is elf, whole body sends out is making the person coveting over potential! 那是一个精灵,浑身散发着令人垂涎三尺的潜力! In the Digaogan eye, on Elven Prince over a thousand Blessing, each is one of the universe most precious Blessing. 狄高庚眼里,精灵王子身上的上千种祝福,每一项都是这个宇宙最珍贵的祝福之一。 You have violated our agreement probably.” Digaogan visits them maliciously: I did not mind.” “你好像违背了我们的约定。”狄高庚不怀好意地看着两人:“不过我并不介意。” Since came Rot Plateau, as Master, I definitely well will receive cordially you.” “既然来了腐烂高原,作为主人,我肯定会好好款待你们。” Ibo shrugs: Hope so.” 伊布耸了耸肩:“希望如此。” We were the idle talk little say!” “不过我们还是废话少说吧!” The body of Elven Martial Saint fell on the ground steadily, fiercely step on place, whole person just like shell. Has fired into Digaogan above Throne maliciously! 精灵武圣的身体稳稳地落在了地上,猛地一蹬地,整个人宛如炮弹似的。狠狠地冲向了王座之上的狄高庚 evil spirit all the way, was hit to fly with the brute force by him unexpectedly! 一路上的邪灵,竟然被他生生用蛮力撞飞! Innumerable evil spirit whinned the pitiful yell, Ibo, has a bloody road, killed in front of Digaogan directly. 数不清的邪灵哀嚎惨叫,伊布独自一人,生生杀出了一条血路,直接杀到了狄高庚面前。 Latter hā hā laughs looks at Ibo: Stupid elf.” 后者哈哈大笑地看着伊布:“愚蠢的精灵。” You think that you can be defeated to have me of entire world!?” “你以为你一个人就能打败坐拥整个世界的我吗!?” The body of Digaogan shakes, two doppelgänger appeared before Throne fiercely! 狄高庚的身体一抖,两个分身猛地出现在了王座之前! His This Venerable, still stubbornly sits above, motionless. 他的本尊,依然死死坐在上面,一动不动。 Ibo facing formidable Evil Spirit Landgraf, has not dreaded. Draws out longsword backhandedly! 伊布面对强大的邪灵领主,并没有畏惧。只是反手拔出一把长剑 This is quite exquisite the longsword structure, above is carving an especially unique pattern. 这把长剑构造极为精巧,上面雕刻着一个尤为独特的花纹。 Normally, Ibo little draws support from formidable weapon, because he does not need. However this Cross-plane challenges Evil Spirit Landgraf. In this fellow surface seems does not care at all, in fact has actually put out itself on the strongest weapon! 正常情况下,伊布很少借助强大的武器,因为他不需要。然而这一次跨位面挑战邪灵领主。这家伙表面上看上去满不在乎,实际上却拿出了自己身上最强的兵器! Before this is his mother passed away, leaves his treasure, has accompanied since him. 这是他母亲去世前留给他的宝物,一直陪伴他至今。 Before high elf leaves Fenan, god soldier who casts. Named Fengyao. 高等精灵离开费南之前铸就的神兵。名为【风燿】。 Elvish Nine Swords?” Digaogan has narrowed the eye slightly. 精灵九剑?”狄高庚微微眯了眯眼睛。 Congratulated you to guess right.” Ibo shrugs: „...... Actually I take out this handle sword, but to attract your attention.” “恭喜你猜对了。”伊布耸了耸肩:“不过嘛……其实我取出这柄剑,只是为了吸引你的注意力罢了。” The voice has not fallen. The meteor in the lasing from seven color tunnels, hit together suddenly maliciously to Digaogan This Venerable above Throne. 话音未落。一道流星陡然自七彩隧道中激射而出,狠狠地撞向了王座之上的狄高庚本尊 Ibo raises Fengyao. Also launched the ferocious attack to Digaogan that two doppelgänger. 伊布扬起风燿。也冲着狄高庚的那两个分身发起了猛烈的进攻。 Inheim!” 因海姆!” Digaogan on Throne startled and anger. 王座上的狄高庚又惊又怒。 The meteor pounds to fall, Digaogan actually gently lifts the left hand, the evil energy releases continuously, among moment, three dark green barriers in his side formation. 流星砸落,狄高庚却是轻轻一抬左手,邪恶的能量源源不断地释放出来,须臾间,三道墨绿色的屏障在他身边形成。 Meteor Falls! 流星坠落】! Legendary Martial Monk strong attack skill. 传奇武僧的超强进攻技能。 The blazing meteor carries Inheim to destroy the day extinguishes strikes, pounded maliciously in the barrier. 炽热的流星携带着因海姆毁天灭地般的一击,狠狠地砸在了屏障上。 However was expected that the large explosion has not occurred, Digaogan Strength deeply does not see the bottom, that blazing meteor was the bang broke the First Layer barrier unexpectedly merely, was blocked beyond the Second Layer barrier! 然而预料中的大爆炸并没有发生,狄高庚力量深不见底,那炽热的流星竟然仅仅是轰破了第一层屏障,在第二层屏障外被拦住了! Is better than Inheim, cannot threaten Digaogan unexpectedly! 强如因海姆,竟然也没能威胁到狄高庚 Evil Spirit Landgraf shows the cruel smiling face: Is very good, you dare to arrive at my world unexpectedly!” 邪灵领主露出残忍的笑容:“很好,你们居然都敢来到我的世界!” Lorante, I must thank you really well, hā hā hā hā!” 洛兰特,我真的要好好感谢你,哈哈哈哈!” Holy Spirit White Deer stands in same place, unemotionally said: You think that you did win?” 圣灵白鹿站在原地,面无表情地说:“你以为你赢定了吗?” No, making me tell you, today, is your time of death!” “不,让我来告诉你,今天,就是你的死期!” His behind Sea of Rot center, Burst leaves a terrifying vitality suddenly. 他身后的腐烂之海中央,陡然爆发出一股恐怖的生机。 Strength of this life grows healthy and strong unceasingly, has grown suddenly into a lofty tree! 这股生命的力量不断茁壮成长,眨眼间就长成了一棵参天大树! Seed of World Tree? Archdruid?” 世界树的种子?大德鲁伊?” Digaogan complexion somewhat was finally dignified. 狄高庚面色终于有些凝重了。 He can feel that entire Sea of Rot Strength is degenerating. 他能感觉到,整个腐烂之海力量在退化。 The World Tree seed, so precious treasure, under the activations of two Archdruid, is growing unceasingly. 世界树种子,如此珍贵的宝物,在两位大德鲁伊的激活下,不断生长着。 It has grown into a big tree, the air/Qi of big tree four surrounding contamination, were all pursued. Trim Sea of Rot. Starts to be purified! 它长成了一棵大树,大树四周围的污秽之气,全部被驱逐。整片腐烂之海。开始被净化! Unexpectedly dares to attempt to purify my world.” Going crazy of Digaogan air/Qi. “居然敢妄图净化我的世界。”狄高庚气的发疯。 His doppelgänger broke the Ibo's defense, has fired into that big tree maliciously. As well as big tree Archdruid on two unceasingly! 他的一个分身突破了伊布的防守,狠狠地冲向了那棵大树。以及大树上的两名不断施法的大德鲁伊 Cannot make the seed of Tree of the World continue to take root in this plane to germinate! 不能让世界之树的种子在这个位面继续生根发芽! However at this time, together strong winds curled up from the ground. Turned into ash-gray storm rapidly! 然而就在这个时候,一道狂风从地面上卷起。迅速变成了一阵灰色的风暴! In the storm, has a shadow of woman indistinctly. 风暴之中,隐约有一个女人的影子。 Digaogan doppelgänger is so formidable, is unable to resist the storm unexpectedly the attraction, had been attracted forcefully! 狄高庚分身如此强大,竟然都无法抵御风暴的吸引力,被强行吸了进去! Storm of Ashes! 灰烬风暴 All are involved in thing, will become piece of Ashes by Ruin. This is strongest Legendary sorcery that Hathaway develops, although Digaogan doppelgänger is formidable, but unexpected, was ripped the fragment! 一切卷入其中的事物,都会被毁灭成一片灰烬。这是海瑟薇开发出的最强传奇巫术,狄高庚分身虽然强大,但是猝不及防之下,还是被撕成了碎片! The World Tree seed continues to grow, this big tree cannot maintain too for a long time. After is not true World Tree. 世界树种子继续生长,这种大树并不能维持太久。毕竟不是真正的世界树 However in a short time, it can give the injury of Rot Plateau very terrifying, particularly is limiting the Digaogan Strength aspect, other things have not compared it to do was better. 但是在短时间内,它可以给予腐烂高原非常恐怖的伤害,尤其是在限制狄高庚力量方面,没有其他东西比它做的更好了。 After Ibo and Inheim attracted attention, immediately retreats, arrived in the range of World Tree brilliant ray. 伊布因海姆吸引了注意力之后,立刻退守,来到了世界树光辉照耀的范围之内。 In this range, they can obtain the continuous treatment and Strength addition. 在这个范围内,他们能得到源源不断的治疗和力量加成。 Lorante also restored Origin Body, starts to display excelling spell! 洛兰特也恢复了本体,开始施展一个又一个擅长的法术 evil spirits on Sea of Rot vanishes in puff of smoke entirely, tens of thousands of evil spirit such as the stray cur defeat runs away! 腐烂之海上的邪灵们统统灰飞烟灭,成千上万的邪灵如丧家之犬般败逃! But at this time. That seven color tunnel, finally was closed. 而在这个时候。那条七彩的隧道,才终于关闭了。 Digaogan lets somebody cool off or calm down is gazing at audiences Legendary: 狄高庚冷冷地注视着一众传奇: Martial Monk, elf, Sorcerer and Druid, have Heaven Deer.” 武僧精灵巫师德鲁伊、还有天界鹿。” To be honest, Rot Plateau since the establishment, has not had these many Legendary to visit.” “说实话,腐烂高原自从创立以来,都没有这么多传奇拜访过。” „It is not because they do not have interest. But because they do not dare to come. This is my world, I have inexhaustible Strength.” “不是因为他们没兴趣。而是因为他们不敢来。这是我的世界,我拥有无穷无尽的力量。” Your this is bringing on oneself Extinction.” “你们这是在自取灭亡。” The next second, he lifts hand. Shouting loudly: Douglas, my Knight Leader. Summoned my army!” 下一秒,他抬起手。高呼:“道格拉斯,我的骑士长。呼唤我的军队!” Rotten Knight came from void, he knees down: Compliant. My Sir.” 腐烂的骑士从虚空中而来,他单膝跪地:“遵命。我的大人。” He lifts up high a bugle, sounds suddenly. 他高举一只号角,猛然吹响。 The earth shook and heavens spun shook! 天摇地动! Entire Evil Spirit World, starts to shiver. A formidable summon strength, resounds through the body of each evil spirit. 整个邪灵世界,都开始颤抖。一股强大的召唤力,响彻每个邪灵的身体。 They well up boldly from Evil Spirit World each corner. 他们奋不顾身地从邪灵世界的每一个角落涌来。 Giants, from the Sea of Rot distant place, comes on foot. 一个个巨人,也从腐烂之海的远方,徒步而来。 Sees these giants, Hathaway immediately changed the color: 看到这些巨人,海瑟薇立刻变了颜色: „It is not good, is Corrupted Titan!” “不好,是腐化泰坦!” Awful, our plans were dangerous.” “糟糕,我们的计划危险了。” ...... …… Looked like they began!” “看起来他们已经动手了!” Marvin hides in the hidden place, looks innumerable evil spirit took a drug wells up toward the East, in heart clear. 马文躲在暗处,看着无数的邪灵吃了药似的往东方涌去,心中一目了然。 This is Digaogan is summoning all evil spirit. 这是狄高庚在呼唤所有的邪灵 This is his home field, he controls This World all Strength, the pressure that Legendary team faces is being infinity. 这是他的主场,他掌控着这个世界所有的力量,传奇小队面临的压力是无穷大的。 In fact, if Marvin does not know in Migratory Birds Council to have the seed of Tree of the World, he will not propose this plan. 事实上,马文如果不是知道候鸟议会手里有世界之树的种子,他是不会提出这个计划的。 That temporary World Tree, is Legendary team can constrain the only hope of Digaogan. 那棵临时的世界树,是传奇小队能够拖住狄高庚的唯一希望。 After all this is Evil Spirit Landgraf, strength is equal to weak Divine Power Deity, and This Venerable! 毕竟这可是邪灵领主啊,实力相当于微弱神力神明,而且还是本尊 Even if seven big Legendary on entire, is not necessarily able to kill he! 就算是七大传奇全上,都未必能杀的了他! Let alone in his world. 更何况是在他的世界了。 In Rot Plateau, Digaogan forever is in an impregnable position, because entire plane is transporting Strength for him, he is Planar King! 腐烂高原,狄高庚永远立于不败之地,因为整个位面都在为他输送力量,他是位面之王 He is unable to be killed. 他是无法被杀死的。 Therefore Marvin gives their Quest, constrains them merely. 所以马文交给他们的任务,也仅仅是拖住他们而已。 True Ruin Rot Plateau Quest, actually on Marvin! 真正毁灭腐烂高原任务,其实还是在马文自己身上! ...... …… However urgent matter, hurried to put small white deer to say again. 不过当务之急,还是赶紧把小白鹿们放出来再说。 He according to his memory, after passing the mushroom bridge, following the Rot Plateau continental margin to the west, has evaded evil spirits Reconnaissance. 他根据自己的记忆,度过蘑菇桥之后,顺着腐烂高原大陆边缘一路向西,躲过了邪灵们侦察 Finally saw own goal on a quite secret mountain. 最终在一处颇为隐秘的高山上看到了自己的目标。 That was a piece by piece variation moss! 那是一片片变异了的苔藓! Each piece of moss, 2-3 individuals so are high, they each other adhere, the only slit, is used for the Captivity person. 每一片苔藓,都有两三个人那么高,它们彼此黏连,唯一的缝隙,就是用来囚禁人的。 Moss Dungeon. 苔藓地牢 Digaogan specifically is used for the Captivity important criminal. 狄高庚专门用来囚禁重要的犯人的。 Above has with large army the hand, Evil Spirit Messenger guarding of Fourth Step Quasi-Legendary. 上面有重兵把手,还有一名四阶准传奇邪灵使者驻守。 Marvin deeply inspires, starts to approach secretly. 马文深吸一口气,开始暗暗靠近。 ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: First delivers, Burst, starting from early morning. Thanks everybody's firepower support! Asked to continue the monthly ticket ammunition to transport! ps:第一更送上,爆发,从凌晨开始。谢谢大家的火力支援!求持续月票弹药输送!
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