NR :: Volume #2

#183: March! Evil Spirit World

Rot Plateau?” 腐烂高原?” The Shadow Prince sound somewhat is obviously scruple. 阴影王子的声音明显有些迟疑。 I just obtained a news, that several Legendary that we have paid attention to are also we quiet for a long time old friends, as if started the new movement.” “我刚刚得到一个消息,我们一直关注的那几个传奇也就是我们沉寂已久的老朋友们,似乎开始了新动作。” Cause is not quite clear, after all misleading fog isolates between God Kingdom and Fenan, only what determines, they will go to Rot Plateau, looks for the trouble of Digaogan.” “起因不太清楚,毕竟是有一层迷雾隔绝在神界费南之间,不过唯一确定的是,他们会去一趟腐烂高原,找狄高庚的麻烦。” That sound appears entices very much: They are impossible to know that in my hand grasps is going to Rot Plateau secret passage.” 那个声音显得很诱惑:“他们不可能知道,我手里掌握着前往腐烂高原密道。” Glanos disdains saying: „Is secret passage also what kind of? Rot Plateau is Lower World, I most also can only go to doppelgänger. Inheim too restrained me, the matter of bringing contempt upon oneself, I will not do the second time. When has solved the trouble of Universe Magic Reservoir, I extinguished him with This Venerable again.” 格莱诺斯不屑道:“密道又怎样?腐烂高原下层世界,我最多也只能去一个分身因海姆太克制我了,自取其辱的事情,我不会做第二次。等到解决了宇宙魔池的麻烦,我再用本尊去灭了他。” Do not be anxious. This time, I and you go together.” “别紧张。这一次,我和你一起去。” The next second, a complexion outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted man appeared before the Glanos body. 下一秒,一个面色阴柔的男子出现在了格莱诺斯身前。 This is an exceedingly good opportunity, kills Seer Hathaway, we status on Council of the Gods will promote greatly.” “这是一个绝好的机会,杀死天醒者海瑟薇,我们在众神议会上的地位会大大提升。” Shadow is silent. 阴影沉默不语。 ...... …… In a Shrieking Mountain Range secret cavern. 尖叫山脉的一座秘密洞穴内。 onsen rolling braves the bubble. Zhu both eyes shut tightly, is repairing her body from void Strength. 温泉滚滚冒着泡。双眼紧闭,一股来自虚空的力量正在修复着她的身体。 The previous severe wound has not recovered, obtained Marvin to prepare to attack the Ogre Tribe news. She just prepared loot a burning house, finally has actually run into a bewildered woman. 上次重伤未愈,却得到了马文准备进攻食人魔部落的消息。她刚准备去趁火打劫呢,结果却遇到了一个莫名其妙的女人。 Although the Daniela strength is inferior to her, but the spell intensity is also quite powerful, moreover her style is very wild. Saw through her to have the wound completely in the body, to assign Bo command. 丹妮拉的实力虽然不如她,但是法术强度也是相当强悍,而且她的风格很狂放。完全就是看穿了她有伤在身,以命博命。 Zhu was constrained by her forcefully. 被她一个人强行拖住。 Afterward. After Ibo has solved Iron-armored Ogre, she has to retreat. Seeks the opportunity again. 以至于后来。当伊布解决了铁甲食人魔之后,她不得不退走。再寻时机。 Now, the opportunity came. Although Dame Sky Cyan continuously in deep sleep, since had found Marvin, condensed an eye to give Zhu. 现在,时机来了。天青大人虽然一直在沉睡,但是自从自己找到了马文之后,就凝聚出了一只眼睛送给了 This eye can induce, the Observation Marvin's whereabouts regularly. 这只眼睛可以定期感应、观察马文的行踪。 Bold fellow. This time as if wants a very dangerous place.” “胆大包天的家伙。这次似乎想要去一个很危险的地方呢。” The onsen water temperature continuously elevates, the menstruation in Zhu surface is also getting more and more thick. 温泉的水温不断升高,面上的红潮也越来越浓。 She can feel Extinguishing the World Double Snakes from Virtual Spirit World to Strength that oneself pour into! 她能感受到灭世双蛇虚灵界向自己注入的力量 Her Divine Power so has never rushed! 她的神力从未如此澎湃过! This is an exceedingly good opportunity!” “这是一个绝好的机会!” This group of people overreach oneself to try to challenge Evil Spirit Landgraf, just can while that several personal enemies who massacring to kill Sir Scarlet-Red.” “这帮人不自量力试图去挑战邪灵领主,刚好可以趁乱杀掉杀害赤红大人的那几个仇人。” Her 11 appear Marvin, Endless Ocean, Hathaway, Constantine and Shadow Thief Owlet also to have the Inheim form at present. 她的眼前11浮现过马文无尽之洋海瑟薇康斯坦丁影贼还有因海姆的身影。 These people, must die! 这几个人,都得死! huā lā la! 哗啦啦 The onsen water explodes suddenly, turns into everywhere the waterdrop to spray to four. 温泉水陡然爆炸开来,化成漫天的水滴向四周围喷洒出去。 Next second, naked ** Zhu raises slowly. 下一秒,赤身**的缓缓升起。 But in cavern stone wall. Were many innumerable slight holes. 而洞穴石壁上。却多了无数个细微的孔洞。 Strength has been increased to the Pseudo Legendary boundary. Although can only maintain three days of time, but sufficed absolutely.” “实力已经提升到伪传奇境界了。虽然只能维持三天时间,但是绝对够了。” In her eye is confident. 她的眼中信心满满。 Evil Spirit World is away from Fenan to be recent, but Rot Plateau is the Evil Spirit World skirmish, Digaogan initially established Rot Plateau the time, prepared for has further bribed Fenan's. He started innumerable has seeped Fenan's to move, although failed finally, but this has also left behind innumerable Fenan and Rot Plateau channel. 邪灵世界是距离费南最近的,而腐烂高原又是邪灵世界的前哨战,狄高庚当初建立腐烂高原的时候,就做好了进一步染指费南的准备。他曾经发动过无数次渗透费南的行动,虽然最终都失败了,但是这也留下了无数条费南腐烂高原的通道。 Double Snake Cult such organization, naturally also grasped several secret passages, can go to Rot Plateau. 双蛇教这样的组织,自然也掌握了几条秘密通道,可以前往腐烂高原 When the time comes. She can definitely wait for an opportunity to move. 到时候。她完全可以伺机行动。 Thinks of here, Zhu is hard to take itchy on some hearts. 一想到这里,就有些心痒难耐起来。 Marvin...... Is waiting for me......” 马文……等着我……” ...... …… In the dark cavern, Marvin is alone in the world, leads the way unceasingly. 幽暗的洞穴中,马文孑然一身,不断前行。 Compared with the south. This cavern is quite dry, perhaps because of this place already quite close Thousand-year Mountain Range reason. 和南方相比。这个洞穴较为干燥,或许是因为此地已经较为接近千年山脉的缘故。 Thousand-year Mountain Range is Northland and southern boundary, so long as crosses Thousand-year Mountain Range. Can arrive in Northland. 千年山脉北地和南方的分界线,只要越过千年山脉。就能抵达北地 The nameless cavern that he passes through now, exit / to speak of Gate of Disaster once was Digaogan establishment. 他现在穿越的这个无名洞穴,曾经是狄高庚一手建立的灾祸之门的出口。 That is the second evil spirit intrusion event. Afterward. With the efforts of Fenan numerous life, evil spirits was pursued. 那是第二次邪灵入侵事件。后来。在费南众生灵的努力之下,邪灵们被驱逐出去。 But this cavern. Also by the saint seal, can come from that side without any evil spirit. 而这片洞穴。也被圣者封印,没有任何邪灵能够从那边过来。 However what evil spirits does not know, this seal aims at evil spirit actually. 然而邪灵们所不知道的是,这个封印其实是针对邪灵的。 That channel not by Ruin, but is evil spirit is unable to come and go out, other human or creature, can actually communicate freely. 那条通道并没有被毁灭,只不过是邪灵无法出入,人类或者其他生物,却是可以自由来往。 This point, because uses the saint method of seal to be quite wise, Digaogan this person has not realized. 这一点,由于施展封印的圣者手段极为高明,就连狄高庚本人都没有察觉到。 For many years, this place has been abegging, therefore has left uncultivated. 多年来,此地一直无人问津,故而就荒废了下来。 But in game, after Great Cataclysm is very long, here accidentally was activated by some player. 而在游戏里,也是在大灾变很久之后,这里才被某个玩家偶然激活。 Later is a large-scale material piece Planar Journey: First, Evil Spirit World Opened. 之后就是一个大型资料片【位面征途:第一幕,邪灵世界】的开放了。 Also after this material piece opening, Marvin deeply understood Evil Spirit World. 也正是在这个资料片开放之后,马文才深入地了解到了邪灵世界 ...... …… Following tunnel downward, roughly after two hours, the dry cavern arrived in the end. 顺着隧道一路下行,约莫两个小时之后,干燥的洞穴才抵达了尽头。 That is a giant door, has 20 meters high fully! 那是一扇巨大的门,足有20米高! In the gate is hanging the rusty copper lock, locked is locked maliciously. 门上挂着生锈的的铜锁,锁被狠狠地锁上了。 In addition, the massive incantation words, the technique laws and seal calmly lie down above the front door, even if away from a distance, Marvin can also induce to the above formidable energy. 除此之外,大量的咒言、术法和封印静静地躺在大门之上,就算隔着一段距离,马文也能感应到上面强大的能量。 This leafed door, it is estimated that is Divine God, wants to open must spend very big time. 这扇门,估计就算是神灵,想要打开也要费很大的功夫。 Marvin naturally does not have this skill. 马文自然没有这个本事。 His vision looked to one side. 他的目光瞄向了一旁。 On mountain wall that in a piece was covered by the weed, Marvin had found a person of high door. 在一片被杂草掩盖的山壁上,马文找到了一座一人高的小门。 This door, is the genuine entrance. 这座小门,才是真正的入口。 In the gate is hanging lock, but has not locked, but symbolically is hanging. 门上挂着一把锁,但是并没有锁上,只是象征性地挂着。 Marvin deeply inspired, has taken down this lock. 马文深吸一口气,取下了这把锁。 Do not look at this locking average and not-so-wonderful, but also a little rusty appearance, so long as it hangs there, Evil Spirit World monster are unable to shove open this leafed door from that side! 别看这把锁平平无奇,还有点生锈的样子,但是只要它挂在那里,邪灵世界怪物们就无法从那边推开这扇门! Now Marvin takes down the lock, this gate turned bidirectional. 如今马文将锁取下,这道门就变成了双向的了。 Luckily evil spirits fell this place mostly, otherwise Marvin has not dared to take such danger. 幸亏邪灵们多半已经弃守此地,不然马文还真不敢冒这样的险。 Naturally. Let reason that he dares such to make, is on the body of that seven Legendary! 当然。让他敢这么做的原因,还是在那七位传奇的身上! They will attract Digaogan are as for entire Evil Spirit World all attention. Only by doing so, Marvin has opportunity to submerge secretly. Rescues white deer. 他们会吸引狄高庚乃至于整个邪灵世界的所有注意力。只有这样,马文才有机会偷偷潜入其中。救出白鹿们。 The next second, he opens the front door gently. 下一秒,他轻轻推开大门。 A rotten aura fills the air, making the person whole body ill. 一股腐烂的气息弥漫过来,让人浑身不适。 This is Evil Spirit World edge unique negative energy, exceed arrives at the center, this negative energy is stronger. 这是邪灵世界边缘特有的负能量,越到中央,这种负能量就越强。 evil spirit is in the universe most contamination dirtily and most negative energy concentration in the same place, creature that expedites. 邪灵是宇宙中最污秽肮脏、最负面的能量集中在一起,催生出的生物 The life or the dead souls, are Order and product of Chaos overlap \; But evil spirit, is the freak that their negative energies expedite. 生灵或死灵,都是秩序混乱交叠的产物\;而邪灵,是他们的负面能量催生出来的怪胎。 Detests, hate, envy and Slaughter...... All dirty mood, will stimulate to movement Evil Spirit World strength of root Sea of Evil Spirits. 憎恶、怨恨、嫉妒、杀戮……所有的肮脏情绪,都会催动邪灵世界的根源邪灵之海的壮大。 Therefore on chaos caused by war age. Sea of Evil Spirits dramatic expansion, innumerable evil spirit from is born. 所以每逢战乱年代。邪灵之海就会急剧扩张,无数个邪灵会从其中诞生。 But each chaos, will be born a character of Evil Spirit Landgraf rank! 而每一次大乱,就会诞生出一名邪灵领主级别的人物! Present Evil Spirit World, knows according to Marvin, at least has 19 Evil Spirit Landgraf, that is, Fenan at least experienced the 19 inferior cataclysm. 如今的邪灵世界,据马文所知,至少有十九邪灵领主,也就是,费南至少经历了十九次大动乱。 This also not including following that super cataclysm. 这还不包括接下来的那次超级大动乱。 The Universe Magic Reservoir disintegration, making the Fenan's negative energy reach the peak as the main material world, the energy that This World released will obtain dozens times of enhancements. Loses. 宇宙魔池的崩碎,让费南的负面能量达到了顶峰作为主物质世界,这个世界释放出的能量会得到几十倍的增强。无论是正是负。 Sea of Evil Spirits will expand at least one time. But this time, unprecedented evil spirit Ruling King will ferment from the sea. 邪灵之海会扩张至少一倍。而这一次,将有一个前所未有的邪灵君王从海中酝酿。 In fact, a prediction spread long ago in Evil Spirit World: 事实上,早在很久之前,一个预言就在邪灵世界流传开来: various gods violates the pledge. Ruling King raises from the sea , a evil spirit clan will rule Fenan finally 诸神违背誓约。君王自海中升起,邪灵一族终将君临费南 Is this prediction reasonable, Marvin does not know. Because before he passes through, that formidable evil spirit Ruling King also in ferments. various gods to carve up being heavily engaged that the domain hits in Fenan, dragon, Lich, fiend and daemon. Has aimed at Fenan the vision completely. 这个预言到底靠谱不靠谱,马文不知道。因为在他穿越之前,那位强大的邪灵君王还在海里酝酿。诸神为了在费南瓜分地盘打的不可开交,龙、巫妖魔鬼恶魔。全部将目光瞄准了费南 But the person who only saves, the weak one starts to attach to Deity, powerhouse starts to seek for Destiny Slate, attempts to murder the god or sealed as god, that is unprecedented tumultuous times! 而仅存下来的人,弱者开始依附神明,强者开始寻找命运石板,尝试弑神或者封神,那是一个前所未有的乱世! evil spirits also attempts to invade. 邪灵们也尝试入侵。 Marvin does not hope that such matter occurred again one time, although he could not prevent the collapse of Universe Magic Reservoir, but he had the means to let the invasion of Evil Spirit World late! 马文不希望这样的事情再发生一次,他虽然阻止不了宇宙魔池的崩溃,但是他有办法能让邪灵世界的入侵来的晚一点! That is Ruin Rot Plateau! 那就是毁灭腐烂高原 Thinks of here, he incomparably walked firmly. 想到这里,他坚定无比地走了进去。 After the gate, is gloomy sky. 门后是一片灰暗的天空。 He turned on the Demonoid Warlock skill column Disguise Spell. This Disguise Spell not only can change facial features of person, but can also change his own aura. 他开启了魔形术士技能栏中的【伪装术】。这个伪装术不仅可以改变一个人的面容,还可以改变他自身的气息。 The Disguise Spell priority is very high, should be able to deceive most evil spirit. 伪装术的优先度很高,应该可以欺骗过绝大多数的邪灵 The distant place, is one piece float the mainland in void. 远方,是一片悬浮在虚空中大陆。 But before his body, bridge that is constructed by giant mushrooms. 而在他身前的,则是由一朵朵巨型蘑菇构筑成的桥。 Each mushroom, each other is separated by almost one mile distance! 每一朵蘑菇,都彼此相隔着差不多一英里的距离! Bothers the bridge. 蘑菇桥。 The Marvin one breath, overran suddenly, his body fell on the first mushroom! 马文一口气,陡然冲了过去,他的身体落在了第一朵蘑菇上! Does not need him to catch up, a strong tension has passed through his body from bottom to top, his whole person just like exceeding others in ability jumps high, unexpectedly jumped one mile, incomparably fell on the second mushroom accurate! 不需要他发力,一股超强的弹力自下而上贯穿了他的身体,他整个人宛如超人般高高跃起,居然一口气跳出去了一英里,精准无比地落在了第二朵蘑菇上! If the reciprocation, Marvin's body straight up and down, gradual approach that mainland! 如是往复,马文的身体直上直下,渐渐接近了那片大陆! ...... …… South of Thousand-year Mountain Range, time one minute one second passes by. 千年山脉以南,时间一分一秒过去。 Three hours, similar.” “三个小时了,差不多了吧。” Hathaway is calculating the time silently. 海瑟薇默默地计算着时间。 Other people set out in abundance, look to Holy Spirit White Deer. 其余人纷纷起身,看向了圣灵白鹿 The latter nodded, took out Seven-colored Stone. 后者点了点头,取出了七彩石 everyone...... Asked!” 诸位……拜托了!” He deeply inspires, stimulated Seven-colored Stone instantaneously. 他深吸一口气,瞬间激发了七彩石 The next second, seven color tunnels appeared before them. 下一秒,一个七彩隧道出现在了他们面前。 Our these many person group fight Digaogan, did not use too politely.” “我们这么多人群殴一个狄高庚,不用太客气了哈。” Ibo sprinkles however smiles, first walked. 伊布洒然一笑,第一个走了进去。 Actually I already want to eradicate Rot Plateau this malignant tumor, but has suffered from not having the means.” “其实我早就想铲除腐烂高原这块毒瘤了,只不过一直苦于没有办法。” Inheim second walked, this Legendary Martial Monk has patted the shoulder of Holy Spirit White Deer rarely: 因海姆第二个走了进去,这位传奇武僧难得拍了拍圣灵白鹿的肩膀: Our these many people in the same place, are scared, should be Digaogan is.” “我们这么多人在一起,感到害怕的,应该是狄高庚才是。” Everybody walks, perhaps Digaogan has a dream has not thought that will have such one pleasantly surprised to drop from the clouds!” “大家走吧,狄高庚恐怕做梦也没想到,会有这么一个惊喜从天而降!” ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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