NR :: Volume #2

#182: water monster

West of Forest of a Thousand Leaves, in a limitless lake. 【 千叶之森以西,一片漫无边际的湖泊中。【 Here from Stone Giant Territory that Ibo once exiled, has a distance of mountain merely. 这里距离伊布曾经流放的石巨人领地,也仅仅有一座山的距离。 However these formidable stone giant, actually do not dare to step in this lake easily. 但是那些强大的石巨人们,却也不敢轻易涉足这片湖泊。 In fact, this is a stretch of deathtrap. 事实上,这是一片死地。 Adventurer passed on a message, nobody can live is coming back from the lakeside, this lake seemed caught some spell, it was gobbling up all the lives of person of going. 冒险者们传言,没有人能活着从湖边回来,这片湖仿佛被染上了某种魔咒,它吞吃着所有前往之人的性命。 Whenever beginning moonlight on, on lake surface the association is dense pink the mist. 每当月华初上之时,湖面上总会氤氲起粉红色的雾气。 This mist inspiration can make one have various illusions, loses. 这种雾气吸入会令人产生各种幻觉,失去自我。 This lake is called Eye of Sollo, After it is said is ancient evil god Sollo died, his left eye falls on Fenan Continent, finally turned into this lake. 这片湖泊被人们称为【索罗之眼】,据说是古代邪神索罗陨落之后,他的左眼落在了费南大陆上,最终化成了这片湖。 In the lake has had the hearsay that water monster appears and disappears. 湖里一直有水怪出没的传闻。 ...... …… Level of the lake above over a thousand feet airborne, huge magic carpet opens slowly. 湖面上方上千英尺的空中,一张巨大的魔毯缓缓张开。 Marvin and Hathaway calmly sit on magic carpet. 马文海瑟薇静静地坐在魔毯上。 But other people, already disappeared. 而其余人,早已不见踪影。 You were too bold.” Hathaway said suddenly. “你实在太大胆了。”海瑟薇突然说道。 Marvin slight bow. 马文微微点了点头。 She knows any meaning that Hathaway said. Rot Plateau, regarding Legendary powerhouse, is one noun that is worth awing. 她知道海瑟薇说的什么意思。腐烂高原,对于传奇强者们来说,都是一个值得敬畏的名词。 Digaogan, that is equal existence in Deity. 狄高庚,那可是相当于神明的存在。 However in the Marvin's plan, he actually wanted thorough Ruin entire Rot Plateau! 但是在马文的计划中,他竟然想要彻底毁灭了整个腐烂高原 Although people's actions to the Digaogan hates to the marrow of the bones, but Marvin's bold action, makes them have a scare. 虽然众人对狄高庚的所作所为都是恨之入骨,但是马文的大胆举动,还是让他们吓了一跳。 All people at heart are violating whisper, besides Ibo. 所有人都在心里犯嘀咕,除了伊布之外。 But Marvin convinced them finally with the help of Hathaway. 只不过马文最终说服了他们在海瑟薇的帮助下。 „Will the thing why you see be more than me?” “为什么你看到的东西会比我多?” She deeply looks at Marvin: I only saw Ruin. But you can actually see more things.” 她深深地看着马文:“我只看到了毁灭。可你却能看到更多的东西。” Marvin shrugs, facing this issue. What can he also say? 马文耸了耸肩,面对这种问题。他还能说什么? At that moment also can only hit hā hā saying: This I do not know that each after a period of time. Would some strange things entering my mind.” 当下也只能打哈哈道:“这我就不知道了,每过一段时间。总会有一些奇奇怪怪的东西进入我的脑海。” Hathaway was silent. 海瑟薇沉默了。 First time, Marvin sees she such heavyhearted appearance. 头一次,马文看到她这么忧心忡忡的样子。 Even if initially she and Inheim and the others collaborated to plan Shadow Prince, she has not had such nervousness. 就算当初她和因海姆等人联手算计阴影王子,她都没有出现这么紧张的情绪。 Hey, you must believe me. They can attain Gold Shears quickly. This sufficiently proved thing that I see real.” “嘿,你要相信我。他们很快就能拿到金剪子了。这就足以证明我看到的东西是真的。” Marvin grips the hand of Hathaway gently: They believe me. According to my plan, the children who we can certainly rescue Sir Lorante, then Ruin entire Rot Plateau, to an entire Evil Spirit World warning.” 马文轻轻握住海瑟薇的手:“他们会相信我。按照我的计划,我们一定能救出洛兰特大人的孩子们,然后毁灭整个腐烂高原,给整个邪灵世界一个警告。” Hathaway body slightly one stiff, but complexion is actually slightly slow: I am worried is not this.” 海瑟薇身体微微一僵,但是面色却是稍缓:“我担心的不是这个。” What I am worried is you.” “我担心的是你。” „Can you really with us together?” “你真的要跟我们一起么?” Marvin looks at her eye: Believes me, except for me. Nobody can mix in Rot Plateau quietly, but was not realized.” 马文看着她的眼睛:“相信我,除了我。没人能悄悄混入腐烂高原而不被人察觉。” „The Legendary aura was too intense, as soon as you enter Rot Plateau, will be realized by Digaogan, but I, is different.” 传奇们的气息实在太强烈了,你们一进入腐烂高原,就会被狄高庚察觉,而我,则不一样。” I most rescue the white deer best candidate.” “我是最搭救白鹿们的最好人选。” Hathaway shook the head: I have one unlucky premonition. My rather they could not find Gold Shears.” 海瑟薇摇了摇头:“我有一种不祥的预感。我宁愿他们找不到金剪子。” Marvin bursting out laughing. 马文哑然。 At this time, under them continuously tranquil Eye of Sollo Raises the dreadful rough sea waves suddenly! 就在这个时候,他们下方一直平静的【索罗之眼】陡然掀起滔天巨浪! Were covered with the tentacle of hangnail to overshoot from the lake surface, subsequently was a huge form! 一条条长满了倒刺的触手从湖面上冲了出来,继而是一个庞大的身影! Originally is octopus monster!” “原来是一个章鱼怪!” The Ibo's laughter transmits from under. 伊布的笑声从下方传来。 The next second, the trim lake surface was frozen. 下一秒,整片湖面都被冻结。 Endless Ocean that just finished calmly stood in the lakeside, looks at that struggling octopus monster. Said to Ibo: 刚刚施法完毕的无尽之洋静静地站在湖边,看着那头挣扎的章鱼怪。对伊布说: It said that it has the name, known as Rom.” “它说它有名字,叫做鲁姆】。” It once was Nature Ancient God pet, had certain origin with Sir Lorante.” “它曾经是自然古神宠物,和洛兰特大人有一定的渊源。” Holy Spirit White Deer stands in the shore similarly, looks at angry Rom. On his face also reveals one, but color. 圣灵白鹿同样站在岸边,看着愤怒的鲁姆。他的脸上也露出一丝无奈之色。 This fellow is indeed same as him, had served Nature Ancient God. But is descends to earth with him passively differently, Rom was left Heaven very much long time ago before the Nature Ancient God deep sleep. 这家伙的确和他一样,曾经侍奉过自然古神。只不过和他是被动下凡不同,鲁姆是很早就离开了天界自然古神沉睡之前。 The Rom natural disposition is savage. He hides in Eye of Sollo avoids investigation of Nature Ancient God, but has not thought that such easily was given to look by Marvin. 鲁姆的本性凶残。他躲在索罗之眼中躲避自然古神的追查,只不过没想到被马文这么轻易地就给找了出来。 In his belly. Is hiding handle Gold Shears. Their trip go to the Evil Spirit Plane most important thing. 他的肚子里。就藏着一柄金剪子。他们此行前往邪灵位面最重要的东西。 Mean white deer, you look for these many helpers unexpectedly...... pū! “卑鄙的白鹿,你竟然找来这么多帮手……噗! The octopus monster sound has not said. The fierce ache transmits from his abdomen. 章鱼怪的声音还没说完。剧烈的疼痛就从他的腹中传来。 The meteor from bottom to top, penetrated the Rom body together directly, has knocked out a blood hole on him! 一道流星自下而上,直接穿透了鲁姆的身躯,在他身上生生凿出了一个血洞! The Martial Monk tall and strong body fell on the head of monster Rom steadily, whatever these tentacles were brandishing unceasingly, is actually not able to affect his motion. 武僧魁梧的身躯稳稳地落在了怪物鲁姆的脑袋上,任由那些触手不断地挥舞着,却无法影响他的行动。 Hands over Gold Shears.” Inheim said calmly. “把金剪子交出来。”因海姆平静地说。 The Rom anger exclaimed: Gave up any idea of!” 鲁姆怒吼道:“休想!” However the next second, his whinning sound sticks out suddenly immediately! 然而下一秒,他的哀嚎声顿时暴起! Because in the lake, a natural shadow has constrained his tentacle, then catches up suddenly! 因为就在湖泊,一个潇洒的影子生生地拖住了他的一只触手,然后猛然发力! Ibo unexpectedly such stiffly a tentacle of monster Rom extracting downward! 伊布居然就这么硬生生把怪物鲁姆的一只触手给拔了下来! In an instant, dripping with blood! 刹那间,鲜血淋漓! The pitiful roar is continuous. 凄惨的吼声连绵不绝。 ...... …… How you ask some people not to help again your.” “你再怎么叫也不会有人帮你的。” On magic carpet, broadcasts the sound that Marvin teased: „The woman of my side the cloth near Eye of Sollo has gotten down tertiary sound-insulated forming world.” 魔毯上,传来马文调侃的声音:“我身边的这位女士已经在索罗之眼附近布下了三重隔音结界。” You want to run away do not have place to run away. The lake surface has iced up.” “你想逃也没地方逃。湖面已经结冰。” Sky was also blocked, as for you around four, you can have a look greatly.” “天空也被封锁,至于你四周围,你大可以自己看看。” Hands over Gold Shears, we do not have too many Patience.” “交出金剪子吧,我们没有太多耐心。” ...... …… Rom pain is about to collapse! 鲁姆疼的快崩溃了! His whole life never such aggrieved! 他这辈子从来没有这么憋屈过! As one of the Nature Ancient God Attendant, he in Heaven, is very sight. 作为自然古神侍奉者之一,他在天界的时候,也是很风光的。 Afterward arrived at the world of mortals, by his strength, unmanned prevented. 后来了来到了凡间,以他的实力,更加无人阻挡了。 If not dread that big god in Forest of a Thousand Leaves. Perhaps he already unscrupulously developed in this piece. 如果不是忌惮千叶之森里的那尊大神。他恐怕早就肆无忌惮地在这一片发展开来了。 But he has not thought that oneself little darling is staying in the lake. Occasionally ate several people of passing by, unexpectedly will also look for the unexpected misfortune! 只不过他没有想到,自己乖乖在湖里呆着。偶尔吃几个路过的人,居然也会找来无妄之灾! Just like Marvin said. The lake surface had been blocked by Endless Ocean, the lake bottom iced up. 正如马文所说。湖面已经被无尽之洋封锁,就连湖底都结冰了。 In the sky, huge goshawk is soaring slowly. 天空上,一只巨大的苍鹰正缓缓飞翔。 He recognizes this eagle, Wrath of the Firmaments! Northland Archdruid, the strength is even more intrepid than Endless Ocean! 他认得这头老鹰,苍穹之怒北地大德鲁伊,实力甚至比无尽之洋还要强悍! But the Martial Monk on oneself head, is arbitrary does not make sense, his body just like Vajra, can drag unexpectedly directly from the lake bottom oneself! 而自己脑袋上的这位武僧,更是蛮横的不像话,他的身体宛若金刚,竟然能直接把自己从湖底拖出来! But that elf of ashore, is rare incomparable. Although this fellow seems Martial Monk is not hale and hearty. However intrinsic, is always hiding a terrifying Burst strength, making people be hard to neglect. 而岸上的那个精灵,也是罕见无比。这家伙虽然看上去不似武僧那么硬朗。但是内在里,总藏着一股恐怖爆发力,让人难以忽视。 That Legendary Sorcerer that not to mention has not gotten rid, as well as own old friend, Holy Spirit White Deer Lorante. 更别提还没有出手的那个传奇巫师,以及自己的老朋友,圣灵白鹿洛兰特 One had been surrounded. These many super powerhouse are assemble, actually do they want to do? 自己已经被包围了。这么多超级强者齐聚一堂,他们究竟想干嘛? Rom said difficultly: I do not know any Gold Shears.” 鲁姆艰难地说:“我不知道什么金剪子。” Marvin said callously: Pulled out one to know again.” 马文冷酷地说:“再拔一根就知道了。” Ibo shrugs, the form like the electricity, held another tentacle of water monster suddenly, must tear off her shortly. 伊布耸了耸肩,身影如电,猛然抓住了水怪的另外一条触手,眼看就要生生地把她拔下了。 This action frightens Rom again and again to stop! 这个举动吓得鲁姆连连叫停! Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” Ibo lets go. 伊布松手。 Marvin shows a smile: Mr. Rom. We have no intention with you for enemy actually. I know initially you secretly descended to earth, once took Gold Shears of Sir Nature Ancient God, this thing to you useless, at least. Isn't worth compensating a life for it?” 马文露出一个微笑:“鲁姆先生。我们其实无意和你们为敌。我知道当初你偷偷下凡的时候,曾经拿了自然古神大人的一把金剪子,这东西对你来说没用,至少。不值得为它赔上一条性命吧?” Rom is silent. 鲁姆默然。 After a while, he said difficultly: If I give you it, you will put me?” 过了一会,他艰难地说:“如果我把它给你们,你们就会放了我?” Marvin looks to other people. The people are the appearances that listens to itself to arrange. 马文看向其他人。众人都是一副听自己安排的样子。 At that moment he nodded. 当下他点了点头。 Rom tentacle round trip, thorough hypogastric. Shortly, radiant golden light have shone. 鲁姆的一条触手往回一拉,深入腹下。没多久,一片璀璨的金光就亮了起来。 Small scissors. Appeared on his tentacle. 一把小小的剪刀。就出现在了他的触手上。 Gold Shears, succeeded in obtaining. 金剪子,到手了。 The people reveal a happy expression. Marvin said that really real! 众人都是露出一丝喜色。马文说的,果然都是真的! ...... …… Gold Shears, is Nature Ancient God God Tool. 金剪子,是自然古神神器 After finding Gold Shears, the people have let off water monster Rom as promised, left Forest of a Thousand Leaves. 找到金剪子之后,众人如约放过了水怪鲁姆,离开了千叶之森 Gold Shears was given Marvin, because of this thing, was used by him. 金剪子被交给了马文,因为这件东西,本来就是由他来使用的。 After removing the golden light, this seems average and not-so-wonderful scissors, who can know that this is one can shear plane terrifying God Tool! 去掉金光之后,这把剪刀看上去平平无奇,但又有谁能知道,这是一把能够剪断一个位面恐怖神器 Since Gold Shears succeeds in obtaining, we move.” “既然金剪子到手,我们行动吧。” The group arrived at the Eye of Sollo north, that is close Thousand-year Mountain Range place, the south and Northland dividing line. 一行人来到了索罗之眼的北方,那是接近千年山脉的地方,南方和北地的分野。 Here, secret bridges, can lead to Rot Plateau private, this is a rugged trail, the trail goes directly to the Rot Plateau peripheral zone. 在这里,有一座秘密桥梁,可以私密通往腐烂高原,这是一条崎岖的小径,小径直达腐烂高原的边缘地带。 According to Marvin refers, through this bridge, he can find Captivity white deer quickly Moss Dungeon, Completes the first part of plan. 马文所指,通过这座桥梁,他可以很快找到囚禁白鹿们的【苔藓地牢】,完成计划的第一部分。 Was good, I walk first one step. After three hours, almost you can begin.” “好了,我先走一步。三个小时之后,差不多你们就可以动手了。” The front is a diminutive cavern, Marvin clashes the people to wave with a smile, has drilled into the cavern without hesitation. 前方是一个矮小的洞穴,马文笑着冲众人挥了挥手,毫不犹豫地钻入了洞穴之中。 Seven big Legendary stand in front of cavern silently, looks at Marvin's form Vanish in the cavern. 七大传奇默默站在洞穴面前,看着马文的身影消失在洞穴中。 Long time, Endless Ocean lowered the lowland to sigh one: Hopes smoothly all.” 良久,无尽之洋才低低地叹了一句:“但愿一切顺利。” At this time, Hathaway at present, flashes through a strange picture suddenly. 就在这个时候,海瑟薇的眼前,忽然闪过一片古怪的景象。 She saw that Marvin from crashes void, finally fell to bottomless Abyss! 她看到,马文从虚空坠落,最终坠向了无底深渊 She stared in a big way both eyes suddenly, however the next second, these illusion Vanish did not have the trace. 她猛然瞪大了双眼,然而下一秒,这些幻觉消失无踪。 This certainly not real.” “这一定不是真的。” Her forehead has filled the sweat. 不知不觉间,她的额头已经充满了汗水。 ...... …… Some God Kingdom corner, piece of Shadow was cursing anything. 神界某个角落,一片阴影正在咒骂着什么。 At this time, a sound suddenly transmitted from the distant place, spread to that piece of Shadow moral nature directly: 就在这个时候,一个声音突然从远方传来,直接传入了那片阴影的心底: Glanos, my Discovery very interesting matter.” 格莱诺斯,我发现一个很有趣的事情。” You had opportunity of revenging probably.” “你好像有报仇的机会了。” Shadow shivers: Goes to you * mother *! The father is being chased down by Sir Moon Goddess now, found a place to hide with great difficulty, do not look for trouble for me.” 阴影一阵颤抖:“去你*妈*的!老子现在正在被月神大人追杀,好不容易找到一个地方躲起来,别给我找麻烦。” Not.” That sound is bringing schadenfreude obviously: You can definitely go to the place outside God Kingdom to lie low until something blows over.” “不不不。”那个声音明显带着一丝幸灾乐祸:“你完全可以去神界之外的地方避避风头嘛。” For example, Rot Plateau.” “比如,腐烂高原。” ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: First delivers! The monthly ticket list 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 numbers of votes are quite close == I give a try today, can Burst, not good tomorrow's certain Burst, ask everybody to continue the firepower support today first brazeily. ps:第一更送上!月票榜7、8、9、10、11的票数都好接近啊==我今天试试看,能不能爆发,今天不行明天一定爆发,先厚颜求大家继续火力支援了。
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