NR :: Volume #2

#181: Gold Shears

On the wilderness of Desolate lonesome nobody, storm raises baseless! 荒寂无人的原野上,一阵风暴凭空升起! terrifying the strength of Ruin, sweeps across the world, the entire world indistinctly is shivering.... 恐怖毁灭之力,席卷天地,整个世界都在隐约颤抖。… The ash-gray storm revolves unceasingly, everywhere one visit, the vegetation completely was all devastated. 灰色的风暴不断旋转,所到之处,草木尽皆被摧残。 Originally after also wilderness of one sight of green the storm has swept, only remaining pieces in confusion. 原本还一片绿意的原野被风暴扫过之后,只剩下一片狼藉。 The storm center, a beautiful female stopped spell slowly. 风暴中央,一个美丽的女子缓缓中止了法术 Finally trial test successfully, new Legendary spell Storm of Ashes.” “总算初步试验成功了,新的传奇法术灰烬风暴】。” Was the time goes back to have a look.” “是时候回去看看了。” Hathaway looks on the wilderness by cutting the skin several meters soil, has shown the satisfactory look. 海瑟薇看着原野上被刮破的十几米的泥土,露出了满意的神色。 This merely is the Storm of Ashes embryonic form, she has confidence, transforms again, this Legendary spell can be stronger. 这仅仅是灰烬风暴的雏形而已,她有把握,再加以改造,这个传奇法术可以更强。 Coordinates her Legendary Specialty Limitless Overlay With Legendary Insta-cast This spell can leave quite terrifying Strength in instantaneous Burst! 配合她的传奇专长无限叠加】和【传奇瞬发】这个法术可以在瞬间爆发出相当恐怖力量 These days she has hidden in Half-Plane that in oneself just developed, is studying this spell. 这段时间她一直躲在自己刚开拓的半位面中,就是在研究这个法术 Was the time returns to Tower of Ashes. 是时候返回灰烬之塔了。 The next second, she pulls open together transmission gate, returned to Tower of Ashes most upper layer. 下一秒,她拉开一道传送门,返回了灰烬之塔的最高层 Who knows that she just passing through the gate, saw that group of dark-green leap(ing) of Flame unceasingly in the fireplace. 谁知道她刚一进门,就看到了那一团碧绿色火焰在壁炉里不断跳跃着。 She frowns slightly, looks at the Flame color, this group of Flame are one day ago sends out. 她微微蹙眉,看火焰的颜色,这团火焰是一天之前发出的了。 Is Marvin had an accident? 难道是马文出了什么事? She opens out green Flame with the hand gently, the Flame center, has revealed the Marvin's face immediately. 她轻轻用手拨开绿色的火焰,火焰中央,顿时露出了马文的脸庞。 How?” She asked. “怎么了?”她问。 „, You finally had response.” Marvin in Flame appears slurred: I am organizing plane to travel, the destination is Rot Plateau. You interested?” “啊,你总算有回应了。”火焰中的马文显得模糊不清:“我在组织一趟位面旅行,目的地是腐烂高原。你有兴趣么?” The Hathaway brow wrinkles was deeper: „Are you doing something?” 海瑟薇眉头皱的更深了:“你在搞什么名堂?” This matter in a few words cannot be able to talk clearly.” Marvin blinked: You know where can find me.” “这件事可不是三言两语能说得清楚的。”马文眨了眨眼睛:“你知道在哪里可以找到我。” While convenient, helping me contact with Sir Inheim.” “顺便,帮我联系一下因海姆大人吧。” I think did not need to be exhausted he. However from comes at present, we truly need his help.” “原本我以为不需要劳烦他了。但是从目前来开,我们确实需要他的帮忙。” Flame stops suddenly. 火焰戛然而止。 We?” The doubts of Hathaway heart were deeper. “我们?”海瑟薇心头的疑惑更深了。 Flame on fireplace condensed a crystal finally. This crystal record a Coordinate. 壁炉上的火焰最终凝聚成了一颗结晶。这个结晶记录着一个坐标。 Unexpectedly is White Deer Cave?” “居然是白鹿洞穴?” Hathaway scanned gently inside Coordinate. The complexion immediately changed. 海瑟薇轻轻扫描了一下里面的坐标。脸色立刻就变了。 She hesitated slightly, finally has not traded including the clothes, in a hurry went out. 她微微犹豫了一下,最终连衣服都没有换,就匆匆出了门。 ...... …… After quite a while. 半天之后。 In White Deer Cave, the people sit at a round table. The atmosphere is somewhat strange. Everyone mutually is sizing up. 白鹿洞穴中,众人坐在一张圆桌旁。气氛有些古怪。每个人都相互打量着。 Only has Marvin to be self-poise. 唯有马文镇定自若。 As Master, Holy Spirit White Deer Lorante appears likes a cat on hot bricks specially. 作为主人,圣灵白鹿洛兰特显得特别局促不安。 To be honest, I have not thought really...... You can look for four unexpectedly.” “老实说,我真没想到……你居然能找来四个。” He smiles bitterly is looking at Marvin. 他苦笑着看着马文 How do you achieve?” “你是怎么做到的?” The awkward atmosphere is alleviated temporarily. 尴尬的气氛暂时得以缓解。 On the round table, the people are with the smile of good intentions to the Lorante words. 圆桌上,众人都对洛兰特的话报以善意的微笑。 Near the left hand of Lorante, sits Marvin's acquaintance Archdruid Endless Ocean. 洛兰特的左手边,坐着马文的一个熟人大德鲁伊无尽之洋】。 She once bestowed Virtual Godhead to give Marvin, both sides are away from previous time meet. Actually also not long. 她曾经赠送了一枚虚拟神格马文,双方距离上次见面。其实也没有多久而已。 But the Endless Ocean actually Marvin summon, she is Holy Spirit White Deer mouth one of several friends. 只不过无尽之洋倒不是马文呼唤的,她是圣灵白鹿口中的几个朋友之一。 Lorante another friend also arrived similarly. He sits near the right hand of Holy Spirit White Deer, is seems very genial gentle old person. 洛兰特的另外一个朋友同样也到场了。他坐在圣灵白鹿的右手边,是个看上去很和善慈祥的老人。 His nickname is Wrath of the Firmaments, Like Endless Ocean, Wrath of the Firmaments is northern Migratory Birds Council one similarly. 他的外号是【苍穹之怒】,和无尽之洋一样,苍穹之怒同样是属于北方候鸟议会的一员。 Archdruid, Legendary boundary! 大德鲁伊,传奇境界! But besides Endless Ocean and Wrath of the Firmaments, other people, was the people who Marvin found. 而除了无尽之洋苍穹之怒外,其余的人,就都是马文找来的人了。 ...... …… First is Elven Prince Ibo. 第一位是精灵王子伊布 He after receiving the Marvin news, first rushed to White Deer Cave. 他在接到马文消息之后,第一时间赶到了白鹿洞穴 This fellow other did not say. Is fearless, dares a person to select Antiquity Red Dragon, will be afraid Evil Spirit Landgraf? 这家伙别的不说。就是天不怕地不怕,敢一个人去挑太古红龙,又怎么会害怕一个邪灵领主 Then is Shadow Thief Owlet. 然后就是影贼 Legendary Thief expressed that does not have to this matter interest, but Marvin has used small means. Let him catch up obediently. 传奇盗贼表示对这种事情一点兴趣也没有,只不过马文用了一个小办法。让他乖乖赶了过来。 Other two were being silent Martial Monk Inheim and look bad Hathaway. 另外的两位就是沉默不语的武僧因海姆和眼神不善的海瑟薇了。 Besides Marvin, presents altogether seven Legendary! 除了马文之外,在座一共七位传奇 Also Lorante was a little no wonder surprised. 也难怪洛兰特有点吃惊了。 He can only find two Legendary helpers, but the Marvin one breath shouted four to him! 他自己只能找到两个传奇帮手,但是马文却一口气给他喊来了四个! And slick fox. A strength endures compared with the Deity dauntless man arbitrarily, another two were potential new promote Legendary. 其中一个老油条。一个实力蛮横堪比神明的硬汉,另外两个都是极具潜力的新晋传奇 Such lineup. Let alone East Coast, entire south was difficult to collect one set. 这样的阵容。别说东海岸了,整个南方都再难凑出一套来。 However the Marvin's reply makes him more speechless: 然而马文的回答让他更加无语: Estimate is six. Has a fellow Molten Fire Landgraf that and braves suddenly in the north to slaughter. He me told that could not catch up mostly, but will have similar activity to shout him next time.” “预计是六个。有个家伙在北方和突然冒出来的熔火领主厮杀。他跟我说多半是赶不过来了,不过下次有类似的活动务必喊他。” However another, he does not have the means to arrive similarly, therefore he has delivered this to me.” “而另外一位,他同样没办法到场,所以他给我送了这个。” Marvin laid out just succeeded in obtaining Purple Brilliance. 马文摆了摆刚刚到手的【紫耀】。 This thing is Constantine makes grand eagle deliver from afar. Together also has entire set equipment to prepare, as well as two rounds Dragon Fang, A round First Glimmers of Dawn. 这东西是康斯坦丁让一头巨鹰千里迢迢送过来的。一同的还有全套装备,以及两发【龙牙】,一发【晨曦】。 Constantine this person does not have the means to participate in this battle path, but as the Marvin's creditor, this fellow it is said is lest the Marvin's small physique cannot shoulder the devastation of evil spirits, incautiously has hung in this travel, therefore has delivered beloved weapon generously. However Marvin knows that this fellow is only on the mouth poor. The middle-aged uncle very much looks after to oneself. 康斯坦丁本人没办法参与这次征途,不过作为马文的债主,这家伙据说是唯恐马文的小身板扛不住邪灵们的蹂躏,一不小心在这次旅行中挂了,于是慷慨地把心爱的武器送了过来。不过马文知道,这家伙只是嘴上贫罢了。中年大叔对自己还是很关照的。 But another, is in the Marvin mouth in the north and Molten Fire Landgraf fights, naturally is O'Brien. 而另外一位,也就是马文口中在北方和熔火领主打架的,自然就是奥布雷恩 As the Night Traveler's leader, O'Brien does not need to doubt formidable that the Marvin preparation called him and Hathaway then. 作为夜行人的领袖,奥布雷恩的强大无需置疑,原本马文准备叫上他和海瑟薇即可。 Has not thought that temporarily had some conditions, O'Brien, although is interested in the Marvin's plan very much, but really cannot leave. 没想到临时出了些状况,奥布雷恩虽然对马文的计划很感兴趣,但是实在是抽不开身。 Marvin but, can only attempt to make Hathaway transmit some own ideas to Inheim, has not thought that this Legendary Martial Monk has free time unexpectedly really! 马文无奈之下,只能尝试让海瑟薇因海姆传达了一些自己的想法,没想到这位传奇武僧居然真的有空! Inheim strength. Was not worse than O'Brien, had him. This Marvin's plan were also many a insurance. 因海姆的实力。不比奥布雷恩差,有了他。这次马文的计划又多了一道保险。 ...... …… Good everyone, we did not waste the time.” “好了诸位,我们就不浪费时间了。” Marvin has stood. Looked to the people: Thanked you to come here, perhaps before then you knew some contents of this plan, but that was not very obviously comprehensive.” 马文站了起来。看向了众人:“非常感谢你们能够来到这里,或许在此之前你们已经知道了本次计划的一些内容,但是那显然不够全面。” Please permit me, introduced the long and short of the story of matter, then, we discussed my plan again.” “请允许我,把事情的来龙去脉介绍一遍,然后,我们再来谈我的计划。” The people look at Marvin silently, a marvelous feeling flood opens in their moral nature. 众人默默地看着马文,一种奇妙的感觉在他们心底泛开。 Present is the Legendary characters. However stands there is incessant, is actually Third Step small Ranger. 在座的都是传奇人物。但是站在那里滔滔不绝的,却是一个三阶的小游侠 This feeling somewhat is simply absurd. 这种感觉简直有些荒谬。 However this matter actually occurred, this makes Holy Spirit White Deer feel especially inconceivable. 然而这件事情却发生了,这尤其让圣灵白鹿感到不可思议。 Hopes he really and in myths is so mysterious. Can help me rescue the children.” “希望他真的和传说中的那么神奇。能帮我救回孩子们吧。” In the Lorante heart thinks silently. 洛兰特心中默默想到。 ...... …… After 20 minutes, Marvin's spoke. 20分钟之后,马文的发言完毕。 The people look at each other in blank dismay, has saying that they by the Marvin this crazy and bold plan frightening! 众人都是面面相觑,不得不说,他们被马文这个疯狂而大胆的计划给吓到了! Shadow Thief Owlet first jumps to oppose: 影贼第一个跳出来反对: I did not have the interest to this motion suddenly. Little Marvin, you send invitation to me did not say.” “我突然对这次行动没兴趣了。小马文,你给我发邀请函的可不是这么说的。” Marvin hollow laugh: How did I say?” 马文干笑一声:“我是怎么说的?” Shadow Thief Owlet takes out Thousand Paper Cranes to lose on the table, above sees only writes with the crooked typeface: 影贼取出一只千纸鹤丢在桌子上,只见上面用歪歪斜斜的字体写着: 【A Rot Plateau one day tour, bestows Digaogan to serve as a tool randomly God Tool 腐烂高原一日游,随机赠送狄高庚御用神器 You with me ensure can go to the Digaogan hidden treasure hole to steal a happiness, in this case, I rescue several adorable small white deer conveniently but actually am not the issue.” “你跟我保证能去狄高庚藏宝洞里偷个痛快,这样的话,我顺手救几头可爱的小白鹿倒也不是什么问题。” But you just planned. Is declaring war to Evil Spirit World simply!” “但你刚刚的计划。简直是在向邪灵世界宣战!” You know that what you were saying?” “你知道自己在说什么么?” Owlet said very much discontentedly. 很不满地说。 Marvin said earnestly: I know certainly that I was saying anything.” 马文认真道:“我当然知道我在说什么。” In fact, if merely is the children who rescues Mr. Lorante, I do not need you to gather.” “事实上,如果仅仅是救出洛兰特先生的孩子们,我并不需要你们所有人聚集在一起。” Digaogan in seeping Fenan, he is in Evil Spirit Landgraf most active one. We remove him, was equal to giving a Evil Spirit World warning.” 狄高庚一直在渗透费南,他是邪灵领主中最活跃的一个。我们除掉他,等于给了邪灵世界一个警告。” His are the wicked matters of these year of doing few? Is what allowed that he so is wild? Is insufficient because of just Strength?” “他这些年做的恶事还少吗?是什么容许他还这么猖狂?是因为正义的力量不够吗?” The Marvin's sound is one by one resounding: „It is not. But is everyone does not have the wish to cooperate.” 马文的声音一句比一句响亮:“都不是。只不过是诸位没有意愿合作而已。” Sir Owlet, I promised you. You will have enough much time to visit Digaogan Treasury, the premise is you according to my plan motion.” 大人,我向你保证。你会有足够多的时间光顾狄高庚宝库,前提是你按照我的计划行动。” Owlet shrugs. No longer makes noise. 耸了耸肩。不再出声。 Marvin looked to Ibo, Elven Prince has shrugged: I do not have the issue. Recently so long as do not let me go to seashore. Good which goes.” 马文看向了伊布,精灵王子耸了耸肩:“我没问题。最近只要别让我去海边。去哪儿都行。” As well as he shouted as for Holy Spirit White Deer two Archdruid that they must go to Evil Spirit World, naturally does not have the issue. 至于圣灵白鹿以及他喊来的两位大德鲁伊,他们本来就是要去邪灵世界的,自然是没有问题的。 Marvin went to finally them the vision. 马文将目光投向了最后两人。 Inheim and Hathaway. 因海姆海瑟薇 The former hesitates saying: Plan that you just said that is attractive.” 前者沉吟道:“你刚刚说的计划,非常诱人。” If can remove Digaogan, I am glad to get rid very much. However I am very curious, where do you know that many information?” “如果真的能除掉狄高庚,我很乐意出手。但是我很好奇,你是从哪里知道那么多信息的?” Lots you just mentioned, even links me to hear something never heard of before.” “你刚刚提到的很多东西,甚至连我都是闻所未闻。” The vision of people, once more centralized on Marvin. 众人的目光,再次集中在了马文身上。 Indeed is so, if the Marvin's plan can succeed, establishes in these matter really foundations that in he just said. 的确是如此,如果马文的计划能成功,是建立在他刚刚说的那些事情是真的基础上的。 For example, he has means to touch Evil Spirit Plane really secretly, and found Captivity small white deer and Saintess Muse shackles accurate. 比如,他真的有办法能偷偷摸进邪灵位面,并且精准地找到囚禁白鹿圣女缪斯的牢笼。 That God Tool that also for example, he mentioned, existed earnestly. 又比如,他提到的那件神器,切实存在。 Marvin is silent, but looks at Hathaway. 马文沉默不语,只是看着海瑟薇 The latter deeply inspires, has kept off the spear|gun for Marvin decisively: I told him.” 后者深吸一口气,果断替马文挡了枪:“我告诉他的。” Inheim knitting the brows head. 因海姆皱了皱眉头。 everyone knows that my status, I can know matter that some average men do not know, is this very normal?” 诸位都知道我的身份,我能知道一些常人不知道的事情,这很正常吧?” Just Marvin said that is I tells him. But I have not thought that he can want to do the matter such in a big way.” “刚刚马文说的,都是我告诉他的。只不过我没想到他会想把事情搞这么大而已。” Hathaway said calmly. 海瑟薇平静地说。 Such remarks, Marvin can feel that all Legendary relaxed. 此言一出,马文能感觉到,所有的传奇都松了一口气。 They know that Hathaway is Seer, can therefore by Shadow Prince assassination. 他们都知道海瑟薇天醒者,所以才会被阴影王子刺杀 Seer Strength, they heard, if that was true, then Marvin's plan, but may also the success. 天醒者力量,他们都有所耳闻,如果真是这样的话,那么马文的计划,还真有可能成功。 What then our first step does make?” Lorante somewhat impatiently asked. “那么我们第一步做什么?”洛兰特有些迫不及待地问道。 Marvin saw the people temporarily not to have the objection, said with a smile: 马文见众人都暂时没有了异议,微笑道: „The first step, we look Gold Shears.” “第一步,我们去找【金剪子】。” ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: Second, the Marvin's crazy plan must start! Roar roar roar. ps:第二更,马文的疯狂计划要开始了!吼吼吼。
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