NR :: Volume #2

#180: Marvin's counter-attack

Facing the Marvin's question, Deceiver sighed: 面对马文的疑问,欺诈者叹了一口气: Really made him go well. “果然还是让他得手了。≧” This Seven-colored Stone definitely was his.” “这块七彩石肯定是他的了。” Marvin knits the brows: What were you talking nonsense? So long as do not give Digaogan Seven-colored Stone, his plot will not prevail.” 马文皱眉道:“你在胡说什么?只要你别把七彩石狄高庚,他的阴谋就不会得逞。” Deceiver shook the head: „It is not simple.” 欺诈者摇了摇头:“没那么简单。” Now does not have the time to explain that many to you.” “不过现在没时间跟你解释那么多了。” We make a transaction. Tells all information that I you know about my younger brother, I give you this Seven-colored Stone.” “我们来做一个交易吧。告诉我你知道的关于我弟弟的所有信息,我把这块七彩石给你。” Mederly sneers: You think that you can also escape from my field of vision?” 梅迪尔丽冷笑一声:“难道你以为你还能逃出我的视野?” Deceiver let somebody cool off or calm down looked at Mederly one: Sorcerer? Before you have not promoted Legendary, this boast may not have any persuasive power.” 欺诈者冷冷地看了梅迪尔丽一眼:“巫师?在你没晋升传奇之前,这种大话可没有任何说服力。” I want to walk walk, your nobody can block me.” “我想走就走,你们没人可以拦得住我。” Mederly flies into a rage, must begin shortly, actually held on by Marvin. 梅迪尔丽勃然大怒,眼看就要动手,却被马文一把拉住。 Actually you do not need Seven-colored Stone to exchange, I will also tell you.” “其实你就算不用七彩石来交换,我也会告诉你的。” Marvin said sincerely: I do not want to make you be used by Digaogan again.” 马文真诚地说:“我只是不想让你再被狄高庚利用了而已。” The Deceiver doubt asked: Who are you? I know your body upper reaches with my same blood, but you as if likely are not Prophet that lineage/vein.” 欺诈者狐疑地问:“你到底是谁?我知道你身上流着和我一样的血,但你似乎不像是先知那一脉的。” I am not Prophet, but knows a lot by chance.” “我并非先知,只不过碰巧知道很多事情而已。” Marvin said fast: „When you and your younger brother childhood lives west of Sea of Pangbo, haven't I spoken incorrectly?” 马文快速地说道:“你和你弟弟幼年时生活在庞博之海以西,我没说错吧?” In the Deceiver eye flashes through color of the shock, then nodded. 欺诈者眼中闪过一丝震惊之色,然后点了点头。 Marvin continues saying: Because of an accident, you indigenous was chased down by these, finally in process of becoming a fugitive. You fell into the space and time crack, when you revive. Places Rot Plateau on Discovery. Therefore you think that your younger brother and you fell into the hand of Digaogan together. Not?” 马文继续道:“因为一次意外,你们被那些土著追杀,结果在逃亡的过程中。你们落入了时空裂缝,你苏醒过来时。就发现身处腐烂高原。所以你以为,你弟弟和你一同落入了狄高庚的手中。不是么?” Deceiver holds breath cold air. 欺诈者倒吸一口凉气。 Because Marvin said that personally experiences with her, one point is not bad! 因为马文说的,和她亲身经历的,一分不差! Continued!” She somewhat anticipated. “继续说下去!”她有些期待了。 In fact, he has not fallen into Rot Plateau with you. He west of Sea of Pangbo, he now is also still living.” “事实上,他并没有和你一起落入腐烂高原。他仍然在庞博之海以西,他现在还活着。” Marvin deeply visits her: If you want to find him, if you believe me, you should go by boat now that place.” 马文深深地看着她:“如果你想找到他,如果你相信我,你现在就应该乘船去那个地方。” Although there is called Dead Region. But your I know that the present there, was still surviving many ancient times race descendant. Not?” “尽管那里被人们称为【死域】。但你我都知道,现在的那儿,仍然生存着很多远古种族的后裔。不是么?” Deceiver long aspirated. 欺诈者长长地吐了一口气。 She hesitant a while, finally lost Seven-colored Stone to Marvin. 她犹豫了一会儿,最终将七彩石丢给了马文 Marvin catches steadily, relaxed. 马文稳稳地接住,松了口气。 I believe you.” “我相信你。” Looks in is in Numanite the share of descendant, I will remind your one, Digaogan will not give up absolutely.” “看在同为努曼人的后裔的份上,我提醒你一句,狄高庚绝对不会善罢甘休。” You should better find a place to hide, because of your enemies, personally will not necessarily get rid.” “你们最好找个地方躲起来,因为你们的敌人,不一定会亲自出手。” Then, she looked at Marvin one once more, as if must deeply remember his face. At once Vanish in cavern deep place. 说罢,她再次看了马文一眼,似乎要将他的脸庞深深记住。旋即消失在了洞穴深处。 In the Mederly eye flashes through heterochrosis. 梅迪尔丽眼中闪过一丝异色。 Although Deceiver is also Fourth Step Warlock, spell that but she uses, Mederly hears something never heard of before simply. 欺诈者虽然也是四阶术士,但是她使用的法术,梅迪尔丽简直闻所未闻。 Said like her, words that she wants to run away. Mederly and Marvin do not have the means to prevent. 诚如她所说,她想要逃走的话。梅迪尔丽马文根本没办法阻止。 This stone really or fake?” “这块石头是真的还是假的?” Mederly looked to Seven-colored Stone in Marvin hand: Her nickname, but Deceiver, be not deceived by her.” 梅迪尔丽看向了马文手中的七彩石:“她的外号可是欺诈者,别被她欺骗了。” She will not deceive my.” Marvin said self-confidently. “她不会欺骗我的。”马文自信地说。 We hurry to leave here.” “我们赶紧离开这儿吧。” His voice has not fallen, a distant place white light speeds away! 他的话音未落,远方一道白光疾驰而来! Opposite party aura quite terrifying. In that flash, the feeling that Marvin and Mederly even had suffocation! 对方的气息相当恐怖。在那一瞬间,马文梅迪尔丽甚至有了一丝窒息的感觉! Awful!” “糟糕!” In the Marvin's mind recalled immediately Deceiver just that your enemies not necessarily personally will get rid. 马文的脑海里立马回想起欺诈者刚刚那一句“你们的敌人不一定会亲自出手”。 Person who because comes at present. Impressively is Holy Spirit White Deer! 因为眼前来的人。赫然是圣灵白鹿 ...... …… The white deer skill is agile, with lightning speed. Suddenly appears in Marvin at present. 白鹿身手矫捷,风驰电掣。眨眼间就出现在了马文眼前。 His brilliance sprinkles unceasingly, turned into an image of middle-aged man slowly. 他身上的光辉不断洒落,缓缓地变成了一个中年男人的形象。 Gives back to me my treasure.” Holy Spirit White Deer Dignity incomparably said. “把我的宝物还给我。”圣灵白鹿威严无比地说。 Mederly deeply inspires, in the eye flashes through dread. She is half charm demon, but the opposite party is Heaven Legendary creature, between both sides natural has the loathing. 梅迪尔丽深吸一口气,眼里闪过一丝恐惧。她是半魅魔,而对方是天界传奇生物,双方之间天然就有厌恶。 If Holy Spirit White Deer looked one are not pleasing to the eyes, perhaps will get rid to extinguish her. 如果圣灵白鹿看自己不顺眼,说不定会出手灭了她。 But present he, seems indeed the mood not good appearance. 而现在的他,看上去的确心情不太好的样子。 Marvin calmed down, he gripped tightened Seven-colored Stone in hand, the sinking sound track: Sir Lockhart, Return to its Rightful Owner to us not any comment.” 马文定了定神,他攥紧了手中的七彩石,沉声道:“洛哈特大人,物归原主对我们来说并没有任何意见。” But I must ascertain, actually what happened?” “但是我必须问清楚,究竟发生了什么事?” Holy Spirit White Deer sneers: What happened? Do you also need to ask me?” 圣灵白鹿冷笑一声:“发生了什么事?难道你们还需要问我?” Is unsolicited to intrude my cavern, steals away my treasure, if did not look, in you once attempted in the Guardianship my children's share, I already brought back these things!” “不请自来闯入我的洞穴,偷走我的宝物,如果不是看在你曾经试图守护我的孩子们的份上,我早就拿回那些东西了!” His vision, fell behind Marvin oilcloth of that impressively was wrapping longspear on. 他的目光,赫然落在了马文背后的那杆被油布包裹着的长枪上。 Marvin is without turning a hair: „The matter that after I want to know I walk, has.” 马文面不改色:“我想知道我走之后发生的事情。” Lockhart did not say patiently: Gives me Seven-colored Stone, do not compel me to begin.” 洛哈特不耐烦地说:“把七彩石给我,别逼我动手。” Do not think that I do not know any idea that you have, you are the same with these evil spirit, is the intention dirty generations.” “别以为我不知道你打的什么主意,你和那些邪灵一样,都是心怀龌龊之辈。” Marvin stern [say / way]: We and evil spirit are different, at least we do not hope that Gate of Disaster appears in Fenan's any corner.” 马文正色道:“我们和邪灵不同,至少我们不希望灾祸之门出现在费南的任何一个角落里。” Therefore I must ascertain, after we leave the cavern, actually what happened!?” “所以我要问清楚,我们离开洞穴之后,究竟发生了什么事!?” The middle-aged person who Holy Spirit White Deer turns into clenched teeth. 圣灵白鹿化成的中年人咬了咬牙。 The next second, in his both eyes refracts bright light screens suddenly. 下一秒,他的双目中突然折射出一片明亮的光幕。 On the light screen, flashes through shadows in White Deer Cave impressively. 光幕上,赫然闪过一幅幅白鹿洞穴中的影子。 All matters that before had, he got a panoramic view. 之前发生的一切事情,他都尽收眼底。 Marvin carefully looks: 马文仔细地看着: After Digaogan controls Deceiver has been robbing Seven-colored Stone, Marvin and Mederly quickly also pursued. 狄高庚操控着欺诈者抢走了七彩石之后,马文梅迪尔丽很快也追了上去。 The later cavern belongs to tranquilly. 之后的洞穴归于平静。 However in a while, a crack appeared before the body of fawns and Saintess! 然而没过多久,一条裂缝出现在了小鹿和圣女们的身前! The Marvin body trembles: planar coordinate?” 马文身子一颤:“位面坐标?” White Deer Cave is a hideaway extremely good place, if before not having Deceiver, enters. Left the planar coordinate words, Digaogan has used the big effort. Did not have the means to find this place. 白鹿洞穴本来是一处隐藏极好的地方,如果没有欺诈者之前进入其中。留下了位面坐标的话,狄高庚就算费再大的劲儿。也没办法找到这个地方。 Really, that crack gets bigger and bigger. Final whole body rotten Knight appears from the crack. 果然,那道裂缝越开越大。最终一名浑身腐烂的骑士从裂缝中出现。 He plunged pitiful small white deer. 他扑向了可怜的小白鹿们。 His that terrifying aura made all people lose the ability to act, including Saintess Muse, in White Deer Cave all creature, were grasped that crack. 他那恐怖的气息让所有人失去了行动能力,包括圣女缪斯在内,白鹿洞穴内所有的生物,都被抓进了那条裂缝。 ...... …… Day......” Marvin is biting the lip: They were grasped Rot Plateau.” “天呐……”马文咬着嘴唇:“他们被抓进了腐烂高原。” Wait / Etc.! 等等! In his mind flashes through an electric light suddenly, somewhat surprised looks at Holy Spirit White Deer: „Did Digaogan contact with you?” 他的脑海中突然闪过一丝电光,有些吃惊地看着圣灵白鹿:“狄高庚联系您了?” The Lockhart face darken nodded. 洛哈特脸色阴沉地点了点头。 Therefore you did have the agreement?” Marvin is gazing at him: You give him Seven-colored Stone personally, has he put then your children?” “于是你们有了协议?”马文注视着他:“你把七彩石亲手交给他,然后他就放了你的孩子们?” Almost is this. I have no alternative.” On the face of Holy Spirit White Deer has filled reluctantly. “差不多就是这样。我别无选择。”圣灵白鹿的脸上充满了无奈。 I need this stone to rescue my children.” “我需要这块石头去救回我的孩子们。” No!” Marvin said categorically: You were insane.” “不!”马文斩钉截铁道:“你疯了。” In the Lockhart eye flashes through one murderous aura: If you try to stop me again, I am impolite!” 洛哈特眼中闪过一丝杀气:“如果你再试图阻拦我,我就不客气了!” ...... …… Rot Plateau, to high Throne on. 腐烂高原,至高王座上。 Knight Leader Douglas walks slowly from the sea level of distant place. 骑士长道格拉斯缓缓从远方的海面上走来。 Sir, all arranged.” “大人,一切都安排好了。” They were arranged in the safest place. Entire Multiverse, nobody knows in that secret jail that you construct.” “他们被安排在最安全的地方。整个多元宇宙,都没有人知道您建造的那个秘密监狱之中。” Nobody can unable to find, Deceiver is also.” “没人可以找得到,就连欺诈者也是。” Douglas so said. 道格拉斯如此说道。 On the face of Digaogan has shown the satisfactory smiling face. 狄高庚的脸上露出了满意的笑容。 Is very good, wants to open time Gate of Disaster, has not thought that has the harvest.” “很好,本来只是想开一次灾祸之门,没想到另有收获。” Lockhart regards as important to his children additionally, it seems like Heaven creature will treat in the world for a long time also became vulgar.” 洛哈特对他的孩子们额外看重,看来天界生物在人间待久了也会变得庸俗啊。” Is unimportant, here just also lacks a mount.” “不过不要紧,我这里刚好还缺一只坐骑呢。” When he arrives at Rot Plateau, I will certainly entertain lavishly, hā hā hā hā......” “等到他来到腐烂高原,我一定会盛情款待的,哈哈哈哈……” ...... …… Deathly Still Hills. In White Deer Cave. 死寂丘陵白鹿洞穴内。 The atmosphere at daggers drawn extinguishes gradually. 剑拔弩张的气氛渐渐消弭。 Very obviously, Marvin just that expostulated to play the role. The Lockhart ignorant person, he because it cannot be helped, will agree with and transaction of Digaogan by no means. 很显然,马文刚刚那番劝诫起到了作用。洛哈特并非愚昧之人,他只是出于无奈,才会同意和狄高庚的交易。 In fact. He also knows that this goes to Rot Plateau more unfortunate than fortunate. 事实上。就连他自己也知道,此去腐烂高原凶多吉少。 The Digaogan strength is quite formidable, is almost equal to small and weak Divine Power Deity. Is adding on Rot Plateau is his world, there. Others' strength will be weakened, but he. Then can display own Specialty infinitely. 狄高庚的实力颇为强大,差不多相当于弱小神力神明。在加上腐烂高原是他的世界,在那里。别人的实力都会被削弱,而他自己。则可以无限发挥自己的专长 Just like Marvin said that even if Lockhart has given Digaogan Seven-colored Stone, the latter will not let off him and his children. 正如马文所说,就算洛哈特七彩石给了狄高庚,后者也不会放过他和他的孩子们的。 Because, evil spirit is always insatiably greedy. 因为,邪灵总是贪得无厌。 Is away from the day that you and Digaogan trade, three days of time.” “距离您和狄高庚交易的日子,还有三天时间。” These three days of time, enough we planned.” “这三天时间,足够我们谋划了。” Please must believe that my plan, you are not a person fight in isolation.” “请你一定要相信我的计划,你不是一个人孤军作战。” The cavern deep place, Marvin incomparably said to Lockhart sincerely. 洞穴深处,马文诚恳无比地对洛哈特说道。 Mederly advanced to return to River Beach City. As Heaven creature, how Lockhart to charm demon to see that not to be how pleasing to the eyes. 梅迪尔丽已经先行一步返回河滩城。身为天界生物,洛哈特魅魔怎么看怎么不顺眼。 As for Marvin, stemming from some special reasons, he cares about on him actually very much that a wee bit fiend bloodline. 至于马文,出于一些特别的缘故,他倒不是很在意他身上的那丁点魔鬼血脉 Lockhart looks at deserted cavern, sighed: Friend of mine is not many, but has 1-2.” 洛哈特看着空寂一片的洞穴,叹气说:“我的朋友不是很多,不过还是有一两个的。” But I very hesitate, draws in this matter them is whether good.” “但我很犹豫,将他们拖入此事是否是好的。” Heaven Deer has the pride that he is in sole possession, he little seeks help from the friend. Marvin saw this point. 天界鹿拥有他独有的骄傲,他很少向朋友求助。马文看出了这一点。 Now the only goal, is rescues your children, Miss Muse, not?” “现在我们唯一的目的,就是救出您的孩子们,还有缪斯小姐,不是么?” He has given Lockhart that Seven-colored Stone: If you thought that to the Digaogan compromise is better means that you momentarily can such do.” 他将那块七彩石递给了洛哈特:“如果您觉得向狄高庚妥协是一个更好的办法,你随时可以这么做。” In Lockhart thinks over to begin Seven-colored Stone, silent a while, asked: 洛哈特掂量着手里的七彩石,沉默了一会儿,才问道: Uncompromising, what to do should we?” “不妥协,我们该怎么办?” On the Marvin's face shows a smile: We counter-attack.” 马文的脸上露出一丝微笑:“我们反击。” You did not think that Digaogan really did jump recently?” “难道您不觉得,狄高庚最近实在太跳了么?” Some of my many friends, they are glad to help to eliminate several evil spirit actually probably very much.” “我倒是有不少朋友,他们大概是很乐意帮忙消灭几个邪灵的。” Lockhart looking pensive nodded, in the eye flashes through one decidedly: 洛哈特若有所思地点了点头,眼中闪过一丝决然: Good, we counter-attack!” “那好,我们反击!” ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: First, was a little later today, Burst repercussions everybody understands the principle of ~ in any case coconut tree is, possibly detention, but will not break and that's the end! Every day guarantees a minimum two chapters not to fall behind! ps:第一更,今天有点晚了,爆发后遗症大家都懂~反正椰子的原则是,可能延迟,但绝不会断更就是了!每天保底两章绝不拖欠!
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