NR :: Volume #2

#179: Angry Heaven Deer

What all these occur is so sudden, Marvin cannot respond. 这一切发生的是如此突然,以至于马文都反应不过来。 Deceiver of Digaogan control, has the ability that some average men are unable to understand obviously. She has won Seven-colored Stone directly, then Vanish in cavern. 狄高庚操控的欺诈者,显然拥有一些常人无法理解的能力。她直接夺走了七彩石,然后消失在了洞穴中。 She ran away! 她逃走了! Awful!” “糟糕!” In the Marvin heart was anxious. Small white deer in abundance are also panic-stricken. Although they loss of not understand Seven-colored Stone mean anything, but their insightful innermost feelings can induce, this definitely is not a very wonderful matter. 马文心中急了。小白鹿们也是纷纷惊慌失措。他们虽然不明白七彩石的丢失意味着什么,但是他们通透的内心能感应到,这肯定是一件非常不妙的事情。 Must overtake Deceiver immediately, preventing her to open Gate of Disaster. 必须立马追上欺诈者,阻止她打开灾祸之门 In the Marvin heart under decides the idea. 马文心中下定主意。 What is somewhat troublesome, Assassin Holly, this fellow does not know where hid. 只不过有些麻烦的是,刺客霍利,这个家伙不知道躲哪里去了。 The time speedily, this High Grade Assassin has the means to hide. 只是一溜烟的功夫,这种高级刺客就有办法躲起来。 Marvin only thinks greatly incomparable. 马文只觉得头大无比。 Thinks, will have Fourth Step Assassin to carry on endless assassination to oneself, he is a little confused. 一想到以后会有一个四阶刺客对自己进行无休止的刺杀,他就有点心烦意乱。 He knows the Assassin deterrent force. 他知道刺客的威慑力。 What made him somewhat unexpected was, when he was worried for this matter, a charming sound sound: 只不过令他有些意想不到的是,就在他为此事而苦恼的时候,一个妩媚的声音响了起来: „Are you looking for him?” “你在找他吗?” ...... …… Long in coming Mederly. 姗姗来迟的梅迪尔丽 Marvin tears up the blue letter paper, informing Mederly greatly troublesome. Rapidness that too but the matter has, when Mederly rushes, can only conveniently seize Assassin Holly that wants to sneak off is not Holly is actually incompetent, but before because him , in fighting of Deceiver as well as in Anzula Man-Bear, has used up too many escapes a kind of skill. 马文撕掉蓝色信笺,就是在通知梅迪尔丽自己这边有大麻烦。只不过事情发生的太快,以至于当梅迪尔丽赶到的时候,只能顺手逮住想要溜走的刺客霍利其实也不是霍利无能,而是因为他之前在和欺诈者以及安祖拉人熊的交手中,用掉了太多的逃脱类技能。 These skill majority are every day has use to limit. 这些技能大多数都是每天有使用次数限制的。 Mederly has captured by chance, Fixed Body Spell controlled him. 梅迪尔丽碰巧兜了个准,一个定身术就把他控制住了。 Then is various types controls spell greeting. Tied hands this High Step Assassin directly, has delivered. 接下来就是各种控制法术招呼。直接把这位高阶刺客五花大绑,送了过来。 When just he saw on Anzula Man-Bear light buttocks is inserting handle dagger. Cannot bear smile to make noise: 只不过当他看到安祖拉人熊光屁股上插着一柄匕首的时候。忍不住笑出了声: To be honest, I am first time noticed that you are so distressed.” “说实话,我是第一次看到你这么狼狈。” Mederly smiles is very happy. 梅迪尔丽笑的很开心。 She indeed is first time saw appearance that Marvin such admits defeat. 她的确是第一次看到马文这么吃瘪的样子。 This fellow. The strength is obviously not much, no matter under what situation, is one can deal with the free appearance. 这个家伙。明明实力不怎么样,但是不管在什么情况下,都是一副能够应对自如的样子。 Sees he a little distressed appearance with great difficulty, Mederly at heart actually rare carefree. 好不容易看见他有点狼狈的样子,梅迪尔丽心里倒是一阵难得的畅快。 However under Marvin a few words, make her happy Vanish not have the trace: 然而马文下一句话,就让她心里的这点痛快消失无踪: Seven-colored Stone was robbed by her.” 七彩石被她抢走了。” The Mederly complexion was cloudy immediately. 梅迪尔丽的脸色立刻阴沉了下来。 She where? I pursue!” She blocks the way. “她在哪儿?我去追!”她果断道。 The ownership of Seven-colored Stone, had decided whether River Beach City must face a catastrophe, she as River Beach City City Lord, naturally most cares. 七彩石的归属,决定了河滩城是否要面临一场浩劫,她身为河滩城城主,自然是最在意的。 Wait / Etc..” “等等。” Marvin looked to Assassin Holly: We must solve this mister and my gratitude and grudges first.” 马文看向了刺客霍利:“我们先得解决这位先生和我的恩怨。” Holly hollow laugh: I and you do not have any gratitude and grudges.” 霍利干笑一声:“我和您没什么恩怨。” To be honest, we also receive money to help the person handle matters.” “老实说,我们也只是收钱帮人办事而已。” You who who hires?” Marvin lets somebody cool off or calm down asked. “谁雇佣的你?”马文冷冷问。 Holly asked: I told you. You must put me.” 霍利问:“我告诉你。你必须放了我。” Good......” Marvin to elongate the intonation. “好……”马文拉长了语调。 Holly simply said: Unicorn Household that fellow...... You should hear, he works in Alliance Financial Department.” 霍利干脆地说:“独角兽家族的那个家伙……你应该有所耳闻,他在联盟财务部工作。” If you have put me, I will lead him to you in front of personally. How casual you handle.” “如果你放了我,我会亲自把他带到您面前。随便您怎么处置。” However his words have not said that thud sound, a Anzula Man-Bear palm rumbled, has cranked up the meat sauce him directly! 然而他的话语还没说完,轰的一声,安祖拉人熊一掌轰了下来,直接把他拍成了肉酱! Mederly knitting the brows head of: Real violence.” 梅迪尔丽皱了皱眉头:“真暴力。” „, You just had not said Good?” “还有,你刚刚不是说【好】了吗?” Marvin said at will: This agreement not any potency orally, moreover I can add in behind Strange.” 马文随意地说:“这种口头上的协议没有任何效力,而且我可以在后面加个【才怪】。” But you such do, possibly misses many information.” Mederly said. “但你这么做,可能错过很多情报。”梅迪尔丽说。 Marvin shakes the body. Restored the normal human form slowly. 马文一抖身子。缓缓恢复了正常人形。 Then bites the tooth, has pulled out from the buttocks dagger. 然后咬住牙,一把将匕首从屁股上拔了出来。 Saintess Muse has transferred the head, small white deer ran over happily, lost a strong effect cure technique to him and drives out the toxin. 圣女缪斯转过了脑袋,一头小白鹿欢乐地跑了过来,给他丢了一个强效治愈术和驱除毒素。 Mederly looks at all these actually with a smile. She does not care about this matter obviously very much. 梅迪尔丽倒是笑吟吟地看着这一切。她显然不是很在意这种事情。 Marvin has worn the clothes fast: Has not related. I knew his details.” 马文快速穿上了衣服:“没关系。我已经知道他的底细了。” He turns out a golden coin from the meat sauce. The coin above picture a gigantic spider, the reverse side is having a digit 7. 他从肉酱里翻出一块金色的硬币。硬币上面画着一只硕大的蜘蛛,反面有一个数字7. Shadow Spider Society, No. 7 hitman. Above him. Six powerhouse. 暗影蜘蛛会,七号杀手。在他之上。还有六位强者 To Marvin, this enmity was ties. Not Unicorn Household of many people. Shadow Spider Society, he will carry on retaliation maliciously. 马文而言,这仇算是结下来了。无论是没有多少人的独角兽家族。还是暗影蜘蛛会,他都会进行狠狠的报复。 However urgent matter. Retrieves Seven-colored Stone. 不过当务之急。还是找回七彩石 At that moment his fast tracking Deceiver trace. 当下他快速地追踪欺诈者的痕迹。 Quick, he with the help of white deer, in the narrow cavern, had found her several hair. 很快的,他在白鹿们的帮助下,在狭窄的洞穴里,找到了她的几根头发。 After saying goodbye to Saintess Muse and adorable small white deer simply, Mederly opened transmission gate with item, they left White Deer Cave, returned to Deathly Still Hills. 简单告别了圣女缪斯和可爱的小白鹿们之后,梅迪尔丽道具打开了传送门,两人离开了白鹿洞穴,返回了死寂丘陵 Before here is Mederly , a transmission point that establishes. 这里是梅迪尔丽之前设置的一个传送点。 At this time weather not yet black, Marvin was unable to use Night Tracking This ability. 此时天色尚未黑,马文还不能动用【夜色追踪】这个能力。 However establishes Gate of Disaster, at least takes eight hours. 不过建立灾祸之门,至少需要八个小时。 But from the darkness, had one hour probably. They have the time. 而距离天黑,大概只有一个小时了。他们还有时间。 Mederly and Marvin are riding magic carpet, starts to carry on the simple search in Deathly Still Hills. 梅迪尔丽马文乘坐着魔毯,开始在死寂丘陵进行简单的搜寻。 ...... …… In Sage Desert, innumerable contaminated sea anemone Has braved from subterranean unceasingly. 圣贤沙漠中,无数的【污秽海葵】从地底不断地冒了出来。 contaminated sea anemone center, white deer angry was neighing. 污秽海葵中央,一头白鹿愤怒的嘶鸣着。 These contaminated sea anemone were too disgusting. They have the octopus common tentacle, with astonishing reproductive capacity. 这些污秽海葵实在太恶心了。它们有着章鱼一般的触手,和惊人的繁殖力。 Whenever it uses spell to eliminate part, quick, will have many contaminated sea anemone to brave from subterranean. 每当它用法术消灭一部分,很快的,就会有更多的污秽海葵地底冒出来。 All these design. 这一切都是设计好的。 Had formidable evil spirit to plant the seed of innumerable contaminated sea anemone here, the goal was to surround him. 有强大的邪灵在这里种下了数不清的污秽海葵的种子,目的就是为了困住他。 Send out the odor tentacle to tie up to come unceasingly. 一根根散发着恶臭的触手不断捆绑而来。 Holy Spirit White Deer was enraged thoroughly. 圣灵白鹿彻底被激怒了。 However this time, his instinct at heart was feeling that is not right! 然而就在这个时候,他的心里本能地感觉到一阵不对! By fishy of contaminated sea anemone, he saw a picture indistinctly. 透过污秽海葵的乌烟瘴气,他隐约看见了一个画面。 A woman. Has robbed Seven-colored Stone from Muse! 一个女人。从缪斯手里抢走了七彩石 Seven-colored Stone!” 七彩石!” This group of dirty evil spirit, how dare to covet my treasure!” “这帮肮脏的邪灵,如何敢觊觎我的宝物!” Holy Spirit White Deer awakened thoroughly. 圣灵白鹿彻底醒悟了。 He face upwards to exude angry roaring sound. terrifying Heaven Holy Power comes out from his within the body Burst, the one breath neighbor big piece of desert will purify! 他仰天发出愤怒的咆哮声。恐怖天界圣力自他体内爆发出来,一口气将附近一大片沙漠净化! Heaven Holy Power is full of Power of Order. Not is only the chaotic mana difficult adversary, is the natural enemy of strength of contamination! 天界圣力饱含秩序之力。不仅是混乱魔力的克星,更是污秽之力的天敌! In an instant, contaminated sea anemone of trim area cleared off. 刹那之间,整片地区的污秽海葵被一扫而光。 white deer raises the hoof fiercely, sprints to go in the Deathly Still Hills direction! 白鹿猛地扬起蹄子,往死寂丘陵方向疾跑而去! ...... …… In a Deathly Still Hills covert cave. 死寂丘陵的一个隐蔽的山洞里。 Body of Deceiver crazily convulsion. Seven-colored Stone in her hands, her hand actually unceasingly is shivering. 欺诈者的身体正疯狂地痉挛着。七彩石就在她手里,她的手却在不断颤抖。 Establishes Gate of Disaster.” “建立灾祸之门。” You will obtain my reward. I will also release your younger brother.” “你将得到我的奖励。我也会释放你的弟弟。” You , to be clear, he was you only the family member on This World.” “你要想清楚,他可是你在这个世界上唯一的亲人了。” The Digaogan words, resound by her ear unceasingly, as if the enticement of fiend is ordinary. 狄高庚的话语,在她耳旁不断响起,仿佛魔鬼的诱惑一般。 However her own will, in unceasingly is formidable! 然而她自身的意志,却在不断强大起来! Numanite bloodline is burning. Her both eyes are getting more and more sober. 努曼人血脉在燃烧。她的双目越来越清醒。 No, you are deceiving me.” “不,你在骗我。” You are lying.” “你在撒谎。” She tries hard to want the Digaogan planter to relieve in oneself mark. 她努力想要将狄高庚种植在自己身上的印记解除。 However the Evil Spirit Landgraf Law Decree sound gets up: 然而邪灵领主律令声响起: You dare to defy the orders of Master!” “你竟敢违抗主人的命令!” You because of violating the pledge died a tragic death, soul turns over to me, forever can not be aloof!” “你会因为违背誓约而惨死,灵魂归我,永远不得超脱!” Her body shrinks slightly. 她的身体微微一缩。 The next second, her corners of the mouth outlined a strange smiling face: 下一秒,她的嘴角勾勒出一丝诡异的笑容: Digaogan Digaogan, you say in vain slyly.” 狄高庚狄高庚,枉你自称狡猾。” „Don't you know my name?” “你难道不知道我的名字么?” Deceiver. 欺诈者 The next second, on Rot Plateau Throne, hears the Digaogan angry and astonished roaring sound again: 下一秒,腐烂高原王座上,再一次传来狄高庚愤怒又惊异的咆哮声: How possible!?” “怎么可能!?” How she probably unilaterally relieves with my contract!” “她怎么可能单方面解除和我的契约!” He searches for the Deceiver trail with Strength furiously. 他奋力用力量去搜寻欺诈者的踪迹。 However his anything could not find! 然而他什么也找不到! This is because, initially he used her younger brother to force that contract under her signing. Itself has the issue. 这是因为,当初他利用她的“弟弟”胁迫她签订下的那个契约。本身就是有问题的。 Deceiver, as the Numanite descendant, as derives the Strength descendant from the Fiend Great Monarch head, the nature is skilled in incomparably to the rule. 欺诈者,作为努曼人的后代,作为从魔鬼大君脑袋里汲取力量的后裔,自然对规则精通无比。 Handles contract. Matter that the forge rule, she most excels. 玩转契约。伪造规则,正是她最擅长的事情。 Even if Evil Spirit Landgraf does not have Discovery loophole. 就算是邪灵领主也没有发现其中的漏洞。 Now he wants to look for her, did not have the means! 现在他就算想要找她,也没有办法了! Angry Digaogan was roaring: 愤怒的狄高庚咆哮着: My Knight Leader. Douglas!” “我的骑士长道格拉斯!” I have important Quest to give you!” “我有一项重要的任务交给你!” Deceiver, although revolts, but she has left behind the Coordinate in White Deer Cave. We have the opportunity of make a comeback!” 欺诈者虽然叛变,但是她在白鹿洞穴内留下了坐标。我们还有翻盘的机会!” ...... …… In quiet White Deer Cave. 静谧的白鹿洞穴内。 After Marvin and Mederly walk, small white deer and Saintess Muse returned to their usual dwellings. 马文梅迪尔丽走后,小白鹿圣女缪斯就返回了她们平时的住处。 They have issued Holy Spirit White Deer Lorante the signal of praying for rescue. Believes that he can come back quickly. 他们已经把求救的信号发给了圣灵白鹿洛兰特。相信他很快就能回来。 As for Seven-colored Stone. 至于七彩石 Only can count on that Sir Marvin also had that sudden Sorceress to be able it to snatch. 只能指望马文大人还有那个突然出现的女巫师能把它抢回来了。 Who knows that at this time, evil and contamination Strength, spreads in the cavern. 谁知道就在这个时候,一股邪恶而污秽的力量,在洞穴中蔓延开来。 All white deer shiver. 所有的白鹿都颤抖不已。 Muse does not dare to believe gains ground, looks crack that at present that [say / way] suddenly opens. 缪斯不敢置信地抬头,看着眼前那道突然打开的裂缝。 A whole body sent out odor Knight to clash from the crack. 一个浑身散发着恶臭的骑士从裂缝中冲了出来。 On his face has covered entirely moss, cracked into a smile to the people, has actually revealed the probability blood thread in tooth gap between teeth! 他的脸上布满了青苔,冲众人咧嘴一笑,却露出了牙齿缝中的几率血丝! The next second, the squeal resounds from the White Deer Cave deep place. 下一秒,尖叫声从白鹿洞穴深处响起。 Shortly, belongs to quietly. 没多久,就归于沉寂。 ...... …… Curtain of night descends, Marvin's Night Tracking applied finally. 夜幕降临,马文的夜色追踪终于派上了用场。 Is relying on that hair, his Discovery Deceiver has not fled far. 凭借着那根头发,他发现欺诈者并没有逃离多远。 In the red line following field of vision, they in a cave, had found complexion tranquil Deceiver. 顺着视野里的红线,他们在一个山洞内,找到了面色平静的欺诈者 In her hand is grasping Seven-colored Stone, lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at Marvin and Mederly. 她手里握着七彩石,冷冷地看着马文梅迪尔丽 „Do you want this Seven-colored Stone?” She such asked. “你们想要这块七彩石?”她这么问道。 Marvin shrugs: We do not have any interest actually.” 马文耸了耸肩:“我们倒是没什么兴趣。” But it cannot certainly fall to the hand of Digaogan.” “但是它一定不能落到狄高庚的手里。” Seemed it not, because you sobered.” “不过看上去它不会了,因为你清醒了。” Marvin can feel that type maintains in the relation between Deceiver and Digaogan, as if eliminated. 马文能感觉到,那种维系在欺诈者狄高庚之间的联系,似乎已经消除了。 However Deceiver actually silently shook the head: You made a mistake.” 然而欺诈者却默默摇了摇头:“你错了。” Matter that Digaogan wants to handle, few people can prevent.” 狄高庚想做的事情,很少有人能阻止。” I betrayed him, he also meets......” “就算我背叛了他,他也会……” His voice has not fallen, an angry neighing sound transmits from the White Deer Cave direction of distant place! 他的话音未落,一阵愤怒的嘶鸣声从远方的白鹿洞穴方向传来! That is an exceptionally filled with grief sound. 那是一个异常悲怆的声音。 That is the Holy Spirit White Deer sound. 那是圣灵白鹿的声音。 Marvin complexion sudden change: What had?” 马文脸色骤变:“发生了什么?” ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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