NR :: Volume #2

#178: Lie and mutation 【Third!】

The three-road junction, the situation is very subtle. 三岔路口,局势很微妙。 Deceiver and Assassin Holly ceases fire in pairs. The former is staring at Seven-colored Stone, the latter is staring at Marvin. 欺诈者刺客霍利双双停火。前者盯着七彩石,后者盯着马文 But Marvin, stands before two people, he must guard against the assassination of Assassin, must pay attention to protect Muse and small white deer. 马文,独自一人站在两个人面前,他既要提防刺客的暗杀,同时也要注意保护缪斯和小白鹿们。 He cannot make Deceiver prevail. 他不能让欺诈者得逞。 Must know that what although Digaogan possibly wants to retaliate is River Beach City, but White River Valley and River Beach City are quite near. 要知道,尽管狄高庚可能想要报复的是河滩城,但是白河谷地河滩城相当近。 Once Gate of Disaster opens, will have does not know that many innocent life was involved, White River Valley definitely also will suffer as an innocent bystander. 灾祸之门一旦打开,就会有不知道多少无辜生灵被卷入,白河谷地肯定也会遭受池鱼之祸。 Not to mention, in Mederly and own transaction, River Beach City is part of Marvin influence. 更别提,在梅迪尔丽和自己的交易中,河滩城已经是马文势力的一部分了。 He must certainly make anything, prevents all these occurrences. 他肯定要做些什么,来阻止这一切的发生。 The key is protracted time. 关键是拖延时间。 Marvin thinks of here, suddenly asked: Your does here, have the spacious point space?” 马文想到这里,突然问道:“你们这里,有没有宽敞一点的空间?” He is asking Muse. 他是在问缪斯 The young girls have gawked, is pointing at another channel of three-road junction: That side is, does not have far.” 少女愣了一下,指着三岔路口的另外一条通道:“那边就是,没多远。” Does not wait for Deceiver and Assassin Holly responds that Marvin shouts one: Walks!” 不等欺诈者刺客霍利反应过来,马文大喊一声:“走!” Muse rides white deer decisively, another small white deer also on own initiative threw. 缪斯果断骑上一头白鹿,另外一头小白鹿也主动地扑了过来。 Marvin turns around to ride, is above mundane thoughts to go. 马文转身骑上,绝尘而去。 The leg and foot of small white deer is extremely quick, in the dark cavern, just likes is running quickly like lightning! 白鹿们的腿脚极快,在幽暗的洞穴中,恍若闪电般奔驰着! Deceiver and Holly are certainly in hot pursuit, their speeds are also scary, one is to use spell, one is inborn Agility is astonishing. 欺诈者霍利当然是紧追不舍,他们两个的速度也非常吓人,一个是利用法术,一个是天生敏捷惊人。 The disparity between both sides had not pulled closer. 双方之间的差距一直没有被拉近。 Quick. Front Muse shouts: Marvin, front and that's the end.” 很快的。前方的缪斯大喊到:“马文,前面就是了。” I knew!” “我知道了!” The black cavern soon will arrive shortly in end. 眼看着黑黢黢的洞穴即将抵达尽头。 By the Marvin Night Traveler's vision, he had already completely understood the space after channel. That is a vast world. Enough Marvin displayed. 马文夜行人的目光,他早就看透了通道后的空间。那是一片辽阔的世界。足够马文发挥了。 The next second, he has tapped the head of small white deer gently, jumps from him high. 下一秒,他轻轻拍了拍小白鹿的脑袋,从他身上高高跃起。 Fell on cavern exit / to speak steadily. 稳稳地落在了洞穴出口。 white deer ran, then stops, looks at Marvin. 白鹿们一口气跑了出去,然后停顿下来,看着马文 Deceiver and Holly also quickly rushed, the latter keeps silent, direct Strong Invisibility Art Vanish in same place. 欺诈者霍利也很快赶到了,后者默不作声,直接一个强隐身术消失在了原地。 Before having traded. Perhaps Deceiver already spell clutched him. 换了之前。恐怕欺诈者早就一个法术把他揪出来了。 However at this time, her attention completely on Seven-colored Stone. 但是在这个时候,她的注意力全部在七彩石上。 She let somebody cool off or calm down said to Marvin: Do not be in the way.” 她冷冷地对马文说:“别挡路。” Marvin deeply inspires. Induces attack that may encounter anytime. 马文深吸一口气。感应着随时有可能遇到的袭击。 His both eyes are looking straight ahead Deceiver, exhausts possibly the quick language fast saying: You were deceived.” 他的双目直视着欺诈者,用尽可能快的语速说道:“你被骗了。” Your younger brother at all not in the hand of Digaogan.” “你弟弟根本不在狄高庚的手里。” Moreover in his hands, you thought that by the Digaogan sly disposition, will let go him easily?” “而且就算在他手里,你觉得以狄高庚狡猾的性格,会轻易放走他吗?” On the face of Deceiver first time had the mighty waves! 欺诈者的脸上第一次起了波澜! Who are you? How do you know these many?” “你是谁?你怎么知道这么多的?” However Marvin had not replied with enough time. A terrifying murderous intention has locked him! 然而马文还没来得及回答。一股恐怖的杀机就已经锁定了他! In Shadow, that person as if poisonous snake generally punctured. 阴影之中,那个人仿佛毒蛇一般刺了过来。 in a flash, roars, explosive in entire White Deer Cave! 电光火石之间,一声怒吼,在整个白鹿洞穴中爆响! Roar! 吼! The Marvin's body starts to inflate suddenly, in an instant, turned into first three meters high erectness Man-Bear. 马文的身体陡然开始膨胀,转眼之间,变成了一头三米多高的直立人熊 His body as if hill has blocked cave entrance, in the white deer eye, as if the patron is ordinary, has blocked the background of enemy stubbornly. 他的身躯仿佛小山似的堵住了洞口,在白鹿们眼里,却仿佛保护神一般,死死堵住了敌人的来路。 Assassin Holly comes. His dagger incomparably punctures with raw hate toward the Marvin's cerebellum! 刺客霍利现身。他的匕首凶狠无比地往马文的后脑刺去! This time, he does not believe that Marvin can also go against. 这一次,他根本不相信马文还能顶过去。 However he still misjudged. 然而他依然失算了。 Suddenly transfiguration Marvin, making him somewhat be caught off guard. His dagger originally to the Marvin's head. However these time actually all of a sudden gripped on the buttocks of Anzula Man-Bear! 突然变身马文,让他有些措手不及。他的匕首原本是冲着马文的脑袋去的。但是这一次却是一下子扎到了安祖拉人熊的屁股上! Sneak attack of Fourth Step Assassin, even if the Anzula Man-Bear such powerful defense , after letting Marvin felt , the buttocks severe pain. 四阶刺客的偷袭,就算是安祖拉人熊这样强悍的防御,也让马文感到后臀剧痛不已。 However has avoided Achilles'heel finally. 不过总算是避开了致命要害。 Can when this is at a crucial moment controls the good opportunity, mobilizes the transfiguration person not to be many. Marvin is. 能在这千钧一发之际控制好时机,发动变身的人并不多。马文是其中一个。 He pats the bear's paws angrily, frightens Holly not to want dagger, escapes directly! 他愤怒地一拍熊掌,吓得霍利匕首都不要了,直接逃开! Roar! 吼! On the buttocks of Anzula Man-Bear is inserting handle small dagger. Incomparably launched the ferocious attack to Holly with raw hate! 安祖拉人熊的屁股上插着一柄小匕首。凶狠无比地冲着霍利发动了猛烈的进攻! The bonus is High Step Assassin Agility is astonishing, was so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat by Marvin! 饶是高阶刺客敏捷惊人,也被马文惊出了一身冷汗! ...... …… This is...... Anzula Man-Bear!” “这是……安祖拉人熊!” This type of aura......” “这种气息……” Demonoid Warlock!?” 魔形术士!?” Deceiver some do not dare to believe look at the present all these. 欺诈者有些不敢置信地看着眼前的这一切。 She wants to tell itself very much at present all these not real. On This World, how possibly also to have existence of Demonoid Warlock? 她很想告诉自己眼前这一切都不是真的。这个世界上,怎么可能还有魔形术士的存在? According to the view of Sir Digaogan, oneself and wasn't the younger brother, final Numanite? 按照狄高庚大人的说法,自己和弟弟,不是最后的努曼人了吗? He did not say that on This World didn't have other Demonoid Warlock again? 他不是说这个世界上再也没有其他的魔形术士了吗? Situated in Rot Plateau her, has believed in firmly for a long time. Because she also came Fenan several times, has inquired in secret, these so-called learned Sorcerers, even has not heard Demonoid Warlock this noun! 长期位居腐烂高原的她,对此一直深信不疑。因为她也来费南好几次了,一直暗中打听,那些所谓“博学”的巫师们,甚至没有听说过魔形术士这个名词! She has thought what Digaogan said is real. 她一直以为狄高庚说的是真的。 However at present this person, this Demonoid Warlock, tells her Digaogan to deceive itself. 然而眼前这个人,这个魔形术士,却告诉她狄高庚骗了自己。 Is that really Lie? 难道那真的是一个谎言 She is utterly confused, at once, does not know how unexpectedly should handle. 她心乱如麻,一时之间,居然不知道该怎么办好了。 ...... …… Moreover one side, the intense fight is still continuing. 另外一边,激烈的战斗依然在持续着。 Intense this word only cannot be used to describe Anzula Man-Bear unilaterally. He has been pursuing Holly to hit. 哦不,激烈这个词只能单方面用来形容安祖拉人熊。他一直在追着霍利打。 This time Holly, does not want to hit with Marvin seriously. 此时的霍利,当真是一点都不想和马文打了。 What does Assassin most fear? Most fears is this big build monster. 刺客最怕什么?最怕的就是这种大体型的怪物 The words of special preparation, he has not had the means to attack the Anzula Man-Bear strategic point. 没有特殊的准备的话,他根本没办法攻击到安祖拉人熊的要害。 But he already Fourth Step, once were patted by Anzula Man-Bear to hand...... Finally definitely was very pitiful. 而就算他已经四阶了,一旦被安祖拉人熊拍到一巴掌……结果肯定是非常可怜了。 He does not want to be cranked up the meat sauce. 他可不想被拍成肉酱。 How Anzula Man-Bear, although Agility missed, but the experience was actually exceptionally rich. 奈何安祖拉人熊虽然敏捷差了点,但是经验却是异常丰富。 Make him feel what is aggrieved, Marvin as if escapes the method and escaping route to be familiar to Assassin each type incomparably. 让他感到憋屈的是,马文似乎对刺客的每一种逃脱手段、逃跑路线都熟悉无比。 Each time, he can always offset the insufficiency on Agility with the rich experience, appears in route that promptly, in Holly wants to sneak off. 每一次,他总能用丰富的经验弥补敏捷上的不足,及时地出现在霍利想要开溜的路线上。 , He was frightened heavily. 一次次,他都被吓得不轻。 If no suppression in attribute as well as many compulsory escapes the skill. Perhaps he already was held. 如果不是有属性上的压制以及多种强制性的逃脱技能的话。他恐怕早就被抓住了。 „It is not good, if wants means that when the transfiguration time of this boy passed then said.” “不行,还是要想个办法,等这小子的变身时间过了再说。” Facing cut-throat Anzula Man-Bear, Holly empty. 面对凶狠的安祖拉人熊,霍利虚了。 He clenches teeth, just wants to use the doppelgänger technique, who knows that at this time, the mutation steep lived! 他一咬牙,刚想使用分身术,谁知道就在这个时候,异变陡生! That just also the indecisive white clothing woman suddenly moved! 那个刚刚还犹豫不决的白衣女人突然动了! She has fired into Saintess Muse and small white deer who flies also to resemble! 她飞也似的冲向了圣女缪斯和小白鹿们! Marvin has to give up Holly. 马文不得不放弃霍利 He kept off in front of Deceiver, the anger exclaimed: „Don't you believe me?” 他重新挡在了欺诈者面前,怒吼道:“你难道不相信我?” You rather believe that Evil Spirit Landgraf Lie, but does not believe that has same bloodline the good advice of compatriot?” “你宁愿相信一个邪灵领主谎言,而不相信拥有相同血脉的同胞的良言吗?” Deceiver lowers the head slightly. 欺诈者微微低着头。 Suddenly, her mouth hears the hē hē laughter. 突然间,她的嘴里传来呵呵的笑声。 The laughter brings unable to explain evil meaning. 笑声带着无法言喻邪恶意味。 The Marvin's heart sank immediately valley! 马文的心顿时沉到了谷底! This he * mother unexpectedly is the Digaogan laughter! 这他*妈竟然是狄高庚的笑声! Very obviously, this sinister Evil Spirit Landgraf, does not know that with any mystique, has controlled the body of Deceiver. 很显然,这位阴险的邪灵领主,不知道用了什么秘法,控制了欺诈者的身体。 „Sorry that Seven-colored Stone was my.” “很抱歉,七彩石是我的了。” He so said. 他如此说道。 The next second, Saintess Muse calls out in alarm one, Seven-colored Stone in her hand unexpectedly suction by a formidable attraction, fell in the hand of Deceiver directly. 下一秒,圣女缪斯惊呼一声,她手中的七彩石竟然被一股强大的吸引力吸走,直接落到了欺诈者的手中。 The latter turns around to run! 后者转身就跑! ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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