NR :: Volume #2

#177: Seven-colored Stone 【Second!】

This longspear, seems like ordinary, but this is because not activated reason. 这杆长枪,看似普普通通,但是这是因为没有被激活的缘故。 Although Marvin had thought Weeping Firmament This name is a little artificial, vault of heaven is sobbing, is not rains...... However this Legendary Item Prestige Energy, is the average man is unable to imagine. 虽然马文一直觉得【哭泣的苍穹】这个名字有点矫情,苍穹在哭泣,不就是下雨么……但是这件传奇物品威能,是常人无法想象的。 This longspear is very targeted goods. If is used to cope with ordinary creature, possibly might as well some magic weapon are easy-to-use. 这杆长枪是非常有针对性的一件物品。如果用来对付普通的生物,可能还不如一些魔法武器好用。 However is used to cope with the grand dragon words, the effect is different! 但是用来对付巨龙的话,效果就不一样了! This gadget is a slaughter dragon madman specifically aims at grand dragon to build! 这玩意儿是一个屠龙狂人专门针对巨龙打造的! That is Great Ancestor Master Level Blacksmith, his wife dies in a dragon calamity, therefore he has built three weapon personally. 那是一个大宗师级别铁匠,他的妻子死于一次龙祸之中,于是他亲手打造了三件武器 These three weapon, had abstained from by grand dragon, some rumors said that many grand dragon collaborate, has destroyed these three weapon. 这三件武器,一直被巨龙们所忌讳,有传言说,很多巨龙联手,已经将这三件武器摧毁了。 However on Fenan, always has wants slaughter dragon Warrior to seek for these three weapon innumerably diligently. 然而费南上,总有无数想要屠龙勇士在孜孜不倦地寻找着这三件武器 These three weapon, were called by players for Dragon Slayer's Three-piece Set. In three-piece set, any in the hand, the slaughter dragon assurance can soar. 这三件武器,被玩家们合称为“屠龙三件套”。三件套之中,任何一件在手,屠龙的把握就能直线飙升。 Attribute that because each weapon in three-piece set, three are unable to obliterate: 因为三件套中的每件武器,都有三条无法磨灭的属性: First, grasps weapon, disregards dragon prestige. 一,手持武器者,无视龙威 Solely this attribute, made innumerable Brave go after like ducks. What grand dragon is most formidable is what? Huge body? terrifying Dragon Speech sorcery? 单单这一条属性,就让无数勇者趋之若鹜了。巨龙最强大的是什么?庞大的躯体?恐怖龙语巫术 It is not. 都不是。 Generally speaking, what making grand dragon obtain in the fight offensive is the different thing, first is the Flight ability, second is dragon prestige. 一般来说,让巨龙在战斗中取得先手的是两样东西,第一就是飞行能力,第二就是龙威 Majority of people. Does not have the means to resist dragon prestige. Under that natural Dignity suppression, many people are unable to adopt the will examination, loses the combat capability directly. 大部分的人。都没办法抗拒龙威。在那股天然的威严压制之下,很多人都无法通过意志检定,直接丧失战斗能力。 The war could not halt. Also hits? 战都站不住了。还怎么打? Antiquity Red Dragon attacks in a Whirlwind Harbor service, Elven Prince Ibo's name praised most broad, although also has him is the first reason of getting rid, but is most important, he hit E'er one to be caught off guard. 太古红龙攻击旋风港一役中,精灵王子伊布的名字被传颂的最广,虽说也有他是第一个出手的原因,但最重要的,还是他打了厄尔一个措手不及。 Must know that at that time follows Antiquity Red Dragon to come, not only there is being ready dragon breath. Blotting out the sky dragon prestige! 要知道,当时伴随着太古红龙而来的,不仅有蓄势待发的龙息。还有铺天盖地的龙威 If this dragon prestige threw on everyone, regardless of Legendary for the time being. The soldiers who at least these defend a city do not have the means to move. 这股龙威如果扑到了每一个人身上,传奇们姑且不论。起码那些守城的士兵们是没办法动弹的。 However a Ibo fist has overturned E'er, this process has not only broken his spell, has prevented his advance, meanwhile scattered his dragon prestige. 然而伊布一拳打翻了厄尔,这个过程不仅打断了他的法术,阻止了他的前进,同时还打散了他的龙威 This detail is important. Although the average person does not know, but there is a Sorcerers profound clear this point of knowledge. 这一个细节至关重要。虽然普通人不知道,但是有知识的巫师们深刻的明白这一点。 If not Ibo that fist, whether Southern Sorcerer Alliance Legendary team can repel E'er is a major problem! 如果不是伊布那一拳,南方巫师联盟传奇小队能否击退厄尔都是一个大问题! Thus it can be seen, dragon prestige the place of terrifying. 由此可见,龙威恐怖之处。 A Marvin artillery slaughter red dragon, obtained a dragon prestige resistance. 马文生生一炮屠了一条红龙,才获得了一点龙威抗性。 So long as grasps this handle longspear, he can exempt from dragon prestige automatically! 但是只要手持这柄长枪,他就能自动豁免龙威 The grand dragon biggest superiority was counter-balanced. 巨龙最大的优势被抵消了。 However, this is only the Dragon Slayer's Three-piece Set first common attribute. 然而,这只是屠龙三件套的第一条共同属性。 The second article the attribute is overbearing: 第二条属性更霸道: when the target is a dragon, Ignore Defense 当目标是巨龙时,无视防御 Ignore Defense! 无视防御 What slaughter dragon is most difficult is what? Naturally is its terrifying defense capability and reply ability. Did not say antiquity dragon, even if that ordinary red dragon. By Ibo pain Bian to become such, can still run away reluctantly. 屠龙最困难的是什么?自然是其恐怖的防御能力和回复能力。不说太古龙,就算是那头普通的红龙。被伊布痛扁成那样,依然能勉强逃走。 If is not quite accurate, perhaps also really made him who Marvin that artillery hits run away. 如果不是马文那一炮打的极为精准,恐怕还真让他逃走了。 This is the role that the defense of grand dragon plays. 这就是巨龙的防御起到的作用。 In fact. If gives Ibo this spear|gun, Marvin is pondering over the ordinary five colors grown dragon, the support under his hand is about ten rounds! 事实上。如果把这杆枪交给伊布,马文琢磨着普通的五色成年龙,在他手底下支撑不过十回合! Manages you how tenacious defense capability, a spear|gun does, extinguished directly! 管你多么坚韧的防御能力,一枪干进去,直接灭了! This most makes grand dragon feel attribute that shivers. 这才是最让巨龙感到颤抖的属性。 The defense that they were proud did not have, in front of Dragon Slaying Spear. They probably were dug up up the young miss of clothes...... 他们原本引以为傲的防御没有了,在屠龙枪面前。他们就好像被扒光了衣服的小姑娘…… ...... …… As for the third attribute, belongs passively. Moreover is the negative attribute. 至于第三条属性,属于被动的。而且是负面属性。 grand dragon detesting + 100 巨龙憎恶度+100】 Grasps weapon, may encounter dreading of all grand dragon very much. 手持武器者,很有可能遭遇所有巨龙的忌惮。 Because of this handle spear|gun, does not know that the slaughter fell multi- discount grand dragon. Has evilly, there are nicely, who this depends on uses the weapon person is. 因为这柄枪,已经不知道屠掉了多少头巨龙了。有邪恶的,也有善良的,这取决于使用武器的人是谁。 Revealed blatantly this spear|gun, basically was a grand dragon clan declares war. You will encounter lots of problems. 公然亮出这杆枪,基本上算是和巨龙一族宣战了。你会遇到很多很多的麻烦。 According to Marvin knows, grasps expert that this spear|gun also likes showing off...... Died. 马文所知,手持这杆枪并且喜欢出风头的高手……都死了。 They have perhaps killed many dragons, but cannot support grand dragon to collaborate to be cloudy he...... Right, always arrogant grand dragon, when facing life threat, will collaborate, carries on the special plot in view of some human. 他们或许杀了很多头龙,但是架不住巨龙们联手起来阴他……没错,向来高傲的巨龙们,在面对生命威胁的时候,也会联起手来,针对某个人类进行特殊的阴谋。 No matter what, Dragon Slayer's Three-piece Set very long has not been born. 不管怎么样,屠龙三件套已经很久没有出世了。 Marvin already knows actually that this spear|gun hides in White Deer Cave. 马文倒是早就知道,这杆枪藏在白鹿洞穴内的。 Therefore he and Mederly agreement is, if she had found this spear|gun, must give Marvin. 所以他和梅迪尔丽的约定就是,如果她找到了这杆枪,一定要交给马文 What has not thought that before Marvin, two luck arrive at the top disappointingly, last time nearly had also been killed by Shadow Spider Society Assassin, obtained this spear|gun by luck! 只不过没想到的是,马文前两次运气差劲到顶,最后一次还险些被一名暗影蜘蛛会刺客杀了,却侥幸得到了这杆枪! This spear|gun must receive well, will otherwise bring in the total destruction. 这杆枪必须好好收好,否则会引来灭顶之灾。 The Marvin's storage space is not big, but he early is prepared, wrapped longspear with a giant oilcloth, carried it behind. 马文的储物空间没那么大,不过他早有准备,用一块巨大的油布包裹住了长枪,将它背在身后。 But during this, that young girl and small white deer throughout very warmly regarding Marvin. 而在这个期间,那个少女和小白鹿们始终很热情地围绕着马文 This feeling. 这种感觉很久违了。 ...... …… Name known as Muse of young girl, with Art Goddess of the same name, is Holy Spirit White Deer Attendant. 少女的名字叫做缪斯,和艺术女神同名,是圣灵白鹿侍奉者 She is also White Race People one of the three Saintess, but she has not trod White Deer Cave since childhood, has taken serving Holy Spirit White Deer as own mission. 她也是白族人的三圣女之一,只不过她从小就没有踏出过白鹿洞穴,一直以侍奉圣灵白鹿为自己的使命。 It looks like in Marvin, so-called serving Holy Spirit White Deer, is the maid to this crowd of small white deer actually. 马文看来,所谓的侍奉圣灵白鹿,其实就是给这群小白鹿当保姆而已。 In White Deer Cave, besides Holy Spirit White Deer, did not have the too strong fellow. These small white deer, Marvin can also them clear clean, as for Saintess Muse, she is in three Saintess does not only have Strength. 白鹿洞穴内,除了圣灵白鹿之外,就没有太强的家伙了。这些小白鹿,就连马文也能将它们一口气清干净,至于圣女缪斯,她是三圣女中唯一没有力量的。 But Marvin such will not do absolutely and that's the end. 只不过马文绝对不会这么做就是了。 He comes the White Deer Cave goal to get money at first. While preventing the Deceiver plot, can look fish a good thing. 他起初来白鹿洞穴的目的就是打打秋风。在阻止欺诈者的阴谋的同时,看看能不能捞到点好东西。 Not only now the good thing to succeed in obtaining, but also had been rescued a life by this crowd of adorable small white deer. 如今不仅好东西到手,还被这群可爱的小白鹿救了一命。 The graciousness of life-saving. Naturally must repay. 救命之恩。自然是要报答的。 Quick, he confessed the plot about Deceiver with Muse. 很快的,他就和缪斯坦白了关于欺诈者的阴谋。 The complexion of young girl becomes very serious. 少女的脸色变得很严肃。 Actually Marvin did not say that she also prepares to inquire, why Marvin will appear in continuously close White Deer Cave. 其实就算马文不说,她也准备询问,为何马文会出现在一直封闭的白鹿洞穴里。 After all here many years did not have bystander to come. 毕竟这里已经很多年没有外人进来了。 ...... …… Almost was this. Deceiver and her evil spirit under wantonly slaughter your compatriots in Sage Desert.” “差不多就是这样了。欺诈者和她的邪灵手下在圣贤沙漠大肆屠杀你们的同胞。” However her this person hides outside White Deer Cave, leaves while Sir Holy Spirit White Deer, enters, wants to take away Seven-colored Stone.” “而她本人则躲在白鹿洞穴外,趁着圣灵白鹿大人离开,进入其中,想要拿走七彩石。” This. She can establish Gate of Disaster outside Deathly Still Hills, allowing the evil spirit army to enter Fenan.” “这样。她就可以在死寂丘陵外建立一座灾祸之门,让邪灵大军进入费南。” Marvin said seriously. 马文郑重地说。 As soon as these small white deer listen. Immediately becomes flurried incomparable 那些小白鹿们一听。顿时变得慌乱无比 „, I know these evil spirit, they are disgusting, they like injuring others.” “啊,我知道那些邪灵,他们非常恶心,他们喜欢伤害别人。” Originally has the thief to steal away father's Seven-colored Stone. We must tell the father the Sir.” “原来是有小偷想要偷走父亲的七彩石。我们要告诉父亲大人。” What to do if the thief is very fierce, I have not learned to fight!” “万一小偷很厉害怎么办,我还没学会打架啊!” ...... …… Then Mr. Marvin is prevents that thief?” “那么马文先生是过来阻止那个小偷的么?” This, is Muse asks to Marvin's. 这一句,是缪斯问向马文的 Marvin smiles lightly: Is. Even if before , is not, now.” 马文淡淡一笑:“算是吧。就算之前不是,现在也是了。” Muse nodded. Although she good chaste, but is not the fool. Marvin enters the goal in White Deer Cave so to be not necessarily pure. 缪斯点了点头。她虽然善良纯洁,但也不是傻瓜。马文进入白鹿洞穴里的目的未必有那么单纯。 But she does not need to see through an affair is. 只不过她也没必要拆穿就是。 What to do then we should?” She asked: Immediately contacts with Sir Lorante?” “那么我们应该怎么办?”她问道:“立刻联系洛兰特大人么?” Lorante, is the Holy Spirit White Deer name. 洛兰特,是圣灵白鹿的名字。 Perhaps without enough time.” Marvin sinking sound track: Holy Spirit White Deer leaves the cavern, arrives in desert, perhaps will be encircled by evil spirit.” “恐怕来不及了。”马文沉声道:“圣灵白鹿一离开洞穴,抵达沙漠,恐怕就会被邪灵围剿。” Their goals definitely are the protracted time, Deceiver will quickly come out from Magic Mirror Maze. Where she knows the Seven-colored Stone conceal.” “他们的目的肯定是拖延时间,欺诈者很快就会从魔镜迷宫中出来。她知道七彩石藏在哪儿。” We must shift it to a secret place immediately.” “我们必须立刻将它转移到一个隐秘的地方。” Marvin said sincerely: Relax, I to the Seven-colored Stone not anything interest.” 马文真诚地说:“放心,我对七彩石没什么兴趣。” Muse slightly pressed brow. 缪斯微微蹙了蹙眉头。 At this time, she behind a fawn jumped. The pure white light has swept from Marvin together from head to foot. 就在这个时候,她身后一头小鹿跳起来。一道洁白的光从马文身上从头到脚扫了一遍。 He has not lain, Sister Muse.” The kids said. “他没有说谎呢,缪斯姐姐。”小家伙说。 Muse nodded. 缪斯点了点头。 These white deer have the magical powers respectively, lie-detecting spell is also very accurate. Their innermost feelings are very insightful, can see through the will of the people. 这些白鹿各有神通,测谎法术也是非常精准的。它们的内心很通透,能看穿人心。 Since they thought that Marvin can depend upon, that should not any issue. 既然它们觉得马文可以依靠,那应该没什么问题。 Therefore she said to Marvin: 于是她对马文说: Follows me, I lead you to look for Seven-colored Stone.” “跟我走吧,我带你去找七彩石。” ...... …… Holly is depressed! 霍利非常郁闷! As Shadow Spider Society most top Assassin. He was most upper layer personnel. This assassination Marvin, is not he wanted the dry matter. 作为暗影蜘蛛会最顶级的刺客。他是最高层的人员了。这次刺杀马文,本来就不是他想要干的事情。 East Coast in rumor. With Baron Marvin, the present was not Viscount had the good friendship Legendary character at least to have one dozen with him. 东海岸都在传言。跟马文男爵哦不,现在是子爵了跟他有不错交情的传奇人物起码有一打。 Such fellow, no one knows that what powerhouse he died will have to visit to retaliate. 这样的家伙,谁也不知道他死了会有什么样的强者上门来报复。 How him to owe Unicorn Household the favour of that member too to be really big in the past, the opposite party places the Southern Sorcerer Alliance top digit at present it is said is the vice-minister of finance department, in the hand naturally is dominating the big fund. 奈何当年他欠独角兽家族的那位成员的人情实在太大了,对方目前身处南方巫师联盟的高位据说是财务部的副部长,手中自然是把持着大笔的资金的。 The favour adds the huge fund, making him have to receive this irksome Quest. 人情加巨额资金,让他不得不接下这个讨人厌的任务 Finally is now booing, the person has killed actually, what a pity was chased down by an insane woman! 结果现在倒好,人倒是杀了,可惜被一个疯女人追杀! He staggers along, evades chasing down of opposite party, while relies on the extremely good perception, unexpectedly made him escape from Magic Mirror Maze actually. 他跌跌撞撞,一边逃避对方的追杀,一边凭借极佳的悟性,居然硬是让他逃出了魔镜迷宫 Only what is a pity, in that two secret rooms as if has any good thing, but he takes without enough time. 唯一可惜的是,那两间密室里似乎有什么好东西,但是他都来不及拿。 However as Assassin, he fully realizes the truth of rejection. To maintain a livelihood, must discard something. 不过作为刺客,他深知舍弃的道理。想要活命,就得丢弃一些东西。 This meets in his long Profession profession have been innumerable. So long as that woman has stop slightly, takes thing, he has confidence to cast off her! 这在他漫长的职业生涯中遇到过无数次。只要那个女人稍有停顿,去拿东西了,他就有把握甩开她! However makes Holly feel what grasps is crazy, that insane woman also disregarded these unexpectedly seemed very good goods, directly flushed with him! 然而让霍利感到抓狂的是,那个疯女人居然也无视了那些看上去就很不错的物品,直接跟着他冲了出来! Also does not utter a word begins. 又是一声不吭就动手。 Holly really wants to cry but have no tears. 霍利真是欲哭无泪。 He also has to think the counter-attack, how this woman, although with his same step, but as top Warlock, her spell restrains him stubbornly. 他也不是没有想过反击,奈何这女人虽然和他同阶,但是作为顶尖术士,她的法术把他克制的死死的。 She as if also has special method to be able tracking he. This makes Holly aggrieved. 她似乎还有特别的手段可以追踪他。这让霍利憋屈无比。 They speed along in the deep and quiet cavern unceasingly. 两人在深幽的洞穴中不断飞驰。 Who knows that at this time, front presented a three-road junction. 谁知道就在这个时候,前方出现了一个三岔路口。 Holly makes a determined effort, prepares with pressing the bottom method doppelgänger technique gets rid of chasing down of this insane woman. 霍利一发狠,准备用压箱底的手段分身术来摆脱这个疯女人的追杀。 Who knows that at this time, in his field of vision presented one crowd of adorable small white deer. 谁知道就在这个时候,他的视野里出现了一群可爱的小白鹿 That crowd of small white deer, a hand holds Seven-colored Stone head the young girl of together. She looked that is very stunned to their expressions. 那群小白鹿的身后,还有一个手捧一块七彩石头的少女。她看向他们的表情很愕然。 Makes Holly feel what is surprised, he saw when the young girl that should die are many Marvin! 更让霍利感到吃惊的是,他在少女身旁看到了那个本应该死去多时的马文 My this yes fantasy?” Holly cannot bear rub the eyes. “我这是活见鬼了吗?”霍利忍不住揉了揉眼睛。 Makes him feel what surprise is, that insane woman is seeing this crowd of strange combinations that instantaneous, stopped to own attack. 更让他感到诧异的是,那个疯女人在看到这群奇怪的组合的那瞬间,就停止了对自己的攻击。 ...... …… I go!” “我去!” In the Marvin heart cursed angrily one. 马文心中怒骂一声。 Misfortune never singly comes. 祸不单行啊。 He wants to bring small white deer to flee hunt of Deceiver, has not thought that here actually met. 他本想带着小白鹿们逃离欺诈者的追捕,没想到在这里却遇到了。 Moreover, that Assassin! 不仅如此,还有那名刺客 Assassin is bad to own vision, thinks that must begin. After all the Shadow Spider Society creed is so, must kill the goal is good. 刺客对自己目光不善,想必是要动手了。毕竟暗影蜘蛛会的信条就是如此,一定要把目标杀死才行。 But Deceiver vision, is completely centralized on Seven-colored Stone! 欺诈者的目光,则是全部集中在七彩石上! Sir Marvin, we what to do!” 马文大人,我们怎么办啊!” One crowd of small white deer were panic-stricken is saying. 一群小白鹿张皇失措地说着。 Marvin deeply inspires, tears down Deep-blue Notepad to rub one group from the back, lost on the ground. 马文深吸一口气,从背后撕下一张湛蓝信笺揉成一团,丢在了地上。 Then he proceeded two steps, blocked before two people. 然后他往前走了两步,拦在了两人身前。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second, 3500 characters + deliver! ps:第二更,3500字+送上!
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