NR :: Volume #2

#193: Legendary anger! 【Sought subscription】

Marvin died! 马文死了! Did Sir Landgraf die? 领主大人死了? Such thought paces back and forth in the heart of ordinary territory resident, can hardly be removed. 这样的念头徘徊在普通领地居民的心中,挥之不去。 They do not know why will have such idea, after is only phenomenon Vanish in sky, premonitions in their heart were more intense. 他们不知道为什么自己会产生这样的想法,只是天空中的异象消失之后,他们心中的预感更加强烈了。 Because in any event, the position that Marvin is, seems also very dangerous appearance. 因为无论如何,马文所在的位置,看上去也很危险的样子。 Moreover, he has crashed into boundless darkness. 而且,他是坠入了无边的黑暗之中。 How very terrifying appearance. 怎么都非常恐怖的样子。 Ignorant citizen gathered on castle, prayed that Dame Anna or Sir Wayne gave them a reply. 无知的领民聚集在了城堡上,祈祷安娜大人或者维尼大人给他们一个回复。 However they have not waited till. 然而他们迟迟没有等到。 ...... …… How possible!” “怎么可能!” How possibly also to have other person to enter World Tree.” “怎么可能还有另外的人能进入世界树。” When the Marvin's form crashes Abyss that flash, on the face of Daniela wrote all over immediately has not dared to believe. 马文的身影坠落深渊的那一瞬间,丹妮拉的脸上顿时写满了不敢置信。 Whose especially when she sees clearly to push down Marvin's that person is! 特别是当她看清推下马文的那个人是谁的时候! Unexpectedly is that woman!” “竟然是那个女人!” She hates to clench jaws. 她恨得咬牙切齿。 Zhu. Both sides fought before, she faintly has the strength suppressed meaning, has not thought that this Marvin's stealth activity, was seen finally actually through by her! 双方之前交手,她就隐隐有实力被压制的意思,没想到这次马文的秘密行动,最终却被她识破! That is Tree of the World, falls down, dies without the burial ground! 那可是世界之树啊,掉下去,就是死无葬身之地! The Final Star World attraction, nobody can resist! 最终星界的引力,没有人可以抗拒! Daniela was somewhat vacant. 丹妮拉有些茫然了。 Did that man, such die really? 那个男人,真的就这么死了么? Is impossible!” Wayne shook the head to say firmly: Elder brother will not have the matter, I can sense it!” “不可能的!”维尼坚定地摇头说:“哥哥不会有事的,我能感应得到!” Anna complexion is sorrowful. She looks at the Wayne firm expression, does not know unexpectedly should say anything is good. 安娜面色悲痛。她看着维尼坚定的表情,竟不知道该说什么是好。 Marvin is the entire White River Valley backbone, if he died. Then White River Valley...... She does not know that what will then turn into. 马文是整个白河谷地的顶梁柱,如果他死了。那么白河谷地……她都不知道接下来会变成什么样。 She knows nothing to matter that Marvin handles, therefore she arrives in front of Daniela quickly, controls own mood forcefully: 她对马文所做的事情一无所知,所以她快步走到丹妮拉面前,强行控制住自己的情绪: Miss Daniela, Sir Marvin he......” 丹妮拉小姐,马文大人他……” In her eye is also having a hope. 她的眼中还带着一丝希冀。 Daniela looks at Anna, how does not know, in the heart really has a sorrow of difficult word. 丹妮拉怔怔地看着安娜,不知怎么的,心中竟然有一种难言的悲恸。 If this man, such died. Then this what course to follow? 如果这个男人,真的就这么死了的话。那么自己又该何去何从? Ancestral Enigma forever will fall along with him Star World. Fiend Great Monarch skull sooner or later one day must be separated from the seal. 先祖之谜将随他永坠星界魔鬼大君头颅迟早有一天要脱离封印。 One in all that White River Valley makes, as if also turned meaningless. 自己在白河谷地所做的一切,似乎也都变成了毫无意义的了。 Sir Daniela!?” Anna enhanced an intonation. 丹妮拉大人!?”安娜提高了一个声调。 Daniela shook the head bitterly and astringently: Falls down from there...... Should not any possibility. Returned alive.” 丹妮拉苦涩地摇了摇头:“从那里掉下去……应该没什么可能。生还了吧。” The next second, Anna only thinks the hands and feet to be icy cold, finally has fainted. 下一秒,安娜只觉得手脚冰凉,终于是晕了过去。 People startled hū! 众人不由惊呼! Immediately has maidservant who recently recruited to come in a hurry, supports by the arm Anna. Returns to the room. 顿时就有新近招募的侍女匆匆过来,把安娜搀扶起来。返回房间。 In city wall, only remaining Wayne and Daniela two people. 城墙上,只剩下维尼丹妮拉两个人。 Is impossible, the elder brother will not die.” Wayne binocular evade tears, but mouth actually firm incomparable: I can sense it!” “不可能的,哥哥不会死的。”维尼的双眼闪烁着眼泪,但是嘴里却坚定无比:“我能感应得到!” Daniela deeply inspires. 丹妮拉深吸一口气。 She suddenly thinks, before Marvin had not had an accident, Wayne said his one premonition. 她突然想起来,之前马文还没出事的时候,维尼就说他有一种预感。 Afterward had a premonition that really became real. 后来预感果然成真了。 In that safe place, really has the enemy to seep. This is almost the unlikely matter. 在那么安全的地方,竟然都有敌人渗透。这几乎是不可能发生的事情。 Then now, feeling of Wayne...... 那么现在,维尼的感觉…… She hurries to ask: „Can you induce to your elder brother are really also living?” 她慌忙问道:“你真的能感应到你哥哥还活着么?” Naturally!” Wayne makes an effort to nod. “当然了!”维尼用力地点了点头。 However, his double fist is gripping tightly. The nail unknowingly permeated the skin, blood flowed. 然而,他的双拳紧紧握着。指甲不知不觉渗入了皮肤,鲜血都流了出来。 In his eye has written all over desperately. 他的眼中写满了绝望。 Daniela understood. 丹妮拉明白了。 He does not have that feeling actually. 他其实没有那种感觉。 Reason that said that the elder brother is also living, but is one holds to read. 之所以说哥哥还活着,只不过是一个执念吧。 Thinks of here. Future Snow Queen does not have impulsive of reason suddenly. 想到这里。未来的冰雪女皇突然没来由的一阵冲动。 She grasps Wayne gently, promise said in a soft voice: Relax. Your elder brother will certainly come back.” 她轻轻抱住维尼,轻声许诺说:“放心吧。你哥哥一定会回来的。” Before he comes back, anybody, is impossible to bully White River Valley, bullies you.” “在他回来之前,任何人,都不可能欺负白河谷地,欺负你。” I can for his Guardianship this lands.” “我会替他守护这片土地的。” Who lets me is his fiancee......” “谁让我是他的未婚妻呢……” ...... …… Marvin image that falls down from World Tree, the entire world saw. 马文世界树上掉下去的影像,整个世界都看到了。 Many people have to regret. 很多人都心存惋惜。 Presented Hero with great difficulty. Has not thought that was actually strangled by a worse influence. 好不容易出现了一个英雄。没想到却被更加邪恶的势力所扼杀了。 The symbol of Sky Cyan Nine Heads, many people know! 天青九头的标志,很多人还是认识的! Double Snake Cult this is announcing her Strength to entire Fenan! 双蛇教这是在向整个费南宣告她的力量 She is spreading the seed of dread. 她在播撒恐惧的种子。 However is not all people can dread. 然而并不是所有人都会恐惧 Some people. Then is the anger. 有些人。则是愤怒。 Enters the World Tree space Zhu not to think through the help of Extinguishing the World Double Snakes that Marvin's dies, is not Double Snake Cult announces the perfect performance of military force. 通过灭世之双蛇的帮助而进入世界树空间的万万没有想到,马文的死,并不是双蛇教宣告武力的一个完美演出。 In fact, it is Double Snake Cult the start of disaster! 事实上,它是双蛇教的灾难的开始! ...... …… East Coast. 东海岸 On a bare sand dune. 一个光秃秃的沙丘上。 Here, should be 17 th , was the East Coast last Double Snake Cult foothold, Sir, did you want......?” “这里,应该就是第17个,也就是东海岸最后一个双蛇教的据点了,大人,您要不要……?” On magic carpet, dreadful Thief is pointing below sand dune, so said. 魔毯上,一名猥琐的盗贼指着下方的沙丘,如此说道。 Does not want!” “不要!” Hathaway is cold a face. 海瑟薇冷着一张脸。 The meaning of Thief is, must verify. 盗贼的意思是,要不要核实一下。 However Hathaway at this time already not that many Patience. Her full brain is Marvin crashes Abyss that! 然而海瑟薇此时已经没有那么多耐心了。她满脑子都是马文坠落深渊的那一幕! That woman, has killed Marvin unexpectedly! 那个女人,竟然害死了马文 In front of entire world, has killed Marvin, this held in her moral nature without doubt a blade! 当着整个世界的面,杀死了马文,这无疑在她的心底捅了一把刀! Gives the devil his due, Marvin and between her the sentiment, is somewhat subtle. 平心而论,马文和她之间的感情,是有些微妙的。 Both sides contact to stem from Book of Nalu at first, is Shadow Prince assassination. That feeling is very marvelous, she knows, if were not Marvin has given itself Book of Nalu, perhaps then at least also had some time can promote Legendary. 双方最初的接触源于纳鲁之书,然后就是阴影王子刺杀。那种感觉很奇妙,她知道,如果不是马文给了自己纳鲁之书,那么自己恐怕至少还有相当一段时间才能晋升传奇 In her subconscious, has regarded own savior Marvin. 她的潜意识里,一直将马文当成了自己的救命恩人。 But this savior is interesting, at least does not rigidly adhere like the average person to many existing mentalities. He will often do some shocking matters. 而这个救命恩人还蛮有趣的,至少不像普通人那样拘泥于许多现有的思路。他往往会干出一些让人大跌眼镜的事情。 For example this plan attacks Evil Spirit World! 比如这次策划进攻邪灵世界 His Third Step Ranger, really has such boldness and Courage. This lets the place that Hathaway likes very much. 他一个三阶游侠,竟然有这样的魄力和勇气。这是让海瑟薇很喜欢的地方。 She does not know actually one to the Marvin's sentiment are any nature, deep. 她不知道自己对马文的感情究竟是什么性质,有多深。 These do not think. 这些都不要去想了。 Present she. Only wants to vent the anger in chest! 现在的她。只想将胸膛中的怒火发泄出来! Storm of Ashes! 灰烬风暴 The terrifying arcane energy flat land raises, the Storm of Ashes institute and place, is infertile. 恐怖奥术能量平地升起,灰烬风暴所及之处,寸草不生。 Suddenly, sand dune avalanche, inside gushes out the innumerable person's shadows. However these people, do not have the means to flee the Storm of Ashes category finally. 眨眼间,沙丘崩塌,里面涌出无数人影。然而这些人,最终都没办法逃离灰烬风暴的范畴。 A Storm of Ashes probably meat grinder, crazily has attracted the Double Snake Cult believers. Finally turns into the blood rain and muddy flesh! 灰烬风暴就好像一台绞肉机,将一名名双蛇教的教徒疯狂地吸了进去。最终变成血雨和肉泥! including purple-robed Priest! 这其中包括了一名紫袍祭司 After short three minutes, nearby sand dune. Without any life aura. 短短三分钟之后,沙丘附近。没有任何生命气息。 Thief trembles, this already Hathaway within one week, the 17 th Double Snake Cult foothold that destroyed completely. 盗贼瑟瑟发抖,这已经海瑟薇在一周之内,灭掉的第17个双蛇教据点了。 Regardless of size, regardless in anyone. She has a character entirely 无论大小,无论里面都有谁。她统统只有一个字 Kill! 杀! This is the Legendary anger! 这就是传奇的怒火! Next place.” Hathaway lets somebody cool off or calm down said. “下一个地方。”海瑟薇冷冷道。 Did not have.” Thief said cautiously: „The East Coast Double Snake Cult foothold, had been swept up by you!” “没有了。”盗贼小心翼翼地说:“东海岸双蛇教据点,已经被您扫荡光了!” „Didn't East Coast have?” 东海岸没有了么?” Hathaway is very as if worried, but is quick, she has lifted the head, said firmly: That has a look toward the west side.” 海瑟薇似乎很苦恼,不过很快的,她就抬起了脑袋,坚定地说:“那就往西边看看吧。” The face of Thief turned into the balsam pear face immediately! 盗贼的脸立刻变成了苦瓜脸! ...... …… North, City State. 北方,一座城邦 Constantine, this City State upper layer, although by the person control of Double Snake Cult, moreover is one of their supreme headquarters.” 康斯坦丁,这座城邦高层虽然是被双蛇教的人控制,而且也是他们的大本营之一。” You do, can a little go too far.” “不过你这么干,会不会有点太过火了啊。” As far as I know. In this City State many innocent people.” “据我所知。这座城邦里还是有不少无辜的人的。” The night wind rustlings, wears the charming uncle whole face of windproof coat to be solemn, is building not without making a sound own Purple Brilliance. 夜风瑟瑟,身穿风衣的帅气大叔满脸冷峻,一声不吭地搭建着自己的【紫耀】。 This Legendary weapon. Since Marvin uses, self-recovery in hand of Constantine. 这件传奇武器。自从马文使用一遍之后,就自动返回了康斯坦丁的手中。 His side is standing a lanky man, seemed urging him. 他身边站着一个瘦长的男子,似乎在劝他。 However Constantine has not paid attention to him. 然而康斯坦丁并没有理会他。 You know that what the big investment loss is feels?” “你知道大笔投资血本无归是什么感觉吗?” You know that I ask you to dissect your red dragon, but present didn't red dragon have?” “你知道我找你是为了解剖你一条红龙而现在红龙没有了吗?” You know......” “你知道……” What feeling loses a friend is?” “失去一个朋友是什么样的感觉吗?” The lanky man sighed: That is also insufficient to massacre city.” 瘦长男子叹了一口气:“那也不至于屠城啊。” Constantine smiles lightly: Some people, as.” 康斯坦丁淡淡一笑:“有些人,就至于。” The next second, he draws the Purple Brilliance switch suddenly. 下一秒,他猛然拉动紫耀的开关。 terrifying Burst of Strength from the barrel comes out, pure white ray just like First Glimmers of Dawn. Has illuminated entire City State. 恐怖力量从炮膛中爆发出来,纯白的光芒宛如晨曦。照亮了整座城邦 sōu sōu sōu! The innumerable bullets in broken bits split, drops from the clouds. 嗖嗖嗖!无数颗细碎的子弹分裂开来,从天而降。 Constantine lifts up Purple Brilliance. Turned around, lit a cigar: 康斯坦丁扛起紫耀。转身,点燃了一支雪茄: Walks, next city.” “走,下一座城。” hōng! 轰! Slating sound. 雷鸣般的声响。 The storm has raised his windproof coat. Quick, integrated in darkness. 风浪掀起了他的风衣。很快的,就融入了黑暗之中。 ...... …… In Fenan's each corner, similar picture, endlessly is duplicating. 费南的各个角落里,类似的画面,不断重复着。 Besides severely wounded Inheim and is finding the way to treat and cure his Wrath of the Firmaments and Endless Ocean, all people in Legendary team sent out. 除了重伤的因海姆和正在想办法救治他的苍穹之怒无尽之洋之外,传奇小队内的所有人都出动了。 They are the spontaneous motions. 他们都是自发的行动。 Not unified plan. 没有统一的规划。 However no matter how, the Double Snake Cult influence starts to be retaliated and attacked crazily. 然而不管如何,双蛇教的势力开始受到疯狂的报复和打击。 Short one week, the East Coast influence all extinguishes, several City State of Northland control turned into the ruins entirely, other influences, came under the attack of Ruin nature! 短短一周,东海岸势力全灭,北地掌控的几个城邦统统变成了废墟,其余的势力,也受到了毁灭性的打击! Nobody thinks, a small Baron death, will have such influence to Double Snake Cult. 没有人想的到,一个小小男爵的死,会对双蛇教造成这样的影响。 Entire Fenan was discussing these little to present biography strangely high in people field of vision moves, but crazy retaliation! 整个费南都在谈论那些很少出现在众人视野里的传奇高调而疯狂的报复! Double Snake Cult ended! 双蛇教完了! This is the ideas in all person hearts. 这是所有人心中的想法。 ...... …… Land of the Polar North. 极北之地 The old man of Legendary Barbarian and alcoholic intoxication continues Observation the change of glacier. 传奇野蛮人和醉酒的老头继续观察冰川的变化。 However at this time, a black-clothed person gradually walked from the south. 然而就在这个时候,一个黑衣人一步一步地从南方走来。 You must make anything!” The old man looks at the opposite party, asked loud. “你要做什么!”老头看着对方,高声问道。 Murder.” “杀人。” black-clothed person's reply is brief and to the point. 黑衣人的回答言简意赅。 His bosom is also holding gigantic skull. Legendary Barbarian looks fearful and apprehensive! 他的怀里还抱着一个硕大的头颅传奇野蛮人看得心惊肉跳! That unexpectedly is a head of Molten Fire Landgraf! 那竟然是一个熔火领主的脑袋! She has killed my brothers.” “她害死了我的兄弟。” Night Traveler has a grudge to report.” 夜行人有仇必报。” Therefore, please make way.” “所以,请让开。” The next second, the black-clothed person overran suddenly, a fist has broken glacier! 下一秒,黑衣人猛然冲了过去,一拳砸碎了冰川 ...... …… But in quiet World Tree space. 而静谧的世界树空间内。 After Zhu left this space, well satisfied. 心满意足地离开了这个空间之后。 A stealthy person's shadow, slowly appears from other trunk and branches the human form. 一个鬼鬼祟祟的人影,从另外的枝干上缓缓现出人形来。 Luckily......” “幸亏……” Father also has way of escape.” “老子还有后手。” Otherwise, really hung.” “不然,就真的挂了啊。” ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second delivers, today two. The wrist|skill was not seemingly sore, if all goes well, then the day after tomorrow, is 18 th, the coconut tree can once more Burst. We hope that everybody can support. This month, the goal of coconut tree is to preserve the monthly ticket first ten, attacks first six. Moreover, the recommendation must break the 15 w critical junction immediately, therefore these days, asking everybody to work as one, remembers that cast the recommendation ticket. Thanked. ps:第二更送上,今天就两更了。手腕貌似没那么疼了,如果一切顺利,那么后天,也就是18号,椰子会再次爆发。希望大家能一直支持。这个月,椰子的目标是保住月票前十,冲击前六。另外,推荐马上要破15w大关了,所以这段时间,请大家齐心协力,记得多投推荐票。谢谢了。
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