NR :: Volume #2

#174: White Deer Cave

On the silent sand dune, Marvin becomes silent. 寂静的沙丘上,马文默然无语。 Mederly has certainly misunderstood own meaning. 梅迪尔丽一定是误解了自己的意思。 His shuā shuā shuā has written one line of characters immediately in the past. 他立马刷刷刷地写了一行字过去。 This pale blue booklet, is the alchemy goods of Mederly manufacture. The use naturally is the short haul connection. 这本淡蓝色的小册子,是梅迪尔丽制作的炼金物品。用处自然是短距离通信。 He in the Sage Desert east, is away from River Beach City now is actually not very remote, therefore Marvin has attempted. 他现在在圣贤沙漠的东部,距离河滩城其实并不是很遥远,所以马文尝试了一下。 He had not had the too high hope, has not actually thought that Mederly such quickly did reply him unexpectedly? 他原本没有抱太大的希望,却没想到梅迪尔丽居然这么快就回复他了? This is in myths Instant Return?” “这就是传说中的【秒回】么?” Marvin spits trough one at heart. 马文心里吐槽一句。 ...... …… In Magician Tower. In the blue booklet, one line of characters appear once more. 法师塔中。蓝色的小册子上,一行字再次浮现。 Mederly frowns slightly. Just started her also to think that is the Marvin's practical joke, has been infatuated in studying her being disinclined of Book of Nalu manages him simply. 梅迪尔丽微微蹙眉。刚开始她还以为是马文的恶作剧,一直醉心于研究纳鲁之书的她简直懒得理他。 Who knows that this, seems not fake: 谁知道这一句,似乎不是假的: White Deer Cave must open immediately, aren't you excited to inside treasure?】 白鹿洞穴马上就要开放了,难道你对里面的宝物不心动?】 Under of these words, a Marvin's head picture is fluctuating. When this is initially Mederly delivered the booklet to Marvin comes up with souvenir photo technique enchantment. 这句话的下方,还有一个马文的头像在浮动。这是当初梅迪尔丽送小册子给马文时用留影术附魔上去的。 For her, is makes this alchemy goods purely more amusing. 对她来说,纯粹就是让这个炼金物品变得更加好玩。 White Deer Cave?” 白鹿洞穴?” In the Mederly mind reappeared in that myths to fill the hidden treasure place. 梅迪尔丽脑海里浮现出了那个传说中充满宝藏的地方。 She hesitant, finally clenches teeth to write: 她犹豫了一下,最终还是咬牙写到: Was sorry that I do not have the time.】 【抱歉,我没有时间。】 Simply put, is interested, but does not have the time. She must promote Legendary as soon as possible, only then this. Can break out of the fetter of Marvin's Law Decree Contract! 言下之意是,有兴趣,但是没时间。她要尽快晋升传奇只有这样。才能摆脱马文的律令契约的束缚! In White Deer Cave indeed has many makes the person coveting over treasure, but there is Holy Spirit White Deer Guardianship, does not have the means to take. 白鹿洞穴里的确有很多令人垂涎三尺的宝物,但是有圣灵白鹿守护,根本没办法取出来的。 Mederly is not a fool. 梅迪尔丽也不是傻瓜。 Quick. The Marvin's reply renovates once more 很快的。马文的回复再次刷新 Holy Spirit White Deer must leave White Deer Cave quickly, Digaogan sent his primary assistant Deceiver to steal Seven-colored Stone in cavern, you know that he wants to do.】 圣灵白鹿很快就要离开白鹿洞穴了,狄高庚派了他的得力助手欺诈者来窃取洞穴中的七彩石,你知道他想干嘛的。】 These words, made Mederly enforce finally. 这一句话,终于让梅迪尔丽严肃了起来。 As -and-a-half daemon, she understanding of Fenan and many world surpasses ordinary Sorcerer. 作为一名半恶魔,她对费南和诸多世界的了解远超过普通巫师 Digaogan this name, she is not naturally strange, in she pushes onward in the Scarlet Monastery process. Repeatedly receives the obstruction of this Evil Spirit Landgraf. 狄高庚这个名字,她自然也不陌生,在她挺进猩红修道院的过程中。就屡次受到这个邪灵领主的阻挠。 She had already completed the retaliation of opposite party, but Digaogan seemed expected that compared with her can also bear patiently. 她早就做好了对方的报复,只不过狄高庚似乎比她预料中的还能隐忍一些。 His retaliation has not come. 他的报复迟迟没来。 Wait / Etc....... Seven-colored Stone?” “等等……七彩石?” In the Mederly eye flashes through a none remaining. 梅迪尔丽眼中闪过一丝精光。 Was this must open Gate of Disaster? 这是要开灾祸之门了么? Where 【do you know these?】 【你从哪里知道这些的?】 She cannot bear write. 她忍不住写到。 Looks for me. I told you all these.】 【来找我。我就告诉你这一切。】 Marvin reply. 马文回复。 Since you told my this matter, I went to White Deer Cave to be good directly, why can also look for you?】 【既然你告诉了我这件事情,我自己直接去白鹿洞穴就好了,干嘛还要来找你?】 Mederly unwilling heart counter-attack. 梅迪尔丽不甘心地反击。 However next second, a Marvin's light reply. Makes half charm demon air/Qi tooth itchy. 然而下一秒,马文的一句轻飘飘的回复。就让半魅魔气的牙痒痒。 He has written such one line of characters lazily: 他懒洋洋地写了这么一行字: You know that White Deer Cave does walk?】 【你知道白鹿洞穴怎么走么?】 ...... …… After two hours, Marvin sits on magic carpet easely, starts to analyze the long and short of the story of this matter with Mederly. 两个小时之后,马文悠然坐在魔毯上,开始和梅迪尔丽分析这件事情的来龙去脉。 In fact, reason that he chooses Mederly , because she leaves near, and can fly. 事实上,他之所以选择梅迪尔丽,就是因为她离得近,而且可以飞。 This was the Sorcerer advantage. 这就是巫师的好处了。 magic carpet as the alchemy goods, is always falling short of demand, because Second Step Sorcerer can use magic carpet, although will consume massive expensive magic dust to take the fuel, however feeling of Flight. Indeed is other Profession does not have the means to envy. 魔毯作为炼金物品,向来是供不应求的因为二阶巫师就可以使用魔毯了,虽然会消耗大量的昂贵魔粉作为燃料,但是飞行的感觉。的确是其他职业没办法羡慕的。 Only then controlled the certain extent to chaotic mana, can achieve to begin using magic carpet Flight. 只有对混乱魔力掌控到了一定程度,才能做到启用魔毯飞行 Just, magic carpet burnt money actually . The speed is faster, burns money more ominous. 只不过,魔毯烧钱倒是真的了。速度越快,烧钱就越凶。 Previous generation game initial period time, Marvin sees these to look the Sorcerer players who frequently scenery sit magic carpet to howl, charming not good, however that is only the scenery in surface, in fact they when brush Instance Dungeon to thrust out the face to rub to the teammate including the liquid medicines mostly. 前世游戏初期的时候,马文经常看见那些看着风光的巫师玩家们坐着魔毯呼啸而过,帅气的不行然而那只是表面上的风光,事实上他们在刷副本的时候多半连药水都腆着脸向队友蹭。 Therefore Sorcerer this Profession, not having money unable. 所以说巫师这个职业,没有钱是万万不能的。 Going down in the world wild Sorcerer. Even if to on low several ranks, but has mountain of money Sorcerer. Perhaps is out to lose. 一个落魄的野巫师。哪怕对上比自己低上好几个等级的,但却拥有万贯家财的巫师。恐怕下场都是输。 So long as you are rich, with the most vulgar means that pounded scroll also to be able the opposite party to be battered to death randomly. 只要你有钱,用最粗俗的办法,乱砸卷轴也能把对方砸死了。 ...... …… Unexpectedly also has this matter.” “居然还有这种事情。” After listening Marvin's analyzes, the Mederly facial expression is exceptionally serious. 听完马文的分析之后,梅迪尔丽的神情异常严肃。 Digaogan obviously comes to her and Collins. If made Deceiver attain Seven-colored Stone, then Gate of Disaster definitely will open. 狄高庚明显是冲着她和柯林斯来的。如果让欺诈者拿到了七彩石,那么灾祸之门肯定是会开启了。 Where will he choose opens? 他会选择在哪里开? Perhaps if in East Coast, will be eliminated by the earliest possible time! 如果在东海岸,恐怕会被第一时间消灭! Joke! How long Antiquity Red Dragon E'er cannot flaunt to be ominous, by Southern Sorcerer Alliance Legendary team rumbling. 笑话!就连太古红龙厄尔都没能逞凶多久,被南方巫师联盟传奇小队给轰了回去。 One crowd of evil spirit, naturally do not dare to be dissolute. 一群邪灵,自然不敢多放肆的。 To demonstrate the military force, wants to retaliate, Digaogan is very likely to open Gate of Disaster in the River Beach City north! 想要展示武力,又想要报复,狄高庚极有可能将灾祸之门开在河滩城的北方! When the time comes evil spirit like the sea, turns out in full strength, even if Southern Sorcerer Alliance responded that perhaps River Beach City also had been razed. 到时候邪灵如海,倾巢而出,就算南方巫师联盟反应过来,河滩城恐怕也被已经被夷为平地了。 evil spirit Strength, far exceeds the imagination of normal person. If knew the means of restraint, for example Marvin, can eliminate evil spirit actually skilled. 邪灵力量,远远超出正常人的想象。如果知道了克制的办法,比如马文,倒是可以熟练的消灭邪灵 But the issue is, River Beach City Adventurer is as for the regular army, how many people there are to have with evil spirit has fought the experience? 但问题是,河滩城冒险者乃至于正规军,有几个人有和邪灵交手过的经验呢? Once the war starts, River Beach City on abnormal risk. 战争一旦开打,河滩城就异常危险了。 „It is not good, this matter is not we can prevent.” The Mederly fruit blocks the way: “不行,这件事情不是我们可以阻止的。”梅迪尔丽果断道: I need to report the alliance, the request assistance.” “我需要上报联盟,请求支援。” Marvin sneered saying: I just you told that is only my guess. You thought that the alliance believe?” 马文冷笑说:“我刚刚跟你说的,只是我个人的猜测而已。你觉得联盟会相信么?” Now eastern part every becomes serious, alliance accepted your requesting reinforcements, you thought how many they can send to come?” “现在东部人手吃紧,联盟就算接受了你的求援,你觉得他们能派多少过来?” For them, a new Viscount nonsense, in desert had some white deer to hunt and kill event these is the minor matter. Not?” “对他们来说,一个新崛起的子爵的胡言乱语,沙漠里发生了一些白鹿猎杀事件这些都是小事。不是么?” Mederly was silent. 梅迪尔丽沉默了。 Said like Marvin. The people of alliance will not be easy to readily believe their. 诚如马文所说。联盟的人不会那么容易轻信他们的。 Because Marvin does not have the evidence. 因为马文没有证据。 If several Brain-eating Demon corpses can also work as the evidence, then the alliance estimated that daily must dispatch troops outward. 如果几头食脑魔的尸体也能当证据的话,那么联盟估计天天要往外派兵了。 All these, but must solve by them. 这一切,还得靠他们自己来解决。 Prevents Deceiver to attain Seven-colored Stone. Has a look in the cavern to have any treasure while convenient, this is we must do.” “阻止欺诈者拿到七彩石。顺便看看洞穴里有什么宝物,这就是我们要做的。” Marvin's has aimed at the north: Walks toward that side.” 马文的手指向了北方:“往那边走。” Mederly nodded, is controlling magic carpet, is shuttling back and forth in the Deathly Still Hills sky. 梅迪尔丽点了点头,控制着魔毯,在死寂丘陵的上空穿梭着。 Although most people know that White Deer Cave hides in a Deathly Still Hills corner. However knows that its exact place, entire south does not have many people. 虽然大部分人都知道白鹿洞穴就隐藏正死寂丘陵的一个角落里。但是知道它的确切地点的,整个南方也没有多少人。 Marvin is. 马文就是其中一个。 He once three opportunities entered White Deer Cave, although has not bailed out any special best quality goods the thing, but has attained some practical gadget. 他曾经有三次机会进入白鹿洞穴,虽然都没有捞出什么特别极品的东西,但还是拿到了一些实用的玩意儿。 This hidden treasure hole. He remembers clearly. 这个藏宝洞。他记得清清楚楚。 In front.” Marvin said in a low voice: Remembers to use Stronger Invisibility Spell, Deceiver in nearby.” “就在前面了。”马文低声说:“记得用【强效隐身术】,欺诈者就在附近。” Mederly sneered saying: This does also need you to remind? We now already were the stealth conditions.” 梅迪尔丽冷笑说:“这点还需要你提醒?我们现在早就是隐身状态了。” Marvin shrugs. 马文耸了耸肩。 magic carpet descends slowly. 魔毯缓缓降落。 The front is a branches and leaves luxuriant hill. Under the hill, ordinary flowers and plants, the flowers and plants center, can see some crushed stones indistinctly. 前方是一个枝叶繁茂的山丘。山丘之下,有一圈平凡的花草,花草中央,隐约可以看到一些碎石。 Placing of these crushed stones are tasteful. Was indistinctly related with some antiquity rune. 这些碎石的摆放非常讲究。隐约和某种上古符文有关。 Nature Ancient God rune.” 自然古神符文。” In the Marvin heart is somewhat sigh with emotion. 马文心中有些感慨。 Holy Spirit White Deer is Heaven creature, Legendary creature, the strength stronger compared with general Unicorn too. 圣灵白鹿天界生物,传奇生物,实力比一般的独角兽都要强太多。 It has the ability of foreknowledge fortune and misfortune inborn, few people can hoodwink it. 它天生具备预知祸福的能力,很少有人能蒙蔽它。 Naturally, this was it descends to earth the beforehand matter. 当然,这是它下凡之前的事情了。 At that time, it is the Nature Ancient God aide. Afterward Nature Ancient God fell into the deep sleep, transferred the Divine Art jurisdiction to Tree of the World, Holy Spirit White Deer followed World Tree, arrived at the world from Heaven. 那个时候,它还是自然古神的侍从。后来自然古神陷入了沉睡,将神术权限下放给了世界之树,圣灵白鹿就顺着世界树,从天界来到了人间。 After descending to earth. Its intelligence was hoodwinked by this world, loses the insightful ability that the beforehand all things all knew. 下凡之后。它的灵性被凡尘所蒙蔽,失去了之前万事皆知的通透能力。 Therefore it will be deceived by the Deceiver plot. 所以它才会被欺诈者的阴谋所欺骗。 The treasure in White Deer Cave is its these years collects everywhere. 白鹿洞穴里的宝物是它这些年来到处收集起来的。 Each treasure has its value. Holy Spirit White Deer wants to return to Heaven, but the Heaven porter has rejected it because of its this world aura. 每一件宝物都有其价值。圣灵白鹿想要返回天界,但是天界守门人因为它的凡尘气息而拒绝了它。 white deer walks in society. Was tarnished by dirty this mortal world, has learned the bad aspect for example, it collects these treasures, can bribe the Heaven porter for some day, but returns to Heaven. 白鹿在世间行走。被肮脏的尘世所玷污,学会了很多坏的方面比如,它收集这些宝物,就是为了有朝一日能贿赂天界守门人,而重返天界 Has saying that this background makes Marvin feel somewhat speechless. 不得不说,这个背景让马文感到有些无语。 However fundamentally. Holy Spirit White Deer is very good creature. 不过从根本上来说。圣灵白鹿还是一个非常善良的生物 Was only a pity that afterward it by the fierce and brutal god use, was controlled mental. Turned into one in magic creature that the world wreaks havoc. 只可惜后来它被凶暴之神利用,被控制了心智。变成了一头在人间肆虐的魔物 Naturally, that was the Great Cataclysm later matter. 当然,那都是大灾变之后的事情了。 Present Holy Spirit White Deer, should be very pure good. 现在的圣灵白鹿,应该还是非常单纯善良的。 ...... …… I had not found you to say Deceiver.” “我没有找到你说的【欺诈者】。” They hide secret place of outside White Deer Cave. Mederly emitted quietly has detected magic. 两人藏身于白鹿洞穴外的一个隐秘之地。梅迪尔丽悄然放出了侦测魔法 However in her detection magic, besides the two people, does not have anybody. 然而在她的侦测魔法中,除了己方二人之外,没有任何人。 Marvin said in a low voice: Some many means can isolate your detection magic, Deceiver is not an average man.” 马文低声说:“有很多办法可以隔绝你的侦测魔法,欺诈者并非常人。” Digaogan, since dares to send her to come, certainly has his reason.” 狄高庚既然敢派她来,一定是有他的原因的。” Mederly lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at White Deer Cave: No matter any reason, I will rip the fragment her!” 梅迪尔丽冷冷地看着白鹿洞穴:“不管是什么原因,我都会把她撕成碎片!” Marvin is silent. 马文沉默不语。 Crossed for about three hours, outside White Deer Cave started to have the unusual form. 过了大约三个多小时,白鹿洞穴外开始出现异状。 First is that flowers and plants, starts all together to burn, but all crushed stones, unceasingly are also being shivered turn into fine powder. 先是那一圈花草,开始齐齐燃烧起来,而所有的碎石,也在不断地颤抖中变成齑粉 The next second, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light from being covered with stone gate of boston ivy blooms. 下一秒,万丈金光从长满爬山虎的石门上绽放出来。 The serious sound resounds, stone gate opens slowly! 沉重的声音响起,石门缓缓打开! A head length white deer of beautiful silique was leaping from stone gate flexible. 一头长着美丽的长角的白鹿灵活地从石门里跃动了出来。 It paced back and forth a while outside the cavern, suddenly exudes the angry neighing sound. 它在洞穴外徘徊了一会儿,忽然发出愤怒的嘶鸣声。 white deer no longer yearns for same place, but has fired into desert of West crazily! 白鹿不再留恋原地,而是疯狂地冲向了西方的沙漠 Its speed is quick, suddenly on Vanish in Deathly Still Hills! 它的速度很快,眨眼间就消失在了死寂丘陵中! But that stone gate, starts to close slowly. 而那座石门,也开始缓缓关闭。 At this time, a form of white clothing female, quietly reappeared by stone gate. 就在这个时候,一个白衣女子的身影,悄然在石门旁浮现。 She appeared.” “她出现了。” Does not need Marvin to remind, Mederly spell already prepared for some time! 无需马文提醒,梅迪尔丽法术早已准备多时! Stronger Binding Spell! 强效缠绕术 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: As the monthly ticket list goalkeeper( total list tenth), the coconut tree pressure is big. Because has anytime is exploded the danger of chrysanthemum, behind that you monthly ticket number hurricane must explode shortly, the coconut tree is really uneasy whether sitting or standing. Such gets down again, it is estimated that must turn asks ticket small prince. Everybody looks at the office. Over the two days had a look, can in addition or Burst. This month goal is to stand firm tenth well. The sincerity hopes that can withstand. ps:作为月票榜守门员(总榜第十),椰子压力好大。因为随时有被爆菊的危险,眼看后面的那位兄台月票数狂飙就要爆上来了,椰子实在是坐立不安啊。再这么下去,估计都要变成求票小王子了。大家看着办吧。这两天看看,能不能加更或者爆发。这个月的目标就是稳住第十就好。真心希望可以顶住。
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