NR :: Volume #2

#173: Is interested in doing a ticket?

pū! 噗! With the grating sound, three throwing knives submerge the head of Brain-eating Demon retainer, that gigantic head probably deflated hot-air balloon general, gets down fast witheredly. 伴随着刺耳的声响,三把飞刀没入食脑魔仆从的脑袋,那硕大的脑袋就好像被放了气的热气球一般,快速地干瘪下去。 The surplus that Assassin Alliance members, the both legs tremble. 剩余的那名刺客联盟的成员,双腿直打颤。 He tremble looks at Marvin: What thing this and are this?” 他哆哆嗦嗦地看着马文:“这、这是什么东西?” Marvin shrugs: Brain-eating Demon, evil spirit.” 马文耸了耸肩:“食脑魔,邪灵。” In the latter eye reveals a vacant color, is very obvious, he knows nothing about these things. 后者眼中露出一丝茫然之色,很显然,他对这些东西一无所知。 In fact this is also very normal, because of the protection of Universe Magic Reservoir, not only Abyss daemon and Hell fiend is unable easily to enter Fenan, even if approaches Fenan's Evil Spirit World, is impenetrable. Was long in the peace age survival, the people had forgotten easily multiple evil spirit intrusion event that historically has. 事实上这也很正常,因为宇宙魔池的保护,不仅深渊恶魔地狱魔鬼无法轻易进入费南,就算是更靠近费南的邪灵世界,也难以渗透。在和平年代生存久了,人们轻易就忘记了历史上发生的多次邪灵入侵事件。 But minority Cultist or Evil Spirit Messenger, basically are the clumsy mischief-doers, under the severe rule of Sorcerer, is very difficult born any big role. 而少数的邪术师或者邪灵使者,基本上都是跳梁小丑,在巫师的严酷统治之下,很难诞生出什么大角色。 Basically is at the beginning stage, will pinch out. 基本上处于萌芽阶段,都会被掐灭。 But this time, evil spirits as if had in a big way acts. 只不过这一次,邪灵们似乎是有大动作了。 Digaogan was impossible only to deliver several Brain-eating Demon to come, although Brain-eating Demon has eaten many brains, but intelligence quotient obvious insufficiency. 狄高庚不可能只送了几个食脑魔过来,食脑魔虽然吃了很多脑子,但是智商明显不足。 He definitely needs more efficient doing. 他肯定需要一名更得力的干将。 We and we now what to do?” That black-clothed person is shivering body, approached Marvin. “我们、我们现在怎么办?”那名黑衣人颤抖着身子,靠近了马文 Who knows that at this time, Marvin suddenly getting rid like lightning, the pistol has aimed at his brain. 谁知道就在这个时候,马文突然闪电般的出手,手枪对准了他的脑子。 pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰 The consecutively three spear|guns, incomparably rumbled accurate on his forehead! 连续三枪,精准无比地轰在了他的脑门上! Marvin's marksmanship really not. However under such short distance, thinks that the non-hit is difficult. 马文的枪法实在不咋地。但是在如此的近距离下,想不命中都难。 huā lā la! 哗啦啦 The pitiful black-clothed person, the forehead was rumbled directly bright, but he does not have Bleed. 可怜的黑衣人,脑门直接被轰烂然而他并没有流血 Marvin complexion is solemn. Has drawn back fast several steps, maintained with the opposite party certain distance. 马文面色冷峻。快速退了几步,和对方保持了一定的距离。 After the head was rumbled is rotten, the black-clothed person but actually has not gotten down. 脑袋被轰烂之后,黑衣人并没有倒下去。 He instead totteringly walked several steps. 他反而跌跌撞撞地走了几步。 His that is sending out on odor neck, grows a gigantic head suddenly. 他那散发着恶臭的脖子上,陡然又重新长出一个硕大的脑袋来。 But this time, is one does not have the five senses, has an abnormal head of mouth. 只不过这一次,却是一个没有五官,只有一张嘴巴的畸形脑袋。 hē hē......” that person of low lowland smiles: This can be looked through by you unexpectedly......” 呵呵……”那人低低地笑着:“竟然这样都能被你看破……” Has not thought that you can run away I is very accidental from inside. I concentrated on the bodies of these waste. Has actually neglected the strongest person.” “没想到啊,你能从里面逃出来我就很意外了。我把主要精力放在了这几个废物的身上。却忽略了最强的人。” Marvin sneers: Is very normal, has displayed as a Brain-eating Demon your intelligence quotient superiorly.” 马文冷笑一声:“很正常,作为一头食脑魔你的智商已经超常发挥了。” Brain-eating Demon will use the strategy. You think really my meeting does believe?” 食脑魔都会用计策了。你真以为我会信?” The Marvin's vision went to other one side darkness place! 马文的目光投向了另外一边的黑暗处! A white clothing female comes slowly. 一个白衣女子缓缓现身。 Very obviously, all these are her idea. 很显然,这一切都是她的主意。 ...... …… Marvin rushes hurriedly, to save others, he examines the ground radically without enough time the corpse. Threw the throwing knife directly, has killed that Brain-eating Demon retainer. 马文匆忙赶到的时候,为了救人,他根本来不及查看地上的尸体。直接丢出了飞刀,干掉了那头食脑魔仆从 However the next quarter, he had realized immediately does not suit. 然而下一刻,他立马就意识到了不对劲。 He can feel, at present the body of this fellow, is actually bringing bloody air/Qi. 他能感受到,眼前这个家伙的身上,竟然带着一股血腥气。 This bloody air/Qi is very pale, but keenly was caught by Marvin. 这股血腥气很淡,但还是被马文敏锐地捕捉到了。 He took inventory population rapidly, immediately Discovery has not suited. 他迅速清点了一下人数,顿时发现了不对劲。 Latter supports altogether seven people, the ground is lying down six, was counted just Brain-eating Demon retainer. Altogether is just seven. 后援队一共七人,地上躺着六个,算上刚刚的食脑魔仆从。一共刚好是七个。 A person who then this comes out actually what's the matter? 那么这多出来的一个人究竟是怎么回事呢? Very obviously, Brain-eating Demon retainer is the impossible one breath to kill seven Assassin Alliance aiding personnel. 很显然,一头食脑魔仆从是不可能一口气干掉七名刺客联盟的接应人员的。 They are not the average people, even if there is in one move. Other people also immediately respond. 他们都不是普通人,就算有一个中招。其余人也会立刻反应过来。 However they turn into the headless corpse to lie down on the ground now. Then answer, only then gets rid to cope their, perhaps is not only Brain-eating Demon Origin Body, other people. 然而他们现在都变成了无头尸体躺在地上。那么答案只有一个出手对付他们的,恐怕不仅仅是食脑魔本体,还有其他人。 Therefore Marvin launched attack without hesitation, direct bang rotten the head of opposite party. 所以马文毫不犹豫地发动了进攻,直接轰烂了对方的脑袋。 What a pity Brain-eating Demon Origin Body by far easily was not killed like retainer, his resilience is very strong . Moreover the head is not a strategic point. 可惜食脑魔本体远远不像仆从那样容易被杀死,他的恢复能力很强,而且脑袋也不是要害。 However regarding Marvin. The Brain-eating Demon minacity, was well below big that white clothing female comes. 不过对于马文来说。食脑魔的威胁性,远远不如那个白衣女子来的大。 This woman. The semblance and White Race People Saintess Monica is exactly the same, the manner is also very similar. 这个女人。外表和白族人圣女莫妮卡一模一样,行为举止也是非常类似。 This disguise change appearance method, is rare. 这种乔装易容的手段,非常罕见。 Perhaps only then Deceiver Mask in hand can compare favorably...... 或许只有自己手里的欺诈者面具可以媲美…… Wait / Etc....... Deceiver!?” “等等……欺诈者!?” In the Marvin's mind flashes through that name like lightning. 马文的脑海里闪电般闪过那个名字。 He understands suddenly that who this woman was. 他突然明白,这个女人是谁了。 ...... …… Said carefully that Digaogan was also in Evil Spirit Landgraf most active one, especially during Great Cataclysm, he has carried on seepage diligently to Fenan. 仔细说起来,狄高庚也算是邪灵领主中最活跃的一个了,特别是在大灾变期间,他对费南进行了孜孜不倦的渗透。 In the Fenan player, at least 1/10 people have received Quest about Digaogan. 费南玩家中,至少有1的人接到过关于狄高庚任务 This fellow is common like God Kingdom Shadow Prince, knows very well for the people. 这家伙恰如神界阴影王子一般,为众人所熟知。 Marvin also knows something to Digaogan, which brave warriors he under has, Marvin also has a general impression. 马文狄高庚也略知一二,他手下有哪些悍将,马文也有个大概的印象。 Because of historical Sage Desert, seemingly has been just uneventful before Great Cataclysm, therefore Marvin has not paid attention. 只不过因为历史上的圣贤沙漠,在大灾变之前貌似一直都是风平浪静的,所以马文也没有注意。 Recently hunted and killed the white deer event, making him realize that possibly was own arrival, has sparked the butterfly effect. 最近猎杀白鹿的事件,让他意识到可能是自己的到来,引发了蝴蝶效应。 However he does not care, Marvin cares only, constructs own territory through the quickest means that promotes own strength. 不过他不在乎,马文唯一在乎的,就是通过最快的办法建设自己的领地,提升自己的实力。 Changes the history? He did not fear! 改变历史?他才不怕! He comes to here to change the history. If becomes because of the fear change history the hands tied feet tied, Marvin thought that own crossing over did not have the significance. 他来这里就是为了改变历史的。如果因为害怕改变历史而变得束手束脚的话,马文觉得自己的穿越都没有意义了。 So long as maintains enough vigilant heart and sober mind, he believes that the historical change, by oneself the understanding to This World, White River Valley can also rise under own leadership. 只要保持足够的警惕心和清醒的头脑,他相信就算历史改变,凭借自己对这个世界的理解,白河谷地也能在自己的带领之下崛起。 For example now, he saw the status of white clothing female. 比如现在,他已经看出了白衣女子的身份。 Deceiver. 欺诈者 A pitiful character, the background in game seemingly was deceived by Digaogan, is the Digaogan primary assistant. 一个可悲的人物,在游戏里的背景貌似是被狄高庚所欺骗,一直是狄高庚的得力助手。 She is not evil spirit, actually as for is any race. Marvin is not quite clear. 她本身并不是邪灵,至于究竟是什么种族。马文也不太清楚。 However since is Deceiver, Marvin decides total ratio to meet Digaogan other under to come at heart slightly well. 不过既然是【欺诈者】,马文心里稍定总比遇到狄高庚的其他手下来得好。 If other people, he can travel directly. 如果是其他人,他可以直接跑路了。 But she. Marvin has the confidence to convince her, stop is Digaogan works. 而她。马文却有信心说服她,停止为狄高庚做事。 But the opposite party as if has not given Marvin such opportunity! 只不过对方似乎并没有给马文这样的机会! The white clothing woman looked at Marvin one, let somebody cool off or calm down orders: 白衣女人看了马文一眼,冷冷地下令说: I induced, Holy Spirit White Deer had been enraged thoroughly.” “我已经感应到,圣灵白鹿已经彻底被激怒了。” He will leave White Deer Cave within three days, goes to desert to seek to kill his male offspring the personal enemy.” “他会在三天之内离开白鹿洞穴,前往沙漠寻找杀害他子嗣的仇人。” I walked first. This fellow, if your three could not have been solved, did not use Rot Plateau.” “我先走了。这个家伙,如果你们三个还解决不了的话,就不用回腐烂高原了。” Said. Her entire body direct ascent, has flown from this piece of sand dune suddenly! 说罢。她整个身体直接上升,陡然飞离了这片沙丘! Marvin did not even have to speak a few words with her with enough time. She already Vanish in the dim light of night! 马文甚至没来得及和她说上一句话。她就已经消失在了夜色之中! Mother *, it seems like can only kill these three fellows of blocking the way first.” “妈*的,看来只能先杀了这三个拦路的家伙了。” Marvin looks two easy marks that one behind once again spookily emit, somewhat speechless shook the head. 马文看着自己身后再度幽幽冒出的两个大脑袋,有些无语地摇了摇头。 A pair three, moreover is Brain-eating Demon Origin Body. If the average person, perhaps died? 一对三,而且还都是食脑魔本体。如果是一般人的话,恐怕是死定了吧? What is more disadvantageous to him, three Brain-eating Demon Origin Body surround him, but in the hamlet of distant place, Brain-eating Demon retainer falls in torrents! 更对他不利的是,三头食脑魔本体将他包围住,而远方的小村庄里,食脑魔仆从倾泻而出! Most five minutes, they can rush to this place. 最多五分钟,他们就能赶到此地。 When the time comes once were sphered, Marvin may be really dangerous. 到时候一旦被围住,马文可真就危险了。 Thinks of here, he does not conceal his Strength! 想到这里,他再也不掩饰自己的力量 Two points of spell Snake Monster Transfiguration! 二环法术蛇怪变身 Next second, on ice-cold sand dune. Double-headed Snake appears once again. Before three Brain-eating Demon have not responded, Double-headed Snake launched the attack! 下一秒,冰冷的沙丘上。双头蛇再度出现。在三只食脑魔还没反应过来之前,双头蛇率先发起了进攻! ...... …… After three minutes. 三分钟后。 On the sand dune under moonlight, only remaining three tattered and torn corpses. But not far away place. Is lying down over a hundred headless corpses. 月光下的沙丘上,只剩下三具千疮百孔的尸体。而不远处的地方。更是躺着上百个无头尸体。 After Brain-eating Demon dies, their Conversion retainer will immediately also die. 食脑魔死后,他们转化仆从也会立刻死亡。 „The Brain-eating Demon Origin Body toughness also is really formidable...... Luckily my Double-headed Snake transfiguration, just restrains the Brain-eating Demon ability!” 食脑魔本体的韧性还真是强大……幸亏我的双头蛇变身,刚好克制食脑魔的能力!” Marvin looks at place the corpse, at heart is also somewhat sorrowful. These corpses, are innocent Sand Race People. 马文看着一地的尸体,心里也是有些悲哀。这些尸体,都是无辜的沙族人 Brain-eating Demon this creature, reason that was determined as Third Step. Because of formidable Conversion Ability and Sneak Attack Ability. 食脑魔这种生物,之所以被判定为三阶。就是因为强大的转化能力偷袭能力 Once were seen through, Marvin duel at all not empty. 一旦被识破了,马文单挑根本不虚。 But Double-headed Snake transfiguration in the build is complete crush Brain-eating Demon. The Brain-eating Demon attack method was too unitary they only to be able through the big mouth to bite. 双头蛇变身在体型上是完全碾压食脑魔的。食脑魔的进攻手段太单一了他们只能通过血盆大口咬人。 However the Marvin's Double-headed Snake build is huge, but also has Devouring Soul ability evil spirit to have soul similarly, their soul are just evil. 然而马文的双头蛇体型庞大,还拥有吞噬灵魂的能力邪灵同样拥有灵魂,只不过他们的灵魂是邪恶的。 This completely is the Brain-eating Demon difficult adversary. 这完全就是食脑魔的克星。 He has killed easily three Brain-eating Demon Origin Body. 他轻而易举地就杀了三头食脑魔本体 How then to do, lets the important matter that Marvin has a headache about. 接下来怎么做,才是让马文头疼的大事。 If returns to Shadow Valley simply, gives Assassin Alliance this matter information, then he can receive Spring of Youth actually smoothly. 如果简单地返回阴影谷,将这件事情报告给刺客联盟,那么他倒是可以顺利领到一份不老泉 Ended Quest. 任务到此就结束了。 Just, Marvin is not a little willingly. 只不过,马文有点不甘心。 White Deer Cave...... Although he did not have to cruel and merciless slaughtering white deer opens the White Deer Cave situation, but White Deer Cave has the opened opportunity at present, who doesn't want to go in? 白鹿洞穴啊……虽说他还没心狠手辣到屠杀白鹿打开白鹿洞穴的地步,但是眼下白鹿洞穴有被打开的机会,谁不想进去? According to Marvin knows, that inside may more than one treasure. 马文所知,那里面可不止一件宝物。 Except that can support Gate of Disaster God Tool Rainbow Stone Beside, inside at least also has over two Legendary Item! 除了可以支撑灾祸之门神器彩虹石】之外,里面起码还有两件以上的传奇物品 Two very practical Legendary Item. Marvin said that does not move is fake. 两件都非常实用的传奇物品马文说不动心是假的 He hesitant, finally summoned dark crow. He wrote a letter, making dark crow carry, transmits the information that this place has to Shadow Valley High Priest. 他犹豫了一下,最终召唤出了一只暗鸦。他写了一封信,让暗鸦携带着,将此地发生的信息传递给了阴影谷大祭司 The matter achieves this situation, he also calculates that does right by reward that White Race People gives. 事情做到这个地步,他也算对得起白族人给的报酬了。 Following one step, he prepared to return to Deathly Still Hills one! 接下来一步,他还是准备重返死寂丘陵一趟了! However makes a long and wearisome journey, even if Night Traveler speed surprisingly quick, Marvin definitely cannot endure. 不过长途跋涉,就算是夜行人速度奇快,马文也肯定吃不消。 When perhaps rush, inside treasure had been swept by Deceiver. 说不定等到自己赶到,里面的宝物已经被欺诈者扫荡一空了。 Therefore he thinks that finally took out a dark blue booklet. 于是他想了想,最终取出了一本深蓝色的小册子。 Then is a golden feather pen. 然后是一支金色的羽毛笔。 He takes pen in hand shuā shuā shuā to write in blue booklet! 他提笔刷刷刷地在蓝色小册子上写起字来! ...... …… In Magician Tower, majority of servants already deep sleep. 法师塔内,大部分仆人都已经沉睡了。 Beautiful appearance Sorcerer in the candlelight well-illuminated room, diligently was still explaining the secret of that page of parchment. 美貌的巫师仍然在烛火通明的房间内,孜孜不倦地破解着那一页羊皮纸的秘密。 She can feel that she is away from that step, was near. 她能感觉到,自己距离那一步,已经非常之近了。 So long as gives me again some time...... Gives me again some time......” “只要再给我一些时间……再给我一些时间……” She is gripping tightly Book of Nalu, both eyes are scarlet. 她紧紧握着纳鲁之书,双眼猩红。 Who knows that at this time, near in her left hand blue booklet appears suddenly several characters: 谁知道就在这个时候,她左手边的一本蓝色的小册子上陡然浮现出几个字: Is interested in doing a ticket?” “有没有兴趣干一票?” Mederly becomes silent. 梅迪尔丽默然无语。 Goes to you * mother *!” She such writes. “去你*妈*的!”她这么写到。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续)
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