NR :: Volume #2

#172: Brain-eating Demon

Sees that big mouth, takes to embezzle Marvin. £∝ 眼看那血盆大口,就要一口将马文吞没。£∝ Bang! 砰! A fierce gunshot resounds in room. 一声剧烈的枪响在房中响起。 The Marvin's wrist|skill shakes, resists the bullet of her chest to leave the chest cavity impressively! 马文的手腕一抖,抵住她胸口的子弹赫然离膛! That terrifying monster movement immediately stiff in same place! 恐怖怪物的动作顿时就僵在了原地! The revolting smell of blood and rotten aura head on, Marvin be relentless again has made up a spear|gun! 令人作呕的血腥味和腐烂气息扑面而来,马文毫不留情地再补了一枪! Bang! 砰! This time, monster goes finally backward but actually. 这一次,怪物终于向后倒去。 Her head reduces suddenly, finally changed into the nihility, turned into a headless female corpse! 她的脑袋急剧缩小,最终化为了虚无,变成了一具无头女尸! Her chest, was rumbled a small hole, but does not have Bleed. 她的胸口,被轰出了一个小窟窿,只不过没有流血 Because she already was not human. 因为她早就不是人类了。 Brain-eating Demon...... Really is evil spirit.” 食脑魔啊……果然是邪灵。” Marvin has wiped perspiration quietly. 马文悄然抹了一把汗。 Luckily has made the most accurate judgment. 幸亏自己做出了最精准的判断。 Just entered this village, he felt that some were not right. This type of dark chilly aura, but also brings to make the person dread negative energy, may be Evil Spirit Plane monster create extremely. 刚刚进入这个村庄,他就感觉到有些不对。这种幽暗清冷的气息,还带着令人恐惧的负面能量,极有可能是邪灵位面怪物造成的。 Therefore he changed into the special bullet the ordinary bullet in pistol quietly. 于是他悄悄地将手枪里的普通子弹换成了特殊子弹。 This type of bullet has soaked in No. 4 Holy Water that White-Silver Church produces, has the strength of unique restraint to evil spirit. 这种子弹在白银教会出产的四号圣水里浸泡过,对邪灵有着独特的克制之力。 This manifests, when Landgraf's advantage. 这就体现出当领主的好处了。 As lone hero, Marvin wants to get so far as Holy Water is a very troublesome matter, must go to White-Silver Church to exchange. 作为一名独行侠,马文想要弄到圣水是一件很麻烦的事情,必须去白银教会去兑换。 However after the savage lands development campaign, Marvin and White-Silver Church has signed a series of agreements. 但是在蛮荒开拓战役之后,马文白银教会签订了一系列的协议。 He allows Collins to open church in White River Valley, allowing the territory resident to believe in God of White-Silver, to gold mine opens to him. 他允许柯林斯白河谷地开设教堂,允许领地居民信奉白银之神,同时也对其中一座金矿对他开放。 Collins exchange of gifts between friends. Naturally also has given the Marvin precious goods. 柯林斯投桃报李。自然也送给了马文很多珍贵的物品。 But Holy Water, is most common thing Collins sends for coming with the good vehicle transport. One after another, follows not valuable as. 圣水,就是其中最不起眼的东西柯林斯是派人用牛车运过来的。一桶一桶,跟不值钱似的。 From No. 1 Holy Water to No. 14 Holy Water. Holy Water that various special uses, the density varies, Marvin had. 一号圣水十四号圣水。各种特殊用途,浓度不一的圣水,马文都有了。 This is the Landgraf's advantage, this is the resources advantage. 这就是领主的好处,这就是资源的好处。 Many times, the resources can Conversion become the battle efficiency. 很多情况下,资源是可以转化成战斗力的。 For example just, if were not on the Marvin's bullet has wiped No. 4 Holy Water, this Brain-eating Demon retainer did not have that easily is eliminated. 比如刚刚,如果不是马文的子弹上抹了四号圣水的话,这头食脑魔仆从还没那么容易被消灭。 However has killed this woman, cannot make Marvin be satisfied. 然而杀死了这个女人,并不能让马文感到满意。 In his heart somewhat is even heavy. 他心中甚至有些沉重。 Just sound of gunfire has certainly alarmed many people. 刚刚的枪声一定惊动了很多人。 He gave on the spear|gun of right hand rapidly the special bullet, simultaneously in the brain fast was pondering: 他迅速地重新给右手的枪上了特殊子弹,同时脑子里飞快地思考着: „The Assassin Alliance person does not need to deceive me. If two days ago their Master Tracker tracking arrived here, Discovery here is Sand Race People, then should not have the mistake is.” 刺客联盟的人没必要骗我。如果两天之前他们的追踪大师追踪到这里,发现这里都是沙族人的话,那么应该不会出差错才是。” But today, can feel that including my Perception is not right, if true Master Tracker, how possibly really to believe that this is a pure Sand Race People village?” “但是今天,连我的感知都能感觉到不对,如果是真正的追踪大师,怎么可能会真的相信这还是一个纯粹的沙族人村庄?” In other words, so long as the Assassin Alliance person has not lain, perhaps then the transformation of this village, is these two days occurred.” “换句话说,只要刺客联盟的人没有撒谎,那么这个村子的转变,恐怕也就是这两天才发生的了。” By Brain-eating Demon Conversion Ability. Indeed can achieve this point in two days.” “以一名食脑魔转化能力。的确可以在两天内做到这一点。” Thinks of here, Marvin sudden heart one cold. 想到这里,马文突然心头一凛。 He opens the window fiercely! 他猛地推开窗户! Sees only under the moonlight, innumerable heads inflated dozens times of person's shadows to gather under this inn! 只见月光之下,无数个脑袋膨胀了数十倍的人影聚集在了这座旅店下方! On their faces does not have the five senses, has a big mouth. Above revolves a terrifying denticle. 他们的脸上没有五官,只有一张血盆大口。上面围绕着一圈恐怖的锯齿。 They stop up the entire street stubbornly! 他们把整条街道堵的死死的! This was person Conversion of entire village!” “这是把整个村庄的人都转化了啊!” Marvin looks fearfully. 马文看得心寒。 These Brain-eating Demon retainer before death are pitiful human. 这些食脑魔仆从生前都是可怜的人类 They had been eaten the head by Brain-eating Demon, turns into the corpse however after three hours, they will grow a head. 他们被食脑魔吃掉了脑袋,变成尸体然而在三个小时之后,他们就会重新长出一个脑袋来。 This head. Was controlled by Brain-eating Demon. This is a process of vicious circle, Brain-eating Demon retainer can Conversion human through eating their heads similarly. 这个脑袋。受食脑魔所控制。这是一个恶性循环的过程,食脑魔仆从同样可以转化人类通过吃掉他们的脑袋。 To terminate all these thoroughly. Must discover Brain-eating Demon Origin Body. 想要彻底终止这一切。就必须找出食脑魔本体 „Since two days, he definitely still lives in the training. The person in Conversion entire village. Even if regarding Third Step Brain-eating Demon, is a matter of very expended energy.” “既然是在两天内,他肯定还在修养生息。转化整个村庄的人。就算是对于三阶食脑魔来说,也是一件很消耗能量的事情。” Marvin closes the window, the thoughts racing. 马文关上窗户,心思急转。 The matter to this situation, has not needed to investigate again. 事情到了这种地步,已经不需要再调查了。 Brain-eating Demon is not daemon, but is evil spirit one. What the Marvin impression is most profound, on Rot Plateau that notorious Evil Spirit Landgraf Digaogan under has Brain-eating Demon corps. 食脑魔不是什么恶魔,而是邪灵的一种。马文印象最深刻的是,腐烂高原上那位臭名昭著的邪灵领主狄高庚手下就有一支食脑魔军团 Before the recombination, repeatedly lowers Projected Image in Scarlet Monastery Digaogan, is not difficult to analyze, this matter is very likely to have the relations with Evil Spirit Landgraf Digaogan. 再结合之前在猩红修道院狄高庚屡次降下投影,不难分析出,这件事情极有可能跟邪灵领主狄高庚有关系。 He wants to establish Gate of Disaster, energy that but Gate of Disaster needs, is not the ordinary treasure can provide.” “他想要建立灾祸之门,但是灾祸之门所需要的能量,不是普通的宝物可以提供的。” Sage Desert and area East Coast this, is probably easiest to obtain, was that thing in White Deer Cave.” 圣贤沙漠东海岸这一带,好像最容易获得的,就是白鹿洞穴里的那件东西了。” „Did mother *, this crowd of evil spirit brain shows tease really? Thinks seriously Gate of Disaster can exist for a long time? Now Universe Magic Reservoir may not have broken, Southern Sorcerer Alliance will immediately definitely realize. Perhaps has provoked some Fenan's powerhouse, killed Rot Plateau to ask him to do accounts directly.” “妈*的,这群邪灵脑子真的秀逗了?当真以为灾祸之门能长久存在?现在宇宙魔池可没有破呐,南方巫师联盟肯定会在第一时间察觉。说不定惹恼了某个费南的强者,直接杀到腐烂高原去找他算账了。” Marvin back and forth paces in the room, is a little agitated. 马文在房间里来回踱步,有点烦躁。 The evil spirit matter, he is most does not want to participate. This fellows handle affairs not to have the logic, sometimes they can plan compared with a fiend more meticulous plot, sometimes they crude conduct like daemon. This fellows do not press the common sense to play a card, besides liking Chaos does not have any characteristics. 邪灵的事情,他是最不想参与的。这帮家伙行事没有逻辑,有些时候他们能策划出比魔鬼更缜密的阴谋,有些时候他们又像恶魔那样鲁莽行事。这帮家伙不按常理出牌,除了喜欢混乱之外没有任何特征。 To take revenge? 难道就是为了复仇? Marvin thinks in Scarlet Monastery, Digaogan Projected Image twice pursued matter. 马文想起来在猩红修道院里,狄高庚投影两次被驱逐的事情。 Such explanation is not impossible...... 这样的解释也不是不可能…… However the time as if had not allowed that Marvin continued to ponder. 然而时间似乎已经不容许马文继续思考下去了。 In the staircase, has heard the dense and numerous sounds of footsteps. 楼梯上,已经传来了密密麻麻的脚步声。 Marvin steels one's heart, has pushed table and closet, the general's family stops up forcefully. 马文把心一横,一把将桌子和衣柜推了过去,将门强行堵住。 Sure enough, quick, out of the door hears a shouting sound. 果不其然,很快的,门外就传来一阵嚷嚷声。 Many people are hitting the gate furiously. 很多人在奋力地撞着门。 These are the innocent villagers, they became Brain-eating Demon retainer, Marvin does not dare to contact with them easily. 这些都是无辜的村民,他们已经成为了食脑魔仆从,马文可不敢轻易跟他们接触。 One to one destroys completely Brain-eating Demon retainer to be good. However comes one bunch of words, Marvin to find the way to sneak off. 一对一灭掉一个食脑魔仆从还好。但是来一堆的话,马文就得想办法开溜。 Even if his both hands have Raging Wildfire. However this spell is not easy-to-use to evil spirit. 就算他双手有怒火燎原。但是这个法术邪灵并不好使。 The urgent matter finds the way to run away. 当务之急还是想办法逃出去。 ...... …… dōng dōng dōng! dōng dōng dōng! 咚咚咚咚咚咚 Hit the gate sound to be even more intense, the wooden door of this inn could not support to be too long. 撞门声越发激烈了,这家旅店的木门支撑不了太久。 Marvin brow tight wrinkle. 马文眉头紧皱。 If were sphered by Brain-eating Demon of troop. That may probably meet with a disaster. 如果被大群的食脑魔围住。那可就要遭殃了。 Even if own Agility is high, incautiously gnawed the head, this whole life was finished. 就算自己的敏捷再高,一不小心就啃掉了脑袋,这辈子就算完蛋了。 In his mind has transferred many plans, the next second, he deeply inspires. 他的脑海里转过许多计划,下一秒,他深吸一口气。 pā! 啪! He opens the window again. 他再一次打开窗户。 This time, the Brain-eating Demon retainer agglomeration on street were more. 这一次,街道上的食脑魔仆从聚集地更多了。 Watertight that they neighbor several streets will have stopped up. But nearby inn second floor, is away from the Marvin recent construction to be also remote. 他们已经将附近的几条街堵的水泄不通。而旅店二楼附近,距离马文最近的建筑也非常遥远。 The leap(ing) ability of normal person, cannot jump. 正常人的跳跃能力,根本跳不到。 Very obviously, this is some people in secret the layout. 很显然,这是有人在暗中布局。 His goal is very simple. Must bury alive Marvin here, does not let the information tramsmit. 他的目的很简单。就是要把马文坑杀在这里,不让消息传递出去。 That Brain-eating Demon, should hide in the nearby. 那个食脑魔,应该就隐藏在附近。 However Marvin has actually shown a smile. 不过马文却露出了一丝微笑。 Estimates me with the normal person, this is the biggest mistake that you make.” “用正常人来估算我,这就是你犯的最大的错误啊。” The next second, the dual pistols in his hand receive, pulls out a shotgun from void conch suddenly! 下一秒,他手中的双枪收好,陡然从虚空海螺里掏出一把散弹枪! This is the same with that two handle small pistols the shotgun, is the things that the Constantine young time plays. 这把散弹枪和那两柄小手枪一样,都是康斯坦丁年轻时候玩的东西。 In Sand Race People weapon, was the small best quality goods, Marvin in any case was Secondary Profession. Simply asks to play. 沙族人武器中,也都是小极品了,马文反正是兼职。干脆讨过来玩玩。 Has not thought that today also applied. 没想到今天还派上了用场。 His jumping up window, all people lift the giant head to look at him. 他跳上窗台,所有人都抬着巨大的脑袋望着他。 sī sī sī! 嘶嘶嘶 The tooth on big mouth is shivering unceasingly, their hope to the life head is urging them crowded unceasingly ahead. 血盆大口上的牙齿不断颤抖着,他们对生灵脑袋的渴望促使着他们不断往前拥挤。 dōng dōng dōng! 咚咚咚 That leaf of wooden door could not support to be too long obviously. 身后的那扇木门明显已经支撑不了太久。 Marvin no longer hesitates, he to recent that building. Jumps fiercely high! 马文不再犹豫,他冲着最近的那栋建筑。猛地高高跃起! Night Jump! 暗夜跳跃 The Night Traveler's formidable skill achieved the extremely powerful effect in the dim light of night. 夜行人的强大技能在夜色中发挥出了极为强悍的效果。 The Marvin's body from the sky has drawn together the parabola. 马文的身体在空中划过一道抛物线。 However such ricochet is insufficient! 不过这样的跳弹还不够! Saw that his body distance that building also section of the road, actually started to drop. 眼看他的身体距离那栋建筑还有一段路,却已经开始下降了。 All Brain-eating Demon retainer excitedly threw. 所有的食脑魔仆从都兴奋地扑了过来。 Some even jumped, wants to worry Marvin. 有的甚至跳了起来,想要撕咬马文 However at this time 然而就在这个时候 Double Jump! 二次跳跃 Marvin has used this hideaway skill without hesitation. 马文毫不犹豫地使用了这个隐藏技能。 His body once more forcefully to rising a small truncation. 他的身体再次强行向上升了一小截。 Brain-eating Demon retainer are whooshing angrily. 食脑魔仆从们愤怒地嘶吼着。 However after even if has used Double Jump. Marvin distance that building still some distances. 不过即便是使用了二次跳跃之后。马文距离那栋建筑仍然有些许距离。 In this in a flash, he suddenly wields the shotgun. Under aiming rear Brain-eating Demon retainer. 就在这电光火石之间,他猛然挥动散弹枪。瞄准下后方的食脑魔仆从们。 hōng! 轰! Fierce crack transmits from bore of gun. 一声剧烈的炸响从枪膛中传来。 Under the formidable recoil function, the Marvin's body increases marvelously once more. 在强大的后坐力作用下,马文的身体奇迹般地再次攀升。 pā! 啪! He held the eaves of that building. Then dexterous turning over, evaded throwing of Brain-eating Demon retainer to strike. 他一把抓住了那栋楼的屋檐。然后一个轻巧的翻身,躲过了食脑魔仆从们的扑击。 Said goodbye, easy marks.” “再见了,大脑袋们。” Marvin sneers, accelerates to leave suddenly! 马文冷笑一声,陡然加速离开! Very obviously, to surround Marvin in the inn, Brain-eating Demon should stop up all people on that street. 很显然,为了在旅店围堵住马文,食脑魔应该是把所有人都堵在那条街道上了。 What a pity he definitely has not thought that Marvin can run away unexpectedly the birth day with this means. 可惜他肯定没有想到,马文竟然能用这种办法逃出生天。 Jumps down the construction Marvin to dash about wildly, left this village directly. 跳下建筑的马文一路狂奔,直接出了这座村庄。 Anybody cannot stop him. 没有任何人能阻拦他。 Not far away, was Assassin Alliance backing team. 不远处,就是刺客联盟的后援小队了。 This team is mainly is responsible for aiding Marvin's to move, simultaneously transmits his information. 这支小队主要是负责接应马文的行动,同时传递他的情报 Marvin crazily ran, arrived at the scheduled place. 马文一路狂跑,来到了预定的地点。 When he arrives, the heart actually sinks! 然而当他抵达的时候,心头却是一沉! Six ice-cold headless corpses, were lost on the sand dune. 六具冰冷的无头尸体,被丢在了沙丘上。 Last person, is looking at Marvin beyond ten meters dumbfoundedly, his body as if by any thing anchorage, motionless. 最后一个人,正在十米外目瞪口呆地看着马文,他的身体似乎被什么东西定住了,一动不动。 hē hē hē......” 呵呵呵……” A big mouth inflates fiercely from that person, in the Brain-eating Demon strange laughter, it has nipped without hesitation! 一张血盆大口猛地从那人背后膨胀开来,在食脑魔诡异的笑声中,它毫不犹豫地咬了下去! sōu sōu sōu! 嗖嗖嗖 At this time, the consecutively three throwing knives flew to shoot from the Marvin hand! 就在这个时候,连续三记飞刀从马文手中飞射而出! On each throwing knife, has wiped No. 4 Holy Water! 每一记飞刀上,都抹了四号圣水 The throwing knife speed is much faster, all together has inserted in the Brain-eating Demon big mouth! 飞刀速度快得无与伦比,齐齐插入了食脑魔的血盆大口中! ......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! ……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ps: The renewal delivers , to continue to ask the monthly ticket...... Only needs fifty to surmount previous ~ ~ ps:更新送上,继续求月票……只需要五十几张就能超越前一名~~
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