NR :: Volume #2

#171: Strange village

Spring of Youth. 不老泉 Supernatural object that Assassin Alliance is in sole possession. Spring of Youth number relative few that White Race People can attain every year, half must provide to Sorcerer Alliance. 刺客联盟独有的神物。白族人每年能拿到的不老泉数目相当之少,其中一半还要提供给巫师联盟 This thing does not have other effect, has one: That prolongs the life of person. 这东西没有别的效果,只有一个:那就是延长人的寿命。 Spring of Youth, can prolong a person 30 years of life approximately. If superimposes the use, the effect suddenly will drop. 一份不老泉,大约可以延长一个人30年的寿命。如果叠加使用,效果就会急剧下降。 Marvin delivers Isabel to enter Assassin Alliance, has not had a look at her whether to be qualified for the Assassin Alliance upper layer discernment, then obtains the Spring of Youth share the idea. 马文伊莎贝尔进入刺客联盟,未尝也没有看看她能否有资格进入刺客联盟高层的法眼,然后获得不老泉份额的想法。 But now, Spring of Youth impressively is placed in front of Marvin. 只不过现在,一份不老泉赫然摆在了马文面前。 Marvin not any reason rejection. 马文没有任何理由拒绝。 This thing is the priceless treasure, Sorcerer that these will soon die, is willing to spend oneself all net worth to buy Spring of Youth. 这东西一直都是无价之宝,那些即将死去的巫师,愿意花掉自己所有身家去买一份不老泉 If not Assassin Alliance is in itself powerful, in addition they the protection to Spring of Youth are proper, perhaps here resources were already seized by certain formidable Sorcerer. 如果不是刺客联盟本身实力强大,再加上他们对不老泉的保护非常到位的话,恐怕这里的资源早就被某些强大的巫师占领了。 Therefore experienced Marvin, where does not know Spring of Youth. 所以就连经验丰富的马文,都不知道不老泉在哪儿。 He only knows, previous generation time, there is large-scale Quest. 他只知道,前世的时候,有过一个大型任务 This Quest is also White Race People High Priest sends out, 9 ∞ affected the entire Sage Desert player at that time, because Quest posts a reward to experience very high. 这个任务也是白族人大祭司发出的,9∞当时影响了整个圣贤沙漠的玩家,因为任务悬赏经验非常之高。 Thus it can be seen, Spring of Youth may wither after Great Cataclysm very much. 由此可见,不老泉很有可能在大灾变之后会枯萎。 Now has to have the Spring of Youth opportunity, Marvin must attempt. 现在有能获得不老泉的机会,马文必须尝试一下。 But after receiving this Quest, for a long time did not have in the Quest column of sound also to present Side Quest. 而接下这个任务之后,许久没有动静的任务栏中也出现了一个分支任务 ...... …… By this of Marvin on to oneself strange game System understanding, existence of this thing to help oneself better integration This World. 马文对自己身上这个奇怪的“游戏系统”的理解,这东西的存在只是为了帮助自己更好的融入这个世界 Perhaps. And still has aimer's function. 或许。其中还存在着引导员的作用。 Since System has given General Experience as reward, means this Quest not fault-tolerant. 系统既然给出了通用经验作为奖赏,意味着这个任务不容错过。 But Quest itself, as if no too many difficulties. 任务本身,似乎也没有太多的难度。 Assassin Alliance is White Race People establishes. In them nature many super expert. 刺客联盟白族人建立的。他们之中自然不乏超级高手 After Discovery white deer was hunted and killed massively, High Priest sends oneself efficient candidate under to go to tracking this matter immediately. 就在发现白鹿被大规模猎杀之后,大祭司立刻派遣了自己手下的得力人选去追踪这件事情。 Finally their tracking to travel on. 结果他们追踪到了一个旅者身上。 According to the situation that my person sees, that should be a very evil fellow.” “根据我的人看到的情况,那应该是一个非常邪恶的家伙。” High Priest said slowly: His disguise becomes the person of being on the verge of death, lies down under Sun, such has been waiting.” 大祭司缓缓地说:“他乔装成濒死之人,躺在太阳底下,就这么一直等待着。” However in fact, he will not die, he has been able to continue in being on the verge of death condition. Therefore he can definitely wait till nearby white deer.” “然而事实上,他一直都不会死,他一直能在濒死状态延续下去。所以他肯定能等到附近的白鹿。” When however white deer approaches. The preparation rescues his time, he actually wants to get rid to injure it!” “而当白鹿靠近。准备营救他的时候,他却想要出手伤害它!” Previous time, because my person gets rid, was startled white deer, but also made that murderer run away. However in us Master Tracker has given a road.” “上一次,因为我的人出手,惊走了白鹿,但也让那名凶手逃走了。不过我们之中的追踪大师还是给出了一条路。” We walked following that road, had found a Sand Race People village.” “我们顺着那条路走,找到了一个沙族人的村庄。” Here, on the face of High Priest has revealed one, but color. 说到这里,大祭司的脸上露出了一丝无奈之色。 Marvin understood instantaneously. 马文瞬间明白了。 Sand Race People and White Race People, although survives in Sage Desert, but initially bitter enemy Mortal Enemy. After because has signed an agreement. Both sides cease fire under the mediation of Southern Sorcerer Alliance. However in the agreement expressly writes, both sides do not allow to step into opposite party territory. 沙族人白族人,虽然都生存在圣贤沙漠之中,但是当初可是世仇死敌。后来因为签订了一个协议之后。双方才在南方巫师联盟的调停之下停火。但是协议上非常明确地写着,双方都不允许踏入对方的领地 Once whose unilateral violation, may initiate the flames of war of two clans very much, simultaneously will be punished by Southern Sorcerer Alliance. 一旦有谁单方面的违反,很有可能引发两族的战火,同时会被南方巫师联盟所制裁。 But exactly. In Assassin Alliance is a person of High Priest side, is White Race People. expert of other families has, but is few. In the High Priest eye, has not dealt with the fellow of ability this event investigates sufficiently. 而恰好。刺客联盟里属于大祭司一方的人,都是白族人。外族的高手不是没有,但是很少。在大祭司眼里,没有足以应付这次事件调查的能力的家伙。 Has Marvin. Under the myths addition, in addition outstanding performance in King of Assassins challenge. Let him have the thoughts. 只有马文。在传说度的加成之下,再加上刺客之王挑战中的杰出表现。让他动了心思。 We will not make you take risks, which side influence only needed to investigate behind the clear this matter is being up to mischief on the line.” “我们并不会让您铤而走险,只需要调查清楚这件事背后到底是哪方势力在搞鬼就行了。” High Priest said slowly. 大祭司缓缓地说。 Marvin nodded. 马文点了点头。 He in detail has understood the Quest detail. 他又详细地了解了一下任务的细节。 Since must receive this Quest, then must prepare sufficient. 既然要接下这个任务,那么就必须做好充足的准备。 As for mixing in the Sand Race People hamlet, this to Marvin is not the difficult problem. 至于混入沙族人的小村庄里,这点对马文来说不是什么难题。 On him is bringing Setting Sun Proverbs, itself Secondary Profession Firearms Shooter, in the Sand Race People eye completely is a person on one's own side. 他身上带着落日箴言,本身兼职火线枪手,在沙族人眼里完全是自己人。 ...... …… Six months later, weather near in the evening, before a Sand Race People hamlet. 半年之后,天色近傍晚,一个沙族人的小村庄前。 Marvin traded a appearance, the whole face walked toward inside wearily. 马文换了一身打扮,满脸疲倦地往里面走去。 By his thigh, is inserting two handle pistols respectively. 他的大腿两侧,分别插着两柄手枪。 As for Firearms Shooter skill points, was assigned by him successfully. 30 points lost completely on. 至于火线枪手技能点,也被他成功分配了。30点全部丢在了上。 This is Sand Race People unique Grapple Art, coordinates the pistol or the shotgun use, has the extra close combat addition. 这是沙族人特有的格斗术,配合手枪或者散弹枪使用,有着额外的近战加成。 The Sand Race People guard has not felt embarrassed him, saw after Setting Sun Proverbs that his forehead flashes before, why although is very strange Marvin is not Sand Race People can also take office Firearms Shooter, but also quick put him. 沙族人的守卫并没有为难他,看到他眉心闪现的落日箴言之后,虽然很奇怪为什么马文不是沙族人也能就职火线枪手,但也很快把他放进去了。 The village is not big, is filling a spiritless flavor. 村子并不大,弥漫着一股死气沉沉的味道。 Marvin walks on the street, a person does not have. 马文走在街上,一个人也没有。 The west transmits the afterglow of Sun, at this time is the sunset, the scenery is magnificent, but Marvin actually has no interest to appreciate. 西方传来太阳的余晖,此时正值日落,风景壮观无比,但马文却无心欣赏。 Just did that two guards, how the speech a little speak incoherently?” “刚刚那两个守卫,说话怎么有点语无伦次的?” That corner that just passed by, that child seemed silly, held one to break the baby to look at around four wooden. His parents?” “还有刚路过的那个街角,那个小孩看上去傻了,抱着一只破娃娃木然地看着四周围。他的父母呢?” „Did habitation seem are also too few? Now should be the lively time.” “人烟看上去也太少了吧?现在应该是热闹的时候啊。” In Marvin heart secret suspect whisper. 马文心中暗暗犯嘀咕。 The Sand Race People flag still flutters outside the village. Assassin Alliance backing team in not far place, before Marvin investigates the clear here unusual form, they cannot clash. 沙族人的旗帜还在村子外飘扬。刺客联盟的后援队伍就在不远的地方,但是在马文调查清楚这里的异状之前,他们是不能冲进来的。 All must depend on itself. 一切还是得靠自己。 Marvin transferred several in the village. Has run into some people. These people looked that is bad to his vision, got out of the way directly. Let Marvin have opportunity of saying something to smooth things over not to have. 马文在村子里转了几圈。遇到了一些人。那些人看向他的目光都非常不善,直接走开了。让马文有个搭讪的机会都没有。 Weather thorough dark. He found an inn. 天色彻底暗了下来。他找到一家旅店。 The inn boss is a fatty, he is actually very warm. 旅店老板是个胖子,他倒是很热情。 After Marvin has paid the room charge. He opened the room to Marvin quickly, but also has reduced fever the hot water personally. 马文付过了房费之后。他很快给马文开好了房间,还亲自去烧了热水。 It is said this hamlet because in the remote reason, he very long has not done business. 据说这个小村庄因为地处偏僻的缘故,他已经很久没有做生意了。 However Marvin actually felt that some have not suited. 但是马文却感觉到了一些不对劲。 The after counter of inn, is hiding a big package, inside has revealed an corner/horn. 旅店的柜台后,藏着一个大包裹,里面露出了一角。 That is a handle curved blade knife point, is not ordinary Sand Race People uses, should be the Adventurer thing. 那是一柄弯刀的刀尖,绝不是普通的沙族人用的,应该是冒险者的东西。 Guest you come up first.” “客人您先上去吧。” Hot water and food, my a while deliver to you.” “热水和食物,我一会儿就给您送上来。” The fatty boss said very much attentively. 胖子老板很殷勤地说。 Marvin asked calmly: Boss, is this village so why lonely?” 马文不动声色地问道:“老板,为什么这座村庄这么冷清?” Some condition also incorrect appearances that I look at the villagers. Recently had what strange matter occurrence?” “我看村民的状态也有些不对的样子。难道最近有什么奇怪的事情发生么?” The fat people stare slightly, at once is all smile saying: Your leave alone they, our poor, they all day are this dead face.” 胖子微微一愣,旋即满脸堆笑说:“您别管他们,我们这里穷,他们整天就是这副死人脸。” As for the strange event, in the village does not have actually, outside the village has actually. Heard that White Race People relic white deer has been hunted and killed recently, zé zé zé, really gets what one deserves.” “至于怪事嘛,村子里倒是没有,村子外面倒是有。听说白族人圣物白鹿最近一直在被人猎杀,啧啧啧,真是活该啊。” Marvin shows neither approval nor disapproval, has not exchanged greetings again with boss. But has stepped onto the staircase without consulting anybody. 马文不置可否,没有再和老板寒暄下去。而是径自走上了楼梯。 After second floor time, a whole body lingered the woman of fragrance to walk suddenly. Her face top head the thick powder, the beauty can at best only be considered as is on, but the stature is actually really good. 经过二楼的时候,一个浑身萦绕着香气的女人突然走了过来。她的脸上盖着厚厚的脂粉,姿色充其量只能算得上是中上,但是身材却是委实不错。 She and Marvin brushed past. Also has thrown a big coquettish look to Marvin. 她和马文擦肩而过的时候。还冲马文抛了一个大大的媚眼。 In the Marvin surface smiles, has shoved open own door directly. 马文表面上微笑而过,直接推开了自己的房门。 ...... …… Obsolete inn, dim candlelight. 陈旧的旅店,昏暗的烛火。 Looks from the second floor window. The entire hamlet as if died generally. The cold wind is blowing, Marvin cannot help but shrank the neck. 二楼窗台望出去。整座小村庄仿佛死了一般。冷风在吹,马文不由自主地缩了缩脖子。 The dim light of night is gradually deep. 夜色渐深。 The hot water and food of fatty boss attentive preparation have delivered. 胖子老板殷勤准备的热水和食物都已经送了上来。 Marvin has inspected carefully. The difference does not have the issue. 马文仔细检查过。两样都没有问题。 His Perception is not high, but adopts the experience to judge. This village definitely has any issue. 他的感知不高,但是通过经验判断。这座村庄绝对是有什么问题的。 The Assassin Alliance person, has no reason unable to look! 刺客联盟的人,没有理由看不出来! Only if...... 除非…… Thinks here time, out of the door broadcasts the dōng dōng dōng sound suddenly. 想到这里的时候,门外突然传来咚咚咚的声音。 Marvin both hands according to outside two legs, maintained the postures that has momentarily been able to draw a pistol. 马文双手按在了两腿外侧,保持了一个随时可以拔枪的姿势。 Which?” “哪位?” He asked in a soft voice. 他轻声问。 I......” “我……” A gently beautiful female voice conveys. 一个柔美的女子声音传来。 Marvin only thinks the mind in a flash, a chest heat flow transmits at once. 马文只觉得心神一晃,旋即胸口一阵热流传来。 Adopted the will examination with ease. 轻松通过了意志检定。 In his heart sneers, eventually walked, opened the door. 他心中冷笑一声,最终还是走了过去,开了门。 Is that woman. 是那个女人。 She only wears a sexy sleeping robe, the material quality of sleeping robe is very rough, seems is the linen makes, cannot cover the scenery under clothes. 她只穿着一件性感的睡袍,睡袍的材质很粗糙,看上去是麻布做成的,根本遮挡不住衣服下的风光。 Sir, I listened to downstairs boss saying that you were also a person.” “先生,我听楼下的老板说,您也是一个人呢。” The females walked with a smile, pass/test the gate for Marvin. 女子笑吟吟地走了进来,替马文关好了门。 I also today come to this village, felt that here is quite lonely, in the evening a person is a little afraid.” “我也是今天才来这个村庄的,感觉这里好冷清哦,晚上一个人有点害怕呢。” Moreover, here is a little cold, can you help me be warm?” “而且,我这里有点冷,您能不能帮我暖暖?” Then, she puts out a hand to draw the Marvin's right hand, touches toward own clothes robe. 说罢,她伸手拉过马文的右手,往自己的衣袍里摸去。 Marvin does intentionally the saliva: Where cold? I help you rub.” 马文故作垂涎:“哪里冷?我帮你搓搓。” Repugnant.” Woman charming smile, grabs Marvin's to touch toward own chest. “讨厌啦。”女人媚笑一声,抓着马文的手就往自己胸部摸去。 Who knows that at this time, her chest moved an icy cold thing suddenly! 谁知道就在这个时候,她的胸脯突然触碰到了一块冰凉的东西! What is this?” She is somewhat surprised. “这是什么?”她有些吃惊。 Marvin shrugs: To the thing that you warm up.” 马文耸了耸肩:“给你取暖的东西。” In his right hand control, is grasping a handle pistol impressively! 他的右手手心里,赫然握着一柄手枪! At this time the pistol, has been resisting her chest stubbornly. So long as Marvin takes away the trigger, at least can the pulp that her heart and front that group soft meat hits. 此时手枪,正死死抵住了她的胸口。只要马文扣动扳机,起码能把她的心脏和胸前那团软肉打的稀巴烂。 Next second, woman suddenly discoloration. 下一秒,女人陡然色变。 Her head increases suddenly abnormally, becomes fully has original ten times to be so big! 她的脑袋突然畸形地变大,一口气变得足有原来十倍那么大! Whole piece face, besides a big mouth, five senses completely Vanish! 整张脸,除了一张血盆大口之外,五官全部消失 Stupid Sand Race People, your spear|gun is useless to me!” “愚蠢的沙族人,你的枪对我没用!” I will enjoy your head well!” “我会好好享用你的脑袋的!” Do not be worried that after you I eat the head, will turn into our one......” “别担心,你被我吃掉脑袋之后,就会变成我们的一员……” ......( To be continued..) ……(未完待续。。) ps: Before down delivers! Thank the 1 w point of book friend to hit to enjoy! ps:第五更送上!感谢书友的1w点打赏! ... ...
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