NR :: Volume #2

#170: Spring of Youth

The second project, is the test on the step. 第二个项目,是对步法的考验。 Marvin was brought to a special room, this room has the folding doors, has certain distance. 马文被带到一个特殊的房间内,这个房间只有两扇门,彼此之间有一定的距离。 Marvin needs to do in 15 breath, passes through this room. 马文需要做的就是在15个呼吸之间,穿越这个房间。 The obstacle in room is the key. 房间里的障碍物是关键。 Marvin is looking in dense and numerous, in the surface unemotionally, in the heart is actually plan in advance. 马文望着里面密密麻麻的,表面上面无表情,心中却是胸有成竹 Each explodes mushroom very slow movement. 每一只爆炸蘑菇都会很缓慢的移动 You do not even need to step on, so long as approaches certain range, it automatically will explode. 你甚至不需要踩上去,只要靠近一定的范围,它就会自动爆炸。 This is very dangerous creature. 这是一种非常危险的生物 What is more fearful, once exploded the mushroom from exploding, the air wave affected nearby mushroom, then second will bother will also explode. 更可怕的是,一旦有一只爆炸蘑菇自爆了,气浪波及到附近的蘑菇,那么第二只蘑菇也会炸。 In other words, so long as there is one not to have avoid, will greet your is the explosion of full room! 也就是说,只要有一步没有躲开,迎接你的将是满屋子的爆炸! Some many people when see this pass/test, gave up basically. 有很多人在看到这一关的时候,基本都放弃了。 Explodes the explosive force of mushroom to be very strong, by the Assassin delicate physique, if series were exploded running upon, sets upright to go in absolutely horizontally. 爆炸蘑菇的爆炸力很强,以刺客柔弱的身板,要是被连环爆给撞上了,绝对是竖着进去横着出来的。 This tests the psychological quality, step, reaction capacity and speed Challenger. 这非常考验挑战者的心理素质、步法、反应能力、速度。 The place above of room, still many audiences. 房间的上方,依然有许多观众。 They want to take a look, so easily defeats Quasi-Fourth Step powerhouse Marvin, can use what kind of means through this pass/test. 他们想要看看,如此轻松击败准四阶强者马文,能用怎样的办法通过这一关。 Naturally, if Marvin steps on to one unfortunately explodes the mushroom, they may clap and cheer. 当然,如果马文不幸踩到一只爆炸蘑菇,他们或许会拍手称快。 After all does not have Assassin to hope other Profession through the challenges of many King of Assassins. 毕竟没有一个刺客希望别的职业通过多项刺客之王的挑战。 This is hitting the face of entire Assassin Profession simply! 这简直是在打整个刺客职业的脸! Can start?” “可以开始了吗?” The staff endlessly were still saying the regulation, prompts risk that Marvin he will soon face, the latter was some does not ask patiently. 工作人员还在喋喋不休地说着细则,提示马文他即将面对的风险,后者却是有些不耐烦地问了。 The staff have gawked. At once is cold the face: Was OK.” 工作人员愣了一下。旋即冷着脸:“可以了。” I in another exit / to speak of room you......” “我会在房间的另外一个出口等你……” However his voice has not fallen, Marvin flushed! 然而他的话音未落,马文已经冲了出去! His form just likes the lightning is common. Passed through from only slow movement explosion mushrooms directly! 他的身影恍若闪电一般。直接从一只只缓慢移动的爆炸蘑菇之间穿越了过去! His each step, steadfast powerful. Just right. 他的每一步,都踏实有力。恰到好处。 hū hū hū! 呼呼呼 After short three breath, the Marvin's form presented in the room exit / to speak! 短短三个呼吸之后,马文的身影已经出现在了房间的出口! The explosion mushroom in entire room, safe and sound. 整个房间里的爆炸蘑菇,安然无恙。 The staff have opened the mouth, looks at all these inconceivable. 工作人员张大了嘴巴,不可思议地看着这一切。 But above room people, was is thoroughly speechless. 而房间上方的众人,则是彻底无语了。 This speed...... They looked, Marvin's Agility has surpassed 25 points absolutely. Because when just passed through the room, Drifting Light Plundering Shadow Special Quality has shown. 这速度……他们已经看出来了,马文的敏捷绝对超过了25点。因为就在刚刚穿越房间的时候,浮光掠影特质已经展现了出来。 However has wanted this pass/test, 25 Agility are not most important. 但是想要过这一关,25点敏捷并不是最重要的。 What is important is the Marvin terrifying judgment and experience. 重要的还是马文恐怖的判断力和经验。 In addition similarly exquisite Catching Demon Footwork addition, he passes this pass/test. And drinks water to eat meal equally simply. 再加上同样精妙的拘魔步法的加成,他过这一关。就跟喝水吃饭一样简单。 Second Test successfully passes. 第二关顺利通过。 Marvin's Dagger Mastery promotes a rank once more, arrived at the rank. 马文的匕首掌控再次提升一个等级,来到了级别。 ...... …… Third Test, the secret room escapes. 第三关,密室逃脱。 This closes regarding the average person, similarly unusual bad risk. 这一关对于普通人来说,同样非常凶险。 Challenger will tie up on a fixed chair, his both hands tied up behind. His outside, is a basket of locking. 挑战者会被绑在一张固定的椅子上,他双手被绑在身后。他的外面,是一个锁上的笼子。 These are the prepares beforehand. 这些都是事先布置好的。 But the challenge starts, will have the current of water to flow in unceasingly this room, has submerged the entire iron cage. 而挑战开始的时候,会有水流不断流进这个房间,一直将整个铁笼淹没。 If Challenger cannot escape bundle in a short time, and running away tapping basket his fate has one. That while still alive was drown to death. 如果挑战者不能在短时间内逃脱捆绑,并且逃出铁笼子的话他的下场只有一个。那就是被活活淹死。 Escapes, is the King of Assassins necessary skill. 逃脱,也是刺客之王必备的技能。 Challenger will be informed beforehand, water submerges the time of chair is about a half minute \; Submerges the basket is about two minutes. 挑战者会被事先告知,水淹没椅子的时间大约是半分钟\;淹没笼子大约是两分钟。 In other words, if you cannot flee the basket in two minutes. Or admits defeat either dies. 也就是说,如果你没能在两分钟内逃离笼子。要么认输要么死。 The basket was locked, this means that you need extremely high unblanking skill. Naturally, the premise is you can escape the bundle of chair first. 笼子是被锁上的,这就意味着你需要极高的开锁技巧。当然,前提是你能先逃脱椅子的捆绑。 Marvin will not unlock. Similarly, he has not come to cope with the tied up string. 马文不会开锁。同样的,他也没有来对付被捆绑的绳子。 However has him of previous generation experience. Actually is knows that this closes a loophole. 不过拥有前世经验的他。却是知道这一关有一个漏洞。 He chose to start competition without hesitation. 他毫不犹豫地选择开始了比赛。 Under the people silent vision, the current of water starts to pour into this room fast. 在众人寂静的目光下,水流开始快速灌入这个房间。 Marvin complexion is tranquil. Back both hands are vibrating rapidly. 马文面色平静。背后双手急速抖动着。 Quick, the current of water has inundated the Marvin's belly. 很快的,水流漫过了马文的肚子。 However at this time, his whole person suddenly has stood from the chair! 然而就在这个时候,他整个人突然从椅子上站了起来! The people shake the head silently. 众人默默摇头。 Regarding this result, they were not surprised. This Ranger comes prepared absolutely! 对于这个结果,他们已经不惊讶了。这个游侠绝对是有备而来! But regarding Marvin, gets rid of the bundle of string is actually not the difficult matter. Even if no Bone Shrinking Art to help, he can also untie with ease. 而对于马文来说,摆脱绳子的捆绑其实并不是什么难事儿。就算没有缩骨术帮忙,他也能轻松解开。 Night Dominion of previous generation, does not have unearned reputation, this hand work does not have, Marvin is impossible to achieve that high achievement. 前世的暗夜主宰,可不是浪得虚名,这点手活儿都没有,马文不可能取得那么高的成就。 Following one step is key. 接下来的一步才是关键。 The current of water has inundated his top of the head fast, even if he has to unlock item, must the work in the water! 水流已经快速漫过了他的头顶,就算他有开锁道具,也必须在水中作业! Let alone he does not have! 更何况他没有! He is not Thief, is not Assassin, has not studied the unblanking skill. 他不是盗贼,不是刺客,也没有学习开锁技能。 However he knows another outlet. 不过他知道另外一条出路。 Under glare of the public eye, Marvin rapid downward swimming. He arrived quickly entered the water the entrance. That is one by the cylindrical inlet that the iron fence seals up. 在众目睽睽之下,马文迅速向下游泳。他很快来到了进水的入口。那是一个被铁栅栏封住的圆柱形入水口。 He shuts tightly the breath, has tried to find out a while in the stockade, fiercely, unexpectedly stockade pulling down! 他紧闭呼吸,在栅栏上摸索了一会儿,猛地一拉,竟然生生将栅栏给拉了下来! Although his Strength is not top, but this iron fence, actually is in itself ornaments. 他的力量虽然不是顶尖,但是这个铁栅栏,其实本身就是一个摆设。 The next second, he no longer hesitates, wormed one's way into toward the inlet in directly! 下一秒,他不再犹豫,直接往入水口里钻了进去! After ten seconds, with the huā lā la underwater sound, Marvin drilled from a basin outside room directly. 十秒钟之后,伴随着哗啦啦的水声,马文直接从屋子外的一个水池里钻了出来。 His whole body is wet, complexion slightly obviously pale. 他浑身湿漉漉的,面色稍显苍白。 However the people look to his look, turned into the worship. 然而众人看向他的眼神,已经变成了崇拜。 What's wrong? Third Test, calculates that I did cross?” “怎么?第三关,算我过了吗?” He looks to the staff of that feeling helpless. 他看向那个不知所措的工作人员。 The latter directly was simply scared. 后者干脆直接傻眼了。 Before Marvin, he has not seen has escaped like this! 马文之前,他还没有见过这样逃脱的! He sees has unlocked Master to refrain from speaking the one breath to taste to test run the complex lock outside iron basket with the crude iron wire, actually nobody thinks. The gate of iron basket is not the only exit / to speak. 他见过很多开锁大师闷着一口气用简陋的铁丝尝试着开铁笼子外的复杂锁,却没有一个人想到。铁笼子的门不是唯一的出口。 „His is cheats!” “他这是作弊!” In the person who surrounds some people shout. 围观的人中有人喊道。 Staff hesitant a while, takes out a handbook earnestly. 工作人员犹豫了一会儿,认真地取出一本手册。 «King of Assassins Challenge Rules and Regulations». 刺客之王挑战细则》。 He carefully read had 67 minutes probably. Earnestly said: Good, above has not said this means unable......” 他仔细阅读了大概有67分钟。才认真地说:“好吧,上面没有说这种办法不可以……” Therefore. Third Test, you passed.” “所以。第三关,您通过了。” Marvin shows a smile. 马文露出一丝微笑。 Dagger Mastery continues to promote, hurricane to rank! 匕首掌控继续提升,狂飙到级别! Must know that at process with Starry Sky Swordsaint one post-war, Marvin's Curved Blade Mastery breaks through, arrives at the level. 要知道,在经过和星空剑圣一战后,马文的弯刀掌控才突破,来到级。 But Dagger Mastery , to promote such rapidness, cheats simply. 匕首掌控,提升地如此之快,简直是作弊。 However this does not have the means that who lets his previous generation is to play this line? 不过这也没办法,谁让他前世就是玩这一行的呢? ...... …… Fourth Test starts. King of Assassins challenge on no longer opening to the outside world. 第四关开始。刺客之王挑战就不再对外开放了。 Because of Fourth Test, yes! 因为第四关,是! Assassin Alliance will choose one posted a reward appropriate character, making Challenger assassinate him. 刺客联盟会选择一个正在被悬赏的合适人物,让挑战者去暗杀他。 Assassinates successfully, then challenges successfully. 暗杀成功,则挑战成功。 But this pass/test, Marvin direct selection giving up. 只不过这一关,马文直接选择了放弃。 His choice makes the staff very amazed. 他的选择让工作人员很惊诧。 Has arrived at this, said that gave up giving up? 都已经走到这一步了,怎么说放弃就放弃了? Must know, once can make a connection with five pass/tests, given name that can obtain! 要知道,一旦能打通五关,就能获得的名号啊! Although Ranger obtains the King of Assassins given name to listen to be a little strange, but also is the unsurpassed glory. 虽说一个游侠获得刺客之王的名号听上去有点怪,但也是无上的荣耀啊。 Marvin is actually very simple. Assassinates powerhouse really to use energy. Let alone also has the fifth pass/test, he does not think present to be able the fifth pass/test. 马文倒是很干脆。暗杀一个强者实在太费劲。更何况还有第五关呢,他不觉得现在的自己能过第五关。 As for the King of Assassins title, although there are many additions, but these skill Marvin do not have. Therefore is also useless. 至于刺客之王的称号,虽然有很多加成,但是那些技能马文都没有。所以也没什么用。 He does not have to forget one participate in this challenge for anything, since the goal has been achieved now, gives way before difficulties is the correct path. 他可没忘记自己参加这个挑战为的是什么,既然现在目的已经达到,知难而退才是正道。 ...... …… Shadow Valley. In a reception room. 阴影谷。一间会客室内。 Congratulates you, Mr. Marvin. You adopted three projects of King of Assassins challenge, according to your request. This pass was your.” “恭喜您,马文先生。您通过了刺客之王挑战的三个项目,按照您的要求。这份通行证是您的了。” One-eyed Byrd has handed over in a paint black pass Marvin's. 独眼伯德将一份漆黑色的通行证交到了马文的手里。 With the pass same place, three small medals. 和通行证一起的,还有三枚小小的勋章。 Each medal, is representing a progress of King of Assassins challenge. 每一枚勋章,都代表着刺客之王挑战的一个进度。 If after Marvin, had the interest, can grasp these three medals, directly participated in the challenge of Fourth Test. 马文如果以后有兴趣了,可以手持这三枚勋章,直接来参加第四关的挑战。 I need to remind your am, in crisis-ridden, few people can live are coming back from that damned place.” “不过我需要提醒您的是,里危机四伏,很少有人能活着从那种鬼地方回来。” Byrd so said. 伯德如此说道。 Marvin nodded. 马文点了点头。 Regarding surface person, underground world indeed very terrifying. 对于地表人来说,地下世界的确非常恐怖 However is rich regarding the experience, has Darkness Sight Marvin, so long as is more careful, do not go to provoke changes * condition strong creature, is only hurrying along, is very safe. 但是对于经验丰富,又拥有黑暗视觉马文来说,只要小心一些,别去招惹一些变*态强的生物,只是赶路的话,还是很安全的。 Attained the pass, Marvin said goodbye on preparation. 拿到了通行证,马文就准备告辞了。 Who knows that at this time, One-eyed Byrd suddenly said: 谁知道就在这个时候,独眼伯德突然说道: Mr. Marvin, you performance in King of Assassins challenge are outstanding, this makes my friend be interested in you, he has a matter, wants to entrust you to manage.” 马文先生,您在刺客之王挑战中的表现非常出色,这让我的一位朋友对您非常感兴趣,他有一件事情,想要委托您去办。” Doesn't know you interested?” “不知道您有没有兴趣?” We will start out very high reward.” “我们会开出很高的报酬。” Marvin has gawked, at once in the mind appears immediately the Kasamore content outside on bulletin column. 马文愣了一下,旋即脑海里立马浮现出卡塞缪尔外的告示栏上的内容。 You were said that hunted and killed the white deer matter?” “你是说猎杀白鹿的事情?” Didn't have your White Race People Saintess to be responsible for this matter personally?” “不是有你们白族人圣女亲自负责这件事情了吗?” Some Marvin surprise asked: Why also needs my this bystander to get rid?” 马文有些诧异地问道:“为什么还需要我这个外人出手?” Because, Saintess is fake.” “因为,圣女假的。” An old sound conveys from out of the door. 一个苍老的声音从门外传来。 Then is an old person, under a young maidservant supports by the arm, walked slowly. 然后就是一个老人,在一个年轻的侍女搀扶下,缓缓地走了进来。 Byrd has shown a look of respect: Sir Priest.” 伯德露出了一丝尊敬的神色:“祭司大人。” The old person expressed best wishes to the Marvin nod: This is Viscount Marvin? Really and in myths equally young.” 老人冲着马文点头致意:“这位就是马文子爵吧?果然和传说中的一样年轻。” Marvin sets out, returns salute simply. 马文起身,简单地还礼。 Both sides talked a while, Marvin know that this old person, unexpectedly was White Race People High Priest, served the person of Holy Spirit White Deer. 双方交谈了一会儿,马文才知道,这一位老人,竟然是白族人大祭司,侍奉圣灵白鹿之人。 „Before a half hour, we had found the Monica Saintess corpse in a sand dune.” “半个小时之前,我们在一座沙丘里找到了莫妮卡圣女的尸体。” Is very obvious, now appears in Kasamore that is pretends.” “很显然,现在出现在卡塞缪尔的那位,是假冒的。” Some people are continue hunt and kill white deer, we must prevent all these, but the key clue that it is a pity that we found hides in our person does not have the means seepage place.” “有人在持续猎杀白鹿,我们必须阻止这一切,而很遗憾的是,我们找到的关键线索隐藏在一个我们的人没办法渗透的地方。” Therefore I need your help.” “所以我需要您的帮忙。” Marvin hesitation moment: To be honest, my time not many......” 马文沉吟片刻:“说实话,我的时间不多……” You can listen to our rewards first.” One-eyed Byrd obviously and High Priest relates closely, he looks at Marvin's both eyes, said: “您可以先听听我们的报酬。”独眼伯德显然和大祭司关系密切,他看着马文的双眼,开口说: Spring of Youth.” “一份不老泉。” Marvin deeply inspires, said categorically: 马文深吸一口气,斩钉截铁地说: Deal.” “成交。” ......( To be continued..) ……(未完待续。。) ps: Fourth delivers! Continues to go all out! A while also has before down! ps:第四更送上!继续拼命!一会儿还有第五更! ... ...
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