NR :: Volume #2

#169: King of Assassins 【Third!】

King of Assassins challenge?” 刺客之王挑战?” One-eyed Byrd looked at Marvin, somewhat could not bear said: If I have not misread, you should be Ranger?” 独眼伯德上上下下地看了马文一遍,有些忍不住地说:“如果我没看错,你应该是游侠吧?” Marvin nodded, said at will: 马文点了点头,随意地说: I remember the custom am, every Wanderer can Profession, participate?” “我记得规矩是,凡是游荡者职业,都可以参加吧?” Byrd flexure the head, has a little felt helpless. 伯德挠了挠脑袋,有点不知所措。 The custom is a matter, but the reality is a different matter. He first time encounters this situation. 规矩是一码事,但现实是另外一码事。他还是第一次遇到这种情况。 Does Ranger challenge King of Assassins? Doesn't this wreck the event? 游侠来挑战刺客之王?这不是砸场子么? Nearby several as if were responsible for training the Assassin trainee teacher to hear their dialog, walked together. 旁边几个似乎是负责训练刺客学徒的教官听到了两人的对话,一起走了过来。 They encircle Marvin. Encircles also several are responsible for maintaining Order curved blade martial fighter. 他们将马文团团围住。围过来的还有几个负责维护秩序弯刀武士 And White Race People curved blade martial fighter incomparably said arrogantly: „To participate in the challenge of King of Assassins?” 其中一个白族人弯刀武士倨傲无比地说:“想要参加刺客之王的挑战?” You must ask curved blade in my hand the first line......” “你得先问过我手里的弯刀才行……” However his voice has not fallen, Marvin gets rid suddenly like lightning! 然而他的话音未落,马文突然闪电般出手! Umbra Slicing Step! 暗影切步 Both sides are away from pull closer instantaneously. 双方距离瞬间拉近。 A neat hand blade, the opposite party pain shouted one, the left hand wrist|skill pertinently, curved blade must fall shortly. 一记干净利落的手刀,对方痛呼一声,左手手腕被切中要害,弯刀眼看就要掉落。 At this time, Marvin took advantage of opportunity meets. 就在这个时候,马文顺势一接。 Snatching Edge succeeds! 夺刃成功! kuāng dāng, he backhands a blade to chop on the small arm of opposite party another hand! 哐当一声,他反手一刀砍在对方另外一只手的小臂上! curved blade martial fighter complexion is pale. 弯刀武士面色铁青。 The Marvin's speed was too fast, in a flash, other people have not responded that he has completed all movements! 马文的速度实在太快了,电光火石之间,其余人还没反应过来,他就已经完成了所有的动作! Luckily what Marvin uses is the back. Otherwise this, own small arm wants not to guarantee. 幸亏马文用的是刀背。否则这一下,自己的小臂就要不保了。 That brushes, other people simultaneously draw out weapon. Lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at Marvin. 刷的一声,其余所有人同时拔出武器。冷冷地看着马文 Marvin transferred curved blade in hand, has given back to that curved blade martial fighter, said calmly: 马文将手里的弯刀转了一圈,还给了那名弯刀武士,冷静地说: Your White Race People like this greets Challenger?” “你们白族人就是这样迎接挑战者的么?” In the teachers, seems is takes the lead, he looked to Byrd: 教官之中,有一个看上去是领头的,他看向了伯德: one-eyed, this is the person who you bring, what to do did you say?” 独眼,这是你带来的人,你说怎么办?” Byrd shrugs: According to custom. Ranger indeed is qualified for participating King of Assassins Challenge.” 伯德耸了耸肩:“按照规矩。游侠的确是有资格参加【刺客之王】的挑战的。” That teacher sneers: Is very good. Then, allows him to participate.” 那名教官冷笑一声:“很好。那么,就让他参加。” I am responsible for First Test personally.” “我亲自来负责第一关。” Such remarks. The people looked that turned into the sympathy to the Marvin's vision immediately. 此言一出。众人看向马文的目光顿时变成了同情。 Although just Marvin left to be much defter, but many some meanings of sneak attack, but by that curved blade martial fighter that he sneak attacks, is the Second Step level. 虽然刚刚马文出手快得吓人,但多少有些偷袭的意思,而被他偷袭的那个弯刀武士,也不过是二阶的水平而已。 However this teacher. But one of the Shadow Valley lead characters, the Level 15 character, Master Grade dagger is skilled, may promote Fourth Step powerhouse anytime! 然而这名教官。可是阴影谷的领头人物之一,15级的人物,大师级匕首精通,随时有可能晋升四阶强者 If makes him be responsible for First Test, this does not know Ranger where braves, definitely has not hoped. 如果让他来负责第一关的话,这个不知道从哪里冒出来的游侠,肯定没希望了。 Byrd knitting the brows head, looked slightly to Marvin. 伯德微微皱了皱眉头,看向了马文 Marvin said very much with ease: Came according to the custom on the line.” 马文很轻松地说:“按规矩来就行了。” ...... …… Challenge of King of Assassins. 刺客之王的挑战。 This is a time-honored challenge project, since Shadow Valley has established, here almost will welcome the participant of King of Assassins challenge every day. 这是一项历史悠久的挑战项目,自从阴影谷创立以来,这里几乎每天都会迎来刺客之王挑战的参加者。 Just. These Challenger completely are uniform Assassin. 只不过。那些挑战者全部都是清一色的刺客 Ranger like Marvin, although is also Wanderer, but people of different lines of work are as separate as separated by mountains. Participates in the King of Assassins challenge, many years are first. 马文这样的游侠,虽说也是游荡者,但隔行如隔山。来参加刺客之王挑战的,多少年来算是头一遭。 At once, this news seemed to be winged, has spread over entire Shadow Valley. 一时之间,这个消息仿佛长了翅膀似的,传遍了整个阴影谷 The people of all leisure safes, come to surround. 所有闲暇无事的人,都前来围观。 This to person of participation King of Assassins challenge, is an invisible pressure. 这对参与刺客之王挑战的人来说,是一种无形的压力。 However this challenge itself. Contained has dealt with the tests of various Quest abilities under the high-pressured condition. 不过这个挑战本身。就包含了在高压状况下应对各种任务能力的考验。 Does not care as for Marvin, others' talking in whispers. Could not affect his display completely! 至于马文更是不在意,别人的窃窃私语。完全影响不了他的发挥! If do not do Black Pocket The pass, I am disinclined to participate in the King of Assassins challenge.” “如果不是要搞到【黑窟窿】的通行证,我才懒得参加刺客之王挑战呢。” Only then completes two to challenge above, can obtain the approval of Assassin Alliance, obtains the pass.” “只有完成两项挑战以上,才能获得刺客联盟的认可,获得通行证。” But Black Pocket, is leads to the underground world secret passage. 黑窟窿,则是通往地下世界的一条密道 Marvin temporarily to marching the underground world does not have the interest, but through Black Pocket, he can find an underground river. Following that underground river, he can cross Sage Desert directly, arrives in Rubble Mountain. 马文暂时对进军地下世界没兴趣,只不过通过黑窟窿,他可以找到一条暗河。顺着那条暗河,他能直接横穿圣贤沙漠,抵达乱石山 Walks underground may be much quicker than the ground. Now he most lacks is the time, arrives in Rubble Mountain as soon as possible, found Order Fire Seed, is his ultimate goal. 走地下可比地上快得多。他现在最缺的就是时间,尽早抵达乱石山,找到秩序火种,才是他的最终目的。 However thinks carefully that King of Assassins challenge, does not have the advantage. 不过仔细想起来,刺客之王挑战,也不是全无好处的。 Remembers according to Marvin's that every time won a victory of project, can obtain a rank dagger Control. 根据马文的记忆,每赢得一个项目的胜利,就能获得一个等级的【匕首】掌控。 This basic capability seems like useless to Marvin, what after all now he uses is curved blade, if promotes Night Dominion, if he simultaneously has the Legendary level Curved Blade Mastery With Dagger Mastery Words, then these two basic capabilities will combine, turns into the Legendary rank Short Weapons Mastery. 这个基本能力对马文来说看似没什么用,毕竟现在他用的是弯刀,但是一旦晋升暗夜主宰,如果他同时拥有传奇级的【弯刀掌控】和【匕首掌控】的话,那么这两项基本能力会合二为一,变成传奇级别的【短兵器掌控】。 At that time, he can freely back and forth cuts the premise between curved blade and dagger be his hand fast quick enough, or has replaces weapon item fast. 在那个时候,他可以自如地在弯刀匕首之间来回切换前提是他手速够快,或者拥有快速替换武器道具 No matter what, to Marvin, King of Assassins challenges, he must participate. 不管怎么样,对马文来说,刺客之王挑战,他是必须要参加的。 The entire challenge, is divided into many projects. 整个挑战,分为很多个项目。 The first project, must defeat a same step Assassin. 第一个项目,就是必须击败一名同阶的刺客 This pass/test, what test is the comprehensive actual combat capability. 这一关,考验的是综合实战能力。 Usually, fell on the First Test person has surpassed 80%. The teacher in Assassin Alliance, actual combat capability is topest. 通常来说,倒在第一关的人超过了八成。刺客联盟中的教官,实战能力无一不是最顶尖的。 For example Marvin's match, that known as Juwen fellow. 比如马文的对手,那个叫做尤文的家伙。 ...... …… Mr. Marvin, if you prepared, please tearing down the black turban of your chest.” 马文先生,如果您准备好了,请把撕下您胸口的黑巾。” In a quite open room, staff so said that then he withdrew from the room slowly. 一间颇为开阔的房间内,一名工作人员如此说道,然后他缓缓地退出了房间。 Above the room, the innumerable eyes closely are staring at Marvin. 房间上方,无数双眼睛紧紧盯着马文 The latter does not have the sound. 后者迟迟没有动静。 The people and others is impatient, the hiss rises from all directions. 众人等得不耐烦了,嘘声四起。 Marvin still closes one's eyes, calmly is feeling spacious around four. 马文依然闭着眼睛,静静地感受着空旷的四周围。 This is the rule. 这是规则。 Once the black turban were not torn down. The challenge has not started, Juwen cannot attack itself. 黑巾一旦不被撕下。挑战就没有开始,尤文就不能攻击自己。 Assassin to Ranger, is actually inferior contest. Ranger has similarly good Agility. Especially Double-bladed Ranger, skin is brittle Assassin cannot even withstand a Ranger blade. 刺客游侠,其实是一个劣势对决游侠拥有同样不俗的敏捷。特别是双刀游侠,皮脆刺客甚至经不起游侠的一刀。 However King of Assassins The challenge is unfair, Juwen Marvin one step enters the room first, which corner he has chosen Sneak or Hide god knows he now. 但是【刺客之王】挑战是不公平的,尤文马文一步进入房间,他选择了潜行或者躲藏天知道他现在在哪个角落里。 So long as Marvin tears down the black turban, he instantaneously is possibly launching the attack! 只要马文撕下黑巾,他可能在瞬间发起进攻! The hiss of these audiences, are helping actually also Juwen hoodwink Marvin's Perception. 那些观众的嘘声,其实也是在帮助尤文蒙蔽马文的感知 At least Listen Could not apply. 至少【聆听】是派不上用场了。 Marvin has not worried, he gently right hand according to the black turban of chest. 马文没有着急,他轻轻地将右手按在胸口的黑巾上。 The people were peaceful immediately. 众人顿时安静了一些。 However he has not torn down. Is pressing, then paces in the room slowly! 然而他并没有撕下。只是按着,然后慢慢地在房间里踱步! Coward!” “懦夫!” Must begin a bit faster!” “要动手就快点!” How such trash can be qualified for participating King of Assassins Challenge?” “这样的垃圾怎么能有资格参加【刺客之王】的挑战?” The audiences start to curse angrily immediately. 观众们顿时开始怒骂。 Shadow Valley residents originally to this Ranger Challenger not anything favorable impression. Saw that the Marvin such rascal, immediately cannot bear shout abuse unexpectedly. 阴影谷的居民们本来就对这个游侠挑战者没什么好感。眼看马文居然这么无赖,顿时忍不住破口大骂起来。 Because besides weapon, Marvin cannot use any item, therefore he can only eradicate Assassin Invisibility Spell by his strength. 因为除了武器之外,马文不能使用任何道具,所以他只能凭借自己的实力去破除刺客隐身术 The Juwen stealth is very good. At least he cannot feel any trace. 尤文的隐身很棒。至少他感觉不到任何痕迹。 Luckily Marvin has participated in the challenges of many King of Assassins, his some are the experiences. 幸亏马文参加过很多次刺客之王的挑战,他有的是经验。 The majority of matches, should choose slow movement Sneak. 大部分的对手,应该会选择缓慢移动的【潜行】。 According to his experience, Juwen should maintain with now about six step distances, generally speaking, not in back, because this direction is very easy to be looked after with emphasis naturally is not the dead ahead, but is side. 根据他的经验,尤文现在应该和自己保持着六步左右的距离,一般来说,不是在背后因为这个方向很容易被重点关照当然也不是正前方,而是侧面。 Left? Right?” “左边?还是右边?” Marvin halted. 马文站住了。 His position exactly is a room most central. This place, snatches the offensive most good location. 他的位置恰好是房间的最中央。这个地方,是抢回先手的最好地点。 Next second, in the railing sound of audience. Marvin has torn down the black turban suddenly. 下一秒,在观众的谩骂声中。马文陡然撕下了黑巾。 In that flash, he threw a bulk black hand towel maliciously to his right hand. 在那一瞬间,他把一大块黑色方巾狠狠地丢向了自己的右手边。 Then right catches up fully, the whole person as if brave fighter generally plunged the left. The double blade cuts! 然后右足发力,整个人仿佛猛虎一般扑向了左边。双刀斩下! The entire process forms a coherent whole, smooth incomparable. 整个过程一气呵成,流畅无比。 This is strategy of Marvin careful preparation, left, is right, Juwen did not have the comfortable getting rid space that the means obtained him to want inevitably! 这是马文精心准备的策略,无论是左边,还是右边,尤文必然都没办法得到他想要的舒服的出手空间了! The people stared in a big way both eyes, sees only place that Marvin plunged. Double blade institute and place, an emptiness. 众人瞪大了双眼,只见马文扑向的地方。双刀所及之处,一片空荡。 But black turban. Also fell on the ground slowly. 而黑巾。也缓缓落在了地上。 The left and right are not! 左右两边都不是! Mother *, this Juwen, can endure very much......” “妈*的,这个尤文,很能忍啊……” In the Marvin heart sinks. 马文心中一沉。 However at this time , an ice-cold chill in the air from him! 然而就在这个时候,一股冰冷的寒意从他背后袭来! Unexpectedly is behind! 居然是后面! Ice-cold dagger appeared on his neck impressively. 一把冰冷的匕首赫然出现在了他的脖子上。 cut throat! 割喉 The people have turned very quiet immediately. 众人顿时屏住了呼吸。 ...... …… In an instant, Marvin made responded that his body raised fiercely backward. 刹那之间,马文做出了反应他的身体猛地向后一扬。 With one that Juwen is caught off guard „”, the Marvin's cerebellum knocked the bridge of the nose of Juwen maliciously, curved blade of his left hand reversed a very ingenious angle, narrow and small space Riikka who created from this in a flash lived in dagger, making it no longer go forward. 伴随着尤文措手不及的一声“啊”,马文的后脑狠狠磕到了尤文的鼻梁,他左手的弯刀反转了一个很巧妙的角度,生生从这电光火石之间创造出的狭小空间里卡住了匕首,让它不再前进。 The Marvin's corners of the mouth show a smile. 马文的嘴角露出一丝微笑。 cut throat? One are the cut throat ancestor! If this move does not know how should explain, he will not do to participate in King of Assassins to challenge! 割喉?自己才是割喉的祖宗!要是连这招都不知道该如何破解的话,他也不会作死来参加刺客之王挑战了! Then, degenerated into the Marvin's counter-attack time. He loosened curved blade of right hand instantaneously, held the Juwen right hand wrist|skill. 接下来,就沦为了马文的反击时间。他瞬间松开了右手的弯刀,一把抓住了尤文的右手手腕。 Juwen under severe pain with enough time has not even used Vanish Strong Invisibility Art! 剧痛之下的尤文甚至没来得及用【消失】或者【强隐身术】! Marvin takes advantage of opportunity a revolution, left hand curved blade incomparably chops to cut with raw hate! 马文顺势一转,左手弯刀凶狠无比地劈斩下去! kuāng dāng! 哐当 Juwen fends, forced to shoulder with dagger, however the next second, Marvin's curved blade slid following dagger, has slipped into on the shoulder blade of Juwen directly! 尤文闪避不及,勉强用匕首扛了一下,然而下一秒,马文的弯刀顺着匕首滑下去,直接滑到了尤文的肩胛骨上! pā! 啪! curved blade enters the meat, Juwen calls out pitifully, the left hand that just wants to counter-attack also lost Strength. 弯刀入肉,尤文惨叫一声,刚想反击的左手也失去了力量 Marvin lets go, a foot be relentless trampled on his belly, the latter was trampled to fly directly, hit distressedly on the wall, immediately the stupor, the life and death does not know. 马文松手,一脚毫不留情地踹在了他的肚子上,后者直接被踹飞,狼狈不已地撞在了墙上,顿时昏迷过去,生死不知。 The people in an uproar! 众人哗然! Marvin can so with ease enjoyably explain Juwen cut throat unexpectedly, but can also make the counter-attack instantaneously, strikes down Juwen directly! 马文竟然能如此轻松写意地破解了尤文割喉,还能瞬间做出反击,直接把尤文击倒! Such reaction capacity and actual combat capability, should not appear completely, in seems has on young youth. 这样的反应能力和实战能力,完全不应该出现在一个看上去只有十几岁的少年身上。 He seems completely is slick fox. 他看上去完全就是个老油条 No matter what, Juwen lost. 然而不管怎么样,尤文输了。 On the Marvin's data panel, demonstrates Dagger Mastery + 1, obtained introductory The control ability of rank. 马文的数据面板上,显示匕首掌控+1,获得了【入门】级别的掌控能力。 Next project.” “下一个项目吧。” He said to the staff. 他对工作人员说。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Third delivers! ps:第三更送上!
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