NR :: Volume #2

#168: Assassin Alliance 【Second!】

Saintess walks from desert, her back with two silent White Race People. 圣女沙漠中走来,她的背后跟着两个沉默的白族人 curved blade martial fighter. 弯刀武士 The White Race People curved blade skill, became famous in the entire mainland. curved blade martial fighter, is one of the White Race People characteristics Profession, is just like Sand Race People Firearms Shooter to be ordinary. 白族人弯刀技巧,在整个大陆都是出了名的。弯刀武士,也是白族人的特色职业之一,就好比沙族人火线枪手一般。 Two curved blade martial fighter grab a person respectively. 两个弯刀武士各自抓着一个人。 It seems is the prisoner. 看上去是囚犯。 Their is strong, but at this time is actually cut and bruised, the mouth was also sealed up with the adhesive plaster. 他们身体强壮,但是此时却是遍体鳞伤,嘴巴还用胶布被封住了。 Saintess stays outside Kasamore, she looked to the people, at the same time, the value defended the Kasamore guards also to welcome. 圣女卡塞缪尔外停留,她看向了众人,与此同时,值守卡塞缪尔的卫兵们也迎了上来。 I had found to hunt and kill the white deer murderer, is these two Adventurer.” “我已经找到猎杀白鹿的凶手,就是这两个冒险者。” To punish this matter, I before all outsiders, will execute these two.” “为了严惩此事,我将在所有外来人面前,处决这两人。” The guards nodded. 卫兵们点了点头。 Therefore the people made way immediately a circle. 于是众人顿时让开了一个圈子。 In small town , many people are looking around. 小镇里面,也有不少人在张望着。 The Marvin actually instinct felt that matter some are not right. 马文却本能地感觉到事情有些不对。 He is drawing the Isabel small hand, retrocedes gently, hides the place that the Saintess line of sight was unable to move. 他拉着伊莎贝尔的小手,轻轻地后退,躲到了圣女视线所不能触碰到的地方。 This Saintess, gives him a strange feeling. 这个圣女,给他一种奇怪的感觉。 Properly speaking, White Race People Saintess is used to serve Holy Spirit White Deer, she little appears and disappears in the people line of sight, are more, is White Race People Priest acts. 按理来说,白族人圣女是用来侍奉圣灵白鹿的,她很少出没于众人视线之中,更多的,是白族人祭司来出面。 Even if the matter makes to is so big, doesn't need personally to act? 就算事情闹到这么大,也没必要亲自出面吧? Marvin hesitant, in the crowd has heard cheers. 马文犹豫之间,人群中已经传来一阵欢呼声。 Very obviously, that two strong fellow had been beheaded to expose to the public. 很显然,那两个强壮的家伙已经被斩首示众了。 The blood splashes place. 鲜血飞溅一地。 The White Race People anger obtained divulging. Under the suggestion of Saintess, Kasamore has relieved the condition of martial law temporarily. 白族人的怒火得到了宣泄。在圣女的建议之下,卡塞缪尔暂时解除了戒严的状态。 The people line up, starts to enter in the small town one after another. 众人排着队,陆陆续续地开始进入小镇之中。 But Saintess this person. Then looked in a crowd. 圣女本人。则是望了一眼人群之中。 Then she is stepping the small broken step, entered the cities, quick Vanish in people field of vision. 然后她才迈着小碎步,进入了城镇,很快消失在了众人视野之中。 ...... …… Regarding passing by traveler, the matter that just had possibly is only a small interlude. 对于路过的旅人来说,刚刚发生的事情可能只是一个小插曲。 However regarding Marvin, this is an important matter. 但是对于马文来说,这可是一件大事。 Some people hunt and kill white deer, this means that White Deer Cave will soon open, can oneself mix a foot? 有人猎杀白鹿,这就意味着白鹿洞穴即将开启,自己要不要去掺和一脚呢? If were used. Had been regarded the murderer by Holy Spirit White Deer, that may have bad luck the eventuality. If while Holy Spirit White Deer and genuine murderer resistance, oneself do advance one step to sneak to slip to attain that treasure? 万一被人利用。被圣灵白鹿当成了凶手,那可就倒霉至极了可万一。万一趁着圣灵白鹿和真正的凶手对抗的时候,自己先行一步溜进去拿到那件宝物呢? To be honest, Marvin not excited is fake, but he is still calculating this matter's income and risk. 说实话,马文不心动是假的,只不过他还在盘算此事的收益与风险。 Ok. This matter felt that is a little strange, handled the proper business first said again.” “算了。这件事情感觉有点怪怪的,还是先把正事办好再说。” Marvin no longer hesitates, when Saintess back Vanish after the people field of vision, he starts to line up to enter the small town. 马文不再犹豫,等圣女的背影消失在众人视野之中后,他开始排队进入小镇。 ...... …… Kasamore, in Sage Desert brightest pearl. 卡塞缪尔,圣贤沙漠中最明亮的珍珠。 Here has the White Race People most unique construction, the huts of specially against sandstorm designs appear so unique, were many a foreign land character and style. 这里的有着白族人最独特的建筑,一栋栋专门防风沙设计的小屋显得如此别致,多了一种异域风情。 Fenan's each place, has own custom, although is the south. However the character and style of desert region actually and East Coast is totally different. 费南的每一个地方,都有自己的习俗,虽然同属南方。但是沙漠地带的风情却和东海岸迥然不同。 Here women wear the veil, will wrap solid. This is White Race People always atmosphere. 这里的女人都戴着面纱,将自己包裹的严严实实。这是白族人历来的风气。 However they do not repel the outlandish clothes of bystander actually, Kasamore is one also calculates that has the comprehensive cities. Like Sage Desert the places of certain extremes, does not regard as daemon the bystander. 但是他们倒是不排斥外人的奇装异服,卡塞缪尔是一个还算有包容性的城镇。不像圣贤沙漠的某些极端之地,将外人视为恶魔 Marvin brings Isabel to shuttle back and forth in Kasamore, they have supplied some grain and water first. 马文带着伊莎贝尔卡塞缪尔中穿梭,两人先是补给了一些粮食和水。 Walked these many days in desert, the little girl truly was also exhausted, he has given her day of relaxation time. 沙漠里行走了这么多天,小女孩确实也是累坏了,他给了她一天的休息时间。 Next morning, Marvin is bringing Isabel. Arrived in an alley in small town West. 次日清晨,马文带着伊莎贝尔。来到了小镇西方的一条小巷里。 The alley end, is a small workshop. It seems makes some handicraft goods. 小巷尽头,是一个小作坊。看上去是弄一些手工艺物品的。 Master of workshop, is a one-eyed middle-aged person, everybody called him One-eyed Byrd. 作坊的主人,是一个独眼的中年人,大家叫他独眼伯德 Buys a white deer earthenware jar.” “买一个白鹿陶罐吧。” The middle-aged people shot a look at two guest one of the passing through the gate, according to convention shouted one. 中年人瞥了进门的两位客人一眼,按照惯例似的喊了一句。 In the entire room, has chocked up all kinds of earthenware jars. 整个屋子里,摆满了各种各样的陶罐。 Isabel first was attracted. 伊莎贝尔第一时间就被吸引了。 On the earthenware jar has white deer of various styles, the pattern is also colorful, this type of Arts in East Coast is very rare. Usually can be used water, naturally, the ornamental value is higher. 陶罐上有着各种样式的白鹿,花纹也是多姿多彩,这种艺术品在东海岸是很少见的。平时可以用来储水,当然,观赏性的价值更高。 Likes?” “喜欢么?” Marvin saw curiosity and hope that in the little girl eyes first time presents. 马文看到了小女孩眼中第一次出现的好奇和渴望。 Likes selecting one.” “喜欢就挑一个。” One-eyed Byrd said lightly: „An earthenware jar, Sorcerer Gold Coin(s).” 独眼伯德淡淡地说:“一个陶罐,一枚巫师金币。” Isabel stared in a big way both eyes immediately. Her start makes the vigor shake the head. 伊莎贝尔顿时瞪大了双眼。她开始使劲儿地摇头。 As a girl of poverty-stricken families, she knows certainly that what concept Sorcerer Gold Coin(s) is? 作为一名穷苦人家的女孩,她当然知道一枚巫师金币是什么概念? Used to buy a very attractive earthenware jar? 就用来买一个很好看的陶罐? She thinks unworthy. 她觉得不值得。 However made her feel what was surprised, Marvin took out Sorcerer Gold Coin(s) unexpectedly without hesitation, has handed over. 然而令她感到惊讶的是,马文竟然毫不犹豫地取出了一枚巫师金币,递了过去。 Selects one.” Marvin blinked to her: This is not pure is buying the earthenware jar, this is part of school expense.” “挑一个吧。”马文冲她眨了眨眼:“这可不是单纯的在买陶罐哦,这还是学费的一部分。” Hears here, One-eyed Byrd gains ground suddenly, looked earnestly to Isabel. 听到这里,独眼伯德陡然抬头,认真地看向了伊莎贝尔 The little girls somewhat are perplexed look at Marvin, finally layer on layer nodded. 小女孩有些不明所以地看着马文,最终重重地点了点头。 Since Sir Marvin has paid money, she must select one well. 既然马文大人已经付钱了,她就必须挑一个最好的。 Therefore she first jar that sees from passing through the gate starts, is choosing. Her movement is earnest, each earthenware jar compared with the past, finally has spent for a long time, to select one most to admire. 于是她从进门看到的第一个罐子开始,一个一个挑选着。她的动作非常认真,把每一个陶罐都比过去了,最终花了好久,才挑出来一个最心仪的。 This process, has spent for more than 20 minutes. 这个过程,足足花了20多分钟的时间。 But during this period, Marvin and one-eyed shop owner a few words had not said. 而在这期间,马文独眼店主一句话都没说。 Isabel is holding that earthenware jar cautiously, above is drawing leap(ing) white deer. 伊莎贝尔小心翼翼地捧着那个陶罐,上面画着一只跳跃白鹿 This?” Marvin touches her head. “就这个了?”马文摸了摸她的脑袋。 The little girls nodded. In her eye is somewhat excited. 小女孩点了点头。她的眼里有些兴奋。 Long is so big, is some first people gives her such attractive gift. 长这么大,是第一次有人送她这么好看的礼物呢。 Takes care of it well.” Marvin said lightly: Perhaps we had for a long time cannot meet.” “好好保管它吧。”马文淡淡地说:“或许我们有很久不能见面了。” Following a lot. You must go to face. You confident?” “接下来的很多事情。你必须独自一人去面对。你有信心么?” Isabel makes an effort to nod. 伊莎贝尔用力地点了点头。 In fact, before set off, Marvin sought information her opinion. 事实上,早在出发之前,马文就征询了她的意见。 But at this time. One-eyed Byrd said finally: 而就在这个时候。独眼伯德终于开口说: Delivers to Shadow Valley such little girl, is really a brutal matter.” “把这么小的女孩送到阴影谷,真是一件残酷的事情。” Child who in Shadow Valley never lacks her such age, not?” Marvin visits him similarly. 阴影谷里从来不缺乏她这样年纪的孩子,不是么?”马文同样看着他。 I need a look at License of alliance.” Byrd said dry. “我需要看看联盟的许可证。”伯德干巴巴地说。 Marvin has shown own identification quietly. 马文悄然出示了自己的身份证明。 White River Valley Baron Marvin, is you.” 白河谷地马文男爵,原来是你。” Your reputation peripheral had disseminated recently in desert.” “你的名声最近已经在沙漠周边传播开了。” Has not thought that you imagine me is younger.” “没想到你比我想象中的还要年轻。” Byrd looked at Marvin, reveals a surprised color. 伯德看了一眼马文,露出一丝惊讶之色。 Marvin keeps silent. Own myths increases is too fierce, borrows money to develop the savage lands matter on a large scale, is a matter of attraction eyeball. 马文默不作声。自己的传说度攀升地太厉害,大举借债开拓蛮荒的事情,更加是一件吸引眼球的事情。 The original Noble status is easy to disseminate the fact. Present Marvin, in East Coast basically was the well-known role. 本来贵族身份就容易让人传播事迹。现在的马文,在东海岸基本上是家喻户晓的角色了。 Many youth take Marvin as an example. We hope that can the trying hard assiduous cultivation feat of arms, join to developing in the savage lands army. 很多少年都以马文为榜样。希望能努力刻苦修炼武技,加入到开拓蛮荒的大军之中。 Even if cannot become new Noble, but at least can mix manor Knight dāng dāng. 就算不能成为新的贵族,但起码能混个封地骑士当当 It is said this alliance provides to the Marvin's reward, not only including his Viscount title. Also including one time has conferred the right of retainer. 据说这一次联盟发放给马文的奖励中,不仅包括了他自己的子爵头衔。还包括了一次册封家臣的权利。 Qualifications at least two manor Knight. 至少两名封地骑士的资格。 However in this savage lands development campaign, Marvin has not taken advantage of any person, therefore confers the candidate not to be good to act bashful for a while, therefore simply put aside. 不过在这次蛮荒开拓战役中,马文并没有太依仗什么人,所以册封人选一时也不好拿捏,所以干脆搁置了。 ...... …… After both sides Negotiation finished simply, Marvin has gotten through the initial procedure for Isabel. 双方简单地交涉完毕之后,马文就替伊莎贝尔办完了最初的手续。 Then, goes to Shadow Valley. 接下来,就是去阴影谷了。 This aspect does not need Marvin to worry actually, One-eyed Byrd takes Assassin Alliance in the Kasamore attachment person, naturally has his means. 这方面倒是不用马文操心,独眼伯德作为刺客联盟卡塞缪尔的接头人,自然有他的办法。 Quick, Byrd has closed the handwork workshop. Pulled two camels from the backyard, was bringing Marvin and Isabel left Kasamore. 很快的,伯德关闭了手工作坊。从后院牵出了两只骆驼,带着马文伊莎贝尔离开了卡塞缪尔 Three people ride on the camel, heads west. Quick, the distant place presented the be continuous unceasing hills. 三人骑在骆驼上,一路西行。很快的,远方就出现了绵延不断的群山。 These mountain ranges span in the Sage Desert center, making the terrain of this region more complex. 这些山脉横亘在圣贤沙漠的中央,让这一片地域的地形更加复杂了。 On mountain range unusual vegetation, similarly cannot withstand desolated. 山脉上少有植被,同样荒芜不堪。 After two hours, one line of three people stood in an entrance of mountain valley. 两个小时之后,一行三人站在了一座山谷的入口。 Shadow Valley. 阴影谷 Assassin Alliance supreme headquarters. 刺客联盟的大本营。 Walks.” Byrd mumbled one, rode the camel to walk. “走吧。”伯德嘟囔了一句,率先骑着骆驼走了进去。 Marvin and Isabel follow. 马文伊莎贝尔紧随其后。 In mountain valley. After Byrd has shown the pass, obtained allowing to pass of two black-clothed people. 山谷中。伯德出示了通行证之后,才得到了两个黑衣人的放行。 They enter the valley. Both sides scenery becomes is beautifully varied. 他们一路进谷。两旁的景色变得秀丽多姿起来。 They noticed that the innumerable children are fighting on the burning hot sand mutually, the tactical situation is quite frigid. 他们看到无数个小孩子在炙热的沙地上相互搏斗着,战况相当惨烈。 Each of them, is brandishing dagger. 他们每一个人,都挥舞着匕首 Finally, in one group of people, only then a child can win. Other people, died under dagger. 最终,一群人里,只有一个孩子能胜出。其余的人,都是死在了匕首之下。 These are the introductory tests of Assassin trainee. 这些是刺客学徒入门考验。 Initially he also such walked. 当初他也是这么走过来的。 As the Southern Sorcerer Alliance affiliated organization, Assassin Alliance is the nurture Assassin paradise. This place is Assassin Heaven, regardless of wants advance a step anything, can satisfy you. 作为南方巫师联盟附属机构,刺客联盟培养刺客的胜地。此地是刺客天堂,无论想要进阶什么,都可以满足你。 Enchanting Shadow Assassin, Ace Assassin and blood Assassin...... Many advance a step classes, can be completed here. 魅影刺客王牌刺客、血刺客……诸多进阶门类,都可以在这里完成。 Initially Marvin was also here advance a step Enchanting Shadow Assassin, then finally has taken Night Dominion that road. 当初马文也是在这里进阶魅影刺客,而后最终走上了暗夜主宰那条路。 One line of three people stopped finally before a construction of round arch. 一行三人最终停在了一个圆拱形的建筑前。 Goes, I lead her to go through the formalities.” “进去吧,我带她去办手续。” Since is the candidate of alliance Noble recommendation, she has exempted the initial test, can directly become Assassin trainee.” “既然是联盟贵族推荐的人选,那她就免去了最初的测试,可以直接成为刺客学徒了。” I did not guarantee that she can live.” “不过我不保证她可以活下来。” Byrd looked at one to hold Isabel of earthenware jar, so said. 伯德看了一眼抱着陶罐的伊莎贝尔,如此说道。 Marvin nodded. 马文点了点头。 You can leave. Shadow Valley too does not welcome the bystander.” Byrd said to Marvin: If she died, we will inform you.” “你可以离开了。阴影谷不太欢迎外人。”伯德马文说:“如果她死了,我们会通知您。” „If no, then tomorrow's today, you can come to see her one time.” “如果没有,那么明天的今天,你可以来看她一次。” Marvin smiled: We know, another situation.” 马文笑了笑:“我们都知道,还有另外一种情况。” Byrd somewhat was astonished looks at Marvin, the mouth mumbled: Indeed is...... If she can graduate ahead of time, was another situation.” 伯德有些讶异地看了一眼马文,嘴里嘟囔说:“的确是……如果她能提前毕业,就是另外一种情况了。” You walk, the guard does not meet patiently.” “你走吧,守卫会不耐烦的。” Who knew at this time, the Marvin actually chuckle shaking the head of: 谁知道在这个时候,马文却轻笑着摇了摇头: Delivers her to come to here not to be I to Shadow Valley only reason.” “送她来这里并非我到阴影谷唯一的原因。” I must participate King of Assassins Challenge.” “我要参加【刺客之王】的挑战。” The voice has not fallen, four surrounding all people were surprised incomparably to look! 话音未落,四周围所有人都惊讶无比地看了过来! ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Second! The recommendation ticket so are why few such few,...... Everybody went to the college entrance examination!? ps:第二更!推荐票为什么这么少、这么少……难道大家都去高考了吗!?
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