NR :: Volume #2

#167: white deer in desert 【First】

In the endless yellow sand, high short two person's shadows, are leading the way strenuously. 漫漫黄沙之中,一高一矮两个人影,吃力地前行着。 The wind is very big, every time walks one step, their legs and feet may fall to the yellow sand, this seriously hinders the speed that they went forward. 风很大,每走一步,他们的腿脚都有可能陷到黄沙里,这严重地阻碍了他们前进的速度。 Especially the following little girl, her face by some bloodstains that the sandstorm blows, but was dry. 特别是后面的小女孩,她的脸被风沙刮的有些血迹,但是已经干涸了。 Can look, she walks every time one step, has enough to do. 看得出来,她每走一步,都很吃力。 However she still unemotionally, follows firmly in Marvin behind. 但是她依然面无表情,坚定地跟在马文身后。 For her, Marvin makes her handle anything, she will not have any hesitation. 对她来说,马文让她去做任何事情,她都不会有任何的犹豫。 But Marvin has not extended the aid to Isabel similarly. 马文同样没有向伊莎贝尔伸出援手。 From the little girls of this only remaining 18 years of lives, he saw previous generation the shadow of friend. Her road ahead is rough, wants to save from Road of Extinction her, even if Marvin, is difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 从这个只剩下18年寿命的小女孩身上,他看到了前世的朋友的影子。她的前路非常坎坷,想要将她从灭亡的路上拯救回来,就算是马文,也是难如登天。 However she so believes herself. She looks to her look, making Marvin feel one responsibility. 但是她是如此地相信自己。她看向自己的眼神,让马文感受到了一种责任。 He must find the way to save her. 他必须想办法救她。 Therefore these time leaves White River Valley, his anything people do not have the belt, has taken Isabel only! 所以这一次离开白河谷地,他什么人都没有带,唯独带上了伊莎贝尔 In Marvin's devises, he gave her to arrange a thorny road. 马文的构想里,他给她安排了一条充满荆棘的路。 That road, is more difficult to walk than present desert, but is actually the only vitality. 那条路,远比现在的沙漠还要难走,但是却是唯一的生机。 Hopes that this child can insist.” “希望这个孩子可以坚持下来吧。” Marvin turned head to look at one, Isabel did not have the strength obviously, but she was still insisting the Marvin's injunction: No longer use Shuttle Ability. 马文回头看了一眼,伊莎贝尔明显已经没有力气了,但是她仍然坚持着马文的嘱咐:不再使用【穿梭】能力。 This ability, meets endless burns she only to remain many lives. Marvin orders her, time unless it is absolutely essential, is unuseful. 这个能力,会无尽地燃烧她仅剩不多的寿命。马文命令她,不到万不得已的时候,不能使用。 Her each step. Walks incomparable difficult. 她每一步。都走的无比艰辛。 As if this is the Harmonian fate is ordinary. 仿佛这就是哈蒙人的宿命一般。 Marvin stopped the footsteps, waited for a while, Isabel to pursue slowly. 马文停下了脚步,等了一会儿,伊莎贝尔缓缓地追了上来。 In fact, the distance leaves fishes and dragons mixed in together Deathly Still Hills, they walked enough three days. 事实上,距离离开鱼龙混杂死寂丘陵,他们已经走了足足三天。 In Marvin has the compass, direction will not be wrong. 马文手里有罗盘,方向是不会错的。 Almost also has one hour of foot regulation, are you what kind of?” He asked kindly. “差不多还有一个小时的脚程,你怎么样?”他关切地问。 Isabel nodded gently. 伊莎贝尔轻轻地点了点头。 They continue. 两人继续前行。 After one hour 20 minutes. The sandstorm finally appeared small. 一小时又20分钟后。风沙终于显得小了些。 They stepped onto a sand dune, distant place presented some habitations indistinctly. 两人走上一个沙丘,远方隐约出现了一些人烟。 The little girls rubbed the eyes. Thinks one presented the illusion. 小女孩揉了揉眼睛。以为自己出现了幻觉。 Marvin gently is touching her head, bah one puts out does not insufflate the sand in mouth carefully: 马文则是轻轻抚摸着她的脑袋,呸的一下吐出不小心吹进嘴巴里的沙子: Was here.” “就是这里了。” ...... …… This is an oasis. East Sage Desert most famous cities Kasamore Establishes above the oasis of this piece of carpet of green grass. 这是一片绿洲。圣贤沙漠东部最著名的城镇【卡塞缪尔】就建立在这片绿草如茵的绿洲之上。 The desert person believes that this is one piece by the land that the god cares. 沙漠人相信,这是一片被神眷顾的土地。 Because of passing of time, many oases in desert can dissipation only Kasamore unable. 因为伴随着时间的流逝,沙漠中的很多绿洲都会消逝唯独卡塞缪尔不会。 It has stood erect here nearly a era. 它已经屹立在这里快一个纪元了。 In Sage Desert. What are most is White Race People. As for Sand Race People, they are only a small part, occupies in the Sage Desert northern stone forest land, is studying their gunpowder and firearms. 圣贤沙漠中。最多的是白族人。至于沙族人,他们只是一小部分,盘踞在圣贤沙漠北方的石头林地里,研究着他们的火药和枪械。 Kasamore in the White Race People language, is pearl meaning.” 卡塞缪尔白族人的语言里,是‘珍珠’的意思。” I said before must bring the place that you come, is here.” “我之前说要带你来的地方,就是这里。” Marvin is holding the hand of Isabel, walks above the oasis. 马文牵着伊莎贝尔的手,走在绿洲之上。 The cities of distant place are getting more and more near. 远方的城镇越来越近。 This cities are not strange to Marvin, his previous generation has some time mingles among this, but also because of some coincidences. Brushed very high prestige, almost became the White Race People chief. 这座城镇对马文来说并不陌生,他前世有相当一段时间混迹于此,还因为一些巧合。刷到了很高的声望,差点成为了白族人的酋长。 About Kasamore, many that he understands. 关于卡塞缪尔,他了解的很多。 This cities it had not indicated actually on seems that tranquil. 这座城镇其实并没有它表明上看上去那么平静。 It turbulent undercurrent is others cannot see secretly. These terrifying Shadow. Now should also in being dormant time, if Burst comes out, will make entire Sage Desert feel dread. 它暗地里汹涌的暗流是别人看不见的。那些恐怖阴影。现在应该还在蛰伏期,但是一旦爆发出来,会让整座圣贤沙漠都感到恐惧 However present Marvin, coming to here to not to solve the Kasamore hidden danger. 不过现在的马文,来这里不是为了解决卡塞缪尔的隐患的。 In fact, this time leaves the White River Valley ultimate objective to have one: Attains Order Fire Seed. 事实上,他这次离开白河谷地的终极目标只有一个:拿到秩序火种 Only then attains Order Fire Seed, can in Great Cataclysm. Resists the impact of chaotic mana, opens one piece in the world temporarily not by Land of Order that chaotic mana affects. 只有拿到秩序火种,才能在大灾变的时候。抵御住混乱魔力的冲击,在人间开辟出一片暂时不受混乱魔力影响的秩序之地 Reason that past Rubble Mountain Neng Jianguo. Is because in Three Destiny Sisters has Order Fire Seed. 当年的乱石山之所以能建国。就是因为天命三姐妹手里有秩序火种 They lit Order, has blessed the common people. 她们点燃了秩序,庇佑了世人。 Although Marvin does not know Order Fire Seed in Three Destiny Sisters to come from where, but he knows, initial time, in their hands actually has three Order Fire Seed. 马文虽然不知道天命三姐妹手里的秩序火种从何而来,但他知道,最初的时候,她们手里其实是有三枚秩序火种的。 First was stolen away by Shadow Prince Glanos. Second pinched out by various gods by formidable Divine Power in the ignition directly. 第一枚被阴影王子格莱诺斯偷走了。第二枚在点燃的时候被诸神以强大的神力直接掐灭。 Until third, Boss that expert in Three Sisters rips the black dragon fierce little girl to get rid personally, has destroyed completely several Deity doppelgänger, can make Order Flame burn. 直到第三枚,三姐妹中的老大那个能手撕黑龙的悍妞亲自出手,灭掉了好几个神明分身,才得以让秩序火焰燃烧起来。 For all this, encounters the Deity envy Rubble Mountain, how long also has not had. 尽管如此,遭到神明嫉妒的乱石山,也没有存在多久。 Marvin needs Order Fire Seed, he knows Deities cheap tricks, therefore he only needed one to be OK. 马文需要秩序火种,他知道神明们把戏,所以他只需要一枚就可以了。 However if can get so far as, naturally is better. 不过如果能弄到更多,自然是更好。 Therefore this time he leaves the White River Valley goal, naturally is Warlock country Rubble Mountain! 所以这一次他离开白河谷地的目标,自然是术士国度乱石山 As for Sage Desert, just passed by. 至于圣贤沙漠,只不过路过罢了。 Kasamore is the stopover station, if for Isabel, Marvin even does not need to come to here. 卡塞缪尔是个中转站,如果不是为了伊莎贝尔,马文甚至没必要来这里。 What lets some Marvin knitting the brows, oneself and Isabel comes seems not the time. 只不过让马文有些皱眉的是,自己和伊莎贝尔来的似乎不是时候。 Before because they arrive at this cities, laboriously, actually Discovery it is at a martial law the condition! 因为当他们辛辛苦苦走到这座城镇之前的时候,却发现它正处于一种戒严的状态! Without the identification person, is unable to enter Kasamore, even was possibly regarded the spy to grasp by the White Race People guard. 没有身份证明的人,无法进入卡塞缪尔,甚至可能被白族人的卫兵当成奸细抓起来。 What happened?” “发生什么事了?” Marvin somewhat curiously looks big pile of manpower that by a poster outside Kasamore gathers. 马文有些好奇地看着卡塞缪尔外的一块告示牌旁聚集的大堆人手。 He is holding the hand of Isabel, has collected. 他拉着伊莎贝尔的手,凑了过去。 ...... …… In vast desert, empty nobody. 一望无际的沙漠中,空荡无人。 Several lonely cactus pour in the roadside crookedly. 几株寂寥的仙人掌歪歪斜斜地倒在路边。 Was hungry and thirsty traveler pours in the roadside. He as if lost the direction. 一个又饥又渴的旅人倒在了路边。他似乎迷失了方向。 His lip dehiscence, should be the dehydration are too much, if no others' help. Perhaps he tides over this difficulty. 他的嘴唇开裂,应该是失水过多,如果没有别人的帮助。恐怕他是渡不过这个难关了。 Who knows that at this time, in his field of vision, suddenly presented flexible white deer. 谁知道就在这个时候,他的视野里,突然出现了一头灵活的白鹿 In desert presents white deer? 沙漠里出现一头白鹿 The average people saw, will only think one presented the illusion. 一般人看到了,只会觉得自己出现了幻觉。 However this traveler actually as if received the strange attraction to be common, staggering has stood. 然而这个旅人却仿佛受到了奇异的吸引一般,踉踉跄跄地站了起来。 white deer stays in same place has not moved. 白鹿停留在原地没有动。 He has depended slowly. 他缓缓地靠了过去。 white deer stands there very much docilely, its look has filled benevolently. 白鹿很温顺地站在那里,它的眼神充满了仁慈。 However at this time, the traveler suddenly has revealed fierce Fang. His face is suddenly hollow, turned into an advantage tooth of terrifying! 然而就在这个时候,旅人突然露出了狰狞的獠牙。他的脸陡然凹陷下去,变成了一圈恐怖的利齿! white deer is startled immediately! 白鹿顿时惊走! However all already without enough time. The travelers threw fiercely, bites on the neck of white deer. 然而一切已经来不及了。旅人猛地扑了上去,一口咬在白鹿的脖子上。 The latter fell down has struggled a while, finally by traveler suck dry blood, tragic death on desert. 后者倒在地上挣扎了一会儿,最终被旅人吸干了血,惨死在沙漠上。 Traveler hē hē smiles. Erases the bloodstain, restored the appearance of normal person. 旅人呵呵一笑。抹掉血迹,重新恢复了正常人的模样。 At this time, a female of wear white clothes dropped from the clouds. 就在这个时候,一个穿着白色衣服的女子从天而降。 Does very well.” “做得很好。” Continues to hunt and kill white deer, but pays attention surely, that side Kasamore, some people noted our motion.” “继续猎杀白鹿,不过千万注意,卡塞缪尔那边,已经有人注意到了我们的行动。” We must be careful the retaliation of White Race People.” “我们必须要小心白族人的报复了。” The females confessed to say in a low voice. 女子低声交代说。 Traveler hē hē said with something else in mind: Relax, Sir Deceiver.” 旅人不以为然地呵呵道:“放心吧,欺诈者大人。” These stupid White Race People, but also cannot distinguish clearly the difference of human and evil spirit.” “那些愚蠢的白族人,还分不清人类邪灵的区别。” The white clothing female nodded: This is good.” 白衣女子点了点头:“这就好。” According to my investigation, in myths. Only then slaughters certain amount of white deer, will cause Holy Spirit White Deer Angry.” “根据我的调查,传说之中。只有屠杀掉一定数量的白鹿,才会引得【圣灵白鹿】愤怒。” This is the only opportunity that White Deer Cave opens, only then possession inside treasure. We can establish Gate of Disaster.” “这是白鹿洞穴开启的唯一机会,只有拿到里面的宝物。我们才能建立灾祸之门。” You continue, surely before not to mention, made White Race People Sacrificial Priest know your motion, otherwise Holy Spirit White Deer will not leave White Deer Cave. Understood?” “你们继续,千万别提前让白族人祭祀知道了你们的行动,否则圣灵白鹿就不会离开白鹿洞穴。明白了么?” The travelers nodded. 旅人点了点头。 The next second, the sandstorm sweeps across, female Vanish in same place. 下一秒,风沙席卷而过,女子消失在了原地。 The travelers continue to go forward. 旅人继续前进。 But that pitiful white deer, such was buried in the sandy bottom. 而那头可怜的白鹿,就这么被埋在了沙底。 ...... …… Before bulletin column. Marvin complexion looks at the above content seriously. 告示栏前。马文面色严肃地看着上面的内容。 Different with the person who other join in the fun, he understands behind completely this bulletin means anything. 和其他凑热闹的人不同,他完全明白这张告示背后意味着什么。 Hunts and kills the white deer bad event massively?” “大规模猎杀白鹿的恶劣事件?” No wonder White Race People must block Kasamore.” “难怪白族人要封锁卡塞缪尔了。” Holy Spirit White Deer. But White Race People Sacred Beast.” 圣灵白鹿。可是白族人圣兽啊。” In the Marvin's mind appears the material about life white deer. 马文的脑海里浮现出关于生灵白鹿的资料。 The myths White Race People ancestor is forced to migrate to desert in time, they do not adapt to the life of desert. 传说白族人的先祖被迫迁移到沙漠中来的时候,他们是非常不适应沙漠的生活的。 They could not find the water, could not find the livelihood place. 他们找不到水,找不到赖以生存的地点。 At this time, Holy Spirit White Deer appeared, it eagerly anticipated them to go forward, finally had found the oasis. 这个时候,圣灵白鹿出现了,它引领着他们前进,最终找到了绿洲。 Holy Spirit White Deer, is the White Race People god. 圣灵白鹿,就是白族人的神。 It has many male offspring, these mysterious white deer have the stealth ability, they are distributed in desert each corner. 它有很多子嗣,这些神奇的白鹿拥有隐身的能力,它们分布在沙漠的各个角落里。 Usually, you cannot see their existences. 平时,你看不见他们的存在。 In occasional situation, if there is lost traveler to tumble in the roadside, life time in imminent danger, white deer in desert will appear. 偶尔的情况下,如果有迷路的旅人跌倒在路边,生命岌岌可危的时候,沙漠中的白鹿就会出现。 At this time, so long as is following its footsteps, you can find the water source, then goes on living. 在这个时候,只要跟随着它的脚步,你就能找到水源,然后活下去。 Similar myths, is performing in Sage Desert each place unceasingly. 类似的传说,在圣贤沙漠的各个地方不断地上演着。 These white deer are the White Race People objects of protection, is in desert the savior of traveler. 这些白鹿白族人的保护对象,也是沙漠中旅人的救命恩人。 However now, angry White Race People actually Discovery massive white deer corpses. 但是现在,愤怒的白族人发现了大量的白鹿尸体。 Some people are hunting and killing white deer. 有人在猎杀白鹿 This makes White Race People be in an uncontrollable rage, they have blocked all oases, starts to investigate rigorously this matter. 这让白族人怒不可遏,他们封锁了所有的绿洲,开始严查此事。 This is the content on bulletin column. 这就是告示栏上的内容。 Why others only will be perhaps curious some people to hunt and kill white deer. However Marvin actually knows the gravity of matter. 别人或许只会好奇为什么有人在猎杀白鹿。但是马文却知道事情的严重性。 Slaughters white deer, but to draw out Holy Spirit White Deer. Because only by doing so, White Deer Cave in myths has the short opening hour.” “屠杀白鹿,只是为了引出圣灵白鹿。因为只有这样,传说中的白鹿洞穴才有短暂的开放时间。” That God Tool, can establish the plane channel...... Actually is who such to do?” “那件神器,是可以建立位面通道的……究竟是谁在这么做?” In the Marvin's mind appears the quota that a big pile may choose. 马文的脑海里浮现出一大堆可选的名额。 Previous generation time, has had similar event. Under whose however Marvin recorded Tai Qing is not hand. 前世的时候,也发生过类似的事件。但是马文记不太清是谁下的手了。 After all from Fenan quite near several plane, can open the temporary channel through that God Tool. 毕竟距离费南比较近的几个位面,都可以通过那件神器打开暂时的通道。 Evil Spirit Plane and near Abyss plane and near Hell plane...... Has the possibility. 邪灵位面、近深渊位面、近地狱位面……都有可能。 Abandons this matter back plot not to discuss that present Marvin has faced a difficult problem. 抛开这件事背后的阴谋不谈,现在的马文面临了一个难题。 Cannot enter Kasamore, he does not have the means to realize his plan. 进不了卡塞缪尔,他就没办法实现自己的计划。 This makes him feel very thorny. 这让他感到很棘手。 However at this time, one group of people suddenly cheered: Saintess came back.” 然而就在这个时候,一堆人突然欢呼道:“圣女回来了。” She investigates the white deer killed situation, now comes back, certainly had the result.” “她去调查白鹿被杀的情况,现在回来,一定是有结果了。” Marvin turns head to look, sees only a white clothing woman, slowly from desert. 马文回头一看,只见一个白衣女人,缓缓地从沙漠中走了回来。 He sees her first, surges at heart a different kind feeling. 他看到她的第一眼,心里就涌起一种别样的感觉。 This feeling, with seeing Daniela time, is very similar. 这种感觉,和看到丹妮拉的时候,十分相似。 ...... ( to be continued ) ……(未完待续) ps: Today Burst! First delivers! The new story launches, asks the recommendation ticket, asked the monthly ticket! ps:今天爆发!第一更送上!新的故事展开,求推荐票,求月票!
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